// Copyright 2010-2011 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.rpc;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import nexj.core.meta.Argument;
import nexj.core.meta.Attribute;
import nexj.core.meta.Event;
import nexj.core.meta.Member;
import nexj.core.meta.Metaclass;
import nexj.core.meta.Metadata;
import nexj.core.meta.Selector;
import nexj.core.persistence.OIDHolder;
import nexj.core.rpc.jms.JMSSender;
import nexj.core.runtime.Instance;
import nexj.core.runtime.InstanceList;
import nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContext;
import nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContextAware;
import nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContextHolder;
import nexj.core.runtime.SecurityViolationException;
import nexj.core.runtime.UnitOfWork;
import nexj.core.scripting.ConstPair;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.util.ExceptionHolder;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.IdentityHashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Logger;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.PropertyIterator;
import nexj.core.util.Undefined;
* The generic request server implementation.
public class GenericServer implements Server, InvocationContextAware, InvocationContextHolder
// constants
* Empty pair.
protected final static Pair EMPTY_PAIR = new ConstPair(null);
// attributes
* The master server flag. True to complete the invocation context.
protected boolean m_bMaster = true;
// associations
* The invocation context.
protected InvocationContext m_context;
* The server interceptor.
protected Interceptor m_interceptor;
* The class logger.
private final static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(GenericServer.class);
// operations
* Sets the master server flag.
* @param bMaster The master server flag to set.
public void setMaster(boolean bMaster)
m_bMaster = bMaster;
* @return The master server flag.
public boolean isMaster()
return m_bMaster;
* Sets the invocation context.
* @param context The invocation context to set.
public void setInvocationContext(InvocationContext context)
m_context = context;
* @return The invocation context.
public InvocationContext getInvocationContext()
return m_context;
* Sets the server interceptor.
* @param interceptor The server interceptor to set.
public void setInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor)
m_interceptor = interceptor;
* @return The server interceptor.
public Interceptor getInterceptor()
return m_interceptor;
* @see nexj.core.rpc.Server#invoke(nexj.core.rpc.Request)
public Response invoke(Request request)
boolean bAuditedSaved = m_context.isAudited();
boolean bTransientSaved = m_context.isTransient();
final boolean bStealth = request.isStealth() || m_context.isStealth();
Object[][] argArray = null;
if (!bStealth)
if (m_context.isProtected())
RPCUtil.validate(request, new IdentityHashTab(), m_context);
if (request.getLocale() != null)
if (request.getTimeZone() != null)
Metadata metadata = m_context.getMetadata();
if (request.getNamespace() != null && metadata.getNamespace() != null)
if (!metadata.getNamespace().equals(request.getNamespace()))
throw new RequestVersionException("err.rpc.requestNamespace",
new Object[]{metadata.getNamespace(), request.getNamespace()});
if (!metadata.getVersion().equals(request.getVersion()))
throw new RequestVersionException("err.rpc.requestVersion",
new Object[]{metadata.getVersion(), request.getVersion()});
UnitOfWork uow = m_context.initUnitOfWork();
if (m_interceptor != null && m_interceptor.isEnabled(m_context))
if (request.isAsync())
if (request.isCommit())
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled() && !bStealth)
s_logger.debug("Asynchronous request - forwarding to " + UnitOfWork.SYSTEM_QUEUE);
TransferObject properties = new TransferObject(1);
properties.setValue(JMSSender.USER, m_context.getPrincipal().getName());
uow.addMessage(UnitOfWork.SYSTEM_QUEUE, request, properties, -1, -1, false);
Response response = new Response();
if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled() && !bStealth)
return response;
boolean bTransient = !request.isCommit();
// Add to the unit of work the classes to track
int nFilterCount = request.getFilterCount();
boolean bInstanceFilter = false;
for (int i = 0; i < nFilterCount; ++i)
TransferObject tobj = request.getFilter(i);
if (tobj == null || tobj.getClassName() == null)
throw new RequestException("err.rpc.filterTO");
if (!bInstanceFilter)
bInstanceFilter = tobj.hasValue("instances");
int nInvocationCount = request.getInvocationCount();
Lookup identityMap = new HashTab(nInvocationCount << 1);
Lookup eventMap = new HashTab(nInvocationCount);
Event[] eventArray = new Event[nInvocationCount];
argArray = new Object[nInvocationCount][];
InstanceFactory instanceFactory = new InstanceFactory(identityMap,
