/* Alloy Analyzer 4 -- Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Felix Chang
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
* (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
* merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4viz;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.FocusAdapter;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.BoxLayout;
import javax.swing.Icon;
import javax.swing.JComboBox;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JSpinner;
import javax.swing.JSplitPane;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.SpinnerNumberModel;
import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Listener;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurBorder;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurCombobox;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurCheckbox;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurTree;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.OurUtil;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4.Util;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4graph.DotColor;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4graph.DotPalette;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4graph.DotShape;
import edu.mit.csail.sdg.alloy4graph.DotStyle;
/** GUI panel for making customization changes.
* <p><b>Thread Safety:</b> Can be called only by the AWT event thread.
public final class VizCustomizationPanel extends JPanel {
/** This ensures the class can be serialized reliably. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
/** The TREE NODE representing the root of the customization panel. */
private static final Object ROOT = new Object();
/** The TREE NODE representing the GENERAL OPTIONS panel. */
private static final Object GENERAL = new Object();
/** The TREE NODE representing the GENERAL NODES panel. */
private static final Object NODES = new Object();
/** The TREE NODE representing the GENERAL EDGES panel. */
private static final Object EDGES = new Object();
/** This is the VizState object that this customization panel will customize. */
private final VizState vizState;
/** This is the background color for the upper-half of the customization panel. */
private static final Color wcolor = new Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 0.9f);
/** This is the upper-half of the customization panel. */
private final JPanel zoomPane;
/** The JSplitPane separating this customization panel with the main graph panel. */
private final JSplitPane divider;
/** If it's an instance of AlloyElement, that means it's the latest selected type/set/relation.
* If it's GENERAL, NODES, or EDGES, that means the latest selected panel is
* the General Graph Settings, Default Type+Set, or Default Relation panels respectively.
* All else, that means the zoom panel is empty.
private Object lastElement = null;
/** Constructs a customization panel.
* @param divider - the JSplitPane separating the left-customization-half with the right-graph-half
* @param vizState - the VizState object that will be customized by this customization panel
public VizCustomizationPanel(JSplitPane divider, VizState vizState) {
this.divider = divider;
this.vizState = vizState;
setLayout(new BoxLayout(this, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
zoomPane = new JPanel();
zoomPane.setBorder(new OurBorder(false,false,true,false));
zoomPane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(zoomPane, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
/** This method selects a particular treenode and shows the details of a particular Type/Set/Relation.
* <p>
* If x is an instance of AlloyElement, that means it's the latest selected type/set/relation.
* If x is GENERAL, NODES, or EDGES, that means the latest selected panel is
* the General Graph Settings, Default Type+Set, or Default Relation panels respectively.
private void zoom(Object x) {
lastElement = x;
if (x instanceof AlloyNodeElement) makeNodeOptionsPanel(zoomPane, (AlloyNodeElement)x);
