Package nexj.core.rpc.soap

Source Code of nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller$ListMarshaller

// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.rpc.soap;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;

import nexj.core.meta.PrivilegeSet;
import nexj.core.persistence.OID;
import nexj.core.rpc.CharacterStreamMarshaller;
import nexj.core.rpc.ErrorLocationHolder;
import nexj.core.rpc.Request;
import nexj.core.rpc.Response;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.runtime.Context;
import nexj.core.runtime.ContextAware;
import nexj.core.scripting.ConstPair;
import nexj.core.scripting.PCodeFunction;
import nexj.core.scripting.PCodeMacro;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.util.Base64Util;
import nexj.core.util.Binary;
import nexj.core.util.ErrorCode;
import nexj.core.util.ExceptionHolder;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.IdentityHashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.PagedArrayList;
import nexj.core.util.PagedBinary;
import nexj.core.util.PropertyIterator;
import nexj.core.util.SOAPUtil;
import nexj.core.util.StringId;
import nexj.core.util.XMLWriter;

* SOAP format marshaller.
public class SOAPMarshaller extends DefaultHandler implements CharacterStreamMarshaller, ContextAware
   // constants

    * Explicitly marshal a null value instead of skipping it.
   public final static int MF_NIL = 0x0001;

    * Provide type information for the value.
   public final static int MF_TYPE = 0x0002;

    * Marshals an object as a literal type.
   public final static int MF_LITERAL = 0x0004;

    * Id conversion buffer length, sufficient to hold max int base 52.
   protected final static int ID_BUF_LENGTH = 6;

    * The size of the Id fixup entry.
   protected final static int ID_FIXUP_SIZE = 3;

    * Static id lookup array.
   protected final static String[] s_idArray = new String[1024];

      char buf[] = new char[ID_BUF_LENGTH];

      for (int i = 0; i < s_idArray.length; ++i)
         s_idArray[i] = toId(i, buf);

   protected final static Marshaller STRING_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException

      public String getType()
         return "string";

   protected final static Marshaller BINARY_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         Base64Util.encode(new ByteArrayInputStream(((Binary)obj).getData()), msh.m_writer, -1, false);

      public String getType()
         return "base64Binary";

   protected final static Marshaller INTEGER_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
      public String getType()
         return "int";

   protected final static Marshaller LONG_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
      public String getType()
         return "long";

   protected final static Marshaller DECIMAL_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
      public String getType()
         return "decimal";

   protected final static Marshaller FLOAT_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         String s = obj.toString();

         if (s.charAt(s.length() - 1) == 'y')
            s = (s.charAt(0) == '-') ? "-INF" : "INF";


      public String getType()
         return "float";

   protected final static Marshaller DOUBLE_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         String s = obj.toString();

         if (s.charAt(s.length() - 1) == 'y')
            s = (s.charAt(0) == '-') ? "-INF" : "INF";


      public String getType()
         return "double";

   protected final static Marshaller TIMESTAMP_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException

      public String getType()
         return "dateTime";

   protected final static Marshaller BOOLEAN_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         msh.m_writer.write((((Boolean)obj).booleanValue()) ? "true" : "false");

      public String getType()
         return "boolean";

   protected final static Marshaller CHARACTER_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException

      public String getType()
         return "unsignedShort";

   protected final static Marshaller OBJECT_ARRAY_MSH = new ObjectArrayMarshaller(null, 0);

   protected final static Marshaller STRING_ARRAY_MSH = new ObjectArrayMarshaller(STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

   protected final static Marshaller CHAR_ARRAY_MSH = new ArrayMarshaller(CHARACTER_MSH, MF_LITERAL)
      protected int getSize(Object obj)
         return ((char[])obj).length;

      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         char[] cbuf = (char[])obj;

         for (int i = 0; i != cbuf.length; ++i)
            msh.marshal(cbuf[i], "", "Item");

   protected final static Marshaller LIST_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      private final Marshaller ITEMS_MSH = new ListMarshaller(null, 0);

