Package nexj.core.scripting

Source Code of nexj.core.scripting.Compiler

// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.scripting;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import nexj.core.meta.Primitive;
import nexj.core.scripting.PCodeFunction.DebugInfo;
import nexj.core.util.EmptyIterator;
import nexj.core.util.ErrorCode;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Logger;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.TextPosition;

* Compiler for s-expressions to byte code.
public class Compiler
   // attributes

    * The URL holder object. The URL for code can be set using one of these modes:
    * 1) A constant string (m_urlHolder instanceof String)
    * 2) A lookup map (m_urlHolder is String[TextPosition])
    * 3) From the text positions if available (m_urlHolder is null)
    * Modes 1 and 2 are deprecated.
   protected Object m_urlHolder;
    * Flag for additional local variables declared through define.
   protected boolean m_bDefine;
   // associations

    * The innermost (top) frame.
   protected Frame m_topFrame;

    * The text position element map.
   protected Lookup m_posMap;

    * The VM for macro lookup and execution.
   protected Machine m_machine;

    * The class logger.
   private final static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(Compiler.class);

   // operations

    * Compiles an s-expression to a byte code function. URL information is
    * fetched from {@link TextPosition}s.
    * @param expr The s-expression to compile.
    * @param posMap The text position element map. Can be null.
    * @param machine The VM for macro lookup and execution.
    * @param bEval True to generate code to push a top level lambda as a
    *           closure.
    * @return The compiled function.
   public PCodeFunction compile(Object expr, Lookup posMap, Machine machine, boolean bEval)
      return compile(expr, posMap, null, machine, bEval);

    * Compiles an s-expression to a byte code function.
    * Future: This method should be deprecated.
    * @param expr The s-expression to compile.
    * @param posMap The text position element map. Can be null.
    * @param urlHolder The source code URL holder object - a string or a Lookup map String[TextPosition]. Can be null.
    * @param machine The VM for macro lookup and execution.
    * @param bEval True to generate code to push a top level lambda as a closure.
    * @return The compiled function.
   public PCodeFunction compile(Object expr, Lookup posMap, Object urlHolder, Machine machine, boolean bEval)
      m_posMap = posMap;
      m_urlHolder = urlHolder;
      m_machine = machine;

      Instruction instr = compile(expr, (Instruction)null, null);

      if (instr == null)
         instr = new GetConstantInstruction(null);

      instr.setFlagsAll(false, true);
      instr = instr.optimizeAll(this);

      PCodeFunction fun;

      if (bEval)
         PCodeBuffer buf = new PCodeBuffer(this);

         fun = new PCodeFunction();
        fun = instr.generate(this);

      if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())

      return fun;

    * Compiles a closure as if returned by the following expression, but unbound to the outer frame:
    * ((lambda (var1 ... varN) (lambda (arg1 ... argM) body)) arg1 ... argN)
    * @param vars The outer function arguments.
    * @param args The inner function arguments.
    * @param body The inner function body.
    * @param posMap The text position element map. Can be null.
    * @param urlHolder The source code URL holder object - a string or a Lookup map String[TextPosition]. Can be null.
    * @param machine The VM for macro lookup and execution.
    * @return The compiled inner function.
   public PCodeFunction compile(Pair vars, Pair args, Pair body, Lookup posMap, Object urlHolder, Machine machine)
      Pair lambda = new Pair(Symbol.LAMBDA, new Pair(args, body));

      // Ensure there is a URL for the compiled function
      if (posMap != null && body != null && posMap.contains(body))
         posMap.put(lambda, posMap.get(body));

      PCodeFunction parent = (PCodeFunction)compile(Pair.list(Symbol.LAMBDA, vars, lambda),
         posMap, urlHolder, machine, false);

      Machine.getDebugger().setAnonymousParent((PCodeFunction)parent.constants[0], parent);

      return (PCodeFunction)parent.constants[0];

    * Compiles an s-expression to intermediate language instructions.
    * @param expr The expression to compile.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compile(Object expr, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      if (m_posMap != null && expr != null)
         Object obj = m_posMap.get(expr);

         if (obj != null)
            pos = (TextPosition)obj;

      if (expr instanceof Symbol)
         return compileVariable((Symbol)expr, parent, pos);

      if (expr instanceof Pair)
         Pair pair = (Pair)expr;
         Object head = pair.getHead();

         if (head instanceof Symbol)
            return compileSpecialForm((Symbol)head, pair, m_topFrame, parent, pos);

         if (head instanceof Pair)
            Pair fun = (Pair)head;

            if (fun.getHead() == Symbol.GLOBAL && fun.getTail() instanceof Pair)
               fun = (Pair)fun.getTail();

               if (fun.getHead() instanceof Symbol && fun.getTail() == null)
                  return compileSpecialForm((Symbol)fun.getHead(), pair, null, parent, pos);
         else if (head instanceof Macro)
            if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
               s_logger.dump("Expanding macro \"" + head + "\"");

            return compileMacroExpansion((Function)head, pair.getTail(), parent, pos);

         return compileCall(pair, null, parent, pos);

      return compileConstant(expr, parent, pos);

    * Compiles a primitive or a macro.
    * @param symbol The special form symbol.
    * @param expr The whole expression.
    * @param frame The frame to search for local variables matching the symbol. Can be null.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction,
    * or null if no special form has been recognized.
   protected Instruction compileSpecialForm(Symbol symbol, Pair expr, Frame frame, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      if (symbol == Symbol.QUOTE)
         return compileQuote(expr.getTail(), parent, pos);

      if (symbol == Symbol.BEGIN)
         return compileBegin(expr.getTail(), parent, pos);

      if (symbol == Symbol.SET)
         return compileSet(expr.getTail(), parent, pos);

      if (symbol == Symbol.IF)
         return compileIf(expr.getTail(), parent, pos);

      if (symbol == Symbol.LAMBDA)
         return compileLambda(expr.getTail(), false, parent, pos);

      if (symbol == Symbol.MACRO)
         return compileLambda(expr.getTail(), true, parent, pos);

      if (symbol == Symbol.DEFINE)
         return compileDefine(expr.getTail(), parent, pos);

      if (symbol == Symbol.GLOBAL)
         return compileGlobal(expr.getTail(), parent, pos);

      if (symbol == Symbol.DECLARE)
         return compileDeclare(expr.getTail(), parent, pos);

      if (frame != null)
         Local var = frame.findVarRec(symbol);

         if (var != null)
            return compileCall(expr, compileVariable(var, null, pos), parent, pos);

      Object value = m_machine.getGlobalEnvironment().findVariable(symbol);

      if (value instanceof Macro)
         if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
            s_logger.dump("Expanding macro \"" + symbol + "\"");

         return compileMacroExpansion((Function)value, expr.getTail(), parent, pos);

      return compileCall(expr, null, parent, pos);
    * Compiles a reference to a local variable.
    * @param var The local variable.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileVariable(Local var, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      Instruction instr = new GetLocalInstruction(var, m_topFrame);


      return instr;

    * Compiles a reference to a variable.
    * @param symbol The variable symbol.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileVariable(Symbol symbol, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      if (m_topFrame != null)
         Local var = m_topFrame.findVarRec(symbol);

         if (var != null)
            return compileVariable(var, parent, pos);

      Instruction instr = new GetGlobalInstruction(symbol);


      return instr;

    * Compiles a quoted expression.
    * @param expr The pair containing the quoted expression.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileQuote(Object expr, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      verifyArgCount(expr, Symbol.QUOTE, 1, 1, pos);
      Instruction instr = new GetConstantInstruction(((Pair)expr).getHead());


      return instr;

    * Compiles a begin sequence.
    * @param expr The pair containing the first expression in the sequence.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileBegin(Object expr, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      verifyArgCount(expr, Symbol.BEGIN, 0, -1, pos);

