// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.scripting.object;
import java.util.Set;
import nexj.core.meta.Primitive;
import nexj.core.runtime.ThreadContextHolder;
import nexj.core.scripting.Compiler;
import nexj.core.scripting.Function;
import nexj.core.scripting.GlobalEnvironment;
import nexj.core.scripting.Machine;
import nexj.core.scripting.PCodeFunction;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.TextPosition;
* The generic class object implementation.
public class ClassObject extends NamedObject
// constants
* Empty method object array.
protected final static MethodObject[] EMPTY_METHOD_ARRAY = new MethodObject[0];
* Empty attribute object array.
protected final static AttributeObject[] EMPTY_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY = new AttributeObject[0];
* Empty class object array.
protected final static ClassObject[] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY = new ClassObject[0];
* Empty Java class object array.
protected final static Class[] EMPTY_JAVA_CLASS_ARRAY = new Class[0];
* Empty function array.
protected final static Function[] EMPTY_FUNCTION_ARRAY = new Function[0];
* Empty int array.
protected final static int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0];
* ":add-aptions" symbol.
public final static Symbol ADD_OPTIONS_SYMBOL = Symbol.define(":add-options");
* Global variable with the currently compiled class for macros.
protected final static Symbol SYS_CURRENT_CLASS = Symbol.define("sys:current-class");
// attributes
* The public visibility flag.
* True means that the member is accessible through RPC.
protected boolean m_bPublic;
* The forward-ref flag.
* True if the class is a yet-undefined forward reference.
protected boolean m_bForward;
// associations
* The direct methods of this class (inherited ones are not included here).
protected MethodObject[] m_methodArray = EMPTY_METHOD_ARRAY;
* The direct attributes of this class (inherited ones are not included here).
protected AttributeObject[] m_attributeArray = EMPTY_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY;
* The resolved attributes ordered by their offset.
protected AttributeObject[] m_resolvedAttributeArray = EMPTY_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY;
* The array of initializer attribute offsets.
protected int[] m_initializerArray = EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;
* Map of an attribute symbol to an integer offset: Integer[Symbol].
* Populated during attribute resolution process.
* Includes inherited attribute symbols.
protected Lookup m_offsetMap;
* The base classes of this class.
protected ClassObject[] m_baseArray = EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
* The derived classes for which this class is a base.
protected ClassObject[] m_derivedArray = EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
// constructors
* Constructs a named class object.
* @param metaclass The metaclass object.
* @param symbol The class symbol.
public ClassObject(MetaclassObject metaclass, Symbol symbol)
super(metaclass, symbol);
// operations
* Sets the metaclass object.
* @param metaclass The metaclass object.
public void setClassObject(MetaclassObject metaclass)
if (metaclass != m_class)
for (int i = 0; i < m_baseArray.length; ++i)
ClassObject base = m_baseArray[i].getClassObject();
for (int i = 0; i < m_derivedArray.length; ++i)
m_derivedArray[i].getClassObject().replaceBase(m_class, metaclass);
m_class = metaclass;
* @return The metaclass object for metaobject protocol purposes.
public MetaclassObject getMetaclass()
return (MetaclassObject)m_class;
* @return True if the class object is a metaclass.
public boolean isMetaclass()
return false;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.object.GenericObject#setValue(int, java.lang.Object, Machine)
public void setValue(int nOffset, Object value, Machine machine)
getMetaclass().setValue(this, nOffset, value, machine);
* @see nexj.core.scripting.object.GenericObject#getValue(int, Machine)
public Object getValue(int nOffset, Machine machine)
return getMetaclass().getValue(this, nOffset, machine);
* Creates a new object instance.
* Typically mapped to the ":new" method.
* @return The created object.
public ObjectOriented createObject()
return getMetaclass().createInstance(this);
* Determines if this class is derived from another one.
* @param base The other class.
* @return True if this class is derived from base, directly or indirectly.
public boolean isDerivedFrom(ClassObject base)
for (int i = 0; i < m_baseArray.length; ++i)
if (m_baseArray[i] == base)
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < m_baseArray.length; ++i)
if (m_baseArray[i].isDerivedFrom(base))
return true;
return false;
* Determines if this class is the same or a derived class.
* @param base The other class.
