Package nexj.core.persistence.sql

Source Code of nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLSchemaManager$SQLAppender

// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.persistence.sql;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import nexj.core.meta.Metadata;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataException;
import nexj.core.meta.Primitive;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.DataSourceAdapter;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.Column;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.Index;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.IndexColumn;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.RelationalDatabase;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.RelationalDatabaseFragment;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.RelationalSchema;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.SQLObject;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.SQLScript;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.SQLScriptHolder;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.SQLSubstReader;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.SQLTemplateSubstReader;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.Table;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.AlterColumnStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.AlterTableStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.ApplyIndexAspectStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.ApplyTableAspectStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.CreateColumnStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.CreateIndexStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.CreateObjectStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.CreateTableStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.DropColumnStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.DropIndexStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.DropObjectStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.DropTableStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.ExecStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.RelationalSchemaUpgrade;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.RelationalSchemaUpgradeState;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.RelationalSchemaUpgradeStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.RemoveIndexAspectStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.RemoveTableAspectStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.RenameColumnStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.RenameIndexStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.RenameTableStep;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.upgrade.SupportAdapterStep;
import nexj.core.meta.upgrade.LabelUpgrade;
import nexj.core.meta.upgrade.ScriptUpgrade;
import nexj.core.meta.upgrade.Upgrade;
import nexj.core.meta.upgrade.UpgradeState;
import nexj.core.meta.upgrade.VersionUpgrade;
import nexj.core.persistence.Operator;
import nexj.core.persistence.PersistenceException;
import nexj.core.persistence.SchemaVersion;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.runtime.ValidationException;
import nexj.core.util.Binary;
import nexj.core.util.HashHolder;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab2D;
import nexj.core.util.IOUtil;
import nexj.core.util.Logger;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup2D;
import nexj.core.util.LookupException;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.ProgressListener;
import nexj.core.util.PropertyIterator;
import nexj.core.util.PropertyMap;
import nexj.core.util.StringUtil;
import nexj.core.util.SysUtil;
import nexj.core.util.URLUtil;
import nexj.core.util.XMLUtil;

* Class for reading, creating and upgrading the database schema.
public abstract class SQLSchemaManager
   // constants

    * Tablespace name designating the system default tablespace.
   protected final static String DEFAULT_TABLESPACE = "default";

    * The public principal GUID.
   protected final static Binary SYS_PUBLIC_GUID = new Binary(
      new byte[]{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00,
         (byte)0x80, 0x00, (byte)0xBE, (byte)0xEF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0A});

    * The system user GUID.
   protected final static Binary SYS_USER_GUID = new Binary(
      new byte[]{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00,
         (byte)0x80, 0x00, (byte)0xBE, (byte)0xEF, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C});

    * Comparator used for sorting tables.
   protected final static Comparator TABLE_COMPARATOR = new Comparator()
      public int compare(Object left, Object right)
         Table leftTable = (Table)left;
         Table rightTable = (Table)right;
         int n = leftTable.getType() - rightTable.getType();

         if (n != 0)
            return n;

         String sLeftOwner = leftTable.getOwnerName();
         String sRightOwner = rightTable.getOwnerName();

         if (sLeftOwner == null)
            sLeftOwner = "";

         if (sRightOwner == null)
            sRightOwner = "";

         n = sLeftOwner.compareToIgnoreCase(sRightOwner);

         if (n != 0)
            return n;

         return leftTable.getTableName().compareToIgnoreCase(rightTable.getTableName());

    * The ending upgrade step, denotes that the version is fully upgraded.
   protected final static int UPGRADE_END_STEP = -1;

    * Pattern to match table name hooks in view definitions.
    * First part will return non-null for group(1). The second part will return null for group(1).
    * Works because a comment start will always appear first to denote comment.
   protected final static Pattern VIEW_TABLE_NAME_PATTERN =

   // attributes

    * The metadata object owner.
   protected String m_sOwner;

    * The current upgrade step ordinal.
   protected int m_nStep;

   // associations

    * The persistence adapter.
   protected SQLAdapter m_adapter;

    * The upgrade step container.
   protected RelationalSchemaUpgrade m_upgrade;

    * The upgrade state.
   protected RelationalSchemaUpgradeState m_state;

    * The SQL appender.
   protected SQLAppender m_appender;
    * The SQL connection.
   protected Connection m_connection;

    * The class logger.
   protected final static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(SQLSchemaManager.class);

   // constructors

    * Constructs the schema manager.
    * @param adapter The persistence adapter.
   protected SQLSchemaManager(SQLAdapter adapter)
      m_adapter = adapter;

   // operations

    * Concatenate all values in the list with valid SQL syntax.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer (not null).
    * @param argArray The values to concatenate.
    * @return The The destination buffer.
   protected abstract StringBuffer appendConcatenate(StringBuffer buf, CharSequence[] argArray);

    * Extract nField from sTS with valid SQL syntax.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer (not null).
    * @param sTS The timestamp value.
    * @param nField One of SQLSubstReader.TS_* constants.
    * @return The The destination buffer.
   protected abstract StringBuffer appendTSExtract(StringBuffer buf, CharSequence sTS, byte nField);

    * Increment sTS by sDelta with valid SQL syntax.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer (not null).
    * @param sTS The timestamp value.
    * @param sDelta The number of units to alter the value in the calculation.
    * @param nField One of SQLSubstReader.TS_* constants representing units of sDelta.
    * @return The destination buffer.
   protected abstract StringBuffer appendTSIncrement(
      StringBuffer buf, CharSequence sTS, CharSequence sDelta, byte nField);

    * Appends a table view declaration to a string buffer.
    * This method should be overridden by all adapters that support Table.QUERY type views.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param view The view to declare.
   protected void appendViewDeclaration(StringBuffer buf, Table view)
      buf.append("create view ");
      buf.append(" as ");
      buf.append(getExecSQL(view.getViewScript(), view.getSchema(), view));

    * Appends SQL for creating an SQL Object to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The step holding the definition of the object to create.
   protected void createObject(CreateObjectStep step)

    * Appends the SQL statements to create a given SQL Object to the SQL appender.
    * @param obj The SQL Object to create.
   protected void createObject(SQLObject obj)
      String sSQL = getExecSQL(obj.getCreateScript(), obj.getSchema(), null);

      if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(sSQL))

    * Appends SQL for dropping an SQL Object to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The drop table step.
   protected void dropObject(DropObjectStep step)

    * Appends the SQL statements to drop a given SQL Object to the SQL appender.
    * @param obj The SQL Object to create.
   protected void dropObject(SQLObject obj)
      String sSQL = getExecSQL(obj.getDropScript(), obj.getSchema(), null);

      if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(sSQL))

    * Find the first version fully compatible with the DataSourceAdapter in the specified state and
    * advance the state to the version.
    * @param version The version to start searching from (not null).
    * @param stateMap The map of states to reference and to advance (not null).
    * @param rdb The RelationalDatabase datasource to match (not null).
    * @return The version compatible with the current adapter (stateMap updated to reflect version).
   public static VersionUpgrade findFirstVersion(
      VersionUpgrade version, Lookup/*<Object, UpgradeState>*/ stateMap, RelationalDatabase rdb)
      assert version != null && stateMap != null;

      for (;version != null; version = version.getNext())
         UpgradeState state = Upgrade.getState(stateMap, version);

         // check for adapter compatibility limiting just to the requested datasource
         if (version instanceof RelationalSchemaUpgrade &&
             ((RelationalSchemaUpgrade)version).getDataSource() == rdb)
            RelationalSchemaUpgrade upgradeVersion = (RelationalSchemaUpgrade)version;
            DataSourceAdapter adapter = upgradeVersion.getDataSource().getAdapter();

            // state already supports adapter
            if (((RelationalSchemaUpgradeState)state).containsAdapter(adapter))
               return version;

            // step through each step, if the AdapterStep enabling the specific adapter is at the
            // beginning of the step list or only has other AdapterSteps before it then this version
            // is compatible
            for (int i = 0, nCount = upgradeVersion.getStepCount(); i < nCount; ++i)
               RelationalSchemaUpgradeStep step = upgradeVersion.getStep(i);

               if (step instanceof SupportAdapterStep)
                  if (((SupportAdapterStep)step).getAdapter() == adapter)
                     return version;
                  break;//non-AdapterStep, i.e. some steps support requested Adapter and some do not


      return version;

    * Get a list of tables the specified script depends on.
    * @param script The script to return dependencies for.
    * @param schema The schema to search in for dependencies.
    * @return An array of tables from the specified schema that the script depends on.
   protected Table[] getDependency(SQLScript script, RelationalSchema schema)
      String sSQL = script.findSQL(schema.getDataSource().getAdapter());

      if (sSQL == null)
         return new Table[0];

      Set/*<Table>*/ set = new HashHolder/*<Table>*/();

      for (Matcher matcher = VIEW_TABLE_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(sSQL); matcher.find();)
         String sTable =;

         if (sTable == null) // caused by matching a comment body

         Table dependency = schema.findTable(sTable);

         if (dependency != null) // can be null if dropping all tables defined in upgrade history

      return (Table[])set.toArray(new Table[set.size()]);

    * Get a list of tables that depend on the specified table.
    * @param table The table to return dependents for.
    * @return An array of tables that depend in specified table.
   protected Table[] getInverseDependency(Table table)
      String sMatch = "${table:" + table.getName() + "}";
      List/*<Table>*/ list = new ArrayList/*<Table>*/();

      for (Iterator/*<Table>*/ itr = table.getSchema().getTableIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         Table view = (Table);

         if (view.getType() != Table.QUERY && view.getType() != Table.VIEW)
            continue; // only Table.QUERY and Table.VIEW can have dependencies

         String sSQL = view.getViewScript().findSQL(view.getSchema().getDataSource().getAdapter());

         if (sSQL != null && sSQL.replaceAll("--[^\n]*\n", "\n").contains(sMatch)) // strip comments

      return (Table[])list.toArray(new Table[list.size()]);

    * Gets a sorted array of SQLObjects from a schema.
    * @param schema The relational schema.
    * @return The sorted array of tables;
   protected static SQLObject[] getSortedObjects(RelationalSchema schema)
      SQLObject[] objArray = new SQLObject[schema.getObjectCount()];
      int i = 0;

      for (Iterator itr = schema.getObjectIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         objArray[i++] = (SQLObject);


      return objArray;

    * Should the specific index be created as a constraint.
    * @param index The index to check.
    * @return Should the specific index be created as a constraint.
   protected boolean isConstraint(Index index)
      return isPrimaryKey(index) && index.getTable().getType() == Table.MANAGED;

    * Check if the specified table is allowed to have indexes.
    * @param table The table to check.
    * @return Can the specified table have indexes defined on it.
   protected boolean isIndexable(Table table)
      return table.getType() == Table.MANAGED;

    * Check if the specified SQL Script is valid with respect to the specific RelationalSchema.
    * @param schema The schema to validate view tables against.
    * @param script The script to validate.
    * @return If the specified SQL Script is valid with respect to the specific RelationalSchema.
   protected boolean isValidScript(SQLScript script, RelationalSchema schema)
         getExecSQL(script, schema, null);
      catch (MetadataException e)
         return false;

      return true;

    * A function capable of parsing strings representing byte value with possible scale suffixes.
    * @param sValue The value to parse.
    * @return The value in bytes.
    * @throws NumberFormatException If the value is not parsable.
   protected static long parseByteValue(String sValue) throws NumberFormatException
      if (sValue == null)
         return Long.parseLong(sValue); // no value

      int nEnd = sValue.length();

      while (--nEnd >= 0 && !Character.isDigit(sValue.charAt(nEnd))); // find position of last digit

      long lValue = Long.parseLong(sValue.substring(0, ++nEnd).trim());
      String sScale = sValue.substring(nEnd).trim();

      if (sScale.length() == 0 || "B".equalsIgnoreCase(sScale)) // check bytes here as 'BB' invalid
         return lValue; // value in bytes

      if (sScale.length() == 1 ||
          (sScale.length() == 2 && "B".equalsIgnoreCase(sScale.substring(1))) || // EB/TB/GB/MB/KB
          (sScale.length() == 3 && // EiB/TiB/GiB/MiB/KiB SI case sensitive suffixes
           ("EiB".equals(sScale) || "PiB".equals(sScale) || "TiB".equals(sScale) ||
            "GiB".equals(sScale) || "MiB".equals(sScale) || "KiB".equals(sScale))))
         long lScale = 1;

         switch (sScale.charAt(0)) // fall through from top to bottom
            case 'E':
            case 'e':
               lScale <<= 10;
            case 'P':
            case 'p':
               lScale <<= 10;
            case 'T':
            case 't':
               lScale <<= 10;
            case 'G':
            case 'g':
               lScale <<= 10;
            case 'M':
            case 'm':
               lScale <<= 10;
            case 'K':
            case 'k':
               lScale <<= 10;
               return lValue * lScale; // don't bitshift lValue as it might be negative

      return Long.parseLong(sValue); // unsupported value, parse as byte value

    * Sets the persistence adapter.
    * @param adapter The persistence adapter to set.
   public void setAdapter(SQLAdapter adapter)
      m_adapter = adapter;

    * @return The persistence adapter.
   public SQLAdapter getAdapter()
      return m_adapter;

    * Sets the database fragment.
    * @param fragment The fragment to set. Can be null.
   public void setFragment(RelationalDatabaseFragment fragment)
      if (fragment == null)

    * Sets the SQL connection.
    * @param connection The SQL connection to set.
   public void setConnection(Connection connection)
      m_connection = connection;

    * @return The SQL connection.
   public Connection getConnection()
      return m_connection;

    * Sets the SQL appender.
    * @param appender The SQL appender to set.
   public void setSQLAppender(SQLAppender appender)
      m_appender = appender;

    * @return The SQL appender.
   public SQLAppender getSQLAppender()
      return m_appender;
    * Sets the metadata object owner.
    * @param sOwner The metadata object owner to set.
   public void setOwner(String sOwner)
      if (StringUtil.equalIgnoreCase(getDefaultOwner(), sOwner) || "".equals(sOwner))
         sOwner = null;

      m_sOwner = sOwner;

    * @return The metadata object owner.
   public String getOwner()
      return (m_sOwner != null) ? m_sOwner : getDefaultOwner();  

    * @return The default schema owner name.
   public String getDefaultOwner()
      return null;

    * @return The default pagesize to use for DB, or 0 for no default.
   protected int getDefaultPageSize()
      return 0;

    * @return The default role granted schema access.
   public String getDefaultRole()
      return "njdbuser";