new ArrayList(nInvocationCount << 3), InstanceFactory.STATE | InstanceFactory.PRE,
// Instantiate the request objects
for (int i = 0; i < nInvocationCount; ++i)
Request.Invocation invocation = request.getInvocation(i);
TransferObject tobj = invocation.getObject();
String sEventName = invocation.getEventName();
if (sEventName == null)
sEventName = tobj.getEventName();
if (tobj == null || tobj.getClassName() == null || sEventName == null)
throw new RequestException("err.rpc.requestTO");
Object[] arguments = invocation.getArguments();
Metaclass metaclass = metadata.getMetaclass(tobj.getClassName());
Selector selector = metaclass.getSelector(sEventName);
Member member;
int nArgCount;
if (arguments != null)
nArgCount = arguments.length;
member = selector.getMember(nArgCount);
if (member.isStatic() && tobj.getValueCount() != 0)
throw new RequestException("err.rpc.requestTO");
nArgCount = tobj.getValueCount();
member = selector.findMember(0);
if (member == null || member.isStatic())
member = selector.getMember(nArgCount);
if (!member.isStatic())
throw new RequestException("err.rpc.argCount",
new Object[]{member.getName(), metaclass.getName()});
nArgCount = 0;
if (member.isAttribute())
throw new RequestException("err.rpc.attributeInvocation",
new Object[]{member.getName(), metaclass.getName()});
if (m_context.isProtected() && member.getVisibility() != Metaclass.PUBLIC)
throw new SecurityViolationException("err.rpc.eventVisibility",
new Object[]{member.getName(), metaclass.getName()});
Event event = (Event)member;
Object[] args = new Object[nArgCount + 1];
if (arguments != null)
for (int k = 0; k < nArgCount; ++k)
args[k + 1] = instanceFactory.instantiate(arguments[k]);
if (event.isStatic())
args[0] = metaclass;
if (arguments == null)
int nEventArgCount = event.getArgumentCount();
if (event.isVarArg())
for (int k = 0; k < nEventArgCount; ++k)
args[k + 1] = instanceFactory.instantiate(tobj.getValue(event.getArgument(k).getName()));
if (event.isVarArg())
int nArg = nEventArgCount;
for (PropertyIterator itr = tobj.getIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
Argument arg = event.findArgument(itr.getName());
if (arg == null || arg == event.getArgument(nEventArgCount))
args[++nArg] = new Pair(Symbol.define(itr.getName()), instanceFactory.instantiate(itr.getValue()));
// Allow auditing of static events
identityMap.put(tobj, null);
args[0] = instanceFactory.instantiate(tobj);
eventArray[i] = event;
argArray[i] = args;
eventMap.put(tobj, event);
Lookup diffMap = null;
// Instantiate the transfer objects from the instance filters
if (bInstanceFilter)
diffMap = new HashTab();
for (int i = 0; i < nFilterCount; ++i)
TransferObject tobj = request.getFilter(i);
Object instances = tobj.findValue("instances");
if (instances != null)
List instanceList = (List)instances;
int nCount = instanceList.size();
for (int k = 0; k < nCount; ++k)
tobj = (TransferObject)instanceList.get(k);
Instance inst = instanceFactory.instantiate(tobj);
instanceList.set(k, inst);
if (inst != null)
diffMap.put(inst, tobj);
instanceFactory = null;
GenericServer.auditRequest(identityMap, eventMap, m_context);
identityMap = null;
Object[] resultArray = new Object[nInvocationCount << 1];
// Unset the pending event flag on the request argument instances
for (int i = 0; i < nInvocationCount; ++i)
Object[] args = argArray[i];
Object obj = args[0];
if (obj instanceof Instance)
Instance instance = (Instance)obj;
if (args.length == 1 && eventArray[i].getName().equals(instance.getPendingEventName()))
resultArray[i << 1] = instance;
uow.invokePendingEvents(false, false);
// Invoke the events and accumulate the results
for (int i = 0; i < nInvocationCount; ++i)
TransferObject tobj = request.getObject(i);
Event event = eventArray[i];
Pair attributes = EMPTY_PAIR;
Object[] args = argArray[i];
Object obj = args[0];
int nAttrIndex = -1;
if (event.getArgumentCount() != 0)
Argument arg = event.findArgument("attributes");
if (arg != null)
nAttrIndex = arg.getOrdinal() + 1;
Object value = args[nAttrIndex];
attributes = (value instanceof Pair) ? (Pair)value : null;
if (nAttrIndex < 0)
Object value = tobj.findValue("attributes", EMPTY_PAIR);
if (value != EMPTY_PAIR)
nAttrIndex = 0;
attributes = (Pair)value;
if (event.isStatic() && m_context.isProtected() && m_context.isSecure())
Metaclass metaclass = event.getMetaclass();
Argument result = event.getResult();
if (result != null && !result.getType().isPrimitive())
metaclass = (Metaclass)result.getType();
if (nAttrIndex > 0)
Pair security = metaclass.checkReadAccess(attributes, m_context.getPrivilegeSet());
if (security != null)
args[nAttrIndex] = Pair.nconc(security, attributes);
metaclass.checkExpressionAccess(findArg(event, "where", args, tobj), m_context.getPrivilegeSet());
metaclass.checkOrderByAccess(findArg(event, "orderBy", args, tobj), m_context.getPrivilegeSet());
