Package nexj.core.rpc

Source Code of nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject

// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.rpc;

import java.util.Collection;

import nexj.core.meta.Primitive;
import nexj.core.meta.TypeMismatchException;
import nexj.core.persistence.OID;
import nexj.core.persistence.OIDHolder;
import nexj.core.scripting.Function;
import nexj.core.scripting.Machine;
import nexj.core.scripting.ScriptingException;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.util.LookupException;
import nexj.core.util.MathUtil;
import nexj.core.util.PrintWriter;
import nexj.core.util.Printable;
import nexj.core.util.PropertyIterator;
import nexj.core.util.PropertyMap;

* Serializable data transfer object used to pass object state across
* process boundaries.
* The Transfer Objects must contain Object Identifiers (OID). The OIDs are
* used to match the persisted instance to its remote copies. The whole
* Transfer Object graph is serialized along with the request. Individual
* protocols, e.g. SOAP might use internal protocol-specific tables to
* describe the instance references within the serialized graph.
public class TransferObject implements PropertyMap, OIDHolder, Cloneable, Externalizable, Function, Printable
   // constants

    * The Java stream unique identifier for the class.
   private final static long serialVersionUID = 7698169377151199940L;

    * Serialization version.
   private final static byte SERIAL_VERSION = 0;

    * Key value indicating deallocated cells.
   private final static Object EMPTY = new Object();

   // attributes

    * The key and value table.
    * The keys are at even indexes, the values are at odd indexes.
   private Object[] m_table;
    * The key-value pair count.
   private int m_nCount;

    * The empty element count.
   private int m_nEmpty;

    * The name of the class corresponding to the transfer object.
   private String m_sClassName;

    * The name of the event that will be invoked on the instance represented
    * by the Transfer Object. Can be null. Events have no arguments. If a
    * method invocation with arguments is needed, the Command pattern should
    * be used.
   private String m_sEventName;

    * The release version of the Domain Class represented by this transfer
    * object. The server converts the transfer objects based on this version
    * and on the request version.
   private short m_nVersion;

   // associations

    * The Transfer Object OID.
   private OID m_oid;

   // constructor
    * Creates a transfer object with a class name and estimated value count.
    * @param sClassName The name of the class stored in the transfer object.
    * @param nValueCount The estimated number of attribute values that will be stored.
   public TransferObject(String sClassName, int nValueCount)
      m_sClassName = sClassName;
      m_table = new Object[getTableSize(nValueCount)];

    * Creates a transfer object with a class name and estimated value count of 8.
    * @param sClassName The name of the class stored in the transfer object.
   public TransferObject(String sClassName)
      m_sClassName = sClassName;
      m_table = new Object[32];

    * Creates a transfer object with an estimated value count.
    * @param nValueCount The estimated number of attribute values that will be stored.
   public TransferObject(int nValueCount)
      this(null, nValueCount);

    * Creates a transfer object with class and event names and an estimated value count.
    * @param sClassName The name of the class stored in the transfer object.
    * @param sEventName The event name.
    * @param nValueCount The estimated number of attribute values that will be stored.
   public TransferObject(String sClassName, String sEventName, int nValueCount)
      this(sClassName, nValueCount);
      m_sEventName = sEventName;

    * Creates a transfer object with an OID, class and event names and estimated value count.
    * @param oid The OID of the object.
    * @param sClassName The name of the class stored in the transfer object.
    * @param sEventName The event name.
    * @param nValueCount The estimated number of attribute values that will be stored.
   public TransferObject(OID oid, String sClassName, String sEventName, int nValueCount)
      this(sClassName, nValueCount);
      m_oid = oid;
      m_sEventName = sEventName;

    * Creates a transfer object with class and event names and estimated value count of 8.
    * @param sClassName The name of the class stored in the transfer object.
    * @param sEventName The event name.
   public TransferObject(String sClassName, String sEventName)
      m_sEventName = sEventName;

    * Creates a transfer object with an estimated value count of 8.
   public TransferObject()
      // Need to explicitly cast to a String in order to allow compiler to
      // properly resolve the constructor when a copy constructor is
      // generated during J2ME translation