    * @return The default tablespace name.
   protected abstract String getDefaultTablespace();

    * @return The default index tablespace name.
   protected abstract String getDefaultIndexspace();

    * @return The default long column tablespace name.
   protected abstract String getDefaultLongspace();

    * Initializes the manager based on the schema.
    * @param schema The schema object.
   protected void init(RelationalSchema schema)

    * Reads a relational schema from the database.
    * @param schema The destination schema.
    * @param sCatalogName The catalog name. Can be null.
    * @param sSchemaPattern The schema pattern with % and _ characters. Can be null.
    * @param sTablePattern The table pattern with % and _ characters. Can be null.
    * @param nameSet The table name set. Can be null to read all the tables.
    * @param progress The progress listener. Can be null.
    * @throws PersistenceException if an error occurs.
   public void readSchema(RelationalSchema schema, String sCatalogName,
      String sSchemaPattern, String sTablePattern, Set nameSet, ProgressListener progress)
      ResultSet rs = null;
      DatabaseMetaData dbmeta = null;
      boolean bPortable = true;
      int nTableCount = 0;
      Table lastTable;
      int nCurTable;

      assert schema.getTableCount() == 0;
      assert m_connection != null;


         Lookup tableMap = new HashTab();

         dbmeta = m_connection.getMetaData();

         // Read the tables

         if (progress != null)
            progress.progress("info.sql.schemaManager.readingTables", null, 0);

         sCatalogName = toDatabaseCase(sCatalogName);
         sSchemaPattern = toDatabaseCase(sSchemaPattern);
         sTablePattern = toDatabaseCase(sTablePattern);

         rs = dbmeta.getTables(sCatalogName, sSchemaPattern, sTablePattern, new String[]{"TABLE"});

         if (progress != null)
            progress.progress("info.sql.schemaManager.readingTables", null, 0.01);

         while (
            String sReadCatalogName = rs.getString("TABLE_CAT");
            String sSchemaName = toMetadataCase(rs.getString("TABLE_SCHEM"));
            String sTableName = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME");

            if (!isValidTableName(sTableName))

            if (nameSet != null && !nameSet.contains(sTableName))

            sTableName = toMetadataCase(sTableName);

            Table table = new Table(schema);

            table.setName(getFullTableName(sSchemaName, sTableName));

            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
               s_logger.debug("Read table \"" + ((sReadCatalogName == null) ? "" : sReadCatalogName) +
                  "." + ((sSchemaName == null) ? "" : sSchemaName) + "." + sTableName +
                  "\" -> \"" + table.getName() + "\"");

               tableMap.put(table, new String[]{sReadCatalogName, sSchemaName});
               bPortable &= isPortable(table);
            catch (MetadataException e)
               s_logger.error("Cannot add table \"" + table.getName() + "\"", e);

         rs = null;

         if (nTableCount == 0)
            nTableCount = 1;

         // Read the columns

         rs = dbmeta.getColumns(sCatalogName, sSchemaPattern, sTablePattern, "%");
         lastTable = null;
         nCurTable = 0;

         Lookup2D caseInsensitiveSet = new HashTab2D(); // Object[Table][String]

         while (
            Table table = schema.findTable(

            if (table == null)

            if (progress != null && table != lastTable)
               lastTable = table;
               progress.progress("info.sql.schemaManager.readingColumns", new Object[]{table.getName()},
                  0.05 + 0.15 * (nCurTable++ / nTableCount));

            String sColName = toMetadataCase(rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
            String sName = null;

            if (sColName != null)
               sName = getCaseSensitiveName(sColName);

               if (isCaseInsensitive(sColName))
                  caseInsensitiveSet.put(table, sName, Boolean.TRUE);

            if (!isValidColumnName(sColName))

            Column column = new Column(sName, table);

            column.setNullable(rs.getInt("NULLABLE") != DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls);

            String sTypeName = rs.getString("TYPE_NAME");
            int nType = rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE");
            int nPrecision = rs.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE");
            int nScale = rs.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS");
            byte nAllocation = Column.FIXED;
            Primitive type = null;
            switch (nType)
               case Types.BIGINT:
                  type = Primitive.LONG;
                  nPrecision = 0;
                  nScale = 0;
               case Types.BINARY:
                  type = Primitive.BINARY;
                  nScale = 0;
               case Types.BIT:
               case Types.BOOLEAN:
                  type = Primitive.BOOLEAN;
                  nPrecision = 0;
                  nScale = 0;

               case Types.BLOB:
               case Types.LONGVARBINARY:
                  type = Primitive.BINARY;
                  if (nPrecision <= 0x4000)
                     nPrecision = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

                  nScale = 0;
                  nAllocation = (nType == Types.BLOB) ? Column.LOCATOR : Column.VARYING;

               case Types.CHAR:
                  sTypeName = sTypeName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);

                  if (sTypeName.equals("uniqueidentifier"))
                     type = Primitive.BINARY;
                     nPrecision = 16;
                     nScale = 0;
                     type = Primitive.STRING;
                     nScale = 0;


               case Types.CLOB:
               case Types.LONGVARCHAR:
                  type = Primitive.STRING;
                  if (nPrecision <= 0x4000)
                     nPrecision = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                  nScale = 0;
                  nAllocation = (nType == Types.CLOB) ? Column.LOCATOR : Column.VARYING;
               case Types.DATE:
               case Types.TIME:
               case Types.TIMESTAMP:
                  type = Primitive.TIMESTAMP;
                  nPrecision = 0;
                  nScale = 0;
               case Types.DECIMAL:
               case Types.NUMERIC:
                  type = Primitive.DECIMAL;
                  if (nScale == 0 && nPrecision <= 20)
                     if (nPrecision <= 10)
                        type = Primitive.INTEGER;

                        if (nPrecision <= 3)
                           nPrecision = 1;
                        else if (nPrecision <= 5)
                           nPrecision = 2;
                           nPrecision = 0;
                        type = Primitive.LONG;
                        nPrecision = 0;


               case Types.DOUBLE:
               case Types.FLOAT:
                  type = Primitive.DOUBLE;
                  nPrecision = 0;
                  nScale = 0;

               case Types.INTEGER:
                  type = Primitive.INTEGER;
                  nPrecision = 0;
                  nScale = 0;

               case Types.SMALLINT:
                  type = Primitive.INTEGER;
                  nPrecision = 2;
                  nScale = 0;

               case Types.TINYINT:
                  type = Primitive.INTEGER;
                  nPrecision = 1;
                  nScale = 0;

               case Types.REAL:
                  type = Primitive.FLOAT;
                  nPrecision = 0;
                  nScale = 0;
               case Types.VARBINARY:
                  type = Primitive.BINARY;
                  nScale = 0;
                  nAllocation = Column.VARYING;

               case Types.VARCHAR:
                  type = Primitive.STRING;
                  nScale = 0;
                  nAllocation = Column.VARYING;

                  sTypeName = sTypeName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);

                  if (sTypeName.equals("nchar"))
                     type = Primitive.STRING;
                     nPrecision >>= 1;
                     nScale = 0;
                  else if (sTypeName.equals("nvarchar2") || sTypeName.equals("nvarchar"))
                     type = Primitive.STRING;
                     nPrecision >>= 1;
                     nScale = 0;
                     nAllocation = Column.VARYING;
                  else if (sTypeName.equals("binary_double"))
                     type = Primitive.DOUBLE;
                     nPrecision = 0;
                     nScale = 0;
                  else if (sTypeName.equals("binary_float"))
                     type = Primitive.FLOAT;
                     nPrecision = 0;
                     nScale = 0;
                  else if (sTypeName.startsWith("timestamp"))
                     type = Primitive.TIMESTAMP;
                     nPrecision = 0;
                     nScale = 0;
                  else if (sTypeName.equals("nclob") || sTypeName.equals("clob"))
                     type = Primitive.STRING;
                     if (nPrecision <= 0x4000)
                        nPrecision = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                     nScale = 0;
                     nAllocation = Column.LOCATOR;
                  else if (sTypeName.equals("blob"))
                     type = Primitive.BINARY;
                     if (nPrecision <= 0x4000)
                        nPrecision = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
                     nScale = 0;
                     nAllocation = Column.LOCATOR;

            if (nPrecision < 0)
               nPrecision = 0;

            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
               s_logger.debug("Read column \"" + table.getName() + "." + column.getName() + "\" " +
                  sTypeName + "(" + rs.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE") + "," + rs.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS") +
                  "), SQLType=" + nType + " -> " + ((type == null) ? "ignored: unsupported type" : type.getName() +
                  "(" + nPrecision + "," + nScale + "), allocation=" + nAllocation));

            if (type != null)

                  bPortable &= isPortable(column);
               catch (MetadataException e)
                  s_logger.error("Cannot add column \"" + column.getName() + "\"", e);

         rs = null;

         // Set the case-sensitive columns

         for (Iterator tableItr = tableMap.iterator(); tableItr.hasNext();)
            Table table = (Table);

            for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); ++i)
               Column column = table.getColumn(i);

               if (!caseInsensitiveSet.contains(table, column.getName()))

         // Read the indexes

         nCurTable = 0;

         for (Iterator itr = schema.getTableIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
            Table table = (Table);
            String[] names = (String[])tableMap.get(table);
            Index index = null;
            boolean bIgnore = false;
            if (progress != null)
               progress.progress("info.sql.schemaManager.readingIndexes", new Object[]{table.getName()},
                  0.20 + 0.50 * (nCurTable++ / nTableCount));

            rs = getIndexInfo(
                    names[0], toDatabaseCase(names[1]), toDatabaseCase(table.getTableName()));

            while (
               String sIndexName = toMetadataCase(rs.getString("INDEX_NAME"));

               if (sIndexName == null)
               String sColumnName = rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME");
               boolean bAscending = !"D".equals(rs.getString("ASC_OR_DESC"));
               boolean bUnique = !rs.getBoolean("NON_UNIQUE");
               int nType = rs.getInt("TYPE");

               sIndexName = generateIndexName(table.getTableName(), sIndexName, null);

               if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                  s_logger.debug("Read index column \"" + sIndexName + "." +
                     sColumnName + "\", ascending=" + bAscending);

               if (index != null && !index.getName().equals(sIndexName))
                  if (!bIgnore)
                     if (addIndex(table, index))
                        bPortable &= isPortable(index);

                  index = null;
                  bIgnore = false;

               if (index == null)
                  index = new Index(sIndexName, (nType == DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexClustered)
                                                ? Index.CLUSTER : Index.BTREE, table);

               if (!isValidColumnName(sColumnName))
                  if (isCaseInsensitive(sColumnName))
                     sColumnName = getCaseSensitiveName(sColumnName);
                  else if (isFunctionalIndexSupported())
                     String sExpr = rs.getString("EXPR");

                     if (sExpr != null && sExpr.length() != 0)
                        String sName = getCaseSensitiveNameFromExpression(sExpr);

                        if (sName == null)
                           bIgnore = true;
                           sColumnName = sName;
                     bIgnore = true;

               sColumnName = toMetadataCase(sColumnName);

               if (!bIgnore)
                     index.addIndexColumn(new IndexColumn(table.getColumn(sColumnName), bAscending));
                  catch (MetadataException e)
                     s_logger.error("Cannot find column \"" + sColumnName +
                        "\", ignoring index \"" + sIndexName + "\"", e);
                     bIgnore = true;

            if (index != null && !bIgnore)
               if (addIndex(table, index))
                  bPortable &= isPortable(index);

            rs = null;

            // Read the primary key

            rs = getPrimaryKeys(names[0], names[1], table.getTableName());
            index = null;
            bIgnore = false;

               while (
                  String sColumnName = toMetadataCase(rs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"));
                  if (index == null)
                     String sIndexName = rs.getString("PK_NAME");

                     if (sIndexName == null)
                        sIndexName = table.getName() + ".PK";
                        index = new Index(sIndexName, Index.BTREE, table);
                        sIndexName = generateIndexName(table.getTableName(), sIndexName, "PK");
                        index = table.findIndex(sIndexName);

                        if (index == null)
                           index = new Index(sIndexName, Index.BTREE, table);
                           bIgnore = true;


                  if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                     s_logger.debug("Read primary key column \"" + index.getName() + "." + sColumnName + "\"");

                  index.addIndexColumn(new IndexColumn(table.getColumn(sColumnName), true));
            catch (MetadataException e)
               s_logger.error("Cannot add primary key to table \"" + table.getName() + "\"", e);
               bIgnore = true;

            if (index != null)
               if (!bIgnore)
                  if (addIndex(table, index))
                     bPortable &= isPortable(index);
               for (int i = 0; i < table.getIndexCount(); ++i)
                  index = table.getIndex(i);
                  if (index.isUnique())
            if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
               if (table.getPrimaryKey() != null)
                  s_logger.debug("The primary key of table \"" + table.getName() +
                     "\" is \"" + table.getPrimaryKey().getName() + "\"");
                  s_logger.debug("Table \"" + table.getName() + "\" has no primary key");

            rs = null;

         // Read the foreign keys

         nCurTable = 0;

         for (Iterator itr = schema.getTableIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
            Table table = (Table);
            String[] names = (String[])tableMap.get(table);
            Index index = null;
            boolean bIgnore = false;

            if (progress != null)
               progress.progress("info.sql.schemaManager.readingForeignKeys", new Object[]{table.getName()},
                  0.70 + 0.30 * (nCurTable++ / nTableCount));

            rs = dbmeta.getExportedKeys(names[0], names[1], table.getTableName());

            while (
               String sColumnName = toMetadataCase(rs.getString("FKCOLUMN_NAME"));
               String sSchemaName = rs.getString("FKTABLE_SCHEM");
               String sTableName = rs.getString("FKTABLE_NAME");
               String sIndexName = rs.getString("FK_NAME");

