Package nexj.core.meta.xml

Source Code of nexj.core.meta.xml.XMLMetadataHelper

// Copyright 2010-2011 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.meta.xml;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.w3c.dom.Attr;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import nexj.core.meta.Metadata;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataCompoundValidationException;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataException;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataLoader;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataMarker;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataURLHandler;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataValidationException;
import nexj.core.meta.SystemResources;
import nexj.core.scripting.GlobalEnvironment;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.Parser;
import nexj.core.scripting.ParserException;
import nexj.core.scripting.SchemeParser;
import nexj.core.util.ExceptionHolder;
import nexj.core.util.HashDeque;
import nexj.core.util.HashHolder;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab2D;
import nexj.core.util.Holder;
import nexj.core.util.HolderDeque;
import nexj.core.util.IOUtil;
import nexj.core.util.LinkedHashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Logger;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup2D;
import nexj.core.util.LookupDeque;
import nexj.core.util.MultiMap;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.ProgressListener;
import nexj.core.util.StringUtil;
import nexj.core.util.SysUtil;
import nexj.core.util.TextPositionReader;
import nexj.core.util.URLUtil;
import nexj.core.util.UncheckedException;
import nexj.core.util.XMLException;
import nexj.core.util.XMLUtil;
import nexj.core.util.cipher.CharacterStreamCipherDispatcher;

* Helper class for loading metadata using an XML serialization format.
public final class XMLMetadataHelper
   // constants

    * Search the root URL first, and then the base URL.
   public final static int SEARCH_ROOT_THEN_BASE = 0;

    * Search the root URL only.
   public final static int SEARCH_ROOT_ONLY = 1;

    * Search the base URL only.
   public final static int SEARCH_BASE_ONLY = 2;

    * Search the root URL first, then the base URL, then the mixin URLs.
   public final static int SEARCH_ALL = 3;

    * Basic identifier starting with a letter or _ followed by letters, _ or digits.
   public final static int NAME_ID = 0x00;

    * Periods are allowed in the name.
   public final static int NAME_DOT = 0x01;

    * Special characters are allowed in the name: - ? !
   public final static int NAME_SPEC = 0x02;
    * Colons are allowed the name for scoping.
   public final static int NAME_SCOPE = 0x10;

    * The metadata XSD URL.
   public final static URL XSD_URL = XMLMetadataHelper.class.getResource("metadata.xsd");

    * The base types XSD URL.
   public final static URL BASE_TYPES_URL = XMLMetadataHelper.class.getResource("baseTypes.xsd");

    * The types XSD URL.
   public final static URL TYPES_URL = XMLMetadataHelper.class.getResource("types.xsd");

    * The types XSD URL.
   public final static URL BASE_METADATA_URL = XMLMetadataHelper.class.getResource("baseMetadata.xsd");

    * Invalid character matching algorithm, to be used to generate property and directory names from repository namespaces.
   private final static Pattern INVALID_SUBSTRING_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(^[^a-zA-Z]+)|([^a-zA-Z0-9]+)");

    * The default schema URL deque.
   public final static LookupDeque DEFAULT_SCHEMA_URL_DEQUE = new LinkedHashTab(3);

    * The name of the repository descriptor.
   public final static String DESCRIPTOR_NAME = ".metadata";

    * The prefix of metadata upgrade classes.
   protected final static String METADATA_UPGRADE_PREFIX = "XMLMetadataUpgrade";

   // attributes

    * Search mode, one of the SEARCH_* constants.
   private int m_nSearchMode = SEARCH_ALL;

    * The relative name of the resource (XML file)
    * that is currently being processed.
   private String m_sCurResourceName;

    * The cached base checksum. Null if not yet cached.
   private String m_sBaseChecksum;

    * The .metadata file name.
   private String m_sMetadataFileName = DESCRIPTOR_NAME;

   // associations

    * The root URL from which to get the data.
   private URL m_rootURL;

    * The base URL, which serves as a fallback root URL.
   private URL m_baseURL;

    * The resource listing.
   protected XMLMetadataListing m_listing;

    * The properties for overriding various values.
   private Properties m_properties;

    * The URL handler when loading from a dynamic metadata store.
   protected URLStreamHandler m_handler;

    * The Scheme parser.
   private SchemeParser m_parser;

    * The cached base descriptor element. Null if not yet cached.
   private Element m_baseDescriptorElement;

    * The cached root descriptor element. Null if not yet cached.
   protected Element m_rootDescriptorElement;

    * The metadata validation exception container.
   private MetadataCompoundValidationException m_exception = new MetadataCompoundValidationException();

    * The warning container. Null if warnings are disabled.
   protected ExceptionHolder m_warnings;

    * The set of encryption schemes that were used for encrypting passwords
    * and connection and server files.
   protected Set m_encryptionSchemeSet; // of type String

    * The validation exception context marker stack.
   private List m_markerList = new ArrayList(10); // of type String[2*n], String[2*n+1]

    * The dynamically loaded class instance map (class name to class instance).
   private Lookup m_instanceMap; // of type Object[String]

    * The logger.
   private static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(XMLMetadataHelper.class);

    * A map of ordered lists of upgrade steps to apply to elements, keyed on element name.
    * The lists have Methods on elements and corresponding class instances on odd elements.
   protected Lookup/*<String, List<Object>>*/ m_resourceUpgradeMap; // lazy init

    * The resources added by the metadata upgrades. Map of resource full name (URI) to content URL.
   protected Lookup m_addedResourceURLMap; // of type URL[String]

    * The names of the resources added by the metadata upgrades, indexed by resource
    * extension. Map of extension to multiple full names (URIs).
   protected MultiMap m_resourceAddedMap; // of type String[][String]

         DEFAULT_SCHEMA_URL_DEQUE.put(XSD_URL.toExternalForm(), XSD_URL);
         DEFAULT_SCHEMA_URL_DEQUE.put("baseTypes.xsd", BASE_TYPES_URL);
         DEFAULT_SCHEMA_URL_DEQUE.put("types.xsd", TYPES_URL);
         DEFAULT_SCHEMA_URL_DEQUE.put("baseMetadata.xsd", BASE_METADATA_URL);
      catch (Throwable t)

   // constructors

   public XMLMetadataHelper()

    * Creates a new metadata helper initialized with the repository root URL.
    * @param rootURL The repository root URL.
    * @param baseURL The fallback URL for resources that are not found under the root URL.
    * @param listing The resource listing.  If null, listing for base and root will be lazily constructed if required to perform an operation.
    * @param properties The metadata properties for overriding various values.
   public XMLMetadataHelper(URL rootURL, URL baseURL, Properties properties, XMLMetadataListing listing)
      m_rootURL = rootURL;
      m_baseURL = baseURL;
      m_properties = properties;
      m_listing = listing;

    * Creates a new metadata helper initialized with the repository root URL.
    * @param rootURL The repository root URL.
    * @param baseURL The fallback URL for resources that are not found under the root URL.
    * @param listing The resource listing.  If null, listing for base and root will be lazily constructed if required to perform an operation.
    * @param properties The metadata properties for overriding various values.
    * @param handler The URL handler when loading from a dynamic metadata store.
   public XMLMetadataHelper(URL rootURL, URL baseURL, Properties properties, XMLMetadataListing listing, URLStreamHandler handler)
      m_rootURL = rootURL;
      m_baseURL = baseURL;
      m_properties = properties;
      m_listing = listing;
      m_handler = handler;

   // operations

    * @return The repository root URL.
   public URL getRootURL()
      return m_rootURL;

    * @return The repository base URL (fallback URL for resources that are not found under the root URL).
   public URL getBaseURL()
      return m_baseURL;

    * Sets the search mode.
    * @param nSearchMode One of the SEARCH_* constants.
   public void setSearchMode(int nSearchMode)
      m_nSearchMode = nSearchMode;

    * @return The search mode, one of the SEARCH_* constants.
   public int getSearchMode()
      return m_nSearchMode;

    * @return The name of the currently processed resource.
   public String getCurResourceName()
      return m_sCurResourceName;

    * Pushes a validation exception context marker.
    * @param sName Marker property name.
    * @param sValue Marker property value.
    * @return A cookie for restoring the previous context.
   public int pushMarker(String sName, String sValue)

      return m_markerList.size() - 2;

    * Restores a validation exception context marker to a previous level.
    * @param nCookie  A cookie returned by pushMarker().
   public void restoreMarker(int nCookie)
      while (m_markerList.size() > nCookie)
         m_markerList.remove(m_markerList.size() - 1);

    * Clears the context marker.
   public void clearMarker()

    * Sets the metadata validation exception marker to the current marker.
    * @param e The metadata validation exception to modify.
   public void setMarker(MetadataValidationException e)
      for (int i = 0; i < m_markerList.size(); i += 2)
         e.setProperty((String)m_markerList.get(i), (String)m_markerList.get(i + 1));

    * Create a lookup of the current marker values.
    * @return A map containing the current marker values;
   public Lookup saveMarkerState()
      Lookup markerLookup = new HashTab(m_markerList.size() / 2);

      for (int i = 0; i < m_markerList.size(); i += 2)
         markerLookup.put(m_markerList.get(i), m_markerList.get(i + 1));

      return markerLookup;

    * @return The compound validation exception.
   public MetadataCompoundValidationException getException()
      return m_exception;

    * Adds a metadata validation exception to the compound exception.
    * Sets the resource name to the current resource, if not yet set.
    * @param e The exception to add.
   public void addException(MetadataValidationException e)
      if (e.getResourceName() == null)


    * Wraps an unchecked exception as a metadata validation exception,
    * assigns the current context marker to it and adds it to the compound exception.
    * @param e The exception to add.
   public void addException(UncheckedException e)
      if (e instanceof MetadataCompoundValidationException &&
         ((MetadataCompoundValidationException)e).getExceptionCount() != 0)
         if (e != m_exception)
            MetadataCompoundValidationException x = (MetadataCompoundValidationException)e;

            for (Iterator itr = x.getExceptionIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
      else if (e instanceof MetadataValidationException)
         MetadataValidationException x = new MetadataValidationException(e);


    * @throws MetadataCompoundValidationException if any errors have been accumulated.
   public void checkForError()
      if (m_exception.getExceptionCount() > 0)
         throw m_exception;

    * Sets the warning container.
    * @param warnings The warning container to set. Can be null.
   public void setWarnings(ExceptionHolder warnings)
      m_warnings = warnings;

    * @return The warning container. Null if warnings are disabled.
   public ExceptionHolder getWarnings()
      return m_warnings;

