// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.persistence;
import nexj.core.meta.Attribute;
import nexj.core.meta.Primitive;
import nexj.core.meta.Type;
import nexj.core.scripting.Function;
import nexj.core.util.Undefined;
* Object binding a query, an attribute and/or an operator or a key and a persistence mapping.
public class Field extends Source
// attributes
* The field output flag.
protected boolean m_bOutput;
* True if the field is persistent.
protected boolean m_bPersistent;
* The annotation name.
protected String m_sAnnotation;
// associations
* This is the field source query.
protected Query m_query;
* The field type.
protected Type m_type;
* The type converter.
protected Converter m_converter;
* The field mapping bind.
protected Object m_bind;
* This is the next field.
protected Field m_next;
// constructors
* Creates a field with a query and attribute.
* @param query The source query.
* @param attribute The source attribute
public Field(Query query, Attribute attribute)
assert query != null;
assert attribute != null;
m_query = query;
m_attribute = attribute;
m_type = attribute.getType();
m_bPersistent = true;
* Creates a field with a query and attribute.
* @param query The source query.
* @param attribute The source attribute
* @param bOutput The output flag.
public Field(Query query, Attribute attribute, boolean bOutput)
this(query, attribute);
m_bOutput = bOutput;
* Creates a field with a query and an operator.
* @param query The source query.
* @param operator The source operator.
public Field(Query query, Operator operator)
assert query != null;
assert operator != null;
m_query = query;
m_mapping = operator;
Query opQuery = operator.getQuery();
m_bPersistent = opQuery != null && opQuery.isSameRoot(query);
* Creates an alias of a given field.
* @param field The field.
public Field(Field field)
assert field != null;
m_query = field.getQuery();
m_mapping = field;
* Creates an alias of a given field corresponding to a given attribute.
* @param field The field.
* @param attribute The attribute.
public Field(Field field, Attribute attribute)
* Creates an alias of a given field corresponding to a given annotation.
* @param field The field.
* @param sAnnotation The annotation name.
public Field(Field field, String sAnnotation)
assert sAnnotation != null;
m_sAnnotation = sAnnotation;
* Creates a constant value field corresponding to a given annotation.
* @param query The source query.
* @param sAnnotation The annotation name.
* @param value The constant value.
public Field(Query query, String sAnnotation, Object value)
assert query != null && sAnnotation != null;
m_query = query;
m_sAnnotation = sAnnotation;
m_item = value;
m_bGroupedBy = true;
* Creates a function field corresponding to a given annotation.
* @param query The source query.
* @param sAnnotation The annotation name.
* @param fun The function.
public Field(Query query, String sAnnotation, Function fun)
assert query != null && sAnnotation != null && fun != null;
m_query = query;
m_sAnnotation = sAnnotation;
m_mapping = fun;
* Creates a field with a query and persistence mappings.
* @param query The source query.
* @param mapping The persistence mapping.
* @param item The mapping item.
* @param type The field type.
* @param converter The type converter. Can be null.
* @param bind The mapping bind.
* @param bOutput The output flag.
public Field(Query query, Object mapping, Object item, Type type, Converter converter, Object bind, boolean bOutput)
assert query != null && mapping != null && item != null;
m_query = query;
m_mapping = mapping;
m_item = item;
m_type = type;
m_converter = converter;
m_bind = bind;
m_bOutput = bOutput;
m_bPersistent = true;
// operations
* Sets the field source query.
* @param query The field source query to set.
public void setQuery(Query query)
m_query = query;
* @return The field source query.
public Query getQuery()
return m_query;
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#findCommon(nexj.core.persistence.Source)
public Source findCommon(Source source)
return (m_query.isSameRoot(source.getQuery())) ? m_query.getRoot() : null;
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#getAdapter()
public PersistenceAdapter getAdapter()
return m_query.getAdapter();
* Sets the field source attribute.
* @param attribute The field source attribute to set.
public void setAttribute(Attribute attribute)
if (attribute != null)
m_type = attribute.getType();
* Sets the annotation name.
