// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.rpc.soap;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
import nexj.core.meta.Primitive;
import nexj.core.meta.PrivilegeSet;
import nexj.core.persistence.OID;
import nexj.core.rpc.CharacterStreamUnmarshaller;
import nexj.core.rpc.MarshallerException;
import nexj.core.rpc.RPCUtil;
import nexj.core.rpc.Request;
import nexj.core.rpc.Response;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.runtime.Context;
import nexj.core.runtime.ContextAware;
import nexj.core.runtime.ValidationException;
import nexj.core.scripting.PCodeFunction;
import nexj.core.scripting.PCodeMacro;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.SchemeParser;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.util.Base64Util;
import nexj.core.util.Binary;
import nexj.core.util.GenericException;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab2D;
import nexj.core.util.LocaleUtil;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup2D;
import nexj.core.util.SOAPUtil;
import nexj.core.util.StringId;
import nexj.core.util.XMLException;
import nexj.core.util.XMLParserException;
import nexj.core.util.XMLUtil;
* SOAP format unmarshaller.
public class SOAPUnmarshaller extends DefaultHandler implements CharacterStreamUnmarshaller, ContextAware
// constants
* The offset of the first reference fixup index in the index array relative to the object fixup index.
protected final static int FIRST_FIXUP_OFS = 1;
* The offset of the unmarshaller in the fixup array relative to the object fixup index.
protected final static int UNMSH_OFS = 1;
* The offset of the first temporary value relative to the object fixup index.
protected final static int TEMP_OFS = 2;
* The offset of the href value in the fixup array relative to the reference fixup index.
protected final static int REF_OFS = 0;
* The offset of the accessor in the fixup array relative to the reference fixup index.
protected final static int ACCESSOR_OFS = 1;
* The offset of the cookie in the index array relative to the reference fixup index.
protected final static int COOKIE_OFS = 1;
* The offset of the object reference in the parser stack.
protected final static int STK_REF_OFS = 0;
* The offset of the unmarshaller in the parser stack.
protected final static int STK_UNMSH_OFS = 1;
* The offset of the accessor in the parser stack.
protected final static int STK_ACCESSOR_OFS = 2;
* The size of the stack state entry.
protected final static int STK_STATE_SIZE = 3;
* Special value to indicate a non-constructed object.
protected final static Object EMPTY = new Object();
* The unmarshallers.
protected final static Unmarshaller STRING_UNMSH = new SimpleUnmarshaller(SOAP.XSD_URI, "string")
public Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh)
return sValue;
public boolean isMultiRef()
return true;
protected final static Unmarshaller BINARY_UNMSH = new SimpleUnmarshaller(SOAP.XSD_URI, "base64Binary")
public Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws IOException
return new Binary(Base64Util.decode(sValue));
public boolean isMultiRef()
return true;
protected final static Unmarshaller INT_UNMSH = new SimpleUnmarshaller(SOAP.XSD_URI, "int")
public Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws Exception
return Primitive.createInteger(Integer.parseInt(sValue));
protected final static Unmarshaller LONG_UNMSH = new SimpleUnmarshaller(SOAP.XSD_URI, "long")
public Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws Exception
return Primitive.createLong(Long.parseLong(sValue));
protected final static Unmarshaller INTEGER_UNMSH = new SimpleUnmarshaller(SOAP.XSD_URI, "integer")
public Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws Exception
return new BigDecimal(new BigInteger(sValue));
protected final static Unmarshaller DECIMAL_UNMSH = new SimpleUnmarshaller(SOAP.XSD_URI, "decimal")
public Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws Exception
return new BigDecimal(sValue);
protected final static Unmarshaller FLOAT_UNMSH = new SimpleUnmarshaller(SOAP.XSD_URI, "float")
public Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws Exception
if (sValue.length() > 0 && sValue.charAt(sValue.length() - 1) == 'F')
if (sValue.equals("INF"))
sValue = "Infinity";
else if (sValue.equals("-INF"))
sValue = "-Infinity";
return Primitive.createFloat(Float.parseFloat(sValue));
protected final static Unmarshaller DOUBLE_UNMSH = new SimpleUnmarshaller(SOAP.XSD_URI, "double")
public Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws Exception
if (sValue.length() > 0 && sValue.charAt(sValue.length() - 1) == 'F')
if (sValue.equals("INF"))
sValue = "Infinity";
else if (sValue.equals("-INF"))
sValue = "-Infinity";
return Primitive.createDouble(Double.parseDouble(sValue));
protected final static Unmarshaller TIMESTAMP_UNMSH = new SimpleUnmarshaller(SOAP.XSD_URI, "dateTime")
public Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws Exception
return SOAPUtil.parseDateTime(sValue, true, true, unmsh.getContext().getTimeZone());
protected final static Unmarshaller BOOLEAN_UNMSH = new SimpleUnmarshaller(SOAP.XSD_URI, "boolean")
public Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws Exception
if (sValue.equals("true") || sValue.equals("1"))
return Boolean.TRUE;
if (sValue.equals("false") || sValue.equals("0"))
return Boolean.FALSE;
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.boolean", new Object[]{sValue});
protected final static Unmarshaller CHARACTER_UNMSH = new SimpleUnmarshaller(SOAP.XSD_URI, "unsignedShort")
public Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws Exception
return Primitive.createCharacter(Integer.parseInt(sValue));
protected final static Unmarshaller CHAR_ARRAY_UNMSH = new ArrayUnmarshaller(
new SimpleUnmarshaller(SOAP.XSD_URI, "unsignedShort")
public Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws Exception
return sValue;
protected int init(int nSize, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
int nObj = unmsh.addObjectFixup(new char[nSize], this, 1);
unmsh.setTempIndex(nObj, 0, 0);
return nObj;
protected int addValue(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh)
int i = unmsh.getTempIndex(nObj, 0);
unmsh.setTempIndex(nObj, 0, i + 1);
return i;
protected char parse(String s) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
return (char)Integer.parseInt(s);
catch (Exception e)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.charCode", new Object[]{s, getURI(), getType()});
public void setValue(int nObj, Object value, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
((char[])unmsh.getFixup(nObj))[addValue(nObj, unmsh)] = parse((String)value);
public void setValue(int nObj, int nCookie, Object value, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
((char[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0))[nCookie] = parse((String)value);
protected final static Unmarshaller STRING_ARRAY_UNMSH = new ObjectArrayUnmarshaller(STRING_UNMSH)
protected Object[] construct(int nSize)
return new String[nSize];
* Unmarshaller for xsd:anyType[].
protected final static Unmarshaller OBJECT_ARRAY_UNMSH = new ObjectArrayUnmarshaller(null);
protected final static Unmarshaller LIST_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "Array",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new StaticObjectAccessor("", "items", false, false, OBJECT_ARRAY_UNMSH)})
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
Object[] array = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0);
unmsh.setFixup(nObj, (array == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Arrays.asList(array));
protected final static Unmarshaller STRINGID_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "StringId",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new StaticObjectAccessor("", "id", true, true, STRING_UNMSH)})
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
unmsh.setFixup(nObj, new StringId((String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0)));
protected final static Unmarshaller SYMBOL_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "Symbol",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new StaticObjectAccessor("", "name", true, true, STRING_UNMSH)})
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
unmsh.setFixup(nObj, Symbol.define((String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0)));
protected final static Unmarshaller LOCALE_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "Locale",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new StaticObjectAccessor("", "name", true, true, STRING_UNMSH)})
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
unmsh.setFixup(nObj, LocaleUtil.parse((String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0)));
protected final static Unmarshaller TIME_ZONE_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "TimeZone",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new StaticObjectAccessor("", "name", true, true, STRING_UNMSH)})
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
unmsh.setFixup(nObj, TimeZone.getTimeZone((String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0)));
* String expression parsed into an S-expression.