    * Gets an information object for the repository descriptor.
    * @param bRoot True to get the root repository descriptor,
    * false to get the base repository descriptor.
    * @return The resource object.
    * @throws MetadataException if the descriptor was not found.
   public XMLResource getDescriptorResource(boolean bRoot)
      if (!bRoot && getBaseURL() == null)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.resourceOpen", new Object[]{m_sMetadataFileName});

      InputStream istream = null;

         if (m_sMetadataFileName.length() == 0 || m_sMetadataFileName.charAt(0) == '/')
            throw new MalformedURLException("Invalid resource name \"" + m_sMetadataFileName + "\"");

         URL url = new URL((bRoot) ? m_rootURL : m_baseURL, m_sMetadataFileName);

         istream = URLUtil.openStream(url);

         if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
            s_logger.dump("Found resource \"" + m_sMetadataFileName + "\" at URL=\"" + url + "\"");

         return new XMLResource(m_sMetadataFileName, url, bRoot);
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.resourceOpen", new Object[]{m_sMetadataFileName}, e);

    * Returns the root document element of the repository descriptor.
    * @param bRoot True to get the root repository descriptor,
    * false to get the base repository descriptor.
    * @return The root document element of the descriptor.
    * @throws MetadataException if the loading failed.
   public Element getDescriptorElement(boolean bRoot)
      int nSearchModeSaved = getSearchMode();
      XMLMetadataListing savedListing = m_listing;

      if (bRoot)
         if (m_rootDescriptorElement != null)
            return m_rootDescriptorElement;

         if (m_rootURL == null)
            return null;
         if (m_baseDescriptorElement != null)
            return m_baseDescriptorElement;

         if (m_baseURL == null)
            return null;

      int nCookie = pushMarker(MetadataValidationException.TYPE_NAME, "Metadata");

         final Element[] elementArray = new Element[1];
         Lookup resourceMap = new HashTab(1);

         m_listing = new XMLMetadataListing();

         if (bRoot)
               new XMLResource(m_sMetadataFileName,  new URL(m_rootURL, m_sMetadataFileName), true));
               new XMLResource(m_sMetadataFileName, new URL(m_baseURL, m_sMetadataFileName), false));


         loadResource(m_sMetadataFileName, m_sMetadataFileName, new ResourceHandler()
            public void handleResource(Element metadataElement, String sName)
               if (!metadataElement.getNodeName().equals("Metadata"))
                  throw new MetadataException("err.meta.docRoot",
                        new Object[]{metadataElement.getNodeName(), "Metadata"});

               elementArray[0] = metadataElement;

         if (bRoot)
            m_rootDescriptorElement = elementArray[0];
            m_baseDescriptorElement = elementArray[0];

         return elementArray[0];
      catch (MalformedURLException e)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.resourceOpen", new Object[]{m_sMetadataFileName}, e);
      catch (UncheckedException e)
         MetadataValidationException x = new MetadataValidationException(e);

         throw x;
         m_listing = savedListing;

    * Adds all resources with the specified extension to a map.
    * @param resourceMap The map where to add the resource names and paths (String[String]).
    * @param sExt The extension to chop off the resource name.
    * @param sMarkerTypeName The metadata marker type name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param sMarkerPropertyName The metadata marker property name for MetadataValidationException.
   public void addResources(Lookup resourceMap, String sExt, String sMarkerTypeName, String sMarkerPropertyName)
      Lookup extensionMap = getListing().getExtensionMap();

      if (extensionMap == null)

      List resList = (List)extensionMap.get(sExt);

      if (resList != null)
         for (Iterator itr = resList.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
            String sResName = (String);
            String sElName = getResourceName(sResName);
            Object oldResName = resourceMap.put(sElName, sResName);

            if (oldResName != null && !sResName.equals(oldResName))
               MetadataValidationException e = new MetadataValidationException("err.meta.multiPathResource",
                  new Object[]{sResName, oldResName});

               e.setProperty(sMarkerPropertyName, sElName);


      // Process files added by the upgrades
      if (m_resourceAddedMap != null)
         for (Iterator itr = m_resourceAddedMap.get(sExt).iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
            String sResName = (String);
            String sElName = getResourceName(sResName);
            Object oldResName = resourceMap.put(sElName, sResName);

            if (oldResName != null)
               // Resources of the same (simple) name from the metadata take precedence
               resourceMap.put(sElName, oldResName);


    * Loads all resources with the specified extension.
    * @param sExt The extension to chop off the resource name.
    * @param sMarkerTypeName The metadata marker type name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param sMarkerPropertyName The metadata marker property name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param handler The handler which processes the resource root DOM element.
    * @param progress The progress listener. Can be null.
   public void loadResources(String sExt, String sMarkerTypeName, String sMarkerPropertyName,
      ResourceHandler handler, ProgressListener progress)
         sExt, sMarkerTypeName, sMarkerPropertyName,
         new UpgradingResourceCharacterStreamHandler(handler), progress);

    * Loads all resources with the specified extension.
    * @param sExt The extension to chop off the resource name.
    * @param sMarkerTypeName The metadata marker type name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param sMarkerPropertyName The metadata marker property name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param handler The handler which processes the resource character stream.
    * @param progress The progress listener. Can be null.
   public void loadResources(String sExt, String sMarkerTypeName, String sMarkerPropertyName,
      final CharacterStreamHandler streamHandler, ProgressListener progress)
      loadResources(sExt, sMarkerTypeName, sMarkerPropertyName, new ResourceNameHandler()
         public void handleResource(String sBaseName, String sFullName)
            loadResource(sFullName, sBaseName, streamHandler);
      }, progress);

    * Loads all resources with the specified extension.
    * @param sExt The extension to chop off the resource name.
    * @param sMarkerTypeName The metadata marker type name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param sMarkerPropertyName The metadata marker property name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param handler The handler which processes the resource.
    * @param progress The progress listener. Can be null.
   public void loadResources(String sExt, String sMarkerTypeName, String sMarkerPropertyName,
      ResourceNameHandler handler, ProgressListener progress)
      Lookup resourceMap = new LinkedHashTab(256);

      addResources(resourceMap, sExt, sMarkerTypeName, sMarkerPropertyName);

      int nCount = 0;

      for (Lookup.Iterator itr = resourceMap.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         String sBaseName = (String);
         String sFullName = (String)itr.getValue();
         String sResourceNameSaved = m_sCurResourceName;
         int nCookie = pushMarker(MetadataValidationException.RESOURCE_NAME, sFullName);

         pushMarker(MetadataValidationException.TYPE_NAME, sMarkerTypeName);
         pushMarker(sMarkerPropertyName, sBaseName);
         m_sCurResourceName = sFullName;

            if (progress != null)
               progress.progress("info.meta.loadingResource", new Object[]{sFullName},
                  (double)nCount++ / resourceMap.size());

            handler.handleResource(sBaseName, sFullName);
         catch (UncheckedException e)
            m_sCurResourceName = sResourceNameSaved;


    * Validates resources given a map of their name to path.
    * @param resourceMap The map containing key-value pairs of name key to path value.
    * @param sMarkerTypeName The metadata marker type name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param sMarkerPropertyName The metadata marker property name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param progress The progress listener. Can be null.
   protected void validateResources(Lookup resourceMap, String sMarkerTypeName,
      String sMarkerPropertyName, ResourceNameHandler validationHandler,
      ProgressListener progress)
      String sResourceNameSaved = m_sCurResourceName;

         Lookup.Iterator itr = resourceMap.iterator();
         int nCount = 0;

         while (itr.hasNext())
            int nCookie = pushMarker(MetadataValidationException.TYPE_NAME, sMarkerTypeName);
            String sBaseName = (String);
            String sFullName = (String)itr.getValue();
            pushMarker(MetadataValidationException.RESOURCE_NAME, sFullName);
            pushMarker(sMarkerPropertyName, sBaseName);

               if (progress != null)
                  progress.progress("info.meta.validatingResource", new Object[]{sFullName},
                     (double)nCount++ / resourceMap.size());

               m_sCurResourceName = sFullName;
               validationHandler.handleResource(sBaseName, sFullName);
            catch (UncheckedException e)

         m_sCurResourceName = sResourceNameSaved;

    * Loads the specified resource from the repository.
    * @param sResName The name of the resource relative to the repository root.
    * @param sName The name of the item corresponding to the resource.
    * @param handler The handler which processes the resource DOM root element.
   public void loadResource(String sResName, String sName, ResourceHandler handler)
      loadResource(sResName, sName, new UpgradingResourceCharacterStreamHandler(handler));

    * Loads the specified resource from the repository.
    * @param sResName The name of the resource relative to the repository root.
    * @param sName The name of the item corresponding to the resource.
    * @param handler The handler which processes the resource DOM root element.
    * @param schemaURLDeque The mapping of schema URLs to other URLs that will
    * be used as the actual locations of those schemas, in the schema parse order.
   public void loadResource(String sResName, String sName, ResourceHandler handler, LookupDeque schemaURLDeque)
         sResName, sName, new UpgradingResourceCharacterStreamHandler(handler, schemaURLDeque));

    * Loads the specified resource from a given reader.
    * @param sResName The name of the resource, relative to the repository root.
    * @param sName The name of the item corresponding to the resource.
    * @param handler The handler which processes the resource DOM root element.
    * @param schemaURLDeque The mapping of schema URLs to other URLs that will
    * be used as the actual locations of those schemas, in the schema parse order.
    * @param reader Reader to provide the resource data.
   public void loadResource(String sResName, String sName, ResourceHandler handler, LookupDeque schemaURLDeque, Reader reader)
         sResName, sName,
         new UpgradingResourceCharacterStreamHandler(handler, schemaURLDeque), reader);

    * Loads the specified resource from a given reader.
    * @param sResName The name of the resource, relative to the repository root.
    * @param sName The name of the item corresponding to the resource.
    * @param handler The handler which processes the resource DOM root element.
    * @param reader Reader to provide the resource data.
   public void loadResource(String sResName, String sName, CharacterStreamHandler handler, Reader reader)
      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
         s_logger.debug("Loading resource \"" + sResName + "\"");

      String sResourceNameSaved = m_sCurResourceName;
      int nCookie = pushMarker(MetadataValidationException.RESOURCE_NAME, sResName);

      m_sCurResourceName = sResName;

         handler.handleCharacterStream(reader, sName);
      catch (IOException e)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.resourceOpen", new Object[]{sResName}, e);
         m_sCurResourceName = sResourceNameSaved;

    * Loads the specified resource from the repository.
    * @param sResName The name of the resource relative to the repository root.
    * @param sName The name of the item corresponding to the resource.
    * @param handler The handler which processes the resource character stream.
   public void loadResource(String sResName, String sName, CharacterStreamHandler handler)
      Reader reader = getResourceAsReader(sResName);

         loadResource(sResName, sName, handler, reader);

