
Source Code of

/* Alloy Analyzer 4 -- Copyright (c) 2006-2009, Felix Chang
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
* (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
* merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

/** Immutable; represents a tupleset. */

public final class SimTupleset implements Iterable<SimTuple> {

    //      if (min<max && !next)  this == tuples + min..max
    // else if (min<max && next)   this == tuples + { (min,min+1)...(max-1,max) }
    // else                        this == tuples

    /** The list of tuples.
     * <br> <b>Invariant:</b> If nonempty, it must contain only same-arity tuples.
     * <br> <b>Invariant:</b> It must not contain duplicate tuples.
    private final ConstList<SimTuple> tuples;
    private final int min;
    private final int max;
    private final boolean next;

    /** Construct a tupleset with the given 4 values (Note: caller MUST make sure there are no duplicates, even between (min,max) and tuples, and that all tuples are of same arity!) */
    private SimTupleset(Collection<SimTuple> tuples, int min, int max, boolean next) {
       this.tuples = ConstList.make(tuples);
       this.min = min;
       this.max = max; = next;

    /** Construct a tupleset containing the given list of tuples  (Note: caller MUST make sure there are no duplicates, and all tuples are of same arity!) */
    private SimTupleset(Collection<SimTuple> tuples) {
       this.tuples = ConstList.make(tuples);
       this.min = 0;
       this.max = 0; = false;

    /** The tupleset containing no tuples. */
    public static final SimTupleset EMPTY = new SimTupleset(new TempList<SimTuple>(0).makeConst());

    /** Construct the set containing integers between min and max (inclusively). */
    public static SimTupleset make(int min, int max) {
        if (min>max) return EMPTY;
        if (min==max) return new SimTupleset(Util.asList(SimTuple.make(SimAtom.make(min))), 0, 0, false);
        return new SimTupleset(EMPTY.tuples, min, max, false);

    /** Construct the set containing (min,min+1)...(max-1,max) */
    public static SimTupleset makenext(int min, int max) {
        return min>=max ? EMPTY : (new SimTupleset(EMPTY.tuples, min, max, true));

    /** Construct a tupleset containing the given tuple. */
    public static SimTupleset make(SimTuple tuple) {
        return new SimTupleset(Util.asList(tuple));

    /** Make a tupleset containing the given atom. */
    public static SimTupleset make(String atom) {
        return make(SimTuple.make(atom));

    /** Make a tupleset containing a deep copy of the given list of tuples (Note: caller MUST make sure there are no duplicates, and all tuples are of same arity!) */
    public static SimTupleset make(Collection<SimTuple> tuples) {
        return tuples.size()==0 ? EMPTY : new SimTupleset(tuples);

    /** If this tupleset is empty, then return 0, else return the arity of every tuple in this tupleset. */
    public int arity() {
        return min<max ? (next ? 2 : 1) : (tuples.size()==0 ? 0 : tuples.get(0).arity());

    /** Returns the i-th tuple, or null if no such tuple. */
    private SimTuple get(long i) {
        if (i<0) return null;
        long ans = (min<max) ? (max - (long)min) : 0;
        if (min<max && !next) ans++;
        if (i<ans) {
           SimAtom a = SimAtom.make(min+i);
           if (next) return SimTuple.make(a, SimAtom.make((min+i)+1)); else return SimTuple.make(a);
        i = i - ans;
        if (i<tuples.size()) return tuples.get((int)i); else return null;

    /** Returns true if this is empty. */
    public boolean empty() {
        return min>=max && tuples.size()==0;

    /** Returns the number of tuples in this tupleset (this answer may be truncated if it cannot fit in a 32-bit integer) */
    public int size() {
        return (int)longsize();

    /** Returns the number of tuples in this tupleset (this answer will never overflow) */
    public long longsize() {
        long ans = (min<max) ? (max - (long)min) : 0;
        if (min<max && !next) ans++;
        return ans + tuples.size();

