// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.rpc.xml;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.XMLConstants;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import nexj.core.meta.Attribute;
import nexj.core.meta.Metaclass;
import nexj.core.meta.Metadata;
import nexj.core.meta.Primitive;
import nexj.core.meta.PrivilegeSet;
import nexj.core.meta.Type;
import nexj.core.persistence.OID;
import nexj.core.rpc.ErrorLocationHolder;
import nexj.core.rpc.MarshallerException;
import nexj.core.rpc.Request;
import nexj.core.rpc.Response;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPFault;
import nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller;
import nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshallerException;
import nexj.core.runtime.Context;
import nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContext;
import nexj.core.scripting.PCodeFunction;
import nexj.core.scripting.PCodeMacro;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.util.Base64Util;
import nexj.core.util.Binary;
import nexj.core.util.ErrorCode;
import nexj.core.util.ExceptionHolder;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.IdentityHashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Iteratable;
import nexj.core.util.LinkedHashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.LookupDeque;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.PropertyIterator;
import nexj.core.util.Undefined;
import nexj.core.util.WrapperIterator;
import nexj.core.util.XMLWriter;
* Document/literal SOAP/XML marshaller.
* shares most basic objects with SOAPMarshaller hence extends it to use them.
* Needs to extend SOAPMarshaller to gain access to protected marshalling types/objects.
public class XMLMarshaller extends SOAPMarshaller
* Character marshaller.
protected final static Marshaller CHAR_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
public String getType()
return "unsignedShort";
* char[] marshaller.
protected final static Marshaller CHAR_ARRAY_MSH = new ElementListMarshaller(CHAR_MSH)
* @see nexj.core.rpc.rest.XMLMarshaller.ElementListMarshaller
* #marshalContents(java.lang.Object, nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller)
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
((XMLMarshaller)msh).marshalInline(obj, m_sElementNS, m_sElement, m_marshaller, MF_NIL);
* Throwable marshaller.
protected final static Marshaller EXCEPTION_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
public void marshalContents(final Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
Throwable t = (Throwable)obj;
if (obj instanceof ErrorCode)
ErrorCode e = (ErrorCode)t;
mrsh.marshal(e.getErrorCode(), XML.TNS_NS, "errorCode", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
mrsh.marshal((msh.getContext() != null) ? msh.getContext().formatString(e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorArgs()) :
t.getLocalizedMessage(), XML.TNS_NS, "errorMessage", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
mrsh.marshalInline(e.getErrorArgs(), XML.TNS_NS, "errorArgs", null, MF_NIL | MF_TYPE);
mrsh.marshal("err." + t.getClass().getName(), XML.TNS_NS, "errorCode", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
mrsh.marshal(t.getLocalizedMessage(), XML.TNS_NS, "errorMessage", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
if (obj instanceof ErrorLocationHolder)
final ErrorLocationHolder h = (ErrorLocationHolder)obj;
mrsh.marshal(h.getClassName(), XML.TNS_NS, "class", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
if (h.getOIDHolder() != null)
mrsh.marshal(h.getOIDHolder().getOID(), XML.TNS_NS, "oid", OID_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
mrsh.marshal(Primitive.createInteger(h.getOrdinal()), XML.TNS_NS, "ordinal", INTEGER_MSH, 0);
if (h.getAttributeCount() != 0)
mrsh.marshalInline(h.getAttributeIterator(), XML.TNS_NS, "attributes", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
mrsh.marshalInline(new WrapperIterator(h.getAttributeIterator())
public Object next()
return h.findException((String)m_itr.next());
}, XML.TNS_NS, "attributeExceptions", EXCEPTION_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
mrsh.marshal(Primitive.createInteger(-1), null, "ordinal", INTEGER_MSH, 0);
if (obj instanceof ExceptionHolder)
if (((ExceptionHolder)obj).getExceptionCount() != 0)
Iterator exceptionsItr =
new WrapperIterator(((ExceptionHolder)obj).getExceptionIterator())
private Throwable m_next = null;
public boolean hasNext()
for (m_next = (m_next != null || !m_itr.hasNext()) ? m_next : (Throwable)m_itr.next();
m_next != null && ObjUtil.isSystem(m_next);
m_next = (!m_itr.hasNext()) ? null : (Throwable)m_itr.next());
return m_next != null;
public Object next()
Object next = m_next;
m_next = null;
return next;
mrsh.marshalInline(exceptionsItr, XML.TNS_NS, "exceptions", EXCEPTION_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
Throwable cause = t.getCause();
if (cause != null && ObjUtil.isSystem(cause))
cause = null;
mrsh.marshal(cause, XML.TNS_NS, "exceptions", EXCEPTION_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
public String getType()
return XML.BASE_PREFIX + "Exception";
* Function marshaller.
protected final static Marshaller FUNCTION_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
PCodeFunction fun = ((PCodeFunction)obj).getCleanCopy();
mrsh.marshalInline(fun.code, XML.TNS_NS, "code", CHAR_MSH, MF_NIL);
mrsh.marshalInline(fun.constants, XML.TNS_NS, "constants", null, MF_NIL | MF_TYPE);
public String getType()
return XML.BASE_PREFIX + "Function";
* Macro marshaller.
protected final static Marshaller MACRO_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
PCodeMacro fun = (PCodeMacro)((PCodeMacro)obj).getCleanCopy();
mrsh.marshalInline(fun.code, XML.TNS_NS, "code", CHAR_MSH, MF_NIL);
mrsh.marshalInline(fun.constants, XML.TNS_NS, "constants", null, MF_NIL | MF_TYPE);
public String getType()
return XML.BASE_PREFIX + "Macro";
* MS.NET generates it's own type for an object array (called "ArrayOfAnyType"),
* then puts it into NexJ's namespace.
