// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.meta;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import nexj.core.meta.integration.Transformation;
import nexj.core.meta.integration.TransformationEndpoint;
import nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.AttributeMapping;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.PersistenceMapping;
import nexj.core.meta.ui.AttributeMeta;
import nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.runtime.Context;
import nexj.core.runtime.SecurityViolationException;
import nexj.core.runtime.ThreadContextHolder;
import nexj.core.runtime.ValidationException;
import nexj.core.scripting.Compiler;
import nexj.core.scripting.Function;
import nexj.core.scripting.GlobalEnvironment;
import nexj.core.scripting.Machine;
import nexj.core.scripting.Macro;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.ScriptingException;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.util.Captioned;
import nexj.core.util.EmptyIterator;
import nexj.core.util.ExceptionHolder;
import nexj.core.util.HashHolder;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Holder;
import nexj.core.util.IdentityHashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Invalid;
import nexj.core.util.Logger;
import nexj.core.util.LoggerHolder;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.PropertyMap;
import nexj.core.util.StringUtil;
import nexj.core.util.TextPosition;
import nexj.core.util.UncheckedException;
import nexj.core.util.Undefined;
* The object system metaclass object.
public class Metaclass extends ClassMeta implements MetadataResource, Accessor,
Function, LoggerHolder, Captioned, Documented, Pointcut, TransformationEndpoint
// constants
// visibility constants
* Public visibility - the item can be accessed through RPC.
public final static byte PUBLIC = 0;
* Protected visibility - the item can be accessed only in-process.
public final static byte PROTECTED = 1;
// Enumeration attributes
* The name of the enumeration value attribute symbol.
public final static Symbol ENUMERATION_VALUE = Symbol.VALUE;
* The name of the enumeration caption attribute symbol.
public final static Symbol ENUMERATION_CAPTION = Symbol.CAPTION;
* The name of the enumeration display order attribute.
public final static Symbol ENUMERATION_DISPLAY_ORDER = Symbol.DISPLAY_ORDER;
// other constants
* Prefix prepended to the class name to obtain a log category.
public final static String LOG_CATEGORY_PREFIX = Metaclass.class.getName() + '.';
* Global variable with the currently compiled class for macros.
protected final static Symbol SYS_CURRENT_CLASS = Symbol.define("sys:current-class");
* Symbol used in in combined validation expressions.
protected final static Symbol VALIDATION_ARG = Symbol.define("#b");
* Expressions that are generally true.
protected final static Object[] GENERALLY_TRUE_EXPRESSIONS = new Object[]
Pair.list(Pair.list(Symbol.INVOCATION_CONTEXT), Pair.quote(Symbol.define("partitioned"))),
* A comparator for sorting the attributes by ordinal number.
protected final static Comparator ATTRIBUTE_ORDINAL_COMPARATOR = new Comparator()
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2)
return ((Attribute)o1).getOrdinal() - ((Attribute)o2).getOrdinal();
// attributes
* The class visibility.
protected byte m_nVisibility;
* The create transaction mode, one of the Event.TX_* constants.
protected byte m_nCreateTransactionMode;
* The update transaction mode, one of the Event.TX_* constants.
protected byte m_nUpdateTransactionMode;
* True if the class is a pointcut.
protected boolean m_bPointcut;
* The direct aspect count - direct aspects have indexes [0..nCount-1].
protected int m_nDirectAspectCount;
* The class caption string id.
protected String m_sCaption;
* The metadata object description.
protected String m_sDescription;
* The metadata resource name.
protected String m_sResourceName;
// associations
* The class symbol.
protected Symbol m_symbol;
* The create privilege.
protected PrimitivePrivilege m_createPrivilege;
* The read privilege.
protected PrimitivePrivilege m_readPrivilege;
* The update privilege.
protected PrimitivePrivilege m_updatePrivilege;
* The delete privilege.
protected PrimitivePrivilege m_deletePrivilege;
* The read access attribute.
protected Attribute m_readAccessAttribute;
* The update access attribute.
protected Attribute m_updateAccessAttribute;
* The delete access attribute.
protected Attribute m_deleteAccessAttribute;
* The class event handler collection.
protected List m_eventList = new ArrayList(4); // of type Event[]
* The map of the class attributes (name to attribute).
protected Lookup m_attributeMap = new HashTab(8); // of type Attribute[String]
* The instance attribute list, in their order of declaration.
protected List m_instanceAttributeList = new ArrayList(8); // of type Attribute[]
* The static attribute list, in their order of declaration.
protected List m_staticAttributeList; // of type Attribute[]
* The array of initialized static attributes, sorted by
* initialization priority. Can be null.
protected Attribute[] m_initializedStaticAttributeArray;
* The derived class collection.
protected List m_derivedList; // of type Metaclass[]
* The base class.
protected Metaclass m_base;
* The topmost class with compatible persistence mapping,
* such that all the base classes between it an this class
* are with a compatible persistence mapping.
protected Metaclass m_persistenceRoot = this;
* The persistence alias collection.
