// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.rpc.mail;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import javax.activation.DataHandler;
import javax.activation.DataSource;
import javax.mail.Address;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.Multipart;
import javax.mail.Transport;
import javax.mail.Message.RecipientType;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart;
import javax.mail.internet.MimePart;
import nexj.core.integration.IntegrationException;
import nexj.core.integration.Sender;
import nexj.core.integration.io.ObjectOutput;
import nexj.core.meta.integration.Message;
import nexj.core.monitoring.ThreadLocalCounter;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.util.Binary;
import nexj.core.util.Logger;
import nexj.core.util.MIMEUtil;
import nexj.core.util.PropertyIterator;
import nexj.core.util.SysUtil;
* Mail sender.
* The keys of the sending TransferObject must be from Key inner class.
public class MailSender implements Sender
// attributes
* The default outgoing e-mail charset.
protected final static String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "UTF-8";
// associations
* The channel metadata object.
protected nexj.core.meta.integration.channel.mail.Mail m_channel;
* The Mail connection factory.
protected MailConnectionFactoryLocator m_factory;
* The class logger.
protected final static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(MailSender.class);
* Counter of messages sent since the creation of this component
protected ThreadLocalCounter m_sentCounter = new ThreadLocalCounter();
// operations
* Add Addresses to a list.
* @param list The list to add Addresses to.
* @param addresses The addresses to add, as a String, TransferObject, or List<TransferObject>
* @returns The address list being filled.
protected static List/*<Address>*/ addAddresses(List/*<Address>*/ list, Object addresses)
if (addresses instanceof TransferObject)
addresses = new InternetAddress(
(String)((TransferObject)addresses).getValue(Mail.ADDRESS), // required
(String)((TransferObject)addresses).findValue(Mail.PERSONAL), // optional
else if (addresses instanceof String)
addresses = InternetAddress.parse((String)addresses, false);
catch (Exception e)
throw new IntegrationException("err.rpc.mailAddress", e);
if (addresses instanceof Address)
else if (addresses instanceof Object[])
for (int i = 0, nCount = ((Object[])addresses).length; i < nCount; ++i)
addAddresses(list, ((Object[])addresses)[i]); // might cause expansion of nested lists
else if (addresses instanceof List)
for (int i = 0, nCount = ((List)addresses).size(); i < nCount; ++i)
addAddresses(list, ((List)addresses).get(i)); // might cause expansion of nested lists
else if (addresses != null)
throw new IntegrationException("err.rpc.mailAddress"); // unknown object type
return list;
* @see nexj.core.integration.Sender#createOutput()
public ObjectOutput createOutput()
return new ObjectOutput();
* @see nexj.core.integration.Sender#getSentCount()
public long getSentCount()
return m_sentCounter.get();
* Normalize the MIME type.
* @param sMIMEType The known MIME type of object.
* @param obj The object to examine during MIME type normalization.
* @return The normalized MIME type.
* @throws IntegrationException if MIME Type could not be determined.