      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         msh.marshal(obj, null, "items", ITEMS_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "Array";


   protected final static Marshaller STRINGID_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         msh.marshal(((StringId)obj).toString(), null, "id", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "StringId";

   protected final static Marshaller SYMBOL_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         msh.marshal(((Symbol)obj).getName(), null, "name", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "Symbol";

   protected final static Marshaller LOCALE_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         msh.marshal(((Locale)obj).toString(), null, "name", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "Locale";

   protected final static Marshaller TIME_ZONE_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         msh.marshal(((TimeZone)obj).getID(), null, "name", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "TimeZone";

   protected final static Marshaller PAIR_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         Pair pair = (Pair)obj;

         msh.marshal(pair.getHead(), null, "head", null, MF_TYPE);
         msh.marshal(pair.getTail(), null, "tail", null, MF_TYPE);

      public String getType()
         return "Pair";

   protected final static Marshaller PRIVILEGE_SET_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      private final Marshaller MASK_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            Base64Util.encode(new ByteArrayInputStream(((PrivilegeSet)obj).getMask()), msh.m_writer, -1, false);

         public String getType()
            return "base64Binary";

      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         msh.marshal(obj, null, "mask", MASK_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "PrivilegeSet";

   protected final static Marshaller BYTE_VECTOR_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      private final Marshaller MASK_MSH = new PrimitiveMarshaller()
         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            Base64Util.encode(new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[])obj), msh.m_writer, -1, false);

         public String getType()
            return "base64Binary";

      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         msh.marshal(obj, null, "value", MASK_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "ByteVector";

   protected final static Marshaller FUNCTION_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         PCodeFunction fun = ((PCodeFunction)obj).getCleanCopy();

         msh.marshal(fun.code, null, "code", CHAR_ARRAY_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
         msh.marshal(fun.constants, null, "constants", OBJECT_ARRAY_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "Function";

   protected final static Marshaller MACRO_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         PCodeMacro fun = (PCodeMacro)((PCodeMacro)obj).getCleanCopy();

         msh.marshal(fun.code, null, "code", CHAR_ARRAY_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
         msh.marshal(fun.constants, null, "constants", OBJECT_ARRAY_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "Macro";

   protected final static Marshaller OID_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         msh.marshal(((OID)obj).getValueArray(), null, "values", OBJECT_ARRAY_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "OID";

   protected final static Marshaller TRANSFER_OBJECT_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      private final Marshaller KEYS_MSH = new ArrayMarshaller(STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL)
         protected int getSize(Object obj)
            return ((TransferObject)obj).getValueCount();

         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)obj;

            for (PropertyIterator itr = tobj.getIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
               marshalItem(, msh);

      private final Marshaller VALUES_MSH = new ArrayMarshaller(null, 0)
         protected int getSize(Object obj)
            return ((TransferObject)obj).getValueCount();

         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)obj;

            for (PropertyIterator itr = tobj.getIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
               marshalItem(itr.getValue(), msh);

      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)obj;

         msh.marshal(tobj.getClassName(), null, "class", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
         msh.marshal(tobj.getEventName(), null, "event", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
         msh.marshal(tobj.getVersion(), null, "version");
         msh.marshal(tobj.getOID(), null, "oid", OID_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

         if (tobj.getValueCount() != 0)
            msh.marshal(tobj, null, "keys", KEYS_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
            msh.marshal(tobj, null, "values", VALUES_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "TransferObject";

   protected final static Marshaller REQUEST_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      private final Marshaller INVOCATION_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            Request.Invocation invocation = (Request.Invocation)obj;

            msh.marshal(invocation.getObject(), null, "object", TRANSFER_OBJECT_MSH, 0);
            msh.marshal(invocation.getEventName(), null, "event", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
            msh.marshal(invocation.getArguments(), null, "arguments", OBJECT_ARRAY_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
            msh.marshal(invocation.getAttributes(), null, "attributes", PAIR_MSH, 0);

         public String getType()
            return "Invocation";

      private final Marshaller INVOCATIONS_MSH = new ArrayMarshaller(INVOCATION_MSH, MF_LITERAL)
         protected int getSize(Object obj)
            return ((Request)obj).getInvocationCount();