    * Loads the specified system resource.
    * @param sResName The resource name, relative to nexj.core.meta.sys package.
    * @param sMarkerTypeName The metadata marker type name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param sMarkerPropertyName The metadata marker property name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param handler The handler which processes the resource root DOM element.
   public void loadSystemResource(String sResName, String sMarkerTypeName, String sMarkerPropertyName,
      ResourceHandler handler)
      loadSystemResource(sResName, sMarkerTypeName, sMarkerPropertyName, new ResourceCharacterStreamHandler(handler));

    * Loads the specified system resource.
    * @param sResName The resource name, relative to nexj.core.meta.sys package.
    * @param sMarkerTypeName The metadata marker type name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param sMarkerPropertyName The metadata marker property name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param handler The handler which processes the resource character stream.
   public void loadSystemResource(String sResName, String sMarkerTypeName,
      String sMarkerPropertyName, CharacterStreamHandler handler)
      String sName = getSystemResourceName(sResName);

      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
         s_logger.debug("Loading system resource \"" + sResName + "\"");

      URL url;

         url = (URLUtil.isURL(sResName)) ? new URL(sResName) : SystemResources.find(sResName);
      catch (IOException e)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.resourceOpen", new Object[]{sResName}, e);
      loadURL(url, sResName, sName, sMarkerTypeName, sMarkerPropertyName, handler);

    * Loads an encrypted resource from the given URL.
    * @param resourceURL The URL of the resource to load.
    * @param sMarkerTypeName The metadata marker type name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param sMarkerPropertyName The metadata marker property name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param handler The handler which processes the resource character stream.
    * @param properties The properties to use for decryption.
   public void loadEncryptedResourceURL(URL resourceURL, String sMarkerTypeName, String sMarkerPropertyName,
      ResourceHandler handler, Properties properties)
      CharacterStreamHandler streamHandler = new UpgradingResourceCharacterStreamHandler(handler);
      EncryptedCharacterStreamHandler characterStreamHandler =
            new EncryptedCharacterStreamHandler(streamHandler, properties);

      loadResourceURL(resourceURL, sMarkerTypeName, sMarkerPropertyName, characterStreamHandler);

    * Loads a resource from the given URL.
    * @param resourceURL The URL of the resource to load.
    * @param sMarkerTypeName The metadata marker type name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param sMarkerPropertyName The metadata marker property name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param handler The handler which processes the resource character stream.
   public void loadResourceURL(URL resourceURL, String sMarkerTypeName,
      String sMarkerPropertyName, CharacterStreamHandler handler)
      String sName = getSystemResourceName(resourceURL.toString());

      if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
         s_logger.debug("Loading resource URL \"" + resourceURL + '"');

      loadURL(resourceURL, resourceURL.toString(), sName, sMarkerTypeName, sMarkerPropertyName, handler);

    * Loads a resource from the given URL.
    * @param url The URL of the resource to load.
    * @param sResName The resource name.
    * @param sBaseName The resource name without path or extension.
    * @param sMarkerTypeName The metadata marker type name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param sMarkerPropertyName The metadata marker property name for MetadataValidationException.
    * @param handler The handler which processes the resource character stream.
   protected void loadURL(URL url, String sResName, String sBaseName,
      String sMarkerTypeName, String sMarkerPropertyName, CharacterStreamHandler handler)
      Reader reader = null;
      String sResourceNameSaved = m_sCurResourceName;
      int nCookie = pushMarker(MetadataValidationException.TYPE_NAME, sMarkerTypeName);

      pushMarker(sMarkerPropertyName, sBaseName);

         m_sCurResourceName = sResName;
         pushMarker(MetadataValidationException.RESOURCE_NAME, sResName);

            reader = new InputStreamReader(URLUtil.openStream(url), XMLUtil.ENCODING);
            reader = new BufferedReader(reader);
            handler.handleCharacterStream(reader, sBaseName);
         catch (IOException e)
            throw new MetadataException("err.meta.resourceOpen", new Object[]{sResName}, e);
      catch (UncheckedException e)
         m_sCurResourceName = sResourceNameSaved;


    * Finds a resource by name.
    * @param sName The resource name.
    * @param nSearchMode The search mode, one of the SEARCH_* constants.
    * @return The resource object, or null if not found.
   public XMLResource findResource(String sName, int nSearchMode)
      int nSearchModeSaved = m_nSearchMode;

         m_nSearchMode = nSearchMode;

         return findResource(sName);
         m_nSearchMode = nSearchModeSaved;

    * Finds a resource by name.
    * @param sName The resource name.
    * @return The resource object, or null if not found.
   public XMLResource findResource(String sName)
      XMLResource resource = null;
      XMLMetadataListing listing = getListing();

      if (sName.length() == 0 || sName.charAt(0) == '/')
         return null;

      if (m_nSearchMode == SEARCH_ALL)
         Lookup resourceMap = listing.getResourceMap();

         resource = (resourceMap == null) ? null : (XMLResource)resourceMap.get(sName);
         if (m_nSearchMode != SEARCH_BASE_ONLY)
            Lookup rootMap = listing.getRootResourceMap();

            resource = (rootMap == null) ? null : (XMLResource)rootMap.get(sName);

         if (resource == null && m_nSearchMode != SEARCH_ROOT_ONLY)
            Lookup baseMap = listing.getBaseResourceMap();

            resource = (baseMap == null) ? null : (XMLResource)baseMap.get(sName);

      if (resource == null && m_addedResourceURLMap != null)
         URL url = (URL)m_addedResourceURLMap.get(sName);

         resource = (url == null) ? null : new XMLResource(sName, url, true);

      if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
         if (resource != null)
            s_logger.dump("Found resource \"" + sName + "\" at URL=\"" + resource.getURL() + "\"");

      return resource;

    * Gets an information object for the specified resource.
    * @param sName The resource name.
    * @return The resource object.
    * @throws MetadataException if the resource was not found.
   public XMLResource getResource(String sName)
      XMLResource resource = findResource(sName);

      if (resource == null)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.resourceOpen", new Object[]{sName});

      return resource;

    * Gets an input stream for the specified resource.
    * @param sName The resource name.
    * @return The input stream.
   public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String sName)
      XMLResource resource = getResource(sName);

         return new BufferedInputStream(URLUtil.openStream(resource.getURL()), IOUtil.BUFFER_SIZE);
      catch (Throwable t)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.resourceOpen", new Object[]{sName}, t);

    * Opens a UTF-8 text input stream for the specified resource.
    * @param sName The resource name, relative to the root.
    * @return The binary stream. Closing it is a caller's responsibility.
    * @throws MetadataException if the resource was not found.
   public Reader getResourceAsReader(String sName)
         return IOUtil.openBufferedReader(getResourceAsStream(sName), XMLUtil.ENCODING);
      catch (MetadataException e)
         throw e;
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.resourceOpen", new Object[]{sName}, e);

    * Fixes up all the references in a collection.
    * @param itr The collection iterator over Fixup instances.
   public void fixup(Iterator itr)
      while (itr.hasNext())
         Fixup fixup = (Fixup);

         catch (MetadataCompoundValidationException e)
            for (Iterator xitr = e.getExceptionIterator(); xitr.hasNext();)
               UncheckedException ux = (UncheckedException);
               MetadataValidationException x;

               if (ux instanceof MetadataValidationException)
                  x = (MetadataValidationException)ux;

                  if (x.getResourceName() == null)
                  x = new MetadataValidationException(ux);

         catch (MetadataValidationException e)
            if (e.getResourceName() == null)

         catch (UncheckedException e)
            MetadataValidationException x = new MetadataValidationException(e);


    * Calculate checksum for a specified resource.
    * @param sResName The name of the resource to calculate checksum for.
    * @param crc32 The checksum to update.
    * @throws MetadataException if resource was not found.
   protected void updateResourceChecksum(CRC32 crc32, String sResName)
      InputStream in = null;

      if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled())
         s_logger.dump("Calculating checksum for resource \"" + sResName + "\"");

         in = getResourceAsStream(sResName);
         byte[] nBuf = new byte[2048];
         int nCount;

         while ((nCount = > 0)
            crc32.update(nBuf, 0, nCount);
      catch (IOException e)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.resourceOpen", new Object[]{sResName}, e);

    * Gets the repository namespace.
    * @param bRoot True to get the root repository namespace, false to get the base repository namespace.
    * @return The repository namespace.
   public String getNamespace(boolean bRoot)
      return XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(getDescriptorElement(bRoot), "namespace");

    * Gets the repository name.
    * @param bRoot True to get the root repository name, false to get the base repository name.
    * @return The repository name.
   public String getName(boolean bRoot)
      return XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(getDescriptorElement(bRoot), "name");

    * Gets the repository version.
    * @param bRoot True to get the root repository version, false to get the base repository version.
    * @return The repository version.
   public String getVersion(boolean bRoot)
      return XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(getDescriptorElement(bRoot), "version");

    * Gets the repository revision.
    * @param bRoot True to get the root repository revision, false to get the base repository revision.
    * @return The repository revision.
   public String getRevision(boolean bRoot)
      return XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(getDescriptorElement(bRoot), "revision");

    * Calculate checksum for the metadata descriptor and its resources in
    * the order they are list.
    * @param bRoot True to get the root repository checksum,
    *   false to get the base repository checksum.
    * @return Checksum as a hexadecimal string.
   public String getChecksum(boolean bRoot)
      int nSearchModeSaved = getSearchMode();
      String sChecksum = null;

         Element descriptorElement;

         if (bRoot)
            descriptorElement = mergeDescriptorElements(null, null);
            if (m_sBaseChecksum != null)
               return m_sBaseChecksum;

            descriptorElement = getDescriptorElement(false);

            if (descriptorElement == null)
               m_sBaseChecksum = "";

               return m_sBaseChecksum;


         final CRC32 crc32 = new CRC32();


         String sCoreVersion = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(descriptorElement, "coreVersion");

         // Ensure that metadata published by pre- framework still generates identical checksum.
         if (sCoreVersion == null || StringUtil.compareVersionRanges("", sCoreVersion) > 0)
            // process resources in reference order
            XMLUtil.forEachChildElement(descriptorElement, null, new XMLUtil.ElementHandler()
               public void handleElement(final Element containerElement)
                  if (!containerElement.getNodeName().equals("Mixins") &&
                     XMLUtil.forEachChildElement(containerElement, null, new XMLUtil.ElementHandler()
                        public void handleElement(Element element)
                           updateResourceChecksum(crc32, XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(element, "resource"));
            // if resource references are not supplied, process resources in directory listing order
            List resourceList = new ArrayList();
            Set resourceSet = new HashHolder();
            XMLMetadataListing listing = getListing();
            Lookup baseMap = listing.getBaseResourceMap();

            if (bRoot)
               Lookup rootMap = listing.getRootResourceMap();

               for (Iterator itr = rootMap.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
                  Object resource =;


            if (baseMap != null)
               for (Iterator itr = baseMap.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
                  Object resource =;

                  if (!resourceSet.contains(resource))