else if (x instanceof AlloyRelation) makeEdgeOptionsPanel(zoomPane, (AlloyRelation)x);
else if (x == GENERAL) createGeneralWidget(zoomPane);
else if (x == NODES) createDefaultNodeWidget(zoomPane);
else if (x == EDGES) createDefaultEdgeWidget(zoomPane);
else {
// The following 2 lines make sure the panel doesn't get too small on Mac
zoomPane.add(OurUtil.makeH(wcolor, new JLabel(" "), (Object)null));
zoomPane.add(OurUtil.makeH(new Dimension(250, 200), wcolor, (Object)null));
Dimension dim = zoomPane.getPreferredSize();
if (divider!=null && divider.getDividerLocation()<dim.width) divider.setDividerLocation(dim.width);
if (divider!=null && divider.getDividerLocation()>dim.width) dim.width=divider.getDividerLocation();
dim.height = 150;
dim.width = 450;
/** Regenerate all the customization widgets based on the latest settings. */
public void remakeAll() {
// Make the tree
final OurTree tree = new OurTree(12) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
private final AlloyModel old = vizState.getOriginalModel(), now = vizState.getCurrentModel();
private final boolean hidePrivate = vizState.hidePrivate(), hideMeta = vizState.hideMeta();
listeners.add(new Listener() {
public Object do_action(Object sender, Event event) { return null; }
public Object do_action(Object sender, Event event, Object arg) { zoom(arg); return null; }
@Override public String convertValueToText(Object value, boolean sel, boolean expand, boolean leaf, int i, boolean focus) {
if (value==GENERAL) return "<html><b>general graph settings</b></html>";
if (value==NODES) return "<html><b>types and sets</b></html>";
if (value==EDGES) return "<html><b>relations</b></html>";
if (value instanceof AlloyType) {
AlloyType x = (AlloyType)value;
if (vizState.getCurrentModel().hasType(x)) return "<html><b>sig</b> "+typename(x)+"</html>";
return "<html><b>sig</b> "+typename(x)+" <font color=\"#808080\">(projected)</font></html>";
if (value instanceof AlloySet) return "<html><b>set</b> "+ ((AlloySet)value).getName() + "</html>";
if (value instanceof AlloyRelation) return value.toString(); else return "";
@Override public List<?> do_ask(Object parent) {
ArrayList<Object> ans = new ArrayList<Object>();
if (parent==ROOT) { ans.add(GENERAL); ans.add(NODES); ans.add(EDGES); }
else if (parent==NODES) { ans.add(AlloyType.UNIV); }
else if (parent==EDGES) {
for (AlloyRelation rel: vizState.getCurrentModel().getRelations())
if (!(hidePrivate && rel.isPrivate) && !(hideMeta && rel.isMeta)) ans.add(rel);
} else if (parent instanceof AlloyType) {
AlloyType type = (AlloyType)parent;
for (AlloySet s:now.getSets())
if (!(hidePrivate && s.isPrivate) && !(hideMeta && s.isMeta) && s.getType().equals(type)) ans.add(s);
if (!type.isEnum) for(AlloyType t: old.getDirectSubTypes(type))
if (!(hidePrivate && t.isPrivate) && !(hideMeta && t.isMeta))
if (now.hasType(t) || vizState.canProject(t)) ans.add(t);
return ans;
@Override public boolean do_isDouble(Object object) { return object==NODES || object==EDGES; }
@Override public Object do_root() { return ROOT; }
// Pre-expand the entire tree.
TreePath last = null;
for(int i=0; i<tree.getRowCount(); i++) {
if (lastElement!=null && last==null) {last=tree.getPathForRow(i); if (lastElement!=last.getLastPathComponent()) last=null;}
// Show the current element if found, else show the GENERAL OPTIONS
if (last!=null) { zoom(lastElement); } else { last = tree.getPathForRow(0); zoom(GENERAL); }
JScrollPane scroll = OurUtil.scrollpane(tree, Color.BLACK, Color.WHITE, new OurBorder(false, false, false, Util.onMac()));
/** Generates the node settings widgets for the given type or set, and add them to "parent". */
private void makeNodeOptionsPanel(final JPanel answer, final AlloyNodeElement elt) {
final boolean enabled = !(elt instanceof AlloyType) || (vizState.getCurrentModel().hasType((AlloyType)elt));
answer.add(makelabel( (elt instanceof AlloyType) ? (" "+typename((AlloyType)elt)) : (" "+elt) ));
final JTextField labelText = OurUtil.textfield(vizState.label.get(elt), 10);
labelText.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(100, 25));
