// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.util;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Result;
import javax.xml.transform.Source;
import javax.xml.transform.Templates;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXResult;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.SAXTransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.sax.TransformerHandler;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
import org.apache.xerces.impl.Constants;
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser;
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.IntegratedParserConfiguration;
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser;
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLGrammarPreparser;
import org.apache.xerces.util.SymbolTable;
import org.apache.xerces.util.XMLGrammarPoolImpl;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.XMLResourceIdentifier;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.XNIException;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.grammars.XMLGrammarDescription;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLEntityResolver;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLErrorHandler;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLInputSource;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParseException;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration;
import org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLPullParserConfiguration;
import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Comment;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DocumentType;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.DTDHandler;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
* Transformer and parsing functions
public class XMLUtil
// constants
* The character encoding to use with XML files.
public final static String ENCODING = IOUtil.ENCODING;
* The XML Schema namespace.
public final static String XSD_NAMESPACE = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema";
* The XML Schema instance namespace.
public final static String XSI_NAMESPACE = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance";
/** Xerces default symbol table size */
protected final static int SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE = 4111;
* Xerces input buffer size.
protected final static Integer BUFFER_SIZE = new Integer(8192);
protected final static String NAMESPACES_FEATURE =
protected final static String VALIDATION_FEATURE =
protected final static String SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FEATURE =
protected final static String SCHEMA_FULL_CHECKING_FEATURE =
protected final static String WHITESPACE_INCLUDING_FEATURE =
protected final static String NODE_DEFERRAL_FEATURE =
protected final static String EXTERNAL_DTD_LOADING_FEATURE =
protected final static String HONOR_ALL_SCHEMALOCATIONS_FEATURE =
protected final static String SYMBOL_TABLE_PROPERTY =
protected final static String BUFFER_SIZE_PROPERTY =
protected final static String LEXICAL_HANDLER_PROPERTY =
protected final static String SECURITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY =
* Value used instead of a null key when doing hash table lookups.
private final static Object NULL_KEY = new Object();
* Pattern for matching a string consisting only of spaces.
private final static Pattern s_spacePattern = Pattern.compile("\\s*");
* Secure entity resolver that throws an exception on any resolution attempt.
private final static XMLEntityResolver SECURE_RESOLVER = new XMLEntityResolver()
public XMLInputSource resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier res) throws XNIException, IOException
if (res.getExpandedSystemId() != null)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.missingResourceMapping", new Object[]{res.getExpandedSystemId()});
return null;
* The default error handler.
private final static XMLErrorHandler ERROR_HANDLER = new XMLErrorHandler()
public void warning(String sDomain, String sKey, XMLParseException e) throws XNIException
public void error(String sDomain, String sKey, XMLParseException e) throws XNIException
throw e;
public void fatalError(String sDomain, String sKey, XMLParseException e) throws XNIException
throw e;
* Empty default handler.
public final static DefaultHandler DEFAULT_HANDLER = new DefaultHandler()
* Ensures that the default behaviour (when no ErrorHandler is provided to the
* parser) is that schema validation errors will get thrown.
* @see org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler#error(org.xml.sax.SAXParseException)
public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXException
throw e;
* @see org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler#resolveEntity(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public InputSource resolveEntity(String sPublicId, String sSystemId) throws IOException, SAXException
throw new XMLException("err.xml.missingResourceMapping", new Object[]{sSystemId});
// associations
* Map for associating a grammar URL with a
* stack of DOM parser instances - List[URL] of SoftReference to DOMParser.
* The access to this map must be synchronized through the map object itself.
private final static Lookup s_domParserMap = new HashTab(16);
* Map for associating a grammar URL with a
* stack of SAX parser instances - List[URL] of SoftReference to SAXParser.
* The access to this map must be synchronized through the map object itself.
private final static Lookup s_saxParserMap = new HashTab(16);
// constructors
* Prevents instantiation.
protected XMLUtil()
// operations
* Converts a null key to a non-null object.
* @param key The key.
private static Object getKey(LookupDeque key)
if (key == null || key.size() == 0)
return NULL_KEY;
return new ParserPoolKey(key);
* Retrieves a Xerces parser configuration with an optional grammar pool.
* @param schemaURLDeque The mapping of schema URLs to other URLs that will
* be used as the actual locations of those schemas, in the schema parse order.
* @return The parser configuration object.
private static XMLParserConfiguration getParserConfiguration(LookupDeque schemaURLDeque) throws IOException
IntegratedParserConfiguration cfg;
// Load the grammar if specified
if (schemaURLDeque != null && schemaURLDeque.size() != 0)
SymbolTable symbolTable = new SymbolTable(SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE);
XMLGrammarPreparser preparser = new XMLGrammarPreparser(symbolTable);
XMLGrammarPoolImpl grammarPool = new XMLGrammarPoolImpl();
preparser.registerPreparser(XMLGrammarDescription.XML_SCHEMA, null);
preparser.setFeature(NAMESPACES_FEATURE, true);
preparser.setFeature(VALIDATION_FEATURE, true);
preparser.setFeature(SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FEATURE, true);
preparser.setFeature(NODE_DEFERRAL_FEATURE, false);
preparser.setEntityResolver(new MappedResolver(schemaURLDeque));
for (Iterator itr = schemaURLDeque.valueIterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
URL xsdURL = (URL)itr.next();
InputStream istream = URLUtil.openStream(xsdURL);
new XMLInputSource(null, xsdURL.toExternalForm(), null, istream, ENCODING));
cfg = new IntegratedParserConfiguration(symbolTable, grammarPool);
cfg.setFeature(VALIDATION_FEATURE, true);
cfg.setFeature(SCHEMA_VALIDATION_FEATURE, true);
cfg = new IntegratedParserConfiguration(new SymbolTable(SYMBOL_TABLE_SIZE));
cfg.setFeature(EXTERNAL_DTD_LOADING_FEATURE, false);
cfg.setProperty(SECURITY_MANAGER_PROPERTY, new org.apache.xerces.util.SecurityManager());
return cfg;
* Parses an input XML document to DOM with optional validation.