            Collections.sort(resourceList); // sort resources to ensure consistent checksum

            for (int i = 0; i < resourceList.size(); i++)
               updateResourceChecksum(crc32, (String)resourceList.get(i));

         sChecksum = Long.toHexString(crc32.getValue());

         if (!bRoot)
            m_sBaseChecksum = sChecksum;

         if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
            s_logger.debug(((bRoot) ? "Root" : "Base") + " checksum: " + sChecksum);
      catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)

      return sChecksum;

    * Checks if the element is enabled through its attributes op and cond.
    * @param element The element to check.
    * @return True if the element is enabled.
    * @throws MetadataException if the attributes are specified incorrectly.
   public boolean isElementEnabled(Element element)
      String sDir = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(element, "directive");
      String sCond = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(element, "condition");
      boolean bEnabled = XMLUtil.getBooleanAttr(element, "enabled", true);

      if ((sDir != null) != (sCond != null))
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.elementDirCondMismatch");

      // directive and condition overrides "enabled" attribute, if all are present
      if (sDir == null)
         return bEnabled;

      if (sDir.equals("if") || sDir.equals("ifnot"))
         boolean bValue = false;
         String sValue = getProperty(sCond);

         if (sValue != null)
            sValue = sValue.trim();

            if (sValue.equals("1") || sValue.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || sValue.equalsIgnoreCase("yes"))
               bValue = true;
            else if (!sValue.equals("0") && !sValue.equals("false") && !sValue.equals("no") && !sValue.equals(""))
               throw new MetadataException("err.meta.elementCondBoolean",
                  new Object[]{sValue, sCond});

         return bValue ^ sDir.equals("ifnot");
      else if (sDir.equals("ifdef") || sDir.equals("ifndef"))
         String sValue = getProperty(sCond);

         return (sValue != null && sValue.trim().length() > 0) ^ sDir.equals("ifndef");
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.elementDirective", new Object[]{sDir});

    * Returns an element value, possibly overridden by a property.
    * @param element The element which value to return.
    * @return The element value.
   public String getElementValue(Element element)
      String sOverride = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(element, "override");
      String sValue = null;

      if (sOverride != null)
         sValue = m_properties.getProperty(sOverride);

      if (sValue == null)
         for (Node node = element.getFirstChild(); node != null; node = node.getNextSibling())
            if (node.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE || node.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE)
               String sNodeValue = node.getNodeValue();

               if (sNodeValue != null)
                  if (sValue == null)
                     sValue = sNodeValue;
                     sValue += sNodeValue;

      return sValue;

    * Returns an attribute value, possibly overridden by a property.
    * @param element The element to which the attribute belongs.
    * @param sName The attribute name.
    * @param sOverrideName The overriding attribute name.
    * @return The attribute value.
   public String getAttrValue(Element element, String sName, String sOverrideName)
      String sOverride = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(element, sOverrideName);
      String sValue = null;

      if (sOverride != null)
         sValue = m_properties.getProperty(sOverride);

      if (sValue == null)
         sValue = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(element, sName);

      return sValue;

    * Parses a string into a Scheme S-expression. This shouldn't be used for
    * code that is to be debugged. That code should use
    * {@link #parse(String, boolean, String, Lookup, Object, GlobalEnvironment)}.
    * @param sText The string to parse.
    * @param bList True to parse the string as a list.
    * @param posMap The empty node position map. It will be populated by the parser. Can be null.
    * @param eof The object to return on EOF.
    * @param env The global environment where the symbols will be stored.
    * @return The resulting S-expression.
    * @see #parse(String, boolean, String, Lookup, Object, GlobalEnvironment)
   public Object parse(String sText, boolean bList, Lookup posMap, Object eof, GlobalEnvironment env)
      return parse(sText, bList, null, posMap, eof, env);

    * Parses a string into a Scheme S-expression.
    * @param sText The string to parse.
    * @param bList True to parse the string as a list.
    * @param sURL The optional code URL to store.
    * @param posMap The empty node position map. It will be populated by the parser. Can be null.
    * @param eof The object to return on EOF.
    * @param env The global environment where the symbols will be stored.
    * @return The resulting S-expression.
   public Object parse(String sText, boolean bList, String sURL, Lookup posMap, Object eof, GlobalEnvironment env)
      if (sText == null)
         return eof;

      Reader reader = new TextPositionReader(new StringReader(sText), sURL);
      Pair first = null;
      Pair last = null;
      Object expr;

      if (m_parser == null)
         m_parser = new SchemeParser(env);

         for (;;)
            expr = m_parser.parse(reader, posMap);

            if (!bList || expr == Parser.EOF)

            if (first == null)
               first = last = new Pair(expr);
               Pair pair = new Pair(expr);

               last = pair;
      catch (ParserException e)
         throw new MetadataException(e.getErrorCode(), e.getErrorArgs(), e);
      catch (RuntimeException e)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.sexprSyntax", new Object[]{sText}, e);

      if (expr == Parser.EOF && first == null)
         return eof;

      if (!bList && m_parser.parse(reader, null) != Parser.EOF)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.sexprExtra", new Object[]{sText});

      return (bList) ? first : expr;

    * Returns a class object by name.
    * @param The Java class name.
    * @return The class object.
   public Class getClassObject(String sName)
         return Class.forName(sName);
      catch (Throwable e)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.classLoad", new Object[]{sName}, e);

    * Adds descriptor mixin reference elements to a map.
    * @param mixinMap The destination map: repository namespace to mixin Element.
    * @param descriptorElement The descriptor element.
   private static void addMixinElements(final Lookup mixinMap, Element descriptorElement)
      verifyRootElement(descriptorElement, "Metadata");

      Element mixinsElement = XMLUtil.findChildElement(descriptorElement, "Mixins");

      if (mixinsElement != null)
         XMLUtil.forEachChildElement(mixinsElement, null, new XMLUtil.ElementHandler()
            public void handleElement(Element element)
               mixinMap.put(XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(element, "namespace"), element);

    * Adds descriptor resource reference elements to a map.
    * @param resourceMap The destination map: refElement[sContainerElementName, sResourceName].
    * @param refNameMap Reference element name map: sRefElementName[sContainerElementName].
    * @param descriptorElement The descriptor element.
    * @throws MetadataException if an invalid descriptor has been detected.
   private static void addResourceElements(final Lookup2D resourceMap, final Lookup refNameMap,
      Element descriptorElement) throws MetadataException
      verifyRootElement(descriptorElement, "Metadata");

      XMLUtil.forEachChildElement(descriptorElement, null, new XMLUtil.ElementHandler()
         public void handleElement(final Element containerElement)
            if (!"Mixins".equals(containerElement.getNodeName()))
               XMLUtil.forEachChildElement(containerElement, null, new XMLUtil.ElementHandler()
                  public void handleElement(Element refElement)
                     String sOldName = (String)refNameMap.put(
                        containerElement.getNodeName(), refElement.getNodeName());

                     if (sOldName != null && !sOldName.equals(refElement.getNodeName()))
                        throw new MetadataException("err.meta.refElement",
                           new Object[]{containerElement.getNodeName(), sOldName, refElement.getNodeName()});

                        getResourceName(XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(refElement, "resource")), refElement);

    * Clears the cached resource listing.
   public void resetListing()
      m_listing = null;

    * Gets the resource listing for the repository.  If not already initialized, initializes the listing to resources of the
    * base and root repositories.
    * @return The resource listing.
   public XMLMetadataListing getListing()
      if (m_listing == null)
         if (m_rootURL != null)
            // only base resources are to be listed
            m_listing = getListing(false, true, null);

      return m_listing;

    * @see XMLMetadataHelper#getListing(MixinHandler, Lookup)
   public XMLMetadataListing getListing(MixinHandler handler)
      return getListing(handler, new HashTab());

    * Links all mix-in repositories.
    * @param handler The mix-in link event handler.  May be null
    * @param sourceMap Map of resource names to maps of XMLMixins to XMLResources.
    * @return The XMLMetadataListing.
   public XMLMetadataListing getListing(MixinHandler handler, Lookup sourceMap)
      Lookup resourceMap = new HashTab();

      m_listing = linkMixinResources(null, sourceMap, new HashTab(), handler);

      // record full map of resources, check for conflicts
      for (Lookup.Iterator resItr = sourceMap.valueIterator(); resItr.hasNext(); )
         Lookup srcMap = (Lookup);
         Iterator srcItr = srcMap.valueIterator();
         XMLResource mostDerivedSource = (XMLResource);
         List identicalSourcesList = new ArrayList(srcMap.size());

         if (handler != null)
            while (srcItr.hasNext())
               XMLResource alternateSource = (XMLResource);

               if (!mostDerivedSource.overrides(alternateSource))
                  if (alternateSource.overrides(mostDerivedSource))
                     mostDerivedSource = alternateSource;
                     handler.handleResourceConflict(mostDerivedSource, alternateSource);

                  if (alternateSource.overrides(mostDerivedSource))

            for (int i = 0; i < identicalSourcesList.size(); i++)
               handler.handleAlternateResource(mostDerivedSource, (XMLResource)identicalSourcesList.get(i));

         resourceMap.put(mostDerivedSource.getName(), mostDerivedSource);

      m_listing.setResourceMap(resourceMap); // in root metadata, include the mixin resources.

      return m_listing;

    * Recursively builds helpers for all mixin repositories, validates resource overrides and returns
    * a map of resource names to XMLResources.
    * @param The destination mixin. Null for the top-level model.
    * @param sourceMap Map of resource names to maps of XMLMixins to XMLResources.
    * @param mixinMap Map of namespaces to XMLMixins.
    * @param handler The mixin link event handler.
    * @return The metadata listing.
   private XMLMetadataListing linkMixinResources(XMLMixin mixin, Lookup sourceMap, Lookup mixinMap, final MixinHandler handler)
      if (mixin == null)
         mixin = new XMLMixin(null);

      boolean bTop = (mixin.getNamespace() == null);
      Element rootDescriptorElement = getDescriptorElement(true);
      Element baseDescriptorElement = getDescriptorElement(false);
      final String sNamespace = XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(rootDescriptorElement, "namespace");
      final String sBaseNamespace = (baseDescriptorElement == null) ? "" :
         XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(baseDescriptorElement, "namespace");

      if (bTop)

      if (mixin.getName() == null)
         mixin.setName(XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(rootDescriptorElement, "name"));