* Can be used to eliminate S-expression builder calls on the client.
protected final static Unmarshaller EXPRESSION_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "Expression",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new StaticObjectAccessor("", "text", true, true, STRING_UNMSH)})
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
unmsh.setFixup(nObj, RPCUtil.parse(new SchemeParser(unmsh.getContext().getMachine().getGlobalEnvironment()),
(String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0), null));
protected final static Unmarshaller PAIR_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "Pair",
new ObjectAccessor[]
new DynamicObjectAccessor("", "head", false, false),
new DynamicObjectAccessor("", "tail", false, false)
protected Object construct()
return new Pair(null);
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
Pair pair = (Pair)unmsh.getFixup(nObj);
pair.setHead(unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0));
pair.setTail(unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 1));
protected final static Unmarshaller PRIVILEGE_SET_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "PrivilegeSet",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new StaticObjectAccessor("", "mask", false, true, BINARY_UNMSH)})
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
Binary mask = (Binary)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0);
unmsh.setFixup(nObj, (mask == null) ? new PrivilegeSet(0) : new PrivilegeSet(mask.getData()));
protected final static Unmarshaller BYTE_VECTOR_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "ByteVector",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new StaticObjectAccessor("", "value", false, true, BINARY_UNMSH)})
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
Binary value = (Binary)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0);
unmsh.setFixup(nObj, (value == null) ? null : value.getData());
protected final static Unmarshaller FUNCTION_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "Function",
new ObjectAccessor[]
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "code", true, false, CHAR_ARRAY_UNMSH),
new ObjectArrayAccessor("", "constants", false, false)
protected Object construct()
return new PCodeFunction();
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
PCodeFunction fun = (PCodeFunction)unmsh.getFixup(nObj);
fun.code = (char[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0);
fun.constants = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 1);
protected final static Unmarshaller MACRO_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "Macro",
new ObjectAccessor[]
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "code", true, false, CHAR_ARRAY_UNMSH),
new ObjectArrayAccessor("", "constants", false, false)
protected Object construct()
return new PCodeMacro();
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
PCodeMacro fun = (PCodeMacro)unmsh.getFixup(nObj);
fun.code = (char[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0);
fun.constants = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 1);
protected final static Unmarshaller OID_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "OID",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new ObjectArrayAccessor("", "values", true, false)})
protected Object construct()
return new OID();
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
((OID)unmsh.getFixup(nObj)).setValueArray((Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0));
protected final static Unmarshaller TRANSFER_OBJECT_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "TransferObject",
new ObjectAccessor[]
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "class", false, true, STRING_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "event", false, true, STRING_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "version", false, true, INT_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "oid", false, false, OID_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "keys", false, true, STRING_ARRAY_UNMSH),
new ObjectArrayAccessor("", "values", false, true)
protected Object construct()
return new TransferObject();
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)unmsh.getFixup(nObj);
tobj.setClassName((String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0));
tobj.setEventName((String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 1));
Integer version = (Integer)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 2);
if (version != null)
tobj.setOID((OID)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 3));
String[] keys = (String[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 4);
Object[] values = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 5);
if (((keys == null) ? 0 : keys.length) != ((values == null) ? 0 : values.length))
throw new SOAPMarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.keyValueMismatch", new Object[]{m_sURI, m_sType});
if (keys != null && values != null)
for (int i = 0; i != keys.length; ++i)
tobj.setValue(keys[i], values[i]);
protected final static Unmarshaller TRANSFER_OBJECT_ARRAY_UNMSH = new ObjectArrayUnmarshaller(TRANSFER_OBJECT_UNMSH);
protected final static Unmarshaller TRANSFER_OBJECT_ARRAY_ARRAY_UNMSH = new ObjectArrayUnmarshaller(TRANSFER_OBJECT_ARRAY_UNMSH);
protected final static Unmarshaller INVOCATION_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "Invocation",
new ObjectAccessor[]
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "object", true, false, TRANSFER_OBJECT_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "event", false, true, STRING_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "arguments", false, false, OBJECT_ARRAY_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "attributes", false, false, PAIR_UNMSH)
protected Object construct()
return new Request.Invocation(null);
public void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
Request.Invocation invocation = (Request.Invocation)unmsh.getFixup(nObj);
invocation.setObject((TransferObject)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0));
invocation.setEventName((String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 1));
invocation.setArguments((Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 2));
invocation.setAttributes((Pair)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 3));
protected final static Unmarshaller REQUEST_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "Request",
new ObjectAccessor[]
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "namespace", false, true, STRING_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "version", false, true, STRING_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "async", false, true, BOOLEAN_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "commit", false, true, BOOLEAN_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "locale", false, false, LOCALE_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "timeZone", false, false, TIME_ZONE_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "correlator", false, false, TRANSFER_OBJECT_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "invocations", false, true, new ObjectArrayUnmarshaller(INVOCATION_UNMSH)),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "args", false, true, TRANSFER_OBJECT_ARRAY_UNMSH), // deprecated
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "parameters", false, true, new ObjectArrayUnmarshaller(OBJECT_ARRAY_UNMSH)), // deprecated
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "attributes", false, true, new ObjectArrayUnmarshaller(PAIR_UNMSH)), // deprecated
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "filters", false, true, TRANSFER_OBJECT_ARRAY_UNMSH)
protected Object construct()
return new Request();
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
Request req = (Request)unmsh.getFixup(nObj);
req.setNamespace((String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0));
req.setVersion((String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 1));
Boolean async = (Boolean)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 2);
if (async != null)
Boolean commit = (Boolean)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 3);
if (commit != null)
req.setLocale((Locale)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 4));
req.setTimeZone((TimeZone)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 5));
req.setCorrelator((TransferObject)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 6));
Object[] invocations = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 7);
if (invocations != null)
for (int i = 0; i != invocations.length; ++i)
Object[] args = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 8);
Object[] parameters = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 9);
Object[] attributes = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 10);
if (args != null)
for (int i = 0; i != args.length; ++i)
(parameters == null || i >= parameters.length) ? null : (Object[])parameters[i],