      Instruction instr = compileSequence(expr, parent, pos);
      if (instr == null && parent != null && !(parent instanceof GetFunctionInstruction))
         throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.emptySequence", null, null, pos));

      return instr;

    * Compiles an expression sequence.
    * @param expr The pair containing the first expression in the sequence.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileSequence(Object expr, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      Instruction first = null;
      Instruction last = null;

      while (expr != null)
         Pair pair = (Pair)expr;
         Object head = pair.getHead();
         Instruction instr = compile(head, parent, pos);

         if (instr != null)
            if (last != null)
               first = instr;
            // Find the end of the subsequence, if any
            for (last = instr; last.getNext() != null; last = last.getNext());

         expr = pair.getTail();

      return first;

    * Compiles a set! assignment.
    * @param expr The pair containing the first expression after the set! symbol.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileSet(Object expr, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      verifyArgCount(expr, Symbol.SET, 2, 2, pos);

      Pair pair = (Pair)expr;

      if (!(pair.getHead() instanceof Symbol))
         throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.setSymbol", null, null, pos));

      Symbol sym = (Symbol)pair.getHead();

      pair = pair.getNext();

      Instruction instr = null;

      if (m_topFrame != null)
         Local var = m_topFrame.findVarRec(sym);

         if (var != null)
            instr = new SetLocalInstruction(var, m_topFrame);

      if (instr == null)
         validateGlobalAssignment(sym, pos);
         instr = new SetGlobalInstruction(sym);


      Instruction value = compile(pair.getHead(), instr, pos);

      if (value instanceof GetFunctionInstruction)


      return instr;

    * Compiles a conditional expression.
    * @param expr The pair containing the first expression after the if symbol.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileIf(Object expr, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      verifyArgCount(expr, Symbol.IF, 2, 3, pos);

      BranchInstruction instr = new BranchInstruction();


      Pair pair = (Pair)expr;

      instr.setCondition(compile(pair.getHead(), instr, pos));

      pair = pair.getNext();
      instr.setTrueValue(compile(pair.getHead(), instr, pos));

      if (pair.getTail() != null)
         pair = pair.getNext();
         instr.setFalseValue(compile(pair.getHead(), instr, pos));
      return instr;

    * Compiles a function or macro declaration.
    * @param expr The pair containing the first expression after the lambda symbol.
    * @param bMacro True to compile a macro declaration.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileLambda(Object expr, boolean bMacro, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      verifyArgCount(expr, Symbol.LAMBDA, 2, -1, pos);

      GetFunctionInstruction func = (bMacro) ? new GetMacroInstruction() : new GetFunctionInstruction();
      Frame frame = pushFrame();


      Pair pair = (Pair)expr;
      Object head = pair.getHead();

      // Compile the argument declaration
      if (head instanceof Symbol)
         // (lambda x ...)

         Symbol symbol = (Symbol)head;

         frame.addVar(new Local(symbol));
      else if (head instanceof Pair)
         // (lambda (...) ...)
         Pair arg = (Pair)head;

         for (;;)
            head = arg.getHead();

            if (!(head instanceof Symbol))
               throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.lambdaArg", null, null, pos));

            Symbol symbol = (Symbol)head;

            if (frame.findVar(symbol) != null)
               throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.dupArg", new Object[]{symbol}, null, pos));

            frame.addVar(new Local(symbol));

            head = arg.getTail();

            if (head == null)

            if (head instanceof Symbol)
               // (lambda (x y . z) ...)
               symbol = (Symbol)head;

               if (frame.findVar(symbol) != null)
                  throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.dupArg", new Object[]{symbol}, null, pos));

               frame.addVar(new Local(symbol));

            if (!(head instanceof Pair))
               throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.lambdaArg", null, null, pos));
            arg = (Pair)head;
      else if (head != null)
         throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.lambdaArg", null, null, pos));

      compileBody(func, pair.getTail());

      return func;

    * Declares a new local variable through define.
    * @param symbol The variable symbol.
    * @param pair The pair containing the define.
    * @param pos The text position of the function.
   protected void declareLocal(Symbol symbol, Pair pair, TextPosition pos)
      if (!m_bDefine)
         pushFrame().addVar(new Local(symbol));
         m_bDefine = true;
         if (m_topFrame.findVar(symbol) != null)
            if (m_posMap != null)
               Object obj = m_posMap.get(pair);
               if (obj != null)
                  pos = (TextPosition)obj;
            throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.dupVar", new Object[]{symbol}, null, pos));
         m_topFrame.addVar(new Local(symbol));

    * Declares variables found in local define statements.
    * @param expr The list containing the expressions to process.
    * @param pos The text position of the parent expression.
   protected boolean declareLocals(Object expr, TextPosition pos)
      while (expr instanceof Pair)
         Pair pair = (Pair)expr;
         if (pair.getHead() instanceof Pair)
            Pair head = (Pair)pair.getHead();
            if (head.getHead() == Symbol.DEFINE)
               if (head.getTail() instanceof Pair)
                  Pair tail = head.getNext();
                  if (tail.getHead() instanceof Symbol)
                     declareLocal((Symbol)tail.getHead(), head, pos);
                  else if (tail.getHead() instanceof Pair)
                     head = (Pair)tail.getHead();
                     if (head.getHead() instanceof Symbol)
                        declareLocal((Symbol)head.getHead(), head, pos);
            else if (head.getHead() == Symbol.BEGIN)
               if (!declareLocals(head.getTail(), pos))
                  return false;
               return false;
         expr = pair.getTail();
      return true;

    * Compiles a function body.
    * @param lambda The function instruction for which to compile the body.
    * @param expr The first pair of the function body.
   protected void compileBody(GetFunctionInstruction lambda, Object expr)
      boolean m_bDefineSaved = m_bDefine;
      int nOptionsSaved = m_machine.getGlobalEnvironment().getOptions();

      m_bDefine = false;

         declareLocals(expr, lambda.getTextPos());

         Instruction body = compileSequence(expr, lambda, lambda.getTextPos());

         if (body == null)
            throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.emptySequence", null, null, lambda.getTextPos()));

         if (m_bDefine)
            GetFunctionInstruction func = new GetFunctionInstruction(m_topFrame, body);
            CallInstruction call = new CallInstruction(func,


            for (Instruction instr = body; instr != null; instr = instr.getNext())

            for (Local var = m_topFrame.getLastVar(); var != null; var = var.getNext())
               call.addArg(new GetConstantInstruction(null));


         if (m_bDefine)

         m_bDefine = m_bDefineSaved;

    * Compiles a global definition.
    * @param expr The pair containing the first expression after the define symbol.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileDefine(Object expr, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      Instruction instr;

      if (m_topFrame == null)
         if (parent != null)
            throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.define", null, null, pos));

         instr = new DefGlobalInstruction(null);
         if (!(parent instanceof GetFunctionInstruction))
            throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.define", null, null, pos));

         instr = new SetLocalInstruction(null, m_topFrame);


      Instruction value = compileDefinition(expr, instr, pos);     


      if (value instanceof GetFunctionInstruction)
         String sName;

         if (instr instanceof DefGlobalInstruction)
            sName = ((DefGlobalInstruction)instr).getSymbol().getName();
            sName = ((SetLocalInstruction)instr).getVar().getSymbol().getName();


      return instr;