* These are classes with compatible persistence mapping and
* type code attribute which is used to resolve a different hierarchy.
protected List m_persistenceAliasList; // of type Metaclass[]
* The where expression. Can be null.
protected Object m_where;
* Validation expression taking this argument and returning #f,
* a string id or a list of format arguments if the instance is invalid.
* Can be Undefined.VALUE.
protected Object m_validation = Undefined.VALUE;
* The validation function.
protected Function m_validationFunction;
* The validation function text position map
protected Lookup m_textPosMap;
* The attribute containing the instance name.
protected Attribute m_nameAttribute;
* The persistence mapping.
* Null means that the class is not persisted.
protected PersistenceMapping m_persistenceMapping;
* The selector map: Selector[String].
protected Lookup m_selectorMap = new HashTab(16);
* The pointcut helper.
protected ClassPointcutHelper m_pointcutHelper;
* The root metadata object.
protected Metadata m_metadata;
* The class logger.
protected Logger m_logger;
// constructors
* Creates a class with a given name.
* @param sName The class name.
public Metaclass(String sName)
m_symbol = Symbol.define(m_sName);
m_sCaption = m_sName;
// operations
* @return The class symbol.
public final Symbol getSymbol()
return m_symbol;
* @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataResource#setResourceName(java.lang.String)
public void setResourceName(String sName)
m_sResourceName = sName;
* @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataResource#getResourceName()
public String getResourceName()
return m_sResourceName;
* @return false
* @see nexj.core.meta.Type#isPrimitive()
public final boolean isPrimitive()
return false;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Type#getBaseType()
public final Type getBaseType()
return m_base;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Type#isUpcast(nexj.core.meta.Type)
public final boolean isUpcast(Type type)
if (type instanceof Metaclass)
return isUpcast((Metaclass)type);
return super.isUpcast(type);
* @see nexj.core.meta.Type#convert(java.lang.Object)
public final Object convert(Object value) throws TypeConversionException
if (value == null)
return null;
if (value instanceof Accessor &&
return value;
if (value instanceof Typed &&
return value;
throw new TypeConversionException(this);
* Sets the class visibility.
* @param nVisibility The class visibility to set.
public final void setVisibility(byte nVisibility)
m_nVisibility = nVisibility;
* @return The class visibility.
public final byte getVisibility()
return m_nVisibility;
* Sets the attribute containing the instance name.
* @param sAttribute The name of the attribute containing the instance name to set.
public final void setNameAttribute(String sAttribute)
(sAttribute == null || sAttribute.length() == 0) ?
null : getAttribute(sAttribute));
* Sets the attribute containing the instance name.
* @param attribute The attribute containing the instance name to set.
public final void setNameAttribute(Attribute attribute)
if (attribute != null)
if (attribute.getType() != Primitive.STRING)
throw new MetadataException("err.meta.nameAttributeType",
new Object[]{attribute.getName(), getName()});
if (attribute.isStatic())
throw new MetadataException("err.meta.staticNameAttribute",
new Object[]{attribute.getName(), getName()});
m_nameAttribute = attribute;
* @return The attribute containing the instance name.
public final Attribute getNameAttribute()
return m_nameAttribute;
* Sets the class caption string id.
* @param sCaption The class caption string id to set.
public final void setCaption(String sCaption)
m_sCaption = sCaption;
* @return The class caption string id.
public final String getCaption()
return m_sCaption;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Documented#setDescription(java.lang.String)
public final void setDescription(String sDescription)
if (sDescription != null && sDescription.length() == 0)
sDescription = null;
m_sDescription = sDescription;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Documented#getDescription()
public final String getDescription()
return m_sDescription;
* Sets the create privilege.