(attributes == null || i >= attributes.length) ? null : (Pair)attributes[i]);
Object[] filters = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 11);
if (filters != null)
for (int i = 0; i != filters.length; ++i)
protected final static Unmarshaller RESPONSE_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "Response",
new ObjectAccessor[]
new ObjectArrayAccessor("", "results", false, true),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "events", false, true, TRANSFER_OBJECT_ARRAY_ARRAY_UNMSH)
protected Object construct()
return new Response();
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
Response resp = (Response)unmsh.getFixup(nObj);
Object[] results = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0);
if (results != null)
for (int i = 0; i != results.length; ++i)
Object[] events = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 1);
if (events != null)
for (int i = 0; i != events.length; ++i)
Object[] event = (Object[])events[i];
resp.addEvent((event == null) ? Collections.EMPTY_LIST : Arrays.asList(event));
protected final static ObjectUnmarshaller EXCEPTION_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "Exception",
new ObjectAccessor[]
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "errorCode", false, true, STRING_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "errorMessage", false, true, STRING_UNMSH),
new ObjectArrayAccessor("", "errorArgs", false, false),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "class", false, true, STRING_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "oid", false, false, OID_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "ordinal", false, true, INT_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "attributes", false, true, STRING_ARRAY_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "attributeExceptions", false, true, null),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "exceptions", false, true, null)
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
String sErrCode = (String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0);
String sMessage = (String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 1);
Object[] argArray = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 2);
String sClassName = (String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 3);
GenericException e;
if (argArray != null && argArray.length == 0)
argArray = null;
if (sClassName != null)
ValidationException x = new ValidationException(sErrCode, argArray);
x.setOIDHolder((OID)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 4));
Integer ordinal = (Integer)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 5);
if (ordinal != null)
String[] attributeArray = (String[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 6);
Object[] exceptionArray = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 7);
if (((attributeArray == null) ? 0 : attributeArray.length) !=
((exceptionArray == null) ? 0 : exceptionArray.length))
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.attributeExceptionMismatch",
new Object[]{m_sURI, m_sType});
if (attributeArray != null && exceptionArray != null)
for (int i = 0; i < attributeArray.length; ++i)
x.addException(attributeArray[i], (Throwable)exceptionArray[i]);
e = x;
else if (argArray != null)
e = new GenericException(sErrCode, argArray);
e = new GenericException(sErrCode, new Object[]{sMessage});
e.setStackTrace(new StackTraceElement[0]);
Object[] exceptionArray = (Object[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 8);
if (exceptionArray != null)
for (int i = 0; i < exceptionArray.length; ++i)
unmsh.setFixup(nObj, e);
protected final static Unmarshaller EXCEPTION_ARRAY_UNMSH = new ObjectArrayUnmarshaller(EXCEPTION_UNMSH);
protected final static Unmarshaller SOAP_REQUEST_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "invoke",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new StaticObjectAccessor("", "request", true, false, REQUEST_UNMSH)})
protected Object construct()
return new SOAPRequest(null);
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
((SOAPRequest)unmsh.getFixup(nObj)).setRequest((Request)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0));
public boolean isMultiRef()
return false;
protected final static Unmarshaller SOAP_RESPONSE_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "invoke-response",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new StaticObjectAccessor("", "response", true, false, RESPONSE_UNMSH)})
protected Object construct()
return new SOAPResponse(null);
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
((SOAPResponse)unmsh.getFixup(nObj)).setResponse((Response)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0));
public boolean isMultiRef()
return false;
protected final static Unmarshaller SOAP_FAULT_UNMSH = new ObjectSubsetUnmarshaller(SOAP.ENV_URI, "Fault",
new ObjectAccessor[]
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "faultcode", false, true,
new SimpleUnmarshaller(SOAP.XSD_URI, "string")
public Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh)
String sCode = getTypeName(sValue);
String sURI = unmsh.getTypeURI(sValue, sCode);
return new String[]{sURI, sCode};
public boolean isMultiRef()
return false;
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "faultstring", false, true, STRING_UNMSH),
new StaticObjectAccessor("", "detail", false, false,
new ObjectSubsetUnmarshaller(SOAP.TNS_URI, "Exception",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new StaticObjectAccessor(SOAP.TNS_URI, "Exception", false, false, EXCEPTION_UNMSH)})
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
unmsh.setFixup(nObj, unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0));
protected Object construct()
return new SOAPFault(null);
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
SOAPFault fault = (SOAPFault)unmsh.getFixup(nObj);
String[] code = (String[])unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0);
fault.setMessage((String)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 1));
fault.setException((Throwable)unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 2));
public boolean isMultiRef()
return false;
protected final static Unmarshaller SOAP_ENVELOPE_UNMSH = new ObjectSubsetUnmarshaller(SOAP.ENV_URI, "Envelope",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new StaticObjectAccessor(SOAP.ENV_URI, "Body", true, false, new SOAPBodyUnmarshaller())})
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
unmsh.setFixup(nObj, unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0));
public boolean isMultiRef()
return false;
protected final static ObjectUnmarshaller SOAP_MESSAGE_UNMSH = new ObjectUnmarshaller("", "SOAP-Message",
new ObjectAccessor[]{new StaticObjectAccessor(SOAP.ENV_URI, "Envelope", true, false, SOAP_ENVELOPE_UNMSH)})
protected void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
unmsh.setFixup(nObj, unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0));
public boolean isMultiRef()
return false;
* Special accessor that consumes all the elements.
protected final static Accessor NULL_ACCESSOR = new NullAccessor();
* Special unmarshaller that skips all the elements.
protected final static Unmarshaller NULL_UNMSH = new ComplexUnmarshaller(null, null)
public int init(Attributes attributes, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
return 0;
public Accessor getAccessor(String sURI, String sType, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
* Special unmarshaller instance indicating an array type.
protected final static Unmarshaller ARRAY_UNMSH = new Unmarshaller(SOAP.ENC_URI, "Array")
public boolean isMultiRef()
return true;
* Map of URI and type name to unmarshaller: Unmarshaller[String][String].
protected final static Lookup2D s_unmshMap = new HashTab2D(32);
Unmarshaller[] unmshArray = new Unmarshaller[]
for (int i = 0; i < unmshArray.length; ++i)
Unmarshaller unmsh = unmshArray[i];
s_unmshMap.put(unmsh.getURI(), unmsh.getType(), unmsh);
s_unmshMap.put(SOAP.ENC_NS, "base64", BINARY_UNMSH);
// attributes
* Count of fixup entries.
protected int m_nFixupCount;
* The stack top.
protected int m_nTop;
* True if the current element should be empty.
protected boolean m_bEmpty;
* True if the current element should be ignored.
* Used by the env:Body unmarshaller.
protected boolean m_bIgnoreRoot;
// associations
* The fixup array - contains linked lists of object and reference fixups.
* Object Fixup:
* 0 1 nObj nObj+1 nObj+2
* m_fixupArray: [null ][NULL_UNMSH]...[Object/null][Unmarshaller][Temp+0][Temp+1]...[Temp+n] ...
* 0 nObj nObj+1 nObj+2
* m_indexArray: [nFirstObj][0 ]...[nNextObj ][nFirstRFixup][Flag+0][Flag+0]...[Flag+n] ...
* Reference Fixup:
* nFixup nFixup+1
* m_fixupArray: ... [href/ref ][accessor] ...
* nFixup nFixup+1
* m_indexArray: ... [nNextFixup][nCookie ] ...
* NOTE: All the drudgery with linked lists and offsets in arrays is done
* for efficiency reasons, to avoid excessive memory allocation.
protected Object[] m_fixupArray;
* The index array - links the fixup elements into a list.
* Used during unmarshalling.