    * Compiles a variable definition.
    * @param expr The pair containing the first expression after the define symbol.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileDefinition(Object expr, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      int nArgCount = verifyArgCount(expr, Symbol.DEFINE, 2, -1, pos);
      Pair pair = (Pair)expr;
      Object obj = pair.getHead();

      if (obj instanceof Symbol)
         // (define x ...)
         if (nArgCount > 2)
            throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.maxArgCount",
               new Object[]{Symbol.DEFINE, Primitive.createInteger(2)}, null, pos));

         defineVariable(parent, (Symbol)obj, pos);

         return compile(pair.getNext().getHead(), parent, pos);
      else if (obj instanceof Pair)
         // (define (f ...) ...)
         Pair arg = (Pair)obj;

         obj = arg.getHead();

         if (!(obj instanceof Symbol))
            throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.lambdaArg", null, null, pos));

         defineVariable(parent, (Symbol)obj, pos);

         GetFunctionInstruction func = new GetFunctionInstruction();
         Frame frame = pushFrame();


         for (obj = arg.getTail(); obj != null; obj = arg.getTail())
            if (obj instanceof Symbol)
               // (define (f x y . z) ...)
               Symbol symbol = (Symbol)obj;

               if (frame.findVar(symbol) != null)
                  throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.dupArg", new Object[]{symbol}, null, pos));

               frame.addVar(new Local(symbol));

            else if (obj instanceof Pair)
               // (define (f x y z) ...)
               arg = (Pair)obj;
               obj = arg.getHead();

               if (!(obj instanceof Symbol))
                  throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.lambdaArg", null, null, pos));

               Symbol symbol = (Symbol)obj;

               if (frame.findVar(symbol) != null)
                  throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.dupArg", new Object[]{symbol}, null, pos));

               frame.addVar(new Local(symbol));
               throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.lambdaArg", null, null, pos));

         compileBody(func, pair.getTail());

         return func;
         throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.defineVar", null, null, pos));

    * Validates a global assignment.
    * @param symbol The variable symbol.
    * @param pos The text position.
   protected void validateGlobalAssignment(Symbol symbol, TextPosition pos)
      if (Intrinsic.findFunction(symbol) != null &&
         throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.intrinsicRedefinition", new Object[]{symbol}, null, pos));

    * Defines the variable symbol.
    * @param instr LocalVarInstruction or GlobalVarInstruction.
    * @param symbol The variable symbol.
    * @param pos The text position.
   protected void defineVariable(Instruction instr, Symbol symbol, TextPosition pos)
      if (instr instanceof LocalVarInstruction)
         Local var;

         if (!m_bDefine || (var = m_topFrame.findVar(symbol)) == null)
            throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.define", null, null, pos));

         validateGlobalAssignment(symbol, pos);

    * Compiles a global namespace escape.
    * @param expr The pair containing the first expression after the global symbol.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileGlobal(Object expr, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      verifyArgCount(expr, Symbol.GLOBAL, 1, 1, pos);

      Pair pair = (Pair)expr;

      if (!(pair.getHead() instanceof Symbol))
         throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.globalSymbol", null, null, pos));

      Instruction instr = new GetGlobalInstruction((Symbol)pair.getHead());


      return instr;
    * Compiles a declare directive.
    * @param expr The pair containing the first expression after the declare symbol.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileDeclare(Object expr, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      verifyArgCount(expr, Symbol.DECLARE, 1, -1, pos);

      Pair pair = (Pair)expr;

      if (pair.getHead() == Symbol.OPTION)
         for (pair = pair.getNext(); pair != null; pair = pair.getNext())
            if (!(pair.getHead() instanceof Pair))
               throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.declareSpec", null, null, pos));
            Pair head = (Pair)pair.getHead();
            if (!(head.getTail() instanceof Pair))
               throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.declareSpec", null, null, pos));
            Pair tail = head.getNext();
            if (tail.getTail() != null || !(head.getHead() instanceof Symbol))
               throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.declareSpec", null, null, pos));
            int nOption;
            if (head.getHead() == Symbol.CONVERT_SYMBOLS)
               nOption = GlobalEnvironment.OPTION_CONVERT_SYMBOLS;
            else if (head.getHead() == Symbol.REDEFINE_INTRINSICS)
               nOption = GlobalEnvironment.OPTION_REDEFINE_INTRINSICS;
               throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.declareOption", new Object[]{head.getHead()}, null, pos));
            if (!(tail.getHead() instanceof Boolean))
               throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.declareValue", null, null, pos));
            m_machine.getGlobalEnvironment().setOption(nOption, ((Boolean)tail.getHead()).booleanValue());
      else if (pair.getHead() == Symbol.SCOPE)
         if (!(pair.getTail() instanceof Pair) || pair.getNext().getTail() != null ||
            !(pair.getNext().getHead() instanceof Symbol))
            throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.declareScope", null, null, pos));

         throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.declareSymbol", null, null, pos));

      Instruction instr = new GetConstantInstruction(null);


      return instr;

    * Expands a macro and compiles the resulting code.
    * @param func The macro function.
    * @param expr The pair containing the first expression after the macro variable.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileMacroExpansion(Function func, Object expr, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      if (expr != null && !(expr instanceof Pair))
         throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.callArgs", null, null, pos));
      if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
         s_logger.dump("args = " + Intrinsic.toString(expr));

      Object expansion;

         expansion = m_machine.invoke(func, (Pair)expr);
      catch (Exception e)
         if (e instanceof ErrorCode)
            ErrorCode ec = (ErrorCode)e;

            throw setURL(new CompilerException(ec.getErrorCode(), ec.getErrorArgs(), e, pos));

         throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.macroExpansion",
            new Object[]{ObjUtil.getMessage(e)}, e, pos));

      if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
         s_logger.dump("expansion = " + Intrinsic.toString(expansion));

      return compile(expansion, parent, pos);

    * Compiles a function call.
    * @param expr The pair containing the function call.
    * @param func The function instruction. Null to determine from expr.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileCall(Pair expr, Instruction func, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      Object obj = expr.getHead();
      CallInstruction call = new CallInstruction(


      if (func == null)
         func = compile(obj, call, pos);


      for (obj = expr.getTail(); obj != null; obj = expr.getTail())
         if (!(obj instanceof Pair))
            throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.callArgs", null, null, pos));

         expr = (Pair)obj;
         call.addArg(compile(expr.getHead(), call, pos));

      if (func instanceof GetFunctionInstruction)
         GetFunctionInstruction lambda = (GetFunctionInstruction)func;
         Frame frame = lambda.getFrame();
         Local var = frame.getLastVar();
         int nArgCount = lambda.getArgCount();

         if (lambda.isVarArg())
            var = var.getNext();

         if (nArgCount <= call.getArgCount())
            for (int i = nArgCount - 1; i >= 0; --i, var = var.getNext())
               Instruction instr = call.getArg(i);

               if (instr instanceof GetFunctionInstruction)

      return call;

    * Compiles a reference to a constant.
    * @param value The constant value.
    * @param parent The parent instruction.
    * @param pos The text position. Can be null.
    * @return The first compiled intermediate language instruction.
   protected Instruction compileConstant(Object value, Instruction parent, TextPosition pos)
      Instruction instr = new GetConstantInstruction(value);


      return instr;

    * Verifies the argument count in a function call.
    * @param firstPair The pair holding the first argument.
    * @param func The object which provides the function name string through toString().
    * @param nMinCount The minimum valid argument count.
    * @param nMaxCount The maximum valid argument count. -1 is unlimited.
    * @param pos The text position for the error message.
    * @return The found argument count.
    * @throws CompilerException if not a pair list is passed or
    * if the argument count is outside the allowed range. 
   protected int verifyArgCount(Object firstPair, Object func,
      int nMinCount, int nMaxCount, TextPosition pos) throws CompilerException
      int nCount = 0;
      while (firstPair != null)
         if (!(firstPair instanceof Pair))
            throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.callArgs", null, null, pos));
         firstPair = ((Pair)firstPair).getTail();
      if (nCount < nMinCount)
         throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.minArgCount",
            new Object[]{func, Primitive.createInteger(nMinCount)}, null, pos));
      if (nMaxCount >= 0 && nCount > nMaxCount)
         throw setURL(new CompilerException("err.compiler.maxArgCount",
            new Object[]{func, Primitive.createInteger(nMaxCount)}, null, pos));
      return nCount;