               Table foreignTable = schema.findTable(getFullTableName(sSchemaName, sTableName));

               if (foreignTable == null)

               sIndexName = generateIndexName(foreignTable.getTableName(), sIndexName, "FK" + (foreignTable.getIndexCount() + 1));

               if (index != null && !index.getName().equals(sIndexName))
                  if (!bIgnore)
                     if (addIndex(index.getTable(), index))
                        addRelatedKey(table, index);
                        bPortable &= isPortable(index);

                  index = null;
                  bIgnore = false;

               if (index == null)
                  if (rs.getString("FK_NAME") == null)
                     index = new Index(sIndexName, Index.BTREE, foreignTable);
                     index = foreignTable.findIndex(sIndexName);
                     if (index == null)
                        index = new Index(sIndexName, Index.BTREE, foreignTable);
                        addRelatedKey(table, index);
                        bIgnore = true;

               if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                  s_logger.debug("Read foreign key column \"" + index.getName() + "." + sColumnName + "\"");

               if (!bIgnore)

                     index.addIndexColumn(new IndexColumn(index.getTable().getColumn(sColumnName),
                  catch (MetadataException e)
                     s_logger.error("Cannot add foreign key column to index \"" + index.getName() + "\"", e);
                     bIgnore = true;

            if (index != null && !bIgnore)
                if (addIndex(index.getTable(), index))
                   addRelatedKey(table, index);
                   bPortable &= isPortable(index);

            rs = null;
      catch (SQLException e)
         throw new PersistenceException("err.persistence.schemaRead", e);
         if (rs != null)
            catch (SQLException e)
               s_logger.error("Error closing the SQL result set", e);
    * Determines if a table is portable.
    * @param table The table to check.
    * @return True if portable.
   protected static boolean isPortable(Table table)
      return table.getTableName().length() <= Table.MAX_NAME_LENGTH;
    * Determines if the column is portable.
    * @param column The column to check.
    * @return True if portable.
   protected static boolean isPortable(Column column)
      return column.getName().length() <= Column.MAX_NAME_LENGTH;
    * Determines if the index is portable.
    * @param index The index to check.
    * @return True if portable.
   protected static boolean isPortable(Index index)
      return index.getName().length() <= Index.MAX_NAME_LENGTH;
    * Determines if a table should be read based on its name.
    * @param sName The table name. Can be null.
    * @return True if the table should be read.
   protected boolean isValidTableName(String sName)
      if (sName == null || sName.indexOf('$') >= 0)
         return false;
      return true;

    * Determines if a column should be read based on its name.
    * @param sName The column name. Can be null.
    * @return True if the column should be read.
   protected boolean isValidColumnName(String sName)
      if (sName == null || sName.indexOf('$') >= 0)
         return false;

      return true;

    * Determines if a column name corresponds to a case-insensitive column.
    * @param sName The raw column name in the database.
    * @return True if the column is case insensitive.
   protected boolean isCaseInsensitive(String sName)
      return false;

    * Gets the case-sensitive column name from a raw name.
    * @param sName The raw column name in the database.
    * @return The case-sensitive column name.
   protected String getCaseSensitiveName(String sName)
      return sName;

    * Gets a column name from a functional index expression.
    * @param sExpr The expression.
    * @return The column name, or null if nor found.
   protected String getCaseSensitiveNameFromExpression(String sExpr)
      return null;

    * Normalizes a schema object name for use in the database.
    * @param sName The schema object name.
    * @return The normalized name.
   protected String toDatabaseCase(String sName)
      if (sName == null)
         return sName;

      return sName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);

    * Normalizes a schema object name case for use in the metadata.
    * @param sName The schema object name.
    * @return The normalized name.
   protected String toMetadataCase(String sName)
      if (sName == null)
         return null;

      if (sName.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH).equals(sName))
         return sName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);

      return sName;

    * Creates a result set with index information.
    * @param sCatalog The catalog name.
    * @param sSchema The schema name.
    * @param sTable The table name.
    * @return The result set according to the JDBC spec.
   protected ResultSet getIndexInfo(String sCatalog, String sSchema, String sTable) throws SQLException
      return m_connection.getMetaData().getIndexInfo(sCatalog, sSchema, sTable, false, true);

    * Return the index that is the actual primary key as defined in the RDBMS.
    * @param table The table to get the primary key for (not null).
    * @return The primary key index as seen by RDBMS.
   protected Index getPrimaryKey(Table table)
      return table.getPrimaryKey();

    * Creates a result set with descriptions of the given table's primary key columns.
    * @param sCatalog The catalog name.
    * @param sSchema The schema name.
    * @param sTable The table name.
    * @return The result set according to the JDBC spec.
    * @see java.sql.DatabaseMetaData#getPrimaryKeys(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
   protected ResultSet getPrimaryKeys(String sCatalog, String sSchema, String sTable) throws SQLException
      return m_connection.getMetaData().getPrimaryKeys(sCatalog, sSchema, sTable);

    * @return True if functional indexes are supported.
   protected boolean isFunctionalIndexSupported()
      return false;

    * Return if the index is the actual primary key for its table as defined in the RDBMS.
    * @param index The index to check.
    * @return If the index is the actual primary key for its table as defined in the RDBMS.
   protected boolean isPrimaryKey(Index index)
      return index != null && index == getPrimaryKey(index.getTable());

    * Generates an index name based on a table name.
    * @param sTableName The table name.
    * @param sIndexName The index name, can be null.
    * @param sDefault The default index name, if sIndexName is null.
    * @return The generated index name: table.index.
   protected String generateIndexName(String sTableName, String sIndexName, String sDefault)
      if (sIndexName != null)
         if (sIndexName.startsWith(sTableName))
            if (sIndexName.length() != sTableName.length())
               sIndexName = sIndexName.substring(sTableName.length());
               while (sIndexName.charAt(0) == '_' && sIndexName.length() > 1)
                  sIndexName = sIndexName.substring(1);
            else if (sDefault != null)
               sIndexName = sDefault;
         else if (isIndexNameGlobal())
            return sIndexName;
         sIndexName = sDefault;

      return sTableName + '.' + sIndexName;

    * @return True if the index names are global in the schema.
   protected boolean isIndexNameGlobal()
      return false;

    * Adds an index to a given table.
    * @param table The table where to add the index.
    * @param index The index to add.
    * @return True if the operation succeeded.
   protected static boolean addIndex(Table table, Index index)
         if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
            s_logger.debug("Read index \"" + index.getName() + "\", unique=" + index.isUnique() +
               ", type=" + index.getType());

      catch (MetadataException e)
         s_logger.error("Cannot add index \"" + index.getName() + "\" to table \"" + table.getName() + "\"", e);
         return false;

      return true;

    * Adds a foreign key referencing a given table.
    * @param table The referenced table containing the primary key.
    * @param index The foreign key.
   protected static void addRelatedKey(Table table, Index index)

      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
         s_logger.debug("Added foreign key \"" + index.getName() +
            "\" to table \"" + index.getTable().getName() +
            "\" referencing table \"" + table.getName()+ "\"");

    * Append an SQL script to the appender, one statement at a time delimited by getSeparator().
    * @param sSQL The script to append.
   protected void appendSQLScript(String sScript)
      String[] sqlArray = sScript.split(getSeparator().replace(SysUtil.LINE_SEP, "\r?\n"));

      for (int i = 0; i < sqlArray.length; ++i)
         String sSQL = sqlArray[i].trim();

         if (sSQL.length() != 0)

    * Create a map of default properties for a given schema and overrides.
    * If multiple defaults available then first value will be returned.
    * @param schema The relational schema to create the database for.
    * @param config The custom values for template related properties.
    * @return Map of default properties for a schema taking into consideration supplied defaults.
   public PropertyMap getDefaultDatabaseProperties(RelationalSchema schema, PropertyMap config)
      String sScriptName = getSetupEtcScriptName();
      PropertyMap propertyMap = new TransferObject();
      PropertyMap referenceMap = setDefaultDatabaseProperties(new TransferObject());

      for (PropertyIterator itr = referenceMap.getIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         itr.setValue(null); // unset only default values so that they do not override custom later

      setCustomDatabaseProperties(referenceMap, config);
      setMetadataDatabaseProperties(referenceMap, schema);

      if (sScriptName != null)
         InputStream istream = null;

            istream = URLUtil.openResource(getClass(), "etc/" + sScriptName);
                                new InputStreamReader(istream, XMLUtil.ENCODING),
         catch (Throwable t)

      PropertyMap defaultsMap = setDefaultDatabaseProperties(new TransferObject());

      // look for unset keys needing to be overridden with custom values or defaults
      for (PropertyIterator itr = propertyMap.getIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         String sKey = (String);
         Object value = referenceMap.findValue(sKey);

         if (value != null ||
             (itr.getValue() == null && (value = defaultsMap.findValue(sKey)) != null))
            itr.setValue(value); // override default in template with custom value in schema

      return propertyMap;

    * Set the key/value pairs for database template values which are taken from the user config.
    * @param map The map to modify (not null).
    * @param customMap The custom user values to use.
    * @return The PropertyMap that was used/modified.
   public PropertyMap setCustomDatabaseProperties(PropertyMap map, PropertyMap customMap)
      if (customMap == null)
         map.setValue("collation", null);
         map.setValue("datapath", null);
         map.setValue("indexpath", null);
         map.setValue("indexspacesize", null);
         map.setValue("indexspaceincrement", null);
         map.setValue("longpath", null);
         map.setValue("longspacesize", null);
         map.setValue("longspaceincrement", null);
         map.setValue("mempercent", null);
         map.setValue("memsizeperm", null);
         map.setValue("memsizetemp", null);
         map.setValue("tablespacesize", null);
         map.setValue("tablespaceincrement", null);
         map.setValue("tempspace", null);
         map.setValue("tempspacesize", null);
         map.setValue("tempspaceincrement", null);
         map.setValue("undopath", null);
         map.setValue("undospace", null);
         map.setValue("undospacesize", null);
         map.setValue("undospaceincrement", null);

         return map;

      Object dataPath = customMap.findValue("datapath");
      Object indexPath = customMap.findValue("indexpath");
      Object longPath = customMap.findValue("longpath");
      Object undoPath = customMap.findValue("undopath");

      map.setValue("collation", customMap.findValue("collation"));
      map.setValue("datapath", dataPath);
      map.setValue("indexpath", (indexPath == null) ? dataPath : indexPath);
      map.setValue("longpath", (longPath == null) ? dataPath : longPath);
      map.setValue("tempspace", customMap.findValue("tempspace"));
      map.setValue("undopath", (undoPath == null) ? dataPath : undoPath);
      map.setValue("undospace", customMap.findValue("undospace"));
      map.setValue("indexspacesize", formatByteSize((String)customMap.findValue("indexspacesize")));
         "indexspaceincrement", formatByteSize((String)customMap.findValue("indexspaceincrement")));
      map.setValue("longspacesize", formatByteSize((String)customMap.findValue("longspacesize")));
         "longspaceincrement", formatByteSize((String)customMap.findValue("longspaceincrement")));
      map.setValue("mempercent", formatPercent((String)customMap.findValue("mempercent")));
      map.setValue("memsizeperm", formatByteSize((String)customMap.findValue("memsizeperm")));
      map.setValue("memsizetemp", formatByteSize((String)customMap.findValue("memsizetemp")));
      map.setValue("tablespacesize", formatByteSize((String)customMap.findValue("tablespacesize")));
         "tablespaceincrement", formatByteSize((String)customMap.findValue("tablespaceincrement")));
      map.setValue("tempspacesize", formatByteSize((String)customMap.findValue("tempspacesize")));
         "tempspaceincrement", formatByteSize((String)customMap.findValue("tempspaceincrement")));
      map.setValue("undospacesize", formatByteSize((String)customMap.findValue("undospacesize")));
         "undospaceincrement", formatByteSize((String)customMap.findValue("undospaceincrement")));

      return map;

    * Set the key/value pairs for database template values which have hardcoded defaults.
    * @param map The map to modify (not null).
    * @return The PropertyMap that was used/modified.
   protected PropertyMap setDefaultDatabaseProperties(PropertyMap map)
      assert map != null;

      map.setValue("indexspace", getDefaultIndexspace());
      map.setValue("longspace", getDefaultLongspace());
                   (getDefaultPageSize() == 0) ? null : Integer.toString(getDefaultPageSize()));
      map.setValue("role", getDefaultRole());
      map.setValue("tablespace", getDefaultTablespace());
      map.setValue("user", getDefaultOwner());

      return map;

    * Set the key/value pairs for database template values which are available from metadata.
    * @param map The map to modify (not null).
    * @param schema The schema to get values from.
    * @return The PropertyMap that was used/modified.
   protected PropertyMap setMetadataDatabaseProperties(PropertyMap map, RelationalSchema schema)
      if (schema == null)
         map.setValue("adapter", null);
         map.setValue("database", null);
         map.setValue("host", null);
         map.setValue("indexfill", null);
         map.setValue("indexspace", null);
         map.setValue("instance", null);
         map.setValue("longspace", null);
         map.setValue("pagesize", null);
         map.setValue("port", null);
         map.setValue("role", null);
         map.setValue("tablespace", null);
         map.setValue("user", null);
         map.setValue("password", null);

         return map;

      RelationalDatabase rd = (RelationalDatabase)schema.getDataSource();
      RelationalDatabaseFragment rdf = (RelationalDatabaseFragment)rd.getDefaultFragment();
      String sIndexspace = ((RelationalDatabase)schema.getDataSource()).getIndexspaceName();
      String sLongspace = ((RelationalDatabase)schema.getDataSource()).getLongspaceName();
      String sTablespace = ((RelationalDatabase)schema.getDataSource()).getTablespaceName();

      sIndexspace = (sIndexspace == null) ? schema.getIndexspaceName() : sIndexspace;
      sLongspace = (sLongspace == null) ? schema.getLongspaceName() : sLongspace;
      sTablespace = (sTablespace == null) ? schema.getTablespaceName() : sTablespace;

      map.setValue("adapter", rd.getAdapter().getName());
      map.setValue("database", rdf.getDatabase());
      map.setValue("host", rdf.getHost());
                   (schema.getIndexFill() == 0) ? null : Byte.valueOf(schema.getIndexFill()));
      map.setValue("indexspace", (DEFAULT_TABLESPACE.equals(sIndexspace)) ? null : sIndexspace);
      map.setValue("instance", rdf.getInstance());
      map.setValue("longspace", (DEFAULT_TABLESPACE.equals(sLongspace)) ? null : sLongspace);
                   (rd.getPageSize() == 0) ? null : Primitive.createInteger(rd.getPageSize()));
      map.setValue("port", (rdf.getPort() == 0) ? null : Primitive.createInteger(rdf.getPort()));
      map.setValue("role", schema.getRoleName());
      map.setValue("tablespace", (DEFAULT_TABLESPACE.equals(sTablespace)) ? null : sTablespace);
      map.setValue("user", rdf.getUser());
      map.setValue("password", rdf.getPassword());

      return map;