protected static String normalizeMIMEType(String sMIMEType, Object obj)
throws IntegrationException
// Try to determine the MIME type automatically
if (sMIMEType == null)
if (obj instanceof List/*<TransferObject>*/)
sMIMEType = "multipart/mixed";
else if (obj instanceof Multipart)
sMIMEType = ((Multipart)obj).getContentType();
else if (obj instanceof Reader && ((Reader)obj).markSupported())
Reader reader = (Reader)obj;
char[] cbuf = new char[512]; // arbitrary sized header to examine for MIME type
int nLength;
nLength = reader.read(cbuf);
catch (IOException e)
throw new IntegrationException("err.rpc.mailType", e); // MIME type search failure
if (nLength > 0)
sMIMEType = MIMEUtil.getMIMEType(new String(cbuf, 0, nLength));
else if (!(obj instanceof Binary || obj instanceof InputStream))
sMIMEType = MIMEUtil.getMIMEType(obj);
if (sMIMEType == null)
throw new IntegrationException("err.rpc.mailType"); // MIME type could not be determined
// Determine the character set for text MIME types
if (sMIMEType.startsWith("text/") && sMIMEType.indexOf("charset") < 0)
if (sMIMEType.equals("text/html") && (obj instanceof CharSequence))
String sCharset = MIMEUtil.getHTMLCharSet((CharSequence)obj);
sMIMEType += "; charset=" + ((sCharset == null) ? DEFAULT_CHARSET : sCharset);
sMIMEType += "; charset=" + DEFAULT_CHARSET;
return sMIMEType;
* @see nexj.core.integration.Sender#prepare(nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject, nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject, nexj.core.meta.integration.Message)
public void prepare(TransferObject raw, TransferObject tobj, Message message)
throws IntegrationException
* @see nexj.core.integration.Sender#send(nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject)
public void send(TransferObject tobj) throws IntegrationException
if (!m_channel.isSendable())
throw new IntegrationException("err.rpc.notSender", new Object[]{m_channel.getName()});
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("Sending a message on channel \"" + m_channel.getName() + "\"");
MailConnection con = null;
con = m_factory.openConnection(tobj);
MimeMessage msg = con.createMessage();
List/*<Address>*/ list = new ArrayList/*<Address>*/(1);
if (addAddresses(list, tobj.findValue(Mail.FROM, m_channel.getFrom())).isEmpty())
else if (list.size() == 1)
else // FROM field cannot have more than 1 value
throw new IntegrationException("err.rpc.mailFromCount");
if (addAddresses(list, tobj.findValue(Mail.TO)).isEmpty()) // TO field required
throw new IntegrationException("err.rpc.mailToMissing");
(Address[])list.toArray(new Address[list.size()]));
if (!addAddresses(list, tobj.findValue(Mail.CC)).isEmpty())
(Address[])list.toArray(new Address[list.size()]));
if (!addAddresses(list, tobj.findValue(Mail.BCC)).isEmpty())
(Address[])list.toArray(new Address[list.size()]));
if (!addAddresses(list, tobj.findValue(Mail.REPLY)).isEmpty())
msg.setReplyTo((Address[])list.toArray(new Address[list.size()]));
String sSubject = (String)tobj.findValue(Mail.SUBJECT);
if (sSubject != null)
msg.setSentDate(new Date());
setContent(msg, tobj);
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("Sending an e-mail to " + msg.getRecipients(RecipientType.TO) +
" from " + msg.getFrom());
if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
Object headers = tobj.findValue(Mail.HEADERS);
"Subject: \"" + msg.getSubject() + "\"" + SysUtil.LINE_SEP +
((headers != null) ? "Headers: " + headers + SysUtil.LINE_SEP : "") +
catch (Exception e)
throw new IntegrationException("err.rpc.mail", e);
if (con != null)
* @see nexj.core.integration.Sender#send(java.util.Collection)
public void send(Collection/*<TransferObject>*/ col) throws IntegrationException
for (Iterator/*<TransferObject>*/ itr = col.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
* Set the body of the mimePart.
* @param MimePart The object to set the body for.
* @param body The message body.
* @param sContentType The content type of the body.
* @param sDescription The description/name of the body.
protected static void setBody(
MimePart part, Object body, String sContentType, String sDescription)
String sName = (sDescription == null) ? "noname" : sDescription;
String sMIMEType = normalizeMIMEType(sContentType, body);
try // set the body content
if (body == null)
part.setContent((sMIMEType.startsWith("text/")) ? (Object)"" : new byte[0], sMIMEType);
else if (body instanceof String)
part.setContent(body, sMIMEType);
else if (body instanceof Binary)
new DataHandler(new InputDataSource(sName, sMIMEType, ((Binary)body).getData())));
else if (body instanceof Reader)
part.setContent(body, sMIMEType);
else if (body instanceof InputStream)
new DataHandler(new InputDataSource(sName, sMIMEType, (InputStream)body)));
else if (body instanceof Multipart)
else if (body instanceof List/*<TransferObject>*/) // interpret as a multi-part collection
MimeMultipart multipart;
int nPos = sMIMEType.indexOf('/');
if (nPos < 0)
multipart = new MimeMultipart();
sMIMEType = sMIMEType.substring(nPos + 1);
nPos = sMIMEType.indexOf(';');
multipart = new MimeMultipart((nPos < 0) ? sMIMEType : sMIMEType.substring(0, nPos));
for (int i = 0, nCount = ((List)body).size(); i < nCount; ++i)
MimeBodyPart bodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
setContent(bodyPart, (TransferObject)((List)body).get(i));
part.setContent(multipart); // set the message content to the MultiPart
throw new IntegrationException("err.rpc.mailMessage");//i.e. unknown/unhandled body type
catch (Exception e) // MessagingException, IOException
throw new IntegrationException("err.rpc.mailMessage", e);
* Sets the channel metadata object.