    * Creates and pushes a new frame on the top of frame stack.
    * @return The new frame.
   protected Frame pushFrame()
      Frame frame = new Frame();

      m_topFrame = frame;

      return frame;

    * Pops the innermost frame from the frame stack.
    * @return The removed frame.
   protected Frame popFrame()
      Frame frame = m_topFrame;

      m_topFrame = frame.getParent();

      return frame;

    * Removes the specified frame for the frame stack.
    * @param frame The frame to remove.
   protected void removeFrame(Frame frame)
      if (m_topFrame == frame)
         m_topFrame = frame.getParent();
         for (Frame f = m_topFrame; ; f = f.getParent())
            if (f.getParent() == frame)



    * Sets the source code URL on a compiler exception.
    * @param e The compiler exception on which to set the URL.
    * @return e
   protected CompilerException setURL(CompilerException e)
      if (m_urlHolder != null)
         if (m_urlHolder instanceof String)
         else if (e.getTextPosition() != null)

      return e;

    * Sets a given URL for the text positions corresponding to the specified expression.
    * @param expr The specified expression to parse.
    * @param sURL The URL to set.
    * @param posMap The text position map.
    * @param urlMap The URL map.
   public static void setPosURLs(Object expr, String sURL, Lookup posMap, Lookup urlMap)
      while (expr != null)
         Object pos = posMap.get(expr);

         if (pos != null)
            urlMap.put(pos, sURL);

         if (expr instanceof Pair)
            setPosURLs(((Pair)expr).getHead(), sURL, posMap, urlMap);
            expr = ((Pair)expr).getTail();

    * Sets a given URL for the text positions corresponding to the specified expression.
    * @param expr The specified expression to parse.
    * @param sURL The URL to set.
    * @param posMap The text position map.
   public static void setPosURLs(Object expr, String sURL, Lookup posMap)
      while (expr != null)
         TextPosition pos = (TextPosition)posMap.get(expr);

         if (pos != null)

         if (expr instanceof Pair)
            setPosURLs(((Pair)expr).getHead(), sURL, posMap);
            expr = ((Pair)expr).getTail();

   // inner classes

    * Represents a local variable frame.
   protected final static class Frame
      // attributes

       * The usage flag.
      protected boolean m_bUsed;

      // associations

       * The last variable in this frame.
      private Local m_lastVar;

       * The parent frame. Can be null.
      private Frame m_parent;

      // operations

       * Sets the usage flag.
       * @param bUsed The usage flag to set.
      public void setUsed(boolean bUsed)
         m_bUsed = bUsed;

       * @return The usage flag.
      public boolean isUsed()
         return m_bUsed;

       * Sets the parent frame. Can be null.
       * @param parent The parent frame.
      public void setParent(Frame parent)
         m_parent = parent;

       * @return The parent frame. Can be null.
      public Frame getParent()
         return m_parent;
       * @return The last added variable. Can be null.
       * The added variables form a linked list.
      public Local getLastVar()
         return m_lastVar;

       * Adds a variable to the frame.
       * @param var The variable to add.
      public void addVar(Local var)
         m_lastVar = var;

       * Removes a variable from the frame.
       * @param var The variable to remove.
      public void removeVar(Local var)
         assert var.getFrame() == this;

         if (m_lastVar == var)
            m_lastVar = var.getNext();
            for (Local last = m_lastVar; ; last = last.getNext())
               if (last.getNext() == var)


       * Finds a variable by symbol in this frame.
       * @param symbol The variable symbol.
       * @return The variable, or null if not found.
      public Local findVar(Symbol symbol)
         for (Local var = m_lastVar; var != null; var = var.getNext())
            if (var.getSymbol() == symbol)
               return var;

         return null;

       * Finds a variable by symbol in this or any parent frame.
       * @param symbol The variable symbol.
       * @return The variable, or null if not found.
      public Local findVarRec(Symbol symbol)
         Frame frame = this;
            Local var = frame.findVar(symbol);
            if (var != null)
               return var;

            frame = frame.getParent();
         while (frame != null);
         return null;

       * Computes the offset of this frame relative to another frame.
       * @param frame The frame relative to which to compute the offset.
       * @return The offset of this frame.
      public int getOffset(Frame frame)
         int nOffset = 0;
         while (frame != this)
            if (frame.m_bUsed)

            frame = frame.m_parent;

         return nOffset;

    * Represents a local variable.
   protected final static class Local
      // associations

       * The variable symbol.
      private Symbol m_symbol;

       * The variable frame.
      private Frame m_frame;

       * The next variable in the frame.
      private Local m_next;

      // constructors

       * Constructs a local variable.
       * @param symbol The variable symbol.
      public Local(Symbol symbol)
         m_symbol = symbol;

      // operations

       * Sets the variable symbol.
       * @param symbol The variable symbol to set.
      public void setSymbol(Symbol symbol)
         m_symbol = symbol;

       * @return The variable symbol.
      public Symbol getSymbol()
         return m_symbol;
       * Sets the variable frame.
       * @param frame The variable frame to set.
      public void setFrame(Frame frame)
         m_frame = frame;

       * @return The variable frame.
      public Frame getFrame()
         return m_frame;

       * Sets the next variable in the frame.
       * @param next The next variable in the frame to set.
      public void setNext(Local next)
         m_next = next;

       * @return The next variable in the frame.
      public Local getNext()
         return m_next;
       * Removes the variable from its frame.
      public void remove()

       * @return The offset of the variable in the local frame.
      public int getOffset()
         int nOffset = 1;

         for (Local local = this.m_next; local != null; local = local.m_next)

         return nOffset;

       * Flags the variable as used.
      public void setUsed()

    * Base class for VM instructions.
   protected abstract static class Instruction
      // constants

      public final static int GET_LOCAL = 0;
      public final static int SET_LOCAL = 1;
      public final static int GET_GLOBAL = 2;
      public final static int SET_GLOBAL = 3;
      public final static int DEF_GLOBAL = 4;
      public final static int GET_CONST = 5;
      public final static int GET_FUNCTION = 6;
      public final static int BRANCH = 7;
      public final static int CALL = 8;
      // attributes

       * True if the value created by the instruction is not needed.
      protected boolean m_bVoid;

       * True if the instruction is executed last in the function.
      protected boolean m_bLast;

      // associations

       * The previous instruction.
      protected Instruction m_previous;

       * The next instruction.
      protected Instruction m_next;

       * The parent instruction.
      protected Instruction m_parent;

       * The source code text position.
      protected TextPosition m_textPos;

      // operations

       * @return The instruction code.
      public abstract int getCode();
       * Optimizes this instruction.
       * Do NOT call directly from optimize, call optimizeAll instead.
       * @param compiler The compiler object.
       * @return The resulting instruction.
      protected Instruction optimize(Compiler compiler)
         return this;
       * Optimizes this and the following sibling instructions.
       * @param compiler The compiler object.
       * @return The resulting instruction.
      public Instruction optimizeAll(Compiler compiler)
         Instruction first = null;
         for (Instruction instr = this; instr != null; instr = instr.m_next)
            Instruction opt = instr.optimize(compiler);


            if (first == null)
               first = opt;

         return first;

       * Generates the p-code for the instruction.
       * @param buf The p-code output buffer.
      protected abstract void generate(PCodeBuffer buf);