    * Collect default values from setup template.
    * Only the first value will be populated. A duplicate value would cause a warning.
    * If a value has no default in the template then it will be set to null.
    * @param propertyMap The map to add collected custom properties to (not null).
    * @param referenceMap Properties will be added only for the keys defined in this map (not null).
    * @param input The reader to query for input (not null).
    * @param bTest Include "iftest" sections from template.
    * @return The PropertyMap that was used/modified.
    * @throws IOException On error reading from input.
   protected PropertyMap setTemplateDefaults(
      final PropertyMap propertyMap, final PropertyMap referenceMap,
      Reader input, final boolean bTest)
      throws IOException
      // multiple pass over input, with each pass interpreting next depth level for unknown keys
      Reader reader = new SQLTemplateSubstReader(input)
         protected Object getValue(String sKey, String sDefault)
            if (referenceMap.hasValue(sKey)) // valid key
               Object value = propertyMap.findValue(sKey);

               if (value == null) // valid key without value
                  propertyMap.setValue(sKey, sDefault);
               else if (sDefault != null && !value.equals(sDefault)) // new different default
                  s_logger.warn("Multiple defaults detected for key: " + sKey);
            else if (bTest || !sKey.equals("iftest")) // invalid key, possibly requiring reparsing
                  setTemplateDefaults(propertyMap, referenceMap, new StringReader(sDefault), bTest);
               catch (IOException e)
                  ObjUtil.rethrow(e); // wrap the exception to pass it out of this function

            return null;

         while ( >= 0); // consume entire input
      catch (RuntimeException e)
         if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException)
            throw (IOException)e.getCause(); // unwrap and rethrow original IOException

         throw e;

      return propertyMap;

    * Makes a full table name from the schema and the short table name.
    * @param sSchemaName The table schema name.
    * @param sTableName The short table name.
   protected String getFullTableName(String sSchemaName, String sTableName)
      if (m_sOwner != null)
         sSchemaName = m_sOwner;

      if (sSchemaName != null && sSchemaName.length() != 0 &&
         !StringUtil.equalIgnoreCase(sSchemaName, getDefaultOwner()))
         return sSchemaName + "." + sTableName;

      return sTableName;

    * Appends to the SQL appender the SQL statements to create a Database.
    * @param schema The relational schema to create the database for (final for reader definition).
    * @param config The custom values for template related properties.
   public void createDatabase(RelationalSchema schema, PropertyMap config)
      String sScriptName = getSetupEtcScriptName();

      if (sScriptName == null)

      if (!(schema.getDataSource() instanceof RelationalDatabase) ||
          !(schema.getDataSource().getDefaultFragment() instanceof RelationalDatabaseFragment))
         throw new IllegalStateException(); // this should not be user-triggerable

      InputStream istream = null;
      StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
      PropertyMap propertiesMap = new TransferObject();

      setCustomDatabaseProperties(propertiesMap, config);
      setMetadataDatabaseProperties(propertiesMap, schema);

      // check if any of the path parameters are in a Microsoft compatible format
      boolean bWindowsCompatible = false;
      String[] sPathArray = new String[]{"datapath", "indexpath", "longpath", "undopath"};

      for (int i = 0; i < sPathArray.length && !bWindowsCompatible; ++i)
         String sPath = (String)config.findValue(sPathArray[i]);

         bWindowsCompatible =
            sPath != null &&
            (sPath.indexOf('\\') > -1 ||
             sPath.length() == 2 && sPath.charAt(1) == ':' && Character.isLetter(sPath.charAt(0)));

         istream = URLUtil.openResource(getClass(), "etc/" + sScriptName);
                     new DatabaseTemplateSubstReader(
                        new InputStreamReader(istream, XMLUtil.ENCODING),
                        setDefaultDatabaseProperties(new TransferObject()),
                        (bWindowsCompatible) ? '\\' : '/'));
      catch (Throwable t)


    * Appends the SQL statements to create a schema to the SQL appender.
    * @param schema The relational schema.
   public void createSchema(RelationalSchema schema)
      script(getCreateEtcScriptName(), schema);

      Table[] tableArray = getSortedTables(schema);

      for (int i = 0; i < tableArray.length; ++i)

      SQLObject[] objArray = getSortedObjects(schema);

      for (int i = 0; i < objArray.length; ++i)

      Table versionTable = schema.getVersionTable();

      // If the version table exists
      if (versionTable != null && versionTable.getType() == Table.MANAGED)
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(64);
         Metadata metadata = schema.getMetadata();
         SchemaVersion version = new SchemaVersion();

         appendVersionTableInsert(buf, schema, version, false); // set version to match schema

    * Appends the SQL statements to create a given table to the SQL appender.
    * @param table The table object.
   public void createTable(Table table)

      if (table.getType() == Table.MANAGED ||
          table.getType() == Table.QUERY ||
          table.getType() == Table.VIEW)
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(128);

         if (table.getType() == Table.MANAGED)
            // create the table

            buf.append("create table ");

            // add the table columns
            for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); ++i)
               Column column = table.getColumn(i);

               if (i > 0)

               if (i % 3 == 0)
                  buf.append("   ");
               else if (i > 0)
                  buf.append(' ');

               appendColumnDeclaration(buf, column, true, true, ", ");

            if (isConstraint(getPrimaryKey(table)))
               appendPrimaryKey(buf, table);

            appendTableSuffix(buf, table);
            appendViewDeclaration(buf, table);


         createIndexes(table); // create the table indexes

    * Appends SQL using a table stored with "original" definition and recreating it according to
    * the "modified" definition. Data is preserved for columns with matching names.
    * @param target The modified table definition that the table must match after recreation.
    * @param current The original table definition currently persisted in RDBMS.
    * @param columnMap Map of new column name to old column name for column data preservation,
    *                  null map or missing values == preserve column data,
    *                  null values == do not preserve column data.
    * Note: on error this implementation will leave original table renamed as table.getName() + "$"
   protected void recreateTable(Table target, Table current, Lookup/*<String, String>*/ columnMap)
      if (current.getType() != Table.MANAGED)

         return; // nothing to do

      Table original = current;

      if (target.getQuotedName().equals(current.getQuotedName())) // rename table before recreation
         Table tmpTable = current.cloneTemporary(); // need different object for renameTable()

         for (int i = tmpTable.getIndexCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i) // backwards due to index removal
            Index index = tmpTable.getIndex(i);

            if (target.findIndex(index.getName()) != null) // only discard index collisions
               discardIndex(index, true); // discard index to avoid name clashes

         tmpTable.setName(current.getFullName(getOwner(), "$", false));
         renameTable(tmpTable, current); // move original table out of the way
         current = tmpTable;

      createTable(target); // create table according to new definition
      copyTable(target, current, columnMap); // copy data with possible conversion
      dropTable(current); // drop original table
      original.copyFrom(target); // table definitions are identical after recreate

    * Append list of privileges granted by default to an entity.
    * @param buf The buffer to append privileges to.
    * @param table The entity to grant privileges to.
   protected void appendPrivileges(StringBuffer buf, Table table)
      buf.append("select, insert, update, delete, references");

    * Appends the SQL statements to grant access to a given table to the SQL appender.
    * @param table The table object.
   protected void grant(Table table)
      if (table.getType() == Table.MANAGED ||
          table.getType() == Table.QUERY ||
          table.getType() == Table.VIEW)
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(128);

         buf.append("grant ");
         appendPrivileges(buf, table);
         buf.append(" on ");
         buf.append(" to ");

    * Appends the SQL statements to rename a table to the SQL appender.
    * @param newTable The new table.
    * @param oldTable The old table.
   protected void renameTable(Table newTable, Table oldTable)
      copyTable(newTable, oldTable, null);

    * Appends SQL for copying one table into another. The columns should match by name.
    * @param dstTable The destination table.
    * @param srcTable The source table.
    * @param columnMap Map of new column name to old column name for column data preservation,
    *                  null map or missing values == preserve column data,
    *                  null values == do not preserve column data.
   protected void copyTable(Table dstTable, Table srcTable, Lookup/*<String, String>*/ columnMap)
      if (srcTable.getType() != Table.MANAGED || dstTable.getType() != Table.MANAGED)
         return; // nothing to do

      StringBuffer insertBuf = new StringBuffer(256);
      StringBuffer selectBuf = new StringBuffer(256);
      boolean bExecute = false;

      insertBuf.append("insert into ");
      selectBuf.append(") select ");

      for (int i = 0, nColCount = dstTable.getColumnCount(); i < nColCount; ++i)
         Column dstCol = dstTable.getColumn(i);
         String sDstColName = dstCol.getName();
         String sSrcColName = (columnMap != null && columnMap.contains(sDstColName))
                            ? (String)columnMap.get(sDstColName) : sDstColName;
         Column srcCol = (sSrcColName == null) ? null : srcTable.findColumn(sSrcColName);

         if (srcCol != null) // column requiring data to be preserved
            if (bExecute)
               insertBuf.append(", ");
               selectBuf.append(", ");

            appendColumnName(insertBuf, dstCol, ", ");
            appendColumnName(selectBuf, srcCol, dstCol, ", ");
            bExecute = true;

      insertBuf.append(" from ");

      if (bExecute) // do not execute copy if there is nothing to copy

    * Copies a column data into another column.
    * @param dstColumn The destination column.
    * @param srcColumn The source column.
   protected void copyColumn(Column dstColumn, Column srcColumn)
      Table table = dstColumn.getTable();

      assert ObjUtil.equal(table.getName(), srcColumn.getTable().getName());

      if (table.getType() == Table.MANAGED)
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(128);

         buf.append("update ");

         buf.append(" set ");
         appendColumnAssignment(buf, dstColumn, srcColumn);


    * @return The keywords that start an add column definition.
   protected String getAddColumnToken()
      return " add ";

    * Appends SQL for altering a column to the SQL appender.
    * @param newColumn The new column.
    * @param oldColumn The old column.
   protected void alterColumn(Column newColumn, Column oldColumn)
      Table table = newColumn.getTable();

      if (table.getType() == Table.MANAGED)
         if (!isImplicitConversion(oldColumn, newColumn))
            recreateTable(newColumn.getTable(), oldColumn.getTable(), null);


         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(128);

         buf.append("alter table ");
         appendColumnAlteration(buf, newColumn, oldColumn, null);


    * Can the DB implicitly convert values from 'source' column to 'target' column.
    * @param source The current column definition in DB.
    * @param target The required DB column definition after alteration.
    * @return The DB can implicitly convert column values.
   protected abstract boolean isImplicitConversion(Column source, Column target);

    * @return The keywords that start a drop column definition.
   protected String getAlterColumnToken()
      return " alter column ";

    * Appends SQL for renaming a column to the SQL appender.
    * @param newColumn The new column.
    * @param oldColumn The old column.
   protected void renameColumn(Column newColumn, Column oldColumn)
      dropIndexes(oldColumn, false);
      createColumn(newColumn, false);
      copyColumn(newColumn, oldColumn);

      if (!newColumn.isNullable())
         alterColumn(newColumn, oldColumn);


    * Appends SQL for dropping a column to the SQL appender.
    * @param column The column to drop.
   protected void dropColumn(Column column)
      Table table = column.getTable();

      if (table.getType() == Table.MANAGED)
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(64);

         buf.append("alter table ");
         appendColumnName(buf, column, getDropColumnToken());


    * @return The keywords that start a drop column definition.
   protected String getDropColumnToken()
      return " drop column ";

    * Appends a column assignment clause (dstColumn = srcColumn).
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param dstColumn The destination column.
    * @param srcColumn The source column.
   protected void appendColumnAssignment(StringBuffer buf, Column dstColumn, Column srcColumn)
      buf.append(" = ");

    * Appends a column name to a selection list in a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param column The column to append.
    * @param sSep The separator for additional columns.
   protected void appendColumnName(StringBuffer buf, Column column, String sSep)

    * Appends a column name with its type and case converted for target column,
    * to a selection list in a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer (not null).
    * @param column The column to append (not null).
    * @param target The target to convert to (not null).
    * @param sSep The separator for additional columns.
   protected void appendColumnName(StringBuffer buf, final Column column, Column target, String sSep)
      if (column.getType() == target.getType())
      else // perform type conversion
         m_adapter.appendTypeConversion(buf, null, column.getType(), target.getType(),
            new SQLGenerator(null, m_adapter)
            protected void appendOperator(StringBuffer buf, Operator op)

            public String getOwner()
               return SQLSchemaManager.this.getOwner();

    * Appends a single table column declaration to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param column The column to append.
    * @param sSuffix The column name suffix.
    * @param bNullability True to append the column nullability specification.
    * @param bCreateTable True if column declaration used for "create table".
   protected void appendColumnDeclaration(StringBuffer buf, Column column, String sSuffix,
      boolean bNullability, boolean bCreateTable)
      if (sSuffix != null)

      buf.append(' ');
      appendColumnType(buf, column);
      appendColumnSuffix(buf, column);

      if (bNullability)
         if (!column.isNullable())
            buf.append(" not");
         buf.append(" null");

    * Appends a single column alteration to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param newColumn The altered column.
    * @param oldColumn The original column.
    * @param sSuffix The column name suffix.
   protected void appendColumnAlteration(StringBuffer buf, Column newColumn, Column oldColumn, String sSuffix)
      appendColumnDeclaration(buf, newColumn, sSuffix, true, false);

    * Appends a table column declaration to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param column The column to use.
    * @param bNullability True to append the column nullability specification.
    * @param bCreateTable True if column declaration used for "create table".
    * @param sSep The separator for additional columns.
   protected void appendColumnDeclaration(StringBuffer buf, Column column,
      boolean bNullability, boolean bCreateTable, String sSep)
      appendColumnDeclaration(buf, column, null, bNullability, bCreateTable);

    * Appends a table column type declaration to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param column The column to use.
   protected abstract void appendColumnType(StringBuffer buf, Column column);

    * Appends a table column suffix (col type ... not null) to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param column The column to use.
   protected void appendColumnSuffix(StringBuffer buf, Column column)
    * Appends the optional primary key constraint for a given table.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param table The table object.
   protected void appendPrimaryKey(StringBuffer buf, Table table)
      Index index = getPrimaryKey(table);

      if (index != null)
         buf.append("   ");
         appendPrimaryKey(buf, index);

    * Appends a primary key constraint for a given table.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param index The primary key index.
   protected void appendPrimaryKey(StringBuffer buf, Index index)
      Table table = index.getTable();

      buf.append("constraint ");
      buf.append(getIndexName(index.getName(), table.getPrefix(), table.getOwnerName(), true, true));
      buf.append(" primary key");
      appendPrimaryKeyPrefix(buf, index);
      appendIndexColumns(buf, index);
      appendPrimaryKeySuffix(buf, index);

    * Appends a primary key constraint prefix (constraint obj primary key ... ()) to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param index The index object.
   protected void appendPrimaryKeyPrefix(StringBuffer buf, Index index)

    * Appends a primary key constraint suffix (constraint () ...) to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param index The index object.
   protected void appendPrimaryKeySuffix(StringBuffer buf, Index index)

