Package nexj.core.meta.integration

Source Code of nexj.core.meta.integration.Message

// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.meta.integration;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import nexj.core.integration.IntegrationException;
import nexj.core.meta.ContextMetadata;
import nexj.core.meta.Metadata;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataCompoundValidationException;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataException;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataMarker;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataResource;
import nexj.core.meta.NamedMetadataObject;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.util.EmptyIterator;
import nexj.core.util.ExceptionHolder;
import nexj.core.util.Holder;
import nexj.core.util.IdentityHashHolder;
import nexj.core.util.PropertyMap;
import nexj.core.util.StringUtil;
import nexj.core.util.UncheckedException;

* Message metadata.
public final class Message extends NamedMetadataObject implements MetadataResource, TransformationEndpoint
   // constants

    * Polymorphism allowed for the message.
   public final static byte DERIVATION_VIRTUAL = 0;

    * Polymorphism not allowed for the message.
    * When set, a message parser may not parse this message or a reference to
    * this message as anything other than this message. Applies to the
    * formatter as well.
   public final static byte DERIVATION_FINAL = 1;

    * Polymorphism allowed, derived message must be used.
    * When set, a message parser must parse this message or a reference to
    * this message as a non-abstract derived message of this message. Applies
    * to the formatter as well.
   public final static byte DERIVATION_ABSTRACT = 2;

   // attributes

    * The polymorphism setting for this message. One of the DERIVATION_* constants.
   protected byte m_nDerivation;

    * Whether references have been resolved.
   protected boolean m_bReferencesResolved;

    * The metadata resource name.
   protected String m_sResourceName;

   // associations

    * The message format.
   protected Format m_format;

    * The root metadata object.
   protected Metadata m_metadata;

    * The response message.
   protected Message m_response;

    * The base message, if any.
   protected Message m_base;

    * The derived messages, if any.
   protected List m_derivedMessageList; // Message[]

    * The root composite message part.
   protected CompositeMessagePart m_root;

    * List of ref parts.
   protected List m_refPartList; // CompositeMessagePartRef[]

    * List of referrer messages.
   protected List m_referrerList; // Message[]

   // constructors

    * Constructs the message.
    * @param sName The message name.
   public Message(String sName)

    * Constructs the message.
   public Message()

   // operations

    * Sets the root metadata object.
    * @param metadata The root metadata object to set.
   public void setMetadata(Metadata metadata)
      m_metadata = metadata;

    * @return The root metadata object.
   public Metadata getMetadata()
      return m_metadata;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataResource#setResourceName(java.lang.String)
   public void setResourceName(String sName)
      m_sResourceName = sName;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataResource#getResourceName()
   public String getResourceName()
      return m_sResourceName;

    * Sets the message format.
    * @param format The message format to set.
   public void setFormat(Format format)
      m_format = format;

    * @return The message format.
   public Format getFormat()
      return m_format;

    * Sets the response message.
    * @param response The response message to set.
   public void setResponse(Message response) throws MetadataException
      m_response = response;
      if (response != null && m_format != null && response.getFormat() != m_format)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.integration.responseFormat",
            new Object[]{getName()});

    * @return The response message.
   public Message getResponse()
      return m_response;
    * Sets the root composite message part.
    * @param root The root composite message part to set.
   public void setRoot(CompositeMessagePart root)
      m_root = root;

    * @return The root composite message part.
   public CompositeMessagePart getRoot()
      return m_root;

    * Sets the base message.
    * @param msg The base message to set, if any.
   public void setBaseMessage(Message msg)
      m_base = msg;

    * Gets the base message.
    * @return The base message, if any.
   public Message getBaseMessage()
      return m_base;

    * Gets the root base message. The root base message is the highest message above
    * (or including) this message in the message inheritance hierarchy. If this message
    * does not inherit from any other messages, then it is the root base message.
    * @return The root base message.
   public Message getRootBaseMessage()
      Message root = this;

      while (root.m_base != null)
         root = root.m_base;

      return root;

    * Determines if a message can be upcast to obtain this message.
    * @param message The message to upcast.
    * @return True if this message can be obtained by upcasting message.
   public boolean isUpcast(Message message)
      while (message != null)
         if (message == this)
            return true;

         message = message.m_base;

      return false;