* MS.NET can only accept this type for Object[].
* Our Marshaller therefore defines the type and uses it to marshal Object[].
* The child tag that MS.NET expects is sometimes "values" and other times it's "item" even
* though it might be defined opposite in XSD for both "ArrayOfAnyType" and "Array".
* TODO If anyone can figure why the child tag expected by MS.NET keeps changing then go ahead
* and make it pick one or the other, both here and in DLGenerator.
protected final static Marshaller OBJECT_ARRAY_MSH =
new ElementListMarshaller(null, "ArrayOfAnyType", XML.TNS_NS, "item");
* Object collection marshaller.
protected final static Marshaller OBJECT_LIST_MSH = new ElementListMarshaller(null);
* OID marshaller.
protected final static Marshaller OID_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
byte[] oid = ((OID)obj).toBinary().getData();
Binary.write(((XMLMarshaller)msh).m_writer, oid, 0, oid.length);
public String getType()
* Pair marshaller.
* Copy from SOAPMarshaller with overridden type.
protected final static Marshaller PAIR_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
Pair pair = (Pair)obj;
mrsh.marshal(pair.getHead(), null, "head", null, MF_TYPE);
mrsh.marshal(pair.getTail(), null, "tail", null, MF_TYPE);
public String getType()
return XML.BASE_PREFIX + "Pair";
* PrivilegeSet marshaller.
* Copy from SOAPMarshaller with overridden type.
protected final static Marshaller PRIVILEGE_SET_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
private final Marshaller MASK_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
Base64Util.encode(new ByteArrayInputStream(((PrivilegeSet)obj).getMask()), mrsh.m_writer, -1, false);
public String getType()
return "base64Binary";
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
mrsh.marshal(obj, null, "mask", MASK_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
public String getType()
return XML.BASE_PREFIX + "PrivilegeSet";
* byte[] marshaller.
* Copy from SOAPMarshaller with overridden type.
protected final static Marshaller BYTE_VECTOR_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
private final Marshaller MASK_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
Base64Util.encode(new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[])obj), mrsh.m_writer, -1, false);
public String getType()
return "base64Binary";
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
mrsh.marshal(obj, null, "value", MASK_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
public String getType()
return XML.BASE_PREFIX + "ByteVector";
* SOAP Fault marshaller.
protected final static Marshaller SOAP_FAULT_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller.ObjectMarshaller
* #marshalAttributes(java.lang.Object, nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller)
public void marshalAttributes(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
// add namespace for SOAP Fault
((XMLMarshaller)msh).writeAttribute("xmlns", XML.ENV_NS, null, XML.ENV_URI, null);
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
SOAPFault fault = (SOAPFault)obj;
if (fault.getCode() != null)
mrsh.marshal(((XML.ENV_URI.equals(fault.getURI())) ? XML.ENV_NS + ":" : "") + fault.getCode(),
if (fault.getMessage() != null)
mrsh.marshal(fault.getMessage(), XML.ENV_NS, "faultstring", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
if (fault.getException() != null)
mrsh.marshal(fault.getException(), XML.ENV_NS, "detail", EXCEPTION_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
public String getNamespace()
return XML.ENV_NS;
public String getType()
return "Fault";
* Symbol marshaller.
* Copy from SOAPMarshaller with overridden type.
protected final static Marshaller SYMBOL_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
mrsh.marshal(((Symbol)obj).getName(), null, "name", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
public String getType()
return XML.BASE_PREFIX + "Symbol";
* XMLElement marshaller.
protected final static Marshaller XML_ELEMENT_MSH = new ElementMarshaller(null, null)
* @see nexj.core.rpc.xml.XMLMarshaller.ElementMarshaller#getElementType(java.lang.Object)
protected QName getElementType(Object obj)
return ((XMLElement)obj).getElement();
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller.ObjectMarshaller#marshalAttributes(java.lang.Object, nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller)
public void marshalAttributes(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
XMLElement element = (XMLElement)obj;
obj = element.getObject();
if (obj == null)
mrsh.writeAttribute(XML.XSI_NS, "nil", true); // required if XMLElement holds a null
Marshaller marshaller = mrsh.findMarshaller(obj, element.getType()); // suppress xsi:type
if (marshaller == null)
marshaller = mrsh.findMarshaller(obj);
XML.XSI_NS, "type", marshaller.getNamespace(), marshaller.getType(), null);
marshaller.marshalAttributes(obj, msh);
* @see nexj.core.rpc.xml.XMLMarshaller.ElementMarshaller#marshalContents(java.lang.Object, nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller)
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
if (obj != null) // omit body if XMLElement holds a null
super.marshalContents(((XMLElement)obj).getObject(), msh);
* XMLElementList marshaller.
protected final static Marshaller XML_ELEMENT_LIST_MSH = new ElementListMarshaller(null)
* @see nexj.core.rpc.xml.XMLMarshaller.ElementListMarshaller#getElement(java.lang.Object)
public String getElement(Object obj)
return ((XMLElementList)obj).getElement().getLocalPart();
* @see nexj.core.rpc.xml.XMLMarshaller.ElementListMarshaller#getNamespace(java.lang.Object)
public String getNamespace(Object obj)
return ((XMLElementList)obj).getElement().getNamespaceURI();
* @see nexj.core.rpc.xml.XMLMarshaller.ElementListMarshaller#marshalContents(java.lang.Object, nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller)
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
XMLElementList element = (XMLElementList)obj;
obj = element.getObject();
String sPrefix = mrsh.getNamespacePrefix(element.getElement().getNamespaceURI());
Marshaller marshaller = mrsh.findMarshaller(obj, element.getType()); // suppress xsi:type
mrsh.marshalInline(obj, sPrefix, m_sElement, marshaller, MF_NIL);
* XMLCollection marshaller with support for type restriction.