    * Appends the suffix for creating a given table (after create table() ...) to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param table The table object.
   protected void appendTableSuffix(StringBuffer buf, Table table)

    * Appends an index creation SQL to the SQL appender.
    * @param index The index object.
   protected void createIndex(Index index)
      Table table = index.getTable();

      if (index.getType() >= Index.BTREE && isIndexable(table))
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(128);

         if (!isConstraint(index))
            buf.append("create ");

            if (index.isUnique())
               buf.append("unique ");

            appendIndexPrefix(buf, index);

            buf.append("index ");
            buf.append(getIndexName(index, false, true));
            buf.append(" on ");
            appendIndexColumns(buf, index);
            appendIndexSuffix(buf, index);

         else if (isPrimaryKey(index))
            buf.append("alter table ");
            buf.append(" add ");
            appendPrimaryKey(buf, index);

    * Appends SQL to create indexes containing a given column.
    * @param column The column.
   protected void createIndexes(Column column)
      Table table = column.getTable();
      for (int i = 0, n = table.getIndexCount(); i < n; ++i)
         Index index = table.getIndex(i);

         if (index.findIndexColumn(column) != null)

    * Create all non-inlined indexes for a given table.
    * @param table The table to create all non-inlined indexes for.
   protected void createIndexes(Table table)
      for (int i = 0, nCount = table.getIndexCount(); i < nCount; ++i)
         Index index = table.getIndex(i);

         if (!isConstraint(index))

    * Appends SQL for renaming an index to the SQL appender.
    * @param newIndex The new index.
    * @param oldIndex The old index.
   protected void renameIndex(Index newIndex, Index oldIndex)
    * Gets an index name.
    * @param index The index object.
    * @param bConstraint True if the name is for a constraint clause.
    * @param bQuote True to quote the keywords.
    * @return The full index name.
   protected String getIndexName(Index index, boolean bConstraint, boolean bQuote)
      return getIndexName(index.getName(), index.getTable().getPrefix(),
               index.getTable().getOwnerName(), bConstraint, bQuote);

    * Gets a fully qualified index name.
    * @param index The index object.
    * @param bQuote True to quote the keywords.
   protected String getFullIndexName(Index index, boolean bQuote)
      return getIndexName(index, isPrimaryKey(index), bQuote);

    * Gets an index name.
    * @param sName The index name.
    * @param sPrefix The index name prefix.
    * @param sOwner The table owner, null to use the default one.
    * @param bConstraint True if the name is for a constraint clause.
    * @param bQuote True to quote the keywords.
    * @return The full index name.
    * @see nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLAdapter#indexNameMatches(nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.Index, java.lang.String)
   protected String getIndexName(String sName, String sPrefix, String sOwner, boolean bConstraint, boolean bQuote)
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(32);

      if (sPrefix != null)

      for (int i = 0; i < sName.length(); ++i)
         char ch = sName.charAt(i);

         if (ch == '.')
            ch = '_';


      sName = buf.toString();

      if (bQuote)
         sName = quote(sName);

      if (!bConstraint)
         if (sOwner == null)
            sOwner = getOwner();

         if (sOwner != null && sOwner.length() != 0)
            if (bQuote)
               sOwner = quote(sOwner);
            sName = sOwner + '.' + sName;

      return sName;
    * Appends the prefix for creating an index (create ... index) to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param index The index object.
   protected void appendIndexPrefix(StringBuffer buf, Index index)

    * Appends index columns to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param index The index object.
   protected void appendIndexColumns(StringBuffer buf, Index index)
      for (int i = 0; i < index.getIndexColumnCount(); ++i)
         IndexColumn icol = index.getIndexColumn(i);
         if (i > 0)
            buf.append(", ");

         appendIndexColumn(buf, icol);


    * Appends an index column to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param indexColumn The index column object.
   protected void appendIndexColumn(StringBuffer buf, IndexColumn indexColumn)
      appendIndexColumn(buf, indexColumn.getColumn());

      if (!indexColumn.isAscending())
         buf.append(" desc");

    * Appends an index column name to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param column The column object.
   protected void appendIndexColumn(StringBuffer buf, Column column)

    * Appends the suffix for creating an index (create index on obj() ...) to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param index The index object.
   protected void appendIndexSuffix(StringBuffer buf, Index index)

    * Appends an index drop SQL to the SQL appender.
    * @param index The index object.
   protected void dropIndex(Index index)
      Table table = index.getTable();

      if (index.getType() >= Index.BTREE && isIndexable(table))
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(128);

         if (isConstraint(index))
            buf.append("alter table ");
            buf.append(" drop constraint ");
            buf.append(getIndexName(index, true, true));
            buf.append("drop index ");
            buf.append(getFullIndexName(index, true));


    * Appends the SQL statements to drop a schema to the SQL appender.
    * @param schema The relational schema.
   public void dropSchema(RelationalSchema schema)
      Metadata metadata = schema.getMetadata();

      SQLObject[] objArray = getSortedObjects(schema);

      for (int i = 0; i < objArray.length; ++i)

      Lookup2D/*<String, Integer, List<Table>>*/ tableMap =
         new HashTab2D/*<String, Integer, List<Table>>*/(schema.getTableCount());

      if (metadata.isTestEnvironment())
         Upgrade upgrade = metadata.getUpgrade("Main");
         VersionUpgrade version = upgrade.getFirstVersion();
         Lookup/*<Object, UpgradeState>*/ stateMap = Upgrade.getInitialState(version);

         version = findFirstVersion(version, stateMap, (RelationalDatabase)schema.getDataSource());

         for (VersionUpgrade u = version; u != null; u = u.getNext())
            if (u instanceof RelationalSchemaUpgrade)
               RelationalSchemaUpgrade rsu = (RelationalSchemaUpgrade)u;

               if (rsu.getDataSource().getSchema() == schema)
                  RelationalSchemaUpgradeState state =
                     (RelationalSchemaUpgradeState)Upgrade.getState(stateMap, u);

                  for (int i = 0, nCount = rsu.getStepCount(); i < nCount; ++i)
                     rsu.getStep(i).apply(state); // apply every every step off this upgrade

                  addDropTable(tableMap, state.getSchema()); // add any differing definitions

      // Need to remove tables from schema prior to dropTable() so that dependency resolution works
      // as expected. For this a modifiable RelationalSchema is required.
      addDropTable(tableMap, (RelationalSchema)schema.clone());

      List/*<Table>*/ tableList = new ArrayList/*<Table>*/();

      for (Iterator/*<List<Table>>*/ itr = tableMap.valueIterator(); itr.hasNext();)

      Collections.sort(tableList, TABLE_COMPARATOR); // sort table array in predictable order

      for (int i = 0, nCount = tableList.size(); i < nCount; ++i)
         Table table = (Table)tableList.get(i);
         Table dropSchemaTable = table.getSchema().findTable(table.getName());

         // remove the table from its declaring schema for dropTable() dependency resolution to work
         // might be null for Main.upgrade tables dropped in some upgrade step
         if (dropSchemaTable != null)


      script(getDropEtcScriptName(), schema); // drop last since might contain stored proc for drop

    * Appends a drop SQL statement for a given table to the SQL appender.
    * @param table The table object.
   public void dropTable(Table table)
      if (table.getType() == Table.MANAGED ||
          table.getType() == Table.QUERY ||
          table.getType() == Table.VIEW)
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(64);

         if (table.getType() == Table.MANAGED)
            buf.append("drop table ");
            buf.append("drop view ");



    * Appends the SQL statements to truncate all the tables in a schema (except the version table)
    * to the SQL appender.
    * @param schema The relational schema.
   public void truncateSchema(RelationalSchema schema)
      SQLObject[] objArray = getSortedObjects(schema);

      for (int i = 0; i < objArray.length; ++i)

      Table[] tableArray = getSortedTables(schema);
      Table versionTable = schema.getVersionTable();

      for (int i = 0; i < tableArray.length; ++i)
         if (tableArray[i] != versionTable)

      for (int i = 0; i < objArray.length; ++i)

    * Appends a truncate SQL statement for a given table to the SQL appender.
    * @param table The table object.
   public void truncateTable(Table table)
      if (table.getType() == Table.MANAGED)
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(64);
         buf.append("truncate table ");

    * Appends the SQL statements to gather statistics for all the the tables in a schema to the SQL appender.
    * @param schema The relational schema.
   public void analyzeSchema(RelationalSchema schema)
      Table[] tableArray = getSortedTables(schema);

      for (int i = 0; i < tableArray.length; ++i)

    * Appends the SQL statements to gather statistics for a given table to the SQL appender.
    * @param table The table object.
   public abstract void analyzeTable(Table table);

    * Appends the SQL statements for a single step upgrade of a schema to the SQL appender.
    * @param upgrade The upgrade step container.
    * @param state The upgrade state, containing the modifiable schema.
    * @param version The current schema version. The step ordinal number is updated by this method.
   public void upgrade(RelationalSchemaUpgrade upgrade,
      RelationalSchemaUpgradeState state, SchemaVersion version)

      m_upgrade = upgrade;
      m_state = state;
      m_nStep = version.getStep();

      if (m_nStep < 0)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Version \"" + version.getVersion() + "\" upgrade already completed");

      if (m_nStep < upgrade.getStepCount())
         RelationalSchemaUpgradeStep step = upgrade.getStep(m_nStep++);
         if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
            s_logger.debug("Upgrade version \"" + version.getVersion() +
               "\", step " + (m_nStep - 1) + ": " + step);
         if (step instanceof CreateTableStep)
         else if (step instanceof AlterTableStep)
         else if (step instanceof RenameTableStep)
         else if (step instanceof DropTableStep)
         else if (step instanceof ApplyTableAspectStep)
         else if (step instanceof RemoveTableAspectStep)
         else if (step instanceof CreateColumnStep)
         else if (step instanceof AlterColumnStep)
         else if (step instanceof RenameColumnStep)
         else if (step instanceof DropColumnStep)
         else if (step instanceof CreateIndexStep)
         else if (step instanceof RenameIndexStep)
         else if (step instanceof DropIndexStep)
         else if (step instanceof ApplyIndexAspectStep)
         else if (step instanceof RemoveIndexAspectStep)
         else if (step instanceof CreateObjectStep)
         else if (step instanceof DropObjectStep)
         else if (step instanceof ExecStep)
         else if (step instanceof SupportAdapterStep)
            // NOOP
            throw new IllegalStateException();
      if (m_nStep >= upgrade.getStepCount())
         if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
            s_logger.debug("Completed upgrade version \"" + version.getVersion() + "\"");

         m_nStep = UPGRADE_END_STEP;


    * Appends SQL for creating a table to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The create table step.
   protected void createTable(CreateTableStep step)

    * Appends SQL for altering a table to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The alter table step.
   protected void alterTable(AlterTableStep step)
      Table table = m_state.getSchema().getTable(step.getName());
      Table current = null;
      Index oldPK = getPrimaryKey(table);
      String sNewPK = step.getPrimaryKeyName();
      boolean bCreateIndex = sNewPK != null && (oldPK == null || !oldPK.getName().equals(sNewPK));

      if (bCreateIndex)
         String sName = sNewPK;

         current = table.cloneTemporary();

         // check previous steps if PK was requested, if so then it would not have been created
         for (int i = m_nStep - 2; i >= 0; --i)
            RelationalSchemaUpgradeStep st = m_upgrade.getStep(i);

            if (st instanceof CreateIndexStep)
               if (((CreateIndexStep)st).getOutline().getName().equals(sName))
                  // index was never created, due to an optimization
            else if (st instanceof RenameIndexStep)
               if (((RenameIndexStep)st).getNewName().equals(sName))
                  sName = ((RenameIndexStep)st).getOldName();
            else if (!(st instanceof CreateColumnStep) &&
               !(st instanceof AlterColumnStep) &&
               !(st instanceof RenameColumnStep) &&
               !(st instanceof DropColumnStep) &&
               !(st instanceof DropIndexStep))


      if (bCreateIndex)
         Index newPK = getPrimaryKey(table);
         Table intermedary = current.cloneTemporary();

         // change/removal of PK requires drop of PK constraint/index
         if (oldPK != null && oldPK != newPK)

         newPK = intermedary.findIndex(newPK.getName()); // find index to be promoted to PK

         // an existing index exists that needs to be promoted to PK according to metadata
         if (newPK != null && newPK.getName().equals(sNewPK)) // PK may differ for e.g. Oracle

         dropIndexes(intermedary, current);
         createIndexes(table, intermedary);

    * Appends SQL for renaming a table to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The rename table step.
   protected void renameTable(RenameTableStep step)
      Table oldTable = m_state.getSchema().getTable(step.getOldName()).cloneTemporary();

      renameTable(step.getTable(), oldTable);

    * Appends SQL for dropping a table to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The drop table step.
   protected void dropTable(DropTableStep step)

    * Appends SQL for applying a table aspect to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The apply table aspect step.
   protected void applyTableAspect(ApplyTableAspectStep step)
      RelationalSchema schema = m_state.getSchema();
      List/*<Table>*/ tableList = new ArrayList/*<Table>*/();

      for (Iterator itr = step.getPointcutIterator(schema.getTableIterator());


      SQLScriptHolder holder = step.getScriptHolder();

      for (int i = 0, nCount = tableList.size(); i < nCount; ++i)
         Table current = (Table)tableList.get(i);
         Table target = schema.getTable(current.getName());

         createColumns(target, current, false); // create nullable columns
         execSQL(holder, current); // execute any defined scripts
         alterColumns(target, current); // set null constraint
         createIndexes(target, current); // create missing indexes

    * Appends SQL for removing a table aspect to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The remove table aspect step.
   protected void removeTableAspect(RemoveTableAspectStep step)
      RelationalSchema schema = m_state.getSchema();
      List/*<Table>*/ tableList = new ArrayList/*<Table>*/();

      for (Iterator itr = step.getPointcutIterator(schema.getTableIterator());


      for (int i = 0, nCount = tableList.size(); i < nCount; ++i)
         Table current = (Table)tableList.get(i);
         Table target = schema.getTable(current.getName());

         dropIndexes(target, current); // drop extra indexes
         dropColumns(target, current); // drop extra columns
         createIndexes(target, current); // recreate any indexes that had the dropped column