      XMLMetadataListing listing = mixin.getListing();

      if (listing == null)
         if (!mixin.isRoot())
            return null;

         Object old = mixinMap.put(sNamespace, mixin);

         if (old != null)
            mixinMap.put(sNamespace, old);

            if (handler != null)

            return null;

         listing = getListing(true, true, mixinMap);

         if (handler != null)

      Lookup refMap = new HashTab(); // XMLMixin[sNamespace]

      if (baseDescriptorElement != null)
         loadMixinReferences(baseDescriptorElement, refMap, (XMLMixin)mixinMap.get(sBaseNamespace), handler);

      loadMixinReferences(rootDescriptorElement, refMap, mixin, handler);

      // Process dynamic mix-ins
      if (bTop)
         String sMixins = getProperty(MetadataLoader.METADATA_MIXINS_PROPERTY);

         if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(sMixins))
            String[] sMixinArray = StringUtil.split(sMixins, ' ');

            for (int i = 0; i < sMixinArray.length; i++)
               String sMixinNamespace = sMixinArray[i];

               if (!mixinMap.contains(sMixinNamespace))
                  XMLMixin ref = new XMLMixin(sMixinNamespace);

                  if (handler != null)
                     handler.handleMixinReference(ref, mixin);

                  refMap.put(sMixinNamespace, ref);

      // set of XMLMixins having resources that can be overridden by the current mixin
      Set overridableSet = new HashHolder(1);

      for (Iterator itr = refMap.valueIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         XMLMixin ref = (XMLMixin);
         boolean bOverride = ref.isOverridable();
         boolean bDynamic = (ref.getVersion() == null);
         String sRefNamespace = ref.getNamespace();
         XMLMixin old = (XMLMixin)mixinMap.get(sRefNamespace);

            if (old != null)
               if (!ref.isRoot())

               ref = old;
               String sMixinDefaultPath = getRepositoryPath(sRefNamespace);
               URL rootURL = null;

               if (m_handler == null)
                  rootURL = getURL(getProperty(getRepositoryProperty(sRefNamespace), sMixinDefaultPath), true);
                  String sURI = getProperty(getRepositoryProperty(sRefNamespace));

                  if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(sURI))
                     rootURL = findURL(sURI, true, null);

                  if (rootURL == null && m_handler instanceof MetadataURLHandler)
                     rootURL = ((MetadataURLHandler)m_handler).getMixinURL(m_rootURL, sRefNamespace);

               ref.setHelper(new XMLMetadataHelper(rootURL, null, m_properties, null));

            ref.getHelper().linkMixinResources(ref, sourceMap, mixinMap, handler);

            if (bDynamic)
               bOverride = ref.isOverridable();

            if (bOverride)
               if (!ref.isOverridable() && handler != null)
                  handler.handleMixinOverrideConflict(ref, mixin);

         catch (Exception e)
            if (handler != null)
               // if mix-in cannot be linked, keep building listing, but notify handler
               handler.handleLinkFailure(ref, e);

      Lookup baseMap = listing.getBaseResourceMap();

      if (baseMap != null)
         linkMixinResources(mixin, sourceMap, baseMap, sBaseNamespace, overridableSet, handler);

      linkMixinResources(mixin, sourceMap, listing.getRootResourceMap(), sNamespace, overridableSet, handler);

      if (mixin.getListing() == null)

      return listing;

    * Loads mixin references from a DOM element.
    * @param element The DOM element.
    * @param refMap Output map XMLMixin[sNamespace].
    * @param mixin The referrer.
    * @param handler The mixin handler. Can be null.
   private static void loadMixinReferences(Element element, final Lookup refMap, final XMLMixin mixin, final MixinHandler handler)
      XMLUtil.withFirstChildElement(element, "Mixins", false,
         new XMLUtil.ElementHandler()
            public void handleElement(Element parent)
               XMLUtil.forEachChildElement(parent, "Mixin", new XMLUtil.ElementHandler()
                  public void handleElement(Element element)
                     XMLMixin ref = new XMLMixin(
                        XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(element, "namespace"),
                        XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(element, "version"),
                        XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(element, "checksum"),
                        XMLUtil.getBooleanAttr(element, "override", false),
                        !XMLUtil.getBooleanAttr(element, "base", false));

                     if (handler != null)
                        handler.handleMixinReference(ref, mixin);

                     refMap.put(ref.getNamespace(), ref);

    * Updates a sourceMap with resources from resourceMap.
    * @param mixin The destination mixin.
    * @param sourceMap Map of resource names to maps of XMLMixins to XMLResources.
    * @param resourceMap A map of resource names to XMLResources.
    * @param sNamespace The namespace of the associated repository.
    * @param overrideSet The set of XMLMixins which can be overridden by resources from metadata.
    * @param handler The mix-in link event handler.
   private static void linkMixinResources(XMLMixin mixin, Lookup sourceMap, Lookup resourceMap,
      String sNamespace, Set overrideSet, MixinHandler handler)
      for (Lookup.Iterator itr = resourceMap.valueIterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
         XMLResource resource = (XMLResource);
         Lookup map = (Lookup)sourceMap.get(resource.getName());

         if (map == null)
            map = new HashTab(1);
            sourceMap.put(resource.getName(), map);
            for (Iterator overrideItr = overrideSet.iterator(); overrideItr.hasNext(); )
               XMLResource base = (XMLResource)map.remove(; // if override is permitted, replace overridden source

               if (base != null && base != resource)

                  if (handler != null)
                     handler.handleResourceOverride(resource, base);

         map.put(mixin, resource);

    * Gets the root and base file listings for a repository.
    * @param bRoot Load the root listing.
    * @param bBase Load the base listing.
    * @param mixinMap Map of mixin namespace to XMLMixin. Can be null.
    * @return The listing, with excludes, baseMap and rootMap initialized.
    * ResourceMap is initialized, but does not include resources from any mix-ins.
   private XMLMetadataListing getListing(boolean bRoot, boolean bBase, Lookup mixinMap)
      XMLMetadataListing listing = new XMLMetadataListing();
      Lookup resourceMap = new HashTab();

      if (bBase)
         Lookup map = findResources(false, mixinMap);

         if (map != null)
            for (Lookup.Iterator itr = map.valueIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
               XMLResource resource = (XMLResource);

               resourceMap.put(resource.getName(), resource);


      if (bRoot)
         Lookup map = findResources(true, mixinMap);

         if (map != null)
            for (Lookup.Iterator itr = map.valueIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
               XMLResource resource = (XMLResource);

               resourceMap.put(resource.getName(), resource);



      return listing;

    * Load the resource listings for a repository.
    * @param bRoot True to load the root resource, false to load the base resources.
    * @param mixinMap Map of mixin namespace to XMLMixin. Can be null.
    * @return Map of resource names to XMLResource instances. Can be null.
   private Lookup findResources(boolean bRoot, Lookup mixinMap)
      Element element = getDescriptorElement(bRoot);

      if (element == null)
         return null;

      String sNamespace = XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(element, "namespace");
      XMLMixin mixin = null;

      if (mixinMap != null)
         mixin = (XMLMixin)mixinMap.get(sNamespace);

      if (mixin == null)
         mixin = new XMLMixin(sNamespace);

         if (mixinMap != null)
            mixinMap.put(sNamespace, mixin);

      if (mixin.getName() == null)
         mixin.setName(XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(element, "name"));

      mixin.setVersion(XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(element, "version"));
      mixin.setOverridable(XMLUtil.getBooleanAttr(element, "override", true));

      String sModule = normalizeScope(XMLUtil.getStringAttr(element, "module"));


      if (mixin.getHelper() == null)

      final Lookup map;

         List nameList = new ArrayList();
         URL url = (bRoot) ? m_rootURL : m_baseURL;

         URLUtil.addResourceNames(nameList, url, null, true);
         map = new HashTab(nameList.size());

         for (int i = 0, n = nameList.size(); i < n; ++i)
            String sResource = (String)nameList.get(i);

            if (!sResource.equals(m_sMetadataFileName))
               String sName = (sModule == null) ? sResource : sModule + Metadata.SCOPE_SEP + sResource;
               XMLResource resource = new XMLResource(sName, new URL(url, sResource), bRoot);

               map.put(sName, resource);
      catch (Throwable t)
         throw ObjUtil.rethrow(t);

      XMLUtil.withFirstChildElement(element, "Resources", false, new XMLUtil.ElementHandler()
         public void handleElement(Element parent)
            XMLUtil.forEachChildElement(parent, "ResourceRef", new XMLUtil.ElementHandler()
               public void handleElement(Element element)
                  XMLResource resource = (XMLResource)map.get(XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(element, "resource"));

                  if (resource != null)

      return map;

    * Merges a base and a root metadata descriptor elements.
    * @param baseList The output list of base resource relative URLs. Can be null.
    * @param rootList The output list of root resource relative URLs. Can be null.
   public Element mergeDescriptorElements(List baseList, List rootList) throws MetadataException
      Document doc = XMLUtil.parse(new StringReader("<Metadata/>"));
      Element descriptorElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
      Lookup2D resourceMap = new HashTab2D();
      Lookup refNameMap = new LinkedHashTab();
      Lookup mixinMap = new LinkedHashTab();
      String sBaseNamespace = null;
      String sBaseVersion = null;
      String sBaseChecksum = null;
      String sBaseName = null;
      String sBaseRevision = null;
      String sBaseDescription = null;
      String sBaseCoreVersion = null;
      String sBaseModule = null;
      String sBaseOverride = null;
      String sRootNamespace = null;
      String sRootVersion = null;
      String sRootDescription = null;
      String sRootName = null;
      String sRootRevision = null;
      String sRootCoreVersion = null;
      String sRootModule = null;
      String sRootOverride = null;
      Element baseElement = getDescriptorElement(false);
      Element rootElement = getDescriptorElement(true);

      if (baseElement != null)
         sBaseNamespace = XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(baseElement, "namespace");
         sBaseVersion = XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(baseElement, "version");
         sBaseName = XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(baseElement, "name");
         sBaseRevision = XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(baseElement, "revision");
         sBaseCoreVersion = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(baseElement, "coreVersion");
         sBaseModule = normalizeScope(XMLUtil.getStringAttr(baseElement, "module"));
         sBaseOverride = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(baseElement, "override");
         sBaseDescription = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(baseElement, "description");
         sBaseChecksum = getChecksum(false);
         addMixinElements(mixinMap, baseElement);
         addResourceElements(resourceMap, refNameMap, baseElement);