       * Generates the p-code for this and the following sibling instructions.
       * @param buf The p-code output buffer.
      protected final void generateAll(PCodeBuffer buf)
         for (Instruction instr = this; instr != null; instr = instr.m_next)

       * Generates a p-code function from the instruction.
       * @param compiler The compiler object.
       * @return The generated p-code function.
      public PCodeFunction generate(Compiler compiler)
         PCodeBuffer buf = new PCodeBuffer(compiler);


         PCodeFunction fun = createPCodeFunction();


         return fun;
       * Template method to create the p-code function for this instruction.
       * @return A new empty instance of a p-code function.
      protected PCodeFunction createPCodeFunction()
         return new PCodeFunction();

       * Generates return if the instruction is last.
       * @param buf The p-code output buffer.
      protected void returnIfLast(PCodeBuffer buf)
         if (m_bLast)
       * Generates pop if the instruction is void.
       * @param buf The p-code output buffer.
      protected void popIfVoid(PCodeBuffer buf)
         if (m_bVoid)

       * Sets the previous instruction.
       * @param previous The previous instruction to set.
      public void setPrevious(Instruction previous)
         m_previous = previous;

       * @return The previous instruction.
      public Instruction getPrevious()
         return m_previous;
       * Sets the next instruction.
       * @param next The next instruction to set.
      public void setNext(Instruction next)
         m_next = next;

       * @return The next instruction.
      public Instruction getNext()
         return m_next;

       * @return The last instruction in the list.
      public Instruction getLast()
         Instruction instr;
         for (instr = this; instr.m_next != null; instr = instr.m_next);
         return instr;
       * Sets the parent instruction.
       * @param parent The parent instruction to set.
      public void setParent(Instruction parent)
         m_parent = parent;

       * @return The parent instruction.
      public Instruction getParent()
         return m_parent;

       * Sets the source code text position.
       * @param textPos The source code text position to set.
      public void setTextPos(TextPosition textPos)
         m_textPos = textPos;

       * @return The source code text position.
      public TextPosition getTextPos()
         return m_textPos;

       * Appends an instruction after this one.
       * @param instr The instruction to append.
      public void append(Instruction instr)
         if (m_next != null)
       * Prepends an instruction before this one.
       * @param instr The instruction to prepend.
      public void prepend(Instruction instr)
         if (m_previous != null)

       * Replaces this instruction by another one.
       * @param instr The instruction by which to replace this instruction.
      public void replaceBy(Instruction instr)
         if (instr != this)

            if (m_previous != null)

            for (;;)

               if (instr.getNext() == null)

               instr = instr.getNext();


            if (m_next != null)

            instr.setFlags(m_bVoid, m_bLast);

       * Removes the current instruction.
      public void remove()
         if (m_previous != null)

         if (m_next != null)


       * Sets the void flag on the instruction.
       * @param bVoid The void flag.
      public void setVoid(boolean bVoid)
         m_bVoid = bVoid;

       * @return True if the value created by the instruction is not needed.
      public boolean isVoid()
         return m_bVoid; 

       * Sets the last flag on the instruction.
       * @param bLast The last flag.
      public void setLast(boolean bLast)
         m_bLast = bLast;

       * @return True if the instruction is executed last in the function.
      public boolean isLast()
         return m_bLast;
       * Sets the evaluation flags on this instruction.
       * @param bVoid The void flag.
       * @param bLast The last flag.
      protected void setFlags(boolean bVoid, boolean bLast)
         m_bVoid = bVoid || m_next != null;
         m_bLast = bLast && m_next == null;
       * Sets the evaluation flags on this and the following sibling instructions.
       * @param bVoid The void flag.
       * @param bLast The last flag.
      public void setFlagsAll(boolean bVoid, boolean bLast)
         for (Instruction instr = this; instr != null; instr = instr.m_next)
            instr.setFlags(bVoid, bLast);

    * Interface for unary instructions.
   protected interface Unary
       * Sets the operand value.
       * @param value The operand value to set.
      public void setValue(Instruction value);

       * @return The operand value.
      public Instruction getValue();

    * Base class for local variable instructions.
   protected abstract static class LocalVarInstruction extends Instruction
      // associations
       * The local variable.
      protected Local m_var;
       * The current frame.
      private Frame m_frame;

      // constructors

       * Constructs the instruction.
       * @param var The local variable.
       * @param frame The current frame.
      public LocalVarInstruction(Local var, Frame frame)
         m_var = var;
         m_frame = frame;

      // operations

       * Sets the local variable.
       * @param var The local variable to set.
      public void setVar(Local var)
         m_var = var;

       * @return The local variable.
      public Local getVar()
         return m_var;

       * Sets the current frame.
       * @param frame The current frame to set.
      public void setFrame(Frame frame)
         m_frame = frame;

       * @return The current frame.
      public Frame getFrame()
         return m_frame;

    * Instruction to get a local variable value.
   protected final static class GetLocalInstruction extends LocalVarInstruction
      // constructors

       * Constructs the instruction.
       * @param var The local variable to get.
       * @param frame The current frame.
      public GetLocalInstruction(Local var, Frame frame)
         super(var, frame);

      // operations

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#getCode()
      public int getCode()
         return GET_LOCAL;

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#optimize(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler)
      protected Instruction optimize(Compiler compiler)
         if (!m_bVoid)

         return this;

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer)
      protected void generate(PCodeBuffer buf)
         if (!m_bVoid)
            int nOffset = m_var.getFrame().getOffset(getFrame());

            if (nOffset <= 4)
               buf.addCode(Machine.PUSH_LOCAL_0 + nOffset, m_var.getOffset());
               buf.addCode(Machine.PUSH_LOCAL, nOffset, m_var.getOffset());


    * Instruction to set a local variable value.
   protected final static class SetLocalInstruction extends LocalVarInstruction implements Unary
      // associations

       * The value to set.
      private Instruction m_value;

      // constructors

       * Constructs the instruction.
       * @param var The local variable to set.
       * @param frame The current frame.
      public SetLocalInstruction(Local var, Frame frame)
         super(var, frame);

      // operations

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#getCode()
      public int getCode()
         return SET_LOCAL;

       * Sets the value to set.
       * @param value The value to set to set.
      public void setValue(Instruction value)
         m_value = value;

       * @return The value to set.
      public Instruction getValue()
         return m_value;

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#setFlags(boolean, boolean)
      protected void setFlags(boolean bVoid, boolean bLast)
         super.setFlags(bVoid, bLast);
         m_value.setFlagsAll(false, false);

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#optimize(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler)
      protected Instruction optimize(Compiler compiler)
         m_value = m_value.optimizeAll(compiler);

         return this;

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer)
      protected void generate(PCodeBuffer buf)

         int nOffset = m_var.getFrame().getOffset(getFrame());


         if (nOffset <= 4)
            buf.addCode(Machine.SET_LOCAL_0 + nOffset, m_var.getOffset());
            buf.addCode(Machine.SET_LOCAL, nOffset, m_var.getOffset());


    * Base class for global variable instructions.
   protected abstract static class GlobalVarInstruction extends Instruction
      // associations
       * The global variable symbol.
      private Symbol m_symbol;

      // constructors
       * Constructs the instruction.
       * @param symbol The global variable symbol.
      public GlobalVarInstruction(Symbol symbol)
         m_symbol = symbol;
      // operations
       * Sets the global variable symbol.
       * @param symbol The global variable symbol to set.
      public void setSymbol(Symbol symbol)
         m_symbol = symbol;

       * @return The global variable symbol.
      public Symbol getSymbol()
         return m_symbol;
    * Instruction to get a global variable.
   protected final static class GetGlobalInstruction extends GlobalVarInstruction
      // constructors

       * Constructs the instruction.
       * @param symbol The global variable symbol.
      public GetGlobalInstruction(Symbol symbol)