* @return True if this is the same as or a derived from base.
public boolean isA(ClassObject base)
return this == base || isDerivedFrom(base);
* Sets the forward-ref flag.
* @param bForward The forward-ref flag to set.
public void setForward(boolean bForward)
m_bForward = bForward;
* @return The forward-ref flag.
public boolean isForward()
return m_bForward;
* Sets the public visibility flag.
* @param bPublic The public visibility flag to set.
public void setPublic(boolean bPublic)
m_bPublic = bPublic;
* @return The public visibility flag.
public boolean isPublic()
return m_bPublic;
* Adds a derived class.
protected void addDerived(ClassObject derived)
int nCount = m_derivedArray.length;
ClassObject[] derivedArray = new ClassObject[nCount + 1];
System.arraycopy(m_derivedArray, 0, derivedArray, 0, nCount);
derivedArray[nCount] = derived;
m_derivedArray = derivedArray;
* Gets a derived class by ordinal number.
* @param nOrdinal The derived class ordinal number.
* @return The derived class.
public ClassObject getDerived(int nOrdinal)
return m_derivedArray[nOrdinal];
* Removes a derived class.
* @return The removed object, or null if not found.
protected ClassObject removeDerived(ClassObject derived)
int nCount = m_derivedArray.length;
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
if (m_derivedArray[i] == derived)
if (nCount == 1)
m_derivedArray = EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
ClassObject[] derivedArray = new ClassObject[nCount - 1];
System.arraycopy(m_derivedArray, 0, derivedArray, 0, i);
System.arraycopy(m_derivedArray, i + 1, derivedArray, i, nCount - i - 1);
m_derivedArray = derivedArray;
return derived;
return null;
* @return The base class count.
public int getDerivedCount()
return m_derivedArray.length;
* Adds a base class.
* @param base The base class to add.
public void addBase(ClassObject base)
for (int i = 0; i < m_baseArray.length; ++i)
if (base == m_baseArray[i])
throw new DeclarationException("err.scripting.baseDup",
new Object[]{base.getName(), getName()});
if (base.isA(this))
throw new DeclarationException("err.scripting.derivationLoop",
new Object[]{base.getName(), getName()});
int nCount = m_baseArray.length;
ClassObject[] baseArray = new ClassObject[nCount + 1];
System.arraycopy(m_baseArray, 0, baseArray, 0, nCount);
baseArray[nCount] = base;
m_baseArray = baseArray;
if (m_class != base.getClassObject() && !isMetaclass())
* Gets a base class by ordinal number.
* @param nOrdinal The base class ordinal number.
* @return The base class.
public ClassObject getBase(int nOrdinal)
return m_baseArray[nOrdinal];
* Replaces the base class with the specified ordinal number.
* @param nOrdinal The ordinal number.
* @param base The new base.
* @return The old base class.
protected ClassObject setBase(int nOrdinal, ClassObject base)
ClassObject oldBase = m_baseArray[nOrdinal];
if (base != oldBase)
m_baseArray[nOrdinal] = base;
if (m_class != base.getClassObject() && !isMetaclass())
return oldBase;
* Replaces a base class object.
* @param oldBase The old class object.
* @param newBase The new class object.
* @return The old class object, or null if not found.
protected ClassObject replaceBase(ClassObject oldBase, ClassObject newBase)
for (int i = 0; i < m_baseArray.length; ++i)
if (m_baseArray[i] == oldBase)
return setBase(i, newBase);
return null;
* Removes a base class with a given ordinal number.
* @param nOrdinal The base class ordinal number.
* @return The removed class.
protected ClassObject removeBase(int nOrdinal)
ClassObject base = m_baseArray[nOrdinal];
int nCount = m_baseArray.length;
if (nCount == 1)
m_baseArray = EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY;
ClassObject[] baseArray = new ClassObject[nCount - 1];
System.arraycopy(m_baseArray, 0, baseArray, 0, nOrdinal);
System.arraycopy(m_baseArray, nOrdinal + 1, baseArray, nOrdinal, nCount - nOrdinal - 1);
m_baseArray = baseArray;
if (m_class != base.getClassObject() && !isMetaclass())
return base;
* Removes a base class.
* @return The removed class or null if not found.
public ClassObject removeBase(ClassObject base)
for (int i = 0; i < m_baseArray.length; ++i)
if (base == m_baseArray[i])
return removeBase(i);
return null;
* Removes a base class.