* @param sAnnotation The annotation name to set.
public void setAnnotation(String sAnnotation)
m_sAnnotation = sAnnotation;
* @return The annotation name.
public String getAnnotation()
return m_sAnnotation;
* Sets the associated operator.
* @param operator The associated operator to set.
public void setOperator(Operator operator)
m_mapping = operator;
* @return The associated operator.
public Operator getOperator()
if (m_mapping instanceof Operator)
return (Operator)m_mapping;
return null;
* Sets the field type.
* @param type The field type to set.
public void setType(Type type)
m_type = type;
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#getType()
public Type getType()
return m_type;
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#setMapping(java.lang.Object)
public void setMapping(Object mapping)
m_mapping = mapping;
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#getMapping()
public Object getMapping()
return m_mapping;
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#setItem(java.lang.Object)
public void setItem(Object item)
m_item = item;
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#getItem()
public Object getItem()
return m_item;
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#setOrdinal(int)
public void setOrdinal(int nOrdinal)
m_nOrdinal = nOrdinal;
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#getOrdinal()
public int getOrdinal()
return m_nOrdinal;
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#output()
public void output()
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#setOutput(boolean)
public void setOutput(boolean bOutput)
m_bOutput = bOutput;
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#isOutput()
public boolean isOutput()
return m_bOutput;
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#getConstrainedValue()
public Object getConstrainedValue()
if (m_attribute == null)
return Undefined.VALUE;
return m_query.getConstrainedValue(this);
* @see nexj.core.persistence.Source#getValue()
public Object getValue()
return m_query.getAdapter().getQuery(this).getValue(this);
* @return True if the field is evaluated by the persistence engine.
public boolean isPersistent()
return m_bPersistent;
* Sets the type converter.
* @param converter The type converter to set.
public void setConverter(Converter converter)
m_converter = converter;
* @return The type converter.
public Converter getConverter()
return m_converter;
* Sets the field mapping bind.
* @param bind The field mapping bind to set.
public void setBind(Object bind)
m_bind = bind;
* @return The field mapping bind.
public Object getBind()
return m_bind;
* Sets the next field.
* @param next The next field to set.
public void setNext(Field next)
m_next = next;
* @return The next field.
public Field getNext()
return m_next;
* Normalizes the field.
* @param nFlags Combination of Operator.NORMALIZE_* flags.
* @return False if the field has to be removed.
public boolean normalize(int nFlags)
Operator op = getOperator();
if (op != null)
setOperator(op = op.normalize(nFlags));
Source source = op.getSource();
if (source == null || !m_query.isSameRoot(source.getQuery()))
return false;
if (m_type != null && m_type.isPrimitive())
Type opType = op.getType();
if (opType != null && opType.isPrimitive() && m_type != opType)
m_converter = new PrimitiveConverter((Primitive)opType, (Primitive)m_type);
return true;
* @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
public int compareTo(Object obj)
if (!(obj instanceof Field))
return getClass().getName().compareTo(obj.getClass().getName());
Field field = (Field)obj;
if (m_attribute != null)
if (field.getAttribute() != null)
return m_attribute.compareTo(field.getAttribute());
return -1;
if (field.getAttribute() != null)
return 1;
if (m_mapping instanceof Comparable)
if (field.getMapping() instanceof Comparable)
return ((Comparable)m_mapping).compareTo(field.getMapping());
return -1;
if (field.getMapping() instanceof Comparable)
return 1;
return 0;
* @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (!(obj instanceof Source))
return false;
Source source = (Source)obj;
return m_mapping == source.getMapping() &&
m_item == source.getItem();
* @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
public int hashCode()
return ((m_mapping != null) ? m_mapping.hashCode() : 0) ^
((m_item != null) ? m_item.hashCode() : 0);
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(128);
if (m_attribute != null)
buf.append(", ");
if (m_sAnnotation != null)
buf.append(", ");
if (m_mapping != null)
buf.append(", ");
if (m_item != null)
buf.append(", ");
if (m_nOrdinal >= 0)
buf.append(", ");
if (m_bOutput)
buf.append("output=true, ");
if (buf.charAt(buf.length() - 1) == ' ')
buf.setLength(buf.length() - 2);
return buf.toString();