package nexj.core.rpc.queueing;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.resource.spi.ManagedConnectionFactory;
import javax.transaction.Status;
import javax.transaction.SystemException;
import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;
import nexj.core.integration.ContextReceiver;
import nexj.core.integration.IntegrationException;
import nexj.core.meta.Attribute;
import nexj.core.meta.Component;
import nexj.core.meta.Metaclass;
import nexj.core.meta.Metadata;
import nexj.core.meta.Primitive;
import nexj.core.meta.Repository;
import nexj.core.meta.integration.Channel;
import nexj.core.persistence.OID;
import nexj.core.persistence.Query;
import nexj.core.rpc.InstanceFactory;
import nexj.core.rpc.RPCException;
import nexj.core.rpc.RPCUtil;
import nexj.core.rpc.ServerException;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.runtime.ActionContext;
import nexj.core.runtime.Instance;
import nexj.core.runtime.InstanceList;
import nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContext;
import nexj.core.runtime.ThreadContextHolder;
import nexj.core.scripting.Function;
import nexj.core.scripting.Machine;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.util.Binary;
import nexj.core.util.BinaryHeap;
import nexj.core.util.ComparableComparator;
import nexj.core.util.HashHolder;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Heap;
import nexj.core.util.J2EEUtil;
import nexj.core.util.Lifecycle;
import nexj.core.util.Logger;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.SysUtil;
import nexj.core.util.UncheckedException;
import nexj.core.util.auth.SimplePrincipal;
* Concurrency control component to support the ObjectQueueDispatcher class.
public class ObjectQueueDispatcher extends ContextReceiver implements ObjectDispatchListener, Lifecycle
// constants
* The attributes to read off a queue for message receiving.
public final static Pair RECEIVE_ATTRIBUTES = Pair.list(Symbol.define("body"), Pair.list(Symbol.define("queue"), Symbol
* The ONE symbol, indicating that a message is to be received by one
* arbitrary node.
public final static Symbol ONE_RECEIVER = Symbol.define("one");
* The ALL symbol, indicating that a message is to be received by all nodes.
public final static Symbol ALL_RECEIVERS = Symbol.define("all");
* The DISPATCHER symbol, indicating that a message is to be received by the
* dispatcher in sequence with dispatcher operations.
public final static Symbol DISPATCHER_RECEIVER = Symbol.define("dispatcher");
* The OTHER symbol, indicating that a message is to be received by all nodes
* except the sender.
public final static Symbol OTHER_RECEIVERS = Symbol.define("other");
// attributes
* The next dispatch time returned by the most recent call to dispatch.
protected Timestamp m_tsNextDispatchTime;
* The name of the dispatcher's queue.
protected String m_sQueueName;
* True if running inside a J2EE container.
protected static boolean s_bContained = J2EEUtil.isContained();
* True if the resource adapter has shutdown.
protected boolean m_bShutdown;
* True if a dispatch request has been made and has not yet returned.
protected boolean m_bDispatch;
* True if the component is enabled.
protected boolean m_bEnabled;
* The most recent timestamp for which a message ordinal has been returned.
protected static Timestamp s_tsLastTimestamp;
* The most recently returned message ordinal.
protected static int s_nOrdinal;
// associations
* Set of semaphores currently held on this node.
protected Lookup m_semaphoreMap = new HashTab();
* Set of resources that have saturated semaphores.
protected Set m_blockingSet = new HashHolder();
* Map of nodes by processing message Id.
protected Lookup m_nodeByProcessingMessageIdMap = new HashTab();
* Map of sets of processing messages by Node.
protected Lookup m_processingMessagesByNodeNameMap = new HashTab();
* Heap of messages deliverable to any node.
protected Heap m_deliverableAnyHeap = new BinaryHeap(ComparableComparator.INSTANCE);
* Map of heaps of deliverable messages by node name.
protected Lookup m_deliverableHeapMap = new HashTab();
* The attributes to load when reading a message.
protected Pair m_messageLoadAttributes;
* The connection factory.
protected ObjectQueueConnectionFactory m_factory;
* The metadata.
protected Metadata m_metadata;
* The dispatcher channel stub.
protected ObjectDispatcherQueue m_channel;
* The class logger.
protected final static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(ObjectQueueDispatcher.class);
// operations
* @see nexj.core.runtime.Initializable#initialize()
public void initialize() throws Exception
if (!m_bEnabled)
if (s_bContained)
String sFactory = J2EEUtil.JNDI_ENV_PREFIX + "queueing/ObjectQueue";
if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled())
{"Binding to connection factory \"" + sFactory + "\"");
m_factory = (ObjectQueueConnectionFactory)new InitialContext().lookup(sFactory);
{"Binding to ObjectQueue resource adapter connection factory");
ManagedConnectionFactory mcf = (ManagedConnectionFactory)Class.forName(
SysUtil.PACKAGE + ".core.rpc.queueing.ra.ObjectQueueManagedConnectionFactory").newInstance();
m_factory = (ObjectQueueConnectionFactory)mcf.createConnectionFactory();
* @return the dispatcher channel.
public Channel getChannel()
return m_channel;
* The clientWake event.
public void clientWake()
if (m_factory == null)
s_logger.debug("Sending dispatcher \"wake\" request");
ObjectQueueConnection con = null;
con =;
catch (IntegrationException e)
throw e;
catch (Exception e)
throw new RPCException("err.rpc.msg", e);
if (con != null)
* @return the name of the current node.
protected String getNodeName()
* The clientPost event. Posts a command for delivery to one or several
* nodes.