    /** Returns true if this tupleset contains the given tuple. */
    public boolean has(SimTuple that) {
        if (arity()!=that.arity()) return false;
        if (min<max && !next) {
           Integer a = that.get(0).toInt(null);
           if (a!=null && min<=a && a<=max) return true;
        if (min<max && next) {
           Integer a = that.get(0).toInt(null), b = that.get(1).toInt(null);
           if (a!=null && b!=null && a<b && a.intValue()==b.intValue()-1 && min<=a && b<=max) return true;
        return tuples.contains(that);

    /** Returns true if this tupleset is unary and contains the given atom. */
    public boolean has(SimAtom that) {
       if (arity()!=1) return false;
       if (min<max && !next) {
          Integer a = that.toInt(null);
          if (a!=null && min<=a && a<=max) return true;
       for(int i=tuples.size()-1; i>=0; i--) if (tuples.get(i).get(0)==that) return true;
       return false;

    /** Returns an arbitrary atom from an arbitrary tuple.
     * @throws - ErrorAPI if this tupleset is empty
    public SimAtom getAtom() throws ErrorAPI {
        if (tuples.size()>0) return tuples.get(0).get(0);
        if (min>=max) throw new ErrorAPI("This tupleset is empty");
        return SimAtom.make(min);

    /** Returns an arbitrary tuple.
     * @throws - ErrorAPI if this tupleset is empty
    public SimTuple getTuple() throws ErrorAPI {
        if (tuples.size()>0) return tuples.get(0);
        if (min>=max) throw new ErrorAPI("This tupleset is empty");
        SimAtom a = SimAtom.make(min);
        if (next) return SimTuple.make(a, SimAtom.make(min+1)); else return SimTuple.make(a);

    /** Return the union of this and that; (if this tupleset and that tupleset does not have compatible arity, then we return this tupleset as is).
     * <br/> Note: the tuples in the result will be ordered as follows:
     * first comes the tuples in "this" in original order,
     * then the tuples that are in "that" but not in "this".
    public SimTupleset union(SimTupleset that) {
       if (this.empty() || this==that) return that;
       if (that.empty() || arity()!=that.arity()) return this;
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = null; // when null, it means we haven't found any new tuple to add yet
       for(SimTuple x: that) if (!has(x)) {
          if (ans == null) ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(tuples);
       return ans==null ? this : new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst(), min, max, next);

    /** Return the union of this and that; (if this tupleset and that tuple does not have compatible arity, then we return this tupleset as is).
     * <br/> Note: if this operation is a no-op, we guarantee we'll return this SimTupleset as is.
    public SimTupleset union(SimTuple that) {
       if (empty()) return make(that);
       if (arity()!=that.arity() || has(that)) return this;
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(tuples.size()+1);
       return new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst(), min, max, next);


    /** Return the tupleset where each tuple is truncated to the first N atoms; if n is zero or negative, we return the emptyset; if n >= this.arity, we return this as is. */
    public SimTupleset head(int n) {
       if (n<=0 || empty()) return EMPTY; else if (arity() <= n) return this;
       if (min<max) { // if we get here, than arity must be 2, and n must be 1.
          TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(tuples.size());
          for(SimTuple x: tuples) {
             Integer a = x.head().toInt(null);
             if (a!=null && a>=min && a<max) continue;
             SimTuple y = SimTuple.make(x.head());
             if (!ans.contains(y)) ans.add(y);
          return new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst(), min, max-1, false);
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(tuples.size());
       for(SimTuple x: this) { SimTuple y = x.head(n); if (!ans.contains(y)) ans.add(y); }
       return new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst());

    /** Return the tupleset where each tuple is truncated to the last N atoms; if n is zero or negative, we return the emptyset; if n >= this.arity, we return this as is. */
    public SimTupleset tail(int n) {
       if (n<=0 || empty()) return EMPTY; else if (arity() <= n) return this;
       if (min<max) { // if we get here, than arity must be 2, and n must be 1.
          TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(tuples.size());
          for(SimTuple x: tuples) {
             Integer a = x.tail().toInt(null);
             if (a!=null && a>min && a<=max) continue;
             SimTuple y = SimTuple.make(x.tail());
             if (!ans.contains(y)) ans.add(y);
          return new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst(), min+1, max, false);
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(tuples.size());
       for(SimTuple x: this) { SimTuple y = x.tail(n); if (!ans.contains(y)) ans.add(y); }
       return new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst());