   // operations
    * Calculates the table size as a power of two.
    * @param nCount The count of key-value pairs to store.
    * @return The calculated size.
   private static int getTableSize(int nCount)
      return MathUtil.ceil2(Math.max(nCount, 1)) << 2;

    * Sets the transfer object class release version.
    * @param nVersion The transfer object release version to set.
   public void setVersion(short nVersion)
      m_nVersion = nVersion;

    * @return The transfer object class release version.
   public short getVersion()
      return m_nVersion;

    * Sets the class name.
    * @param sName The class name to set.
   public void setClassName(String sName)
      m_sClassName = sName;

    * @return The class name.
   public String getClassName()
      return m_sClassName;

    * Sets the name of the event that will be invoked on the instance
    * represented by this Transfer Object.
    * @param sName The event name. Can be null.
   public void setEventName(String sName)
      m_sEventName = sName;

    * Returns the name of the event that will be invoked on the instance
    * represented by this Transfer Object.
    * @return The event name. Can be null if no event is used.
   public String getEventName()
      return m_sEventName;

    * Sets the object identifier.
    * @param oid The object identifier to set.
   public void setOID(OID oid)
      m_oid = oid;

    * @see nexj.core.persistence.OIDHolder#getOID()
   public OID getOID()
      return m_oid;

    * Rehashes the transfer object.
    * @param nSize The new table size.
   protected void rehash(int nSize)
      int nMask2 = nSize - 1;
      Object[] table2 = new Object[nSize];
      for (int k = 0, nLen = m_table.length; k < nLen; k += 2)
         Object key = m_table[k];
         if (key != null && key != EMPTY)
            int i = (key.hashCode() << 1) & nMask2;
            for (;;)
               if (table2[i] == null)
                  table2[i] = key;
                  table2[i + 1] = m_table[k + 1];

               i = (i + 2) & nMask2;
      m_table = table2;
      m_nEmpty = 0;
    * Sets an attribute value.
    * @param sName The name of the attribute.
    * @param value The value of the attribute.
   public void setValue(String sName, Object value)
      int nMask = m_table.length - 1;
      int i = (sName.hashCode() << 1) & nMask;
      int k = -1;

      for (;;)
         Object key2 = m_table[i];

         if (key2 == null)
            if (k >= 0)
               i = k;
            m_table[i] = sName;
            m_table[i + 1] = value;

            if ((++m_nCount << 2) - 1 > nMask)
               rehash((nMask + 1) << 1);

         if (key2 == EMPTY)
            if (k < 0)
               k = i;
         else if (sName.equals(key2))
            m_table[i + 1] = value;


         i = (i + 2) & nMask;

    * Gets an attribute value by name.
    * @param sName The attribute name.
    * @return The attribute value.
    * @throws LookupException if the named value does not exist.
   public Object getValue(String sName) throws LookupException
      int nMask = m_table.length - 1;
      int i = (sName.hashCode() << 1) & nMask;

      for (;;)
         Object key2 = m_table[i];

         if (key2 == null)
            throw new LookupException("err.rpc.valueLookup", new Object[]{sName});

         if (sName.equals(key2))
            return m_table[i + 1];

         i = (i + 2) & nMask;

    * Finds an attribute value by name.
    * @param sName The attribute name.
    * @param defaultValue The value to return if the attribute was not found.
    * @return The attribute value, or defaultValue if not found.
   public Object findValue(String sName, Object defaultValue)
      int nMask = m_table.length - 1;
      int i = (sName.hashCode() << 1) & nMask;

      for (;;)
         Object key2 = m_table[i];

         if (key2 == null)
            return defaultValue;

         if (sName.equals(key2))
            return m_table[i + 1];

         i = (i + 2) & nMask;

    * Finds an attribute value by name.
    * @param sName The attribute name.
    * @return The attribute value, or null if not found.
   public Object findValue(String sName)
      return findValue(sName, null);

