// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.runtime.sys;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import nexj.core.meta.Metaclass;
import nexj.core.rpc.RPCException;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.rpc.mail.Mail;
import nexj.core.rpc.mail.MailSender;
import nexj.core.runtime.ActionContext;
import nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContext;
import nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContextAware;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
* Mail client wrapper.
public class SysMail implements InvocationContextAware
* The invocation context.
protected InvocationContext m_context;
* The mail Sender.
protected MailSender m_sender;
* @see nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContextAware#setInvocationContext(nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContext)
public void setInvocationContext(InvocationContext context)
m_context = context;
m_sender = (MailSender)m_context.getComponentInstance("MailSender.Mail");
* Sends an e-mail (backward-compatibility function).
* @param to The primary recipient address. A string, (addr . name), or a list thereof.
* @param from The sender address. A string, (addr . name), or null to use the default.
* @param sSubject The message subject.
* @param message A string, Multipart, null, or
* ((string|inputStream|reader|null|(part1 ... partN)) (header1 . val1) ... (headerN . valN)).
* @param properties A list of message properties: ((prop1 . val1) ... (propN . valN)).
* The property can be a symbol or a string: CC, BCC, Reply-To.
* @throws nexj.core.rpc.RPCException if an error has occurred.
public void send(
Metaclass metaclass, Object to, Object from, String sSubject, Object message, Pair properties,
ActionContext actx)
TransferObject msg = (message instanceof TransferObject) // if already in Mail.message format
? (TransferObject)((TransferObject)message).clone() : toMessage(message);
msg.setValue(Mail.TO, toAddress(to));
msg.setValue(Mail.FROM, toAddress(from));
msg.setValue(Mail.SUBJECT, sSubject);
// set all previously supported headers as key->value pairs in msg
for (Pair props = properties; props != null; props = props.getNext())
if (!(props.getHead() instanceof Pair))
throw new RPCException("err.rpc.mailPropertyFormat");
Pair pair = (Pair)props.getHead();
Object name = pair.getHead();
if (!(name instanceof Symbol) && !(name instanceof String))
throw new RPCException("err.rpc.mailPropertyFormat");
String sName = name.toString();
if (sName.equals("CC"))
msg.setValue(Mail.CC, toAddress(pair.getNext()));
else if (sName.equals("BCC"))
msg.setValue(Mail.BCC, toAddress(pair.getNext()));
else if (sName.equals("Reply-To"))
msg.setValue(Mail.REPLY, toAddress(pair.getNext()));
throw new RPCException("err.rpc.mailProperty", new Object[]{sName});
if (props.getTail() != null && !(props.getTail() instanceof Pair))
throw new RPCException("err.rpc.mailPropertyFormat");
* Transform an address pair into a TransferObject.
* In the form of: (<address> . <personal>)
* or ((<address1> . <personal1>) ... (<addressN> . <personalN>))
* @param addr The object to transform.
* @return The TransferObject representation of the address or List<TransferObject>.
protected static Object toAddress(Object addr)
if (!(addr instanceof Pair)) // not a Pair list
return addr;
Pair pair = (Pair)addr;
if (pair.getHead() instanceof String &&
(pair.getTail() == null || pair.getTail() instanceof String))
TransferObject address = new TransferObject(2);
address.setValue(Mail.ADDRESS, ((Pair)addr).getHead());
address.setValue(Mail.PERSONAL, ((Pair)addr).getTail());
return address;
ArrayList array = new ArrayList(2);
for (Pair list = pair; list != null; list = list.getNext())
return array;
* Transform mail content potentially containing Pair lists into TransferObjects.
* Content is a string, Multipart, null, or list.
* @param content The content to transform.
* @return The transformed content.
protected static Object toBody(Object content)
if (content instanceof Pair) // pair list: ((msg (header1 . val1) ... (headerN . valN)) ...)
ArrayList array = new ArrayList(2);
for (Pair list = (Pair)content; list != null; list = list.getNext())
content = array;
return content;
* Transform a header pair list into a TransferObject.
* The list is in the form of: ((header1 . val1) ... (headerN . valN))
* @param list The head of the Pair list.
* @return The TransferObject representation of the Pair list.
protected static TransferObject toHeaders(Pair list)
if (list == null)
return null;
TransferObject tobj = new TransferObject();
for (; list != null; list = list.getNext())
Pair header = (Pair)list.getHead();
String sKey = (header.getHead() instanceof Symbol)
? ((Symbol)header.getHead()).getName() : (String)header.getHead();
String sValue = (String)header.getTail(); // string required by protocol
tobj.setValue(sKey, sValue);
return tobj;
* Transform message content into a TransferObject.
* @param content The content to transform.
* @return The TransferObject message representation with the content.
protected static TransferObject toMessage(Object content)
TransferObject msg = new TransferObject(2);
if (content instanceof Pair) // (msg (header1 . val1) ... (headerN . valN))
msg.setValue(Mail.BODY, toBody(((Pair)content).getHead()));
msg.setValue(Mail.HEADERS, toHeaders(((Pair)content).getNext()));
else // A string, Multipart, null, or list
msg.setValue(Mail.BODY, content);
return msg;