// Copyright 2010-2011 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.persistence;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import nexj.core.meta.Attribute;
import nexj.core.meta.Metaclass;
import nexj.core.meta.Primitive;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.DataSourceFragment;
import nexj.core.runtime.DataVolumeException;
import nexj.core.runtime.Instance;
import nexj.core.runtime.InstanceArrayList;
import nexj.core.runtime.InstanceList;
import nexj.core.runtime.InstanceRef;
import nexj.core.runtime.UnitOfWork;
import nexj.core.scripting.Function;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab2D;
import nexj.core.util.Logger;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup2D;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.PrintWriter;
import nexj.core.util.Printable;
import nexj.core.util.StackTrace;
import nexj.core.util.Undefined;
* Generic reusable cursor implementation.
public abstract class GenericCursor implements Cursor, Printable
// attributes
* The query performance warning timeout in milliseconds.
protected long m_lWarningTimeout;
* The currently retrieved record count (needed for retrieving top-optimized plural queries using binary search).
protected int m_nRecordCount;
* The last page offset.
protected int m_nRecordOffset;
* For plural limited queries, this is the value that was used as max count during the last query.
protected int m_nLastMaxCount;
* The total count of retrieved instances (without the skipped ones).
protected int m_nTotalCount;
* The count of instances to skip before returning the result.
protected int m_nOffset;
* The maximum count of instances to retrieve.
protected int m_nMaxCount;
* The limit of the number of instances retrieved in a single unlimited next().
protected int m_nLimit;
* The query timeout in seconds (0 for unlimited, negative to use the default).
protected int m_nTimeout;
* The number of Cartesian product rows in a step(Lookup) page.
protected int m_nPageSize = 128;
* True if the end of the recordset has been reached.
protected boolean m_bEOF;
* True if the end of the current page has been reached.
protected boolean m_bEOP;
* True if debug logging is enabled.
protected boolean m_bDebug;
* True if the generated query has already been logged.
protected boolean m_bQueryLogged;
* True if the stack trace has already been logged.
protected boolean m_bStackLogged;
// associations
* The root query.
protected Query m_query;
* The root class object.
protected Metaclass m_metaclass;
* Array of instances corresponding to the current record, indexed by query node ordinal number.
protected Instance[] m_instanceArray;
* The root instance list, read by the cursor.
protected InstanceList m_instanceList;
* The set of query-instance pairs retrieved by the cursor, used to ignore the already read instances.
protected Lookup2D m_instanceSet = new HashTab2D();
* Map of instances and annotation names to functions: Function[Instance][String].
protected Lookup2D m_annotationMap;
* The output map: Instance[Query].
protected Lookup m_outputMap;
* The instance list retrieved from the cache.
protected InstanceList m_cachedInstanceList;
* The UOW for read locking.
protected UnitOfWork m_uow;
* Iterator over the Cartesian product of the heterogeneous joins.
protected QueryCartesianProductIterator m_stepIterator;
* The class logger.
protected Logger m_logger;
* The long-running query logger.
protected Logger m_lrqLogger;
// constructors
* Constructs the cursor and allocates the necessary resources.
* @param query The query.
protected GenericCursor(Query query)
* Constructs the cursor, performing no initialization.
protected GenericCursor()
// operations
* Template method to initialize the cursor.
* @param query The query with which to initialize the cursor.
protected void init(Query query)
assert query.isRoot();
m_query = query;
m_metaclass = query.getMetaclass();
if (!query.isIdentity())
while (m_metaclass.getBase() != null)
m_metaclass = m_metaclass.getBase();
m_nTimeout = query.getTimeout();
if (m_nTimeout < 0 && (query.isCursor() || query.isLocking()))
m_nTimeout = Query.TIMEOUT_UNLIMITED;
m_logger = getLogger();
m_lrqLogger = getLRQLogger();
m_bDebug = m_logger.isDebugEnabled();
if (m_lWarningTimeout > 0 && !m_bDebug)
if (m_lrqLogger != null && m_lrqLogger.isWarnEnabled())
if (m_lrqLogger.isInfoEnabled())
if (m_lrqLogger.isDebugEnabled())
m_lWarningTimeout >>= 1;
if (m_lrqLogger.isDumpEnabled())
m_lWarningTimeout >>= 1;
if (m_lWarningTimeout == 0)
m_lWarningTimeout = 1;
m_lWarningTimeout <<= 1;
m_lWarningTimeout = 0;
m_nLimit = m_query.getLimit();
if (m_query.getWhere() != null && m_query.getWhere().isConstant())
// True where clause has been folded by Query
m_bEOF = true;
* The cursor type name, used e.g. in log messages.
protected abstract String getType();
* @return The class logger.
protected abstract Logger getLogger();
* @return The long-running query logger. Can be null.
protected abstract Logger getLRQLogger();
* Template method to initialize the cursor, including the adapter and timeouts.