    * Appends SQL for creating a column to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The create column step.
   protected void createColumn(CreateColumnStep step)
      RelationalSchema schema = m_state.getSchema();
      Table table = schema.getTable(step.getTableName()); // table in the column is fully updated
      SQLScriptHolder holder = step.getScriptHolder();

      if (table.isAspect())
         int nEnd = 0;
         Table[] tableArray = getSortedTables(schema);

         for (int i = 0, nCount = tableArray.length; i < nCount; ++i)
            if (tableArray[i].hasAspect(table))
               tableArray[nEnd++] = tableArray[i].cloneTemporary();


         for (int i = 0; i < nEnd; ++i)
            Table current = tableArray[i];
            Table target = schema.getTable(current.getName());

            createColumns(target, current, false); // create nullable columns
            execSQL(holder, current); // execute any defined scripts
            alterColumns(target, current); // set null constraint
         Table current = table.cloneTemporary();

         table = schema.getTable(step.getTableName()); // refresh table from schema, required!
         createColumns(table, current, false); // create nullable columns
         execSQL(holder, current); // execute any defined scripts
         alterColumns(table, current);

    * Appends SQL for altering a column to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The alter column step.
   protected void alterColumn(AlterColumnStep step)
      RelationalSchema schema = m_state.getSchema();
      Table table = schema.getTable(step.getTableName());

      if (table.isAspect())
         int nEnd = 0;
         Table[] tableArray = getSortedTables(schema);

         for (int i = 0, nCount = tableArray.length; i < nCount; ++i)
            if (tableArray[i].hasAspect(table))
               tableArray[nEnd++] = tableArray[i].cloneTemporary();


         for (int i = 0; i < nEnd; ++i)
            Table current = tableArray[i];

            alterColumns(schema.getTable(current.getName()), current);
         Table current = table.cloneTemporary();

         alterColumns(table, current);

    * Appends SQL for renaming a column to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The rename column step.
   protected void renameColumn(RenameColumnStep step)
      RelationalSchema schema = m_state.getSchema();
      Table table = schema.getTable(step.getTableName());

      if (table.isAspect())
         List oldColumnList = new ArrayList();
         Table[] tableArray = getSortedTables(schema);

         for (int i = 0, nCount = tableArray.length; i < nCount; ++i)
            Table pointcut = tableArray[i];

            if (pointcut.hasAspect(table))


         for (int i = 0, n = oldColumnList.size(); i < n; ++i)
            Column oldColumn = (Column)oldColumnList.get(i);

            renameColumn(schema.getTable(oldColumn.getTable().getName()).getColumn(step.getNewName()), oldColumn);
         Column oldColumn = table.cloneTemporary().getColumn(step.getOldName());

         renameColumn(step.getColumn(), oldColumn);

    * Appends SQL for dropping a column to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The drop column step.
   protected void dropColumn(DropColumnStep step)
      RelationalSchema schema = m_state.getSchema();
      Table table = schema.getTable(step.getTableName());

      if (table.isAspect())
         int nEnd = 0;
         Table[] tableArray = getSortedTables(schema);

         for (int i = 0, nCount = tableArray.length; i < nCount; ++i)
            if (tableArray[i].hasAspect(table))
               tableArray[nEnd++] = tableArray[i].cloneTemporary();


         for (int i = 0; i < nEnd; ++i)
            Table current = tableArray[i];

            dropColumns(schema.getTable(current.getName()), current);
         Table current = table.cloneTemporary();

         dropColumns(table, current);

    * Appends SQL for creating an index to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The create index step.
   protected void createIndex(CreateIndexStep step)

      Index index = step.getIndex();
      if (!index.isAspect())
         Table table = index.getTable();

         if (table.isAspect())
            Table[] tableArray = getSortedTables(m_state.getSchema());

            for (int i = 0, nCount = tableArray.length; i < nCount; ++i)
               Table pointcut = tableArray[i];

               if (pointcut.hasAspect(table))
                  Index pointcutIndex = pointcut.getIndex(index.getName(pointcut));

                  if (!isUpgradedToPrimaryKey(pointcutIndex.getName()))
         else if (isIndexable(table) && !isUpgradedToPrimaryKey(index.getName()))

    * Determines if an index is upgraded to a primary key in nearby steps.
    * @param sIndexName The index name.
    * @return True if the index is upgraded to a primary key.
   protected boolean isUpgradedToPrimaryKey(String sIndexName)
      for (int i = m_nStep, n = m_upgrade.getStepCount(); i < n; ++i)
         RelationalSchemaUpgradeStep st = m_upgrade.getStep(i);

         if (st instanceof DropIndexStep)
            if (((DropIndexStep)st).getName().equals(sIndexName))
         else if (st instanceof RenameIndexStep)
            if (((RenameIndexStep)st).getOldName().equals(sIndexName))
               sIndexName = ((RenameIndexStep)st).getNewName();
         else if (st instanceof AlterTableStep)
            if (sIndexName.equals(((AlterTableStep)st).getPrimaryKeyName()))
               return true;
         else if (!(st instanceof CreateColumnStep) &&
            !(st instanceof AlterColumnStep) &&
            !(st instanceof RenameColumnStep) &&
            !(st instanceof DropColumnStep) &&
            !(st instanceof CreateIndexStep))

      return false;

    * Appends SQL for renaming an index to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The rename index step.
   protected void renameIndex(RenameIndexStep step)
      RelationalSchema schema = m_state.getSchema();
      Index oldIndex = schema.getIndex(step.getOldName()).getTable().cloneTemporary()


      renameIndex(step.getIndex(), oldIndex);

    * Appends SQL for dropping an index to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The drop index step.
   protected void dropIndex(DropIndexStep step)
      RelationalSchema schema = m_state.getSchema();
      Index index = schema.getIndex(step.getName());

      if (!index.isAspect())
         if (index.getTable().isAspect())
            Table[] tableArray = getSortedTables(m_state.getSchema());

            for (int i = 0, nCount = tableArray.length; i < nCount; ++i)
               Table pointcut = tableArray[i];

               if (pointcut.hasAspect(index.getTable()))

    * Appends SQL for applying an index aspect to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The apply index aspect step.
   protected void applyIndexAspect(ApplyIndexAspectStep step)
      for (Iterator itr = step.getPointcutIterator(m_state.getSchema().getIndexIterator()); itr.hasNext();)


      for (Iterator itr = step.getPointcutIterator(m_state.getSchema().getIndexIterator()); itr.hasNext();)

    * Appends SQL for removing an index aspect to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The remove index aspect step.
   protected void removeIndexAspect(RemoveIndexAspectStep step)
      RelationalSchema schema = m_state.getSchema();
      Index aspect = schema.getIndex(step.getAspectName());
      List pointcutList = new ArrayList();

      for (Iterator itr = step.getPointcutIterator(schema.getIndexIterator()); itr.hasNext();)
         Index index = (Index);

         if (index.hasAspect(aspect))


      for (Iterator itr = pointcutList.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)

    * Appends SQL to the SQL appender and upgrades the metadata.
    * @param step The SQL exec step.
   protected void execSQL(ExecStep step)
      execSQL(step.getScriptHolder(), null);

    * Appends SQL for altering differing columns to the SQL appender.
    * @param target The table to compare column definitions to. (not null)
    * @param current The table definition currently persisted in RDBMS. (not null)
   protected void alterColumns(Table target, Table current)
      if (target.getType() != Table.MANAGED)
         return; // NOOP

      Table template = current.cloneTemporary();

      // remove all indexes related to modified columns from template table
      for (int i = 0, nCount = target.getColumnCount(); i < nCount; ++i)
         Column targetCol = target.getColumn(i);
         Column templateCol = template.getColumn(targetCol.getName());

         if (!isCompatible(targetCol, templateCol))

            for (int k = template.getIndexCount() - 1; k >= 0; --k) // backwards due to removal
               Index index = template.getIndex(k);

               if (index.findIndexColumn(templateCol) != null)

      dropIndexes(template, current);

      // apply all column alterations
      for (int i = 0, nCount = target.getColumnCount(); i < nCount; ++i)
         Column targetCol = target.getColumn(i);
         Column currentCol = current.getColumn(targetCol.getName());

         if (!isCompatible(targetCol, currentCol))
            alterColumn(targetCol, currentCol);
            targetCol.copyTo(current.getColumn(targetCol.getName())); //column might change in alter

      createIndexes(target, current); // simpler to recreate all required indexes

    * Appends SQL for creating a column to the SQL appender.
    * @param column The column to add.
    * @param bNullability True to create non-nullable columns as non-nullable.
   protected void createColumn(Column column, boolean bNullability)
      Table table = column.getTable();

      if (table.getType() != Table.MANAGED)
         return; // nothing to do

      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(128);
      Column nullableColumn = column;

      if (!bNullability && !column.isNullable())
         nullableColumn = (Column)column.clone();
         nullableColumn.setRequired(false, true);

      buf.append("alter table ");
      appendColumnDeclaration(buf, nullableColumn, true, false, getAddColumnToken());


    * Appends SQL for creating columns to the SQL appender.
    * @param target The table must contain all missing columns from target definition. (not null)
    * @param current The table definition currently persisted in RDBMS. (not null)
    * @param bNullability True to create non-nullable columns as non-nullable.
   protected void createColumns(Table target, Table current, boolean bNullability)
      if (target.getType() != Table.MANAGED)
         return; // NOOP

      for (int i = 0, nCount = target.getColumnCount(); i < nCount; ++i)
         Column targetCol = target.getColumn(i);
         Column currentCol = current.findColumn(targetCol.getName());

         if (currentCol != null)
            continue; // NOOP column already exists

         currentCol = (Column)targetCol.clone();

         if (!bNullability && !currentCol.isNullable())
            currentCol.setRequired(false, true); // otherwise isNullable returns false for required
            currentCol.setNullable(true); // do not set the nullibility flag

         createColumn(currentCol, true); // true so createColumn doesn't have to clone()

    * Appends SQL for creating all non-inlined indexes for a given table to the SQL appender.
    * @param target The table must contain all missing indexes from target definition. (not null)
    * @param current The table definition currently persisted in RDBMS. (not null)
   protected void createIndexes(Table target, Table current)
      if (!isIndexable(target))
         return; // NOOP

      for (int i = 0, nCount = target.getIndexCount(); i < nCount; ++i)
         Index targetInd = target.getIndex(i);
         Index currentInd = current.findIndex(targetInd.getName());

         if (currentInd == null && targetInd.getIndexColumnCount() > 0)

    * Make index of a table unavailable by its name in the least costly fashion. The table
    * will be marked for removal soon after this call therefore indexes are no longer nessesary.
    * Dropping the index is prefered, however if dropping the index requires recreation of the
    * table then renaming the index is just as satisfactory.
    * @param index The index to discard.
    * @param bUpdate Update the index's table definition with removed indexes.
   protected void discardIndex(Index index, boolean bUpdate)

      if (bUpdate)

    * Appends SQL for dropping all extra indexes for a given table to the SQL appender.
    * @param target The table must not contain all extra columns from target definition. (not null)
    * @param current The table definition currently persisted in RDBMS. (not null)
   protected void dropColumns(Table target, Table current)
      if (target.getType() != Table.MANAGED)
         return; // NOOP

      for (int i = current.getColumnCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i) // backwards due to column removal
         Column currentCol = current.getColumn(i);
         Column targetCol = target.findColumn(currentCol.getName());

         if (targetCol == null)
            dropIndexes(currentCol, true);

    * Appends SQL to drop indexes containing a given column to the SQL appender.
    * @param column Drop all indexes containing this column.
    * @param bUpdate Update the column's table definition with removed indexes.
   protected void dropIndexes(Column column, boolean bUpdate)
      Table table = column.getTable();

      for (int i = table.getIndexCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i) // backwards due to index removal
         Index index = table.getIndex(i);

         if (index.findIndexColumn(column) != null)

            if (bUpdate)

    * Appends SQL for dropping all extra indexes for a given table to the SQL appender.
    * @param target The table must not contain all extra indexes from target definition. (not null)
    * @param current The table definition currently persisted in RDBMS. (not null)
   protected void dropIndexes(Table target, Table current)
      if (!isIndexable(target))
         return; // NOOP

      for (int i = current.getIndexCount() - 1; i >= 0; --i) // backwards due to index removal
         Index currentInd = current.getIndex(i);
         Index targetInd = target.findIndex(currentInd.getName());

         // upgrade step applications leave indexes of size 0 which are invalid
         if (targetInd == null || targetInd.getIndexColumnCount() == 0)

    * Appends SQL to the SQL appender.
    * @param holder The source SQL script holder.
    * @param table The context table. Can be null.
   protected void execSQL(SQLScriptHolder holder, Table table)
      for (int i = 0, n = holder.getScriptCount(); i < n; ++i)
         String sSQL = getExecSQL(holder.getScript(i), m_state.getSchema(), table);

         if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(sSQL))

    * Returns the expanded and formated SQL for a specific SQLScript.
    * @param script The script to get the SQL template from.
    * @param schema The relational schema that the script is destined for.
    * @param table The default table used during script template expansion. Can be null.
    * @return The expanded and formated SQL for the specified SQLScript.
   protected String getExecSQL(SQLScript script, RelationalSchema schema, Table table)
      String sSQL = script.getSQL(schema.getDataSource().getAdapter());

      if (StringUtil.isEmpty(sSQL))
         return sSQL;

      StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(sSQL.length());

         IOUtil.copy(writer, getSQLSubstReader(new StringReader(sSQL), schema, table));
      catch (IOException e)

      return formatSQL(writer.toString().trim());

    * Test if columns are compatible by comparing all column RDBMS properties except name and table.
    * @param left The first column.
    * @param right The second column.
   protected boolean isCompatible(Column left, Column right)
      if (left.getAllocation() != right.getAllocation() ||
          left.getType() != right.getType() ||
          left.isNullable() != right.isNullable())
         return false;

      if (left.getType() == Primitive.BOOLEAN)
         return true; // skip Precision/Scale comparison for boolean since some DBs use integers

      if (left.getType() == Primitive.DECIMAL) // evaluate default precision for decimals
         int nDecPrec = m_adapter.getMaxDecimalPrecision();

         return left.getPrecision(nDecPrec) == right.getPrecision(nDecPrec) &&
                left.getScale(nDecPrec) == right.getScale(nDecPrec);

      return left.getPrecision() == right.getPrecision() && left.getScale() == right.getScale();

