package org.aeonbits.owner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
import org.aeonbits.owner.KrauseningConfig.KrauseningMergePolicy;
import org.aeonbits.owner.KrauseningConfig.KrauseningMergePolicy.KrauseningMergePolicyType;
import org.aeonbits.owner.KrauseningConfig.KrauseningSources;
import com.ask.krausening.Krausening;
* {@link KrauseningAwarePropertiesManager} replaces the default URL-based property file specification strategy that is
* implemented in {@link PropertiesManager} and delegates to {@link Krausening} for loading property files. All of the
* features present in OWNER, such as property variable expansion, default property values, hot reloading property
* files, etc. are still supported. In addition, developers may still use the {@link Sources} annotation in conjunction
* with the {@link KrauseningSources} annotation on the same interface in order to load *.properties with Krausening and
* *.xml properties using OWNER.
class KrauseningAwarePropertiesManager extends PropertiesManager {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8372096321097307057L;
private List<String> krauseningPropertyFileNames;
private KrauseningMergePolicyType mergePolicyType;
private boolean ownerPropertySourcesSpecified;
private HotReloadLogic krauseningHotReloadLogic;
KrauseningAwarePropertiesManager(Class<? extends Config> clazz, Properties properties,
ScheduledExecutorService scheduler, VariablesExpander expander, LoadersManager loaders, Map<?, ?>[] imports) {
super(clazz, properties, scheduler, expander, loaders, imports);
KrauseningSources krauseningSources = clazz.getAnnotation(KrauseningSources.class);
if (krauseningSources == null || krauseningSources.value().length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No @KrauseningSources were defined on " + clazz.getCanonicalName());
this.krauseningPropertyFileNames = Arrays.asList(krauseningSources.value());
KrauseningMergePolicy mergePolicy = clazz.getAnnotation(KrauseningMergePolicy.class);
this.mergePolicyType = mergePolicy != null ? mergePolicy.value()
this.ownerPropertySourcesSpecified = clazz.getAnnotation(Sources.class) != null;
HotReload krauseningHotReload = clazz.getAnnotation(HotReload.class);
if (krauseningHotReload != null) {
try {
this.krauseningHotReloadLogic = new HotReloadLogic(krauseningHotReload,
getKrauseningPropertyFileURLs(this.krauseningPropertyFileNames), this);
} catch (MalformedURLException exception) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not configure hot reload support for Krausening files", exception);
if (this.krauseningHotReloadLogic.isAsync())
scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, krauseningHotReload.value(), krauseningHotReload.value(), krauseningHotReload.unit());
* First loads properties specified in {@link KrauseningSources} annotations using {@link Krausening} followed by
* any properties specified in {@link Sources} annotations using OWNER and then merges all loaded properties using
* the specified {@link KrauseningMergePolicy}.
* @return merged set of {@link Properties} specified by the relevant {@link KrauseningSources} and {@link Sources}
* annotations.
Properties doLoad() {
List<Properties> propertiesToMerge = new ArrayList<Properties>(this.krauseningPropertyFileNames.size());
for (String krauseningPropertyFileName : this.krauseningPropertyFileNames) {
if (this.ownerPropertySourcesSpecified) {
return this.mergePolicyType.mergeProperties(propertiesToMerge);
* Checks to see if properties files loaded by {@link Krausening} and OWNER have been physically updated and if so,
* reloads them.
void syncReloadCheck() {
if (this.krauseningHotReloadLogic != null && this.krauseningHotReloadLogic.isSync()) {
if (this.ownerPropertySourcesSpecified) {
* Reloads all properties managed by {@link Krausening} and OWNER.
public void reload() {
* Returns a list of URLs that map to the actual physical property files managed by {@link Krausening}.
* @param krauseningPropertyFileNames
* file names of the properties that are managed by {@link Krausening}.
* @return {@link List} of {@link URL}s that map to the physical property files managed by {@link Krausening}.
* @throws MalformedURLException
private List<URL> getKrauseningPropertyFileURLs(List<String> krauseningPropertyFileNames)
throws MalformedURLException {
List<URL> krauseningPropertyFileURLs = new ArrayList<URL>();
List<File> krauseningFolders = Arrays.asList(new File(System.getProperty(Krausening.BASE_LOCATION)), new File(
for (String krauseningPropertyFileName : krauseningPropertyFileNames) {
for (File krauseningFolder : krauseningFolders) {
File krauseningPropertyFileObj = new File(krauseningFolder, krauseningPropertyFileName);
if (krauseningPropertyFileObj.exists()) {
return krauseningPropertyFileURLs;