* @param fragment The fragment to set. Can be null if the data source does not support fragments.
protected abstract void init(DataSourceFragment fragment);
* @return True if the duration log is enabled.
private boolean isDurationLogEnabled()
return m_bDebug || m_lWarningTimeout > 0;
* @return The current time offset in milliseconds from 1-Jan-1970 UTC,
* or 0 if the duration log is disabled.
protected long getCurrentTime()
if (isDurationLogEnabled())
return System.currentTimeMillis();
return 0;
* Logs the operation duration.
* @param lStartTime The start time.
* @param bQuery True for query, false for retrieval.
protected void logDuration(long lStartTime, boolean bQuery)
if (isDurationLogEnabled())
long lDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - lStartTime;
if (m_bDebug || lDuration > m_lWarningTimeout)
int nLevel;
if (m_bDebug)
nLevel = Logger.DEBUG;
nLevel = Logger.WARN;
if (!m_bQueryLogged)
m_bQueryLogged = true;
if (m_logger.isLevelEnabled(nLevel))
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128);
if (bQuery)
buf.append(getType() + " execution time:");
buf.append("Retrieved ");
buf.append(Math.max(m_instanceList.getCount() - m_nOffset, 0));
if (m_nOffset > 0)
buf.append(", skipped ");
buf.append(" instance(s) of ");
int nRecordCount = m_nRecordCount - m_nRecordOffset;
if (m_instanceList.getCount() < nRecordCount && nRecordCount != 0)
buf.append(" from ");
buf.append(" record(s)");
buf.append(" in");
buf.append(' ');
buf.append(" ms");
boolean bPerfProblem = (lDuration > ((m_lWarningTimeout > 0) ? m_lWarningTimeout : 100));
if (bPerfProblem)
buf.append(" (potential performance problem)");
if (m_bStackLogged)
m_logger.log(nLevel, buf);
StackTrace t = new StackTrace();
m_logger.log(nLevel, buf, t);
m_bStackLogged = true;
m_logger.log(nLevel, buf);
* Logs a query timeout.
* @param lStartTime The start time offset in milliseconds from 1-Jan-1970 UTC,
* or 0 if the duration log is disabled.
* @param bQuery True to log the query.
protected void logTimeout(long lStartTime, boolean bQuery)
if (lStartTime != 0 && !m_query.isLocking())
long lDuration = System.currentTimeMillis() - lStartTime;
if (bQuery)
if (m_logger.isWarnEnabled())
StackTrace t = new StackTrace();
m_logger.warn(getType() + " execution time: " + lDuration + " ms (potential performance problem)", t);
* Logs the generated query.
* @param nLevel The log level.
* @see Logger
protected abstract void logQuery(int nLevel);
* Executes the query.
protected abstract void query() throws PersistenceException;
* Runs the query.
protected void run() throws PersistenceException
m_bQueryLogged = false;
m_nRecordCount = 0;
m_nRecordOffset = 0;
m_nLastMaxCount = m_query.getMaxCount();
m_nOffset = Math.max(0, m_query.getOffset());
if (m_query.isCached())
m_cachedInstanceList = m_query.readCached();
m_nOffset = 0;
m_instanceArray = new Instance[m_query.getOutputQueryCount()];
m_cachedInstanceList = null;
* Fetches the next record of data.
* @return True if the row has been retrieved, false for EOF.
protected abstract boolean fetch() throws PersistenceException;
* Gets an unconverted value corresponding to a field from the current record.
* This is a template method invoked by GenericCursor.getValue(Field).
* @param field The field for which to get the value.
protected abstract Object getRawValue(Field field) throws PersistenceException;
* Gets a value corresponding to a field from the current record.
* @param field The field for which to get the value.
protected final Object getValue(Field field) throws PersistenceException
assert field.isPersistent();
Object value = getRawValue(field);
if (field.getConverter() != null)
value = field.getConverter().getForwardFunction().invoke(value);
return value;
* Gets a OID represented by given fields.
* This is a helper method that getKey() can use for convenience (i.e. if getKey() happens
* to have available an array of Field that needs converting to an OID).