* @param symbol The base class symbol.
* @return The removed class or null if not found.
public ClassObject removeBase(Symbol symbol)
for (int i = 0; i < m_baseArray.length; ++i)
if (m_baseArray[i].getSymbol() == symbol)
return removeBase(i);
return null;
* @return The base class count.
public int getBaseCount()
return m_baseArray.length;
* Adds an attribute to this class.
* @param attribute The attribute to add. Its holder will be set to this class object.
* @param bReplace True to replace an already existing attribute with the same name,
* false to throw an exception instead.
public void addAttribute(AttributeObject attribute, boolean bReplace)
Symbol symbol = attribute.getSymbol();
int nOrdinal = findAttributeOrdinal(symbol);
if (nOrdinal >= 0)
if (!bReplace)
throw new DeclarationException("err.scripting.attributeDup",
new Object[]{symbol.getName(), getName()});
for (int i = 0; i <= 1; ++i)
if (findMethod(symbol, i) != null)
throw new DeclarationException("err.scripting.methodDup",
new Object[]{symbol.getName(), Primitive.createInteger(i), getName()});
if (attribute.getHolder() != null && attribute.getHolder() != this)
throw new DeclarationException("err.scripting.attributeReuse",
new Object[]{symbol.getName(),
getMetaclass().validateAttribute(this, attribute);
if (nOrdinal >= 0)
m_attributeArray[nOrdinal] = attribute;
int nCount = m_attributeArray.length;
AttributeObject[] attributeArray = new AttributeObject[nCount + 1];
System.arraycopy(m_attributeArray, 0, attributeArray, 0, nCount);
attributeArray[nCount] = attribute;
m_attributeArray = attributeArray;
* Removes an attribute from this class.
* @param nOrdinal The attribute ordinal number.
* @return The removed attribute.
protected AttributeObject removeAttribute(int nOrdinal)
AttributeObject attribute = m_attributeArray[nOrdinal];
int nCount = m_attributeArray.length;
if (nCount == 1)
m_attributeArray = EMPTY_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY;
AttributeObject[] attributeArray = new AttributeObject[nCount - 1];
System.arraycopy(m_attributeArray, 0, attributeArray, 0, nOrdinal);
System.arraycopy(m_attributeArray, nOrdinal + 1, attributeArray, nOrdinal, nCount - nOrdinal - 1);
m_attributeArray = attributeArray;
return attribute;
* Removes an attribute from this class.
* @param symbol The attribute symbol.
* @return The removed attribute, or null if not found.
public AttributeObject removeAttribute(Symbol symbol)
for (int i = 0; i < m_attributeArray.length; ++i)
if (m_attributeArray[i].getSymbol() == symbol)
return removeAttribute(i);
return null;
* Creates a method object.
* @param symbol The method symbol.
* @param function The implementation function.
* @return The method object.
public MethodObject createMethod(Symbol symbol, PCodeFunction function)
return getMetaclass().createMethod(this, symbol, function.getArgCount() - 1,
function.isVarArg(), function);
* Adds a method to this class.
* @param sName The method name.
* @param nArgCount The argument count.
* @param bVarArg True to indicate that the last argument is of variable length.
* @param function The implementation function.
public void addMethod(String sName, int nArgCount, boolean bVarArg, Function function)
addMethod(getMetaclass().createMethod(this, Symbol.define(sName), nArgCount,
bVarArg, function), false);
* Adds a method to the class.
* @param method The method to add.
* @param bReplace True to replace an already existing method with the same
* dispatch characteristics (e.g. name and argument count),
* false to throw an exception instead.
public void addMethod(MethodObject method, boolean bReplace)
Symbol symbol = method.getSymbol();
int nOrdinal = findMethodOrdinal(symbol, method.getMinArgCount());
if ((nOrdinal >= 0) ? !bReplace :
method.getMinArgCount() <= 1 && findAttributeOrdinal(symbol) >= 0)
throw new DeclarationException("err.scripting.methodDup",
new Object[]{symbol.getName(),
if (method.getHolder() != null && method.getHolder() != this)
throw new DeclarationException("err.scripting.methodReuse",
new Object[]{symbol.getName(),
getMetaclass().validateMethod(this, method);
if (nOrdinal >= 0)
m_methodArray[nOrdinal] = method;
int nCount = m_methodArray.length;
MethodObject[] methodArray = new MethodObject[nCount + 1];
System.arraycopy(m_methodArray, 0, methodArray, 0, nCount);
methodArray[nCount] = method;
m_methodArray = methodArray;
* Removes a method from this class.