* @see SOAPUnmarshaller#m_fixupArray
protected int[] m_indexArray;
* Map of object to id: id[Object].
protected Lookup m_idMap;
* The parser state stack.
protected Object[] m_stack;
* Buffer for element values.
protected StringBuffer m_valueBuf;
* Map of namespace name to a list of URI elements,
* the first element containing the current URI: Namespace[String].
protected Lookup m_nsMap;
* Map of array item unmarshaller to array unmarshaller: CollectionUnmarshaller[Unmarshaller].
protected Lookup m_arrayUnmshMap;
* The runtime context.
protected Context m_context;
// constructors
* Constructs the SOAP unmarshaller.
* @param context The runtime context.
public SOAPUnmarshaller(Context context)
m_context = context;
// operations
* Sets the runtime context.
* @param context The runtime context to set.
public void setContext(Context context)
m_context = context;
* @return The runtime context.
public Context getContext()
return m_context;
* @see nexj.core.rpc.CharacterStreamMarshaller#deserialize(java.io.Reader)
public Object deserialize(Reader reader) throws IOException, MarshallerException
// Initialize
m_nFixupCount = 2;
m_nTop = 0;
m_bEmpty = false;
m_bIgnoreRoot = false;
m_fixupArray = new Object[48];
m_indexArray = new int[48];
m_stack = new Object[48];
m_idMap = new HashTab();
m_nsMap = new HashTab();
m_arrayUnmshMap = new HashTab();
m_valueBuf = new StringBuffer(32);
int nRoot = SOAP_MESSAGE_UNMSH.init(null, this);
push(Primitive.createInteger(nRoot), SOAP_MESSAGE_UNMSH, SOAP_MESSAGE_UNMSH.getAccessor(0));
XMLUtil.parse(reader, this);
SOAP_MESSAGE_UNMSH.complete(nRoot, this);
return getFixup(nRoot);
catch (SOAPUnmarshallerException e)
throw e;
catch (XMLParserException e)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.xml", e);
catch (XMLException e)
if (e.getCause() instanceof SOAPUnmarshallerException)
throw (SOAPUnmarshallerException)e.getCause();
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.failed", e.getCause());
m_fixupArray = null;
m_indexArray = null;
m_stack = null;
m_idMap = null;
m_nsMap = null;
m_arrayUnmshMap = null;
m_valueBuf = null;
* Fixes up the outstanding object references.
protected void fixup()
// Fixup the object references in multiple passes until done
int nPrevObj, nObj;
boolean bDirty = true;
while ((nObj = m_indexArray[nPrevObj = 0]) != 0)
if (!bDirty)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.invalidCircularReference");
bDirty = false;
int nPrevFixup = nObj + FIRST_FIXUP_OFS;
int nFixup = m_indexArray[nPrevFixup];
while (nFixup != 0)
Object ref = m_fixupArray[nFixup + REF_OFS];
// If string href, lookup the object index
if (!(ref instanceof Integer))
ref = m_idMap.get(ref);
if (ref == null)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.idLookup",
new Object[]{m_fixupArray[nFixup + REF_OFS]});
m_fixupArray[nFixup + REF_OFS] = ref;
int nRefObj = ((Integer)ref).intValue();
Accessor accessor = (Accessor)m_fixupArray[nFixup + ACCESSOR_OFS];
// If the referenced object is already fully constructed,
// i.e. it has no more reference fixups, or the accessor
// is not deferred and the object is partially constructed,
// resolve and remove this reference fixup
if (m_indexArray[nRefObj + FIRST_FIXUP_OFS] == 0 ||
m_fixupArray[nRefObj] != EMPTY &&
// if accessor then set value and set accessor to null
// if child complete remove from the list
if (accessor != null)
accessor.setValue(nObj, m_indexArray[nFixup + COOKIE_OFS], m_fixupArray[nRefObj], this);
nFixup = m_indexArray[nFixup];
m_indexArray[nPrevFixup] = nFixup;
bDirty = true;
// Process the next fixup
nPrevFixup = nFixup;
nFixup = m_indexArray[nFixup];
// If no more fixups are left, construct
// the object and remove it from the list
if (m_indexArray[nObj + FIRST_FIXUP_OFS] == 0)
((ComplexUnmarshaller)m_fixupArray[nObj + UNMSH_OFS]).complete(nObj, this);
catch (Exception e)
String sId = findId(nObj);
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.unmshFixup",
new Object[]{(sId == null) ? "" : sId}, e);
// Remove the object from the list
nObj = m_indexArray[nObj];
m_indexArray[nPrevObj] = nObj;
bDirty = true;
// Process the next object
nPrevObj = nObj;
nObj = m_indexArray[nObj];
while (nObj != 0);
* @see org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler#startPrefixMapping(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public void startPrefixMapping(String sNamespace, String sURI) throws SAXException
super.startPrefixMapping(sNamespace, sURI);
// Push the URI
m_nsMap.put(sNamespace, new Namespace(sURI, (Namespace)m_nsMap.get(sNamespace)));
* @see org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler#endPrefixMapping(java.lang.String)
public void endPrefixMapping(String sNamespace) throws SAXException
Namespace ns = (Namespace)m_nsMap.get(sNamespace);
// Pop the URI
if (ns != null)
m_nsMap.put(sNamespace, ns.next);
* Gets the href attribute.
* @param attributes The attribute collection.
* @return The value of href attribute or null if not available.
protected String getHRefAttributeValue(Attributes attributes)
return attributes.getValue("href");
* Gets the id attribute.
* @param attributes The attribute collection.
* @return The value of id attribute or null if not available.
protected String getIdAttributeValue(Attributes attributes)
return attributes.getValue("id");
* @see org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler#startElement(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, org.xml.sax.Attributes)
public void startElement(String sURI, String sName, String sQName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException
Object u = getUnmarshaller();
if (!(u instanceof ComplexUnmarshaller))
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.notSimpleElement", new Object[]{sURI, sName});
if (m_bEmpty)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.notEmptyElement", new Object[]{sURI, sName});
ComplexUnmarshaller parentUnmsh = (ComplexUnmarshaller)u;
Accessor accessor = parentUnmsh.getAccessor(sURI, sName, this);
Unmarshaller unmsh = accessor.getUnmarshaller(sURI, sName, attributes, this);
int nParentObj = getObjectIndex().intValue();
String sNil = attributes.getValue(SOAP.XSI_URI, "nil");
if (sNil != null)
if (!sNil.equals("true") && !sNil.equals("1"))
if (!sNil.equals("false") && !sNil.equals("0"))
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.nil", new Object[]{sNil, sURI, sName});
sNil = null;
if (sNil != null)
accessor.setValue(nParentObj, null, this);
m_bEmpty = true;
String sHRef = getHRefAttributeValue(attributes);
if (sHRef != null)
if (sHRef.length() < 2 || sHRef.charAt(0) != '#')
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.href", new Object[]{sHRef, sURI, sName});
if (unmsh != null && !unmsh.isMultiRef())
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.multiRef", new Object[]{sURI, sName});
accessor.setFixup(nParentObj, sHRef.substring(1), this);
m_bEmpty = true;
if (unmsh == null)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.missingType", new Object[]{sURI, sName});
String sId = (unmsh.isMultiRef()) ? getIdAttributeValue(attributes) : null;
Integer ref = null;
if (unmsh instanceof ComplexUnmarshaller)
ref = Primitive.createInteger(((ComplexUnmarshaller)unmsh).init(attributes, this));
if (sId != null)
ref = Primitive.createInteger(addObjectFixup(EMPTY, unmsh, 0));
if (sId != null)
if (m_idMap.put(sId, ref) != null)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.dupId", new Object[]{sId, sURI, sName});
push(ref, unmsh, accessor);
* @see org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler#characters(char[], int, int)
public void characters(char[] cbuf, int nOffset, int nCount) throws SAXException
m_valueBuf.append(cbuf, nOffset, nCount);
* @see org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler#endElement(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public void endElement(String sURI, String sName, String sQName) throws SAXException
if (m_bEmpty)
// An empty element was expected (e.g. xsi:nil or xml:href)
m_bEmpty = false;
Object u = getUnmarshaller();
Accessor accessor = getAccessor();
Integer ref = getObjectIndex();
if (u instanceof ComplexUnmarshaller)
// Complex type
int nObj = ref.intValue();
if (m_indexArray[nObj + FIRST_FIXUP_OFS] == 0)
// This object does not depend on any incomplete children (i.e. all children are complete).