* @param tobj the serializable message to post.
public void clientPost(TransferObject tobj)
if (m_factory == null)
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("Sending dispatcher \"post\" request: " + tobj);
ObjectQueueConnection con = null;
con =;;
catch (IntegrationException e)
throw e;
catch (Exception e)
throw new RPCException("err.rpc.msg", e);
if (con != null)
* Returns the heap associated with sNode, creating one if necessary.
* @param sNodeName the node for which to return a heap.
* @return Heap the heap.
protected Heap getHeap(String sNodeName)
Heap heap = (Heap)m_deliverableHeapMap.get(sNodeName);
if (heap == null)
if (isAvailable(sNodeName))
heap = new BinaryHeap(ComparableComparator.INSTANCE);
m_deliverableHeapMap.put(sNodeName, heap);
return null;
return heap;
* Pushes a message for delivery.
* @param nPriority the priority of the message.
* @param nOrdinal the sequential position of the message.
* @param sNodeName the node defining the distribution.
* @param nDistribution the distribution category, one of the constants from
* ObjectDispatchListner: ANY - message must be processed by any
* one node. ALL - message must be processed by all nodes. ONLY -
* message must be processed by sNode. EXCEPT - message must be
* processed by all nodes except sNode. DISPATCHER - message must
* be processed synchronously by the dispatcher node.
* @param message the message to deliver.
protected void pushMessage(int nPriority, int nOrdinal, String sNodeName, int nDistribution, DispatcherMessage message)
Delivery delivery = new Delivery(nPriority, nOrdinal, message, (nDistribution == ObjectDispatchListener.DISPATCHER));
switch (nDistribution)
case ObjectDispatchListener.ANY:
case ObjectDispatchListener.DISPATCHER:
case ObjectDispatchListener.ONLY:
Heap nodeHeap = getHeap(sNodeName);
if (nodeHeap == null)
throw new UncheckedException("err.queueing.unknownNode", new Object[]
case ObjectDispatchListener.ALL:
case ObjectDispatchListener.EXCEPT:
for (Lookup.Iterator iter = m_deliverableHeapMap.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
String sCurrNode = (String);
if (nDistribution == ObjectDispatchListener.ALL || !sCurrNode.equals(sNodeName))
throw new UncheckedException("err.queueing.invalidDistribution", new Object[]
* Determines if a node is available as the destination for delivery.
* @param String sNode the node.
* @return true if the node is available.
public boolean isAvailable(String sNodeName)
return sNodeName.equals(J2EEUtil.ISOLATED_NODE_NAME);
* Pulls the next message for delivery.
* @param sNodeName the node for which to pull a message.
* @return Delivery the delivery, null if none are available.
protected Delivery pullMessage(String sNodeName)
if (!isAvailable(sNodeName))
return new Delivery();
Delivery anyDelivery = (Delivery)m_deliverableAnyHeap.first();
Delivery nodeDelivery = (Delivery)getHeap(sNodeName).first();
Delivery delivery = anyDelivery;
if (delivery == null || nodeDelivery != null && delivery.compareTo(nodeDelivery) > 0)
delivery = nodeDelivery;
if (delivery != null)
if (delivery == anyDelivery)
return delivery;
* @see nexj.core.rpc.queueing.ObjectDispatchListener#onMessage(nexj.core.rpc.queueing.DispatcherMessage)
public void onMessage(DispatcherMessage message)
message.respond(onMessage(message.getType(), message.getArgArray(), message.getDispatcherName()));
catch (ShutdownException e)
message.error(DispatcherMessage.SHUTDOWN, e);
catch (InvalidDispatcherException e)
message.error(DispatcherMessage.DISPATCHER_CHANGED, e);
catch (ServerException e)
if (e.getCause() instanceof InvalidDispatcherException)
message.error(DispatcherMessage.DISPATCHER_CHANGED, e);
message.error(DispatcherMessage.EXCEPTION, e);
catch (Throwable t)
message.error(DispatcherMessage.EXCEPTION, t);
* @see nexj.core.rpc.queueing.ObjectDispatchListener#onMessage(int,
* java.lang.Object[])
protected Object onMessage(int nMessageType, Object[] args, String sDispatcherId)
switch (nMessageType)
// dispatcher node operations
case DispatcherMessage.START_NODE:
return startNode((Boolean)args[0]);
case DispatcherMessage.DISPATCH:
return dispatch(sDispatcherId);
case DispatcherMessage.GET_MESSAGE:
return getMessage((String)args[0], ((Number)args[1]).longValue(), sDispatcherId);
case DispatcherMessage.POST: // post an non-persisted serializable message
post((TransferObject)args[0], sDispatcherId);
return null;
case DispatcherMessage.REVOKE: // handle node unavailability
revoke((List)args[0], (String)args[1]);
return null;
// client node operations
case DispatcherMessage.RECEIVE: // receive a persisted message
receive((Binary)args[0], (String)args[1], sDispatcherId);
return null;
case DispatcherMessage.EXECUTE: // receive an non-persisted message
return null;
throw new UncheckedException("err.queueing.invalidMethod", new Object[]
* Notifies the dispatcher that a cluster node is no longer available.
