// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.rpc.jms;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import javax.jms.BytesMessage;
import javax.jms.Connection;
import javax.jms.ConnectionFactory;
import javax.jms.DeliveryMode;
import javax.jms.Destination;
import javax.jms.JMSException;
import javax.jms.MapMessage;
import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.MessageListener;
import javax.jms.MessageProducer;
import javax.jms.Session;
import javax.jms.StreamMessage;
import javax.jms.XAConnection;
import javax.jms.XASession;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import javax.resource.ResourceException;
import javax.transaction.Status;
import javax.transaction.Synchronization;
import javax.transaction.Transaction;
import javax.transaction.TransactionManager;
import nexj.core.integration.IntegrationException;
import nexj.core.integration.SecureSender;
import nexj.core.integration.io.ObjectOutput;
import nexj.core.meta.integration.Channel;
import nexj.core.meta.integration.channel.jms.MessageQueue;
import nexj.core.monitoring.ThreadLocalCounter;
import nexj.core.rpc.RPCException;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.runtime.Initializable;
import nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContext;
import nexj.core.runtime.ThreadContextHolder;
import nexj.core.scripting.GlobalEnvironment;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.util.Binary;
import nexj.core.util.J2EEUtil;
import nexj.core.util.Logger;
import nexj.core.util.PropertyIterator;
import nexj.core.util.Undefined;
* JMS client and server adapter.
public class JMSSender implements Initializable, SecureSender
// constants
* The message properties property: TransferObject.
public final static String PROPERTIES = "properties";
* The message priority property: 0..9.
public final static String PRIORITY = "priority";
* The message persistence flag property: boolean.
public final static String PERSISTENT = "persistent";
* The message time-to-live property: long.
public final static String TTL = "ttl";
* The message type property: String.
public final static String TYPE = "type";
* The message reply-to destination name property: String.
public final static String REPLY_TO = "replyTo";
* The message source node property: String.
public final static String NODE = "node";
* The message UOW state: String.
public final static String STATE = "state";
* Symbol used to store JMS exception
protected final static Symbol ASYNC_EXCEPTION = Symbol.define("sys:async-exception");
// attributes
* The JMS engine
private EngineHelper m_jmsStrategy;
* The connection factory name.
protected String m_sConnectionFactory;
* The destination name.
protected String m_sDestination;
* The connection user name.
protected String m_sUser;
* The connection password.
protected String m_sPassword;
* The destination type.
protected String m_sTypeName = "destination";
* The enablement flag.
protected boolean m_bEnabled = J2EEUtil.isContained();
// associations
* The message queue channel.
protected MessageQueue m_channel;
* The naming context.
protected Context m_namingContext;
* The connection factory.
protected ConnectionFactory m_connectionFactory;
* The destination.
protected Destination m_destination;
* The transaction manager.
protected TransactionManager m_txManager;
* Counter of messages sent since the creation of this component
protected ThreadLocalCounter m_sentCounter = new ThreadLocalCounter();
* The class logger.
protected final static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(JMSSender.class);
// operations
* Sets the message queue channel.
* @param channel The message queue channel to set.
public void setChannel(MessageQueue channel)
m_channel = channel;
* @return The message queue channel.
public MessageQueue getChannel()
return m_channel;
* Sets the connection factory name.
* @param sConnectionFactory The connection factory name to set.
public void setConnectionFactory(String sConnectionFactory)
m_sConnectionFactory = sConnectionFactory;
* @return The connection factory name.
public String getConnectionFactory()
return m_sConnectionFactory;
* @return The connection factory object.
public ConnectionFactory getConnectionFactoryObject()
return m_connectionFactory;
* Sets the destination name.
* @param sDestination The destination name to set.
public void setDestination(String sDestination)
m_sDestination = sDestination;
* @return The destination name.
public String getDestination()
return m_sDestination;
* @return The destination object.
public Destination getDestinationObject()
return m_destination;
* Sets the transaction manager.
* @param txManager The transaction manager to set.
public void setTransactionManager(TransactionManager txManager)
m_txManager = txManager;
* @return The transaction manager.
public TransactionManager getTransactionManager()
return m_txManager;
* Sets the enablement flag.
* @param bEnabled The enablement flag to set.
public void setEnabled(boolean bEnabled)
m_bEnabled = bEnabled;
* @return The enablement flag.
public boolean isEnabled()
return m_bEnabled;
* Sets the connection user name.
* @param sUser The connection user name to set.
public void setUser(String sUser)
m_sUser = sUser;
* @return The connection user name.
public String getUser()
return m_sUser;
* Sets the connection password.