         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            Request req = (Request)obj;

            for (int i = 0, n = req.getInvocationCount(); i != n; ++i)
               marshalItem(req.getInvocation(i), msh);

      private final Marshaller FILTERS_MSH = new ArrayMarshaller(TRANSFER_OBJECT_MSH, 0)
         protected int getSize(Object obj)
            return ((Request)obj).getFilterCount();

         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            Request req = (Request)obj;

            for (int i = 0, n = req.getFilterCount(); i != n; ++i)
               marshalItem(req.getFilter(i), msh);

      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         Request req = (Request)obj;

         msh.marshal(req.getNamespace(), null, "namespace", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
         msh.marshal(req.getVersion(), null, "version", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
         msh.marshal(Boolean.valueOf(req.isAsync()), null, "async", BOOLEAN_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
         msh.marshal(Boolean.valueOf(req.isCommit()), null, "commit", BOOLEAN_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
         msh.marshal(req.getLocale(), null, "locale", LOCALE_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
         msh.marshal(req.getTimeZone(), null, "timeZone", TIME_ZONE_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
         msh.marshal(req.getCorrelator(), null, "correlator", TRANSFER_OBJECT_MSH, 0);

         if (req.getInvocationCount() != 0)
            msh.marshal(req, null, "invocations", INVOCATIONS_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

         if (req.getFilterCount() != 0)
            msh.marshal(req, null, "filters", FILTERS_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "Request";

   protected final static Marshaller RESPONSE_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      private final Marshaller RESULTS_MSH = new ArrayMarshaller(null, 0)
         protected int getSize(Object obj)
            return ((Response)obj).getResultCount();

         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            Response resp = (Response)obj;

            for (int i = 0, n = resp.getResultCount(); i != n; ++i)
               marshalItem(resp.getResult(i), msh);

      private final Marshaller EVENTS_MSH = new ArrayMarshaller(
         new CollectionMarshaller(TRANSFER_OBJECT_MSH, 0), 0)
         protected int getSize(Object obj)
            return ((Response)obj).getEventCount();

         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            Response resp = (Response)obj;

            for (int i = 0, n = resp.getEventCount(); i != n; ++i)
               marshalItem(resp.getEvent(i), msh);

      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         Response resp = (Response)obj;

         msh.marshal(resp, null, "results", RESULTS_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

         if (resp.getEventCount() != 0)
            msh.marshal(obj, null, "events", EVENTS_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "Response";

   protected final static Marshaller EXCEPTION_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      private final Marshaller ARGS_MSH = new ObjectArrayMarshaller(null, 0)
         protected void marshalItem(Object item, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            if (item != null && !s_mshMap.contains(item.getClass()))
               if (msh.m_context != null)
                  item = msh.m_context.getStringTable().toString(item);
                  item = String.valueOf(item);

            super.marshalItem(item, msh);


      private final Marshaller ATTRIBUTES_MSH = new ArrayMarshaller(STRING_MSH, 0)
         protected int getSize(Object obj)
            return ((ErrorLocationHolder)obj).getAttributeCount();

         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            ErrorLocationHolder h = (ErrorLocationHolder)obj;

            for (Iterator itr = h.getAttributeIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
               marshalItem(, msh);

      private final Marshaller ATTRIBUTE_EXCEPTIONS_MSH = new ArrayMarshaller(EXCEPTION_MSH, 0)
         protected int getSize(Object obj)
            return ((ErrorLocationHolder)obj).getAttributeCount();

         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            ErrorLocationHolder h = (ErrorLocationHolder)obj;

            for (Iterator itr = h.getAttributeIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
               marshalItem(h.findException((String), msh);

      private final Marshaller EXCEPTIONS_MSH = new ArrayMarshaller(EXCEPTION_MSH, 0)
         protected int getSize(Object obj)
            ExceptionHolder h = (ExceptionHolder)obj;
            int nCount = 0;

            for (Iterator itr = h.getExceptionIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
               if (!ObjUtil.isSystem((Throwable)

            return nCount;

         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            ExceptionHolder h = (ExceptionHolder)obj;

            for (Iterator itr = h.getExceptionIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
               Throwable cause = (Throwable);

               if (!ObjUtil.isSystem(cause))
                  marshalItem(cause, msh);

      private final Marshaller CAUSE_MSH = new ArrayMarshaller(EXCEPTION_MSH, 0)
         protected int getSize(Object obj)
            return 1;