* The implementation uses parser pooling.
* @param source The XMLInputSource - this is Xerces-specific.
* @param schemaURLDeque The mapping of schema URLs to other URLs that will
* be used as the actual locations of those schemas, in the schema parse order.
* @return The resulting DOM.
private static Document parse(XMLInputSource source, LookupDeque schemaURLDeque)
DOMParser parser = null;
// Try to get a parser for the given grammar from the pool
synchronized (s_domParserMap)
List parserList = (List)s_domParserMap.get(getKey(schemaURLDeque));
if (parserList != null)
while (parserList.size() > 0 && parser == null)
parser = (DOMParser)((SoftReference)parserList.remove(parserList.size() - 1)).get();
// Set the class loader, so that Xerces loads its classes dynamically
// in the same place and class derivation problems are avoided.
// This allows our Xerces to override the J2EE container one, assuming
// that the application class loader has been configured to try
// the parent class loader last.
ClassLoader classLoaderSaved = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
// Parse the source stream
Document doc;
// If the attempt to retrieve a parser failed, create a new one
if (parser == null)
parser = new DOMParser(getParserConfiguration(schemaURLDeque));
doc = parser.getDocument();
catch (XMLParseException e)
throw convertException(e);
catch (Exception e)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.parse", e);
// Put the parser back into the pool, using a soft reference
if (parser != null)
synchronized (s_domParserMap)
List parserList = (List)s_domParserMap.get(getKey(schemaURLDeque));
if (parserList == null)
parserList = new ArrayList(16);
s_domParserMap.put(getKey(schemaURLDeque), parserList);
parserList.add(new SoftReference(parser));
catch (Exception e)
return doc;
* Parses an input XML document to SAX events with optional validation.
* The implementation uses parser pooling.
* @param source The XMLInputSource - this is Xerces-specific.
* @param handler The SAX event handler.
* @param resolver The entity resolver.
* @param schemaURLDeque The mapping of schema URLs to other URLs that will
* be used as the actual locations of those schemas, in the schema parse order.
private static void parse(XMLInputSource source, Object handler, EntityResolver resolver, LookupDeque schemaURLDeque)
SAXParser parser = null;
XMLParserConfiguration config = null;
// Try to get a parser for the given grammar from the pool
synchronized (s_saxParserMap)
List holderList = (List)s_saxParserMap.get(getKey(schemaURLDeque));
if (holderList != null)
SAXHolder holder = null;
while (holderList.size() > 0 && holder == null)
holder = (SAXHolder)((SoftReference)holderList.remove(holderList.size() - 1)).get();
if (holder != null)
parser = holder.getParser();
config = holder.getConfig();
ClassLoader classLoaderSaved = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
// Parse the source stream
// If the attempt to retrieve a parser failed, create a new one
if (parser == null)
config = getParserConfiguration(schemaURLDeque);
parser = new SAXParser(config);
parser.setContentHandler((handler instanceof ContentHandler) ? (ContentHandler)handler : DEFAULT_HANDLER);
parser.setErrorHandler((handler instanceof ErrorHandler) ? (ErrorHandler)handler : DEFAULT_HANDLER);
parser.setDTDHandler((handler instanceof DTDHandler) ? (DTDHandler)handler : DEFAULT_HANDLER);
parser.setEntityResolver((resolver != null) ? resolver : DEFAULT_HANDLER);
if (handler instanceof LexicalHandler)
parser.setProperty(LEXICAL_HANDLER_PROPERTY, handler);
if (handler instanceof IncrementalHandler && config instanceof XMLPullParserConfiguration)
IncrementalHandler incrementalHandler = (IncrementalHandler)handler;
XMLPullParserConfiguration pullConfig = (XMLPullParserConfiguration)config;
while (!incrementalHandler.isComplete() && pullConfig.parse(false)) ;
catch (XMLParseException e)
throw convertException(e);
catch (Exception e)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.parse", e);
// Put the parser back into the pool, using a soft reference
if (parser != null)
parser.setProperty(LEXICAL_HANDLER_PROPERTY, null);
if (config instanceof XMLPullParserConfiguration)
synchronized (s_saxParserMap)
List holderList = (List)s_saxParserMap.get(getKey(schemaURLDeque));
if (holderList == null)
holderList = new ArrayList(16);
s_saxParserMap.put(getKey(schemaURLDeque), holderList);
holderList.add(new SoftReference(new SAXHolder(parser, config)));
catch (Exception e)
* Converts an XMLParseException from Xerces to an XMLParserException.
* @param e The XMLParseException to convert.
* @return The XMLParserException.
protected static XMLParserException convertException(XMLParseException e)
String sMsg = ObjUtil.getMessage(e);
if (sMsg == null)
sMsg = "";
int i = sMsg.indexOf(':');
if (i > 0)
sMsg = sMsg.substring(i + 1).trim();
return new XMLParserException(sMsg, e.getLineNumber(), e.getColumnNumber(), e);
* Converts a SAXParseException from Xerces to an XMLParserException.
* @param e The SAXParseException to convert.
* @return The XMLParserException.
public static XMLParserException convertException(SAXParseException e)
String sMsg = ObjUtil.getMessage(e);
if (sMsg == null)
sMsg = "";
int i = sMsg.indexOf(':');
if (i > 0)
sMsg = sMsg.substring(i + 1).trim();
return new XMLParserException(sMsg, e.getLineNumber(), e.getColumnNumber(), e);
* Parses an XML character input stream into DOM without validation.
* Uses parser pooling.
* @param reader The input stream.
* @return The resulting DOM.
public static Document parse(Reader reader)
return XMLUtil.parse(new XMLInputSource(null, null, null, reader, ENCODING), null);
* Parses an XML character input stream into DOM with optional validation.
* Uses parser pooling.
* @param reader The input stream.
* @param xsdURL The URL of the XSD file for validation.