* i.e. Marshaller for metaclass collections that are restricted to a certain type
* (i.e. don't support polymorhism).
protected final static Marshaller XML_RESTRICTED_COLLECTION_MSH = new ElementListMarshaller(null)
* @see nexj.core.rpc.xml.XMLMarshaller.ElementListMarshaller#getElement(java.lang.Object)
public String getElement(Object obj)
XMLCollection response = (XMLCollection)obj;
String sElement = XML.BASE_PREFIX;
if (response.getMetaclass() != null)
sElement += response.getMetaclass().getName() + '-';
sElement += (response.getType() == null) ? "Collection" : response.getType();
return sElement;
* @see nexj.core.rpc.xml.XMLMarshaller.ElementListMarshaller#marshalContents(java.lang.Object, nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller)
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
if (obj == null)
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
XMLCollection collection = (XMLCollection)obj;
Metaclass restriction = collection.getMetaclass();
Iterator iterator = collection.getCollection().iterator();
// marshal as an unrestricted list
if (restriction == null)
mrsh.marshalInline(iterator, m_sElementNS, m_sElement, null, MF_NIL);
boolean bDynamicTypeEnabled = mrsh.m_bDynamicTypeEnabled; // remember original value
mrsh.m_bDynamicTypeEnabled = false;
// go through all elements and see if can marshal them as the restricted metatype
// (or null otherwise)
while (iterator.hasNext())
Object tmpObj = iterator.next();
String sClassName = (tmpObj instanceof TransferObject)
? ((TransferObject)tmpObj).getClassName() : null;
// Check if 'meta' derives from 'restriction'
if (sClassName == null ||
mrsh.marshal(null, m_sElementNS, m_sElement, null, MF_NIL); // not a supported class
else // select a marshaller with the 'restriction' in mind i.e. at most 'restriction'
Marshaller marshaller = mrsh.findMetaclassMarshaller(restriction.getName());
mrsh.marshal(tmpObj, m_sElementNS, m_sElement, marshaller, MF_NIL);
mrsh.m_bDynamicTypeEnabled = bDynamicTypeEnabled;
* TransferObject marshaller.
* The value for bDynamicMetaclassTypes doesn't matter since TransferObject has no attributes.
protected final static Marshaller TRANSFER_OBJECT_MSH = new MetaclassMarshaller(null, true);
// declare after the rest as it needs TRANSFER_OBJECT_UNMSH declared
* Request marshaller used by jUnit tests.
protected final static Marshaller REQUEST_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
// Request.Invocation marshaller
private final Marshaller INVOCATION_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
public String getType()
return XML.BASE_PREFIX + "Invocation";
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
Request.Invocation invocation = (Request.Invocation)obj;
mrsh.marshal(invocation.getObject(), XML.TNS_NS, "object", null, MF_NIL);
mrsh.marshal(invocation.getEventName(), XML.TNS_NS, "event", STRING_MSH, 0);
mrsh.marshalInline(invocation.getArguments(), XML.TNS_NS, "arg", null, MF_NIL);
mrsh.marshal(invocation.getAttributes(), XML.TNS_NS, "attributes", PAIR_MSH, 0);
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
final Request req = (Request)obj;
mrsh.marshal(req.getNamespace(), XML.TNS_NS, "namespace", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
mrsh.marshal(req.getVersion(), XML.TNS_NS, "version", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
mrsh.marshal(Boolean.valueOf(req.isAsync()), XML.TNS_NS, "async", BOOLEAN_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
mrsh.marshal(Boolean.valueOf(req.isCommit()), XML.TNS_NS, "commit", BOOLEAN_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
mrsh.marshal(req.getLocale(), XML.TNS_NS, "locale", LOCALE_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
mrsh.marshal(req.getTimeZone(), XML.TNS_NS, "timeZone", TIME_ZONE_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
mrsh.marshal(req.getCorrelator(), XML.TNS_NS, "correlator", TRANSFER_OBJECT_MSH, 0);
req.getInvocationIterator(), XML.TNS_NS, "invocation", INVOCATION_MSH, MF_NIL);
mrsh.marshalInline(req.getFilterIterator(), XML.TNS_NS, "filters", TRANSFER_OBJECT_MSH, MF_NIL);
public String getType()
return XML.BASE_PREFIX + "Request";
* Response marshaller.
protected final static Marshaller RESPONSE_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
protected final Marshaller EVENTS_MSH = new ElementListMarshaller(
new ElementListMarshaller(null, XML.TNS_NS, "item"), XML.TNS_NS, "item");
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
Response resp = (Response)obj;
mrsh.marshalInline(resp.getResultIterator(), XML.TNS_NS, "results", null, MF_NIL);
if (resp.getEventCount() != 0)
mrsh.marshal(resp.getEventIterator(), XML.TNS_NS, "events", EVENTS_MSH, MF_NIL);
public String getType()
return XML.BASE_PREFIX + "Response";
* Null response marshaller.
protected final static Marshaller NIL_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
public String getType()
return XML.BASE_PREFIX + "Nil";
* Map of class objects to marshallers: Marshaller[Class].