* @param keyFieldArray The array of key fields.
* @param The resulting OID, or null, if any of the field values is null.
protected final OID getKey(Field[] keyFieldArray) throws PersistenceException
Object[] keyValueArray = new Object[keyFieldArray.length];
for (int i = 0; i < keyFieldArray.length; ++i)
if ((keyValueArray[i] = getValue(keyFieldArray[i])) == null)
return null;
return new OID(keyValueArray);
* Gets a OID represented by given fields.
* @param item The mapping item, supplied by Query.getItem(), Query.getParentItem(), or
* Query.getChildItem().
* @return The resulting OID, or null, if any of the field values is null.
protected abstract OID getKey(Object item);
* Gets the class object corresponding to a query node for the current record.
* @param query The query node.
* @return The class object.
protected Metaclass getMetaclass(Query query)
if (query == m_query)
return m_metaclass;
return (Metaclass)m_instanceArray[query.getParent().getOrdinal()]
* Releases the data source connection.
protected abstract void disconnect();
* Releases any resources needed before EOF.
protected void release()
m_instanceArray = null;
m_instanceSet = null;
m_annotationMap = null;
m_outputMap = null;
m_cachedInstanceList = null;
m_uow = null;
m_stepIterator = null;
* Releases the resources allocated by the cursor.
public void close()
m_bEOF = true;
m_annotationMap = null;
m_instanceList = null;
* Discards an attribute value, which could change when an instance is updated.
* @param instance The instance from which to discard the value.
* @param attribute The attribute, which value to discard.
protected static void discard(Instance instance, Attribute attribute)
if (attribute.getMetaclass().isUpcast(instance.getMetaclass()))
instance.discard(attribute, false);
* Discards the query associations, which could change when an instance is updated.
* @param instance The instance from which to discard the value.
* @param query The query from which to take the associations.
protected static void discard(Instance instance, Query query)
for (Iterator itr = query.getAssocIterator(Query.ASSOC_QUERY); itr.hasNext();)
Query assoc = (Query)itr.next();
if (assoc.isOutput())
discard(instance, assoc.getAttribute());
* Makes one step through the instances.
* @param bDiscardExtra True to discard the last instance if the maximum number of instances has been reached.
* @return True if the step has been executed, false if the end of the data has been reached.
protected boolean internalStep(boolean bDiscardExtra)
if (m_bEOF)
return false;
if (m_bEOP)
m_bEOP = false;
else if (bDiscardExtra &&
m_nMaxCount >= 0 &&
!m_query.isPlural() &&
m_nRecordCount - m_nRecordOffset == m_nOffset + m_nMaxCount)
m_bEOF = true;
m_bEOP = false;
return false;
else if (fetch())
else if (!m_query.isPlural() // Not a multi-row-per-instance query
|| m_nLastMaxCount <= 0 // No max requested or no rows actually expected
|| !m_query.isLimited() // Not limited by adapter
|| m_nRecordCount < m_nLastMaxCount) // Retrieved less records than requested, so this has to be the last possible iteration
// Original recordset finished and no need to initialize for plural query
m_bEOF = true;
return false;
// Save the query count so it could be reset to original state after SQL generation
int nQueryMaxCountSaved = m_query.getMaxCount();
// Increment the max count for this run (exponentially double).
// On overflow, the resulting negative means unlimited count.
m_query.setMaxCount(m_nLastMaxCount << 1);
// Requery with the new max count
// Reset to original request
if (!fetch())
// Unable to get more on the second try => we are definitely done
m_bEOF = true;
return false;
bDiscardExtra = true;
// Skip everything past max count no matter what was originally requested,
// as this iteration has a manually set max count with requerying.
// The UOW for read locking
m_uow = m_query.getInvocationContext().getUnitOfWork();
if (m_uow != null && !m_uow.isDirty())
m_uow = null;
boolean bSkipInstance = (m_instanceList.getCount() < m_nOffset);
for (int nQuery = 0, nQueryCount = m_query.getOutputQueryCount(); nQuery < nQueryCount; ++nQuery)
Query query = m_query.getOutputQuery(nQuery);
Attribute assoc = query.getAttribute();
boolean bIdentity = query.isIdentity();
Instance container;
Attribute reverse;
OID oid;
// First output query must be main query node.
assert (nQuery == 0) == (query == m_query);
// Query ordinal is the output query ordinal (unless query is joined heterogeneously).
assert nQuery == query.getOrdinal() || query.getRoot() != m_query;
// Query ordinal is, by definition, the output query ordinal of its root.