labelText.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
@Override public final void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { vizState.label.put(elt, labelText.getText()); }
labelText.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public final void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { vizState.label.put(elt, labelText.getText()); }
labelText.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() {
@Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { vizState.label.put(elt, labelText.getText()); }
final AlloyModel model = vizState.getCurrentModel();
final AlloyNodeElement elt2;
if (elt instanceof AlloyType) elt2=model.getSuperType((AlloyType)elt); else if (elt instanceof AlloySet) elt2=((AlloySet)elt).getType(); else elt2=null;
JComboBox color = new OurCombobox(true, DotColor.valuesWithout(DotColor.MAGIC), 100, 35, vizState.nodeColor.get(elt)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public String do_getText(Object value) { if (value==null) return "Inherit"; else return ((DotColor)value).getDisplayedText(); }
@Override public Icon do_getIcon(Object value) { if (value==null) value=vizState.nodeColor.resolve(elt2); return value==null ? null : ((DotColor)value).getIcon(vizState.getNodePalette()); }
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) { vizState.nodeColor.put(elt, (DotColor)value); }
JComboBox shape = new OurCombobox(true, DotShape.values(), 125, 35, vizState.shape.get(elt)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public String do_getText(Object value) { if (value==null) return "Inherit"; else return ((DotShape)value).getDisplayedText(); }
@Override public Icon do_getIcon(Object value) { if (value==null) value=vizState.shape.resolve(elt2); return value==null ? null : ((DotShape)value).getIcon(); }
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) { vizState.shape.put(elt, (DotShape)value); }
JComboBox style = new OurCombobox(true, DotStyle.values(), 95, 35, vizState.nodeStyle.get(elt)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public String do_getText(Object value) { if (value==null) return "Inherit"; else return ((DotStyle)value).getDisplayedText(); }
@Override public Icon do_getIcon(Object value) { if (value==null) value=vizState.nodeStyle.resolve(elt2); return value==null ? null : ((DotStyle)value).getIcon(); }
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) { vizState.nodeStyle.put(elt, (DotStyle)value); }
answer.add(OurUtil.makeH(10, labelText, wcolor, color, style, shape, 2, null));
if (elt instanceof AlloyType) {
JPanel vis = vizState.nodeVisible .pick(elt, "Show", "Display members as nodes");
JPanel con = vizState.hideUnconnected.pick(elt, "Hide unconnected nodes", "Hide nodes without arcs");
JPanel num = vizState.number .pick(elt, "Number nodes", "Attach atom number to node label as suffix");
JPanel proj = null;
if (vizState.canProject((AlloyType)elt))
proj = new OurCheckbox("Project over this sig", "Click here to " + (enabled?"":"un") + "project over this signature", enabled ? OurCheckbox.ALL_OFF : OurCheckbox.ALL_ON) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
public Icon do_action() {
if (enabled) projectAlloyType((AlloyType)elt); else deprojectAlloyType((AlloyType)elt);
lastElement = elt;
return enabled ? ALL_ON : ALL_OFF;
labelText.setEnabled(enabled && !vizState.useOriginalName());
num.setEnabled(enabled && !vizState.useOriginalName());
JPanel a=OurUtil.makeVR(wcolor,vis,num),b;
if (proj!=null) b=OurUtil.makeVR(wcolor, con, proj); else b=OurUtil.makeVR(wcolor, con);
answer.add(OurUtil.makeHT(wcolor, 15,a,15,b,2,null));
} else {
JPanel vis = vizState.nodeVisible .pick(elt, "Show", "Include members of set as nodes");
JPanel attr = vizState.showAsAttr .pick(elt, "Show in relation attributes", "Show set membership in relation attributes");
JPanel lab = vizState.showAsLabel .pick(elt, "Show as labels", "Show membership in set by labeling nodes");
JPanel con = vizState.hideUnconnected.pick(elt, "Hide unconnected nodes", "Hide nodes without arcs");
JPanel a=OurUtil.makeVR(wcolor,vis,lab), b=OurUtil.makeVR(wcolor, con, attr);
