// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.scripting;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.EventListener;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import nexj.core.meta.Primitive;
import nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassEnvironment;
import nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassObject;
import nexj.core.util.HashDeque;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab2D;
import nexj.core.util.IdentityHashHolder;
import nexj.core.util.Logger;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup2D;
* A global scripting environment. Holds an interned symbol map and a
* variable map.
public final class GlobalEnvironment implements JavaMethodHolder, ClassEnvironment
// constants
* Flag to convert the symbols to lower case.
public final static int OPTION_CONVERT_SYMBOLS = 0x0001;
* Flag to allow intrinsics redefinition.
public final static int OPTION_REDEFINE_INTRINSICS = 0x0002;
* The class logger.
public final static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GlobalEnvironment.class);
* Not found value.
private final static Object NULL_VALUE = new Object();
* The Java metaclass object.
private final static Class JAVA_METACLASS = Class.class;
// attributes
* Count of occupied entries in the function table,
* including the load factor (8*nFunctionCount - 1).
private int m_nFunctionTableLevel = -1;
* The option flags.
private int m_nOptions;
* True is the environment is read-only.
private boolean m_bReadOnly;
* True if deferred resolution mode is enabled.
private boolean m_bDeferred;
// associations
* The map of a symbol to a variable value: Object[Symbol].
private Lookup m_variableMap = new HashTab(16);
* Map for storing class state etc: Object[Object].
private final Lookup m_stateMap = new HashTab();
* Map of class objects and method symbols to wrapper functions: Function[Class][Symbol].
private final Lookup2D m_javaMethodMap = new HashTab2D(16);
* The function hash table: [ClassObject, Symbol, argCount, Function].
private Object[] m_functionTable = new Object[16];
* The parent global environment. If a variable is not found in the current
* environment, then the parent environment is checked.
private GlobalEnvironment m_parent;
* Set of class objects to update.
private Set m_classSet;
* Optional text position map for the currently executed code: TextPosition[Object].
* It is used for tracking text positions in transformed code that is compiled e.g. through (eval ...).
* The text position map.
private Lookup m_textPosMap;
// constructors
* Constructs a shared global environment.
public GlobalEnvironment()
* Constructs a context-specific global environment.
* @param parent The parent environment.
public GlobalEnvironment(GlobalEnvironment parent)
m_parent = parent;
if (parent != null)
m_nOptions = parent.m_nOptions;
// Add the intrinsic function symbols
for (Iterator itr = Intrinsic.getFunctionIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
IntrinsicFunction fun = (IntrinsicFunction)itr.next();
defineVariable(fun.getSymbol(), fun);
// Add the primitive type symbols
for (int i = 0; i < Primitive.MAX_COUNT; ++i)
Primitive type = Primitive.get(i);
defineVariable("sys:" + type.getName(), type);
// operations
* @return The read-only flag.
public boolean isReadOnly()
return m_bReadOnly;
* Adds an environment listener.
* @param listener The listener to add.
public void addListener(Listener listener)
if (m_bReadOnly)
throw new ReadOnlyException();
if (!(m_variableMap instanceof NotificationLookup))
m_variableMap = new NotificationLookup(m_variableMap);
* Removes an environment listener.
* @param listener The listener to remove.
public void removeListener(Listener listener)
if (m_bReadOnly)
throw new ReadOnlyException();
if (m_variableMap instanceof NotificationLookup)
NotificationLookup map = (NotificationLookup)m_variableMap;
if (map.getListenerCount() == 0)
m_variableMap = map.getLookup();
* Sets the scope symbol.
* @param The scope symbol.
public void setScope(Symbol scope)
if (m_bReadOnly)
throw new ReadOnlyException();
if (m_variableMap instanceof NotificationLookup)
* Sets the option flag set.
* @param nOptions The option flag set to set.
public void setOptions(int nOptions)
if (m_bReadOnly)
throw new ReadOnlyException();
m_nOptions = nOptions;
* @return The option flag set.
public int getOptions()
return m_nOptions;
* Sets an option value.
* @param nOption The option to set, one of the OPTION_* constants.
* @param bValue The option value.
public void setOption(int nOption, boolean bValue)
if (bValue)
m_nOptions |= nOption;
m_nOptions &= ~nOption;
* Returns an option value.