      if (rootElement != null)
         sRootNamespace = XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(rootElement, "namespace");
         sRootVersion = XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(rootElement, "version");
         sRootName = XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(rootElement, "name");
         sRootRevision = XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(rootElement, "revision");
         sRootCoreVersion = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(rootElement, "coreVersion");
         sRootModule = normalizeScope(XMLUtil.getStringAttr(rootElement, "module"));
         sRootOverride = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(rootElement, "override");
         sRootDescription = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(rootElement, "description");
         addMixinElements(mixinMap, rootElement);
         addResourceElements(resourceMap, refNameMap, rootElement);

         if (baseElement == null)
            sBaseNamespace = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(rootElement, "baseNamespace");
            sBaseVersion = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(rootElement, "baseVersion");
            sBaseChecksum = XMLUtil.getStringAttr(rootElement, "baseChecksum");
         sRootNamespace = sBaseNamespace;
         sRootVersion = sBaseVersion;
         sRootName = sBaseName;
         sRootRevision = sBaseRevision;
         sRootModule = sBaseModule;
         sRootOverride = sBaseOverride;
         sRootDescription = sBaseDescription;
         sBaseNamespace = null;
         sBaseVersion = null;
         sBaseChecksum = null;
         sBaseModule = null;
         sBaseOverride = null;
         sBaseDescription = null;

      if (sRootCoreVersion == null)
         sRootCoreVersion = sBaseCoreVersion;

      if (sRootNamespace != null)
         descriptorElement.setAttribute("name", sRootName);
         descriptorElement.setAttribute("revision", sRootRevision);
         descriptorElement.setAttribute("namespace", sRootNamespace);
         descriptorElement.setAttribute("version", sRootVersion);

         if (sRootCoreVersion != null)
            descriptorElement.setAttribute("coreVersion", sRootCoreVersion);

         if (sRootModule != null)
            descriptorElement.setAttribute("module", sRootModule);

         if (sRootOverride != null)
            descriptorElement.setAttribute("override", sRootOverride);

         if (sRootDescription != null)
            descriptorElement.setAttribute("description", sRootDescription);

      if (sBaseNamespace != null)
         descriptorElement.setAttribute("baseNamespace", sBaseNamespace);
         descriptorElement.setAttribute("baseVersion", sBaseVersion);
         descriptorElement.setAttribute("baseChecksum", sBaseChecksum);

      // Insert the mixin elements
      Element mixinsElement = doc.createElement("Mixins");


      for (Iterator itr = mixinMap.valueIterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
         Element mixinElement = XMLUtil.addChildElement(mixinsElement, null, "Mixin");
         NamedNodeMap map = ((Element);

         for (int i = 0, n = map.getLength(); i < n; ++i)
            Attr attr = (Attr)map.item(i);

            mixinElement.setAttribute(attr.getName(), attr.getValue());

      // Instantiate all the container elements and place them in a map by name
      Lookup refMap = new HashTab(refNameMap.size());

      for (Lookup.Iterator itr = refNameMap.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         Element element = doc.createElement((String);

         refMap.put(itr.getKey(), element);

      // Insert the reference elements
      for (Lookup2D.Iterator itr = resourceMap.valueIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         Element element = (Element);
         Element refElement = doc.createElement((String)refNameMap.get(itr.getKey1()));


         NamedNodeMap map = element.getAttributes();

         for (int i = 0, n = map.getLength(); i < n; ++i)
            Attr attr = (Attr)map.item(i);

            refElement.setAttribute(attr.getName(), attr.getValue());

      XMLMetadataListing listing = getListing();

      if (rootList != null || baseList != null)
         Set rootSet = new HashHolder();
         Lookup rootMap = listing.getRootResourceMap();

         if (rootMap != null)
            for (Iterator iter = rootMap.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
               String sName = (String);

               sName = sName.substring(sName.lastIndexOf(Metadata.SCOPE_SEP) + 1);

               if (rootList != null)

         Lookup baseMap = listing.getBaseResourceMap();

         if (baseMap != null && baseList != null)
            for (Iterator iter = baseMap.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
               String sName = (String);

               sName = sName.substring(sName.lastIndexOf(Metadata.SCOPE_SEP) + 1);

               if (!rootSet.contains(sName))


      return descriptorElement;

    * Returns an instance of a dynamically loaded class.
    * @param sName The Java class name.
    * @return The instance of the dynamically loaded class.
   public Object getClassInstance(String sName)
      if (m_instanceMap == null)
         m_instanceMap = new HashTab();

      Object instance = m_instanceMap.get(sName);

      if (instance == null)
            instance = Class.forName(sName).newInstance();
         catch (Throwable e)
            throw new MetadataException("err.meta.classLoad", new Object[]{sName}, e);

         m_instanceMap.put(sName, instance);

      return instance;

    * Returns an instance of a class.
    * @param clazz The class object.
    * @return The instance.
   public Object getClassInstance(Class clazz)
      return getClassInstance(clazz.getName());

    * Normalizes the descriptor element.
    * @param element The element to normalize.
   public static void normalizeDescriptorElement(Element element)
      XMLUtil.sortNode(element, null);

      final List emptyElementList = new ArrayList(4);

      XMLUtil.forEachChildElement(element, null, new XMLUtil.ElementHandler()
         public void handleElement(Element element)
            if (element.getFirstChild() == null)
               XMLUtil.forEachChildElement(element, null, new XMLUtil.ElementHandler()
                  public void handleElement(Element element)
                     if (element.hasAttribute("merged") &&
                        !XMLUtil.getBooleanAttr(element, "merged"))

               XMLUtil.sortNode(element, "resource");

      for (int i = 0, n = emptyElementList.size(); i < n; ++i)

    * Verifies that the root document element has the required name.
    * @param element The root element.
    * @param sName The required name.
    * @throws MetadataException if the element name does not match.
   public static void verifyRootElement(Element element, String sName) throws MetadataException
      if (!element.getNodeName().equals(sName))
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.docRoot", new Object[]{element.getNodeName(), sName});

    * Parses out a resource name from a URI.
    * @param sURI The resource URI.
    * @return The resource name.
   public static String getResourceName(String sURI)
      int nStart = sURI.lastIndexOf(Metadata.SCOPE_SEP) + 1;
      int nMid = sURI.indexOf('/', nStart) + 1;

      if (nMid < nStart)
         nMid = nStart;

      int nDir = sURI.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;

      if (nDir < nStart)
         nDir = nStart;

      int nEnd = sURI.lastIndexOf('.');

      if (nEnd <= nDir + 1)
         nEnd = sURI.length();

      return sURI.substring(0, nStart) + sURI.substring(nMid, nEnd).replace('/', Metadata.SCOPE_SEP);

    * Parses out a system resource name from a URI.
    * @param sURI The resource URI.
    * @return The resource name.
   public static String getSystemResourceName(String sURI)
      int nStart = sURI.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
      int nEnd = sURI.lastIndexOf('.');

      if (nEnd <= nStart + 1)
         nEnd = sURI.length();

      return sURI.substring(nStart, nEnd);

    * Gets the resource extension.
    * @param sURI The resource URI.
    * @return The resource extension (with leading '.').
   public static String getExtension(String sURI)
      return sURI.substring(sURI.lastIndexOf('.'));

    * Returns the name attribute of a given node.
    * @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
    * @return The value of the attribute.
    * @throws XMLException if the attribute was not found or the value if empty.
   public static String getNameAttr(Node node) throws XMLException
      return XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(node, "name");

    * Returns an identifier attribute from a given node.
    * @param node The DOM node containing the attribute.
    * @param sName The attribute name.
    * @param nMode The validation mode. Mask of NAME_* constants.
    * @param bPeriodsAllowed True if periods are allowed within the name.
    * @return The value of the attribute.
    * @throws XMLException if the attribute was not found or the value if empty.
    * @throws MetadataException if the name is invalid.
   public static String getNameAttr(Node node, String sName, int nMode) throws XMLException, MetadataException
      String sValue = XMLUtil.getReqStringAttr(node, sName);

      validateName(sValue, nMode);

      return sValue;

    * Determines if a name part is valid.
    * @param sName The name string to validate.
    * @param nStart The start offset in sName.
    * @param nEnd The end offset (past the last character) in sName.
    * @param nMode The validation mode. Mask of NAME_* constants.
    * @return True if the name part is valid.
   protected static boolean isNamePartValid(String sName, int nStart, int nEnd, int nMode)
      if (nStart >= nEnd)
         return false;

      char ch = sName.charAt(nStart);
      int i = nStart + 1;

      if (!Character.isLetter(ch) && ch != '_')
         return false;

      while (i < nEnd)
         ch = sName.charAt(i);

         if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch))
            switch (ch)
               case '_':

               case '.':
                  if ((nMode & NAME_DOT) == 0)
                     return false;


               case '-':
               case '?':
               case '!':
                  if ((nMode & NAME_SPEC) == 0)
                     return false;


                  return false;


      return true;

    * Validates a name string - must begin with a letter or _
    * and contain only letters, digits or _.
    * @param sName The name to validate.
    * @param nMode The validation mode. Mask of NAME_* constants.
    * @throws MetadataException if the name is invalid.
   public static void validateName(String sName, int nMode) throws MetadataException
      boolean bValid;
      int nCount = sName.length();

      if ((nMode & NAME_SCOPE) != 0)
         bValid = false;

         int nStart = 0;

         while (nStart < nCount)
            int nEnd = sName.indexOf(Metadata.SCOPE_SEP, nStart);

            if (nEnd < 0)
               nEnd = nCount;

            if ((nEnd != 0 || nCount == 1) && !isNamePartValid(sName, nStart, nEnd, nMode))
               bValid = false;


            bValid = true;
            nStart = nEnd + 1;
         bValid = isNamePartValid(sName, 0, nCount, nMode);

      if (!bValid)
         throw new MetadataException("", new Object[]{sName});

    * Validates a fully scoped name string.
    * @param sName The name to validate.
    * @throws MetadataException if the name is invalid.
   public static void validateName(String sName)
      validateName(sName, NAME_SCOPE);

    * Converts a string to an alias string.
    * @param sText The string to convert.
    * @return The converted string.
   public static String makeAlias(String sText)
      return makeName(sText, "-");

    * Converts a string to a name string.
    * @param sText The string to convert.
    * @param sExtra The extra characters to allow. Can be null.
    * @return The converted string.
   public static String makeName(String sText, String sExtra)
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(sText.length());

      for (int i = 0; i < sText.length(); ++i)
         char ch = sText.charAt(i);

         if (i == 0)
            if (ch == '_' || Character.isLetter(ch))
            else if (Character.isDigit(ch))
            if (ch == '_' || Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch) ||
               sExtra != null && sExtra.indexOf(ch) >= 0)

      if (buf.length() == 0)

      return buf.toString();