         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            marshalItem(obj, msh);

      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         Throwable t = (Throwable)obj;

         if (obj instanceof ErrorCode)
            ErrorCode e = (ErrorCode)t;

            msh.marshal(e.getErrorCode(), null, "errorCode", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
            msh.marshal((msh.getContext() != null)
               ? msh.getContext().formatString(e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorArgs())
               : t.getLocalizedMessage(), null, "errorMessage", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
            msh.marshal(e.getErrorArgs(), null, "errorArgs", ARGS_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
            msh.marshal("err." + t.getClass().getName(), null, "errorCode", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
            msh.marshal(t.getLocalizedMessage(), null, "errorMessage", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

         if (obj instanceof ErrorLocationHolder)
            ErrorLocationHolder h = (ErrorLocationHolder)obj;

            msh.marshal(h.getClassName(), null, "class", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

            if (h.getOIDHolder() != null)
               msh.marshal(h.getOIDHolder().getOID(), null, "oid", OID_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

            msh.marshal(h.getOrdinal(), null, "ordinal");

            if (h.getAttributeCount() != 0)
               msh.marshal(h, null, "attributes", ATTRIBUTES_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
               msh.marshal(h, null, "attributeExceptions", ATTRIBUTE_EXCEPTIONS_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
            msh.marshal(-1, null, "ordinal");

         if (obj instanceof ExceptionHolder)
            if (((ExceptionHolder)obj).getExceptionCount() != 0)
               msh.marshal(obj, null, "exceptions", EXCEPTIONS_MSH, MF_LITERAL);
            Throwable cause = t.getCause();

            if (cause != null && ObjUtil.isSystem(cause))
               cause = null;

            msh.marshal(cause, null, "exceptions", CAUSE_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "Exception";

   protected final static Marshaller SOAP_REQUEST_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         msh.marshal(((SOAPRequest)obj).getRequest(), null, "request", REQUEST_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "invoke";

   protected final static Marshaller SOAP_RESPONSE_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         msh.marshal(((SOAPResponse)obj).getResponse(), null, "response", RESPONSE_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getType()
         return "invoke-response";

   protected final static Marshaller SOAP_FAULT_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
      private final Marshaller DETAIL_EXCEPTION_MSH = new ObjectMarshaller()
         public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
            msh.marshal(obj, EXCEPTION_MSH.getNamespace(), EXCEPTION_MSH.getType(), EXCEPTION_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

         public String getType()
            return null;


      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         SOAPFault fault = (SOAPFault)obj;

         if (fault.getCode() != null)
            msh.marshal(((SOAP.ENV_URI.equals(fault.getURI())) ? SOAP.ENV_NS + ":" : "") +
               fault.getCode(), null, "faultcode", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

         if (fault.getMessage() != null)
            msh.marshal(fault.getMessage(), null, "faultstring", STRING_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

         if (fault.getException() != null)
            msh.marshal(fault.getException(), null, "detail", DETAIL_EXCEPTION_MSH, MF_LITERAL);

      public String getNamespace()
         return SOAP.ENV_NS;

      public String getType()
         return "Fault";

    * Map of class objects to marshallers: Marshaller[Class].
   protected final static Lookup s_mshMap = new HashTab(64);

      s_mshMap.put(String.class, STRING_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(Binary.class, BINARY_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(PagedBinary.class, BINARY_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(Integer.class, INTEGER_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(Long.class, LONG_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(BigDecimal.class, DECIMAL_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(Float.class, FLOAT_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(Double.class, DOUBLE_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(java.sql.Date.class, TIMESTAMP_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(java.sql.Time.class, TIMESTAMP_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(java.sql.Timestamp.class, TIMESTAMP_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(Boolean.class, BOOLEAN_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(ArrayList.class, LIST_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(PagedArrayList.class, LIST_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(Object[].class, OBJECT_ARRAY_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(String[].class, STRING_ARRAY_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(Character.class, CHARACTER_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(char[].class, CHAR_ARRAY_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(StringId.class, STRINGID_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(Symbol.class, SYMBOL_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(Locale.class, LOCALE_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(TimeZone.class, TIME_ZONE_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(Pair.class, PAIR_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(ConstPair.class, PAIR_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(PrivilegeSet.class, PRIVILEGE_SET_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(byte[].class, BYTE_VECTOR_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(PCodeFunction.class, FUNCTION_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(PCodeMacro.class, MACRO_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(OID.class, OID_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(TransferObject.class, TRANSFER_OBJECT_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(Request.class, REQUEST_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(Response.class, RESPONSE_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(SOAPRequest.class, SOAP_REQUEST_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(SOAPResponse.class, SOAP_RESPONSE_MSH);
      s_mshMap.put(SOAPFault.class, SOAP_FAULT_MSH);