// No fixups, create the object and set the accessor value.
completeComplexObject(accessor, (ComplexUnmarshaller)u, ref);
catch (Exception e)
String sId = findId(nObj);
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.unmshComplex",
new Object[]{sURI, sName, (sId == null) ? "" : sId}, e);
deferComplexObject(accessor, (ComplexUnmarshaller)u, ref);
// Simple type
completeSimpleObject(accessor, (SimpleUnmarshaller)u, ref);
catch (Exception e)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.unmshSimple",
new Object[]{sURI, sName, (m_valueBuf.length() < 128)
? m_valueBuf.toString()
: m_valueBuf.substring(0, 128) + "..."}, e);
* Completes the instantiation of a complex type.
* @param accessor The destination accessor.
* @param unmsh The object unmarshaller.
* @param ref The source object reference.
protected void completeComplexObject(Accessor accessor,
ComplexUnmarshaller unmsh, Integer ref)
int nObj = ref.intValue();
unmsh.complete(nObj, this);
accessor.setValue(getObjectIndex().intValue(), getFixup(nObj), this);
* Defers the instantiation of a complex type and sets up the fixups.
* @param accessor The destination accessor.
* @param unmsh The object unmarshaller.
* @param ref The source object reference.
protected void deferComplexObject(Accessor accessor,
ComplexUnmarshaller unmsh, Integer ref)
// Add a reference fixup and an object fixup
accessor.setFixup(getObjectIndex().intValue(), ref, this);
* Completes the instantiation of a simple type.
* @param accessor The destination accessor.
* @param unmsh The object unmarshaller.
* @param ref The source object reference.
protected void completeSimpleObject(Accessor accessor,
SimpleUnmarshaller unmsh, Integer ref) throws Exception
unmsh.unmarshal(m_valueBuf.toString(), this), this);
* Finds the object id by object index.
* @param nObj The object index.
* @return The object id, or null if not found.
protected String findId(int nObj)
for (Lookup.Iterator itr = m_idMap.valueIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
if (((Integer)itr.next()).intValue() == nObj)
return (String)itr.getKey();
return null;
* Pushes the current parser state on the parser stack.
* @param ref The object index.
* @param unmsh The object unmarshaller.
* @param accessor The object accessor.
protected void push(Integer ref, Unmarshaller unmsh, Accessor accessor)
if (m_nTop + STK_STATE_SIZE > m_stack.length)
Object[] stack = new Object[(m_nTop + STK_STATE_SIZE) << 1];
System.arraycopy(m_stack, 0, stack, 0, m_nTop);
m_stack = stack;
m_stack[m_nTop + STK_REF_OFS] = ref;
m_stack[m_nTop + STK_UNMSH_OFS] = unmsh;
m_stack[m_nTop + STK_ACCESSOR_OFS] = accessor;
* Pops the parser state from the stack.
protected void pop()
* @return The index of the current object from the top of the stack.
protected Integer getObjectIndex()
return (Integer)m_stack[m_nTop + (STK_REF_OFS - STK_STATE_SIZE)];
* @return The current object unmarshaller from the top of the stack.
protected Object getUnmarshaller()
return m_stack[m_nTop + (STK_UNMSH_OFS - STK_STATE_SIZE)];
* @return The current accessor from the top of the stack.
protected Accessor getAccessor()
return (Accessor)m_stack[m_nTop + (STK_ACCESSOR_OFS - STK_STATE_SIZE)];
* Adds a fixup to the array.
* @param fixup The fixup object.
* @param nSize The fixup size, i.e. how many consecutive array elements to allocate.
* @return The index of the added fixup.
protected int addFixup(int nSize)
if (m_nFixupCount + nSize > m_fixupArray.length)
Object[] fixupArray = new Object[(m_nFixupCount + nSize) << 1];
System.arraycopy(m_fixupArray, 0, fixupArray, 0, m_nFixupCount);
m_fixupArray = fixupArray;
int[] indexArray = new int[fixupArray.length];
System.arraycopy(m_indexArray, 0, indexArray, 0, m_nFixupCount);
m_indexArray = indexArray;
int i = m_nFixupCount;
m_nFixupCount += nSize;
return i;
* Sets a fixup value at a given index.
* @param i The fixup index.
* @param value The value to set.
protected void setFixup(int i, Object value)
m_fixupArray[i] = value;
* Gets a fixup value at a given index.
* @param i The fixup index.
* @return The fixup value.
protected Object getFixup(int i)
return m_fixupArray[i];
* Adds an object fixup to the fixup array.
* @param obj The constructed object.
* @param unmsh The object unmarshaller.
* @param nTempSize Temporary variable count.
protected int addObjectFixup(Object obj, Unmarshaller unmsh, int nTempSize)
int i = addFixup(2 + nTempSize);
setFixup(i, obj);
setFixup(i + UNMSH_OFS, unmsh);
return i;
* Links the object fixup into the fixup list.
* @param nObj The index of the object in the fixup array.
protected void linkObjectFixup(int nObj)
assert m_indexArray[nObj] == 0;
m_indexArray[nObj] = m_indexArray[0];
m_indexArray[0] = nObj;
* Adds a reference fixup to an object fixup.
* @param nObj The index of the object in the fixup array.
* @param ref The reference value - string id or object index.
* @param accessor The member accessor.
* @param nCookie The fixup cookie.
* @return The fixup index.
protected int addReferenceFixup(int nObj, Object ref, Accessor accessor, int nCookie)
int i = addFixup(2);
setFixup(i + REF_OFS, ref);
setFixup(i + ACCESSOR_OFS, accessor);
m_indexArray[i] = m_indexArray[nObj + FIRST_FIXUP_OFS];
m_indexArray[nObj + FIRST_FIXUP_OFS] = i;
m_indexArray[i + COOKIE_OFS] = nCookie;
return i;
* Sets a temporary variable for a given unmarshalled object.
* @param nObj The index of the object in the fixup array.
* @param nTemp The index of the temporary variable.
* @param value The value to set.
protected void setTempValue(int nObj, int nTemp, Object value)
m_fixupArray[nObj + TEMP_OFS + nTemp] = value;
* Gets a temporary variable for a given unmarshalled object.
* @param nObj The index of the object in the fixup array.