* @param sPassword The connection password to set.
public void setPassword(String sPassword)
m_sPassword = sPassword;
* @see nexj.core.runtime.Initializable#initialize()
public void initialize() throws Exception
if (m_channel.isBroadcast())
m_sTypeName = "topic";
m_sTypeName = "queue";
if (m_sConnectionFactory == null)
m_sConnectionFactory = m_channel.getConnectionFactory();
if (m_sConnectionFactory == null || m_sConnectionFactory.startsWith("class:"))
m_sConnectionFactory = J2EEUtil.JNDI_ENV_PREFIX + "jms/cf/" + m_channel.getName();
if (m_channel.getConnectionFactory() != null && m_channel.getConnectionFactory().contains("SonicMQ"))
m_jmsStrategy = new SonicMQEngineHelper();
m_jmsStrategy = new GenericEngineHelper();
if (m_sDestination == null)
m_sDestination = m_channel.getDestination();
if (m_sDestination == null || m_sDestination.startsWith("class:"))
m_sDestination = J2EEUtil.JNDI_ENV_PREFIX + "jms/" + m_sTypeName + '/' + m_channel.getName();
if (m_sUser == null)
m_sUser = m_channel.getUser();
if (m_sPassword == null)
m_sPassword = m_channel.getPassword();
if (m_bEnabled)
if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled())
s_logger.info("Binding to " + m_sTypeName + " \"" +
m_sDestination + "\" (CF=\"" + m_sConnectionFactory + "\")");
m_namingContext = new InitialContext();
catch (Exception e)
s_logger.error("Failed to bind to " + m_sTypeName + " \"" +
m_sDestination + "\" (CF=\"" + m_sConnectionFactory + "\")", e);
* Binds to the connection factory and the queue.
protected synchronized void bind() throws NamingException, JMSException
m_connectionFactory = (ConnectionFactory)m_namingContext.lookup(m_sConnectionFactory);
m_destination = (Destination)m_namingContext.lookup(m_sDestination);
* @see nexj.core.integration.Sender#createOutput()
public ObjectOutput createOutput()
return new ObjectOutput();
* @see nexj.core.integration.Sender#prepare(nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject, nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject, nexj.core.meta.integration.Message)
public void prepare(TransferObject raw, TransferObject tobj, nexj.core.meta.integration.Message message) throws IntegrationException
* @see nexj.core.integration.Sender#send(nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject)
public void send(TransferObject tobj) throws IntegrationException
* Sends a collection of messages to the destination.
* @param col Collection of objects implementing the Envelope interface.
* @throws RPCException if a sending error has occurred.
public void send(final Collection col)
if (!m_channel.isSendable())
throw new RPCException("err.rpc.notSender", new Object[]{m_channel.getName()});
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("Sending " + col.size() + " message(s) on channel \"" +
m_channel.getName() + "\" to destination \"" + m_sDestination + "\"");
if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
int nCount = 0;
for (Iterator itr = col.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
s_logger.dump("Message [" + nCount++ + "]: " + ((TransferObject)itr.next()));
if (m_bEnabled)
boolean bRetry = true;
ConnectionFactory factory;
Destination destination;
synchronized (this)
if (m_destination == null)
catch (Exception t)
s_logger.error("Failed to bind to " + m_sTypeName + " \"" +
m_sDestination + "\" (CF=\"" + m_sConnectionFactory + "\")", t);
throw new RPCException("err.rpc.jms", t);
factory = m_connectionFactory;
destination = m_destination;
Connection connection = null;
Session session = null;
MessageProducer producer = null;
if (m_sUser == null)
connection = factory.createConnection();
connection = factory.createConnection(m_sUser, m_sPassword);
session = m_jmsStrategy.createSession(connection);
producer = session.createProducer(destination);
bRetry = false;
for (Iterator itr = col.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)itr.next();
Boolean persistent = (Boolean)tobj.findValue(PERSISTENT);
int nPersistenceMode =
((persistent == null) ? m_channel.isPersistent() : persistent.booleanValue()) ?
DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT : DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT;
Number priority = (Number)tobj.findValue(PRIORITY);
int nPriority = (priority == null) ? m_channel.getPriority() : priority.intValue();
Number ttl = (Number)tobj.findValue(TTL);
long lTTL = (ttl == null) ? m_channel.getTimeToLive() : ttl.longValue();
producer.send(createMessage(session, tobj), nPersistenceMode, nPriority, lTTL);
if (producer != null)
catch (Exception e)
s_logger.error("Error closing the producer for destination \"" + m_sDestination + "\"", e);
if (session != null)
catch (Exception e)
s_logger.error("Error closing the session for connection factory \"" +
m_sConnectionFactory + "\"", e);
if (connection != null)
catch (Exception e)
s_logger.error("Error closing the connection for connection factory \"" +
m_sConnectionFactory + "\"", e);
catch (Exception e)
if (bRetry)
bRetry = false;
for (Throwable x = e.getCause(); x != null; x = x.getCause())
if (x instanceof ResourceException || x instanceof IOException)
// The connection factory is stale, get a new one
if (s_logger.isInfoEnabled())
s_logger.info("Rebinding the stale " + m_sTypeName + " \"" +
m_sDestination + "\" (CF=\"" + m_sConnectionFactory + "\")");
synchronized (this)
if (m_connectionFactory == factory &&
m_destination == destination)
factory = m_connectionFactory;
destination = m_destination;
catch (Exception mx)
s_logger.error("Failed to bind to " + m_sTypeName + " \"" +
m_sDestination + "\" (CF=\"" + m_sConnectionFactory + "\")", mx);
throw new RPCException("err.rpc.jms", e);
continue retry;
throw new RPCException("err.rpc.jms", e);
while (bRetry);
boolean bDone = false;
if (m_channel.isReceivable())
if (m_txManager != null)
if (m_txManager.getStatus() == Status.STATUS_ACTIVE)
Transaction tx = m_txManager.getTransaction();
tx.registerSynchronization(new Synchronization()
public void beforeCompletion()
public void afterCompletion(int nStatus)
if (nStatus == Status.STATUS_COMMITTED)
catch (Throwable t)
s_logger.error("Error receiving the JMS message on channel \"" +
m_channel.getName() + "\"", t);
bDone = true;
if (!bDone && s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
s_logger.debug("Channel \"" + m_channel.getName() + "\" is disabled, ignoring the messages.");
* Creates a new message from an object implementing Envelope.
* @param session The JMS session.
* @param tobj The message transfer object.
* @throws JMSException if an error occurs.
protected Message createMessage(Session session, TransferObject tobj) throws JMSException
Object obj = tobj.findValue(BODY);
Message message;
if (obj == null)
message = session.createMessage();
else if (obj instanceof String)
message = session.createTextMessage((String)obj);
else if (obj instanceof Binary)
BytesMessage bytes = session.createBytesMessage();
message = bytes;
else if (obj instanceof TransferObject && isMapMessage((TransferObject)obj))
MapMessage map = session.createMapMessage();
for (PropertyIterator itr = ((TransferObject)obj).getIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
map.setObject(itr.getName(), convert(itr.getValue()));
message = map;
else if (obj instanceof Collection && isStreamMessage((Collection)obj))
StreamMessage stm = session.createStreamMessage();
for (Iterator itr = ((Collection)obj).iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
message = stm;
message = session.createObjectMessage((java.io.Serializable)obj);
Object correlationId = tobj.findValue(CORRELATION_ID);
if (correlationId != null)
if (!(correlationId instanceof String))
if (correlationId instanceof Binary)
correlationId = ((Binary)correlationId).toString();
throw new RPCException("err.rpc.jms.correlationIdType");
String sType = (String)tobj.findValue(TYPE);
if (sType != null)
Object replyTo = tobj.findValue(REPLY_TO);
if (replyTo == null)
if (m_channel.getReplyQueue() != null)
else if (replyTo instanceof Destination)
else if (replyTo instanceof Channel)
TransferObject properties = (TransferObject)tobj.findValue(PROPERTIES);
if (properties != null)
for (PropertyIterator itr = properties.getIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
String sName = (String)itr.next();
Object value = itr.getValue();
if (value instanceof BigDecimal)
message.setDoubleProperty(sName, ((BigDecimal)value).doubleValue());
message.setObjectProperty(sName, value);
if (!m_channel.isLoopback() && m_channel.isBroadcast() &&
message.setStringProperty(NODE, J2EEUtil.NODE_ID);
return message;
* Converts a framework primitive value to a JMS value.
* @param value The value to convert.
* @return The converted value.
public static Object convert(Object value)
if (value instanceof Binary)
return ((Binary)value).getData();
return value;
* Determines if a value can be converted to a JMS primitive.
* @param value The value to test.
* @return True if the value can be converted to a JMS primitive.
public static boolean isPrimitive(Object value)
if (value instanceof Number)
return value instanceof Integer ||
value instanceof Long ||
value instanceof Double ||
value instanceof Float ||
value instanceof Short ||
value instanceof Byte;
return value instanceof String ||
value instanceof Binary ||
value instanceof byte[] ||
value instanceof Boolean ||
value instanceof Character;
* Determines if a transfer object can be represented as a JMS map message.