    /** Returns a read-only iterator over the tuples. */
    public Iterator<SimTuple> iterator() {
        return new Iterator<SimTuple>() {
            private long n = longsize();
            private long i = 0;
            public SimTuple next() { if (i>=n) throw new NoSuchElementException(); else {i++; return get(i-1);} }
            public boolean hasNext() { return i<n; }
            public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }

    /** Write this SimTupleset as { (".." ".." "..") (".." ".." "..") (".." ".." "..") } */
    void write(BufferedOutputStream out) throws IOException {
        boolean first = true;
        for(SimTuple x: this) {
            if (first) first=false; else out.write(' ');

    /** Read a { (".." ".." "..") (".." ".." "..") (".." ".." "..") } tupleset. */
    static SimTupleset read(BufferedInputStream in) throws IOException {
        while(true) {
           int c =;
           if (c<0) throw new IOException("Unexpected EOF");
           if (c>0 && c<=' ') continue; // skip whitespace
           if (c=='{') break; else throw new IOException("Expecting start of tupleset");
        LinkedHashSet<SimTuple> list = new LinkedHashSet<SimTuple>();
        while(true) {
           int c =;
           if (c<0) throw new IOException("Unexpected EOF");
           if (c>0 && c<=' ') continue; // skip whitespace
           if (c=='}') break;
           if (c!='(') throw new IOException("Expecting start of tuple");
           c =;
           if (c<0) throw new IOException("Unexpected EOF");
           if (c=='}') break;
           if (!(c<=' ')) throw new IOException("Expecting \')\' or white space after a tuple.");
        return make(list);

    /** Returns the index position if the list of tuples contains the tuple (a,b) (or return -1 if not found). */
    private static int find(TempList<SimTuple> tuples, SimAtom a, SimAtom b) {
       if (tuples.size() == 0 || tuples.get(0).arity() != 2) return -1;
       for(int i=tuples.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
          SimTuple x = tuples.get(i);
          if (x.head()==a && x.tail()==b) return i;
       return -1;

    /** {@inheritDoc} */
    @Override public String toString() {
       StringBuilder sb = null;
       for(SimTuple x: this) {
          if (sb==null) sb = new StringBuilder("{"); else sb.append(", ");
       return sb==null ? "{}" : (sb.append("}").toString());

    /** Returns a hashcode consistent with the equals() method. */
    @Override public int hashCode() {
        int ans = 0;
        for(SimTuple t: this) ans = ans + t.hashCode();
        return ans;

    /** Returns true if this contains the same tuples as that. */
    @Override public boolean equals(Object that) {
        return this==that || (that instanceof SimTupleset && equals((SimTupleset)that));

    /** Returns true if this contains the same tuples as that. */
    public boolean equals(SimTupleset that) {
        // since SimTupleset must not contain duplicates, and this.size()==that.size(), comparing one way is sufficient
        return this==that || (that!=null && longsize()==that.longsize() && in(that));

    /** Returns true if this is a subset of that. */
    public boolean in(SimTupleset that) {
       if (empty() || this==that) return true;
       if (longsize()>that.longsize() || arity()!=that.arity()) return false;
       for(SimTuple t: this) if (!that.has(t)) return false;
       return true;

    /** Sum up all the integer atoms in this tupleset; (if this tupleset's arity is not 1, then we return 0) */
    public int sum() {
       if (arity() != 1) return 0;
       Integer zero = 0;
       int ans = 0;
       for(SimTuple t: this) ans = ans + t.get(0).toInt(zero);
       return ans;

    /** Return the identity over this tupleset; (if this tupleset's arity is not 1, then we return an emptyset)
     * <br/> Note: the result's tuple order is the same as this tupleset's tuple order.
    public SimTupleset iden() {
       if (arity() != 1) return EMPTY;
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(size());
       for(SimTuple x: this) ans.add(SimTuple.make(x.head(), x.head())); // since "this" has no duplicate tuples, "ans" will not have duplicate tuples either
       return new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst());