* @param nOrdinal The method ordinal number.
* @return The removed method.
protected MethodObject removeMethod(int nOrdinal)
MethodObject method = m_methodArray[nOrdinal];
int nCount = m_methodArray.length;
if (nCount == 1)
m_methodArray = EMPTY_METHOD_ARRAY;
MethodObject[] methodArray = new MethodObject[nCount - 1];
System.arraycopy(m_methodArray, 0, methodArray, 0, nOrdinal);
System.arraycopy(m_methodArray, nOrdinal + 1, methodArray, nOrdinal, nCount - nOrdinal - 1);
m_methodArray = methodArray;
return method;
* Removes a method from this class.
* @param symbol The method symbol.
* @param nArgCount The argument count.
* @return The removed method, or null if not found.
public MethodObject removeMethod(Symbol symbol, int nArgCount)
for (int i = 0; i < m_methodArray.length; ++i)
if (m_methodArray[i].isMatching(symbol, nArgCount))
return removeMethod(i);
return null;
* Finds a direct member of this class by member symbol and argument count.
* @param symbol The method symbol.
* @param nArgCount The actual argument count.
* @return The member, or null if not found.
public MemberObject findMember(Symbol symbol, int nArgCount)
MemberObject member = findMethod(symbol, nArgCount);
if (member == null && nArgCount <= 1)
member = findAttribute(symbol);
return member;
* Checks whether a given member is contained directly in this class object.
* @param member The member to look for.
* @return True if the member is contained directly in this class object.
public boolean hasMember(MemberObject member)
if (member instanceof AttributeObject)
for (int i = 0; i < m_attributeArray.length; ++i)
if (m_attributeArray[i] == member)
return true;
for (int i = 0; i < m_methodArray.length; ++i)
if (m_methodArray[i] == member)
return true;
return false;
* Finds a direct or inherited member by member symbol and argument count.
* @param symbol The method symbol.
* @param nArgCount The actual argument count.
* @return The member, or null if not found.
public MemberObject resolveMember(Symbol symbol, int nArgCount)
MemberObject member = findMember(symbol, nArgCount);
if (member == null)
member = resolveBaseMember(symbol, nArgCount);
return member;
* Finds an inherited member by member symbol and argument count.
* @param symbol The method symbol.
* @param nArgCount The actual argument count.
* @return The member, or null if not found.
public MemberObject resolveBaseMember(Symbol symbol, int nArgCount)
for (int i = 0; i < m_baseArray.length; ++i)
MemberObject member = m_baseArray[i].resolveMember(symbol, nArgCount);
if (member != null)
return member;
return null;
* Finds a direct or inherited function by member symbol and argument count.
* @param symbol The method symbol.
* @param nArgCount The actual argument count.
* @return The function, or null if not found.
public Function resolveFunction(Symbol symbol, int nArgCount)
ClassEnvironment env = getEnvironment();
Function function = env.findFunction(this, symbol, nArgCount);
if (function != null)
return function;
MemberObject member = resolveMember(symbol, nArgCount);
if (member == null)
return null;
function = (member instanceof MethodObject) ?
((MethodObject)member).getFunction() :
createAccessor((AttributeObject)member, nArgCount != 0);
if (function != null)
env.addFunction(this, symbol, nArgCount, function);
return function;
* Finds an inherited function by member symbol and argument count.
* @param symbol The method symbol.
* @param nArgCount The actual argument count.
* @return The function, or null if not found.
public Function resolveBaseFunction(Symbol symbol, int nArgCount)
ClassEnvironment env = getEnvironment();
Function function = env.findFunction(this, symbol, -1 - nArgCount);
if (function != null)
return function;
MemberObject member = resolveBaseMember(symbol, nArgCount);
if (member == null)
return null;
function = (member instanceof MethodObject) ?
((MethodObject)member).getFunction() :
createAccessor((AttributeObject)member, nArgCount != 0);
if (function != null)
env.addFunction(this, symbol, -1 - nArgCount, function);
return function;
* Finds the ordinal number of a direct method of this class by symbol and argument count.