answer.add(OurUtil.makeHT(wcolor, 15,a,15,b,2,null));
/** Generates the edge settings widgets for the given relation, and add them to "parent". */
private void makeEdgeOptionsPanel(final JPanel parent, final AlloyRelation rel) {
final JTextField labelText = OurUtil.textfield(vizState.label.get(rel), 10);
labelText.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(100, 25));
labelText.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
@Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { vizState.label.put(rel, labelText.getText()); }
labelText.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public final void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { vizState.label.put(rel, labelText.getText()); }
labelText.addFocusListener(new FocusAdapter() {
@Override public void focusLost(FocusEvent e) { vizState.label.put(rel, labelText.getText()); }
final JLabel weightLabel = OurUtil.label("Weight:");
final JSpinner weightSpinner = new JSpinner(new SpinnerNumberModel(vizState.weight.get(rel), 0, 999, 1));
weightSpinner.setToolTipText("A higher weight will cause the edge to be shorter and straighter.");
weightSpinner.addKeyListener(new KeyAdapter() {
@Override public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { vizState.weight.put(rel, (Integer) (weightSpinner.getValue())); }
weightSpinner.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
@Override public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { vizState.weight.put(rel, (Integer) (weightSpinner.getValue())); }
@Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { vizState.weight.put(rel, (Integer) (weightSpinner.getValue())); }
@Override public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { vizState.weight.put(rel, (Integer) (weightSpinner.getValue())); }
weightSpinner.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { vizState.weight.put(rel, (Integer) (weightSpinner.getValue())); }
JPanel weightPanel = OurUtil.makeH(weightLabel, 5, weightSpinner);
weightPanel.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
weightPanel.setToolTipText("A higher weight will cause the edge to be shorter and straighter.");
OurCombobox color = new OurCombobox(true, DotColor.valuesWithout(DotColor.WHITE), 110, 35, vizState.edgeColor.get(rel)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public String do_getText(Object value) { return value==null ? "Inherit" : ((DotColor)value).getDisplayedText(); }
@Override public Icon do_getIcon(Object value) { if (value==null) value=vizState.edgeColor.get(null); return value==null ? null : ((DotColor)value).getIcon(vizState.getEdgePalette()); }
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) { vizState.edgeColor.put(rel, (DotColor)value); }
OurCombobox style = new OurCombobox(true, DotStyle.values(), 105, 35, vizState.edgeStyle.get(rel)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public String do_getText(Object value) { return value==null ? "Inherit" : ((DotStyle)value).getDisplayedText(); }
@Override public Icon do_getIcon(Object value) { if (value==null) value=vizState.edgeStyle.get(null); return value==null ? null : ((DotStyle)value).getIcon(); }
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) { vizState.edgeStyle.put(rel, (DotStyle)value); }
JPanel visible = vizState.edgeVisible.pick(rel, "Show as arcs", "Show relation as arcs");
JPanel attr = vizState.attribute .pick(rel, "Show as attribute", "Additionally display this relation as an attribute on the nodes' labels");
JPanel back = vizState.layoutBack .pick(rel, "Layout backwards", "Layout graph as if arcs were reversed");
JPanel merge = vizState.mergeArrows.pick(rel, "Merge arrows", "Merge opposing arrows between the same nodes as one bidirectional arrow");
JPanel constraint = vizState.constraint .pick(rel, "Influence layout", "Whether this edge influences the graph layout");
JPanel panel1 = OurUtil.makeVR(wcolor, visible, attr, constraint);
JPanel panel2 = OurUtil.makeVR(wcolor, back, merge);
parent.add(makelabel("<html> " + Util.encode(rel.toString()) + "</html>"));