   // attributes

    * Count of fixup entries.
   protected int m_nFixupCount;

   // associations

    * The output stream writer.
   protected XMLWriter m_writer;

    * The id conversion buffer.
   protected char[] m_idBuf;

    * Map of object to id: id[Object].
   protected Lookup m_idMap;

    * The fixup array: Marshaller[n*3], id[n*3+1], Object[n*3+2]
   protected Object[] m_fixupArray;

    * The runtime context.
   protected Context m_context;

   // constructors

    * Constructs the SOAP marshaller.
    * @param context The runtime context.
   public SOAPMarshaller(Context context)
      m_context = context;

   // operations

    * Sets the runtime context.
    * @param context The runtime context to set.
   public void setContext(Context context)
      m_context = context;

    * @return The runtime context.
   public Context getContext()
      return m_context;

    * Marshals a character as an unsigned short.
    * @param ch The character to marshal.
    * @param sNamespace The element namespace name (not URI).
    * @param sElement The element name.
   protected void marshal(char ch, String sNamespace, String sElement) throws IOException

    * Marshals an integer literally.
    * @param n The integer to marshal.
    * @param sNamespace The element namespace name (not URI).
    * @param sElement The element name.
   protected void marshal(int n, String sNamespace, String sElement) throws IOException

    * Marshals a long integer literally.
    * @param l The long integer to marshal.
    * @param sNamespace The element namespace name (not URI).
    * @param sElement The element name.
   protected void marshal(long l, String sNamespace, String sElement) throws IOException

    * Marshals an object as xsd:anyType.
    * @param obj The object to marshal.
    * @param sNamespace The XML element namespace name (not URI).
    * @param sElement The XML element name.
    * @param msh The marshaller to use, or null to determine automatically.
    * @param nFlags Combination of MF_* constants.
   protected void marshal(Object obj, String sNamespace, String sElement, Marshaller msh, int nFlags) throws IOException
      if (obj == null)
         if ((nFlags & MF_NIL) != 0)
            m_writer.writeAttribute("nil", true);
         if (msh == null)
            msh = getMarshaller(obj);


         if (msh.isPrimitive() || (nFlags & MF_LITERAL) != 0)
            if ((nFlags & MF_TYPE) != 0)
               m_writer.writeAttribute("type", msh.getNamespace(), ":", msh.getType());

            msh.marshalAttributes(obj, this);
            msh.marshalContents(obj, this);
            m_writer.writeAttribute("href", "#", addObj(obj, msh));

    * Serializes an object to a character stream.
    * @param obj The object to serialize.
    * @param writer The character stream writer.
   public void serialize(Object obj, Writer writer) throws IOException
      // Initialize
      m_nFixupCount = 0;
      m_fixupArray = new Object[48];
      m_idMap = new IdentityHashTab();
      m_writer = (writer instanceof XMLWriter) ? (XMLWriter)writer : new XMLWriter(writer);

      // Write out the header
      m_writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>");
      m_writer.writeAttribute(SOAP.XSD_NS, SOAP.XSD_URI);
      m_writer.writeAttribute(SOAP.XSI_NS, SOAP.XSI_URI);
      m_writer.writeAttribute(SOAP.ENV_NS, SOAP.ENV_URI);
      m_writer.writeAttribute(SOAP.ENC_NS, SOAP.ENC_URI);
      m_writer.writeAttribute("encodingStyle", SOAP.ENC_URI);
      m_writer.writeAttribute(SOAP.TNS_NS, SOAP.TNS_URI);