* @param symbol The method symbol.
* @return The attribute ordinal number, or -1 if not found.
protected int findMethodOrdinal(Symbol symbol, int nArgCount)
for (int i = 0; i < m_methodArray.length; ++i)
MethodObject method = m_methodArray[i];
if (method.isMatching(symbol, nArgCount))
return i;
return -1;
* Finds a direct method of this class by symbol and argument count.
* @param symbol The method symbol.
* @param nArgCount The argument count.
public MethodObject findMethod(Symbol symbol, int nArgCount)
int i = findMethodOrdinal(symbol, nArgCount);
return (i < 0) ? null : m_methodArray[i];
* @return The direct method count.
public int getMethodCount()
return m_methodArray.length;
* Gets a direct method.
* @param nOrdinal The ordinal of the method to get.
* @return The method.
public MethodObject getMethod(int nOrdinal)
return m_methodArray[nOrdinal];
* Finds the ordinal number of a direct attribute of this class by symbol.
* @param symbol The attribute symbol.
* @return The attribute ordinal number, or -1 if not found.
protected int findAttributeOrdinal(Symbol symbol)
for (int i = 0; i < m_attributeArray.length; ++i)
AttributeObject attribute = m_attributeArray[i];
if (attribute.getSymbol() == symbol)
return i;
return -1;
* Finds a direct attribute of this class by symbol.
* @param symbol The attribute symbol.
* @return The attribute, or null if not found.
public AttributeObject findAttribute(Symbol symbol)
int i = findAttributeOrdinal(symbol);
return (i < 0) ? null : m_attributeArray[i];
* @return the direct attribute count.
public int getAttributeCount()
return m_attributeArray.length;
* @return The attribute count, taking into account inherited attributes.
public int resolveAttributeCount()
return m_resolvedAttributeArray.length;
* Gets a resolved attribute by offset.
* @param nOffset The attribute offset relative to an object start.
* @return The resolved attribute.
public AttributeObject resolveAttribute(int nOffset)
return m_resolvedAttributeArray[nOffset];
* Finds an attribute object offset by symbol, relative to an object start.
* The first attribute has an offset of 0, the second of 1 etc.
* @param symbol The attribute symbol.
* @return The attribute offset, or -1 if not found.
public int resolveAttributeOffset(Symbol symbol)
if (m_offsetMap != null)
Integer offset = (Integer)m_offsetMap.get(symbol);
if (offset != null)
return offset.intValue();
return -1;
* Finds an attribute object offset, relative to an object start.
* The first attribute has an offset of 0, the second of 1 etc.
* @param attribute The attribute object.
* @return The attribute offset, or -1 if not found.
public int resolveAttributeOffset(AttributeObject attribute)
return resolveAttributeOffset(attribute.getSymbol());
* Creates an accessor for a given attribute.
* @param attribute The attribute.
* @param bSet True for a setter, false for a getter.
* @return The accessor, or null if not available.
protected Function createAccessor(AttributeObject attribute, boolean bSet)
int nOffset = resolveAttributeOffset(attribute);
if (nOffset < 0)
return null;
if (bSet)
if (attribute.getSetterFunction() != null)
return new InterceptingSetter(nOffset, attribute.getSetterFunction());
return new Setter(nOffset);
return new Getter(nOffset);
* Adds the attributes offsets from a given base class, and recursively, its own base classes.
* @param base The base class from which to take the attributes.
protected void resolveAttributeOffsets(ClassObject base)
for (int i = 0; i < base.m_baseArray.length; ++i)
int nCount = base.m_attributeArray.length;
if (nCount != 0)
if (m_offsetMap == null)
m_offsetMap = new HashTab();
int nDirectCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
AttributeObject attribute = base.m_attributeArray[i];
Symbol symbol = attribute.getSymbol();
Object old = m_offsetMap.put(symbol, Primitive.createInteger(m_offsetMap.size()));
if (old == null)
m_offsetMap.put(symbol, old);
AttributeObject[] resolvedAttributeArray;
if (nDirectCount != 0)
resolvedAttributeArray =
new AttributeObject[m_resolvedAttributeArray.length + nDirectCount];
System.arraycopy(m_resolvedAttributeArray, 0, resolvedAttributeArray, 0,
m_resolvedAttributeArray = resolvedAttributeArray;
resolvedAttributeArray = m_resolvedAttributeArray;
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
AttributeObject attribute = base.m_attributeArray[i];
resolvedAttributeArray[((Integer)m_offsetMap.get(attribute.getSymbol())).intValue()] = attribute;
* Gets an initializer attribute offset by ordinal number.