assert query.getRoot().getOutputQuery(query.getOrdinal()) == query;
// Get the query class instance OID
if (query == m_query)
container = null;
reverse = null;
oid = (bIdentity) ? getKey(query.getItem()) : null;
assert bIdentity;
container = m_instanceArray[query.getParent().getOrdinal()];
if (container == null || !assoc.getMetaclass().isUpcast(container.getMetaclass()))
if (query.getRoot() == m_query)
m_instanceArray[query.getOrdinal()] = null;
assoc = container.getMetaclass().getDerivedAttribute(assoc);
reverse = assoc.getReverse();
if (reverse != null && reverse.isCollection())
reverse = null;
oid = getKey(query.getParentItem());
InstanceList instanceList;
boolean bAdd = true;
if (container == null)
instanceList = m_instanceList;
Object value = container.getOldValueDirect(assoc.getOrdinal());
if (value == Undefined.VALUE)
if (assoc.isCollection())
instanceList = new InstanceArrayList();
instanceList.setAssociation(container, assoc, true);
container.setOldValueDirect(assoc.getOrdinal(), instanceList);
instanceList = null;
if (oid == null)
container.setOldValueDirect(assoc.getOrdinal(), null);
if (assoc.isCollection() && !(value instanceof Undefined))
instanceList = (InstanceList)value;
instanceList = null;
bAdd = false;
Metaclass metaclass;
if (bIdentity)
if (oid == null)
if (query.getRoot() == m_query)
m_instanceArray[query.getOrdinal()] = null;
if (query.getRoot() != m_query && !query.isLazy())
if (!bSkipInstance)
query.addParentInstance(container, oid);
Field field = query.getTypeCodeField();
if (field != null)
metaclass = query.getPersistenceMapping().findMetaclassByTypeCode(getValue(field));
if (metaclass == null)
m_instanceArray[query.getOrdinal()] = null;
metaclass = getMetaclass(query);
metaclass = getMetaclass(query);
InstanceRef ref = m_query.getInvocationContext().findInstanceRef(metaclass, oid);
Instance instance = (ref == null) ? null : ref.getInstance();
// Check if the instance has already been retrieved
if (instance != null)
// Already retrieved instance
if (instance.isLazy())
if (query.isLazy())
if (!metaclass.isUpcast(instance.getLazyMetaclass()))
if (instanceList != null)
bAdd = !instanceList.contains(instance);
if (bAdd &&
container == null &&
m_nMaxCount >= 0 &&
instanceList.getCount() == m_nOffset + m_nMaxCount)
m_bEOF = bDiscardExtra;
m_bEOP = !bDiscardExtra;
return false;
if (bAdd)
switch (instance.getState())
case Instance.DELETED:
bAdd = false;
case Instance.DIRTY:
if (reverse != null)
Object reverseValue = instance.getValueDirect(reverse.getOrdinal());
if (reverseValue != Undefined.VALUE && reverseValue != container)
bAdd = false;
if (!bAdd && instanceList == null)
if (container.getValueDirect(assoc.getOrdinal()) == Undefined.VALUE)
// Set the new value to null, old value to the retrieved instance
container.setValueDirect(assoc.getOrdinal(), null);
bAdd = true;
if (m_instanceSet.get(query, instance) == null)
// Merge the not yet retrieved attribute values
if (!bSkipInstance)
// Overwrite only if the instance is clean
boolean bOverwrite = (instance.getUnitOfWork() == null);
Field lockingField = query.getLockingField();
if (lockingField != null)
Attribute lockingAttribute = lockingField.getAttribute();
Object oldValue = instance.getNewValueDirect(lockingAttribute.getOrdinal());
if (oldValue != Undefined.VALUE)
// Check the old lock value
Primitive primitive = (Primitive)lockingAttribute.getType();
Object value = getValue(lockingField);
if (((Boolean)primitive.findNEFunction(primitive).invoke(oldValue, value)).booleanValue())
// The lock values do not match
// If the instance is dirty/deleted or share-locked, throw an exception
if (!bOverwrite || ref.isLocked())
throw new OptimisticLockException(instance);
// Discard all the instance attributes
for (int i = 0, n = metaclass.getInstanceAttributeCount(); i != n; ++i)