    * Normalizes a fully scoped name by trimming scope separators.
    * @param sName The name to normalize. Can be null.
    * @return The normalized name. Can be null.
   public static String normalizeScope(String sName)
      if (sName == null)
         return null;

      int nStart = 0;
      int nEnd = sName.length();

      while (nStart < nEnd)
         if (sName.charAt(nStart) == Metadata.SCOPE_SEP)
         else if (sName.charAt(nEnd - 1) == Metadata.SCOPE_SEP)

      if (nStart >= nEnd)
         return null;

      return sName.substring(nStart, nEnd);

    * Normalizes the URI and converts it to a URL object.
    * @param sURI The URI to normalize.
    * @param bDir True if the URL indicates a directory.
    * @return The URL object.
   public static URL getURL(String sURI, boolean bDir)
      return getURL(sURI, bDir, null);

    * Normalizes the URI and converts it to a URL object.
    * @param sURI The URI to normalize.
    * @param bDir True if the URL indicates a directory.
    * @param handler The URL stream handler if sURI uses a non-standard scheme.
    * @return The URL object.
    * @throws MetadataException If a URL could not be created.
   public static URL getURL(String sURI, boolean bDir, URLStreamHandler handler)
      URL url = findURL(sURI, bDir, handler);

      if (url == null)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.resource", new Object[]{sURI});

      return url;

    * Normalizes the URI and converts it to a URL object.
    * @param sURI The URI to normalize.
    * @param bDir True if the URL indicates a directory.
    * @param handler The URL stream handler if sURI uses a non-standard scheme.
    * @return The URL object; null if URL could not be created.
   public static URL findURL(String sURI, boolean bDir, URLStreamHandler handler)
      URL url = null;

      if (bDir)
         if (sURI.length() == 0 || sURI.charAt(sURI.length() - 1) != '/')
            sURI += '/';

      if (sURI.length() == 0)
         url = null;
      else if (sURI.indexOf(':') > 1// avoid URL instantiation when sURI is clearly not a URL
            url = new URL(null, sURI, handler);
         catch (Exception e)
            url = null;

      if (url == null && sURI.length() > 0)
         if (!sURI.startsWith("/"))
            sURI = '/' + sURI;

         url = XMLMetadataHelper.class.getResource(sURI);

      return url;

    * Sets the metadata core version to start the upgrade steps from.
    * @param sVersion The metadata core version to start the upgrade from.
    * @param upgradeResourceList List of resources that are potential metadata upgraders.
   public void setMetadataCoreVersion(String sVersion, List upgradeResourceList) throws MetadataException
      if (sVersion == null)
         sVersion = "0";

      List/*<Class>*/ upgradeList = new ArrayList/*<Class>*/();
      String sPackage = XMLMetadata.class.getPackage().getName() + ".";

      m_resourceUpgradeMap = new HashTab/*<String, List<Object>>*/();

         for (int i = 0; i < upgradeResourceList.size(); ++i)
            String sResourcePath = (String)upgradeResourceList.get(i);
            String sResource = sResourcePath.substring(sResourcePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); // filename

            if (sResource.startsWith(METADATA_UPGRADE_PREFIX) && // consider only specific prefix
                sResource.endsWith(".class") && // consider only classes
                !sResource.contains("$")) // ignore inner classes
               String sClass = sPackage + sResourcePath.substring(0, sResourcePath.lastIndexOf('.')).replace('/', '.');
               Class upgrade = Class.forName(sClass);
               String sUpgradeVersion = (String)upgrade.getDeclaredField("VERSION").get(null);

               if (StringUtil.compareVersions(sUpgradeVersion, sVersion) > 0)

         // sort all valid upgrade classes by the value of their version variable
         Collections.sort(upgradeList, new Comparator()
            public int compare(Object left, Object right)
                  String sLeft = (String)((Class)left).getDeclaredField("VERSION").get(null);
                  String sRight = (String)((Class)right).getDeclaredField("VERSION").get(null);

                  return StringUtil.compareVersions(sLeft, sRight);
               catch (Exception e)
                  throw ObjUtil.rethrow(e);

         // for every applicable upgrade class find all applicable upgrade* methods
         for (int i = 0, nCount = upgradeList.size(); i < nCount; ++i)
            Class upgrade = (Class)upgradeList.get(i);
            Object instance = upgrade.newInstance();
            Method[] methodArray = upgrade.getMethods();

            for (int k = 0; k < methodArray.length; ++k)
               String sName = methodArray[k].getName();
               Class[] argTypeArray = methodArray[k].getParameterTypes();

               // find all upgrade* methods with appropriate args
               if (argTypeArray.length == 3 &&
                   Element.class.isAssignableFrom(argTypeArray[0]) &&
                   String.class.isAssignableFrom(argTypeArray[1]) &&
                   XMLMetadataHelper.class.isAssignableFrom(argTypeArray[2]) &&
                   sName.startsWith("upgrade") &&
                   sName.length() > "upgrade".length())
                  String sElement = sName.substring("upgrade".length());
                  List/*<Object>*/ methodList = (List)m_resourceUpgradeMap.get(sElement);

                  if (methodList == null)
                     methodList = new ArrayList/*<Object>*/();
                     m_resourceUpgradeMap.put(sElement, methodList);

               else if (argTypeArray.length == 1 &&
                  Lookup.class.isAssignableFrom(argTypeArray[0]) &&
                  if (m_addedResourceURLMap == null)
                     m_addedResourceURLMap = new HashTab();

                  methodArray[k].invoke(instance, new Object[] {m_addedResourceURLMap});
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.upgradeLoad", new Object[]{sVersion}, e);

      if (m_addedResourceURLMap != null)
         m_resourceAddedMap = new MultiMap(new HashTab(m_addedResourceURLMap.size()));

         for (Iterator itr = m_addedResourceURLMap.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
            String sURI = (String);

            m_resourceAddedMap.add(getExtension(sURI), sURI);

    * Sets an alternate metadata file name.
    * @param sName Metadata file name.
   public void setMetadataFileName(String sName)
      m_sMetadataFileName = sName;

    * Computes the identifier corresponding to a repository namespace.
    * @param sNamespace The repository namespace
    * @return The corresponding identifier.
   public static String getRepositoryIdentifier(String sNamespace)
      return INVALID_SUBSTRING_PATTERN.matcher(sNamespace).replaceAll("_");

    * Computes the path name of a published repository, given its namespace.
    * @param sNamespace The repository namespace
    * @return The path name of the published repository
   public static String getRepositoryPath(String sNamespace)
      return SysUtil.NAMESPACE + "/meta/" + getRepositoryIdentifier(sNamespace);

    * Computes the property name holding the path to a repository's published jar, given its namespace.
    * @param sNamespace The repository namespace.
    * @return The repository jar property name.
   public static String getRepositoryProperty(String sNamespace)
      return getRepositoryProperty(sNamespace, null);

    * Computes the property name holding the path to a repository's published jar, given its namespace.
    * @param sNamespace The repository namespace.
    * @param sSuffix The property suffix.
    * @return The repository jar property name.
   public static String getRepositoryProperty(String sNamespace, String sSuffix)
      if (sSuffix == null)
         sSuffix = "";

      return "meta.mixin." + getRepositoryIdentifier(sNamespace) + sSuffix + ".url";

    * Adds the mixins to the collection in topological order from root to base.
    * @param col The collection to add the mixin file paths.
    * @return Collection of mixin JAR file paths.
    * @throws MetadataException If a mixin cannot be loaded.
   public Collection addMixinsTo(final Collection col) throws MetadataException
      getListing(new XMLMetadataHelper.MixinHandler()
         public void handleRepository(XMLMixin mixin)
               URLConnection con = mixin.getHelper().getRootURL().openConnection();

               if (con instanceof JarURLConnection)
            catch (IOException e)
               throw new MetadataException("err.meta.mixin", new Object[]{mixin.getNamespace()}, e);

         public void handleMixinReference(XMLMixin ref, XMLMixin parent)

         public void handleMixinOverrideConflict(XMLMixin ref, XMLMixin mixin)

         public void handleCircularReference(XMLMixin mixin)
            throw new MetadataValidationException("err.meta.mixinCycle", new Object[]{mixin.getName()});

         public void handleLinkFailure(XMLMixin ref, Exception e)
            throw new MetadataException("err.meta.mixin", new Object[]{ref}, e);

         public void handleAlternateResource(XMLResource first, XMLResource second)

         public void handleResourceOverride(XMLResource source, XMLResource overridden)

         public void handleResourceConflict(XMLResource first, XMLResource second)

      return col;

    * Iterates over all referenced mixins.
    * @param rootElement The root descriptor element.
    * @param baseMetaFolderURL Optional URL for the base repository meta folder.
    * @param handler The mixin handler.
    * @throws MetadataException if a mixin's .metadata file fails to parse.
   public static void forEachReferencedMixin(Element rootElement, URL baseMetaFolderURL, MixinNamespaceHandler handler)
      final HolderDeque mixinSet = new HashDeque(4);
      XMLUtil.ElementHandler mixinElementHandler = new XMLUtil.ElementHandler()
         public void handleElement(Element element)
            mixinSet.add(new Pair(XMLUtil.getStringAttr(element, "namespace", ""), new Pair(XMLUtil.getStringAttr(element,
               "version", ""), XMLUtil.getStringAttr(element, "checksum", ""))));

      forEachMixin(baseMetaFolderURL, mixinElementHandler);
      forEachMixin(rootElement, mixinElementHandler);

      Holder registeredList = new HashHolder(mixinSet.size());

      while (!mixinSet.isEmpty())
         Pair p = (Pair)mixinSet.removeFirst();

         if (registeredList.add(p))
            String sNamespace = (String)p.getHead();

            p = p.getNext();
            forEachMixin(handler.handle(sNamespace, (String)p.getHead(), (String)p.getTail()), mixinElementHandler);

    * Iterates over mixin xml elements.
    * @param metaFolderURL The URL of a meta folder.
    * @param mixinHandler The mixin element handler.
    * @throws MetadataException if a mixin's .metadata file fails to parse.
   public static void forEachMixin(URL metaFolderURL, XMLUtil.ElementHandler mixinHandler)
      if (metaFolderURL != null)
         Element root = parseElement(metaFolderURL);

         if (root != null)
            forEachMixin(root, mixinHandler);

    * @param metaFolderURL The URL of a meta folder.
    * @return The root descriptor element.
    * @throws MetadataException if a mixin's .metadata file fails to parse.
   public static Element parseElement(URL metaFolderURL)
      return new XMLMetadataHelper(metaFolderURL, null, null, null).getDescriptorElement(true).getOwnerDocument()