* @return The resulting DOM.
public static Document parse(Reader reader, URL xsdURL)
LinkedHashTab schemaURLDeque = null;
if (xsdURL != null)
schemaURLDeque = new LinkedHashTab(1);
schemaURLDeque.put(xsdURL.toExternalForm(), xsdURL);
return XMLUtil.parse(new XMLInputSource(null, null, null, reader, ENCODING), schemaURLDeque);
* Parses an XML character input stream into DOM with optional validation.
* Uses parser pooling.
* @param reader The character input stream.
* @param schemaURLDeque The mapping of schema URLs to other URLs that will
* be used as the actual locations of those schemas, in the schema parse order.
* @return The resulting DOM.
public static Document parse(Reader reader, LookupDeque schemaURLDeque)
return parse(new XMLInputSource(null, null, null, reader, ENCODING), schemaURLDeque);
* Parses an XML character input stream into SAX events without validation.
* Uses parser pooling.
* @param reader The input stream.
* @param handler The SAX event handler. EntityResolver::resolveEntity() override is ignored.
public static void parse(Reader reader, DefaultHandler handler)
parse(new XMLInputSource(null, null, null, reader, ENCODING), handler, null, null);
* Parses an XML character input stream into SAX events with optional validation.
* Uses parser pooling.
* @param reader The input stream.
* @param handler The SAX event handler. EntityResolver::resolveEntity() override is ignored.
* @param xsdURL The URL of the XSD file for validation.
public static void parse(Reader reader, DefaultHandler handler, URL xsdURL)
LinkedHashTab schemaURLDeque = null;
if (xsdURL != null)
schemaURLDeque = new LinkedHashTab(1);
schemaURLDeque.put(xsdURL.toExternalForm(), xsdURL);
parse(new XMLInputSource(null, null, null, reader, ENCODING), handler, null, schemaURLDeque);
* Parses an XML character input stream into SAX events with optional validation.
* Uses parser pooling.
* @param reader The character input stream.
* @param handler The SAX event handler. EntityResolver::resolveEntity() override is ignored.
* @param schemaURLDeque The mapping of schema URLs to other URLs that will
* be used as the actual locations of those schemas, in the schema parse order.
public static void parse(Reader reader, DefaultHandler handler, LookupDeque schemaURLDeque)
parse(new XMLInputSource(null, null, null, reader, ENCODING), handler, null, schemaURLDeque);
* Converts a parser InputSource for Xerces XMLInputSource.
* @param isrc The input source.
* @return The XMLInputSource object.
private static XMLInputSource toXMLInputSource(InputSource isrc)
if (isrc.getByteStream() != null)
return new XMLInputSource(isrc.getPublicId(), isrc.getSystemId(), null,
isrc.getByteStream(), isrc.getEncoding());
else if (isrc.getCharacterStream() != null)
return new XMLInputSource(isrc.getPublicId(), isrc.getSystemId(), null,
isrc.getCharacterStream(), isrc.getEncoding());
return new XMLInputSource(isrc.getPublicId(), isrc.getSystemId(), null);
* Parses an XML input source into DOM with optional validation.
* Uses parser pooling.
* @param isrc The XML input source.
* @param schemaURLDeque The mapping of schema URLs to other URLs that will
* be used as the actual locations of those schemas, in the schema parse order.
* @return The resulting DOM.
public static Document parse(InputSource isrc, LookupDeque schemaURLDeque)
return parse(toXMLInputSource(isrc), schemaURLDeque);
* Parses an XML input source into DOM with optional validation.
* Uses parser pooling.
* @param isrc The XML input source.
* @param xsdURL The URL of the XSD file for validation. Can be null.
* @return The resulting DOM.
public static Document parse(InputSource isrc, URL xsdURL)
LinkedHashTab schemaURLDeque = null;
if (xsdURL != null)
schemaURLDeque = new LinkedHashTab(1);
schemaURLDeque.put(xsdURL.toExternalForm(), xsdURL);
return parse(toXMLInputSource(isrc), schemaURLDeque);
* Parses an XML input source into SAX events with optional validation.
* Uses parser pooling.
* @param isrc The XML input source.
* @param handler The SAX event handler. EntityResolver::resolveEntity() override is ignored.
* @param schemaURLDeque The mapping of schema URLs to other URLs that will
* be used as the actual locations of those schemas, in the schema parse order.
public static void parse(InputSource isrc, DefaultHandler handler, LookupDeque schemaURLDeque)
parse(toXMLInputSource(isrc), handler, null, schemaURLDeque);
* Parses an XML input source into SAX events with optional validation.
* Uses parser pooling.
* @param isrc The XML input source.
* @param handler The SAX event handler. EntityResolver::resolveEntity() override is ignored.
* @param xsdURL The URL of the XSD file for validation. Can be null.
public static void parse(InputSource isrc, DefaultHandler handler, URL xsdURL)
LinkedHashTab schemaURLDeque = null;
if (xsdURL != null)
schemaURLDeque = new LinkedHashTab(1);
schemaURLDeque.put(xsdURL.toExternalForm(), xsdURL);
parse(toXMLInputSource(isrc), handler, null, schemaURLDeque);
* Parses an XML input source into DOM without validation.
* Uses parser pooling.
* @param isrc The XML input source.
* @return The resulting DOM.
public static Document parse(InputSource isrc)
return parse(isrc, (LookupDeque)null);
* Parses an XML input source into SAX events without validation.
* Uses parser pooling.
* @param isrc The XML input source.
* @param handler The SAX event handler.
public static void parse(InputSource isrc, DefaultHandler handler)
parse(isrc, handler, (URL)null);
* Releases the cached XML parsers.
public static void cleanup()
synchronized (s_domParserMap)
synchronized (s_saxParserMap)
public static List getChildElements(Element parent)
NodeList children = parent.getChildNodes();
List childList = new ArrayList(children.getLength());
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); ++i)
Node node = children.item(i);
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
return childList;
public static int countChildElements(Element parent)
int nCount = 0;
for (Node node = parent.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
return nCount;
public static void sortNode(Node node, final String sAttributeName)
List list = new ArrayList();
NodeList nodeList = node.getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.getLength(); i++)
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator()
public int compare(Object left, Object right)
Node leftNode = (Node)left;
Node rightNode = (Node)right;
String sLeftName = null;
String sRightName = null;
if (sAttributeName == null)
sLeftName = leftNode.getNodeName();
sRightName = rightNode.getNodeName();
if (leftNode.getAttributes() != null)
Attr attr = (Attr)leftNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem(sAttributeName);
if (attr != null)
sLeftName = attr.getValue();
if (rightNode.getAttributes() != null)
Attr attr = (Attr)rightNode.getAttributes().getNamedItem(sAttributeName);
if (attr != null)
sRightName = attr.getValue();
if (sLeftName == null)
if (sRightName == null)
return 0;
return -1;
if (sRightName == null)
return 1;
return sLeftName.compareTo(sRightName);
for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
for (Iterator iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
node.insertBefore((Node)iter.next(), null);
* Removes whitespace areas from the DOM element.