protected final static Lookup s_marshallerMap = new HashTab(64);
// can't use OBJECT_LIST_MSH because MS.NET can only unmarshal lists as Object[],
// it will fail to unmarshal any type other than "ArrayOfAnyType"
s_marshallerMap.put(ArrayList.class, OBJECT_ARRAY_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(char[].class, CHAR_ARRAY_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(Object[].class, OBJECT_ARRAY_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(OID.class, OID_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(Pair.class, PAIR_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(PCodeFunction.class, FUNCTION_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(PCodeMacro.class, MACRO_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(PrivilegeSet.class, PRIVILEGE_SET_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(byte[].class, BYTE_VECTOR_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(Request.class, REQUEST_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(Response.class, RESPONSE_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(SOAPFault.class, SOAP_FAULT_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(Symbol.class, SYMBOL_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(String[].class, new ElementListMarshaller(STRING_MSH));
s_marshallerMap.put(TransferObject.class, TRANSFER_OBJECT_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(XMLCollection.class, XML_RESTRICTED_COLLECTION_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(XMLElement.class, XML_ELEMENT_MSH);
s_marshallerMap.put(XMLElementList.class, XML_ELEMENT_LIST_MSH);
// attributes
* ID counter for untyped marshalled objects.
protected int m_nNextMarshalledObjectId;
* If dynamic marshaller type detection should be enabled or STRING_MSH used instead.
protected boolean m_bDynamicTypeEnabled;
* Preserve element namespace prefix definitions after close of element, to be reused by next
* element.
protected boolean m_bPreserveNS;
* The default namespace URI for current XML element level.
protected String m_sDefaultNS;
* Map containing currently defined namespace prefix for a given namespace URI key.
* Default map size of 4 == number of elements added in serialize(...).
* Any key instanceof String is a namespace URI to namespace prefix mapping.
* Any key instanceof Integer is delimiter and contains default namespace defined for parent.
* Newest definitions always at the front since no reverseIterator available for LookupDeque.
* Upon openElement all namespaces from start of map up to the first Integer key will be defined.
* Upon closeElement a new Integer will be added with the default namespace for this element.
* Upon closeEmptyElement/endElement all namespaces from start of map up to but excluding the
* second Integer key will be removed, with the value of the first Integer key set as default
* namespace.
* e.g. post openElement {0->"", URI0->"ns", 1->URI0, URI1->"", URI2->"q0" ... URIx->"qY"}
* e.g. post closeElement/endElement
* {0->"", URI0->"ns", 1->URI0, URI1->"", URI2->"q0" ... URIj->"qK", N->URI1}
* Note: Redefining default namespace between openElement and closeElement may cause the current
* element prefix to be invalid in the generated XML.
protected LookupDeque/*<Object, String>*/ m_nsMap = new LinkedHashTab/*<Object, String>*/(4);
// associations
* Map of Object (Metaclass) name Marshaller (String->Marshaller).
* Used to store metadata marshallers instantiated based on current invocation context.
protected final Lookup/*<String, Marshaller>*/ m_marshallerMap = new HashTab();
* The metadata collection to query for descriptions.
protected Metadata m_metadata;
// constructors
* Constructs the marshaller.
* @param context The invocation context.
* @param metadata The root metadata object for type information.
public XMLMarshaller(Context context, Metadata metadata)
m_metadata = metadata;
* Constructs the marshaller.
* @param context The invocation context.
public XMLMarshaller(InvocationContext context)
this(context, context.getMetadata());
* Constructs the marshaller.
* @param context The invocation context.
public XMLMarshaller(Context context)
// operations
* Close an XML element header tag without closing the actual XML element.
* @throws IOException On output error.
protected void closeElement() throws IOException
m_nsMap.putFirst(Primitive.createInteger(m_nsMap.size()), m_sDefaultNS);
* Close an XML element without a defined body.
* @throws IOException On output error.
protected void closeEmptyElement() throws IOException
* End an XML element.
* @param sPrefix The element prefix.
* @param sElement The name of the element.
* @throws IOException On output error.
protected void endElement(String sPrefix, String sElement) throws IOException
// close of parent element after NS preserve specified in child
if (m_nsMap.firstKey() instanceof String)
boolean bPreserveNS = m_bPreserveNS;
bPreserveNS = false;
m_bPreserveNS = bPreserveNS;
m_nsMap.removeFirst(); // first element is delimiter for current
//second condition is SOAP backwards compatibility kluge since SOAP assumes default XML.TNS_NS
if (sPrefix == XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX || sPrefix == XML.TNS_NS)
sPrefix = null;
* Gets a marshaller for an object.
* @param obj The object for which to get the marshaller. Cannot be null.
* @return The marshaller to use for the specified object.
* @throws SOAPMarshallerException If a marshaller cannot be found.
protected Marshaller findMarshaller(Object obj) throws SOAPMarshallerException
Marshaller msh = null;
if (obj instanceof TransferObject)
msh = findMetaclassMarshaller(((TransferObject)obj).getClassName());
return (msh != null) ? msh : XMLMarshaller.getMarshaller(obj);
* Get the marshaller for the object only if the object is of the expected type.
* @param obj The object for which to get the marshaller.
* @param type The expected object type to get the marshaller for.
* @return The marshaller for the type or null if type does not match object's type.
* @throws SOAPMarshallerException If a marshaller cannot be found for type.
protected Marshaller findMarshaller(Object obj, Type type)
// expected type equal to type of obj
if ((type instanceof Primitive && type != Primitive.ANY && type == Primitive.typeOf(obj)) ||
(type instanceof Metaclass &&
obj instanceof TransferObject &&
return findMarshaller(obj);
return null;
* Get a marshaller for a specific metaclass
* @param sType The type of the marshaller to get. Can be null.
* @return The marshaller or null if not found
protected Marshaller findMetaclassMarshaller(String sType)
// check with locally registered marshallers (invocation context sensitive)
Marshaller msh = (sType == null) ? null : (Marshaller)m_marshallerMap.get(sType);
if (msh != null || sType == null) // getMetaclass() does not like null type
return msh;
Metaclass metaclass = m_metadata.findMetaclass(sType);
if (metaclass != null)
msh = new MetaclassMarshaller(metaclass, m_bDynamicTypeEnabled);
m_marshallerMap.put(sType, msh); // put it in map so can reuse same unmarshaller later
return msh;
* Gets a marshaller for an object.