discard(instance, metaclass.getInstanceAttribute(i));
instance.setOldValueDirect(lockingAttribute.getOrdinal(), value);
if (bOverwrite)
discard(instance, query);
if (reverse != null && bAdd && !instance.isLazy())
instance.setValueDirect(reverse.getOrdinal(), container);
bOverwrite = false;
// If the instance is clean, discard the
// instance assocs referenced in this query
if (bOverwrite)
discard(instance, query);
// If the instance is clean, discard the
// instance assocs referenced in this query
if (bOverwrite)
discard(instance, query);
if (bOverwrite && reverse != null && bAdd && !instance.isLazy())
instance.setValueDirect(reverse.getOrdinal(), container);
addInstance(instance, ref, metaclass, query, bOverwrite);
// New instance
if (container == null &&
m_nMaxCount >= 0 &&
instanceList.getCount() == m_nOffset + m_nMaxCount)
m_bEOF = bDiscardExtra;
m_bEOP = !bDiscardExtra;
return false;
instance = new Instance(metaclass, query.isLazy(), m_query.getInvocationContext());
ref = instance.cache(oid);
if (!bSkipInstance)
addInstance(instance, ref, metaclass, query, true);
if (bAdd)
if (instanceList != null)
instanceList.add(instance, InstanceList.DIRECT);
container.setOldValueDirect(assoc.getOrdinal(), instance);
if (reverse != null && !instance.isLazy() && instance.getOldValueDirect(reverse.getOrdinal()) == Undefined.VALUE)
instance.setOldValueDirect(reverse.getOrdinal(), container);
// If query is heterogeneous then this node is finished--the lazy instance has been created.
if (query.getRoot() != m_query)
if (bSkipInstance)
m_instanceArray[query.getOrdinal()] = instance;
if (m_outputMap != null)
m_outputMap.put(query, instance);
if (query.isJoin() && bAdd)
query.join(instance, getKey(query.getChildItem()));
return true;
* Sets the primitive attribute values on the instance.
* @param instance The instance to receive the values.
* @param ref The instance reference.
* @param metaclass The class being read.
* @param query The query providing the values.
* @param bOverwrite True to overwrite values in the instance.
protected void addInstance(Instance instance, InstanceRef ref, Metaclass metaclass, Query query, boolean bOverwrite)
for (Field field = query.getFirstOutputField(); field != null; field = field.getNext())
Attribute attribute = field.getAttribute();
// Consider only this class and inherited attributes
if (attribute != null)
if (attribute.getMetaclass().isUpcast(metaclass))
int nOrdinal = attribute.getOrdinal();
if (bOverwrite || instance.getOldValueDirect(nOrdinal) == Undefined.VALUE)
instance.setOldValueDirect(nOrdinal, getValue(field));
else if (!query.isIdentity())
instance.setAnnotation(attribute.getName(), getValue(field));
String sAnnotation = field.getAnnotation();
if (sAnnotation != null)
if (field.isPersistent())
instance.setAnnotation(sAnnotation, getValue(field));
Object mapping = field.getMapping();
if (mapping == null)
instance.setAnnotation(sAnnotation, field.getItem());
else if (mapping instanceof Field)
instance.setAnnotation(sAnnotation, getValue((Field)mapping));
if (m_annotationMap == null)
m_annotationMap = new HashTab2D();
m_annotationMap.put(instance, sAnnotation, mapping);
// Set the readable attribute value if it is already in the where clause
if (query.isSecure() && metaclass.getReadAccessAttribute() != null && !instance.isLazy())
int nOrdinal = metaclass.getReadAccessAttribute().getOrdinal();
if (bOverwrite || instance.getOldValueDirect(nOrdinal) == Undefined.VALUE)
instance.setOldValueDirect(nOrdinal, Boolean.TRUE);
// Share-lock the instance
if (m_uow != null)
m_uow.lock(ref, false);
m_instanceSet.put(query, instance, instance);
* Retrieves the next page of instances into m_instanceList.
* @param nMaxCount The maximum number of instances to retrieve.
* @param bStep True to execute only one internal step.