* @param nTemp The index of the temporary variable.
* @return The variable value.
protected Object getTempValue(int nObj, int nTemp)
return m_fixupArray[nObj + TEMP_OFS + nTemp];
* Sets a temporary index for a given unmarshalled object.
* @param nObj The index of the object in the fixup array.
* @param nTemp The index of the temporary variable.
* @param i The value to set.
protected void setTempIndex(int nObj, int nTemp, int i)
m_indexArray[nObj + TEMP_OFS + nTemp] = i;
* Gets a temporary index for a given unmarshalled object.
* @param nObj The index of the object in the fixup array.
* @param nTemp The index of the temporary variable.
* @return The index value.
protected int getTempIndex(int nObj, int nTemp)
return m_indexArray[nObj + TEMP_OFS + nTemp];
* Gets an array unmarshaller by array type name.
* @param sArrayQType The array qualified type name (ns:type[]...[n]).
* @param nLength The length of the sArrayQType to take into account.
* @return The array unmarshaller.
* @throws SOAPUnmarshallerException if no unmarshaller is found.
protected Unmarshaller getArrayUnmarshaller(String sArrayQType, int nLength) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
int i = sArrayQType.lastIndexOf('[', nLength - 1);
if (i < 0)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rcp.soap.arrayType", new Object[]{sArrayQType});
Unmarshaller unmsh;
if (sArrayQType.lastIndexOf(']', i - 1) < 0)
int k = sArrayQType.indexOf(']', i + 1);
if (k < 0 || k >= nLength || k == nLength - 1 && i == k)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rcp.soap.arrayType", new Object[]{sArrayQType});
String sQType = sArrayQType.substring(0, i);
String sType = getTypeName(sQType);
String sURI = getTypeURI(sQType, sType);
if (sType.equals("anyType") && sURI.equals(SOAP.XSD_URI))
unmsh = getUnmarshaller(sURI, sType, (Attributes)null);
unmsh = getArrayUnmarshaller(sArrayQType, i);
Unmarshaller arrayUnmsh = (Unmarshaller)m_arrayUnmshMap.get(unmsh);
if (arrayUnmsh == null)
arrayUnmsh = new ObjectArrayUnmarshaller(unmsh);
m_arrayUnmshMap.put(unmsh, arrayUnmsh);
return arrayUnmsh;
* Gets an array unmarshaller by element attributes.
* @param attributes The element attributes.
* @return The array unmarshaller, or null if the type is not specified
* @throws SOAPUnmarshallerException if the type is unsupported.
protected Unmarshaller getArrayUnmarshaller(Attributes attributes) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
String sArrayQType = attributes.getValue(SOAP.ENC_URI, "arrayType");
if (sArrayQType != null)
return getArrayUnmarshaller(sArrayQType, sArrayQType.length());
return null;
* Gets an unmarshaller by type namespace URI and name.
* @param sURI The namespace URI.
* @param sType The type name.
* @param attributes The additional attributes for type lookup. Can be null.
* @return The unmarshaller.
* @throws SOAPUnmarshallerException if no unmarshaller is found.
protected Unmarshaller getUnmarshaller(String sURI, String sType, Attributes attributes) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
Unmarshaller unmsh = (Unmarshaller)s_unmshMap.get(sURI, sType);
if (unmsh == null)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.unmshType", new Object[]{sURI, sType});
if (unmsh == ARRAY_UNMSH)
if (attributes == null)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.itemType");
unmsh = getArrayUnmarshaller(attributes);
if (unmsh == null)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.missingArrayType");
return unmsh;
* Gets an unmarshaller by qualified type name.
* @param sQType The qualified type name (ns:type).
* @param attributes The additional attributes for type lookup. Can be null.
* @return The unmarshaller.
* @throws SOAPUnmarshallerException if no unmarshaller is found.
protected Unmarshaller getUnmarshaller(String sQType, Attributes attributes) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
String sType = getTypeName(sQType);
return getUnmarshaller(getTypeURI(sQType, sType), sType, attributes);
* Gets an unmarshaller by element attributes.
* @param attributes The attributes for type lookup.
* @return The unmarshaller, or null if no type is specified.
* @throws SOAPUnmarshallerException if type is unsupported.
protected Unmarshaller getUnmarshaller(Attributes attributes) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
String sQType = attributes.getValue(SOAP.XSI_URI, "type");
if (sQType != null)
return getUnmarshaller(sQType, attributes);
return getArrayUnmarshaller(attributes);
* Gets the local type name from the qualified type name.
* @param sQType The qualified type name (ns:type).
* @return The local type name (type).
protected static String getTypeName(String sQType)
int i = sQType.indexOf(':');
if (i < 0)
return sQType;
return sQType.substring(i + 1);
* Gets the type URI from the qualified type name.
* @param sQType The qualified type name (ns:type).
* @param sName The local type name returned by getTypeName().
* @return The type URI.
* @throws SOAPUnmarshallerException if the namespace cannot be found.
protected String getTypeURI(String sQType, String sName) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
if (sQType == sName)
return "";
return getURI(sQType.substring(0, sQType.length() - sName.length() - 1));
* Gets a URI by namespace name.
* @param sNamespace The namespace name.
* @return The namespace URI.
* @throws SOAPUnmarshallerException if the namespace cannot be found.
protected String getURI(String sNamespace) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
Namespace ns = (Namespace)m_nsMap.get(sNamespace);
if (ns == null)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.namespaceLookup", new Object[]{sNamespace});
return ns.uri;
* Namespace list element.
protected static class Namespace
public String uri;
public Namespace next;
public Namespace(String sURI, Namespace next)
this.uri = sURI;
this.next = next;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
return uri;
* Interface implemented by unmarshallers.
protected abstract static class Unmarshaller
// attributes
* The type namespace URI.
protected final String m_sURI;
* The type name.
protected final String m_sType;
// constructor
* Constructs the unmarshaller.
* @param sURI The type namespace URI.
* @param sType The type name.
protected Unmarshaller(String sURI, String sType)
m_sURI = sURI;
m_sType = sType;
// operations
* @return The type namespace URI.
public String getURI()
return m_sURI;
* @return The type name.
public String getType()
return m_sType;
* @return True if the unmarshalled object can be referenced multiple times.
public abstract boolean isMultiRef();
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
String sName = getClass().getName();
return sName.substring(sName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1) + '(' + m_sURI + ", " + m_sType + ')';
* Interface implemented by simple type unmarshallers.
protected abstract static class SimpleUnmarshaller extends Unmarshaller
* Constructs the unmarshaller.
* @param sURI The type namespace URI.
* @param sType The type name.
protected SimpleUnmarshaller(String sURI, String sType)
super(sURI, sType);
* Unmarshals the object.
* @param sValue The element value.
* @param unmsh The SOAP unmarshaller.
* @return The unmarshalled object.
* @throws Exception if an unmarshalling error occurs.
public abstract Object unmarshal(String sValue, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws Exception;
public boolean isMultiRef()
return false;
* Interface implemented by the complex type unmarshallers.
protected abstract static class ComplexUnmarshaller extends Unmarshaller
* Constructs the unmarshaller.
* @param sURI The type namespace URI.
* @param sType The type name.
protected ComplexUnmarshaller(String sURI, String sType)
super(sURI, sType);
* Initializes the unmarshalling structures for a new object, possibly constructing an empty instance.