* @param obj The object for which to get the marshaller. Cannot be null.
* @return The marshaller to use for the specified object.
* @throws SOAPMarshallerException If a marshaller cannot be found.
protected static Marshaller getMarshaller(Object obj) throws SOAPMarshallerException
Marshaller msh = (obj == null) ? null : (Marshaller)s_marshallerMap.get(obj.getClass());
if (msh == null && obj instanceof Throwable)
return (msh != null) ? msh : SOAPMarshaller.getMarshaller(obj);
* Gets a marshaller for a specific java.lang.Class.
* @param type The class to retrieve the object for.
* @return The marshaller to use for a specific object or null if not found.
protected static Marshaller getMarshallerByClass(Class type)
// Lookup cannot handle null keys
Marshaller msh = (type == null) ? null : (Marshaller)s_marshallerMap.get(type);
if (msh == null && Throwable.class.isAssignableFrom(type))
// check with parent class
return (msh != null) ? msh : (Marshaller)SOAPMarshaller.s_mshMap.get(type);
* Generate or return unique prefix for an XML namespace.
* @param sURI The XML namespace URI (not null).
* @return Prefix that will be valid for the URI on next openElement(String, String) call.
protected String getNamespacePrefix(String sURI)
assert sURI != null;
if (sURI == m_sDefaultNS || sURI.equals(m_sDefaultNS)) // first condition is optimization
return XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX;
String sPrefix = (String)m_nsMap.get(sURI);
if (sPrefix == null)
// use m_nsMap.size() as reasonable approximation of upper bound of possible NS definitions
sPrefix = "q" + m_nsMap.size(); // 'q' for qualified type/name
m_nsMap.putFirst(sURI, sPrefix);
return sPrefix;
* Generate or return unique ID for an object
* (same object will always get same ID no matter how many times it's asked for).
* @param obj The object for which to find the ID.
* @return ID for the object.
protected String getObjectId(Object obj)
return (String)m_idMap.get(obj);
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller#marshal(char, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
protected void marshal(char ch, String sNamespace, String sElement) throws IOException
startElement(sNamespace, sElement);
endElement(sNamespace, sElement);
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller#marshal(int, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
protected void marshal(int n, String sNamespace, String sElement) throws IOException
startElement(sNamespace, sElement);
endElement(sNamespace, sElement);
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller#marshal(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
protected void marshal(long l, String sNamespace, String sElement) throws IOException
startElement(sNamespace, sElement);
endElement(sNamespace, sElement);
* Marshals an object as xsd:anyType.
* @param obj The object to marshal. Can be null.
* @param sNamespace The XML element namespace name (not URI).
* @param sElement The XML element name.
* @param msh The marshaller to use, or null to determine automatically.
* @param nFlags Combination of MF_* constants.
protected void marshal(Object obj, String sNamespace, String sElement, Marshaller msh, int nFlags) throws IOException
if (obj == null)
if ((nFlags & MF_NIL) != 0)
openElement(sNamespace, sElement);
writeAttribute(XML.XSI_NS, "nil", true);
// force String type when marshalling without dynamic marshaller detection
// (no need to output type because this is explicitly expected)
if (msh == null && !m_bDynamicTypeEnabled)
obj = obj.toString();
Marshaller marshaller = (msh != null) ? msh : findMarshaller(obj); // actual Marshaller to use
// non-primitive marshallers should not output same objects
// primitive marshallers do some strange things that cause this algorithm to break anyways
// e.g. PrimitiveSet->mask
if (!marshaller.isPrimitive())
String sId = getObjectId(obj);
// don't output object again if it was already output once
if (sId != null)
if (marshaller instanceof MetaclassMarshaller)
// MetaclassMarshallers know how to do shallow copies of themselves
marshaller = ((MetaclassMarshaller)marshaller).REF_MARSHALLER;
IOException e = new IOException("Circular references are not supported");
e.initCause(new SOAPMarshallerException("err.rpc.xml.circularReference",
new Object[]{obj}));
throw e;
String sId = null;
openElement(sNamespace, sElement);
// force type specification if a dynamic lookup was done for a non-collection
if ((nFlags & MF_TYPE) != 0 || msh == null)
writeAttribute(XML.XSI_NS, "type", marshaller.getNamespace(), marshaller.getType(), null);
// mark/track untyped objects with a unique ID
if (!marshaller.isPrimitive())
sId = toId(m_nNextMarshalledObjectId++);
m_idMap.put(obj, sId);
marshaller.marshalAttributes(obj, this);
marshaller.marshalContents(obj, this);
endElement(sNamespace, sElement);
// remove object from recursion tracking as we're done with this branch
// (used to leave one object copy per branch)
if (sId != null)
* If value is actually a collection of individual values then marshal each individual
* separately, otherwise marshal as a single object.
* @param obj The object to marshal.
* @param sPrefix The prefix of the element to marshal into (not null).
* @param sElement The element name to marshal into (not null).
* @param marshaller The marshaller to marshal the object with (null == dynamic).
* @param nFlags Combination of MF_* constants to set marshaling options.