* @param channel The channel metadata object to set.
public void setChannel(nexj.core.meta.integration.channel.mail.Mail channel)
m_channel = channel;
* Sets the connection factory to query for Mail connections.
* @param connectionFactory The connection factory to set.
public void setConnectionFactory(MailConnectionFactoryLocator connectionFactory)
m_factory = connectionFactory;
* Set the content of the mimePart from the TransferObject description.
* @param mimePart The object to set the content for.
* @param msg The message description containing the content.
protected static void setContent(MimePart part, TransferObject content)
TransferObject headers = (TransferObject)content.findValue(Mail.HEADERS);
String sDescription = null;
String sContentType = null;
if (headers != null)
for (PropertyIterator itr = headers.getIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
String sKey = itr.getName();
Object value = itr.getValue();
if (value instanceof String)
if ("Content-Type".equalsIgnoreCase(sKey))
sContentType = (String)value;
if ("Content-Description".equalsIgnoreCase(sKey))
sDescription = (String)value;
part.addHeader(sKey, (String)value);
catch (MessagingException e)
throw new IntegrationException("err.rpc.mailHeaderFormat", e);
else // only String->String headers are valid
throw new IntegrationException("err.rpc.mailHeaderFormat");
setBody(part, content.findValue(Mail.BODY), sContentType, sDescription);
* DataSource for input only, internally stores data as a byte[].
* NOTE: DataSource specification requires getInputStream()/getOutputStream() to return new
* stream objects for every call.
protected static class InputDataSource implements DataSource
* The input data stream.
protected byte[] m_input;
* The valid byte length of m_data from m_nOffset.
protected int m_nLength;
* The starting position of the data in m_data.
protected int m_nOffset;
* The stream MIME Type.
protected String m_sMIMEType;
* The stream name.
protected String m_sName;
* Constructor.
* @param sName The data stream name.
* @param sMIMEType The data stream MIME type.
* @param input The input data stream.
* @throws IOException On input data stream read error.
public InputDataSource(String sName, String sMIMEType, InputStream input) throws IOException
m_input = new byte[2048];
m_nLength = 0;
m_nOffset = 0;
for (;;)
if (m_input.length - m_nLength < 2048)
byte[] buf = new byte[m_input.length << 1];
System.arraycopy(m_input, 0, buf, 0, m_nLength);
m_input = buf;
int nFree = m_input.length - m_nLength;
int nCount = input.read(m_input, m_nLength, nFree);
if (nCount > 0)
m_nLength += nCount;
if (nCount < nFree)
break; // read last chunk, i.e. chunk smaller then buffer size allocated for it
* Constructor.
* @param sName The data stream name.
* @param sMIMEType The data stream MIME type.
* @param input The input data stream.
public InputDataSource(String sName, String sMIMEType, byte[] input)
this(sName, sMIMEType, input, 0, input.length);
* Constructor.
* @param sName The data stream name.
* @param sMIMEType The data stream MIME type.
* @param input The input data stream.
* @param nOffset The starting position of the data in input.
* @param nLength The valid byte length of m_data from nOffset.
public InputDataSource(
String sName, String sMIMEType, byte[] input, int nOffset, int nLength)
m_sName = sName;
m_sMIMEType = sMIMEType;
m_input = input;
m_nOffset = nOffset;
m_nLength = nLength;
* @see javax.activation.DataSource#getContentType()
public String getContentType()
return m_sMIMEType;
* @see javax.activation.DataSource#getInputStream()
public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException
// DataSource specification requires returning a new stream object for every call
return new ByteArrayInputStream(m_input, m_nOffset, m_nLength);
* @see javax.activation.DataSource#getName()
public String getName()
return m_sName;
* @see javax.activation.DataSource#getOutputStream()
public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();