* @param element Element to normalize.
public static void normalize(Element element)
ArrayList removeList = new ArrayList();
if (element.hasChildNodes())
for (Node child = element.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNextSibling())
if (child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
else if (child.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE)
String s = child.getNodeValue();
if (s_spacePattern.matcher(s).matches())
if (!removeList.isEmpty())
for (Iterator iter = removeList.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
* @return The formatted XML string.
public static String formatXML(Source src, boolean bHeader) throws XMLException
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(16384);
formatXML(src, bHeader, writer);
return writer.toString();
* Formats an XML document contained in a given transformation source.
* @param src The transformation source.
* @param bHeader True to output the XML declaration header.
* @throws XMLException if an error occurs.
public static void formatXML(Source src, boolean bHeader, Writer writer) throws XMLException
ClassLoader classLoaderSaved = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
ClassLoader inverseClassLoader = InverseURLClassLoader.getInstance(XMLUtil.class.getClassLoader(), "org\\.apache\\..*");
TransformerFactory factory = (TransformerFactory)inverseClassLoader.loadClass("org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl").newInstance();
Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer();
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml");
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
if (!bHeader)
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
if (src instanceof DOMSource)
Node node = ((DOMSource)src).getNode();
if (node instanceof Document)
DocumentType type = ((Document)node).getDoctype();
if (type != null)
if (type.getPublicId() != null)
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_PUBLIC, type.getPublicId());
if (type.getSystemId() != null)
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM, type.getSystemId());
transformer.setOutputProperty("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}indent-amount", "3");
transformer.setOutputProperty("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}line-separator", "\r\n");
transformer.transform(src, new StreamResult(writer));
catch (Exception e)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.format", e);
* Formats an XML document contained in a given transformation source.
* @param src The transformation source.
* @return The formatted XML string.
* @throws XMLException if an error occurs.
public static String formatXML(Source src) throws XMLException
return formatXML(src, false);
* Formats the XML document contained in an element.
* @param element The element.
* @return The formatted XML string.
* @throws XMLException if an error occurs.
public static String formatXML(Element element) throws XMLException
return formatXML(new DOMSource(element), false);
* Formats the XML document contained in a string for better readability.
* @param sXML The string to format.
* @return The formatted string.
* @throws XMLException if an error occurs.
public static String formatXML(String sXML) throws XMLException
return formatXML(parse(new StringReader(sXML), (URL)null).getDocumentElement());
* Create an XSLT template instance from a given URL.
* @param url The URL.
* @throws XMLException if an error occurs.
public static Templates getTemplate(URL url) throws XMLException
InputStream is = null;
is = URLUtil.openStream(url);
return getTemplate(new StreamSource(is));
catch (XMLException e)
throw e;
catch (IOException e)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.template", e);
* Gets an XSLT template instance from a given transformation source.
* @param src The transformation source.
* @throws XMLException if an error occurs.
public static Templates getTemplate(Source src) throws XMLException
ClassLoader classLoaderSaved = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
TransformerFactory factory = (TransformerFactory)Class.forName(
return factory.newTemplates(src);
catch (Exception e)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.template", e);
* Gets an XSL transformer handler from a given XSLT template.
* @param template The XSLT template.
* @return The transformation handler.
* @throws XMLException if an error occurs.
public static TransformerHandler getTransformerHandler(Templates template) throws XMLException
ClassLoader classLoaderSaved = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
SAXTransformerFactory factory = (SAXTransformerFactory)Class.forName(
return factory.newTransformerHandler(template);
catch (Exception e)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.transformer", e);
* Executes a pipe of XSLT transformations.
* @param result The transformation result adapter.
* @param source The input source.
* @param handlers The XSLT handler array, in order of execution.
* @param xsdURL The XSD URL, can be null.
public static void transform(Result result, InputSource source, TransformerHandler[] handlers, URL xsdURL) throws XMLException
for (int i = 1; i < handlers.length; ++i)
handlers[i - 1].setResult(new SAXResult(handlers[i]));
handlers[handlers.length - 1].setResult(result);
LinkedHashTab schemaURLDeque = null;
if (xsdURL != null)
schemaURLDeque = new LinkedHashTab(1);
schemaURLDeque.put(xsdURL.toExternalForm(), xsdURL);
parse(toXMLInputSource(source), handlers[0], null, schemaURLDeque);
public static boolean getBooleanAttr(Node node, String sName)
return getBooleanAttr(node, sName, false);
* Returns the Boolean value of the specified node attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @return The value of the attribute; null if attribute
* was not found.
public static Boolean getBooleanObjAttr(Node node, String sName)
String sValue = getStringAttr(node, sName);
if (sValue == null)
return null;
return Boolean.valueOf(parseBoolean(sValue, node, sName));
* Gets the value of an integer attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @return The value of the attribute; 0 if the attribute is missing.
* @throws XMLException If the value is not a valid integer.
public static int getIntAttr(Node node, String sName)
return getIntAttr(node, sName, 0);
* Gets the Integer value of the specified node attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @return The value of the attribute; null if the attribute was not found.