    * Creates a new instance of an SQLSubstReader.
    * @param reader The reader to wrap.
    * @param schema The relational schema.
    * @param table The context table. Can be null.
   protected SQLSubstReader getSQLSubstReader(Reader reader, RelationalSchema schema, Table table)
      return new SQLSubstReader(reader, schema, table)
         protected StringBuffer appendConcatenate(StringBuffer buf, CharSequence[] argArray)
            return SQLSchemaManager.this.appendConcatenate(buf, argArray);

         protected StringBuffer appendTSExtract(StringBuffer buf, CharSequence sTS, byte nField)
            return SQLSchemaManager.this.appendTSExtract(buf, sTS, nField);

         protected StringBuffer appendTSIncrement(
            StringBuffer buf, CharSequence sTS, CharSequence sDelta, byte nField)
            return SQLSchemaManager.this.appendTSIncrement(buf, sTS, sDelta, nField);

         protected String getQuotedTableName(Table table)
            return table.getFullName(getOwner());

         protected String getQuotedIndexName(Index index)
            return getIndexName(index, isPrimaryKey(index), true);

         protected String getQuotedOwnerName()
            return quote(getOwner());

         protected String getQuotedRoleName()
            return quote(getRole(m_schema));

         protected boolean isColumnCaseInsensitive(Column column)
            return isCaseInsensitive(column);

         protected String getBinaryLiteral(String sHex)
            return getLiteral(Primitive.BINARY, Binary.parse(sHex));

         protected String getGUID()
            return getGUIDExpr();

         protected String getNow()
            return getNowExpr();

         protected String getSysPublicId()
            return getLiteral(Primitive.BINARY, SYS_PUBLIC_GUID);

         protected String getSysUserId()
            return getLiteral(Primitive.BINARY, SYS_USER_GUID);

         protected String getSysUserAlias()
            return getLiteral(Primitive.STRING, "nexjsa");

         protected String getLiteral(Primitive type, Object value)
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(36);

            m_adapter.appendLiteral(buf, type, value);

            return buf.toString();

    * @return An expression returning a new GUID.
   protected abstract String getGUIDExpr();

    * @return An expression returning the current UTC timestamp.
   protected abstract String getNowExpr();

    * Appends the SQL statements for a complete stand-alone upgrade of a schema to the SQL appender.
    * @param schema The relational schema.
   public void upgrade(RelationalSchema schema)
      upgrade(schema, null);

    * Appends the SQL statements for a complete stand-alone upgrade of a schema to the SQL appender.
    * @param schema The relational schema.
    * @param sVersion The starting version of the upgrade (null == first available version).
   public void upgrade(RelationalSchema schema, String sVersion)
      upgrade(schema, schema.getMetadata().getUpgrade("Main"), sVersion);

    * Appends the SQL statements for a complete stand-alone upgrade of a schema to the SQL appender.
    * @param schema The relational schema.
    * @param upgrade The upgrade collection to use (not null).
    * @param sVersion The starting version of the upgrade (null == first available version).
   public void upgrade(RelationalSchema schema, Upgrade upgrade, String sVersion)

      if (schema.getVersionTable() == null)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.upgrade.sql.versionTable",
            new Object[]{schema.getDataSource().getName()});

      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(256);
      SQLAppender outerAppender = m_appender;
      SQLAppender innerAppender = getDynamicSQLAppender(buf);
      Metadata metadata = schema.getMetadata();
      VersionUpgrade firstVersion = (sVersion == null)
                                  ? upgrade.getFirstVersion() : upgrade.getVersion(sVersion);
      Lookup/*<Object, UpgradeState>*/ stateMap = Upgrade.getInitialState(firstVersion);
      SchemaVersion version = new SchemaVersion();

      upgrade.validate(metadata, null);
      appendUpgradeInitialize(buf, schema);

      if (buf.length() > 0) // don't want to output end-of-statement character if there's nothing in buffer

      // skip all upgrade versions not applicable to schema's DataSourceAdapter
      if (sVersion == null)
         firstVersion =
            findFirstVersion(firstVersion, stateMap, (RelationalDatabase)schema.getDataSource());

      for (VersionUpgrade u = firstVersion; u != null; u = u.getNext())
         if (u.getName() == null)
            u.apply(Upgrade.getState(stateMap, u));

            SchemaVersion prev = (SchemaVersion)version.clone();

            version.setStep((u instanceof ScriptUpgrade && ((ScriptUpgrade)u).getFunction() == null ||
               u instanceof RelationalSchemaUpgrade &&
                  ((RelationalSchemaUpgrade)u).getDataSource().getSchema() != schema ||
               u instanceof LabelUpgrade) ? UPGRADE_END_STEP : 0);

            if (u.getPrev() != null && u.getPrev().getName() != null)
               appendUpgradeStepStart(buf, schema, prev);
               appendUpgradeStepEnd(buf, schema, version, prev, null);

            if (u instanceof RelationalSchemaUpgrade)
               RelationalSchemaUpgrade rsu = (RelationalSchemaUpgrade)u;

               if (rsu.getDataSource().getSchema() == schema)
                  RelationalSchemaUpgradeState state = (RelationalSchemaUpgradeState)Upgrade.getState(stateMap, u);

                     prev = (SchemaVersion)version.clone();
                     appendUpgradeStepStart(buf, state.getSchema(), version);

                        m_appender = innerAppender;
                        upgrade(rsu, state, version);
                        m_appender = outerAppender;

                     appendUpgradeStepEnd(buf, state.getSchema(), version, prev, null);

                  while (version.getStep() >= 0);

            else if (u instanceof ScriptUpgrade &&
               ((ScriptUpgrade)u).getFunction() != null)
               appendUpgradeStepStart(buf, schema, version);
               appendPrint(buf, "Please run the Scheme code for upgrade version \"" + u.getName() +
                  "\" from the console with the same repository version");
               appendUpgradeStepEnd(buf, schema, null, version, null);

      appendUpgradeStepStart(buf, schema, version);
      appendPrint(buf, "Database is up to date");
      appendUpgradeStepEnd(buf, schema, null, version, "Database update failed");

      appendUpgradeFinalize(buf, schema);

      if (buf.length() > 0) // don't want to output end-of-statement character if there's nothing in buffer

    * Appends the SQL for initializing upgrade procedure, (before any steps), to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param schema The schema object.
   protected void appendUpgradeInitialize(StringBuffer buf, RelationalSchema schema)

    * Appends the SQL for starting an upgrade step to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param schema The schema object.
    * @param version The current upgrade version.
   protected abstract void appendUpgradeStepStart(StringBuffer buf, RelationalSchema schema, SchemaVersion version);

    * Appends the SQL for ending an upgrade step to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param schema The schema object.
    * @param version The next upgrade version.
    * @param prev The previous version.
    * @param sFailMsg The failure message if step was not executed (null == none).
   protected abstract void appendUpgradeStepEnd(StringBuffer buf,
      RelationalSchema schema, SchemaVersion version, SchemaVersion prev, String sFailMsg);

    * Appends the SQL for finalizing upgrade procedure, (after all steps), to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param schema The schema object.
   protected void appendUpgradeFinalize(StringBuffer buf, RelationalSchema schema)

    * Appends the SQL for printing a message to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param sMsg The message to print.
   protected abstract void appendPrint(StringBuffer buf, String sMsg);

    * Appends the SQL from clause for selecting the version record to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param schema The schema object.
    * @param version The current upgrade version.
   protected void appendVersionTableFrom(StringBuffer buf, RelationalSchema schema, SchemaVersion version)
      buf.append(" from ");
      buf.append(" where namespace = ");
      m_adapter.appendLiteral(buf, Primitive.STRING, version.getNamespace());
      buf.append(" and version = ");
      m_adapter.appendLiteral(buf, Primitive.STRING, version.getVersion());
      buf.append(" and step = ");

    * Appends to a string buffer the SQL for inserting requested version into the version table.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param schema The schema object.
    * @param version The schema version.
    * @param bLoaded True if the initial (seed) data has been loaded @see SysVersion.meta.
   protected void appendVersionTableInsert(StringBuffer buf,
      RelationalSchema schema, SchemaVersion version, boolean bLoaded)
      buf.append("insert into ");
      buf.append("(namespace, version, step, upgradable, test, loaded) values (");
      m_adapter.appendLiteral(buf, Primitive.STRING, version.getNamespace());
      buf.append(", ");
      m_adapter.appendLiteral(buf, Primitive.STRING, version.getVersion());
      buf.append(", ");
      buf.append(", ");
      m_adapter.appendLiteral(buf, Primitive.BOOLEAN, Boolean.valueOf(version.isUpgradable()));
      buf.append(", ");
      m_adapter.appendLiteral(buf, Primitive.BOOLEAN, Boolean.valueOf(version.isTest()));
      buf.append(", ");
      m_adapter.appendLiteral(buf, Primitive.BOOLEAN, Boolean.valueOf(bLoaded));

    * Appends the SQL for updating the version table to a string buffer.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @param schema The schema object.
    * @param version The next upgrade version.
    * @param prev The previous version.
   protected void appendVersionTableUpdate(StringBuffer buf, RelationalSchema schema, SchemaVersion version, SchemaVersion prev)
      buf.append("update ");
      buf.append(" set step = ");

      if (!version.getVersion().equals(prev.getVersion()))
         buf.append(", version = ");
         m_adapter.appendLiteral(buf, Primitive.STRING, version.getVersion());

      buf.append(" where namespace = ");
      m_adapter.appendLiteral(buf, Primitive.STRING, version.getNamespace());
      buf.append(" and version = ");
      m_adapter.appendLiteral(buf, Primitive.STRING, prev.getVersion());
      buf.append(" and step = ");

    * Determines if the column requires special case-insensitive handling.
    * @param column The column of which to compute ifci.
    * @return True if the column requires special case-insensitive handling.
   protected boolean isCaseInsensitive(Column column)
      return false;

    * Returns the role that is granted access to the schema objects.
    * @param schema The relational schema.
   protected String getRole(RelationalSchema schema)
      if (schema.getRoleName() != null)
         return schema.getRoleName();

      return getDefaultRole();

    * Computes the tablespace name of a table.
    * @param table The table.
    * @return The tablespace name. Can be null.
   protected String getTablespace(Table table)
      String sName = table.getTablespaceName();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = ((RelationalDatabase)table.getSchema().getDataSource()).getTablespaceName();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = table.getSchema().getTablespaceName();

      if (DEFAULT_TABLESPACE.equals(sName))
         return null;
      if (sName == null)
         sName = getDefaultTablespace();

      return sName;

    * Computes the index tablespace name of an index.
    * @param index The index.
    * @return The index tablespace name. Can be null.
   protected String getIndexspace(Index index)
      Table table = index.getTable();

      String sName = table.getIndexspaceName();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = table.getTablespaceName();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = ((RelationalDatabase)table.getSchema().getDataSource()).getIndexspaceName();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = ((RelationalDatabase)table.getSchema().getDataSource()).getTablespaceName();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = table.getSchema().getIndexspaceName();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = table.getSchema().getTablespaceName();

      if (DEFAULT_TABLESPACE.equals(sName))
         return null;
      if (sName == null)
         sName = getDefaultIndexspace();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = getDefaultTablespace();

      return sName;

    * Computes the long column tablespace name of a table.
    * @param table The table.
    * @return The long column tablespace name. Can be null.
   protected String getLongspace(Table table)
      String sName = table.getLongspaceName();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = table.getTablespaceName();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = ((RelationalDatabase)table.getSchema().getDataSource()).getLongspaceName();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = ((RelationalDatabase)table.getSchema().getDataSource()).getTablespaceName();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = table.getSchema().getLongspaceName();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = table.getSchema().getTablespaceName();

      if (DEFAULT_TABLESPACE.equals(sName))
         return null;

      if (sName == null)
         sName = getDefaultLongspace();

      if (sName == null)
         sName = getDefaultTablespace();

      return sName;

    * Appends a suffix to a string buffer.
    * @param sPrefix The prefix to append if sSuffix is not null. Can be null.
    * @param sSuffix The suffix to append. Can be null.
   protected void appendSuffix(StringBuffer buf, String sPrefix, String sSuffix)
      if (sSuffix != null)
         if (sPrefix != null)


    * Computes the index page fill factor for a given index.
    * @param index The index.
    * @return The index page fill factor, 0-100.
   protected byte getIndexFill(Index index)
      byte nFill = index.getFill();

      if (nFill < 0)
         nFill = index.getTable().getSchema().getIndexFill();

      return nFill;

    * Quotes reserved words.
    * @param sName The string to quote.
    * @return The quoted string (or the original one, if not reserved).
   protected String quote(String sName)
      if (sName != null && RelationalSchema.isKeyword(sName))
         return '"' + sName.toUpperCase() + '"'; // SQL spec requires default upper case and quoted names being case sensitive

      return sName;

    * Appends the SQL statements from a string to the SQL appender.
    * @param sName The resource name, relative to ./etc/. Can be null.
    * @param schema The relational schema.
   protected void script(String sName, RelationalSchema schema)
      if (sName != null)
         InputStream istream = null;
         StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(1024);

           istream = URLUtil.openResource(getClass(), "etc/" + sName);
           IOUtil.copy(writer, getSQLSubstReader(new InputStreamReader(istream, XMLUtil.ENCODING), schema, null));
         catch (IOException e)


    * Template method for validating/formatting of size arguments used in DB creation templates.
    * @param sSize The value to validate/format.
    * @return The formatted value valid for the corresponding DB.
    * @throws NumberFormatException On error parsing argument.
    * @throws ValidationException On error validation argument.
   protected String formatByteSize(String sSize) throws NumberFormatException, ValidationException
      if (sSize == null)
         return null;

      long lSize = parseByteValue(sSize);

      if (lSize < 0)
         throw new ValidationException("err.persistence.valueRange", new Object[]{sSize});

      if ((lSize & 0x3fffffffL) == 0) // GB
         return Long.toString(lSize >> 30) + "G";

      if ((lSize & 0xfffffL) == 0) // MB
         return Long.toString(lSize >> 20) + "M";

      if ((lSize & 0x3ffL) == 0) // KB
         return Long.toString(lSize >> 10) + "K";

      return Long.toString(lSize);

    * Template method for validating/formatting of percent arguments in DB creation templates.
    * @param sPercent The value to validate/format.
    * @return The formatted value valid for the corresponding DB.
    * @throws NumberFormatException On error parsing argument.
    * @throws ValidationException On error validation argument.
   protected String formatPercent(String sPercent) throws NumberFormatException, ValidationException
      if (sPercent == null)
         return null;

      int nPercent = Integer.parseInt(sPercent);

      if (nPercent < 0 || nPercent > 100)
         throw new ValidationException("err.persistence.valueRange", new Object[]{sPercent});

      return Integer.toString(nPercent);

    * Template method for formatting of an SQL statement.
    * @param sSQL The statement to format.
    * @return The formatted statement.
   protected String formatSQL(String sSQL)
      return sSQL;

    * @return The SQL statement separator.
   public abstract String getSeparator();