boolean bInvoked = false;
boolean bDeleted = false;
if (obj instanceof Instance)
Instance instance = (Instance)obj;
UnitOfWork instanceUOW = instance.getUnitOfWork();
// Use the instance UoW
if (!event.isStatic() && instanceUOW != null && instanceUOW != uow)
bInvoked = instance.invokeSuspendedEvent();
bDeleted = (instance.getState() == Instance.DELETED);
if (nAttrIndex <= 0)
Attribute attribute = instance.getMetaclass().findAttribute("attributes");
if (attribute != null && !attribute.isStatic())
attributes = (Pair)instance.getValue(attribute.getOrdinal());
if (resultArray[i << 1] == null)
if (!bDeleted)
resultArray[i << 1] = event.invoke(args, m_context.getMachine());
if (!bInvoked && !bDeleted)
event.invoke(args, m_context.getMachine());
eventArray[i] = null;
resultArray[(i << 1) + 1] = attributes;
// Pre-commit all units of work in the context
for (int i = m_context.getUnitOfWorkCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
UnitOfWork work = m_context.getUnitOfWork(i);
if (work.isTransient())
work.invokePendingEvents(true, false);
// Transfer the results into the response object.
// This is done as a separate step after the commit
// so that the objects are in the correct state (e.g. with OIDs).
Response response = new Response();
identityMap = new HashTab();
for (int i = 0; i < nInvocationCount; ++i)
Object result = resultArray[i << 1];
Pair attributes = request.getInvocation(i).getAttributes();
int nTF = RPCUtil.TF_HIDDEN;
if (attributes == null)
attributes = (Pair)resultArray[(i << 1) + 1];
if (attributes == EMPTY_PAIR)
attributes = null;
else if (m_context.isProtected() && m_context.isSecure())
if (result instanceof Instance)
Instance instance = (Instance)result;
instance.invoke("load", Pair.nconc(instance.getMetaclass()
.checkReadAccess(attributes, m_context.getPrivilegeSet()), attributes));
else if (result instanceof InstanceList)
InstanceList list = (InstanceList)result;
Lookup classMap = new HashTab(4);
for (int k = 0, n = list.size(); k < n; ++k)
Instance instance = list.getInstance(k);
Metaclass metaclass = instance.getMetaclass();
Pair all = (Pair)classMap.get(metaclass);
if (all == null)
all = Pair.nconc(metaclass.checkReadAccess(
attributes, m_context.getPrivilegeSet()), attributes);
classMap.put(metaclass, all);
instance.invoke("load", all);
response.addResult(RPCUtil.transfer(result, attributes,
(eventArray[i] == null) ? diffMap : null, identityMap, nTF));
// Apply the change filters
for (int i = 0; i < nFilterCount; ++i)
TransferObject tobj = request.getFilter(i);
Metaclass metaclass = metadata.getMetaclass(tobj.getClassName());
Lookup map = m_context.getClassChangeMap(metaclass);
Object instances = tobj.findValue("instances");
Pair attributes = (Pair)tobj.findValue("attributes");
Pair all = attributes;
List eventList = new ArrayList();
if (m_context.isProtected() && m_context.isSecure())
all = Pair.nconc(metaclass.checkReadAccess(attributes, m_context.getPrivilegeSet()), attributes);
if (instances != null)
List instanceList = (List)instances;
int nCount = instanceList.size();
for (int k = 0; k < nCount; ++k)
Instance instance = (Instance)instanceList.get(k);
Object state = map.get(instance);
if (state != null)
instance.invoke("load", all);
eventList.add(transferEvent(instance, ((Integer)state).byteValue(),
attributes, diffMap, identityMap));
for (Lookup.Iterator itr = map.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
Instance instance = (Instance)itr.next();
instance.invoke("load", all);
TransferObject obj = transferEvent(instance, ((Integer)itr.getValue()).byteValue(),
attributes, diffMap, identityMap);
if (obj != null)
GenericServer.auditResponse(identityMap, m_context);
if (m_bMaster)
if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled() && !bStealth)
TransferObject corellator = request.getCorrelator();
if (corellator != null)
s_logger.debug("Invoking the request correlator");
Request coreq = new Request();
if (corellator.findValue("response", Undefined.VALUE) == null)
corellator.setValue("response", response);
if (corellator.findValue("results", Undefined.VALUE) == null)
int nCount = response.getResultCount();
Object[] results = new Object[nCount];
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
results[i] = response.getResult(i);
corellator.setValue("results", results);
s_logger.debug("Completed the correlator invocation");
if (m_interceptor != null && m_interceptor.isEnabled(m_context))
return response;
catch (Throwable t)
int nLevel = Logger.DEBUG;
if (RPCUtil.isSystem(t) && !s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
nLevel = Logger.ERROR;
s_logger.log(nLevel, "Server invocation exception", t);
if (t instanceof ErrorLocationHolder)
completeErrorLocation((ErrorLocationHolder)t, argArray);
if (m_bMaster)
throw ObjUtil.rethrow(t);
* Finds an argument value.