* @param attributes The containing element attributes.
* @param unmsh The SOAP unmarshaller.
* @return The index of the object in the fixup array.
* @throws SOAPUnmarshallerException if an error occurs.
public abstract int init(Attributes attributes, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException;
* Gets an accessor by namespace URI and type name.
* @param sURI The namespace URI.
* @param sType The type name.
* @param unmsh The SOAP unmarshaller.
* @return The accessor.
* @throws SOAPUnmarshallerException if the accessor cannot be found.
public abstract Accessor getAccessor(String sURI, String sType, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException;
* Completes the object initialization from temporary data.
* @param nObj The index of the object in the fixup array.
* @param unmsh The SOAP unmarshaller.
* @throws SOAPUnmarshallerException if an error occurs.
public void complete(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
public boolean isMultiRef()
return true;
* Interface implemented by complex unmarshaller accessors.
protected interface Accessor
* Sets the (possibly temporary) value of the member of the object.
* @param nObj The index of the object in the fixup array.
* @param value The value to set.
* @param unmsh The SOAP unmarshaller.
void setValue(int nObj, Object value, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException;
* Sets the (possibly temporary) value of the member of the object.
* @param nObj The index of the object in the fixup array.
* @param nCookie The fixup cookie.
* @param value The value to set.
* @param unmsh The SOAP unmarshaller.
void setValue(int nObj, int nCookie, Object value, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException;
* Sets a reference fixup for the member of the object.
* @param nObj The index of the object in the fixup array.
* @param ref The object reference - string id or integer object index.
* @param unmsh The SOAP unmarshaller.
void setFixup(int nObj, Object ref, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh);
* Gets the unmarshaller for the member value type.
* @param sURI The element URI.
* @param sName The element name.
* @param attributes The element attributes.
* @param unmsh The SOAP unmarshaller.
* @return The unmarshaller, or null if the type could not be determined.
* @throws SOAPUnmarshallerException if a marshaller for the specified type does not exist.
Unmarshaller getUnmarshaller(String sURI, String sName, Attributes attributes, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException;
* @return True if the referenced object must be fully
* constructed in order to complete the type construction.
boolean isDeferred();
* Generic array unmarshaller.
protected abstract static class ArrayUnmarshaller extends ComplexUnmarshaller implements Accessor
protected Unmarshaller m_itemUnmsh;
protected ArrayUnmarshaller(Unmarshaller itemUnmsh)
super((itemUnmsh == null) ? SOAP.XSD_URI : itemUnmsh.getURI(),
(itemUnmsh == null) ? "anyType[]" : itemUnmsh.getType() + "[]");
m_itemUnmsh = itemUnmsh;
public int init(Attributes attributes, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
String sType = attributes.getValue(SOAP.ENC_URI, "arrayType");
if (sType == null)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.missingArrayType");
int i = sType.lastIndexOf('[');
int k = sType.indexOf(']', i + 1);
if (i > 0 && k > 0)
int nSize;
nSize = Integer.parseInt(sType.substring(i + 1, k));
catch (Throwable t)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.arrayType", new Object[]{sType}, t);
if (nSize >= 0)
return init(nSize, unmsh);
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.arrayType", new Object[]{sType});
public Accessor getAccessor(String sURI, String sType, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
if ("".equals(sURI) && "Item".equals(sType))
return this;
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.arrayItem", new Object[]{sURI, sType, m_sURI, m_sType});
public void setFixup(int nObj, Object ref, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh)
unmsh.addReferenceFixup(nObj, ref, this, addValue(nObj, unmsh));
public Unmarshaller getUnmarshaller(String sURI, String sName, Attributes attributes, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
if (m_itemUnmsh != null)
return m_itemUnmsh;
return unmsh.getUnmarshaller(attributes);
public boolean isDeferred()
return false;
* Initializes the array.
* @param nSize The array size.
* @param unmsh The SOAP unmarshaller.
* @return The index of the object in the fixup array.
protected abstract int init(int nSize, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException;
* Reserves an empty item in the array.
* @param nObj The index of the object in the fixup array.
* @param unmsh The SOAP unmarshaller.
* @return The reserved index.
protected abstract int addValue(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh);
* Array unmarshaller into Object[].
protected static class ObjectArrayUnmarshaller extends ArrayUnmarshaller
protected ObjectArrayUnmarshaller(Unmarshaller itemUnmsh)
protected final int init(int nSize, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
int nObj = unmsh.addObjectFixup(construct(nSize), this, 1);
unmsh.setTempIndex(nObj, 0, 0);
return nObj;
protected Object[] construct(int nSize)
return new Object[nSize];
protected final int addValue(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh)
int i = unmsh.getTempIndex(nObj, 0);
unmsh.setTempIndex(nObj, 0, i + 1);
return i;
public final void setValue(int nObj, Object value, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
((Object[])unmsh.getFixup(nObj))[addValue(nObj, unmsh)] = value;
public final void setValue(int nObj, int nCookie, Object value, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
((Object[])unmsh.getFixup(nObj))[nCookie] = value;
public boolean isDeferred()
return false;
* Generic object accessor.
protected abstract static class ObjectAccessor implements Accessor
// constants
* Constant to indicate that the value has been encountered.
protected final static int ENCOUNTERED = 1;
// attributes
* The namespace URI.
protected final String m_sURI;
* The element name.
protected final String m_sElement;
* The value ordinal number.
protected int m_nOrdinal;
* True to indicate that the value is required.
protected final boolean m_bRequired;
* Deferral flag.
protected final boolean m_bDeferred;
// associations
* The parent type unmarshaller.
protected ObjectUnmarshaller m_parentUnmsh;
// constructors
* Constructs the accessor.
* @param sURI The namespace URI.
* @param sElement The element name.
* @param bRequired True if the value is required.
* @param bDeferred True if the accessor is deferred.
public ObjectAccessor(String sURI, String sElement, boolean bRequired, boolean bDeferred)
m_sURI = sURI;
m_sElement = sElement;
m_bRequired = bRequired;
m_bDeferred = bDeferred;
// operations
* @return The element namespace URI.
public String getURI()
return m_sURI;
* @return The element name.
public String getElement()
return m_sElement;
* Sets the parent type unmarshaller.
* @param unmsh The parent type unmarshaller.
public void setParentUnmarshaller(ObjectUnmarshaller unmsh)
m_parentUnmsh = unmsh;
* Sets the ordinal number of the accessor.
* @param nOrdinal The accessor ordinal number.
public void setOrdinal(int nOrdinal)
m_nOrdinal = nOrdinal;
public void setValue(int nObj, Object value, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
encountered(nObj, unmsh);
unmsh.setTempValue(nObj, m_nOrdinal, value);
public void setValue(int nObj, int nCookie, Object value, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
unmsh.setTempValue(nObj, m_nOrdinal, value);
public void setFixup(int nObj, Object ref, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh)
encountered(nObj, unmsh);
unmsh.addReferenceFixup(nObj, ref, this, 0);
public boolean isDeferred()
return m_bDeferred;
* Invoked when the value has been encountered.
* @param nObj The index of the object fixup in the fixup array.
* @param unmsh The SOAP unmarshaller.