    * Adds a derived message.
    * @param msg The derived message to add.
   public void addDerivedMessage(Message msg)

      if (m_derivedMessageList == null)
         m_derivedMessageList = new ArrayList();


    * Gets a derived message of the given index.
    * @param i The index of the derived message to get.
    * @return The derived message.
   public Message getDerivedMessage(int i)
      if (m_derivedMessageList == null)
         throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();

      return (Message)m_derivedMessageList.get(i);

    * Gets the number of derived messages.
    * @return The count of derived messages.
   public int getDerivedMessageCount()
      return (m_derivedMessageList == null) ? 0 : m_derivedMessageList.size();

    * Sets the derivation flag.
    * @param nDerivation One of the DERIVATION_* constants.
   public void setDerivation(byte nDerivation)
      m_nDerivation = nDerivation;

    * Gets the derivation flag.
    * @return One of the DERIVATION_* constants
   public byte getDerivation()
      return m_nDerivation;

    * Resolves references for the messages specified by the iterator.
    * @param msgIterator An iterator over the set of messages for which
    * reference resolution shall be performed.
   public static void resolveReferences(Iterator msgIterator)
      while (msgIterator.hasNext())

    * Resolves inheritance for the messages specified by the iterator.
    * @param msgIterator An iterator over the set of messages for which
    * inheritance resolution shall be performed.
    * @param sortedMessageList The list to populate with messages in the
    * order they are resolved. Can be null.
   public static void resolveInheritance(Iterator msgIterator, List sortedMessageList)
      MetadataCompoundValidationException comp = null;
      Holder circularMessageSet = new IdentityHashHolder();
      Holder resolvedMessageSet = new IdentityHashHolder();

      while (msgIterator.hasNext())
         Message message = (Message);


         // Process inheritance starting on the root messages.
         if (message.m_base == null)
               message.resolveInheritance(resolvedMessageSet, sortedMessageList);
            catch (UncheckedException ex)
               if (comp == null)
                  comp = new MetadataCompoundValidationException();

               message.addException(comp, ex);

      // Inheritance cycles have no message where m_base == null, so they are never resolved.
      if (circularMessageSet.size() != resolvedMessageSet.size())

         if (comp == null)
            comp = new MetadataCompoundValidationException();

         for (Iterator itr = circularMessageSet.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); )
            Message circularMessage = (Message);
            MetadataException x = new MetadataException(
               new Object[] {circularMessage.getName()});

            circularMessage.addException(comp, x);

      if (comp != null)
         throw comp;

    * Resolves inheritance for the message hierarchy starting at this message.
    * @param resolvedMessageSet The set to which messages shall be added
    * after processing.
    * @param sortedMessageList The list to populate with messages in the
    * order they are resolved. Can be null.
   protected void resolveInheritance(Holder resolvedMessageSet, List sortedMessageList)
      if (sortedMessageList != null)

      for (int i = 0, nSize = getDerivedMessageCount(); i < nSize; i++)
         Message child = (Message)m_derivedMessageList.get(i);

         if (m_format != child.m_format)
            throw new MetadataException("err.meta.integration.baseFormatMismatch",
               new Object[]{getName(), child.getName()});

         child.resolveInheritance(resolvedMessageSet, sortedMessageList);


    * @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataObject#validate(nexj.core.meta.ContextMetadata, nexj.core.util.ExceptionHolder)
   public void validate(ContextMetadata metadata, ExceptionHolder warnings)
      super.validate(metadata, warnings);

      m_root.validate(metadata, warnings);

