package com.ask.krausening;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* In brewing, krausening (KROI-zen-ing) refers to adding a small amount of fresh wort to prime finished beer for carbonation.
* In Java, Krausening is a project to populate finished archives for deployment. This approach allows Properties files to be
* externalized from deployment units, enabling the same deployment unit to be leveraged repeatedly without the need to rebuild
* or hacking the archive.
* To use, you need to minimally set a system property "KRAUSENING_BASE", which points to a directory where your {@link Proeprties}
* files will be located. Krausening will load those up and make them available via the {@code getProperties(<file name>)} method.
* You can then use a system property called "KRAUSENING_EXTENSIONS" to set up extensions to the {@link Proeprties} files located
* in "KRAUSENING_BASE". The first the base properties will be loaded, with anything in the extensions location being added on
* to the top. This allows value to be added or overridden, which is especially useful when you have a standard configuration
* defined in your base files, but need to specialize some values for different deployments.
* Only .properties files will be loaded. Any other file encountered will be skipped.
public final class Krausening {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Krausening.class);
/** Location of the base set of {@link Properties} files. */
public static final String BASE_LOCATION = "KRAUSENING_BASE";
/** Location of a set of extension {@link Properties} files. */
/** Contains the set of all properties managed by the base + extension locations. */
private Map<String, Properties> managedProperties;
/** The location which contains base properties. */
private String baseLocation;
/** The location which contains extension properties. */
private String extensionsLocation;
/** Singleton instance of this class. */
private static Krausening instance = new Krausening();
* Private constructor to prevent external construction of this singleton instance, automatically
* triggers a loading of properties.
private Krausening() {
* Returns the singleton instance of this class.
* @return singleton reference to Krausening
public static Krausening getInstance() {
return instance;
* Loads the properties defined by the base and extension locations, making them
* accessible for use by Krausening clients. This method can also be leveraged to
* refresh values at any time.
public void loadProperties() {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOGGER.debug("Loading Krausening properties...");
managedProperties = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Properties>();
boolean hasLocations = setLocations();
if (hasLocations) {
File baseLocationAsFile = new File(baseLocation);
if (baseLocationAsFile.exists()) {
} else {
logFileDoesNotExist(baseLocationAsFile, BASE_LOCATION);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(extensionsLocation)) {
File extensionsLocationAsFile = new File(extensionsLocation);
if (extensionsLocationAsFile.exists()) {
} else {
logFileDoesNotExist(extensionsLocationAsFile, EXTENSIONS_LOCATION);
long stop = System.currentTimeMillis();
LOGGER.debug("Loaded Krausening properties in " + (stop - start) + "ms");
* Log an error for the file and location type when the location does not exist.
* @param file The file that does not exist
* @param location The location type (i.e., base or extension)
protected void logFileDoesNotExist(File file, String location) {
LOGGER.error(location + " refers to a location that does not exist: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
* Load system properties from into member variables.
private boolean setLocations() {
boolean hasLocations = false;
baseLocation = System.getProperty(BASE_LOCATION);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(baseLocation)) {
LOGGER.error("Without a " + BASE_LOCATION + " set, Krausening cannot load any properties!");
} else {
LOGGER.error("Krausening base location: " + baseLocation);
hasLocations = true;
extensionsLocation = System.getProperty(EXTENSIONS_LOCATION);
if (StringUtils.isBlank(extensionsLocation)) {
LOGGER.warn("No " + EXTENSIONS_LOCATION + " set...");
} else {
LOGGER.error("Krausening extensions location: " + extensionsLocation);
return hasLocations;
* Loads all .properties files from the passed location.
* @param location the location containing properties files
private void loadPropertiesFromLocation(File location) {
File[] files = location.listFiles((FilenameFilter)new SuffixFileFilter(".properties"));
if ((files == null) || (files.length == 0)) {
LOGGER.warn("No files were found within: " + location.getAbsolutePath());
} else {
String fileName = null;
Reader fileReader = null;
Properties fileProperties = null;
for (File file : files) {
try {
fileName = file.getName();
fileProperties = (managedProperties.containsKey(fileName)) ? managedProperties.get(fileName) : new Properties();
fileReader = new FileReader(file);
managedProperties.put(fileName, fileProperties);
} catch (IOException e) {
LOGGER.error("Could not read the file: " + file.getAbsolutePath(), e);
} finally {
* Returns the properties file loaded by Krausening for given file name.
* @param propertiesFileName The file name to retrieve
* @return The file or null if that file name is not know
public Properties getProperties(String propertiesFileName) {
return managedProperties.get(propertiesFileName);