* @throws IOException On output IO error.
protected void marshalInline(
Object obj, String sPrefix, String sElement, Marshaller marshaller, int nFlags)
throws IOException
if (obj == null)
marshal(obj, sPrefix, sElement, marshaller, MF_NIL);
if (obj instanceof Iterable)
obj = ((Iterable)obj).iterator();
else if (obj instanceof Iteratable)
obj = ((Iteratable)obj).iterator();
boolean bPreserveNS = m_bPreserveNS;
m_bPreserveNS = true;
if (obj instanceof Iterator)
for (Iterator itr = (Iterator)obj; itr.hasNext();)
marshal(itr.next(), sPrefix, sElement, marshaller, nFlags);
else if (obj instanceof Object[])
Object[] array = (Object[])obj;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i)
marshal(array[i], sPrefix, sElement, marshaller, nFlags);
else if (obj instanceof char[])
char[] chArray = (char[])obj;
for (int i = 0; i < chArray.length; ++i)
marshal(chArray[i], sPrefix, sElement);
marshal(obj, sPrefix, sElement, marshaller, nFlags);
m_bPreserveNS = bPreserveNS;
* Open an XML element and output initial attributes.
* @param sPrefix The element prefix.
* @param sElement The name of the element.
* @throws IOException On output error.
protected void openElement(String sPrefix, String sElement) throws IOException
//second condition is SOAP backwards compatibility kluge since SOAP assumes default XML.TNS_NS
if (sPrefix == XMLConstants.DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX || sPrefix == XML.TNS_NS)
sPrefix = null;
String sDefaultNS;
if (m_nsMap.firstKey() instanceof String) // optimization to avoid creating Iterator
Lookup.Iterator/*<Object, String>*/ itr = m_nsMap.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext() && itr.next() instanceof String)
m_writer.writeAttribute((String)itr.getValue(), (String)itr.getKey());
sDefaultNS = (String)itr.getValue();
sDefaultNS = (String)m_nsMap.firstValue();
if (sDefaultNS != m_sDefaultNS) // default namespace has changed from last tag
m_writer.writeAttribute(XML.XML_NS, m_sDefaultNS); // output default namespace
* Remove all namespace prefixes defined for the current element level.
protected void popNamespacePrefix()
if (!m_bPreserveNS)
while(m_nsMap.firstKey() instanceof String) // delimiter for current not in map
m_sDefaultNS = (String)m_nsMap.firstValue();
* Start an XML element and output initial attributes.
* @param sPrefix The element prefix.
* @param sElement The name of the element.
* @throws IOException On output error.
protected void startElement(String sPrefix, String sElement) throws IOException
openElement(sPrefix, sElement);
* @see nexj.core.rpc.CharacterStreamMarshaller#serialize(java.lang.Object, java.io.Writer)
public void serialize(Object obj, Writer writer) throws IOException, MarshallerException
m_writer = (writer instanceof XMLWriter) ? (XMLWriter)writer : new XMLWriter(writer);
m_idMap = new IdentityHashTab();
m_nNextMarshalledObjectId = 0;
m_bDynamicTypeEnabled = true;
m_sDefaultNS = XML.NS_URI_TNS;
// load all header attributes for first element
m_nsMap.putFirst(Primitive.createInteger(m_nsMap.size()), XMLConstants.NULL_NS_URI);
m_nsMap.putFirst(XML.XSD_URI, XML.XSD_NS);
m_nsMap.putFirst(XML.XSI_URI, XML.XSI_NS);
m_nsMap.putFirst(XML.NS_URI_TNS, XML.TNS_NS);
int nFlags = MF_LITERAL;
Marshaller msh;
if (obj == null)
msh = NIL_MSH;
nFlags |= MF_NIL;
msh = findMarshaller(obj);
String sPrefix;
String sElement;
if (msh instanceof TypedElementMarshaller)
TypedElementMarshaller mrsh = (TypedElementMarshaller)msh;
sPrefix = getNamespacePrefix(mrsh.getNamespace(obj));
sElement = mrsh.getElement(obj);
sPrefix = msh.getNamespace();
sElement = msh.getType();
marshal(obj, sPrefix, sElement, msh, nFlags);
* Output an attribute.
* @param sPrefix The element prefix.
* @param sName The element name.
* @param bValue The value.
* @throws IOException On output error.
protected void writeAttribute(String sPrefix, String sName, boolean bValue) throws IOException
m_writer.setNamespace((sPrefix != null && sPrefix != XML.TNS_NS) ? sPrefix : null);
m_writer.writeAttribute(sName, bValue);
* Output an attribute.
* @param sPrefix The element prefix.
* @param sName The element name.
* @param sValuePrefix The value prefix.
* @param sValue0 The first part of the value (null == skip).
* @param sValue1 The second part of the value (null == skip).
* @throws IOException On output error.
protected void writeAttribute(String sPrefix, String sName, String sValuePrefix, String sValue0, String sValue1)
throws IOException
m_writer.setNamespace((sPrefix != null && sPrefix != XML.TNS_NS) ? sPrefix : null);
if (sValuePrefix != null && sValuePrefix != XML.TNS_NS)
m_writer.writeAttribute(sName, sValuePrefix, ":", sValue0, sValue1);
m_writer.writeAttribute(sName, sValue0, sValue1);
// inner classes
* Marshaller for lists producing a "values" tag for each element.
* The object to marshal must either be an Iterator, Iterable or Object[].
* This class will not work from primitive arrays
* (override marshalContents(Object, SOAPMarshaller) for that).
protected static class ElementListMarshaller
extends ObjectMarshaller implements TypedElementMarshaller
// attributes
* The collection type to use.
protected String m_sType;
* The tag namespace to use for sub elements.
protected String m_sElementNS;
* The tag to use for sub elements.
protected String m_sElement;
// associations
* The marshaller to use for individual elements.
protected Marshaller m_marshaller;
// constructors
* Constructor.
* @param marshaller The marshaller to use (null means dynamic).
* @param sType The marshaller type name (null for default).
* @param sElementNS The namespace (tag not URI) of sElement to use
* (if sElement then default will be used).