    * Checks that derivedMessage can be substituted for baseMessage during a message formatting
    * or parsing operation. Verifies the derivation mode and the inheritance relationship.
    * @param baseMessage The message to be substituted.
    * @param derivedMessage The message to substitute.
    * @param part The message part being checked.
    * @throws IntegrationException If derivedMessage may not be substituted for baseMessage.
   public static void validatePolymorphism(Message baseMessage, Message derivedMessage, MessagePart part)
      throws IntegrationException
      if (baseMessage.getDerivation() != DERIVATION_FINAL)
         if (!baseMessage.isUpcast(derivedMessage))
            throw new IntegrationException("err.integration.messageTypeMismatch",
               new Object[]{part.getFullPath(), baseMessage.getName(), derivedMessage.getName()});

         if (derivedMessage.getDerivation() == DERIVATION_ABSTRACT)
            throw new IntegrationException("err.integration.abstractMessage",
               new Object[]{derivedMessage.getName(), part.getFullPath()});
      else if (derivedMessage != baseMessage)
         throw new IntegrationException("err.integration.messageTypeMismatch",
            new Object[]{part.getFullPath(), baseMessage.getName(), derivedMessage.getName()});

    * @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataObject#setProperties(nexj.core.meta.MetadataMarker)
   public void setProperties(MetadataMarker marker)
      marker.setProperty("message", m_sName);

    * @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataObject#makeReadOnly()
   public void makeReadOnly()


      if (m_derivedMessageList instanceof ArrayList)

      if (m_refPartList != null)

      if (m_referrerList != null)

    * Add the ref part to the list of ref parts and this message to the list of referrers of the given ref
    * part.
    * @param refPart Ref part.
   public void addRef(CompositeMessagePartRef refPart)

      if (m_refPartList == null)
         m_refPartList = new ArrayList();


      Message message = refPart.getRefPart().getDeclarator();

      if (message.m_referrerList == null)
         message.m_referrerList = new ArrayList();


    * Get referrer list iterator.
    * @return Referrer list iterator.
   public Iterator getReferrerListIterator()
      if (m_referrerList == null)
         return EmptyIterator.getInstance();

      return m_referrerList.iterator();

    * Resolve message references.
   public void resolveReferences()
      if (m_bReferencesResolved)

      resolveReferences(new IdentityHashHolder());
      m_bReferencesResolved = true;

    * Resolve message references.
    * @param visitedSet Set of visited messages.
   public void resolveReferences(Set visitedSet)
      if (m_bReferencesResolved || !visitedSet.add(this))

      if (m_refPartList != null)
         for (Iterator itr = m_refPartList.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
            CompositeMessagePartRef refPart = (CompositeMessagePartRef);


    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#getChild(java.lang.String)
   public EndpointPart getChild(String sName)
      if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(sName) && sName.charAt(0) == ':')
         if (sName.equals(":oid"))
            return Transformation.OID;

         if (sName.equals(":class"))
            return Transformation.CLASS;

         if (sName.equals(":event"))
            return Transformation.EVENT;

      return getRoot().getPart(sName);

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#findChild(java.lang.String)
   public EndpointPart findChild(String sName)
      if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(sName) && sName.charAt(0) == ':')
         if (sName.equals(":oid"))
            return Transformation.OID;

         if (sName.equals(":class"))
            return Transformation.CLASS;

         if (sName.equals(":event"))
            return Transformation.EVENT;

      return getRoot().findPart(sName);

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#getChildIterator()
   public Iterator getChildIterator()
      return getRoot().getPartIterator();

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#isCollection()
   public boolean isCollection()
      return false;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#isPrimitive()
   public boolean isPrimitive()
      return false;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.TransformationEndpoint#getBaseEndpoint()
   public TransformationEndpoint getBaseEndpoint()
      return m_base;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.TransformationEndpoint#isUpcast(nexj.core.meta.integration.TransformationEndpoint)
   public boolean isUpcast(TransformationEndpoint endpoint)
      return (endpoint instanceof Message) && isUpcast((Message)endpoint);

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.TransformationEndpoint#getEndpoint(java.lang.String)
   public TransformationEndpoint getEndpoint(String sName)
      return m_metadata.getMessage(sName);

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#createObject()
   public TransferObject createObject()
      return new TransferObject(getName());

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#getValue(nexj.core.util.PropertyMap, java.lang.Object)
   public Object getValue(PropertyMap map, Object defValue)
      throw new IllegalStateException(getName());

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#setValue(nexj.core.util.PropertyMap, java.lang.Object)
   public void setValue(PropertyMap map, Object value)
      throw new IllegalStateException(getName());

Related Classes of nexj.core.meta.integration.Message

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