Package nexj.core.runtime.sys

Source Code of nexj.core.runtime.sys.SysCounter

// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.runtime.sys;

import nexj.core.meta.Metaclass;
import nexj.core.meta.Primitive;
import nexj.core.persistence.Query;
import nexj.core.runtime.ActionContext;
import nexj.core.runtime.Instance;
import nexj.core.runtime.InstanceList;
import nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContext;
import nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContextAware;
import nexj.core.runtime.UnitOfWork;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Lifecycle;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.UncheckedException;

* Counter implementation.
public class SysCounter implements InvocationContextAware, Lifecycle
   // constants

    * The attributes to read.
   protected final static Pair ATTRIBUTES = Pair.list(Symbol.NAME, Symbol.VALUE,
      Symbol.define("increment"), Symbol.define("cache"));

   // attributes

    * True if this counter's "next" event is being called.
   protected boolean m_bBusy;

   // associations

    * The invocation context.
   protected InvocationContext m_context;

    * The counter name to object map: Counter[String].
   protected final static Lookup s_counterMap = new HashTab();

   // operations

    * @see nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContextAware#setInvocationContext(nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContext)
   public void setInvocationContext(InvocationContext context)
      m_context = context;

    * Increments the named counter and returns the new value.
    * next(name)
   public Long next(Metaclass metaclass, String sName, ActionContext actx)
      Counter counter;

      synchronized (s_counterMap)
         counter = (Counter)s_counterMap.get(sName);

         if (counter != null && !counter.isStale())
            return Primitive.createLong(;

      UnitOfWork uowOld = m_context.beginTransaction(false);
      boolean bCommitted = false;

         InstanceList list = Query.createRead(metaclass, ATTRIBUTES,
            Pair.binary(Symbol.EQ, Symbol.NAME, sName),
            null, -1, 0, true, Query.SEC_NONE, m_context).read();

         if (list.isEmpty())
            throw new UncheckedException("err.runtime.unknownCounter", new Object[]{sName});

         long lValue;

         m_bBusy = true;

         synchronized (s_counterMap)
            counter = (Counter)s_counterMap.get(sName);

            if (counter != null && !counter.isStale())
               return Primitive.createLong(;

            if (counter == null)
               counter = new Counter();
               s_counterMap.put(sName, counter);

            Instance instance = list.getInstance(0);


            instance.setValue("value", Primitive.createLong(counter.getLimit()));
            lValue =;

         bCommitted = true;

         return Primitive.createLong(lValue);
         if (!bCommitted)

         m_bBusy = false;

    * Clears the cached value of the counter iff the developer has explicitly updated the value attribute.
    * commit()
   public void commit(Instance instance, ActionContext actx)
      if (!m_bBusy)

    * @see nexj.core.util.Lifecycle#shutdown()
   public void shutdown()

    * @see nexj.core.util.Lifecycle#startup()
   public void startup() throws Exception
      synchronized (s_counterMap)

    * @see nexj.core.util.Suspendable#resume()
   public void resume() throws Exception
      synchronized (s_counterMap)

    * @see nexj.core.util.Suspendable#suspend()
   public void suspend() throws Exception

   // inner classes

    * The counter state.
   protected static class Counter
      // attributes

       * Current value.
      protected long m_lValue;

       * Upper limit.
      protected long m_lLimit;

       * The value by which to increment the counter.
      protected long m_lIncrement;

      // constructors

       * Constructs the counter.
      public Counter()

       * Constructs the counter.
       * @param lValue The counter value.
       * @param lIncrement The counter increment.
       * @param nCache The number of values to cache.
      public Counter(long lValue, long lIncrement, int nCache)
         initialize(lValue, lIncrement, nCache);

      // operations

       * Initializes the counter.
       * @param lValue The counter value.
       * @param lIncrement The counter increment.
       * @param nCache The number of values to cache.
      public void initialize(long lValue, long lIncrement, int nCache)
         if (lIncrement == 0)
            lIncrement = 1;

         if (nCache <= 0)
            nCache = 1;

         m_lValue = lValue;
         m_lIncrement = lIncrement;
         m_lLimit = m_lValue + lIncrement * nCache;

         if (m_lIncrement > 0 && m_lLimit < m_lIncrement ||
            m_lIncrement < 0 && m_lLimit > m_lIncrement)
            throw new ArithmeticException("Counter overflow");

       * Increments the counter.
       * @return The new counter value.
      public long next()
         long lValue = m_lValue;

         m_lValue += m_lIncrement;

         return lValue;

       * @return The counter limit.
      public long getLimit()
         return m_lLimit;

       * @return True if the counter must be reinitialized.
      public boolean isStale()
         return m_lValue == m_lLimit;

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