* @throws XMLException If the attribute value is not a valid integer.
public static Integer getIntegerObjAttr(Node node, String sName)
String sValue = getStringAttr(node, sName);
if (sValue == null)
return null;
return new Integer(parseInt(sValue, node, sName));
public static float getFloatAttr(Node node, String sName)
return getFloatAttr(node, sName, 0);
public static Float getFloatObjAttr(Node node, String sName)
String sValue = getStringAttr(node, sName);
if (sValue == null)
return null;
return new Float(parseFloat(sValue, node, sName));
* Parse attribute containing comma delimited string
public static String[] getListAttr(Node node, String sName)
String[] list = null;
String value = getStringAttr(node, sName);
if (value != null && value.length() > 0)
list = value.split(",");
return list;
public static List findChildElements(Node parent, String sName)
NodeList children = parent.getChildNodes();
List retVal = new ArrayList(children.getLength());
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); ++i)
Node node = children.item(i);
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getNodeName().equals(sName))
return retVal;
* Find all elements with name sName under node parent.
* @param parent Node to search.
* @param sName Name to search.
* @return List of elements.
public static List findElementRecur(Node parent, String sName)
List list = new ArrayList();
findElementsRecur(parent, sName, list);
return list;
* Find all elements with name sName under node parent.
* @param parent Node to search.
* @param sName Name to search.
* @param list List of elements to fill.
private static void findElementsRecur(Node parent, String sName, List list)
if (parent.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
if (sName.equals(parent.getNodeName()))
for (Node node = parent.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
findElementsRecur(node, sName, list);
* Finds a direct descendant element of the given node.
* @param parent The node whose children should be searched.
* @param sName The name of the node to find.
* @return The matched element; null if no matching node is found.
public static Element findChildElement(Node parent, String sName)
return findChildElement(parent, sName, null, null, false);
* Finds a direct descendant element of the given node.
* @param parent The node whose children should be searched.
* @param sName The name of the node to find. May be null.
* @param sAttribute Optional attribute name, by which to search. Can be null.
* @param sValue Optional attribute value, by which to search. Can be null.
* @return The matched element; null if no matching node is found.
public static Element findChildElement(Node parent, String sName, String sAttribute, String sValue)
return findChildElement(parent, sName, sAttribute, sValue, false);
public static Element findChildElementByName(Node parent, String sName, String sNameAttributeValue)
return findChildElement(parent, sName, "name", sNameAttributeValue, false);
* Finds a direct descendant element of the given node.
* @param parent The node whose children should be searched.
* @param sName The name of the node to find. May be null.
* @param sAttribute Optional attribute name, by which to search. Can be null.
* @param sValue Optional attribute value, by which to search. Can be null.
* @param bDefaultFirst If true and no children match, return the first child element.
* @return The matched element; null if no matching node is found.
public static Element findChildElement(Node parent, String sName, String sAttribute, String sValue, boolean bDefaultFirst)
Node firstNode = null;
for (Node node = parent.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
if (node.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
if (firstNode == null)
firstNode = node;
if (sName != null && !sName.equals(node.getNodeName()))
if (sAttribute == null)
return (Element)node;
else if (findAttribute(node, sAttribute, sValue))
return (Element)node;
if (bDefaultFirst)
return (Element)firstNode;
return null;
* @param sName Null to search all elements
* @param sAttribute Null to filter no attribute
* @return The first element found that matches criteria
public static Element findElementRecur(Node startNode, String sName, String sAttribute, String sValue)
if (startNode.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
return null;
boolean tagMatches = true;
if (sName != null && !sName.equals(startNode.getNodeName()))
tagMatches = false;
if (tagMatches)
if (sAttribute == null || findAttribute(startNode, sAttribute, sValue))
return (Element)startNode;
for (Node node = startNode.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
Element retVal = findElementRecur(node, sName, sAttribute, sValue);
if (retVal != null)
return retVal;
return null;
public static Element findChildElementByName(Node parent, String sName)
return findChildElement(parent, "name", sName, false);
* Checks to see if an attribute with the given name and value exists
* on the given node.
* @param node The node whose attributes shall be searched.
* @param sAttribute The name of the attribute to look for.
* @param sValue The value to match.
* @return True if an attribute is found whose name and value match
* the given parameters; false otherwise.
public static boolean findAttribute(Node node, String sAttribute, String sValue)
NamedNodeMap attrs = node.getAttributes();
if (attrs != null)
Attr name = (Attr)attrs.getNamedItem(sAttribute);
if (name != null && sValue.equals(name.getValue()))
return true;
return false;
public static Element findChildElement(Node parent, String sAttribute, String sValue, boolean bDefaultFirst)
return findChildElement(parent, null, sAttribute, sValue, bDefaultFirst);
* Gets the only element in a container.
* @param parent The element container.
* @param bRequired True to throw an exception if the element is missing.
* @return The child element of null if it is missing.
* @throws XMLException if there are more than one child elements
* or a required child element does not exist.
public static Element getOnlyChildElement(Element parent, boolean bRequired)
Element element = null;
for (Node node = parent.getFirstChild();
node != null;
node = node.getNextSibling())
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
if (element != null)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.multipleChildElements", new Object[]{parent.getNodeName()});
element = (Element)node;
if (element == null && bRequired)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.missingOnlyRequiredElement", new Object[]{parent.getNodeName()});
return element;
* Finds a child element by its subelement with a given value.
* @param parent The parent node.
* @param sName The element name. Can be null for any name.
* @param sSubName The subelement name.
* @param sSubValue The subelement value.
* @return The element, or null is not found.
public static Element findChildElementBySubelement(Node parent, String sName, String sSubName, String sSubValue)
for (Node node = parent.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
if (sName == null || sName.equals(node.getNodeName()))
for (Node sub = node.getFirstChild(); sub != null; sub = sub.getNextSibling())
if (sub.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && sub.getNodeName().equals(sSubName))
if (ObjUtil.equal(getElementValue((Element)sub), sSubValue))
return (Element)node;
return null;
* Finds a child element by its subelement with a given value.
* @param parent The parent node.
* @param sName The element name. Can be null for any name.
* @param sValuePrefix The prefix of the element value to match against.
* @return The element, or null is not found.
public static Element findChildElementByElementValuePrefix(Node parent, String sName, String sValuePrefix)
for (Node node = parent.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
if (sName == null || sName.equals(node.getNodeName()))
if (getElementValue((Element)node).startsWith(sValuePrefix))
return (Element)node;
return null;
* Gets the first element in a chain of nodes.