      // operations

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#getCode()
      public int getCode()
         return GET_GLOBAL;

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer)
      protected void generate(PCodeBuffer buf)
         if (!m_bVoid)
            buf.addCode(Machine.PUSH_GLOBAL, buf.addConstant(getSymbol()));


   protected abstract static class GlobalAssignmentInstruction extends GlobalVarInstruction implements Unary
      // associations

       * The value to set.
      private Instruction m_value;

      // constructors

       * Constructs the instruction.
       * @param symbol The global variable symbol.
      public GlobalAssignmentInstruction(Symbol symbol)
      // operations
       * Sets the value to set.
       * @param value The value to set to set.
      public void setValue(Instruction value)
         m_value = value;

       * @return The value to set.
      public Instruction getValue()
         return m_value;

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#setFlags(boolean, boolean)
      protected void setFlags(boolean bVoid, boolean bLast)
         super.setFlags(bVoid, bLast);
         m_value.setFlagsAll(false, false);
       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#optimize(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler)
      protected Instruction optimize(Compiler compiler)
         m_value = m_value.optimizeAll(compiler);
         return this;

    * Instruction to set a global variable.
   protected final static class SetGlobalInstruction extends GlobalAssignmentInstruction
      // constructors

       * Constructs the instruction.
       * @param symbol The global variable symbol.
      public SetGlobalInstruction(Symbol symbol)

      // operations

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#getCode()
      public int getCode()
         return SET_GLOBAL;

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer)
      protected void generate(PCodeBuffer buf)
         buf.addCode(Machine.SET_GLOBAL, buf.addConstant(getSymbol()));
    * Instruction to define a global variable.
   protected final static class DefGlobalInstruction extends GlobalAssignmentInstruction
      // constructors

       * Constructs the instruction.
       * @param symbol The global variable symbol.
      public DefGlobalInstruction(Symbol symbol)

      // operations

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#getCode()
      public int getCode()
         return DEF_GLOBAL;

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer)
      protected void generate(PCodeBuffer buf)
         buf.addCode(Machine.DEF_GLOBAL, buf.addConstant(getSymbol()));

    * Instruction to get a constant value.
   protected final static class GetConstantInstruction extends Instruction
      // attributes

       * The constant value.
      private Object m_value;

      // constructors

       * Constructs the instruction.
       * @param value The constant value.
      public GetConstantInstruction(Object value)
         m_value = value;

      // operations

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#getCode()
      public int getCode()
         return GET_CONST;

       * Sets the constant value.
       * @param value The constant value to set.
      public void setValue(Object value)
         m_value = value;

       * @return The constant value.
      public Object getValue()
         return m_value;

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer)
      protected void generate(PCodeBuffer buf)
         if (!m_bVoid)
            if (m_value == null)
            else if (m_value.equals(Primitive.ZERO_INTEGER))
            else if (m_value.equals(Primitive.ONE_INTEGER))
            else if (m_value.equals(Boolean.TRUE))
            else if (m_value.equals(Boolean.FALSE))
               buf.addCode(Machine.PUSH_CONST, buf.addConstant(m_value));


    * Instruction to get a function reference (closure).
   protected static class GetFunctionInstruction extends Instruction
      // attributes

       * The formal argument count (including the last variable argument, if any).
      private int m_nArgCount;

       * The variable argument flag.
      private boolean m_bVarArg;

      // associations

       * The function frame.
      private Frame m_frame;

       * The function body.
      private Instruction m_body;

       * The function name. Can be null.
      private String m_sName;

      // constructors
       * Constructs the instruction.
      public GetFunctionInstruction()

       * Constructs the instruction.
       * @param frame The function frame.
       * @param body The function body.
      public GetFunctionInstruction(Frame frame, Instruction body)
         m_frame = frame;
         m_body = body;

      // operations

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#getCode()
      public int getCode()
         return GET_FUNCTION;

       * @return True if the function is a macro.
      public boolean isMacro()
         return false;

       * Sets the function frame.
       * @param frame The function frame to set.
      public void setFrame(Frame frame)
         m_frame = frame;

       * @return The function frame.
      public Frame getFrame()
         return m_frame;
       * Sets the function body.
       * @param body The function body to set.
      public void setBody(Instruction body)
         m_body = body;

       * @return The function body.
      public Instruction getBody()
         return m_body;

       * Sets the formal argument count.
       * @param nArgCount The formal argument count to set.
      public void setArgCount(int nArgCount)
         m_nArgCount = nArgCount;

       * @return The formal argument count.
      public int getArgCount()
         return m_nArgCount;

       * Increments the argument count by one.
       * @return The new argument count.
      public int incArgCount()
         return ++m_nArgCount;

       * Sets the variable argument flag.
       * @param bVarArg The variable argument flag to set.
      public void setVarArg(boolean bVarArg)
         m_bVarArg = bVarArg;

       * @return The variable argument flag.
      public boolean isVarArg()
         return m_bVarArg;

       * Sets the function name.
       * @param sName The function name to set.
      public void setName(String sName)
         m_sName = sName;

       * @return The function name.
      public String getName()
         return m_sName;
       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#setFlags(boolean, boolean)
      protected void setFlags(boolean bVoid, boolean bLast)
         super.setFlags(bVoid, bLast);
         m_body.setFlagsAll(false, true);

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#optimize(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler)
      protected Instruction optimize(Compiler compiler)
         m_body = m_body.optimizeAll(compiler);
         return this;

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer)
      protected void generate(PCodeBuffer buf)
         if (!m_bVoid)
            buf.addCode(Machine.PUSH_CLOSURE, buf.addConstant(generate(buf.getCompiler())));


       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#generate(Compiler)
      public PCodeFunction generate(Compiler compiler)
         PCodeBuffer buf = new PCodeBuffer(compiler);


         if (m_bVarArg)
            buf.addCode((m_frame.isUsed()) ?
               Machine.SETUP_VARARG_FRAME :
               m_nArgCount - 1);
            buf.addCode((m_frame.isUsed()) ?
               Machine.SETUP_FRAME :


         PCodeFunction fun = createPCodeFunction();


         return fun;

    * Instruction to get a function reference (closure).
   protected final static class GetMacroInstruction extends GetFunctionInstruction
       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.GetFunctionInstruction#isMacro()
      public boolean isMacro()
         return true;
       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#createPCodeFunction()
      protected PCodeFunction createPCodeFunction()
         return new PCodeMacro();

    * Instruction to branch the execution path based on a condition.
   protected final static class BranchInstruction extends Instruction
      // associations

       * The condition.
      private Instruction m_condition;

       * The true value.
      private Instruction m_trueValue;

       * The false value.
      private Instruction m_falseValue;

      // constructors

       * Constructs the instruction.
      public BranchInstruction()

       * Constructs the instruction.
       * @param condition The condition instruction.
       * @param trueValue The instruction executing when the condition is true.
       * @param falseValue The instruction executing when the condition is false.
      public BranchInstruction(Instruction condition, Instruction trueValue, Instruction falseValue)
         m_condition = condition;
         m_trueValue = trueValue;
         m_falseValue = falseValue;

      // operations

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#getCode()
      public int getCode()
         return BRANCH;
       * Sets the condition.
       * @param condition The condition to set.
      public void setCondition(Instruction condition)
         m_condition = condition;

       * @return The condition.
      public Instruction getCondition()
         return m_condition;

       * Sets the true value.
       * @param trueValue The true value to set.
      public void setTrueValue(Instruction trueValue)
         m_trueValue = trueValue;

       * @return The true value.
      public Instruction getTrueValue()
         return m_trueValue;

       * Sets the false value.
       * @param falseValue The false value to set.
      public void setFalseValue(Instruction falseValue)
         m_falseValue = falseValue;