* @param nOrdinal The initializer ordinal number.
* @return The initializer attribute offset.
public int getInitializerOffset(int nOrdinal)
return m_initializerArray[nOrdinal];
* @return The initializer count.
public int getInitializerCount()
return m_initializerArray.length;
* Resolves the initializers.
protected void resolveInitializers()
int nCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_resolvedAttributeArray.length; ++i)
if (m_resolvedAttributeArray[i].getInitializerFunction() != null)
if (nCount == 0)
m_initializerArray = EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;
m_initializerArray = new int[nCount];
int k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < m_resolvedAttributeArray.length && k < nCount; ++i)
AttributeObject attribute = m_resolvedAttributeArray[i];
if (attribute.getInitializerFunction() != null)
m_initializerArray[k++] = i;
getMetaclass().sortInitializers(this, m_initializerArray);
* Resolves inherited members.
protected void resolve()
m_offsetMap = null;
m_resolvedAttributeArray = EMPTY_ATTRIBUTE_ARRAY;
* Prepares the class object for change.
protected void change()
* Completes the class object change.
protected void complete()
* Completes the class object and its derived classes recursively.
* @param identitySet Set of already visited class objects.
public void complete(Set identitySet)
if (identitySet.add(this))
for (int i = 0; i < m_derivedArray.length; ++i)
* Removes all the members and base classes.
public void reset()
for (int i = getMethodCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
for (int i = getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
for (int i = getBaseCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
m_bForward = false;
m_bPublic = false;
* Removes the class from the inheritance hierarchy.
public void remove()
for (int i = getBaseCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
for (int i = m_derivedArray.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
* Gets a function from a given value.
* If the value is not a function, its value is compiled and evaluated first.
* @param fun The value.
* @param sName The function name. Can be null.
* @param sQualifier Second part of the function name. Can be null.
* @param machine The VM.
* @return The function object.
protected Function compile(Object fun, final String sName, final String sQualifier, Machine machine)
if (!(fun instanceof Function))
GlobalEnvironment env = machine.getGlobalEnvironment();
Lookup posMap = env.getTextPositionMap();
env.defineVariable(SYS_CURRENT_CLASS, this);
if (sName != null && posMap != null && posMap.size() != 0)
TextPosition pos = (TextPosition)posMap.valueIterator().next();
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(64);
String sURL = pos.getURL();
if (sURL != null)
int i = sURL.indexOf('#');
buf.append(sURL, 0, (i < 0) ? sURL.length() : i);
buf.append(' ');
if (sQualifier != null)
if (fun instanceof Pair)
Pair pair = (Pair)fun;
if (pair.getHead() == Symbol.LAMBDA && pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
pair = pair.getNext();
int nCount = -1;
for (Object obj = pair.getHead(); obj instanceof Pair; obj = ((Pair)obj).getTail())
if (nCount >= 0)
Compiler.setPosURLs(fun, buf.toString(), posMap);
fun = machine.invoke(new Compiler().compile(fun, posMap, machine, true),
return (Function)fun;
* Exposes members from ClassObject.
* @param classObject The destination class object.
public static void addMembers(ClassObject classObject)
addOptionsMethod(classObject, "err.scripting.classOption");
classObject.addMethod(":public?", 0, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount)).isPublic()), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":public", 1, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
boolean bPublic = !Boolean.FALSE.equals(machine.getArg(1, nArgCount));
((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount)).setPublic(bPublic);
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(bPublic), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":base", 1, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount))
.getBase(((Number)machine.getArg(1, nArgCount)).intValue()), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":base-count", 0, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createInteger(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount))
.getBaseCount()), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":add-base", 1, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount)).addBase((ClassObject)machine.getArg(1, nArgCount));
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":remove-base", 1, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
ClassObject clazz = (ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object base = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
(base instanceof ClassObject) ?
clazz.removeBase((ClassObject)base) :
clazz.removeBase((Symbol)base), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":add-derived", 1, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
((ClassObject)machine.getArg(1, nArgCount)).addBase((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount));
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":derived", 1, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount))
.getDerived(((Number)machine.getArg(1, nArgCount)).intValue()), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":derived-count", 0, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createInteger(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount))
.getDerivedCount()), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":add-attribute", 3, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
ClassObject classObject = (ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object attribute = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
AttributeObject attributeObject = (attribute instanceof AttributeObject) ?