    * Checks in the named attribute value exists in the transfer object.
    * @param sName The attribute name.
    * @return True if it exists.
   public boolean hasValue(String sName)
      int nMask = m_table.length - 1;
      int i = (sName.hashCode() << 1) & nMask;

      for (;;)
         Object key2 = m_table[i];

         if (key2 == null)
            return false;

         if (sName.equals(key2))
            return true;

         i = (i + 2) & nMask;
    * Removes an attribute value by name, if it exists.
    * @param sName The attribute name.
    * @return True if the value has been removed, false if not found.
   public boolean removeValue(String sName)
      int nMask = m_table.length - 1;
      int i = (sName.hashCode() << 1) & nMask;

      for (;;)
         Object key2 = m_table[i];

         if (key2 == null)
            return false;

         if (sName.equals(key2))
            m_table[i + 1] = null;

            if (m_table[(i + 2) & nMask] == null)
                  m_table[i] = null;
                  i = (i - 2) & nMask;
               while (m_table[i] == EMPTY);
               m_table[i] = EMPTY;

               if (m_nEmpty >= m_nCount)

            return true;

         i = (i + 2) & nMask;
    * Removes all the values.
   public void removeAllValues()
      java.util.Arrays.fill(m_table, null);
      m_nCount = m_nEmpty = 0;

    * @return The stored attribute value count.
   public int getValueCount()
      return m_nCount;

    * @return PropertyIterator for attribute keys and values.
   public PropertyIterator getIterator()
      return new Iterator();

    * @see nexj.core.scripting.Function#invoke(int, nexj.core.scripting.Machine)
   public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
      if (nArgCount != 0)
         Object sym = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);

         if (sym instanceof Symbol || sym instanceof String)
            String sName = sym.toString();

            if (nArgCount == 1)
               if (sName.length() > 0 && sName.charAt(0) == ':')
                  if (sym == Symbol._EVENT)
                     machine.returnValue(getEventName(), nArgCount);
                  else if (sym == Symbol._CLASS)
                     machine.returnValue(getClassName(), nArgCount);
                  else if (sym == Symbol._ITERATOR)
                     machine.returnValue(getIterator(), nArgCount);
                  else if (sym == Symbol._OID)
                     machine.returnValue(getOID(), nArgCount);
                  else if (sym == Symbol._VERSION)
                     machine.returnValue(Primitive.createInteger(m_nVersion), nArgCount);
                  else if (sym == Symbol._PRE)
                     machine.returnValue(findValue(sName), nArgCount);
                     throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.tobjAttribute", new Object[]{sName});
                  machine.returnValue(findValue(sName), nArgCount);
            else if (nArgCount == 2)
               Object value = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);

               if (sName.length() > 0 && sName.charAt(0) == ':')
                  if (sym == Symbol._EVENT)
                     if (value != null && !(value instanceof String))
                        throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol._EVENT);
                  else if (sym == Symbol._CLASS)
                     if (value != null && !(value instanceof String))
                        throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol._CLASS);
                  else if (sym == Symbol._OID)
                     if (value != null && !(value instanceof OID))
                        throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol._OID);
                  else if (sym == Symbol._VERSION)
                     if (!(value instanceof Number))
                        throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol._VERSION);
                  else if (sym == Symbol._CONTAINS)
                     if (value instanceof Symbol)
                        value = Boolean.valueOf(hasValue(value.toString()));
                     else if (value instanceof String)
                        value = Boolean.valueOf(hasValue((String)value));
                        throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol._CONTAINS);
                  else if (sym == Symbol._GET)
                     if (value instanceof Symbol)
                        value = getValue(value.toString());
                     else if (value instanceof String)
                        value = getValue((String)value);
                        throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol._GET);
                  else if (sym == Symbol._REMOVE)
                     if (value instanceof Symbol)
                        value = Boolean.valueOf(removeValue(value.toString()));
                     else if (value instanceof String)
                        value = Boolean.valueOf(removeValue((String)value));
                        throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol._REMOVE);
                  else if (sym == Symbol._PRE)
                     setValue(sName, value);
                     throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.tobjAttribute", new Object[]{sName});
                  setValue(sName, value);

               machine.returnValue(value, nArgCount);
               throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.maxArgCount",
                  new Object[]{sym.toString(),
                     Primitive.createInteger(nArgCount - 1)});

            return false;
            throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.funCall");
         throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.minArgCount",
            new Object[]{"TransferObject",