    * @return The name of the SQL script to create the misc objects,
    * relative to ./scripts/. Can be null.
   protected abstract String getCreateEtcScriptName();

    * @return The name of the SQL script to drop the misc objects,
    * relative to ./scripts/. Can be null.
   protected abstract String getDropEtcScriptName();

    * @return The name of the SQL template script used for setting up a new database,
    *         relative to ./scripts/. can be null.
   protected abstract String getSetupEtcScriptName();

    * Wraps a string buffer with an appender for generating dynamic SQL.
    * @param buf The destination string buffer.
    * @return The dynamic SQL appender.
   protected abstract SQLAppender getDynamicSQLAppender(StringBuffer buf);

    * Gets a sorted array of tables from a schema.
    * @param schema The relational schema.
    * @return The sorted array of tables;
   protected static Table[] getSortedTables(RelationalSchema schema)
      Table[] tableArray = new Table[schema.getTableCount()];
      int i = 0;

      for (Iterator itr = schema.getTableIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         tableArray[i++] = (Table);

      Arrays.sort(tableArray, TABLE_COMPARATOR);

      return tableArray;

    * Go through all tables in the schema and add any table definitions that generate drop scripts
    * not matching any table in the map.
    * @param tableMap MultiMap to add to.
    * @param schema The schema to get table definitions from.
   protected void addDropTable(
      Lookup2D/*<String, Integer, List<Table>>*/ tableMap, RelationalSchema schema)
      for (Iterator/*<Table>*/ itr = schema.getTableIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         int nTable = 0;
         Table newTable = (Table);
         String sTable = newTable.getQuotedName();
         List/*<Table>*/ list =
            (ArrayList)tableMap.get(sTable, Primitive.createInteger(newTable.getType()));
         Table mapTable = (list == null) ? null : (Table)list.get(nTable);

         // go through all similarly named tables and see if drop script will match
         while (mapTable != null)
            Table successor = getDropSuccessor(mapTable, newTable);

            if (successor == null)
               mapTable = (list.size() > ++nTable) ? (Table)list.get(nTable) : null;

               continue; // no common representation for this offset, try next table

            if (successor != mapTable) // more generic representation of table
               if (successor == newTable) // successor same object as the table in schema
                  mapTable = null; // force clone+replacement of table in tableMap
               else // put successor into map directly since it is not same object as in schema
                  list.set(nTable, successor);


         if (mapTable == null) // newTable not in map or newTable's drop script differs from others
            mapTable = newTable.cloneTemporary();

            if (list == null)
               list = new ArrayList/*<Table>*/();
               tableMap.put(sTable, Primitive.createInteger(newTable.getType()), list);

            if (list.size() > nTable)
               list.set(nTable, mapTable);

    * Determine the table definition that would generate drop statements aplicable to both tables.
    * This method should most likely be overidden by child implementations.
    * @param left The first table definition to compare (not null).
    * @param right The second table definition to compare (not null).
    * @return The table definition that would generate drop statements applicable to both tables,
    *         the table definition may be an entirely different object, or null if no single
    *         definition can generate drop statements applicable to both tables.
   protected Table getDropSuccessor(Table left, Table right)
      return getDropSuccessor(left, right, (byte)-1);

    * Determinte the table definition that would generate drop statements aplicable to both tables
    * taking into consideration isIdentityKeyGenerator() and presence of individual indexes of the
    * type specified by nIndexType.
    * This implementation is used by Oracle/DB2 for getDropEquivalent().
    * @param left The first table definition to compare (not null).
    * @param right The second table definition to compare (not null).
    * @param nIndexType Prefer tables having the superset of this index type,
    *                   one of Index.* constants (nIndexType < 0 == ignore).
    * @return The table definition that would generate drop statements applicable to both tables,
    *         the table definition may be an entirely different object, or null if no single
    *         definition can generate drop statements applicable to both tables.
   protected Table getDropSuccessor(Table left, Table right, byte nIndexType)
      assert left.getName().equals(right.getName());
      assert left.getType() == right.getType();

      if (hasExtraIndex(left, right, nIndexType))
          // both left/right have indexes not in the other || left preferred but not generator
         if (hasExtraIndex(right, left, nIndexType) ||
             (!left.isIdentityKeyGenerator() && right.isIdentityKeyGenerator()))
            return null; // neither left or right is a superset of the other

         return left;

      if (hasExtraIndex(right, left, nIndexType))
         // right preferred but not generator
         if (left.isIdentityKeyGenerator() && !right.isIdentityKeyGenerator())
            return null; // neither left or right is a superset of the other
         if (left.isIdentityKeyGenerator() || !right.isIdentityKeyGenerator())
            return left;

      return right;

    * Determine if there are any indexes of type nIndexType present in table that are not in sub.
    * @param table The table wich to check for indexes not in sub.
    * @param sub The subset of indexes that must exist in table.
    * @param nIndexType The type of index to match.
    * @return If table has indexes of type nIndexType that are not in sub.
   protected boolean hasExtraIndex(Table table, Table sub, byte nIndexType)
      if (nIndexType < 0)
         return false; // nIndexType not one of Index.* constants, hence invalid/absent

      for (int i = 0, nCount = table.getIndexCount(); i < nCount; ++i)
         Index index = table.getIndex(i);

         if (index.getType() == nIndexType && sub.findIndex(index.getName()) == null)
            return true;

      return false;

   // inner classes

    * Class for parsing database creation templates.
   protected static class DatabaseTemplateSubstReader extends SQLTemplateSubstReader
       * The path separator to use with ${path:...} macros.
      protected char m_chFileSep;

       * The map containing defaults used when values not availbale.
      protected PropertyMap m_defaultsMap;

       * The schema object to query for metadat state.
      protected RelationalSchema m_schema;

       * The map containing values to return.
      protected PropertyMap m_valuesMap;

       * Constructor.
       * @param input The reader to query for input.
       * @param schema The schema object to query for metadat state (not null).
       * @param valuesMap The map containing values to return (not null).
       * @param defaultsMap The map containing defaults used when values not availbale (not null).
       * @param chFileSep The path separator to use with ${path:...} macros.
      public DatabaseTemplateSubstReader(Reader input, RelationalSchema schema,
         PropertyMap valuesMap, PropertyMap defaultsMap, char chFileSep)
         assert schema != null && valuesMap != null && defaultsMap != null;
         m_defaultsMap = defaultsMap;
         m_schema = schema;
         m_valuesMap = valuesMap;
         m_chFileSep = chFileSep;

       * @see nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.SQLTemplateSubstReader#getValue(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
       * @throws RuntimeException On IO error during sub-template evaluation.
       * @throws IOException On IO error during evaluation.
      protected Object findValue(String sKey, String sDefaultValue)
         throws RuntimeException, IOException
         Object value = substitute(sKey, sDefaultValue);

         if (value == null)
            value = sDefaultValue; // script default takes precedence over defaultsMap

         if (value == null)
            value = m_defaultsMap.findValue(sKey); // check defaults

         return value;

       * @see nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.SQLTemplateSubstReader#getValue(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
       * @throws LookupException On key lookup failure.
       * @throws RuntimeException On IO error during sub-template evaluation.
       * @throws IOException On IO error during evaluation.
      protected Object getValue(String sKey, String sDefaultValue)
         throws LookupException, RuntimeException, IOException
         Object value = findValue(sKey, sDefaultValue);

         if (value != null)
            return value;

         if (m_valuesMap.hasValue(sKey) || m_defaultsMap.hasValue(sKey))
            throw new LookupException("err.meta.persistence.sql.undefined",
                                      new Object[]{sKey}); // no value available

         // below here key is unsupported (build a list of valid keys for error reporting)
         Set/*<String>*/ keySet = new HashHolder/*<String>*/(m_valuesMap.getValueCount());

         for (PropertyIterator itr = m_defaultsMap.getIterator(); itr.hasNext();)

         for (PropertyIterator itr = m_valuesMap.getIterator(); itr.hasNext();)

         Object[] keyArray = keySet.toArray(new String[keySet.size()]);

         Arrays.sort(keyArray); // sort keys for readability

         throw new LookupException("err.meta.persistence.sql.variable",
                                   new Object[]{sKey, keyArray}); // unknown key

       * Add key/value pair to map if key is not null.
       * @param map The map to add to (not null).
       * @param key The key to add.
       * @param value The value to add.
       * @return The previous value corresponding to this key (or null if none).
      private static Object putNotNull(Lookup/*<Object, Object>*/ map, Object key, Object value)
         if (key != null)
            key = map.put(key, value);

         return key;

       * Evaluates potential macros.
       * @param sKey The name of the macro or variable name to get the value for.
       * @param sValue The macro body or the default value to use if none is available.
       * @return The substitution value.
       * @throws RuntimeException On IO error during sub-template evaluation.
       * @throws IOException On sub-expression evaluation error.
      private Object substitute(String sKey, String sValue) throws RuntimeException, IOException
         if ("for-each".equals(sKey) && sValue != null)
            int nPos = sValue.indexOf(':');
            String sCollection = (nPos < 0) ? sValue : sValue.substring(0, nPos);

            // supported collections
            if ("indexspace".equals(sCollection) ||
                "longspace".equals(sCollection) ||
               Lookup/*<Object, String>*/ valueMap =
                  new HashTab/*<Object, String>*/(m_schema.getTableCount() + 1);

               putNotNull(valueMap, findValue("indexspace", null), "indexspace"); // add default

               for (Iterator/*<Table>*/ itr = m_schema.getTableIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
                  putNotNull(valueMap, ((Table), "indexspace");

               putNotNull(valueMap, findValue("longspace", null), "longspace"); // add default

               for (Iterator/*<Table>*/ itr = m_schema.getTableIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
                  putNotNull(valueMap, ((Table), "longspace");

               putNotNull(valueMap, findValue("tablespace", null), "tablespace"); // add default

               for (Iterator/*<Table>*/ itr = m_schema.getTableIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
                  putNotNull(valueMap, ((Table), "tablespace");

               List/*<String>*/ valueList = new ArrayList/*<String>*/(valueMap.size());

               for (Lookup.Iterator/*<Object, String>*/ itr = valueMap.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
                  if ( instanceof String && itr.getValue().equals(sCollection))

               Collections.sort(valueList, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); // force identical order

               StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(64);
               Object sOriginal = m_valuesMap.getValue(sCollection);
               String sTemplate = sValue.substring((nPos < 0) ? sValue.length() : nPos + 1);

                  // for each object in collection substitute its value
                  for (int i = 0, nCount = valueList.size(); i < nCount; ++i)
                     m_valuesMap.setValue(sCollection, valueList.get(i));
                  m_valuesMap.setValue(sCollection, sOriginal);

               return buf;
         else if ("iftest".equals(sKey) && sValue != null)
            // do not evaluate sub expression for non-test environments
            return (m_schema.getMetadata().isTestEnvironment()) ? substitute(sValue) : "";
         else if ("path".equals(sKey) && sValue != null)
            return substitute(sValue.replace('/', m_chFileSep).replace('\\', m_chFileSep));

         return m_valuesMap.findValue(sKey);

    * Interface implemented by components processing SQL statements.
   public interface SQLAppender
       * Appends one complete SQL statement.
       * @param sSQL The SQL statement, without any statement delimiters like ; or GO.
      void appendSQL(String sSQL);

    * SQL appender adapter to a character stream writer.
   public class SQLWriterAppender implements SQLAppender
       * The writer.
      protected Writer m_writer;

       * Constructs the appender.
       * @param writer The character stream writer.
      public SQLWriterAppender(Writer writer)
         m_writer = writer;

       * @see nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLSchemaManager.SQLAppender#appendSQL(java.lang.String)
      public void appendSQL(String sSQL)
         catch (IOException e)

    * SQL appender adapter to an output file.
   public class SQLFileAppender extends SQLWriterAppender
      // attributes

       * True if the appending has failed.
      protected boolean m_bFailed;

      // associations

       * The output file. Null for System.out.
      protected File m_file;

      // constructors
       * Constructs the appender.
       * @param manager The corresponding schema manager.
       * @param file The output file. Null for System.out.
      public SQLFileAppender(File file)
         m_file = file;

      // operations

       * @see nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLSchemaManager.SQLWriterAppender#appendSQL(java.lang.String)
      public void appendSQL(String sSQL)
            if (m_writer == null)
               OutputStream ostream;

               if (m_file == null)
                  ostream = System.out;
                  ostream = new FileOutputStream(m_file);

               m_writer = new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(ostream), XMLUtil.ENCODING);

         catch (Throwable t)
            m_bFailed = true;

       * Closes the underlying writer.
      public void close()
            if (m_writer != null)
                  m_writer = null;
               catch (Throwable t)
                  m_bFailed = true;
            if (m_bFailed)

    * SQL appender adapter to an SQL connection.
   public static class SQLConnectionAppender implements SQLAppender
      // attributes

       * The log level, one of the Logger.* constants.
      protected int m_nLogLevel = Logger.DEBUG;

       * True to ignore the SQL exceptions.
      protected boolean m_bSafe;

      // associations
       * The SQL connection.
      protected Connection m_connection;

      // constructors
       * Constructs the appender.
       * @param connection The SQL connection.
      public SQLConnectionAppender(Connection connection)
         m_connection = connection;

       * Constructs the appender.
       * @param connection The SQL connection.
       * @param bSafe True to ignore the SQL exceptions.
      public SQLConnectionAppender(Connection connection, boolean bSafe)
         m_connection = connection;
         m_bSafe = bSafe;

      // operations

       * Sets the log level, one of the Logger.* constants.
       * @param nLogLevel The log level, one of the Logger.* constants to set.
      public void setLogLevel(int nLogLevel)
         m_nLogLevel = nLogLevel;

       * @return The log level, one of the Logger.* constants.
      public int getLogLevel()
         return m_nLogLevel;

       * Sets the SQL exception suppression flag.
       * @param bSafe The SQL exception suppression flag to set.
      public void setSafe(boolean bSafe)
         m_bSafe = bSafe;

       * @return The SQL exception suppression flag.
      public boolean isSafe()
         return m_bSafe;
       * @see nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLSchemaManager.SQLAppender#appendSQL(java.lang.String)
      public void appendSQL(String sSQL)
         Statement stmt = null;

            s_logger.log(m_nLogLevel, sSQL);
            stmt = m_connection.createStatement();
         catch (SQLException e)
            if (!m_bSafe)
               throw new PersistenceException(
                  "err.persistence.executeSQL", new Object[]{ObjUtil.getMessage(e), sSQL}, e);
            if (stmt != null)
               catch (SQLException e)

Related Classes of nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLSchemaManager$SQLAppender

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