parent.add(OurUtil.makeH(10, labelText, wcolor, 5, color, 5, style, 3, weightPanel, 2, null));
parent.add(OurUtil.makeHT(wcolor, 10, panel1, 15, panel2, 2, null));
/** Generates the "general graph settings" widgets, and add them to "parent". */
private void createGeneralWidget(JPanel parent) {
final List<Integer> fontSizes = Util.asList(9,10,11,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,32,36,40,44,48,54,60,66,72);
JLabel nLabel = OurUtil.label("Node Color Palette:");
JLabel eLabel = OurUtil.label("Edge Color Palette:");
JLabel aLabel = OurUtil.label("Use original atom names:");
JLabel pLabel = OurUtil.label("Hide private sigs/relations:");
JLabel mLabel = OurUtil.label("Hide meta sigs/relations:");
JLabel fLabel = OurUtil.label("Font Size:");
JComboBox fontSize = new OurCombobox(false, fontSizes.toArray(), 60, 32, vizState.getFontSize()) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) { if (fontSizes.contains(value)) vizState.setFontSize((Integer)value); }
JComboBox nodepal = new OurCombobox(false, DotPalette.values(), 100, 32, vizState.getNodePalette()) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public String do_getText(Object value) { return ((DotPalette)value).getDisplayedText(); }
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) { vizState.setNodePalette((DotPalette)value); }
JComboBox edgepal = new OurCombobox(false, DotPalette.values(), 100, 32, vizState.getEdgePalette()) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public String do_getText(Object value) { return ((DotPalette)value).getDisplayedText(); }
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) { vizState.setEdgePalette((DotPalette)value); }
JPanel name = new OurCheckbox("", "Whether the visualizer should use the original atom names as-is.", vizState.useOriginalName() ? OurCheckbox.ON : OurCheckbox.OFF) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
public Icon do_action() { boolean x = vizState.useOriginalName(); vizState.useOriginalName(!x); return (!x ? ON : OFF); }
JPanel priv = new OurCheckbox("", "Whether the visualizer should hide private sigs, sets, and relations by default.", vizState.hidePrivate() ? OurCheckbox.ON : OurCheckbox.OFF) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
public Icon do_action() { boolean x = vizState.hidePrivate(); vizState.hidePrivate(!x); remakeAll(); return (!x ? ON : OFF); }
JPanel meta = new OurCheckbox("", "Whether the visualizer should hide meta sigs, sets, and relations by default.", vizState.hideMeta() ? OurCheckbox.ON : OurCheckbox.OFF) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
public Icon do_action() { boolean x = vizState.hideMeta(); vizState.hideMeta(!x); remakeAll(); return (!x ? ON : OFF); }
parent.add(makelabel(" General Graph Settings:"));
parent.add(OurUtil.makeH(wcolor, new Dimension(6, 6)));
parent.add(OurUtil.makeH(wcolor, 25, nLabel, 5, nodepal, 8, aLabel, 5, name, 2, null));
parent.add(OurUtil.makeH(wcolor, 25, eLabel, 5, edgepal, 8, fLabel, 5, fontSize, 2, null));
parent.add(OurUtil.makeH(wcolor, 25, pLabel, 5, priv, 2, null));
parent.add(OurUtil.makeH(wcolor, 25, mLabel, 5, meta, 2, null));
/** Generates the "default type and set settings" widgets, and add them to "parent". */
private void createDefaultNodeWidget(JPanel parent) {
JComboBox color = new OurCombobox(false, DotColor.valuesWithout(DotColor.MAGIC), 110, 35, vizState.nodeColor.get(null)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public String do_getText(Object value) { return ((DotColor)value).getDisplayedText(); }
@Override public Icon do_getIcon(Object value) { return ((DotColor)value).getIcon(vizState.getNodePalette()); }
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) { vizState.nodeColor.put(null, (DotColor)value); }
JComboBox shape = new OurCombobox(false, DotShape.values(), 135, 35, vizState.shape.get(null)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public String do_getText(Object value) { return ((DotShape)value).getDisplayedText(); }
@Override public Icon do_getIcon(Object value) { return ((DotShape)value).getIcon(); }