* @param unavailableNodeList the list of unavailable nodes.
* @param sDispatcherId the name of the dispatcher.
public void revoke(List unavailableNodeList, final String sDispatcherId)
* Posts a command for delivery to one or several nodes.
* @param tobj the serializable message to post.
protected synchronized void post(final TransferObject tobj, final String sDispatcherId)
int nDistribution;
String sHTTPNode = null;
Object receiver = tobj.getValue(ObjectSender.RECEIVER);
if (receiver == ONE_RECEIVER)
nDistribution = ANY;
else if (receiver == ALL_RECEIVERS)
nDistribution = ALL;
else if (receiver == DISPATCHER_RECEIVER)
nDistribution = DISPATCHER;
else if (receiver == OTHER_RECEIVERS)
nDistribution = EXCEPT;
sHTTPNode = getNodeName();
nDistribution = ONLY;
sHTTPNode = (String)receiver;
pushMessage(((Number)tobj.getValue(ObjectSender.PRIORITY)).intValue(), 0, (nDistribution == DISPATCHER) ? sDispatcherId : sHTTPNode, nDistribution,
new DispatcherMessage()
public int getType()
return EXECUTE;
public Object[] getArgArray()
return new Object[]
public void respond(Object result)
public void error(int nCause, Throwable t)
public String getDispatcherName()
return sDispatcherId;
* If this node is the dispatcher, initialize the dispatcher. Else return the
* address of the dispatcher node.
* @param bReset false if the dispatcher is not to be altered.
* @return Object[] the array of cluster attributes, indexed by
* ObjectDispatchListener constants. Null unless running in
* distributed mode.
protected synchronized Object startNode(final Boolean bReset)
s_logger.debug("Initializing ObjectQueue dispatcher");
final Object[] result = new Object[1];
run(new ContextRunnable()
public void err(Throwable t, InvocationContext context) throws Throwable
throw new UncheckedException("err.queueing.startup", t);
public String getClientAddress() throws Throwable
return "dispatcher";
public String getUser() throws Throwable
return null;
public boolean isEnabled() throws Throwable
return true;
public void run(InvocationContext context) throws Throwable
Metaclass dispatcherClass = m_metadata.getMetaclass("SysObjectQueueDispatcher");
Instance dispatcher = (Instance)dispatcherClass.invoke("getDispatcher", new Object[]
m_sQueueName = (String)dispatcher.getValue("QUEUE_NAME");
m_semaphoreMap = new HashTab();
m_blockingSet = new HashHolder();
m_nodeByProcessingMessageIdMap = new HashTab();
m_processingMessagesByNodeNameMap = new HashTab();
m_messageLoadAttributes = (Pair)dispatcher.getValue("SELECT_ATTRIBUTES", "LOAD_ATTRIBUTES");
if (startNode(result, dispatcher, bReset, context))
s_logger.debug("This node selected to be dispatcher, recovering incomplete transactions");
dispatcherClass.invoke("recover", new Object[]
}, m_channel, "ObjectQueue");
s_logger.dump("StartNode notifying all threads");
if (result[0] == null)
return null;
return result[0];
* Initialize connection to the application cluster.
* @param startResult result value from the call to dispatcher.startNode()
* @param dispatcher the dispatcher
* @param bReset false if the dispatcher is not to be altered.
* @param context the invocation context
* @return true if this node is the dispatcher
protected boolean startNode(Object[] startResult, Instance dispatcher, Boolean bReset, InvocationContext context)
return true;
* Returns the message Id of a message cleared for delivery. If timeout
* expires before a message becomes available, returns null.
* @param sCallingNode The name of the node requesting a message, may be null
* in a non-clustered environment.
* @param lTimeout The timeout in milliseconds.