* @param tobj The transfer object to test.
* @return True if the transfer object can be represented as a JMS map message.
public static boolean isMapMessage(TransferObject tobj)
if (tobj.getClassName() != null ||
tobj.getEventName() != null ||
tobj.getOID() != null ||
tobj.getVersion() != 0)
return false;
for (PropertyIterator itr = tobj.getIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
if (!isPrimitive(itr.getValue()))
return false;
return true;
* Determines if a collection can be represented as a JMS stream message.
* @param col The collection to test.
* @return True if the collection can be represented as a JMS stream message.
public static boolean isStreamMessage(Collection col)
for (Iterator itr = col.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
if (!isPrimitive(itr.next()))
return false;
return true;
* Gets a destination from a message queue metadata object.
* @param mq The message queue metadata.
* @return The destination object.
* @throws RPCException if the channel is incompatible.
protected Destination getDestination(MessageQueue mq) throws RPCException
return ((JMSSender)mq.getSender().getInstance(null)).getDestinationObject();
* Gets a destination from a channel.
* @param channel The channel.
* @return The destination object.
* @throws RPCException if the channel is incompatible.
protected Destination getDestination(Channel channel) throws RPCException
if (!(channel instanceof MessageQueue))
throw new RPCException("err.rpc.jms.channel", new Object[]{channel.getName()});
return getDestination((MessageQueue)channel);
* Gets a destination by channel name.
* @param sChannel The channel name.
* @return The destination object.
* @throws RPCException if the channel is incompatible.
protected Destination getDestination(String sChannel) throws RPCException
return getDestination(m_channel.getType().getMetadata().getChannel(sChannel));
* Forwards the messages to the receiver.
* @param col The message collection.
protected void receive(Collection col)
nexj.core.runtime.Context contextSaved = ThreadContextHolder.getContext();
for (Iterator itr = col.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)itr.next();
Transaction tx = null;
// Clone the object graph
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
tobj = (TransferObject)new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray())).readObject();
bos = null;
oos = null;
if (m_channel.isTransactional())
tx = m_txManager.getTransaction();
.onMessage(new TransferObjectMessage(tobj,
(contextSaved instanceof InvocationContext) ? (InvocationContext)contextSaved : null));
if (tx != null)
switch (tx.getStatus())
case Status.STATUS_ACTIVE:
if (tx == m_txManager.getTransaction())
tx = null;
tx = null;
catch (Throwable t)
s_logger.error("Error receiving the JMS message on channel \"" +
m_channel.getName() + "\"", t);
if (contextSaved != null)
GlobalEnvironment env = contextSaved.getMachine().getGlobalEnvironment();
if (env.findVariable(ASYNC_EXCEPTION, Undefined.VALUE) != Undefined.VALUE)
env.setVariable(ASYNC_EXCEPTION, t);
if (tx != null)
if (tx == m_txManager.getTransaction())
catch (Throwable t)
* @see nexj.core.integration.Sender#getSentCount()
public long getSentCount()
return m_sentCounter.get();
// inner classes
* The inner abstract class that represents a helper strategy for a specific JMS engine.
* As different JMS engines require different approaches to handle JMS objects
* (for example, SonicMQ sessions should be opened and closed in a different way
* than that of other JMS engines) we have several classes that would implement
* the strategy necessary for a specific JMS engine.
private interface EngineHelper
* Creates session from the given connection in a JMS engine specific way
* @param connection - connection on which the method will create a session
* @return the session created.
public Session createSession(Connection connection) throws Exception;
* Closes the given session in a JMS provider specific way.
* @param session - session to be closed.
public void closeSession(Session session) throws Exception;
* Generic JMS Engine strategy.
private class GenericEngineHelper implements EngineHelper
* @see nexj.core.rpc.jms.JMSSender.EngineHelper#createSession(javax.jms.Connection)
public Session createSession(Connection connection) throws Exception
return connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
* @see nexj.core.rpc.jms.JMSSender.EngineHelper#closeSession(javax.jms.Session)
public void closeSession(Session session) throws Exception
* SonicMQ specific JMS Engine strategy.
private class SonicMQEngineHelper implements EngineHelper
* @see nexj.core.rpc.jms.JMSSender.EngineHelper#createSession(javax.jms.Connection)
public Session createSession(Connection connection) throws Exception
Session session = null;
if (m_channel.isTransactional() && connection instanceof XAConnection)
XASession xaSession = ((XAConnection)connection).createXASession();
session = xaSession.getSession();
session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
return session;
* @see nexj.core.rpc.jms.JMSSender.EngineHelper#closeSession(javax.jms.Session)
public void closeSession(Session session) throws Exception