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) { vizState.shape.put(null, (DotShape)value); }
JComboBox style = new OurCombobox(false, DotStyle.values(), 110, 35, vizState.nodeStyle.get(null)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public String do_getText(Object value) { return ((DotStyle)value).getDisplayedText(); }
@Override public Icon do_getIcon(Object value) { return ((DotStyle)value).getIcon(); }
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) { vizState.nodeStyle.put(null, (DotStyle)value); }
JPanel vis = vizState.nodeVisible .pick("Show", "Show members of type as nodes");
JPanel hide = vizState.hideUnconnected.pick("Hide unconnected nodes", "Hide nodes without arcs");
JPanel num = vizState.number .pick("Number nodes", "Attach atom number to node label as suffix");
JPanel label= vizState.showAsLabel .pick("Show as labels", "Show members as labels");
JPanel attr = vizState.showAsAttr .pick("Show in relation attributes", "Show set membership of endpoints when relation attributes are enabled");
parent.add(makelabel(" Default Type and Set Settings:"));
parent.add(OurUtil.makeH(wcolor, 10, color, 7, style, 7, shape, 2, null));
JPanel a=OurUtil.makeVL(wcolor, vis, num, label), b=OurUtil.makeVL(wcolor, hide, attr);
parent.add(OurUtil.makeHT(wcolor, 10, a, 10, b, 2, null));
/** Generates the "default relation settings" widgets, and add them to "parent". */
private void createDefaultEdgeWidget(JPanel parent) {
JComboBox colorComboE = new OurCombobox(false, DotColor.valuesWithout(DotColor.WHITE), 110, 35, vizState.edgeColor.get(null)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public String do_getText(Object value) { return ((DotColor)value).getDisplayedText(); }
@Override public Icon do_getIcon(Object value) { return ((DotColor)value).getIcon(vizState.getEdgePalette()); }
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) { vizState.edgeColor.put(null, (DotColor)value); }
JComboBox outlineComboE = new OurCombobox(false, DotStyle.values(), 110, 35, vizState.edgeStyle.get(null)) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0;
@Override public String do_getText(Object value) { return ((DotStyle)value).getDisplayedText(); }
@Override public Icon do_getIcon(Object value) { return ((DotStyle)value).getIcon(); }
@Override public void do_changed(Object value) { vizState.edgeStyle.put(null, (DotStyle)value); }
JPanel dispCBE = vizState.edgeVisible.pick("Show as arcs", "Show relations as arcs");
JPanel mergeCBE = vizState.mergeArrows.pick("Merge arrows", "Merge opposing arrows of the same relation");
JPanel constraintCBE = vizState.constraint .pick("Influence layout", "Whether this edge influences the graph layout");
JPanel attrCBE = vizState.attribute .pick("Show as attributes", "Show relations as attributes on nodes");
JPanel laybackCBE = vizState.layoutBack .pick("Layout backwards", "Layout graph as if arcs were reversed");
parent.add(makelabel(" Default Relation Settings:"));
parent.add(OurUtil.makeH(wcolor, 10, colorComboE, 8, outlineComboE, 2, null));
JPanel a=OurUtil.makeVL(wcolor, dispCBE, attrCBE, constraintCBE, 10), b=OurUtil.makeVL(wcolor, laybackCBE, mergeCBE);
parent.add(OurUtil.makeHT(wcolor, 10, a, 10, b, 2, null));
/** Convenient helper method that returns a description of an AlloyType (and what it extends). */
private String typename(AlloyType type) {
if (type.equals(AlloyType.UNIV)) return "univ";
AlloyType sup=vizState.getOriginalModel().getSuperType(type);
if (sup!=null && !sup.equals(AlloyType.UNIV)) return type.getName()+" extends "+sup.getName();
return type.getName();
/** Generates a black JLabel for the given String. */
private static JLabel makelabel(String label) { return OurUtil.label(label, OurUtil.getVizFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); }
/** Project over the given type if we are allowed to. */
private void projectAlloyType(AlloyType type) { vizState.project(type); remakeAll(); }
/** Unproject over the given type if it is currently projected. */
private void deprojectAlloyType(AlloyType type) { vizState.deproject(type); remakeAll(); }