* @return SysDispatcherMessage The message to be delivered to the calling
* node.
protected synchronized DispatcherMessage getMessage(final String sCallingNode, long lTimeout, final String sDispatcherId)
if (m_bShutdown)
throw new ShutdownException();
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("Received getMessage request from node " + sCallingNode);
Delivery delivery = null;
long lStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
delivery = pullMessage(sCallingNode);
// wait for deliverable messages
while (delivery == null && !m_bShutdown)
if (m_bDispatch && m_tsNextDispatchTime == null)
// call to dispatch has been requested and has not yet been handled.
run(new ContextRunnable()
private Timestamp handleContext(InvocationContext context, Boolean safety)
Metaclass dispatcherClass = m_metadata.getMetaclass("SysObjectQueueDispatcher");
// verify that dispatcher remains the same
if (!sDispatcherId.equals(J2EEUtil.ISOLATED_NODE_NAME) &&
!sDispatcherId.equals(((Instance)((Instance)dispatcherClass.invoke("getDispatcher", new Object[]{Boolean.FALSE})).getValue("node")).getValue("name")))
throw new InvalidDispatcherException(sDispatcherId);
// dispatch in bulk
Pair result = (Pair)dispatcherClass.invoke("dispatch", new Object[]{safety});
InstanceList deliverable = (InstanceList)result.getTail();
if (deliverable != null && !deliverable.isEmpty())
for (int i = 0; i < deliverable.size(); i++)
final Instance message = deliverable.getInstance(i);
final Instance queue = (Instance)message.getValue("queue");
final String sQueueName = (String)queue.getValue("name");
Number priority = (Number)queue.getValue("priority");
pushMessage((priority == null) ? 1000 : priority.intValue(), i, sDispatcherId, (sQueueName
.equals(m_sQueueName)) ? ObjectDispatchListener.DISPATCHER : ObjectDispatchListener.ANY,
new DispatcherMessage()
public int getType()
return RECEIVE;
public Object[] getArgArray()
return new Object[]
public void error(int nCause, Throwable t)
public void respond(Object result)
public String getDispatcherName()
return sDispatcherId;
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("Dispatcher returned with " + ((deliverable == null) ? 0 : deliverable.size())
+ " messages available for delivery");
if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
s_logger.dump("Dispatcher will run again at " + result.getHead());
s_logger.dump("GetMessage notifying all threads");
ObjectQueueDispatcher.this.notifyAll(); // alert calling
// nodes that new
// messages may be
// available.
return (Timestamp)result.getHead();
public void run(InvocationContext context) throws Throwable
m_tsNextDispatchTime = handleContext(context, Boolean.FALSE);
public boolean isEnabled() throws Throwable
return true;
public String getUser() throws Throwable
return null;
public String getClientAddress() throws Throwable
return "dispatcher";
public void err(Throwable t, InvocationContext context) throws Throwable
if (t instanceof InvalidDispatcherException)
throw t;
s_logger.debug("Dispatching in bulk failed, retrying with one transaction per operation", t);
m_tsNextDispatchTime = handleContext(context, Boolean.TRUE);
catch (Throwable tt)
throw tt;
}, m_channel, "ObjectQueue");
delivery = pullMessage(sCallingNode);
if (delivery == null)
if (lTimeout <= 0)
s_logger.dump("GetMessage returned from wait");
lTimeout = lTimeout + (lStartTime - System.currentTimeMillis());
delivery = pullMessage(sCallingNode);
if (m_bShutdown)
throw new ShutdownException();
if (delivery == null)
if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
s_logger.dump("No message ready within timeout, getMessage returning to node " + sCallingNode);
return null;
catch (InterruptedException e)
if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
s_logger.dump("GetMessage interrupted, returning to node " + sCallingNode);
return null;
if (delivery.isUnavailable())
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("GetMessage returning because node " + sCallingNode + " is unavailable");
if (delivery.m_bSynchronous)
// deliver in sequence with other dispatcher operations
return delivery.m_message;
return null;
* Update the deliverable list and notify all waiting threads. Returns the
* timestamp of the next anticipated change to the list.
* @return The timestamp of the next anticipated change to the list.
protected synchronized Timestamp dispatch(String sDispatcherId)
Timestamp nextDispatchTime = null;
if (m_bDispatch)
// A dispatch request is already in progress. Return immediately,
// leaving the original
// request to pick up the next dispatch response.
if (m_tsNextDispatchTime != null)
// the in-progress request is awake, but hasn't picked up the
// response yet.
nextDispatchTime = m_tsNextDispatchTime;
// when the in-progress request sees null, it will re-notify all
// waiting threads.
m_tsNextDispatchTime = null;
m_bDispatch = true;
assert (m_tsNextDispatchTime == null);
while (m_tsNextDispatchTime == null && !m_bShutdown)
s_logger.dump("Dispatch notifying all threads");
s_logger.dump("Dispatch returned from wait");
nextDispatchTime = m_tsNextDispatchTime;
m_tsNextDispatchTime = null;
catch (InterruptedException e)
return null;
m_bDispatch = false;
if (m_bShutdown)
throw new ShutdownException();
return nextDispatchTime;
* Receive a message. Helper for receive and getMessage.