* @throws SOAPUnmarshallerException if the value has been encountered too many times.
protected void encountered(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPMarshallerException
if (unmsh.getTempIndex(nObj, m_nOrdinal) == ENCOUNTERED)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.dupElement",
new Object[]{m_sURI, m_sElement, m_parentUnmsh.getURI(), m_parentUnmsh.getType()});
unmsh.setTempIndex(nObj, m_nOrdinal, ENCOUNTERED);
* Validates the value.
* @param nObj The index of the object fixup in the fixup array.
* @param unmsh The SOAP unmarshaller.
* @throws SOAPUnmarshallerException if the value is invalid.
protected void validate(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
if (m_bRequired && unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, m_nOrdinal) == null)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.required",
new Object[]{m_sURI, m_sElement, m_parentUnmsh.getURI(), m_parentUnmsh.getType()});
* Object accessor for a static type.
protected static class StaticObjectAccessor extends ObjectAccessor
* The value unmarshaller.
protected Unmarshaller m_unmsh;
public StaticObjectAccessor(String sURI, String sElement, boolean bRequired, boolean bDeferred, Unmarshaller unmsh)
super(sURI, sElement, bRequired, bDeferred);
m_unmsh = unmsh;
public void setUnmarshaller(Unmarshaller unmsh)
m_unmsh = unmsh;
public Unmarshaller getUnmarshaller(String sURI, String sName, Attributes attributes, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
return m_unmsh;
* Object accessor for xsd:anyType.
protected static class DynamicObjectAccessor extends ObjectAccessor
public DynamicObjectAccessor(String sURI, String sElement, boolean bRequired, boolean bDeferred)
super(sURI, sElement, bRequired, bDeferred);
public Unmarshaller getUnmarshaller(String sURI, String sName, Attributes attributes, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
return unmsh.getUnmarshaller(attributes);
* Object accessor for an object array.
protected static class ObjectArrayAccessor extends ObjectAccessor
public ObjectArrayAccessor(String sURI, String sElement, boolean bRequired, boolean bDeferred)
super(sURI, sElement, bRequired, bDeferred);
public Unmarshaller getUnmarshaller(String sURI, String sName, Attributes attributes, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
return unmsh.getArrayUnmarshaller(attributes);
* Accessor that consumes all the elements.
protected final static class NullAccessor implements Accessor
public void setValue(int nObj, Object value, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
public void setValue(int nObj, int nCookie, Object value, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
public void setFixup(int nObj, Object ref, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh)
public Unmarshaller getUnmarshaller(String sURI, String sName, Attributes attributes, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
return NULL_UNMSH;
public boolean isDeferred()
return false;
* Object/structure unmarshaller.
protected abstract static class ObjectUnmarshaller extends ComplexUnmarshaller
// associations
* The object accessors.
protected final ObjectAccessor[] m_accessorArray;
* Map of URI:Element to accessor.
protected final Lookup2D m_accessorMap;
// constructors
* Constructs the unmarshaller.
* @param sURI The type namespace URI.
* @param sType The type name.
public ObjectUnmarshaller(String sURI, String sType, ObjectAccessor[] accessorArray)
super(sURI, sType);
m_accessorArray = accessorArray;
m_accessorMap = new HashTab2D(accessorArray.length);
for (int i = 0; i < accessorArray.length; ++i)
ObjectAccessor accessor = m_accessorArray[i];
m_accessorMap.put(accessor.getURI(), accessor.getElement(), accessor);
// operations
public final ObjectAccessor getAccessor(int i)
return m_accessorArray[i];
public final int init(Attributes attributes, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
return unmsh.addObjectFixup(construct(), this, m_accessorArray.length);
public Accessor getAccessor(String sURI, String sType, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
Accessor accessor = (Accessor)m_accessorMap.get(sURI, sType);
if (accessor == null)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.element", new Object[]{sURI, sType, m_sURI, m_sType});
return accessor;
public final void complete(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
for (int i = 0; i != m_accessorArray.length; ++i)
m_accessorArray[i].validate(nObj, unmsh);
finish(nObj, unmsh);
* @return An empty object.
protected Object construct()
return EMPTY;
* Template method to complete the object creation.
protected abstract void finish(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException;
* Object/structure unmarshaller that skips unrecognized elements.
protected abstract static class ObjectSubsetUnmarshaller extends ObjectUnmarshaller
public ObjectSubsetUnmarshaller(String sURI, String sType, ObjectAccessor[] accessorArray)
super(sURI, sType, accessorArray);
public Accessor getAccessor(String sURI, String sType, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
Accessor accessor = (Accessor)m_accessorMap.get(sURI, sType);
if (accessor == null)
return accessor;
* env:Body unmarshaller.
protected final static class SOAPBodyUnmarshaller extends ComplexUnmarshaller implements Accessor
public SOAPBodyUnmarshaller()
super(SOAP.ENV_URI, "Body");
public int init(Attributes attributes, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
String sEncoding = attributes.getValue(SOAP.ENV_URI, "encodingStyle");
if (!SOAP.ENC_URI.equals(sEncoding))
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.encodingStyle", new Object[]{sEncoding});
return unmsh.addObjectFixup(EMPTY, this, 1);
public Accessor getAccessor(String sURI, String sType, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
return this;
public void complete(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
if (unmsh.getTempIndex(nObj, 0) == 0)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.root");
unmsh.setFixup(nObj, unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0));
public boolean isMultiRef()
return false;
public void setValue(int nObj, Object value, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
if (!unmsh.m_bIgnoreRoot)
setValue(nObj, 0, value, unmsh);
setIgnoreRoot(nObj, unmsh);
public void setValue(int nObj, int nCookie, Object value, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
if (unmsh.getTempValue(nObj, 0) instanceof SOAPFault)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.dupFault", new Object[]{m_sURI, m_sType});
unmsh.setTempValue(nObj, 0, value);
unmsh.setTempIndex(nObj, 0, 1);
public void setFixup(int nObj, Object ref, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh)
if (ref instanceof String)
throw new SOAPUnmarshallerException("err.rpc.soap.hrefTop", new Object[]{m_sURI, m_sType});
if (!unmsh.m_bIgnoreRoot)
unmsh.addReferenceFixup(nObj, ref, this, 0);
setIgnoreRoot(nObj, unmsh);
protected void setIgnoreRoot(int nObj, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh)
if (unmsh.m_bIgnoreRoot)
if (unmsh.getTempIndex(nObj, 0) == 0)
unmsh.m_bIgnoreRoot = false;
unmsh.setTempIndex(nObj, 0, 1);
unmsh.m_bIgnoreRoot = true;
public Unmarshaller getUnmarshaller(String sURI, String sName, Attributes attributes, SOAPUnmarshaller unmsh) throws SOAPUnmarshallerException
Unmarshaller u = unmsh.getUnmarshaller(attributes);
if (u == null)
u = unmsh.getUnmarshaller(sURI, sName, attributes);
if (unmsh.m_bIgnoreRoot)
unmsh.m_bIgnoreRoot = false;
if ("0".equals(attributes.getValue(SOAP.ENV_URI, "root")) && u != SOAP_FAULT_UNMSH)
unmsh.m_bIgnoreRoot = true;
return u;
public boolean isDeferred()
return false;