* @param sElement The tag to use for sub elements (null for default).
public ElementListMarshaller(Marshaller marshaller, String sType, String sElementNS, String sElement)
m_marshaller = marshaller;
if (sType == null)
if (marshaller != null)
sType = marshaller.getType() + XML.ARRAY_SUFFIX;
sType = XML.BASE_PREFIX + "Collection";
m_sType = sType;
m_sElementNS = (sElementNS == null) ? XML.TNS_NS : sElementNS;
m_sElement = (sElement == null) ? "item" : sElement;
* Constructor.
* @param marshaller The marshaller to use (null means dynamic).
* @param sElementNS The namespace (tag not URI) of sElement to use
* (if sElement then default will be used).
* @param sElement The tag to use for sub elements (null for default).
public ElementListMarshaller(Marshaller marshaller, String sElementNS, String sElement)
this(marshaller, null, sElementNS, sElement);
* Convenience constructor providing default values.
* @param marshaller The marshaller to use (null means dynamic).
public ElementListMarshaller(Marshaller marshaller)
this(marshaller, null, null, null);
// operations
* @see nexj.core.rpc.xml.XMLMarshaller.TypedElementMarshaller#getElement(java.lang.Object)
public String getElement(Object obj)
return getType();
* @see nexj.core.rpc.xml.XMLMarshaller.TypedElementMarshaller#getNamespace(java.lang.Object)
public String getNamespace(Object obj)
return XML.NS_URI_TNS;
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller.Marshaller#getType()
public String getType()
return m_sType;
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller.Marshaller
* #marshalContents(java.lang.Object, nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller)
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
((XMLMarshaller)msh).marshalInline(obj, m_sElementNS, m_sElement, m_marshaller, MF_NIL);
* Marshaller for individual objects.
protected static class ElementMarshaller
extends ObjectMarshaller implements TypedElementMarshaller
* Default element type.
protected static QName s_defaultType = WADLGenerator.computeElementType(Primitive.ANY, false);
* The marshaller to use for individual elements.
protected Marshaller m_marshaller;
* The element/tag type to use.
protected QName m_type;
* Constructor.
* @param marshaller The marshaller to use (null means dynamic).
* @param type The marshaller element/tag type (null for dynamic).
public ElementMarshaller(Marshaller marshaller, QName type)
m_marshaller = marshaller;
m_type = type;
* @see nexj.core.rpc.xml.XMLMarshaller.TypedElementMarshaller#getElement(java.lang.Object)
public String getElement(Object obj)
return getElementType(obj).getLocalPart();
* @see nexj.core.rpc.xml.XMLMarshaller.TypedElementMarshaller#getNamespace(java.lang.Object)
public String getNamespace(Object obj)
return getElementType(obj).getNamespaceURI();
* Return the qualified type of the element representing the marshalled object.
* @param The object to be marshalled that requires a namespace URI.
* @return The element/tag qualified type to use when marshalling this object.
protected QName getElementType(Object obj)
if (m_type != null)
return m_type;
return (obj instanceof Type)
? WADLGenerator.computeElementType((Type)obj, false) : s_defaultType;
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller.Marshaller#getType()
public String getType()
return getElement(null);
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller.ObjectMarshaller#marshalAttributes(java.lang.Object, nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller)
public void marshalAttributes(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
Marshaller marshaller = m_marshaller;
if (marshaller == null)
marshaller = mrsh.findMarshaller(obj);
XML.XSI_NS, "type", marshaller.getNamespace(), marshaller.getType(), null);
marshaller.marshalAttributes(obj, msh);
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller.Marshaller#marshalContents(java.lang.Object, nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller)
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
Marshaller marshaller = (m_marshaller == null) ? mrsh.findMarshaller(obj) : m_marshaller;
marshaller.marshalContents(obj, mrsh);
* Class to marshal TransferObjects into metaclass instances.
protected static class MetaclassMarshaller extends ObjectMarshaller
* The type of this object.
protected String m_sType = XML.BASE_PREFIX + "TransferObject";
* A map of attributes to corrsponding marshallers.
protected Lookup/*<String, AttributeInfo>*/ m_attributeMap =
new LinkedHashTab /*<String, AttributeInfo>*/();
* The ref marshaller for this object instance (need instance so have access to m_sType).
public final Marshaller REF_MARSHALLER = new MetaclassRefMarshaller();
* @param sName The name of the Metaclass to query.
* @param meta The metaclass this object marshals for
* (any key/value pairs not in this class will go under _keys/_values).