* @param context the context.
* @param sQueueName the name of the queue.
* @param channel the channel associated with the queue.
* @param msg the messsage.
* @param dispatcherClass the dispatcher class.
protected void receiveRun(InvocationContext context, String sQueueName, ObjectQueue channel, Instance msg,
Metaclass dispatcherClass, String sDispatcherId)
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("Receiving message with oid " + msg.getOID() + " from queue " + sQueueName
+ ((channel == null) ? "" : (" (" + channel.getName() + ")")) + " as user \"" + msg.getValue("user") + "\"");
// login the message sender
context.login(new SimplePrincipal((String)msg.getValue("user")));
// check that message has not been recovered by the dispatcher
if (!((Boolean)msg.findValue("isProcessing", Boolean.TRUE)).booleanValue())
throw new InvalidDispatcherException(sDispatcherId);
// set unit of work timeout
Number timeout = ((Number)((Instance)msg.getValue("queue")).getValue("timeout"));
long lUnitOfWorkTimeout = (timeout == null) ? 0 : timeout.longValue();
TransactionManager tm = (TransactionManager)m_metadata.getComponent("System.TransactionManager").getInstance(context);
TransferObject body = (TransferObject)msg.getValue("body");
tm.setTransactionTimeout(86400); // 24 hours
if (channel == null || body == null ||
.receiveServerMessage(context, msg, body))
s_logger.dump("Invoking receive");
catch (SystemException e)
if (!((Boolean)msg.getValue("commitRequired")).booleanValue())
// rollback everything except the message instance
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("Message marked for rollback, rolling back:" + msg);
TransferObject detachedTobj = detachInstance(msg);
// check that message has not been recovered by the dispatcher
if (!((Boolean)msg.findValue("isProcessing", Boolean.TRUE)).booleanValue())
throw new InvalidDispatcherException(sDispatcherId);
attachInstance(detachedTobj, context);
boolean bSecured = context.isSecure();
dispatcherClass.invoke("clientComplete", new Object[] { msg });
* Handles receive failure. Helper for receive and getMessage.
* @param context the invocation context.
* @param t the failure.
* @param oid the oid of the failed message.
* @param sDispatcherId the id of the message's dispatcher.
protected void receiveErr(InvocationContext context, Throwable t, OID oid, String sDispatcherId) throws Throwable
if (t instanceof InvalidDispatcherException)
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("Dispatcher changed during delivery of message with oid " + oid, t);
throw t;
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("Delivery failure for message with oid " + oid + ", calling fail", t);
Metaclass dispatcherClass = m_metadata.getMetaclass("SysObjectQueueDispatcher");
Instance msg = readMessage(oid, m_messageLoadAttributes, context);
if (msg == null)
return; // message has been canceled. Unlikely, but possible.
// login the message sender
context.login(new SimplePrincipal((String)msg.getValue("user")));
// check that message has not been recovered by the dispatcher
if (!((Boolean)msg.findValue("isProcessing", Boolean.TRUE)).booleanValue())
throw new InvalidDispatcherException(sDispatcherId);
// invoke fail method
msg.invoke("fail", new Object[] {t});
boolean bSecured = context.isSecure();
dispatcherClass.invoke("clientComplete", new Object[] {msg});
* Blacklist a message.
* @param sDispatcherId The id of the dispatcher at the time the message was
* marked for processing
* @param context The invocation context.
* @param oid The oid of the message to blacklist.
* @param t The exception leading to the blacklist.
protected void blacklist(String sDispatcherId, InvocationContext context, OID oid, Throwable t) throws Throwable
if (s_logger.isWarnEnabled())
s_logger.warn("Delivery failed for message with oid " + oid + ", blacklisting message", t);
boolean bSecured = context.isSecure();
Metaclass dispatcherClass = m_metadata.getMetaclass("SysObjectQueueDispatcher");
InstanceList messages = Query.createRead(m_metadata.getMetaclass("SysMessage"), m_messageLoadAttributes, Pair.attribute("").eq(oid),
null, -1, 0, false, Query.SEC_NONE, context).read();
Instance msg = (messages == null || messages.isEmpty()) ? null : messages.getInstance(0);
if (msg == null)
return; // message doesn't exist, can't blacklist it.
// check that message has not been recovered by the dispatcher
if (!((Boolean)msg.findValue("isProcessing", Boolean.TRUE)).booleanValue())
throw new InvalidDispatcherException(sDispatcherId);
// mark message as undeliverable.
dispatcherClass.invoke("blacklist", new Object[]
catch (Throwable tt)
throw tt;
* Receives and a non-persisted message on the client node.