       * @return The false value.
      public Instruction getFalseValue()
         return m_falseValue;
       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#setFlags(boolean, boolean)
      protected void setFlags(boolean bVoid, boolean bLast)
         super.setFlags(bVoid, bLast);
         m_condition.setFlagsAll(false, false);

         if (m_trueValue != null)
            m_trueValue.setFlagsAll(m_bVoid, m_bLast);

         if (m_falseValue != null)
            m_falseValue.setFlagsAll(m_bVoid, m_bLast);

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#optimize(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler)
      protected Instruction optimize(Compiler compiler)
         m_condition = m_condition.optimizeAll(compiler);

         // (if (not cond) expr_t expr_f) -> (if cond expr_f expr_t)
         Instruction cond = m_condition.getLast();
         Instruction prev = cond.getPrevious();
         Instruction branch = this;

         if (prev != null)
            branch = m_condition;
            m_condition = cond;

         while (cond.getCode() == CALL)
            CallInstruction call = (CallInstruction)cond;

            if (call.getArgCount() != 1 || call.getFunction().getCode() != GET_GLOBAL)

            if (((GetGlobalInstruction)call.getFunction()).getSymbol() != Symbol.NOT)

            Instruction instr = call.getArg(0);


            if (cond == m_condition)
               m_condition = instr;

            cond = instr;
            instr = m_trueValue;
            m_trueValue = m_falseValue;
            m_falseValue = instr;

         if (m_trueValue != null)
            m_trueValue = m_trueValue.optimizeAll(compiler);

         if (m_falseValue != null)
            m_falseValue = m_falseValue.optimizeAll(compiler);

         if (m_condition.getCode() == GET_CONST)
            Instruction instr = (Intrinsic.isTrue(((GetConstantInstruction)m_condition).getValue())) ? m_trueValue : m_falseValue;

            if (instr == null)
               instr = new GetConstantInstruction(null);

            if (prev == null)
               return instr;


         return branch;

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer)
      protected void generate(PCodeBuffer buf)

         buf.addCode((m_trueValue == null && m_bVoid) ?
            Machine.JUMP_TRUE :
            Machine.JUMP_FALSE, 0);

         int nCondOffset = buf.getOffset() - 1;
         int nJumpOffset = 0;

         if (m_trueValue != null)
            if (!m_bLast && (m_falseValue != null || !m_bVoid))
               buf.addCode(Machine.JUMP, 0);
               nJumpOffset = buf.getOffset() - 1;
         else if (!m_bVoid)
            if (m_bLast)
               buf.addCode(Machine.JUMP, 0);
               nJumpOffset = buf.getOffset() - 1;

         if (m_falseValue != null)
            if (m_trueValue != null || !m_bVoid)
               buf.setCode(nCondOffset, buf.getOffset());

            if (m_trueValue == null && m_bVoid)
               buf.setCode(nCondOffset, buf.getOffset());
         else if (m_bVoid)
            buf.setCode(nCondOffset, (m_bLast) ? buf.getOffset() - 1 : buf.getOffset());
            buf.setCode(nCondOffset, buf.getOffset());

         if (nJumpOffset != 0)
            buf.setCode(nJumpOffset, buf.getOffset());

         if (m_next != null)

    * Instruction to call a function.
   protected final static class CallInstruction extends Instruction
      // attributes
      private boolean m_bRedefineIntrinsics;
      // associations

       * The function to call.
      private Instruction m_function;
       * The argument list: Instruction[n].
      private List m_argList = null;

      // constructors

       * Constructs the instruction.
       * @param bRedefineIntrinsincs True if intrinsics redefinition is allowed.
      public CallInstruction(boolean bRedefineIntrinsics)
         m_bRedefineIntrinsics = bRedefineIntrinsics;

       * Constructs the instruction.
       * @param function The function to call.
       * @param bRedefineIntrinsincs True if intrinsics redefinition is allowed.
      public CallInstruction(Instruction function, boolean bRedefineIntrinsincs)
         m_function = function;
         m_bRedefineIntrinsics = bRedefineIntrinsincs;
      // operations
       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#getCode()
      public int getCode()
         return CALL;
       * Sets the function to call.
       * @param function The function to call to set.
      public void setFunction(Instruction function)
         m_function = function;

       * @return The function to call.
      public Instruction getFunction()
         return m_function;

       * Adds a new argument to the function.
       * @param arg The argument to add.
      public void addArg(Instruction arg)
         if (m_argList == null)
            m_argList = new ArrayList(8);


       * Replaces an argument with agiven ordinal number.
       * @param nOrdinal The argument ordinal number.
       * @param arg The new ragument.
      public void setArg(int nOrdinal, Instruction arg)
         m_argList.set(nOrdinal, arg);

       * Gets a argument by ordinal number.
       * @param nOrdinal The argument ordinal number (0-based).
       * @return The argument object.
      public Instruction getArg(int nOrdinal)
         return (Instruction)m_argList.get(nOrdinal);

       * @return The argument count.
      public int getArgCount()
         if (m_argList == null)
            return 0;
         return m_argList.size();

       * @return An iterator for the contained argument objects.
      public Iterator getArgIterator()
         if (m_argList == null)
            return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
         return m_argList.iterator();

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#setFlags(boolean, boolean)
      protected void setFlags(boolean bVoid, boolean bLast)
         super.setFlags(bVoid, bLast);
         m_function.setFlags(false, false);
         if (m_argList != null)
            int nCount = m_argList.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
               ((Instruction)m_argList.get(i)).setFlagsAll(false, false);

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#optimize(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler)
      protected Instruction optimize(Compiler compiler)
         m_function = m_function.optimizeAll(compiler);

         int nArgCount = getArgCount();

         for (int i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++i)
            setArg(i, getArg(i).optimizeAll(compiler));

         switch (m_function.getCode())
            case GET_FUNCTION:
               // ((lambda () expr1 ... exprN)) -> (begin expr1 ... exprN)
               if (nArgCount == 0)
                  GetFunctionInstruction fun = (GetFunctionInstruction)m_function;

                  if (fun.getArgCount() == 0 && !fun.isMacro())
                     return fun.getBody();


            case GET_CONST:
               if (((GetConstantInstruction)m_function).getValue() instanceof FrameAware)
                  for (Instruction instr = m_parent; instr != null; instr = instr.m_parent)
                     if (instr.getCode() == GET_FUNCTION)
                        Frame frame = ((GetFunctionInstruction)instr).getFrame();
                        for (;;)
                           if (frame.getParent() == null)


                           frame = frame.getParent();



         return this;

       * @see nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.Instruction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer)
      protected void generate(PCodeBuffer buf)
         int nArgCount;

         if (m_function.getCode() == GET_GLOBAL)
            Symbol symbol = ((GetGlobalInstruction)m_function).getSymbol();

            if (!m_bRedefineIntrinsics)
               IntrinsicFunction fun = Intrinsic.findFunction(symbol);

               if (fun != null)
                  int nOffset = 0;

                  if (!m_bLast && fun.isPCode())
                     buf.addCode(Machine.PUSH_PC, 0);
                     nOffset = buf.getOffset() - 1;

                  nArgCount = generateArgs(buf);

                  if (!fun.generate(buf, this))
                     buf.addCode(Machine.CALL_INTRINSIC + Intrinsic.getOrdinal(fun), nArgCount);

                  if (nOffset != 0)
                     buf.setCode(nOffset, buf.getOffset());

                     if (!fun.isPCode())


         if (m_bLast)
            nArgCount = generateArgs(buf);
            buf.addCode(Machine.CALL, nArgCount);
            buf.addCode(Machine.PUSH_PC, 0);

            int nOffset = buf.getOffset() - 1;

            nArgCount = generateArgs(buf);
            buf.addCode(Machine.CALL, nArgCount);
            buf.setCode(nOffset, buf.getOffset());
       * Generates the argument code.
       * @param buf The p-code output buffer.
       * @return The argument count.
      private int generateArgs(PCodeBuffer buf)
         if (m_argList == null)
            return 0;

         int nCount = m_argList.size();

         for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)

         return nCount;
    * Buffer for generating p-code.
   protected final static class PCodeBuffer
      // attributes