* @param nOption The option, which value to return.
* @return The option value.
public boolean isOptionSet(int nOption)
return (m_nOptions & nOption) != 0;
* Defines a variable.
* @param sym The variable symbol.
* @param value The variable value.
public void defineVariable(Symbol sym, Object value)
m_variableMap.put(sym, (value == null) ? NULL_VALUE : value);
* Defines a variable.
* @param sName The variable symbol name.
* @param value The variable value.
public void defineVariable(String sName, Object value)
defineVariable(Symbol.define(sName), value);
* Sets the value of a variable.
* @param sym The variable symbol.
* @param value The variable value to set.
public void setVariable(Symbol sym, Object value)
if (m_variableMap.put(sym, (value == null) ? NULL_VALUE : value) == null)
for (GlobalEnvironment parent = m_parent; parent != null; parent = parent.m_parent)
if (parent.m_variableMap.get(sym) != null)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.undefVar", new Object[]{sym.getName()});
* Gets the value of a variable.
* @param sym The variable symbol.
* @return The variable value.
public Object getVariable(Symbol sym)
Object value = m_variableMap.get(sym);
if (value != null)
return (value == NULL_VALUE) ? null : value;
if (m_parent != null)
return m_parent.getVariable(sym);
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.undefVar", new Object[]{sym.getName()});
* Determines if getVariable() will succeed.
* NOTE: Use findVariable() is you need the value to avoid a second lookup.
* @param sym The variable symbol.
* @return True if the variable is defined.
public boolean isDefined(Symbol sym)
return m_variableMap.contains(sym) || m_parent != null && m_parent.isDefined(sym);
* Finds the value of a variable.
* @param sym The variable symbol.
* @return The variable value, or null if not found.
public Object findVariable(Symbol sym)
Object value = m_variableMap.get(sym);
if (value != null)
return (value == NULL_VALUE) ? null : value;
if (m_parent != null)
return m_parent.findVariable(sym);
return null;
* Finds the value of a variable.
* @param sym The variable symbol.
* @param defaultValue The value if not found.
* @return The variable value, or default if not found.
public Object findVariable(Symbol sym, Object defaultValue)
Object value = m_variableMap.get(sym);
if (value != null)
return (value == NULL_VALUE) ? null : value;
if (m_parent != null)
return m_parent.findVariable(sym, defaultValue);
return defaultValue;
* Removes a variable from the current global environment only (not from the parent).
* @param sym The variable symbol.
public void removeVariable(Symbol sym)
* @return The variable iterator.
public Lookup.Iterator getVariableIterator()
return m_variableMap.iterator();
* Creates method wrappers for the given class.
* @param clazz The Java class for which to create the wrappers.
public void importJavaClass(Class clazz)
if (m_bReadOnly)
throw new ReadOnlyException();
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled())
LOGGER.debug("Importing class " + clazz.getName());
JavaConstructor.importJavaConstructors(clazz, this);
JavaMethod.importJavaMethods(clazz, this);
defineVariable(clazz.getName(), clazz);
* Finds a java method wrapper using a class object and a method symbol,
* searching first in the parent environment.
* @param clazz The class object.
* @param symbol The method symbol.
* @return The java method wrapper, or null if not found.
protected Function findJavaMethod(Class clazz, Symbol symbol)
if (m_parent != null)
Function meth = m_parent.findJavaMethod(clazz, symbol);
if (meth != null)
return meth;
return (Function)m_javaMethodMap.get(clazz, symbol);
* Adds a Java method to the map.
* @param clazz The Java class object.
* @param symbol The method symbol.
* @param fun The method implementation function.
public void addJavaMethod(Class clazz, Symbol symbol, Function fun)
m_javaMethodMap.put(clazz, symbol, fun);
* Gets a java method wrapper for a given class and method symbol.
* @param clazz The java class.
* @param symbol The method symbol.
* @return The java method wrapper.
* @throws ScriptingException if the method was not found.
public Function getJavaMethod(Class clazz, Symbol symbol)
Function meth = findJavaMethod(clazz, symbol);
if (meth != null)
return meth;
if (findVariable(Symbol.define(clazz.getName())) != clazz)
meth = findJavaMethod(clazz, symbol);
if (meth != null)
return meth;
meth = findJavaMethod(JAVA_METACLASS, symbol);
if (meth != null)
return meth;
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.unknownMethod",
new Object[] {symbol, clazz.getName()});
* Sets a state value.