    /** Return the relational override of this and that; (if this tupleset and that tuple does not have compatible arity, then we return this tupleset as is).
     * <br/> Note: in general, the tuples may be ordered arbitrarily in the result.
     * <br/> Note: if this operation is a no-op, we guarantee we'll return this SimTupleset as is.
    public SimTupleset override(final SimTuple that) {
        if (arity()==1) return union(that);
        if (empty()) return SimTupleset.make(that);
        if (arity()!=that.arity()) return this;
        boolean added = false, same = false;
        TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(size());
        SimAtom head = that.get(0);
        for(SimTuple x: this) {
           if (x.get(0)!=head) { ans.add(x); continue; }
           if (x.equals(that)) same = true;
           if (!added) { ans.add(that); added=true; }
        if (!added) ans.add(that); else if (same && longsize()==ans.size()) return this;
        return new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst());

    /** Return the relational override of this and that; (if this tupleset and that tupleset does not have compatible arity, then we return this tupleset as is).
     * <br/> Note: in general, the tuples may be ordered arbitrarily in the result.
    public SimTupleset override(SimTupleset that) throws ErrorAPI {
       if (arity()==1) return union(that);
       if (this.empty() || this==that) return that;
       if (that.empty() || this.arity()!=that.arity()) return this;
       if (that.longsize()==1) return override(that.getTuple()); // very common case, so let's optimize it
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(size());
       for(SimTuple x: this) if (!that.has(x)) ans.add(x);
       return new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst());

    /** Return this minus that; (if this tupleset and that tupleset does not have compatible arity, then we return this tupleset as is).
     * <br/> Note: The resulting tuples will keep their original order.
    public SimTupleset difference(SimTupleset that) {
       if (this.empty() || this==that) return EMPTY;
       if (that.empty() || arity()!=that.arity()) return this;
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(size()-1);
       for(SimTuple x: this) if (!that.has(x)) ans.add(x);
       return ans.size()==longsize() ? this : (ans.size()==0 ? EMPTY : new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst()));

    /** Return this minus that; (if this tupleset and that tuple does not have compatible arity, then we return this tupleset as is).
     * <br/> Note: The resulting tuples will keep their original order.
     * <br/> Note: if this operation is a no-op, we guarantee we'll return this SimTupleset as is.
    public SimTupleset difference(SimTuple that) {
       if (empty() || arity()!=that.arity()) return this;
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(size()-1);
       for(SimTuple x: this) {
          if (that==null || !x.equals(that)) ans.add(x); else that=null;
       return that!=null ? this : (ans.size()==0 ? EMPTY : new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst()));

    /** Return this minus any tuple that contains the given atom.
     * <br/> Note: The resulting tuples will keep their original order.
    public SimTupleset removeAll(SimAtom that) {
        if (empty()) return EMPTY;
        TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(size()-1);
        for(SimTuple x: this) {
           for(int i=x.arity()-1; i>=0; i--) if (x.get(i)==that) continue again;
        return ans.size()==longsize() ? this : (ans.size()==0 ? EMPTY : new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst()));

    /** Return the transpose of this tupleset; (if this tupleset's arity is not 2, we'll return an empty set instead) */
    public SimTupleset transpose() {
       if (empty() || arity()!=2) return EMPTY;
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(size());
       for(SimTuple x: this) ans.add(SimTuple.make(x.tail(), x.head())); // since "this" has no duplicate tuples, "ans" will not have duplicate tuples either
       return new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst());

    /** Return the cartesian product of this and that. */
    public SimTupleset product(SimTupleset that) {
       if (empty() || that.empty()) return EMPTY;
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(size() * that.size());
       for(SimTuple a: this) for(SimTuple b: that) {
          ans.add(a.product(b)); // We don't have to check for duplicates, because we assume every tuple in "this" has same arity, and every tuple in "that" has same arity
       return new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst());