    * Iterates over mixin xml elements.
    * @param rootElement The root descriptor element.
    * @param mixinHandler The mixin element handler.
   public static void forEachMixin(Element rootElement, final XMLUtil.ElementHandler mixinHandler)
      XMLUtil.withFirstChildElement(rootElement, "Mixins", false, new XMLUtil.ElementHandler()
         public void handleElement(Element element)
            XMLUtil.forEachChildElement(element, "Mixin", mixinHandler);

    * Gets the value of a property.
    * @param sName The name of the property to get.
    * @return The property value; null if the property doesn't exist.
   public String getProperty(String sName)
      return getProperty(sName, null);

    * Gets the value of a property.
    * @param sName The name of the property to get.
    * @param sDefault The default value.
    * @return The property value; the default value if the property doesn't exist.
   public String getProperty(String sName, String sDefault)
      if (m_properties == null)
         return sDefault;

      return m_properties.getProperty(sName, sDefault);

   // inner classes

    * Interface for processing a character stream.
   public interface CharacterStreamHandler
       * Process a character stream.
       * @param reader The character stream reader.
       * @param sName The resource base name (without path and extension).
       * @throws IOException If a stream input error occurs.
      void handleCharacterStream(Reader reader, String sName) throws IOException;

    * Character stream handler for XML resources.
   public static class ResourceCharacterStreamHandler implements CharacterStreamHandler
      // associations

       * The handler for the element.
      protected ResourceHandler m_handler;

       * The mapping of schema URLs to other URLs that will be used as the actual locations
       * of those schemas.
      protected LookupDeque m_schemaURLDeque;

      // constructors

       * Constructs the handler.
       * @param handler The resource handler.
      public ResourceCharacterStreamHandler(ResourceHandler handler)
         m_schemaURLDeque = DEFAULT_SCHEMA_URL_DEQUE;
         m_handler = handler;

       * Constructs the handler.
       * @param handler The resource handler.
       * @param schemaURLDeque The mapping of schema URLs to other URLs that will
       * be used as the actual locations of those schemas, in the schema parse order.
      public ResourceCharacterStreamHandler(ResourceHandler handler, LookupDeque schemaURLDeque)
         m_handler = handler;
         m_schemaURLDeque = schemaURLDeque;

      // operations

       * @see nexj.core.meta.xml.XMLMetadataHelper.CharacterStreamHandler#handleCharacterStream(, java.lang.String)
      public void handleCharacterStream(Reader reader, String sName) throws IOException
         m_handler.handleResource(XMLUtil.parse(reader, m_schemaURLDeque).getDocumentElement(), sName);

    * Character stream handler for encrypted streams.
   public static class EncryptedCharacterStreamHandler implements CharacterStreamHandler
      // associations

       * The handler for the element.
      protected CharacterStreamHandler m_handler;

       * The properties with which the cipher shall be initialized.
      protected Properties m_properties;

       * Encryption scheme set to add encryptions to.
      protected Set m_encryptionSchemeSet;

      // constructors

       * Constructs the handler.
       * @param handler The resource handler.
       * @param properties The properties to initialize the cipher.
      public EncryptedCharacterStreamHandler(CharacterStreamHandler handler, Properties properties)
         m_handler = handler;
         m_properties = properties;

      // operations

       * Set encryption scheme set.
       * @param encryptionSchemeSet Encryption scheme set.
      public void setEncryptionSchemeSet(Set encryptionSchemeSet)
         m_encryptionSchemeSet = encryptionSchemeSet;

       * Get encryption scheme set.
       * @return Encryption scheme set.
      public Set getEncryptionSchemeSet()
         return m_encryptionSchemeSet;

       * @see nexj.core.meta.xml.XMLMetadataHelper.CharacterStreamHandler#handleCharacterStream(, java.lang.String)
      public void handleCharacterStream(Reader reader, String sName) throws IOException
         CharacterStreamCipherDispatcher dispatcher = new CharacterStreamCipherDispatcher();

         m_handler.handleCharacterStream(dispatcher.createDecryptedReader(reader), sName);

    * Character stream handler for XML resources that will upgrade them prior to passong them on.
   public class UpgradingResourceCharacterStreamHandler extends ResourceCharacterStreamHandler
       * @see nexj.core.meta.xml.XMLMetadataHelper.ResourceCharacterStreamHandler#ResourceCharacterStreamHandler(nexj.core.meta.xml.XMLMetadataHelper.ResourceHandler)
      public UpgradingResourceCharacterStreamHandler(ResourceHandler handler)

       * @see nexj.core.meta.xml.XMLMetadataHelper.ResourceCharacterStreamHandler#ResourceCharacterStreamHandler(nexj.core.meta.xml.XMLMetadataHelper.ResourceHandler, nexj.core.util.LookupDeque)
      public UpgradingResourceCharacterStreamHandler(
         ResourceHandler handler, LookupDeque schemaURLDeque)
         super(handler, schemaURLDeque);

       * @see nexj.core.meta.xml.XMLMetadataHelper.CharacterStreamHandler#handleCharacterStream(, java.lang.String)
      public void handleCharacterStream(Reader reader, String sName) throws IOException
         if (m_resourceUpgradeMap != null) // nothing to upgrade with
            Element element = XMLUtil.parse(reader).getDocumentElement();
            List methodList = (List)m_resourceUpgradeMap.get(element.getNodeName());

            if (methodList != null)
               for (int i = 0, nCount = methodList.size(); i < nCount; i += 2)
                  Method method = (Method)methodList.get(i);
                  Object instance = methodList.get(i + 1);

                     method.invoke(instance, new Object[]{element, sName, XMLMetadataHelper.this});
                  catch (InvocationTargetException e)
                  catch (Exception e)

            if (m_schemaURLDeque == null || m_schemaURLDeque.size() == 0)
               m_handler.handleResource(element, sName);


            reader = new StringReader(XMLUtil.formatXML(element));

         super.handleCharacterStream(reader, sName);

    * Interface for processing a resource.
   public interface ResourceHandler
       * Process a resource.
       * @param rootElement The root DOM element.
       * @param sName The resource base name (without path and extension).
      void handleResource(Element rootElement, String sName);

    * Interface for handling a resource with a given base name.
   public interface ResourceNameHandler
       * Handles the resource.
       * @param sBaseName The resource base name (without path and extension).
       * @param sFullName The relative path to the resource from the repository root.
      public void handleResource(String sBaseName, String sFullName);

    * Element handler with exception handling.
   public abstract class ElementHandler implements XMLUtil.ElementHandler
      private String m_sProperty;

       * Constructs the element handler.
       * @param sProperty The property name.
      public ElementHandler(String sProperty)
         m_sProperty = sProperty;

       * @see nexj.core.util.XMLUtil.ElementHandler#handleElement(org.w3c.dom.Element)
      public final void handleElement(Element element)
         String sName = getName(element);
         int nCookie = pushMarker(MetadataValidationException.TYPE_NAME, element.getNodeName());

         pushMarker(m_sProperty, sName);

            handleElement(element, sName);
         catch (MetadataException e)
         catch (XMLException e)

       * Gets the name attribute from the element.
       * @param element The element.
       * @return The name value.
      protected String getName(Element element)
         return getNameAttr(element);

       * Template method to handle the element.
      protected abstract void handleElement(Element element, String sName);

    * Interface for Mixin handler.
   public interface MixinNamespaceHandler
       * @param sNamespace Model namespace.
       * @param sVersion Model version.
       * @param sChecksum Model checksum.
       * @return The URL of the meta folder for this mixin model.
      URL handle(String sNamespace, String sVersion, String sChecksum);

    * Interface for setting the validation exception context marker.
   public interface Marker
       * Sets the marker properties.
       * @param marker The metadata marker.
      void setMarker(MetadataMarker e);

    * Interface for fixing up references.
   public interface Fixup extends Marker
       * Fixes up the reference.
      void fixup();

    * Abstract fixup class for initializing the marker from the current context.
   public static abstract class ContextFixup implements Fixup
      private String[] m_markerArray;

      private final static String[] s_templateArray = new String[0];

      public ContextFixup(XMLMetadataHelper helper)
         m_markerArray = (String[])helper.m_markerList.toArray(s_templateArray);

      public final void setMarker(MetadataMarker e)
         for (int i = 0; i < m_markerArray.length; i += 2)
            e.setProperty(m_markerArray[i], m_markerArray[i + 1]);

      public final void pushMarker(XMLMetadataHelper helper)
         for (int i = 0; i < m_markerArray.length; i += 2)
            helper.pushMarker(m_markerArray[i], m_markerArray[i + 1]);

    * Interface to handle events during Mixin linking.
   public interface MixinHandler
       * Called for each Mixin element encountered in each repository descriptor during linking.  Guaranteed to be called before the
       * corresponding handleRepository method is called.
       * @param ref The mixin reference.
       * @param mixin The referring mixin.
      public void handleMixinReference(XMLMixin ref, XMLMixin mixin);

       * Called for a mixin that creates a reference loop.
       * @param mixin The mixin that creates a loop.
      public void handleCircularReference(XMLMixin mixin);

       * Called when a non-overridable mixin is overridden.
       * @param ref The mixin reference.
       * @param mixin The referring mixin.
      public void handleMixinOverrideConflict(XMLMixin ref, XMLMixin mixin);

       * Called for each repository linked, including the root, in pre-order.
       * @param mixin The linked mixin.
      public void handleRepository(XMLMixin mixin);

       * Called once for each resource having multiple non-identical sources.
       * @param first One of the sources.
       * @param second Another source, which is not identical to first.
      public void handleResourceConflict(XMLResource first, XMLResource second);

       * @param source The overriding source.
       * @param overridden The source being overridden.
      public void handleResourceOverride(XMLResource source, XMLResource overridden);

       * @param first One of the sources.
       * @param second Another source, which is an identical alternate to first.
      public void handleAlternateResource(XMLResource first, XMLResource second);

       * Called if a repository could not be linked.
       * @param ref The mixin which we failed to link.
       * @param e The exception raised during linking.
      public void handleLinkFailure(XMLMixin ref, Exception e);

    * Add encryption scheme.
    * @param sEncryptionScheme encryption scheme.
   public void addEncryptionScheme(String sEncryptionScheme)

    * Set encryption scheme set.
    * @param encryptionSchemeSet Encryption scheme set.
   public void setEncryptionSchemeSet(Set encryptionSchemeSet)
      m_encryptionSchemeSet = encryptionSchemeSet;

    * Get encryption scheme set.
    * @return Encryption scheme set.
   public Set getEncryptionSchemeSet()
      return m_encryptionSchemeSet;

Related Classes of nexj.core.meta.xml.XMLMetadataHelper

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