* @param tobj the message.
protected void execute(final TransferObject tobj)
final String sQueueName = (String)tobj.getValue(ObjectSender.CHANNEL);
final Channel channel = m_metadata.getChannel(sQueueName);
run(new ContextRunnable()
public void err(Throwable t, InvocationContext context) throws Throwable
s_logger.error("Failed to receive non-persisted message " + tobj, t);
public String getClientAddress() throws Throwable
return sQueueName;
public String getUser() throws Throwable
return (String)tobj.getValue(ObjectSender.USER);
public boolean isEnabled() throws Throwable
return true;
public void run(InvocationContext context) throws Throwable
// set unit of work timeout
Number timeout = ((Number)((Instance)m_metadata.getMetaclass("SysQueue")
.invoke("getQueue", new Object[] {sQueueName})).getValue("timeout"));
long lUnitOfWorkTimeout = (timeout == null) ? 0 : timeout.longValue();
TransactionManager tm = (TransactionManager)m_metadata.getComponent("System.TransactionManager").getInstance(context);
tm.setTransactionTimeout(86400); // 24 hours
((ObjectReceiver)channel.getReceiver().getInstance(context)).receiveServerMessage(context, null, tobj);
catch (SystemException e)
}, channel, "ObjectQueue");
* Reads a message instance.
* @param oid the id of the message.
* @param attributes the message attributes to load.
* @param context the invocation context.
* @return the message, null if not found.
protected Instance readMessage(OID oid, Pair attributes, InvocationContext context)
InstanceList messages = Query.createRead(m_metadata.getMetaclass("SysMessage"), attributes, Pair.attribute("").eq(oid),
null, -1, 0, false, Query.SEC_NONE, context).read();
Instance message = (messages == null || messages.isEmpty()) ? null : messages.getInstance(0);
if (message != null)
boolean bWasSecured = context.isSecure();
message.setValue("updateEnabled", Boolean.TRUE);
return message;
* Receives a message on a client node.
* @param id the id of the message to receive.
* @param sQueueName the name of the queue from which the message is
* delivered.
protected void receive(final Binary id, final String sQueueName, final String sDispatcherId)
Channel candidateChannel = m_metadata.findChannel(sQueueName);
final ObjectQueue channel = (candidateChannel instanceof ObjectQueue) ? (ObjectQueue)candidateChannel : null;
final OID oid = OID.fromBinary(id);
run(new ContextRunnable()
public void run(InvocationContext context) throws Throwable
Instance msg = readMessage(oid, Pair.append(RECEIVE_ATTRIBUTES, m_messageLoadAttributes), context);
if (msg == null)
throw new UncheckedException("err.queueing.receive", new Object[]
Metaclass dispatcherClass = m_metadata.getMetaclass("SysObjectQueueDispatcher");
Channel candidateChannel = m_metadata.findChannel(sQueueName);
final ObjectQueue channel = (candidateChannel instanceof ObjectQueue) ? (ObjectQueue)candidateChannel : null;
receiveRun(context, sQueueName, channel, msg, dispatcherClass, sDispatcherId);
catch (Throwable t)
receiveErr(context, t, oid, sDispatcherId);
public boolean isEnabled() throws Throwable
return true;
public String getUser() throws Throwable
return null;
public String getClientAddress() throws Throwable
return sQueueName;
public void err(Throwable t, InvocationContext context) throws Throwable
if (!(t instanceof InvalidDispatcherException))
blacklist(sDispatcherId, context, oid, t);
}, (channel == null) ? m_channel : channel, "ObjectQueue");
* Acquire a semaphore. Note: not thread-safe. Assumes caller is the single
* dispatcher thread.
* @param semaphoreDef The (resource . maxCount) pair defining the semaphore.
* @return true if the semaphore is acquired, false otherwise.
public static boolean acquireSemaphore(Metaclass metaclass, ObjectQueueDispatcher comp, Pair semaphoreDef, ActionContext actx)
return comp.acquire(semaphoreDef);
* @deprecated Acquire a semaphore. Note: not thread-safe. Assumes caller is
* the single dispatcher thread.
* @param semaphoreDef The (resource . maxCount) pair defining the semaphore.
* @return true if the semaphore is acquired, false otherwise.
public static Boolean acquireSemaphore(Metaclass metaclass, InvocationContext context, ObjectQueueDispatcher comp,
Pair semaphoreDef, ActionContext actx)
return Boolean.valueOf(acquireSemaphore(metaclass, comp, semaphoreDef, actx));
* Release a semaphore on commit. Note: not thread-safe. Assumes caller is
* the single dispatcher thread.
* @param semaphoreDef The (resource . maxCount) pair defining the semaphore.
public static void releaseSemaphore(Metaclass metaclass, ObjectQueueDispatcher comp, Pair semaphoreDef, ActionContext actx)
* @ deprecated Release a semaphore on commit. Note: not thread-safe. Assumes
* caller is the single dispatcher thread.
* @param semaphoreDef The (resource . maxCount) pair defining the semaphore.
public static void releaseSemaphore(Metaclass metaclass, InvocationContext context, ObjectQueueDispatcher comp,
Pair semaphoreDef, ActionContext actx)
releaseSemaphore(metaclass, comp, semaphoreDef, actx);
* Increments a semaphore.
