// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.meta.integration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataException;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataLookupException;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataObject;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
* Message table for specifying multiple messages for parsing and detection.
* The format metadata loaders set up a parser table for detecting the message.
public class MessageTable extends MetadataObject
// associations
* The message format.
protected Format m_format;
* Message name to object map: Message[String].
protected Lookup m_messageMap = new HashTab(8);
* The message collection.
protected List m_messageList = new ArrayList(8); // of type Message
* The table used by the parser for message detection.
protected Object m_parserTable;
// operations
* Sets the message format.
* @param format The message format to set.
public void setFormat(Format format)
m_format = format;
* @return The message format.
public Format getFormat()
return m_format;
* Adds a new message to the table.
* @param message The message to add.
public void addMessage(Message message) throws MetadataException
if (m_format == null)
m_format = message.getFormat();
else if (m_format != message.getFormat())
throw new MetadataException("err.meta.integration.messageTableMismatch",
new Object[]{message.getName(), m_format.getName(),
(message.getFormat() == null) ? "" : message.getFormat().getName()});
Object oldMessage = m_messageMap.put(message.getName(), message);
if (oldMessage != null)
m_messageMap.put(message.getName(), oldMessage);
throw new MetadataException("err.meta.integration.messageTableDup",
new Object[]{message.getName()});
* Finds a message by name.
* @param sName The message name. Can be null.
* @return The message object, or null if not found.
public Message findMessage(String sName)
if (sName == null)
return null;
return (Message)m_messageMap.get(sName);
* Gets a message by name.
* @param sName The message name. Can be null.
* @return The message object.
* @throws MetadataLookupException if the message is not found.
public Message getMessage(String sName) throws MetadataLookupException
if (sName == null)
throw new MetadataLookupException("err.meta.integration.messageTableLookup", "", this);
Message message = (Message)m_messageMap.get(sName);
if (message == null)
throw new MetadataLookupException("err.meta.integration.messageTableLookup", sName, this);
return message;
* Gets a message by ordinal number.
* @param nOrdinal The message ordinal number (0-based).
* @return The message object.
public Message getMessage(int nOrdinal)
return (Message)m_messageList.get(nOrdinal);
* @return The message count.
public int getMessageCount()
return m_messageList.size();
* @return An iterator for the contained message objects.
public Iterator getMessageIterator()
return m_messageList.iterator();
* Sets the parser table.
* @param parserTable The parser table to set.
public void setParserTable(Object parserTable)
m_parserTable = parserTable;
* @return The parser table.
public Object getParserTable()
return m_parserTable;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
return "MessageTable(" + m_format + ", " + m_messageList + ")";
* Finds a message that is either derivedMessage or is a base message of derivedMessage.
* @param message The message for which to find base messages.
* @return The base message; null if neither derivedMessage nor any of its base
* messages are in the table.
public Message findBaseMessage(Message message)
while (message != null && !m_messageMap.contains(message.getName()))
message = message.getBaseMessage();
return message;
* @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataObject#makeReadOnly()
public void makeReadOnly()
if (m_parserTable instanceof MetadataObject)