* @param node The first node.
* @return The first element, or null if not found.
public static Element findFirstElement(Node node)
while (node != null)
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
return (Element)node;
node = node.getNextSibling();
return null;
* Checks if an element contains the specified child element
* and invokes the handler on it.
* @param parent The parent element.
* @param sName The child element name.
* @param bRequired True if the child element is required.
* @param handler The element handler to invoke.
* @throws XMLException if the required child element does not exist.
public static void withFirstChildElement(Element parent, String sName, boolean bRequired, ElementHandler handler)
for (Node node = parent.getFirstChild();
node != null;
node = node.getNextSibling())
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
if (bRequired)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.missingRequiredElement",
new Object[]{sName, parent.getNodeName()});
* Finds a direct descendant comment of the given node.
* @param parent The node whose children should be searched.
* @param sCommentText The text of the comment to find.
* @return The matched comment; null if no matching node is found.
public static Comment findChildComment(Node parent, String sCommentText)
for (Node node = parent.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
if (node.getNodeType() != Node.COMMENT_NODE)
if (node.getTextContent().contains(sCommentText))
return (Comment)node;
return null;
* Invokes the handler on all matching child elements.
* @param parent The parent element.
* @param sName The child element name. Null to iterate over all elements.
* @param handler The element handler to invoke.
public static void forEachChildElement(Element parent, String sName, ElementHandler handler)
Node node = parent.getFirstChild();
while (node != null)
Node next = node.getNextSibling();
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE &&
(sName == null || sName.equals(node.getNodeName())))
node = next;
* Invokes the handler on all elements in the tree rooted at parent whose
* name matches sName.
* @param parent The root element in the tree.
* @param sName Handler is invoked for elements matching this name. If null,
* matches all elements.
* @param handler The element handler to invoke.
public static void forEachElementRecur(Node parent, String sName, ElementHandler handler)
if (parent.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
if (sName == null || sName.equals(parent.getNodeName()))
for (Node node = parent.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
forEachElementRecur(node, sName, handler);
public static List forEachElementRecur(Node parent, String sName, FilterHandler handler)
List list = new ArrayList();
forEachElementRecur(parent, sName, handler, list);
return list;
private static void forEachElementRecur(Node parent, String nodeName, FilterHandler handler, List list)
if (parent.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
if (nodeName == null || nodeName.equals(parent.getNodeName()))
Object filterObject = handler.filterElement((Element)parent);
if (filterObject != null)
for (Node node = parent.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
forEachElementRecur(node, nodeName, handler, list);
* Adds a child element.
* @param parent The parent element.
* @param orderArray The possible child element name array, in order of occurrence.
* Can be null to append the element at the end.
* @param element The element to add.
public static void addChildElement(Node parent, String[] orderArray, Element element)
String sName = element.getNodeName();
for (Node node = parent.getLastChild(); node != null; node = node.getPreviousSibling())
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getNodeName().equals(sName))
// skip non elements (i.e. comments)
for (Node nextNode = node.getNextSibling(); nextNode != null; nextNode = nextNode.getNextSibling())
if (nextNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
parent.insertBefore(element, nextNode);
// if EOD reached
if (orderArray != null)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < orderArray.length; ++i)
if (orderArray[i].equals(sName))
for (; i < orderArray.length; ++i)
sName = orderArray[i];
for (Node node = parent.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.getNodeName().equals(sName))
parent.insertBefore(element, node);
* Creates and adds a child element.
* @param parent The parent element.
* @param orderArray The possible child element name array, in order of occurrence.
* @param sName The element name.
* @return The created element.
public static Element addChildElement(Node parent, String[] orderArray, String sName)
Element element = parent.getOwnerDocument().createElement(sName);
addChildElement(parent, orderArray, element);
return element;
* Creates and adds a child element with a value.
* @param parent The parent element.
* @param orderArray The possible child element name array, in order of occurrence.
* @param sName The element name.
* @param sValue The element value.
* @return The created element.
public static Element addChildElement(Node parent, String[] orderArray, String sName, String sValue)
Element element = addChildElement(parent, orderArray, sName);
setElementValue(element, sValue);
return element;
* Sets/adds a child element.
* @param parent The parent element.
* @param orderArray The possible child element name array, in order of occurrence.
* @param sName The element name.
* @param sAttribute Optional attribute name, by which to search. Can be null.
* @param sAttrValue Optional attribute value, by which to search. Can be null.
* @param sValue The element value.
* @param bOverwrite True to overwrite the existing value.
* @return The created element.
public static Element setChildElement(Node parent, String[] orderArray,
String sName, String sAttribute, String sAttrValue, String sValue, boolean bOverwrite)
Element element = findChildElement(parent, sName, sAttribute, sAttrValue);
if (element == null)
element = addChildElement(parent, orderArray, sName);
if (sAttribute != null)
element.setAttribute(sAttribute, sAttrValue);
bOverwrite = true;
if (bOverwrite)
setElementValue(element, sValue);
return element;
* Sets/adds a child element.
* @param parent The parent element.
* @param orderArray The possible child element name array, in order of occurrence.
* @param sName The element name.
* @param sValue The element value.
* @param bOverwrite True to overwrite the existing value.
* @return The created element.
public static Element setChildElement(Node parent, String[] orderArray, String sName,
String sValue, boolean bOverwrite)
return setChildElement(parent, orderArray, sName, null, null, sValue, bOverwrite);
* Sets a DOM element value.
* @param element The element which value to set.
* @param sValue The element value.
public static void setElementValue(Element element, String sValue)
while (element.getFirstChild() != null)
if (sValue != null)
* Return the value of an element.
* @param element The element.
public static String getElementValue(Element element)
String sValue = null;
for (Node node = element.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE || node.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
String sNodeValue = node.getNodeValue();
if (sNodeValue != null)
if (sValue == null)
sValue = sNodeValue;
sValue += sNodeValue;
return sValue;
* Removes a node and deletes the trailing spaces.