       * The source code URL index in the URL array.
      private int m_nURLIndex = -1;

       * The number of elements in the text position array.
      private int m_nTextPosCount;

       * The text position array: Offset[3*n], Line[3*n+1], Column[3*n+2]
      private char[] m_textPosArray;

      // associations

       * Code buffer.
      private StringBuilder m_buf = new StringBuilder(128);

       * Map of constant objects to their constant table offsets: Integer[Object].
      private Lookup m_constMap = new HashTab();
       * Map of URLs to array indexes: Integer[String].
      private Lookup m_urlMap;

       * The function instruction.
      private GetFunctionInstruction m_func;

       * The compiler object.
      private Compiler m_compiler;

      // constructors

       * Constructs the code buffer.
       * @param compiler The compiler object.
      public PCodeBuffer(Compiler compiler)
         m_compiler = compiler;
         if (compiler.m_urlHolder instanceof String)
            m_urlMap = new HashTab(1);
            m_urlMap.put(compiler.m_urlHolder, Primitive.ZERO_INTEGER);
            m_nURLIndex = 0;

      // operations

       * @return The compiler object.
      public Compiler getCompiler()
         return m_compiler;

       * @return The current code offset.
      public int getOffset()
         return m_buf.length();

       * Adds a single code instruction (or offset).
       * @param nPCode The instruction p-code.
      public void addCode(int nPCode)

       * Adds a code instruction with one argument.
       * @param nPCode The instruction p-code.
       * @param nArg The instruction argument.
      public void addCode(int nPCode, int nArg)

       * Adds a code instruction with two arguments.
       * @param nPCode The instruction p-code.
       * @param nArg1 The first instruction argument.
       * @param nArg2 The second instruction argument.
      public void addCode(int nPCode, int nArg1, int nArg2)
       * Sets a code instruction at a specified offset.
       * @param nOffset The offset at which to set the instruction.
       * @param nPCode The instruction p-code.
      public void setCode(int nOffset, int nPCode)
         m_buf.setCharAt(nOffset, (char)nPCode);
       * Adds a constant to the buffer.
       * @param value The constant value to add.
       * @return The offset of the added constant.
      public int addConstant(Object value)
         Object obj = m_constMap.get(value);

         if (obj != null)
            return ((Integer)obj).intValue();

         int nOffset = m_constMap.size();

         m_constMap.put(value, Primitive.createInteger(nOffset));

         return nOffset;

       * Adds a text position for the current code offset.
       * @param pos The text position to add.
      public void addTextPosition(TextPosition pos)
         if (pos != null)
            Object sURL = pos.getURL();

            if (sURL == null && (m_compiler.m_urlHolder instanceof Lookup))
               sURL = ((Lookup)m_compiler.m_urlHolder).get(pos);

            if (sURL != null)
               if (m_urlMap == null)
                  m_urlMap = new HashTab();

               Object index = m_urlMap.get(sURL);

               if (index == null)
                  index = Primitive.createInteger(m_urlMap.size());
                  m_urlMap.put(sURL, index);

               m_nURLIndex = ((Integer)index).intValue();

            if (m_nURLIndex >= 0)
               char nOffset = (char)m_buf.length();
               char nLine = (char)pos.getLine();
               char nCol = (char)pos.getColumn();

               if (m_nTextPosCount >= DebugInfo.POS_SIZE)
                  char nLastOffset = m_textPosArray[m_nTextPosCount - DebugInfo.POS_SIZE + DebugInfo.POS_OFFSET];
                  char nLastLine = m_textPosArray[m_nTextPosCount - DebugInfo.POS_SIZE + DebugInfo.POS_LINE];
                  char nLastCol = m_textPosArray[m_nTextPosCount - DebugInfo.POS_SIZE + DebugInfo.POS_COLUMN];
                  char nLastURL = m_textPosArray[m_nTextPosCount - DebugInfo.POS_SIZE + DebugInfo.POS_URL];

                  if(nLastOffset == nOffset)
                     // Let URLs added later at the same offset take precedence
                     m_nTextPosCount -= DebugInfo.POS_SIZE;
                  else if(nLine == nLastLine && nCol == nLastCol && m_nURLIndex == nLastURL)
                     // Don't add redundant position items

               if (m_textPosArray == null)
                  m_textPosArray = new char[DebugInfo.POS_SIZE * 64];
               else if (m_nTextPosCount == m_textPosArray.length)
                  char[] textPosArray = new char[m_nTextPosCount << 1];

                  System.arraycopy(m_textPosArray, 0, textPosArray, 0, m_nTextPosCount);
                  m_textPosArray = textPosArray;

               m_textPosArray[m_nTextPosCount++] = nOffset;
               m_textPosArray[m_nTextPosCount++] = nLine;
               m_textPosArray[m_nTextPosCount++] = nCol;
               m_textPosArray[m_nTextPosCount++] = (char)m_nURLIndex;

       * Sets the function instruction.
       * @param func The GetFunctionInstruction instance. Can be null.
      public void setFunction(GetFunctionInstruction func)
         m_func = func;

       * Copies the generated p-code and constants to a given function.
       * @param fun The function where to copy the code.
      public void copyTo(PCodeFunction fun)
         if (m_buf.length() > Character.MAX_VALUE)
            throw new CompilerException("err.compiler.codeOverflow", null, null, null);

         fun.code = new char[m_buf.length()];
         m_buf.getChars(0, m_buf.length(), fun.code, 0);

         boolean bFuncInfo = (m_func != null && (m_func.getName() != null ||
            m_func.getArgCount() != 0 && m_func.getFrame().isUsed()));
         boolean bDebugInfo = (bFuncInfo || m_urlMap != null && m_nTextPosCount > 0);
         int nConstCount = m_constMap.size() + ((bDebugInfo) ? PCodeFunction.DEBUG_CONSTANT_COUNT : 0);

         if (nConstCount == 0)
            fun.constants = null;
            fun.constants = new Object[nConstCount];

            for (Lookup.Iterator itr = m_constMap.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
               fun.constants[((Integer)itr.getValue()).intValue()] = itr.getKey();

            if (bDebugInfo)
               char[] textPosArray = new char[m_nTextPosCount];

               if (m_textPosArray != null)
                  System.arraycopy(m_textPosArray, 0, textPosArray, 0, m_nTextPosCount);

               int nURLCount = 0;

               if (m_urlMap != null)
                  nURLCount += m_urlMap.size();

               if (bFuncInfo)

                  if (m_func.getFrame().isUsed())
                     nURLCount +=  m_func.getArgCount();

               String[] urlArray = new String[nURLCount];

               if (m_urlMap != null)
                  for (Lookup.Iterator itr = m_urlMap.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
                     String sURL = (String);
                     urlArray[((Integer)itr.getValue()).intValue()] = sURL;

               if (bFuncInfo)
                  urlArray[--nURLCount] = m_func.getName();

                  if (m_func.getFrame().isUsed())
                     for (Local var = m_func.getFrame().getLastVar(); var != null; var = var.getNext())
                        urlArray[--nURLCount] = var.getSymbol().getName();

               fun.constants[nConstCount - 2] = textPosArray;
               fun.constants[nConstCount - 1] = urlArray;

Related Classes of nexj.core.scripting.Compiler

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