* @param event The event object.
* @param sName The argument name.
* @param args The argument array. The instance is at index 0.
* @param tobj The transfer object.
protected static Object findArg(Event event, String sName, Object[] args, TransferObject tobj)
Argument arg = (event.getActionCount() == 0) ? null : event.findArgument(sName);
if (arg != null)
return args[arg.getOrdinal() + 1];
return tobj.findValue(sName);
* Audits request objects.
* @param identityMap Map of transfer object to instance.
* @param eventMap Map of transfer object to event. Can be null.
* @param context The invocation context.
public static void auditRequest(Lookup identityMap, Lookup eventMap, InvocationContext context)
for (Lookup.Iterator itr = identityMap.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
if (itr.next() instanceof TransferObject)
TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)itr.getKey();
Instance instance = (Instance)itr.getValue();
Event pendingEvent = null;
Event event = null;
if (instance != null && instance.isEventPending())
pendingEvent = (Event)instance.getMetaclass().getSelector(instance.getPendingEventName()).getMember(0);
if (eventMap != null)
event = (Event)eventMap.get(tobj);
else if (instance != null && tobj.getEventName() != null)
event = instance.getMetaclass().findEvent(tobj.getEventName(), 0);
if (pendingEvent != null && pendingEvent != event)
RPCUtil.audit(instance, tobj, pendingEvent, context);
if (event != null)
RPCUtil.audit(instance, tobj, event, context);
* Audits response objects.
* @param identityMap Map of instance to transfer object.
* @param context The invocation context.
public static void auditResponse(Lookup identityMap, InvocationContext context)
for (Lookup.Iterator itr = identityMap.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
if (itr.next() instanceof Instance)
Instance instance = (Instance)itr.getKey();
TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)itr.getValue();
RPCUtil.audit(instance, tobj, (Event)instance.getMetaclass().getSelector("read").getMember(6), context);
* Creates a transfer object event for a given instance.
* @param instance The instance for which to create the event.
* @param nState The instance state, one of the Instance.* constants.
* @param attributes The attribute list to transfer.
* @param diffMap Map of instances to original transfer objects. If non-null, only the modified values are transferred.
* @param identityMap Map for tracking object identity.
* @return The converted object.
private static TransferObject transferEvent(Instance instance, byte nState,
Pair attributes, Lookup diffMap, Lookup identityMap)
TransferObject tobj = RPCUtil.transfer(instance,
(nState == Instance.DELETED) ? null : attributes, diffMap, identityMap,
if (tobj != null)
if (tobj.getEventName() == null)
switch (nState)
case Instance.CLEAN:
case Instance.NEW:
case Instance.DIRTY:
case Instance.DELETED:
throw new IllegalStateException();
else if (instance != null && (instance.isHidden() || diffMap != null && diffMap.contains(instance)))
// Visibility change
tobj = new TransferObject(instance.getMetaclass().getName(), 0);
identityMap.put(instance, tobj);
return tobj;
* Completes the ordinal numbers in error location holders.
private static void completeErrorLocation(ErrorLocationHolder e, Object[][] argArray)
OIDHolder holder = e.getOIDHolder();
if (holder != null)
for (int i = 0, n = argArray.length; i != n; ++i)
Object[] invArray = argArray[i];
if (invArray != null && invArray[0] == holder)
for (Iterator itr = e.getAttributeIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
Throwable t = e.findException((String)itr.next());
if (t instanceof ErrorLocationHolder && t != e)
completeErrorLocation(((ErrorLocationHolder)t), argArray);
if (e instanceof ExceptionHolder)
for (Iterator itr = ((ExceptionHolder)e).getExceptionIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
Throwable t = (Throwable)itr.next();
if (t instanceof ErrorLocationHolder)
completeErrorLocation(((ErrorLocationHolder)t), argArray);