* @param node The node to remove. Can be null.
* @return True if the node was non-null.
public static boolean removeNode(Node node)
if (node != null && node.getParentNode() != null)
for (;;)
Node next = node.getNextSibling();
node = next;
if (node == null || node.getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE)
String s = node.getNodeValue();
if (s != null)
for (int i = 0, n = s.length(); i < n; ++i)
if (!Character.isWhitespace(s.charAt(i)))
break loop;
return true;
return false;
* Sets an attribute value.
* @param element The element on which to set the attribute.
* @param sAttribute The attribute name.
* @param sValue The attribute value. Null to remove the attribute.
* @param bOverride True to override an existing value.
public static void setAttribute(Element element, String sAttribute, String sValue, boolean bOverride)
if (bOverride || !element.hasAttribute(sAttribute))
if (sValue == null)
element.setAttribute(sAttribute, sValue);
* Returns the value of the specified node attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @return The value of the attribute, or null
* if the attribute was not found.
public static String getStringAttr(Node node, String sName)
NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes();
if (attrMap != null)
Attr attr = (Attr)attrMap.getNamedItem(sName);
if (attr != null)
String sValue = attr.getValue();
if (sValue != null && sValue.length() == 0)
return null;
return sValue;
return null;
* Returns the value of a string attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @param sDefValue The default value if the attribute is missing.
* @return The value of the attribute.
public static String getStringAttr(Node node, String sName, String sDefValue)
String sValue = getStringAttr(node, sName);
if (sValue != null)
return sValue;
return sDefValue;
* Returns the value of the specified node attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @return The value of the attribute.
* @throws XMLException if the attribute was not found or the value is empty.
public static String getReqStringAttr(Node node, String sName)
NamedNodeMap attrMap = node.getAttributes();
if (attrMap != null)
Attr attr = (Attr)attrMap.getNamedItem(sName);
if (attr != null)
String value = attr.getValue();
if (value != null)
return value;
throw new XMLException("err.xml.missingRequiredAttribute",
new Object[] {sName, node.getNodeName()});
* Returns the value of an integer attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @param nDefValue The default value if the attribute is missing.
* @return The value of the attribute.
* @throws XMLException If the value is not a valid integer.
public static int getIntAttr(Node node, String sName, int nDefValue)
String sValue = getStringAttr(node, sName);
if (sValue != null)
return parseInt(sValue, node, sName);
return nDefValue;
* Returns the value of the specified integer attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @return The value of the attribute.
* @throws XMLException if the attribute was not found or
* the value is not a valid integer.
public static int getReqIntAttr(Node node, String sName)
return parseInt(getReqStringAttr(node, sName), node, sName);
* Parses an integer value.
* @param sValue The string to parse.
* @param node The element node for error reporting.
* @param sName The attribute name for error reporting.
* @return The integer value.
* @throws XMLException if the string is not a valid integer.
protected static int parseInt(String sValue, Node node, String sName)
return Integer.parseInt(sValue);
catch (Exception e)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.integerAttr",
new Object[]{sName, sValue, node.getNodeName()}, e);
* Returns the value of a long attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @param lDefValue The default value if the attribute is missing.
* @return The value of the attribute.
* @throws XMLException If the value if not a valid long.
public static long getLongAttr(Node node, String sName, long lDefValue)
String sValue = getStringAttr(node, sName);
if (sValue != null)
return parseLong(sValue, node, sName);
return lDefValue;
* Returns the value of the specified long attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @return The value of the attribute.
* @throws XMLException if the attribute was not found or
* the value is not a valid long.
public static long getReqLongAttr(Node node, String sName)
return parseLong(getReqStringAttr(node, sName), node, sName);
* Parses a long value.
* @param sValue The string to parse.
* @param node The element node for error reporting.
* @param sName The attribute name for error reporting.
* @return The long value.
* @throws XMLException if the string is not a valid long.
protected static long parseLong(String sValue, Node node, String sName)
return Long.parseLong(sValue);
catch (Exception e)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.longAttr",
new Object[]{sName, sValue, node.getNodeName()}, e);
* Returns the value of a float attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @param fDefValue The default value if the attribute is missing.
* @return The value of the attribute.
* @throws XMLException If the value is not a valid floating point number.
public static float getFloatAttr(Node node, String sName, float fDefValue)
String sValue = getStringAttr(node, sName);
if (sValue != null)
return parseFloat(sValue, node, sName);
return fDefValue;
* Returns the value of the specified float attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @return The value of the attribute.
* @throws XMLException if the attribute was not found or
* the value is not a valid floating point number.
public static float getReqFloatAttr(Node node, String sName)
return parseFloat(getReqStringAttr(node, sName), node, sName);
* Parses a floating point value.
* @param sValue The string to parse.
* @param node The element node for error reporting.
* @param sName The attribute name for error reporting.
* @return The float value.
* @throws XMLException if the string is not a valid floating point number.
protected static float parseFloat(String sValue, Node node, String sName)
return Float.parseFloat(sValue);
catch (Exception e)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.floatAttr",
new Object[]{sName, sValue, node.getNodeName()}, e);
* Returns the value of a boolean attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @param bDefValue The default value if the attribute is missing.
* @return The value of the attribute.
* @throws XMLException If the value is not a valid boolean.
public static boolean getBooleanAttr(Node node, String sName, boolean bDefValue)
String sValue = getStringAttr(node, sName);
if (sValue != null)
return parseBoolean(sValue, node, sName);
return bDefValue;
* Returns the value of the specified boolean attribute.
* @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
* @param sName The name of the attribute.
* @return The value of the attribute.
* @throws XMLException if the attribute was not found or
* the value is not a valid boolean.
public static boolean getReqBooleanAttr(Node node, String sName)
return parseBoolean(getReqStringAttr(node, sName), node, sName);
* Parses a boolean value.
* @param sValue The string to parse.
* @param node The element node for error reporting.
* @param sName The attribute name for error reporting.
* @return The boolean value.