* @param bDynamicMetaclassTypes enable dynamic detection of attributes containing instances
public MetaclassMarshaller(Metaclass meta, boolean bDynamicMetaclassTypes)
if (meta == null)
// done with initialization
// (this is valid for TransferObject without an existing Metaclass, e.g. jUnit tests)
m_sType = meta.getName();
for (Iterator itr = meta.getAttributeIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
Attribute attribute = (Attribute)itr.next();
if (attribute.getVisibility() != Metaclass.PUBLIC)
AttributeInfo attrInfo;
if (attribute.getType().isPrimitive())
// can resolve primitive Marshallers immediately since this is not a primitive
// Marshaller hence no danger of recursion loop
attrInfo = (Primitive.ANY.equals(attribute.getType()))
? new AttributeInfo(attribute, null, true)
: new AttributeInfo(attribute,
else if (attribute.getType() instanceof Metaclass)
// don't initialize marshaller to avoid recursive creation of self
attrInfo = new AttributeInfo(attribute, null, bDynamicMetaclassTypes);
// need value to determine proper marshaller to use (assume it has a static type)
attrInfo = new AttributeInfo(attribute, null, false);
m_attributeMap.put(attribute.getName(), attrInfo);
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller.Marshaller#getType()
public String getType()
return m_sType;
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller.Marshaller
* #marshalContents(java.lang.Object, nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller)
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)obj;
// only marshal the class if it's different from the class we are supposed to marshal
if (m_sType == null || !m_sType.equals(tobj.getClassName()))
XML.BASE_PREFIX + "class",
mrsh.marshal(tobj.getVersion(), null, XML.BASE_PREFIX + "version");
OID oid = tobj.getOID();
if (oid == null)
mrsh.marshal("@" + mrsh.getObjectId(obj),
mrsh.marshal(oid, null, XML.BASE_PREFIX + "oid", OID_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
List valueList = null;
for (PropertyIterator itr = tobj.getIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
String sName = (String)itr.next();
AttributeInfo attrInfo = (AttributeInfo)m_attributeMap.get(sName);
// this is not attribute of this metaclass or value is null hence problem for MS.NET
if (attrInfo == null || itr.getValue() == null)
mrsh.marshal(sName, XML.TNS_NS, XML.BASE_PREFIX + "keys", STRING_MSH, MF_NIL);
if (valueList == null)
valueList = new ArrayList();
if (valueList != null)
for (int i = 0, n = valueList.size(); i < n; ++i)
mrsh.marshal(valueList.get(i), XML.TNS_NS, XML.BASE_PREFIX + "values", null, MF_NIL | MF_TYPE);
for (Lookup.Iterator itr = m_attributeMap.valueIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
AttributeInfo attrInfo = (AttributeInfo)itr.next();
Attribute attribute = attrInfo.m_attribute;
if (attribute.getVisibility() != Metaclass.PUBLIC)
Object value = tobj.findValue(attribute.getName(), Undefined.VALUE);
if (value == Undefined.VALUE)
Marshaller attrMsh = attrInfo.m_marshaller; // get cached marshaller
// if this is the first time through marshaller then initialize metaclass marshaller
if (attrMsh == null)
if (attribute.getType() instanceof Metaclass)
// determine proper marshaller based on attribute to guarantee valid type output
attrMsh = mrsh.findMetaclassMarshaller(attribute.getType().getName());
else if (!attrInfo.m_bDynamicMarshaller && value != null)
// might is reachable for non-Metaclass attributes e.g. Throwable
attrMsh = mrsh.findMarshaller(value);
if (attrMsh == null && !attrInfo.m_bDynamicMarshaller && value != null)
throw new SOAPMarshallerException("err.rpc.mshType",
new Object[]{attribute.getType().getName()});
// cache the marshaller for future reference
if (attrMsh != null)
// guarantee all instances will use same marshaller
if (attrInfo.m_marshaller == null)
{ // store for future lookups
attrInfo.m_marshaller = attrMsh;
attrMsh = attrInfo.m_marshaller;
// if this is a dynamic marshaller for a metaclass that is not the same as attribute
if (attrInfo.m_bDynamicMarshaller &&
attrMsh instanceof MetaclassMarshaller &&
value instanceof TransferObject &&
((TransferObject)value).getClassName() != null && // if unspecified then == default
attrMsh = null;
if (value != null) // do not marshal null values since they will not work with MS.NET
if (attribute.isCollection())
mrsh.marshalInline(((Iterable)value).iterator(), XML.TNS_NS, attrInfo.m_sName, attrMsh, MF_NIL);
mrsh.marshal(value, XML.TNS_NS, attrInfo.m_sName, attrMsh, MF_NIL);
* Marshaller for ref of this metaclass (non static)
protected class MetaclassRefMarshaller extends PrimitiveMarshaller
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller.Marshaller#getType()
public String getType()
return m_sType;
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller.PrimitiveMarshaller#getNamespace()
public String getNamespace()
return XML.TNS_NS;
* @see nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller.Marshaller#marshalContents(java.lang.Object, nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller)
public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
XMLMarshaller mrsh = (XMLMarshaller)msh;
TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)obj;
OID oid = tobj.getOID();
mrsh.marshal(tobj.getClassName(), null, XML.BASE_PREFIX + "class", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
mrsh.marshal((oid != null) ? (Object)oid : ("@" + mrsh.getObjectId(obj)), null,
XML.BASE_PREFIX + "oid", (oid != null) ? OID_MSH : STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
* Bean storing attribute information.
protected static class AttributeInfo
* Name of the tag to use.
public String m_sName;
* The attribute in being referenced
* (final because m_sName value generation depends on it).
public final Attribute m_attribute;
* If the marshaller should be dynamically determined when its type differs from attribute
public boolean m_bDynamicMarshaller;
* The marshaller being used for the attribute.
public Marshaller m_marshaller;
* Convinience constructor.
* @param attribute The attribute being referenced.
* @param marshaller The Marshaller for the attribute.
* @param bDynamicMarshaller Determine marshaller dynamically if it doesn't exactly match.
public AttributeInfo(Attribute attribute, Marshaller marshaller, boolean bDynamicMarshaller)
m_attribute = attribute;
m_bDynamicMarshaller = bDynamicMarshaller;
m_marshaller = marshaller;
m_sName = XSDGenerator.computeElementName(m_attribute);
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
return m_sName + " = (" + m_attribute + ") => (" + m_marshaller + ")";
* Interface to distinguish marshallers capable of providing customized element type information.
protected static interface TypedElementMarshaller extends Marshaller
* Return the Namespace URI for the element representing the marshalled object.
* @param The object to be marshalled that requires a namespace URI.
* @return The XML namespace URI to use when marshalling this object.
public String getNamespace(Object obj);
* Return the element name for the element representing the marshalled object.
* @param The object to be marshalled that requires an element name.
* @return The XML untyped element name to use when marshalling this object.
public String getElement(Object obj);