* @param resource The resource for which to increment the semaphore.
* @param maxCount The maximum count for the resource. null leave maximum
* unchanged, and to ignore the maximum for this operation only.
* @return true if the semaphore is acquired, false otherwise.
private boolean incrementSemaphore(Binary resource, Number maxCount)
Semaphore semaphore = (Semaphore)m_semaphoreMap.get(resource);
if (semaphore == null)
semaphore = new Semaphore();
m_semaphoreMap.put(resource, semaphore);
boolean bAcquired = semaphore.acquire(maxCount);
if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
s_logger.dump((bAcquired) ? "Acquired" : "Not acquired");
if (bAcquired && semaphore.isSaturated())
return bAcquired;
* Acquire a semaphore. Note: not thread-safe. Assumes caller is the single
* dispatcher thread.
* @param semaphoreDef The (resource . maxCount) pair defining the semaphore.
* @return true if the semaphore is acquired, false otherwise.
protected boolean acquire(Pair semaphoreDef)
if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
s_logger.dump("Acquiring semaphore " + semaphoreDef);
final Binary resource = (Binary)semaphoreDef.getHead();
boolean bAcquired = incrementSemaphore(resource, (Number)semaphoreDef.getTail());
if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
s_logger.dump((bAcquired) ? "Acquired" : "Not acquired");
if (bAcquired)
Function compensator = new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
int nTxState = ((Number)machine.getArg(nArgCount - 1, nArgCount)).intValue();
if (nTxState == Status.STATUS_ROLLEDBACK)
return false;
// if transaction rolls back, rollback the acquisition.
((InvocationContext)ThreadContextHolder.getContext()).getUnitOfWork().addCompensator(compensator, compensator);
return bAcquired;
* Release the semaphore protecting resource.
* @param resource The resource of the semaphore to release.
private void release(Binary resource)
Semaphore semaphore = (Semaphore)m_semaphoreMap.get(resource);
if (semaphore != null)
if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
s_logger.dump("Releasing semaphore " + resource);
if (semaphore.release())
if (!semaphore.isSaturated())
* Release a semaphore on commit. Note: not thread-safe. Assumes caller is
* the single dispatcher thread.
* @param semaphoreDef The (resource . maxCount) pair defining the semaphore.
protected void release(Pair semaphoreDef)
final Binary resource = (Binary)semaphoreDef.getHead();
release(resource); // release the resource immediately
Function compensator = new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
int nTxState = ((Number)machine.getArg(nArgCount - 1, nArgCount)).intValue();
if (nTxState == Status.STATUS_ROLLEDBACK)
// release will be called for the resource again in a future
// transaction, so we need to reset the resource count.
incrementSemaphore(resource, null);
return false;
((InvocationContext)ThreadContextHolder.getContext()).getUnitOfWork().addCompensator(compensator, compensator);
* Complete a message delivery.
* @param OID oid the oid of the message that has been delivered.
public static void complete(Metaclass metaclass, final ObjectQueueDispatcher comp, final OID oid, ActionContext actx)
Function compensator = new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
int nTxState = ((Number)machine.getArg(nArgCount - 1, nArgCount)).intValue();
if (nTxState == Status.STATUS_COMMITTED)
return false;
((InvocationContext)ThreadContextHolder.getContext()).getUnitOfWork().addCompensator(compensator, compensator);
* @param deliveryTime The delivery time for which
* @return message ordinal that is larger than all previous ordinals for the
* given deliveryTime.
public static int getMessageOrdinal(Metaclass metaclass, Timestamp deliveryTime, ActionContext actx)
if (!deliveryTime.equals(s_tsLastTimestamp))
s_tsLastTimestamp = deliveryTime;
s_nOrdinal = 0;
return s_nOrdinal;
* @deprecated Complete a message delivery.
* @param OID oid the oid of the message that has been delivered.
public static void complete(Metaclass metaclass, InvocationContext context, final ObjectQueueDispatcher comp, final OID oid,
ActionContext actx)
complete(metaclass, comp, oid, actx);
* Complete a message delivery.
* @param OID oid the oid of the message that has been delivered.
public void complete(OID oid)
Binary binOID = oid.toBinary();
String sTransactionNode = (String)m_nodeByProcessingMessageIdMap.get(binOID);
if (sTransactionNode != null)
Set transactionSet = (Set)m_processingMessagesByNodeNameMap.get(sTransactionNode);
if (transactionSet != null)
* Return a transfer object corresponding to instance, and mark instance
* clean.
* @param Instance instance The instance to detach from the current unit of
* work.