    /** Return the relational join between this and that (throws ErrorType if this.arity==1 and that.arity==1) */
    public SimTupleset join(SimTupleset that) throws ErrorType {
       if (empty() || that.empty()) return EMPTY;
       if (arity()==1 && that.arity()==1) throw new ErrorType("Cannot join two unary relations.");
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>();
       for(SimTuple a: this) for(SimTuple b: that) if (a.tail()==b.head()) {
          SimTuple c = a.join(b);
          if (!ans.contains(c)) ans.add(c);
       return ans.size()==0 ? EMPTY : new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst());

    /** Return the intersection of this and that. */
    public SimTupleset intersect(SimTupleset that) {
       if (this==that) return this; else if (empty() || that.empty()) return EMPTY;
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(size() < that.size() ? size() : that.size());
       for(SimTuple x: that) if (has(x)) ans.add(x);
       if (ans.size()==0) return EMPTY;
       if (ans.size()==this.longsize()) return this;
       if (ans.size()==that.longsize()) return that; else return new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst());

    /** Return true if the intersection of this and that is nonempty. */
    public boolean intersects(SimTupleset that) {
       if (empty()) return false;
       if (this==that) return true;
       for(SimTuple x: that) if (has(x)) return true;
       return false;

    /** Returns this<:that (NOTE: if this.arity!=1, then we return the empty set) */
    public SimTupleset domain(SimTupleset that) {
       if (arity()!=1 || that.empty()) return EMPTY;
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(that.size());
       for(SimTuple x: that) if (has(x.head())) ans.add(x);
       return ans.size()==that.longsize() ? that : (ans.size()==0 ? EMPTY : new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst()));

    /** Returns this:>that (NOTE: if that.arity!=1, then we return the empty set) */
    public SimTupleset range(SimTupleset that) {
       if (that.arity()!=1 || this.empty()) return EMPTY;
       TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>(this.size());
       for(SimTuple x: this) if (that.has(x.head())) ans.add(x);
       return ans.size()==this.longsize() ? this : (ans.size()==0 ? EMPTY : new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst()));

    /** Returns the closure of this tupleset (NOTE: if this.arity!=2, we will return an empty set) */
    public SimTupleset closure() {
       if (arity()!=2) return EMPTY;
       TempList<SimTuple> ar = new TempList<SimTuple>(size());
       while(true) {
          int n = ar.size();
          for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
             SimTuple left = ar.get(i);
             if (left.head()==left.tail()) continue;      // whatever "right" is, "left.right" won't add any new tuple to the final answer
             for(int j=0; j<n; j++) if (i!=j) {           // whatever "left" is,  "left.left"  won't add any new tuple to the final answer
                SimTuple right = ar.get(j);
                if (right.head()==right.tail()) continue; // whatever "left" is,  "left.right" won't add any new tuple to the final answer
                if (left.tail()==right.head() && find(ar, left.head(), right.tail())<0) ar.add(SimTuple.make(left.head(), right.tail()));
          if (n == ar.size()) return ar.size()==longsize() ? this : new SimTupleset(ar.makeConst()); // if we went through the loop without making any change, we're done

    /** Return the set of tuples which begins with the given tuple (where we remove the "matching leading part") */
    public SimTupleset beginWith(SimTuple x) {
        int shift = arity() - x.arity();
        if (shift <= 0) return EMPTY;
        TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>();
        for(SimTuple r: this) {
            for(int i=0; i<x.arity(); i++) if (r.get(i) != x.get(i)) continue again;
        return ans.size()==0 ? EMPTY : new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst());

    /** Return the set of tuples which ends with the given tuple (where we remove the "matching trailing part") */
    public SimTupleset endWith(SimTuple x) {
        int shift = arity() - x.arity();
        if (shift <= 0) return EMPTY;
        TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>();
        for(SimTuple r: this) {
            for(int i=0; i<x.arity(); i++) if (r.get(i+shift) != x.get(i)) continue again;
        return ans.size()==0 ? EMPTY : new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst());