      Marshaller msh  = (obj != null) ? getMarshaller(obj) : STRING_MSH;

      marshal(obj, msh.getNamespace(), msh.getType(), msh, MF_LITERAL);

      // Marshal the enqueued object while adding new ones if needed
      for (int i = 0; i < m_nFixupCount; i += ID_FIXUP_SIZE)
         msh = (Marshaller)m_fixupArray[i];
         m_writer.writeAttribute("id", (String)m_fixupArray[i + 1]);
         obj = m_fixupArray[i + 2];
         msh.marshalAttributes(obj, this);
         msh.marshalContents(obj, this);


      // Cleanup the resources
      m_fixupArray = null;
      m_idMap = null;
      m_writer = null;

    * Gets a marshaller for an object.
    * @param obj The object for which to get the marshaller. Cannot be null.
    * @return The marshaller.
    * @throws SOAPMarshallerException if a marshaller cannot be found.
   protected static Marshaller getMarshaller(Object obj) throws SOAPMarshallerException
      Marshaller msh = (Marshaller)s_mshMap.get(obj.getClass());

      if (msh == null)
         if (obj instanceof Throwable)
            msh = EXCEPTION_MSH;
            throw new SOAPMarshallerException("err.rpc.mshType",
               new Object[]{obj.getClass().getName()});

      return msh;

    * Adds a fixup to the array.
    * @param fixup The fixup object.
    * @param nSize The fixup size, i.e. how many consecutive array elements to allocate.
    * @return The index of the added fixup.
   protected int addFixup(int nSize)
      if (m_nFixupCount + nSize > m_fixupArray.length)
         Object [] fixupArray = new Object[(m_nFixupCount + nSize) << 1];

         System.arraycopy(m_fixupArray, 0, fixupArray, 0, m_nFixupCount);
         m_fixupArray = fixupArray;

      int i = m_nFixupCount;

      m_nFixupCount += nSize;

      return i;

    * Sets a fixup value at a given index.
    * @param i The fixup index.
    * @param value The value to set.
   protected void setFixup(int i, Object value)
      m_fixupArray[i] = value;

    * Gets a fixup value at a given index.
    * @param i The fixup index.
    * @return The fixup value.
   protected Object getFixup(int i)
      return m_fixupArray[i];

    * Enqueues an object for marshalling.
    * @param obj The object to enqueue.
    * @param msh The object marshaller.
    * @return The object element id.
   protected String addObj(Object obj, Marshaller msh)
      String sId = (String)m_idMap.get(obj);

      if (sId == null)
         sId = toId(m_nFixupCount / ID_FIXUP_SIZE);
         m_idMap.put(obj, sId);
         int i = addFixup(ID_FIXUP_SIZE);

         setFixup(i, msh);
         setFixup(i + 1, sId);
         setFixup(i + 2, obj);

      return sId;

    * Computes a string element id from an integer.
    * @param n The integer from which to compute the id.
    * @return The element id.
   protected String toId(int n)
      if (n < s_idArray.length)
         return s_idArray[n];

      if (m_idBuf == null)
         m_idBuf = new char[ID_BUF_LENGTH];

      return toId(n, m_idBuf);

    * Computes a string element id from an integer.
    * @param n The integer from which to compute the id.
    * @param buf The work buffer.
    * @return The element id.
   protected static String toId(int n, char[] buf)
      assert n >= 0;

      int i = 0;
      int k;

         k = n % 52;
         buf[i++] = (char)(k + ((k < 26) ? 'a' : (int)'A' - 26));
         n /= 52;
      while (n != 0);

      return new String(buf, 0, i);

   // inner classes

    * Interface implemented by SOAP marshallers.
   protected interface Marshaller
       * Marshals the attributes of an object of specific type to the output stream.
       * @param obj The object to marshal.
       * @param msh The SOAP marshaller.
      void marshalAttributes(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException;

       * Marshals an object of a specific type to the output stream as the
       * contents of a containing element, which has been output by the caller.
       * @param obj The object to marshal.
       * @param msh The SOAP marshaller.
      void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException;

       * @return The type namespace name (not URI).
      String getNamespace();

       * @return The type name.
      String getType();

