package yakimusic.sound;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.jfugue.Pattern;
import org.jfugue.Player;
import org.jfugue.Instrument;
import org.jfugue.Rhythm;
public class SoundInterface {
static Player player = new Player();
private static HashMap<String, String> instrumentsMap;
private static final char[] caracteres = new char[] { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd',
'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k' }; // El numero de canales de los
// ritmos se limita al
// numero de letras de este
// vector. Poner mas
private static String getInstrumentRealName(String instrument) {
String realName = null;
if (instrumentsMap == null) {
instrumentsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
instrumentsMap.put("ELECTRIC-PIANO", "ELECTRIC_PIANO");
instrumentsMap.put("ROCK-ORGAN", "ROCK_ORGAN");
instrumentsMap.put("CHURCH-ORGAN", "CHURCH_ORGAN");
instrumentsMap.put("ACOUSTIC-SNARE", "ACOUSTIC_SNARE");
instrumentsMap.put("BASS-DRUM", "BASS_DRUM");
// ...
realName = instrumentsMap.get(instrument);
if (realName == null)
realName = instrument;
return realName;
public static void playSounds(String instrument, final String sounds,
final int tempo) {
final String instrumentID = getInstrumentRealName(instrument);
Thread hilo = new Thread() {
public void run() {
Player player = new Player();"T" + tempo + " I[" + instrumentID + "] " + sounds);
System.out.println("Fin de reproducción de " + instrumentID);
public static void test(){
Pattern doubleMeasureRest = new Pattern("Rw Rw");
// "Frere Jacques"
Pattern pattern1 = new Pattern("C5q D5q E5q C5q");
// "Dormez-vous?"
Pattern pattern2 = new Pattern("E5q F5q G5h");
// "Sonnez les matines"
Pattern pattern3 = new Pattern("G5i A5i G5i F5i E5q C5q");
// "Ding ding dong"
Pattern pattern4 = new Pattern("C5q G4q C5h");
// Put all of the patters together to form the song
Pattern song = new Pattern();
song.add(pattern1, 2); // Adds 'pattern1' to 'song' twice
song.add(pattern2, 2); // Adds 'pattern2' to 'song' twice
song.add(pattern3, 2); // Adds 'pattern3' to 'song' twice
song.add(pattern4, 2); // Adds 'pattern4' to 'song' twice
// Create the first voice
Pattern round1 = new Pattern("V0");
// Create the second voice
Pattern round2 = new Pattern("V1");
// Create the third voice
Pattern round3 = new Pattern("V2");
round3.add(doubleMeasureRest, 2);
// Put the voices together
Pattern roundSong = new Pattern();
// Play the song!;
public static void playTracks(final String[] instruments,
final String[] sounds, final int[] tempos) {
Pattern finalSong = new Pattern();
for (int i = 0; i < instruments.length && i < sounds.length && i < tempos.length; i++) {
final String instrumentID = getInstrumentRealName(instruments[i]);
final int tempo = tempos[i];
Pattern song = new Pattern("T" + tempo + " I[" + instrumentID + "] " + sounds[i]);
Pattern round = new Pattern("V" + i);
//Pattern song = new Pattern("G5i A5i G5i F5i E5q C5q");
public static void playRhythm(String[] instruments, final String[] rhythms) {
Rhythm rhythm = new Rhythm();
int layer = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < instruments.length && i < rhythms.length; i++) {
String instrumID = getInstrumentRealName(instruments[i]);
char caracter = caracteres[i];
String aux = rhythms[i].replace("*", caracter + "");
rhythm.setLayer(layer, aux);
rhythm.addSubstitution('.', "Ri");
rhythm.addSubstitution(caracter, "[" + instrumID + "]i");
final Rhythm final_rhythm = rhythm;
Thread bateria = new Thread() {
public void run() {
Pattern pattern = final_rhythm.getPattern();
Player player = new Player();;
System.out.println("Fin de reproducción de ritmo");
private static Pattern getRhythmPattern(String[] instruments, String[] rhythms){
Rhythm rhythm = new Rhythm();
int layer = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < instruments.length && i < rhythms.length; i++) {
String instrumID = getInstrumentRealName(instruments[i]);
char caracter = caracteres[i];
String aux = rhythms[i].replace("*", caracter + "");
rhythm.setLayer(layer, aux);
rhythm.addSubstitution('.', "Ri");
rhythm.addSubstitution(caracter, "[" + instrumID + "]i");
Pattern pattern = rhythm.getPattern();
return pattern;
// Metodo de pruebas
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
//playTracks(new String[] { "FLUTE", "FLUTE" }, new String[] {"E5s D#5s E5s D#5s E5s B4s D5s C5s A4s", "Rs Rs Rs D#6s E6s B5s D5s C6s A5s" }, new int[] { 60, 60 });
//playTracks(new String[] { "PIANO", "FLUTE"}, new String[] {"E5s A5s C6s B5s E5s B5s D6s C6i E6i G#5i E6i | A5s E5s A5s C6s B5s E5s B5s D6s C6i A5i Ri", "Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs D5s C5i E5i G#4i E5i | A4s E4s A4s C5s B4s E4s B4s D5s C5i A4i Ri"}, new int[] { 60, 120 }, getRhythmPattern(new String[] { "BASS-DRUM", "ACOUSTIC-SNARE" }, new String[] { "**.*..*....", "..*....*..." }));
//playRhythm(new String[] { "BASS-DRUM", "ACOUSTIC-SNARE" }, new String[] { "**.*..*....", "..*....*..." });