    /** Returns a modifiable copy of the list of all i-th atom from all tuples in some arbitrary order (0 is first atom, 1 is second atom...)
     * @throws - ErrorAPI if this tupleset contains at least one tuple whose length is less than or equal to i
    public List<SimAtom> getAllAtoms(int column) throws ErrorAPI {
        if (empty()) return new ArrayList<SimAtom>(0);
        if (column<0 || column>=arity()) throw new ErrorAPI("This tupleset does not have an \""+column+"th\" column.");
        IdentityHashMap<SimAtom,Boolean> ans = new IdentityHashMap<SimAtom,Boolean>();
        for(SimTuple x: this) ans.put(x.get(column), Boolean.TRUE);
        return new ArrayList<SimAtom>(ans.keySet());

    /** Return true if this is a total ordering over "elem", with "first" being the first element of the total order. */
    public boolean totalOrder(SimTupleset elem, SimTupleset first) throws ErrorAPI {
       if (elem.empty()) return false;
       if (elem.longsize()==1) return elem.arity()==1 && first.equals(elem) && empty();
       if (first.longsize()!=1 || first.arity()!=1 || elem.arity()!=1 || arity()!=2 || longsize()!=elem.longsize()-1) return false;
       SimAtom e = first.getAtom();
       List<SimAtom> elems = elem.getAllAtoms(0);
       if (longsize() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new OutOfMemoryError();
       List<SimTuple> next = new ArrayList<SimTuple>(size());
       for(SimTuple x: this) next.add(x);
       while(true) {
         // "e" must be in elems; remove it from elems
         for(int n=elems.size(), i=0; ; i++)
            if (i>=n) return false;
            else if (elems.get(i)==e) { elems.set(i, elems.get(n-1)); elems.remove(n-1); break; }
         // if "e" was the last element, then "next" must be empty as well
         if (elems.size()==0) return next.size()==0;
         // remove (e,e') from next and let e' be the new e
         // (if there was a cycle, we would eventually detect that since the repeated element would no longer be in "elems")
         for(int n=next.size(), i=0; ; i++)
            if (i>=n) return false;
            else if (e==next.get(i).head()) { e=next.get(i).tail(); next.set(i, next.get(n-1)); next.remove(n-1); break; }

    /** Return an iterator over all subset x of this where x.size<=1 */
    public Iterator<SimTupleset> loneOf() {
        return new Iterator<SimTupleset>() {
            private long i = (-1); // -1 if we haven't started yet; otherwise it is the next element to return
            public SimTupleset next() {
                if (i<0) {i++; return EMPTY;} else if (i>=longsize()) throw new NoSuchElementException();
                SimTupleset ans = make(get(i));
                return ans;
            public boolean hasNext() { return i < longsize(); }
            public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }

    /** Return an iterator over all subset x of this where x.size==1 */
    public Iterator<SimTupleset> oneOf() {
        Iterator<SimTupleset> ans = loneOf();; // here, we depend on our knowledge that loneOf() will always return the emptyset first, so we can skip it up front
        return ans;

    /** Return an iterator over all subset x of this */
    public Iterator<SimTupleset> setOf() {
        if (longsize() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new OutOfMemoryError();
        return new Iterator<SimTupleset>() {
            private boolean in[] = new boolean[size()]; // indicates whether each tuple should appear in the upcoming tupleset; if null, it means no more results
            public SimTupleset next() {
                if (in==null) throw new NoSuchElementException();
                TempList<SimTuple> ans = new TempList<SimTuple>();
                for(int i=0; i<in.length; i++) if (in[i]) ans.add(get(i));
                for(int i=0; ; i++) if (i==in.length) {in=null;break;} else if (!in[i]) {in[i]=true; break;} else {in[i]=false;}
                return new SimTupleset(ans.makeConst());
            public boolean hasNext() { return in!=null; }
            public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }

    /** Return an iterator over all subset x of this where x.size>=1 */
    public Iterator<SimTupleset> someOf() {
        Iterator<SimTupleset> ans = setOf();; // here, we depend on our knowledge that setOf() will always return the emptyset first, so we can skip it up front
        return ans;

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