    * @see java.lang.Object#clone()
   public Object clone()
         TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)super.clone();

         tobj.m_table = new Object[m_table.length];
         System.arraycopy(m_table, 0, tobj.m_table, 0, m_table.length);

         return tobj;
      catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
         return null;

    * @see
   public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException

      int nCount = m_nCount;

      for (int i = 0; nCount != 0; i += 2)
         Object key = m_table[i];
         if (key != null && key != EMPTY)
            out.writeObject(m_table[i + 1]);

    * @see
   public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
      // Read the serial version
      m_sClassName = (String)in.readObject();
      m_sEventName = (String)in.readObject();
      m_nVersion = in.readShort();
      m_oid = (OID)in.readObject();
      int nCount = in.readInt();

      if (nCount < 0)
         throw new InvalidObjectException("Negative TransferObject value count");
      int nLen = getTableSize(nCount);
      if (nLen != m_table.length)
         m_table = new Object[nLen];
      while (nCount-- != 0)
         Object key = in.readObject();
         setValue((String)key, in.readObject());

    * @see nexj.core.util.Printable#printOn(nexj.core.util.PrintWriter)
   public void printOn(PrintWriter writer) throws IOException
      boolean bNew = writer.addObject(this);

      if (!bNew)


      if (m_sClassName != null)

      if (m_sEventName != null || m_nVersion != 0)
         if (m_sEventName != null)


         if (m_nVersion != 0)
            writer.write(' ');

      writer.write(", ");

      if (m_oid != null)


      if (bNew)

         for (PropertyIterator propItr = getIterator(); propItr.hasNext();)

            Object value = propItr.getValue();

            if (value instanceof Collection)

               Collection col = (Collection)value;

               for (java.util.Iterator itemItr = ((Collection)value).iterator(); itemItr.hasNext();)

                  if (itemItr.hasNext())


               if (!col.isEmpty())


            if (propItr.hasNext())


         if (getValueCount() != 0)


    * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
   public String toString()
      return PrintWriter.toString(this);

   // inner classes

    * Transfer Object iterator - can return the current key and the value.
    * NOTE: This iterator does not check for errors for efficiency reasons.
   protected class Iterator implements PropertyIterator
       * The next key index.
      private int m_nNext = -2;
       * The current key index.
      private int m_nCur;

       * The table for iteration.
      protected Object[] m_table = TransferObject.this.m_table;

       * Creates an iterator.
      protected Iterator()

       * Advances to the next item.
       * @return True if there is next item.
      private boolean incr()
         m_nCur = m_nNext;
         m_nNext += 2;
         while (m_nNext < m_table.length)
            if (m_table[m_nNext] != null && m_table[m_nNext] != EMPTY)
               return true;
            m_nNext += 2;
         return false;
       * @see java.util.Iterator#hasNext()
      public boolean hasNext()
         return m_nNext < m_table.length;

       * @return The next available element key.
       * @see java.util.Iterator#next()
      public Object next()
         if (m_nNext < m_table.length)

            return m_table[m_nCur];

         throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException();

       * @see java.util.Iterator#remove()
      public void remove()
         if (m_table[m_nCur] == null || m_table[m_nCur] == EMPTY)

         if (m_table == TransferObject.this.m_table)
            int nMask = m_table.length - 1;
            m_table[m_nCur + 1] = null;

            if (m_table[(m_nCur + 2) & nMask] == null)
               int i = m_nCur;
                  m_table[i] = null;
                  i = (i - 2) & nMask;
               while (m_table[i] == EMPTY);
               m_table[m_nCur] = EMPTY;
               if (m_nEmpty >= m_nCount)
            m_table[m_nCur] = m_table[m_nCur + 1] = null;
       * @return The value name retrieved by the last next() invocation.
      public String getName()
         return (String)m_table[m_nCur];
       * @return The value associated with the last next() invocation.
      public Object getValue()
         return m_table[m_nCur + 1];
       * Replaces the value associated with the last next() invocation.
       * @param value The value to set.
      public void setValue(Object value)
         m_table[m_nCur + 1] = value;

         if (m_table != TransferObject.this.m_table)
            TransferObject.this.setValue((String)m_table[m_nCur], value);

Related Classes of nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject

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