* @throws XMLException if the string is is not a valid boolean.
protected static boolean parseBoolean(String sValue, Node node, String sName)
return StringUtil.parseBoolean(sValue);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
throw new XMLException("err.xml.booleanAttr",
new Object[]{sName, sValue, node.getNodeName()});
* Determines if the name is a valid XML 1.0 name.
* @param sName The name to check.
* @return True if the name is valid.
public static boolean isValidName(String sName)
if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sName))
return false;
if (!isValidNameStartChar(sName.codePointAt(0)))
return false;
for (int i = 1, nCount = sName.length(); i < nCount; i++)
if (!isValidNameChar(sName.codePointAt(0)))
return false;
return true;
* Determines if the code point is a valid name character, according to XML 1.0
* @param n The code point to check.
* @return True if the code point is a valid name character.
public static boolean isValidNameChar(int n)
return isValidNameStartChar(n)
|| n == '-'
|| n == '.'
|| (n >= '0' && n <= '9')
|| n == 0xb7
|| (n >= 0x300 && n <= 0x36f)
|| (n >= 0x203f && n <= 0x2040);
* Determines if the code point is a valid name start character, according to XML 1.0.
* @param n The code point to check.
* @return True if the code point is a valid name start character.
public static boolean isValidNameStartChar(int n)
return n == ':'
|| (n >= 'A' && n <= 'Z')
|| n == '_'
|| (n >= 'a' && n <= 'z')
|| (n >= 0xc0 && n <= 0xd6)
|| (n >= 0xd8 && n <= 0xf6)
|| (n >= 0xf8 && n <= 0x2ff)
|| (n >= 0x370 && n <= 0x37d)
|| (n >= 0x37f && n <= 0x1fff)
|| (n >= 0x200c && n <= 0x200d)
|| (n >= 0x2070 && n <= 0x218f)
|| (n >= 0x2c00 && n <= 0x2fef)
|| (n >= 0x3001 && n <= 0xd7ff)
|| (n >= 0xf900 && n <= 0xfdcf)
|| (n >= 0xfdf0 && n <= 0xfffd)
|| (n >= 0x10000 && n <= 0xeffff);
// inner classes
* SAX parser and configuration holder.
private static class SAXHolder
// associations
* The SAX parser.
private SAXParser m_parser;
* The XML parser configuration.
private XMLParserConfiguration m_config;
// constructors
* Constructs the SAX holder.
public SAXHolder(SAXParser parser, XMLParserConfiguration config)
m_parser = parser;
m_config = config;
// operations
* @return The SAX parser.
public SAXParser getParser()
return m_parser;
* @return The XML parser configuration.
public XMLParserConfiguration getConfig()
return m_config;
* Interface implemented by incremental SAX handlers.
public interface IncrementalHandler
* @return True if the parsing is complete.
boolean isComplete();
* Interface implemented by DOM element handlers.
public interface ElementHandler
* Handles the specified DOM element.
* @param element The DOM element to handle.
void handleElement(Element element);
public interface FilterHandler
Object filterElement(Element element);
* A key to use for the parser pool.
private static class ParserPoolKey
// attributes
* The cached hash code.
protected int m_nHashCode;
// associations
* The schema map to key on.
protected LookupDeque m_schemaMap;
// constructors
* Constructs a new key for the parser pool.
* @param schemaMap The schema map to key on.
public ParserPoolKey(LookupDeque schemaMap)
m_schemaMap = schemaMap;
// operations
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (!(obj instanceof ParserPoolKey))
return false;
ParserPoolKey other = (ParserPoolKey)obj;
if (m_schemaMap.size() != other.m_schemaMap.size())
return false;
Lookup.Iterator selfIterator = m_schemaMap.iterator();
Lookup.Iterator otherIterator = other.m_schemaMap.iterator();
while (selfIterator.hasNext())
if (!selfIterator.next().equals(otherIterator.next()))
return false;
if (!ObjUtil.equal(selfIterator.getValue(), otherIterator.getValue()))
return false;
return true;
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode()
if (m_nHashCode != 0)
return m_nHashCode;
int nHashCode = 0;
for (Lookup.Iterator itr = m_schemaMap.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
nHashCode ^= itr.next().hashCode();
Object value = itr.getValue();
if (value != null)
nHashCode ^= value.hashCode();
if (nHashCode == 0)
m_nHashCode = -1;
return m_nHashCode;
* A resolver that translates arbitrary resource references from the document
* to the actual URLs where the resources may be found.
public static class MappedResolver implements XMLEntityResolver
// attributes
* True to resolve unmapped URLs; false to throw an exception.
protected boolean m_bResolveUnmappedEntities;
// associations
* The map of schema URL strings to the actual URLs to use.
protected Lookup m_schemaMap; // of type URL[String]
// constructors
* Constructs a mapped resolver.
* @param schemaMap The map of schema URL strings to the actual URLs to use.
public MappedResolver(Lookup schemaMap)
m_schemaMap = schemaMap;
* Constructs a mapped resolver.
* @param schemaMap The map of schema URL strings to the actual URLs to use.
* @param bResolveUnmappedEntities True to resolve unmapped URLs; false to throw an exception.
public MappedResolver(Lookup schemaMap, boolean bResolveUnmappedEntities)
m_schemaMap = schemaMap;
m_bResolveUnmappedEntities = bResolveUnmappedEntities;
// operations
* @see org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLEntityResolver#resolveEntity(org.apache.xerces.xni.XMLResourceIdentifier)
public XMLInputSource resolveEntity(XMLResourceIdentifier res) throws XNIException, IOException
String sIdURL = res.getLiteralSystemId();
if (sIdURL == null)
/* Fall-back to using the namespace itself as the schema location.
* For example, the "xml:" namespace (http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace) often
* seems to be referenced without giving a schema location (as it is well-known).
sIdURL = res.getNamespace();
URL xsdURL = (m_schemaMap == null) ? null : (URL)m_schemaMap.get(sIdURL);
if (xsdURL == null)
if (m_bResolveUnmappedEntities)
return null;
throw new LookupException("err.xml.missingResourceMapping", new Object[] {sIdURL});
XMLInputSource result = new XMLInputSource(res);
return result;