(AttributeObject)attribute :
classObject.getMetaclass().createAttribute(classObject, (Symbol)attribute);
machine.invoke(attributeObject, ADD_OPTIONS_SYMBOL,
new Pair(machine.getArg(2, nArgCount)));
((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount)).addAttribute(
attributeObject, !Boolean.FALSE.equals(machine.getArg(3, nArgCount)));
machine.returnValue(attributeObject, nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":remove-attribute", 1, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount))
.removeAttribute((Symbol)machine.getArg(1, nArgCount)), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":add-method", 2, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
MethodObject methodObject = (MethodObject)machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount)).addMethod(
methodObject, !Boolean.FALSE.equals(machine.getArg(2, nArgCount)));
machine.returnValue(methodObject, nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":add-method", 4, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
ClassObject classObject = (ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Symbol symbol = (Symbol)machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
MethodObject methodObject = classObject.createMethod(symbol,
(PCodeFunction)classObject.compile(machine.getArg(3, nArgCount),
symbol.getName(), null, machine));
machine.invoke(methodObject, ADD_OPTIONS_SYMBOL,
new Pair(machine.getArg(2, nArgCount)));
methodObject, !Boolean.FALSE.equals(machine.getArg(4, nArgCount)));
machine.returnValue(methodObject, nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":direct-method-count", 0, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createInteger(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount))
.getMethodCount()), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":direct-method", 1, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount))
.getMethod(((Number)machine.getArg(1, nArgCount)).intValue()), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":direct-class-method-count", 0, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createInteger(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount))
.getMetaclass().getMethodCount()), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":direct-class-method", 1, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount))
.getMetaclass().getMethod(((Number)machine.getArg(1, nArgCount)).intValue()), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":remove-method", 2, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount))
.removeMethod((Symbol)machine.getArg(1, nArgCount),
((Number)machine.getArg(2, nArgCount)).intValue()), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":forward?", 0, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount))
.isForward()), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":reset", 0, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount)).reset();
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":is-a?", 1, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount))
.isA((ClassObject)machine.getArg(1, nArgCount))), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":has-member?", 2, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
int nMemberArgCount = ((Number)machine.getArg(2, nArgCount)).intValue();
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(nMemberArgCount >= 0 &&
((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount)).resolveFunction(
(Symbol)machine.getArg(1, nArgCount), nMemberArgCount) != null),
return false;
classObject.addMethod(":new", 0, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
machine.returnValue(((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount)).createObject(), nArgCount);
return false;
classObject.addMethod("new", 0, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
ObjectOriented obj = ((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount)).createObject();
machine.invoke(obj, INITIALIZE_SYMBOL, (Object[])null);
machine.returnValue(obj, nArgCount);
return false;
* Exposes the ":add-options" method.
* @param classObject The destination class object.
* @param sErrCode The error code.
public static void addOptionsMethod(ClassObject classObject, final String sErrCode)
classObject.addMethod(ADD_OPTIONS_SYMBOL.getName(), 1, false, new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
NamedObject obj = (NamedObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Pair arg = null;
for (Pair opts = (Pair)machine.getArg(1, nArgCount); opts != null; opts = opts.getNext())
Pair opt = (Pair)opts.getHead();
if (arg == null)
arg = new Pair(opt.getTail());
machine.invoke(obj, opt.getHead(), arg);
catch (InvocationException e)
throw new DeclarationException(sErrCode,
new Object[]{(opts.getHead() instanceof Pair) ?
String.valueOf(((Pair)opts.getHead()).getHead()) : null,
obj.getName()}, e);
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
* @return The class environment.
public static ClassEnvironment getEnvironment()
return ThreadContextHolder.getContext().getMachine().getGlobalEnvironment();