package nexj.core.persistence;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import nexj.core.meta.Metaclass;
import nexj.core.persistence.sql.ReadCountHook;
import nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLAdapter;
import nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLDataTest;
import nexj.core.runtime.Instance;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.SysUtil;
* Tests heterogeneous query support in GenericCursor.step(Lookup).
public class HeterogeneousQueryStepTest extends SQLDataTest
// constructors
public HeterogeneousQueryStepTest(String sName)
// operations
* Q_Patient
* ||
* || externalVisits
* ||
* Q_ExternalVisit
* ||
* || requests
* ||
* Q_Request
public void testInSQL() throws Exception
String sRegularJoinAttributes = "(firstName lastName (visits reason (requests code)))";
String sHeteroJoinAttributes = "(firstName lastName (externalVisits reason (requests code)))";
Metaclass patientClass = getMetadata().getMetaclass("Patient");
checkSameResults(patientClass, sRegularJoinAttributes, sHeteroJoinAttributes, "((firstName . #f))");
* Q_Patient
* / \\
* / children \\ externalVisits
* / \\
* Q_Patient Q_ExternalVisit
* ||
* || externalVisits
* ||
* Q_ExternalVisit
public void testHeterogeneousJoinOnChildNode() throws Exception
String sRegularJoinAttributes = "(firstName lastName (visits reason) (children firstName lastName (visits reason)))";
String sHeteroJoinAttributes = "(firstName lastName (externalVisits reason) (children firstName lastName (externalVisits reason)))";
Metaclass patientClass = getMetadata().getMetaclass("Patient");
checkSameResults(patientClass, sRegularJoinAttributes, sHeteroJoinAttributes, "(((@ birthdate) . #f))");
* Q_Patient
* |
* | children
* |
* Q_Patient
* ||
* || externalVisits
* ||
* Q_ExternalVisit
* |
* | externalRequests
* |
* Q_ExternalRequest
public void testHeterogeneousJoinWithHomogeneousJoinedQuery() throws Exception
// Add ZachJr for the duration of this test only...
Metaclass patientClass = getMetadata().getMetaclass("Patient");
Instance parent = Query.createRead(patientClass, null, parse("(= (@ firstName) \"Zach\")"),
null, 1, 0, false, Query.SEC_ALL, m_context).read().getInstance(0);
Instance child = new Instance(patientClass, m_context);
child.setValue("firstName", "ZachJr");
child.setValue("lastName", "Tachoma");
child.setValue("parent", parent);
ReadCountHook defaultCountHook = (ReadCountHook)((SQLAdapter)getMetadata().getDataSource("DefaultRelationalDatabase").getComponent().getInstance(m_context)).getSQLHook();
ReadCountHook externalCountHook = (ReadCountHook)((SQLAdapter)getMetadata().getDataSource("ExternalRelationalDatabase").getComponent().getInstance(m_context)).getSQLHook();
String sRegularJoinAttributes = "(firstName lastName (children firstName lastName (visits reason (requests code))))";
String sHeteroJoinAttributes = "(firstName lastName (children firstName lastName (externalVisits reason (externalRequests code))))";
int nStartDefaultCount;
int nStartExternalCount;
nStartDefaultCount = defaultCountHook.getReadCount();
nStartExternalCount = externalCountHook.getReadCount();
checkSameResults(patientClass, sRegularJoinAttributes, sHeteroJoinAttributes, "((firstName . #f))");
assertEquals(2, defaultCountHook.getReadCount() - nStartDefaultCount);
assertEquals(1, externalCountHook.getReadCount() - nStartExternalCount);
* Q_Patient
* // \\
* externalVisits // \\ externalRequests
* // \\
* Q_ExternalVisit Q_ExternalRequest
public void testTwoHeterogeneousJoins() throws Exception
String sRegularJoinAttributes = "(firstName lastName (visits reason) (requests code))";
String sHeteroJoinAttributes = "(firstName lastName (externalVisits reason) (externalRequests code))";
Metaclass patientClass = getMetadata().getMetaclass("Patient");
checkSameResults(patientClass, sRegularJoinAttributes, sHeteroJoinAttributes, "((firstName . #f))");
// helper operations
* Compares the results of a test query against a reference query.
* @param clazz The root class to query.
* @param sReferenceQueryAttributes The attribute list for the reference query.
* @param sTestQueryAttributes The attribute list for the test query.
* @throws Exception If an error occurs.
protected void checkSameResults(Metaclass clazz, String sReferenceQueryAttributes, String sTestQueryAttributes, String sOrderBy)
throws Exception
Pair orderBy = parse(sOrderBy);
Pair attributes;
List expectedData = new ArrayList(8);
List actualData = new ArrayList(8);
attributes = parse(sReferenceQueryAttributes);
query(clazz, attributes, expectedData, orderBy);
Lookup mapCopy = (Lookup)m_context.getComponentInstanceMap().clone();
m_context.initialize(m_context.getPrincipal(), m_context.getMachine().getGlobalEnvironment());
for (Iterator itr = mapCopy.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
Object key =;
m_context.getComponentInstanceMap().put(key, mapCopy.get(key));
attributes = parse(sTestQueryAttributes);
query(clazz, attributes, actualData, orderBy);
StringWriter expectedWriter = new StringWriter();;
StringWriter actualWriter = new StringWriter();
writeTable(expectedWriter, expectedData);
writeTable(actualWriter, actualData);
assertEquals(expectedWriter.toString(), actualWriter.toString());
protected void query(Metaclass metaclass, Pair attributes, List table, Pair orderBy) throws Exception
Query query = Query.createRead(metaclass, attributes, null, orderBy, -1, 0, false, Query.SEC_ALL, m_context);
Cursor cursor = query.openCursor();
Lookup map = new HashTab();
while (cursor.step(map))
Instance instance = (Instance)map.get(query);
List row = new ArrayList();
for (Pair pair = attributes; pair != null; pair = pair.getNext())
Object head = pair.getHead();
if (head instanceof Symbol)
addColumn((Pair)head, map, query, row);
protected void addColumn(Pair attributes, Lookup map, Query parentQuery, List row)
Metaclass parentClass = parentQuery.getMetaclass();
Query query = parentQuery.findAssoc(Query.ASSOC_QUERY, parentClass.getAttribute((Symbol)attributes.getHead()), null, false);
Instance instance = (Instance)map.get(query);
for (attributes = attributes.getNext(); attributes != null; attributes = attributes.getNext())
Object head = attributes.getHead();
if (head instanceof Symbol)
row.add((instance == null) ? "<null>" : instance.getValue(((Symbol)head).getName()));
addColumn((Pair)head, map, query, row);
protected void writeTable(Writer writer, List table) throws IOException
for (Iterator itr = table.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
protected void sortTable(List table)
Collections.sort(table, new Comparator()
public int compare(Object arg0, Object arg1)
List row0 = (List)arg0;
List row1 = (List)arg1;
for (int i = 0; i < row0.size(); i++)
int n = ((String)row0.get(i)).compareTo((String)row1.get(i));
if (n != 0)
return n;
return 0;