* @return A transfer object corresponding to instance.
public TransferObject detachInstance(Instance instance)
Pair attributes = null;
for (Iterator iter = instance.getMetaclass().getInstanceAttributeIterator(); iter.hasNext();)
Attribute attribute = (Attribute);
if (instance.isUpdateable(attribute) && instance.isDirty(attribute.getOrdinal()))
attributes = new Pair(attribute.getSymbol(), attributes);
TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)RPCUtil.transfer(instance, attributes, RPCUtil.TF_ALL);
if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
s_logger.dump("Detached instance " + instance + " from unit of work, yielding " + tobj);
return tobj;
* Instantiate an instance previously detached by detachInstance.
* @param TransferObject tobj the transfer object to instantiate.
* @param InvocationContext context the context in which to instantiate the
* instance.
* @return The newly instantiated instance.
public Instance attachInstance(TransferObject tobj, InvocationContext context)
boolean bSecured = context.isSecure();
Instance inst = null;
InstanceFactory instanceFactory = new InstanceFactory(new HashTab(), new ArrayList(), InstanceFactory.STATE, context);
inst = instanceFactory.instantiate(tobj);
if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
s_logger.dump("Attached instance " + inst + " to unit of work, from " + tobj);
return inst;
* @return Set of resources that have saturated semaphores.
public Set getBlockingSet()
return m_blockingSet;
* Sets the invocation context component.
* @param contextComponent The invocation context component to set.
public void setContextComponent(Component contextComponent)
m_contextComponent = contextComponent;
* Sets the metadata.
* @param metadata The metadata.
public void setMetadata(Metadata metadata)
m_metadata = metadata;
* Sets the enabled flag.
* @param enabled The enabled flag.
public void setEnabled(boolean bEnabled)
m_bEnabled = bEnabled;
* @return true if the dispatcher is enabled.
public boolean isEnabled()
return m_bEnabled;
* @see nexj.core.util.Lifecycle#shutdown()
public synchronized void shutdown()
{"Stopping ObjectQueueDispatcher");
m_bShutdown = true;
s_logger.dump("Shutdown notifying all threads");
* @see nexj.core.util.Lifecycle#startup()
public synchronized void startup() throws Exception
if (m_metadata == null)
// support older metadata that did not initialize through component
// definition
m_metadata = Repository.getMetadata();
m_channel = (ObjectDispatcherQueue)m_metadata.getChannel("SysObjectQueueDispatcher");
m_bShutdown = !m_bEnabled;
* @see nexj.core.util.Suspendable#resume()
public void resume() throws Exception
* @see nexj.core.util.Suspendable#suspend()
public void suspend() throws Exception
// inner classes
* A semaphore protects a resource accessible by a limited number of
* concurrent threads.
private class Semaphore
* The maximum concurrency count.
public int m_nMaxCount;
* The current concurrency count.
public int m_nCount;
* Acquire the semaphore.
* @param maxCount The maximum count of the semaphore.
* @return true if the semaphore is acquired, false otherwise.
public boolean acquire(Number maxCount)
if (maxCount == null)
return true;
m_nMaxCount = maxCount.intValue();
if (m_nCount < m_nMaxCount)
return true;
return false;
* @return true If acquire(m_nMaxCount) will fail.
public boolean isSaturated()
return m_nCount >= m_nMaxCount;
* Releases the semaphore, return true if this is no longer held by any
* thread.
public boolean release()
return m_nCount <= 0;
* Class to associate a command with a priority.
private class Delivery implements Comparable
public DispatcherMessage m_message;
public int m_nPriority;
public int m_nOrdinal;
public boolean m_bSynchronous;
public Delivery()
public Delivery(int nPriority, int nOrdinal, DispatcherMessage message, boolean bSynchronous)
m_message = message;
m_nPriority = nPriority;
m_nOrdinal = nOrdinal;
m_bSynchronous = bSynchronous;
public boolean isUnavailable()
return m_message == null;
* Initiate delivery of message to a node.
* @param sNode the node to which to deliver.
public void deliver(String sNode)
if (m_message.getType() != DispatcherMessage.RECEIVE)
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("GetMessage delivering non-persisted message to node " + sNode);
Binary binOID = (Binary)m_message.getArgArray()[0];
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("GetMessage delivering oid " + binOID + " to node " + sNode);
// record transaction, so we can track the most recent node to
// operate on the message.
m_nodeByProcessingMessageIdMap.put(binOID, sNode);
if (sNode != null)
Set transactionSet = (Set)m_processingMessagesByNodeNameMap.get(sNode);
if (transactionSet == null)
transactionSet = new HashHolder(1);
m_processingMessagesByNodeNameMap.put(sNode, transactionSet);
* @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
public int compareTo(Object req)
int nOtherPriority = ((Delivery)req).m_nPriority;
if (m_nPriority < nOtherPriority)
return -1;
if (m_nPriority > nOtherPriority)
return 1;
int nOtherOrdinal = ((Delivery)req).m_nOrdinal;
if (m_nOrdinal < nOtherOrdinal)
return -1;
if (m_nOrdinal > nOtherOrdinal)
return 1;
return 0;