protected void internalNext(int nMaxCount, boolean bStep)
long lStartTime = (bStep) ? 0 : getCurrentTime();
boolean bDiscardExtra = false;
m_nRecordOffset = m_nRecordCount;
if (m_query.getMaxCount() >= 0)
m_nMaxCount = m_query.getMaxCount() - m_nTotalCount;
if (m_nMaxCount < 0)
m_nMaxCount = 0;
if (nMaxCount >= 0 && nMaxCount < m_nMaxCount)
m_nMaxCount = nMaxCount;
bDiscardExtra = true;
m_nMaxCount = nMaxCount;
if (m_instanceList == null)
if (m_cachedInstanceList != null && (m_nMaxCount < 0 || m_nMaxCount > m_cachedInstanceList.size()))
m_instanceList = m_cachedInstanceList;
m_bEOF = true;
m_instanceList = new InstanceArrayList((m_nMaxCount >= 0) ? m_nMaxCount + 1 : 9);
if (m_cachedInstanceList != null)
if (m_instanceList != m_cachedInstanceList)
int nCount = m_cachedInstanceList.size() - m_nTotalCount;
if (nCount <= 0)
m_bEOF = true;
if (m_nMaxCount > 0 && m_nMaxCount < nCount)
nCount = m_nMaxCount;
if (nCount > m_nLimit && m_nLimit > 0 && nMaxCount < 0)
throw new DataVolumeException("err.persistence.instanceCount",
new Object[]{m_query.getMetaclass().getName(), Primitive.createInteger(m_nLimit)});
for (int i = m_nTotalCount; --nCount >= 0; ++i)
m_instanceList.add(m_cachedInstanceList.getInstance(i), InstanceList.DIRECT);
while (internalStep(bDiscardExtra) && !bStep)
int nCount = m_instanceList.getCount();
if (nCount > m_nLimit && m_nLimit > 0 && nMaxCount < 0)
throw new DataVolumeException("err.persistence.instanceCount",
new Object[]{m_query.getMetaclass().getName(), Primitive.createInteger(m_nLimit)});
m_nTotalCount += Math.max(m_instanceList.getCount() - m_nOffset, 0);
if (!bStep)
logDuration(lStartTime, false);
if (m_bEOF)
if (m_instanceSet != null)
// Remove the empty elements according to the query offset
InstanceList instanceList;
if (m_nOffset > 0)
int nCount = m_instanceList.getCount() - m_nOffset;
if (nCount < 0)
nCount = 0;
instanceList = new InstanceArrayList(nCount);
for (int i = m_nOffset; nCount > 0; ++i, --nCount)
instanceList.add(m_instanceList.getInstance(i), InstanceList.DIRECT);
m_instanceList = instanceList;
m_nOffset = 0;
if (m_bDebug)
* Completes the query.
protected void completeQuery()
if (m_annotationMap != null)
for (Lookup2D.Iterator itr = m_annotationMap.valueIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
Function fun = (Function)itr.next();
Instance instance = (Instance)itr.getKey1();
instance.getContext().getMachine().invoke(fun, instance, (Pair)null));
if (m_bEOF)
m_annotationMap = null;
* Retrieves the next page of instances.
* @param nMaxCount The maximum number of instances to retrieve.
* @return The list of the retrieved instances.
public InstanceList next(int nMaxCount)
if (m_bEOF)
return new InstanceArrayList(0);
internalNext(nMaxCount, false);
InstanceList instanceList = m_instanceList;
m_instanceList = null;
return instanceList;
* Retrieves the next instance.
* @return The next instance, or null if none.
public Instance next()
if (m_bEOF)
return null;
internalNext(1, false);
if (m_instanceList.isEmpty())
return null;
return m_instanceList.remove(0, InstanceList.DIRECT);
* Makes one step through the instances.
* @param map The query to instance output map.
* @return True if the step has been made, or false if EOF has been reached.
public boolean step(Lookup map)
if (map != null)
// Advance to next row in Cartesian product using results stored in the Cartesian product iterator
if (m_stepIterator != null && m_stepIterator.hasNext())
return true;
if (!m_query.isHeterogeneous() && map != null)
m_outputMap = map;
if (!m_bEOF)
internalNext(1, true);
// Store the new instance and its sub-collections in the Cartesian product iterator
if (!m_bEOF)
if (m_query.isHeterogeneous())
ArrayList stepList = new ArrayList(m_nPageSize);
// Read a page of steps
for (int i = 1; i < m_nPageSize && !m_bEOF; i++)
m_instanceArray = new Instance[m_instanceArray.length];
internalNext(1, true);
if (!m_bEOF)
completeQuery(); // aggregate heterogeneous joins across the page to reduce RPCs
m_stepIterator = new QueryCartesianProductIterator(m_query, stepList);
return true;
m_outputMap = null;
return !m_bEOF;
* @see java.lang.Object#finalize()
protected void finalize() throws Throwable
* @see nexj.core.util.Printable#printOn(nexj.core.util.PrintWriter)
public void printOn(PrintWriter writer) throws IOException
writer.write(", query=");
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
return PrintWriter.toString(this);