* @param key The state key. Cannot be null.
* @param value The state value.
public void setState(Object key, Object value)
m_stateMap.put(key, value);
* Gets a state value.
* @param key The state key. Cannot be null.
* @return The state value, or null if not found.
public Object getState(Object key)
return m_stateMap.get(key);
* Clears the state.
public void clearState()
if (m_bReadOnly)
throw new ReadOnlyException();
* @see nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassEnvironment#setDeferred(boolean)
public void setDeferred(boolean bDeferred)
if (m_bReadOnly)
throw new ReadOnlyException();
m_bDeferred = bDeferred;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassEnvironment#isDeferred()
public boolean isDeferred()
return m_bDeferred;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassEnvironment#defineClass(nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassObject)
public void defineClass(ClassObject classObject)
defineVariable(classObject.getSymbol(), classObject);
* @see nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassEnvironment#findClass(nexj.core.scripting.Symbol)
public ClassObject findClass(Symbol symbol)
Object obj = findVariable(symbol);
if (obj instanceof ClassObject)
return (ClassObject)obj;
return null;
* Computes the function hash table code.
protected static int hashFunctionKey(Object classObject, Object symbol, int nCount)
return classObject.hashCode() ^ symbol.hashCode() ^ nCount;
* Rehashes the function table.
* @param nSize2 The new table size.
protected void rehashFunctionTable(int nSize2)
int nMask2 = nSize2 - 1;
Object[] table2 = new Object[nSize2];
int nSize = m_functionTable.length;
for (int k = 0; k < nSize; k += 4)
Object classObject = m_functionTable[k];
if (classObject != null)
Object symbol = m_functionTable[k + 1];
Integer count = (Integer)m_functionTable[k + 2];
int i = (hashFunctionKey(classObject, symbol, count.intValue()) << 2) & nMask2;
for (;;)
if (table2[i] == null)
table2[i] = classObject;
table2[i + 1] = symbol;
table2[i + 2] = count;
table2[i + 3] = m_functionTable[k + 3];
i = (i + 4) & nMask2;
m_functionTable = table2;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassEnvironment#addFunction(nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassObject, nexj.core.scripting.Symbol, int, nexj.core.scripting.Function)
* NOTE: Only adding new values is supported. Overwriting existing keys is not.
public void addFunction(ClassObject classObject, Symbol symbol, int nArgCount, Function function)
int nMask = m_functionTable.length - 1;
int i = (hashFunctionKey(classObject, symbol, nArgCount) << 2) & nMask;
for (;;)
Object classObject2 = m_functionTable[i];
if (classObject2 == null)
m_functionTable[i] = classObject;
m_functionTable[i + 1] = symbol;
m_functionTable[i + 2] = Primitive.createInteger(nArgCount);
m_functionTable[i + 3] = function;
if ((m_nFunctionTableLevel += 8) > nMask)
rehashFunctionTable((nMask + 1) << 1);
i = (i + 4) & nMask;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassEnvironment#findFunction(nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassObject, nexj.core.scripting.Symbol, int)
public Function findFunction(ClassObject classObject, Symbol symbol, int nArgCount)
int nMask = m_functionTable.length - 1;
int i = (hashFunctionKey(classObject, symbol, nArgCount) << 2) & nMask;
for (;;)
Object classObject2 = m_functionTable[i];
if (classObject2 == null)
return null;
if (classObject2 == classObject &&
m_functionTable[i + 1] == symbol &&
((Integer)m_functionTable[i + 2]).intValue() == nArgCount)
return (Function)m_functionTable[i + 3];
i = (i + 4) & nMask;
* Clears the function table.