       * @return True if the type is primitive.
      boolean isPrimitive();

    * Base class of primitive type marshallers.
   protected abstract static class PrimitiveMarshaller implements Marshaller
      public void marshalAttributes(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException

      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException

      public String getNamespace()
         return SOAP.XSD_NS;

      public final boolean isPrimitive()
         return true;

    * Base class for object type marshallers.
   protected abstract static class ObjectMarshaller implements Marshaller
      public void marshalAttributes(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException

      public String getNamespace()
         return SOAP.TNS_NS;

      public final boolean isPrimitive()
         return false;

    * Generic array marshaller.
   protected abstract static class ArrayMarshaller extends ObjectMarshaller
      // attributes

       * The item marshalling flags.
      protected int m_nFlags;

       * The array item type.
      protected String m_sItemType;

      // associations

       * The item marshaller. Can be null.
      protected Marshaller m_itemMsh;

      // constructors

       * Constructs the marshaller.
       * @param itemMsh The item marshaller. Can be null to determine dynamically.
       * @param nFlags Combination of MF_* bits for marshalling the items.
      public ArrayMarshaller(Marshaller itemMsh, int nFlags)
         m_itemMsh = itemMsh;
         m_nFlags = nFlags | MF_NIL;

         if (itemMsh == null)
            m_nFlags |= MF_TYPE;
            m_sItemType = SOAP.XSD_NS + ":anyType";
            int n;

            for (n = 0; itemMsh instanceof ArrayMarshaller;
               ++n, itemMsh = ((ArrayMarshaller)itemMsh).m_itemMsh);

            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();

            if (itemMsh == null)

            while (n-- != 0)

            m_sItemType = buf.toString();

      // operations

      public void marshalAttributes(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         msh.m_writer.writeAttribute("arrayType", m_sItemType, "[", Integer.toString(getSize(obj)), "]");

       * Marshals a single item.
       * @param item The item to marshal.
       * @param msh The SOAP marshaller.
      protected void marshalItem(Object item, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         msh.marshal(item, null, "Item", m_itemMsh, m_nFlags);

       * Template method for retieving the collection size.
       * @param obj The collection object.
       * @return The array size.
      protected abstract int getSize(Object obj);

      public final String getNamespace()
         return SOAP.ENC_NS;

      public final String getType()
         return "Array";

    * Object[] marshaller.
   protected static class ObjectArrayMarshaller extends ArrayMarshaller
       * Constructs the marshaller.
       * @param itemMsh The item marshaller. Can be null to determine dynamically.
       * @param nFlags Combination of MF_* bits for marshalling the items.
      public ObjectArrayMarshaller(Marshaller itemMsh, int nFlags)
         super(itemMsh, nFlags);

      protected int getSize(Object obj)
         return ((Object[])obj).length;

      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         Object[] array = (Object[])obj;

         for (int i = 0; i != array.length; ++i)
            marshalItem(array[i], msh);

    * Collection marshaller.
   protected static class CollectionMarshaller extends ArrayMarshaller
       * Constructs the marshaller.
       * @param itemMsh The item marshaller. Can be null to determine dynamically.
       * @param nFlags Combination of MF_* bits for marshalling the items.
      public CollectionMarshaller(Marshaller itemMsh, int nFlags)
         super(itemMsh, nFlags);

      protected int getSize(Object obj)
         return ((Collection)obj).size();

      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         for (Iterator itr = ((Collection)obj).iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
            marshalItem(, msh);

    * List marshaller.
   protected static class ListMarshaller extends ArrayMarshaller
       * Constructs the marshaller.
       * @param itemMsh The item marshaller. Can be null to determine dynamically.
       * @param nFlags Combination of MF_* bits for marshalling the items.
      public ListMarshaller(Marshaller itemMsh, int nFlags)
         super(itemMsh, nFlags);

      protected int getSize(Object obj)
         return ((List)obj).size();

      public void marshalContents(Object obj, SOAPMarshaller msh) throws IOException
         List list = (List)obj;

         for (int i = 0, n = list.size(); i != n; ++i)
            marshalItem(list.get(i), msh);

Related Classes of nexj.core.rpc.soap.SOAPMarshaller$ListMarshaller

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