protected void clearFunctions()
Arrays.fill(m_functionTable, null);
* @see nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassEnvironment#change(ClassObject)
public void change(ClassObject classObject) throws ReadOnlyException
if (m_bReadOnly)
throw new ReadOnlyException();
if (m_parent != null &&
m_parent.isReadOnly() &&
classObject.getSymbol() != null &&
m_parent.findClass(classObject.getSymbol()) == classObject)
throw new ReadOnlyException("err.scripting.readOnlyClass",
new Object[]{classObject.getName()});
if (m_classSet == null)
m_classSet = new HashDeque();
* @see nexj.core.scripting.object.ClassEnvironment#complete()
public boolean complete()
if (m_bReadOnly)
throw new ReadOnlyException();
if (m_bDeferred)
return false;
m_bDeferred = true;
if (m_classSet != null)
Set identitySet = new IdentityHashHolder();
for (Iterator itr = m_classSet.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
ClassObject clazz = (ClassObject)itr.next();
m_classSet = null;
m_bDeferred = false;
return true;
* Sets the text position map.
* @param textPosMap The text position map to set.
public void setTextPositionMap(Lookup textPosMap)
m_textPosMap = textPosMap;
* @return The text position map.
public Lookup getTextPositionMap()
return m_textPosMap;
* Makes the object read-only.
public void makeReadOnly()
m_bReadOnly = true;
// inner classes
* Environment event listener.
public interface Listener extends EventListener
* Invoked before the scope is set.
* @param env The global environment.
* @param scope The scope to set.
void setScope(GlobalEnvironment env, Symbol scope);
* Invoked before the variable is set.
* @param env The global environment.
* @param name The variable name.
* @param value The variable value.
void setVariable(GlobalEnvironment env, Symbol name, Object value);
* Notification wrapper for lookups.
private class NotificationLookup implements Lookup
// attributes
* The listener count.
private int m_nListenerCount;
// associations
* The wrapped lookup.
private Lookup m_lookup;
* The listener array.
private Listener[] m_listenerArray = new Listener[4];
// constructors
* Constructs the lookup.
* @param lookup The wrapped lookup.
public NotificationLookup(Lookup lookup)
m_lookup = lookup;
// operations
* @return The wrapped object.
public Lookup getLookup()
return m_lookup;
* Adds a listener.
* @param listener The listener to add.
public void addListener(Listener listener)
assert listener != null;
if (m_nListenerCount == m_listenerArray.length)
Listener[] listenerArray = new Listener[m_nListenerCount << 1];
System.arraycopy(m_listenerArray, 0, listenerArray, 0, m_nListenerCount);
m_listenerArray = listenerArray;
m_listenerArray[m_nListenerCount++] = listener;
* Removes a listener.
* @param listener The listener to remove.
public void removeListener(Listener listener)
assert listener != null;
for (int i = m_nListenerCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
if (m_listenerArray[i] == listener)
System.arraycopy(m_listenerArray, i + 1, m_listenerArray, i, m_nListenerCount - i - 1);
m_listenerArray[--m_nListenerCount] = null;
* @return The listener count.
public int getListenerCount()
return m_nListenerCount;
* Notifies the listener about scope change.
* @param scope The new scope.
public void notifyScope(Symbol scope)
for (int i = 0; i < m_nListenerCount; ++i)
m_listenerArray[i].setScope(GlobalEnvironment.this, scope);
* @see nexj.core.util.Lookup#put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
public Object put(Object key, Object value)
for (int i = 0; i < m_nListenerCount; ++i)
(Symbol)key, (value == NULL_VALUE) ? null : value);
return m_lookup.put(key, value);
* @see nexj.core.util.Lookup#contains(java.lang.Object)
public boolean contains(Object key)
return m_lookup.contains(key);
* @see nexj.core.util.Lookup#get(java.lang.Object)
public Object get(Object key)
return m_lookup.get(key);
* @see nexj.core.util.Lookup#remove(java.lang.Object)
public Object remove(Object key)
return m_lookup.remove(key);
* @see nexj.core.util.Lookup#size()
public int size()
return m_lookup.size();
* @see nexj.core.util.Lookup#iterator()
public nexj.core.util.Lookup.Iterator iterator()
return m_lookup.iterator();
* @see nexj.core.util.Lookup#valueIterator()
public nexj.core.util.Lookup.Iterator valueIterator()
return m_lookup.valueIterator();
* @see nexj.core.util.Lookup#clear()
public void clear()
* @see nexj.core.util.Lookup#clone()
public Object clone()
return m_lookup.clone();