* @param createPrivilege The create privilege to set.
public final void setCreatePrivilege(PrimitivePrivilege createPrivilege)
m_createPrivilege = createPrivilege;
* @return The create privilege.
public final PrimitivePrivilege getCreatePrivilege()
return m_createPrivilege;
* Sets the read privilege.
* @param readPrivilege The read privilege to set.
public final void setReadPrivilege(PrimitivePrivilege readPrivilege)
m_readPrivilege = readPrivilege;
* @return The read privilege.
public final PrimitivePrivilege getReadPrivilege()
return m_readPrivilege;
* Sets the update privilege.
* @param updatePrivilege The update privilege to set.
public final void setUpdatePrivilege(PrimitivePrivilege updatePrivilege)
m_updatePrivilege = updatePrivilege;
* @return The update privilege.
public final PrimitivePrivilege getUpdatePrivilege()
return m_updatePrivilege;
* Sets the delete privilege.
* @param deletePrivilege The delete privilege to set.
public final void setDeletePrivilege(PrimitivePrivilege deletePrivilege)
m_deletePrivilege = deletePrivilege;
* @return The delete privilege.
public final PrimitivePrivilege getDeletePrivilege()
return m_deletePrivilege;
* Sets the read access attribute.
* @param readAccessAttribute The read access attribute to set.
public final void setReadAccessAttribute(Attribute readAccessAttribute)
m_readAccessAttribute = readAccessAttribute;
* @return The read access attribute.
public final Attribute getReadAccessAttribute()
return m_readAccessAttribute;
* Sets the update access attribute.
* @param updateAccessAttribute The update access attribute to set.
public final void setUpdateAccessAttribute(Attribute updateAccessAttribute)
m_updateAccessAttribute = updateAccessAttribute;
* Sets the delete access attribute.
* @param deleteAccessAttribute The delete access attribute to set.
public final void setDeleteAccessAttribute(Attribute deleteAccessAttribute)
m_deleteAccessAttribute = deleteAccessAttribute;
* @return The delete access attribute.
public final Attribute getDeleteAccessAttribute()
return m_deleteAccessAttribute;
* Sets the create transaction mode.
* @param nCreateTransactionMode The create transaction mode to set, one of the Event.TX_* constants.
public final void setCreateTransactionMode(byte nCreateTransactionMode)
m_nCreateTransactionMode = nCreateTransactionMode;
* @return The create transaction mode, one of the Event.TX_* constants.
public final byte getCreateTransactionMode()
return m_nCreateTransactionMode;
* @return The update access attribute.
public final Attribute getUpdateAccessAttribute()
return m_updateAccessAttribute;
* Sets the update transaction mode.
* @param nUpdateTransactionMode The update transaction mode to set, one of the Event.TX_* constants.
public final void setUpdateTransactionMode(byte nUpdateTransactionMode)
m_nUpdateTransactionMode = nUpdateTransactionMode;
* @return The update transaction mode, one of the Event.TX_* constants.
public final byte getUpdateTransactionMode()
return m_nUpdateTransactionMode;
* Determines if a class can be upcast to obtain this class.
* @param metaclass The class to upcast.
* @return True if this class can be obtained by upcasting metaclass.
public final boolean isUpcast(Metaclass metaclass)
while (metaclass != null)
if (metaclass == this)
return true;
metaclass = metaclass.m_base;
return false;
* Adds a new event handler to the class.
* @param event The event handler to add.
public final void addEvent(Event event)
Selector selector = addSelector(event.getName());
selector.addMember(event, event.getArgumentCount(), event.isVarArg());
* Gets a event handler by ordinal number.
* @param nOrdinal The event handler ordinal number (0-based).
* @return The event handler object.
public final Event getEvent(int nOrdinal)
return (Event)m_eventList.get(nOrdinal);
* @return The event handler count.
public final int getEventCount()
return m_eventList.size();
* @return An iterator for the contained event handler objects.
public final Iterator getEventIterator()
return m_eventList.iterator();
* Adds a new attribute to the class.
* @param attribute The attribute to add.
* @throws MetadataException if an attribute
* with the same name already exists.
public final void addAttribute(Attribute attribute)
Object oldAttribute = m_attributeMap.put(attribute.getName(), attribute);
if (oldAttribute != null)
m_attributeMap.put(attribute.getName(), oldAttribute);
throw new MetadataException("err.meta.attributeDup", new Object[] {attribute.getName(), getName()});
if (attribute.isStatic())
if (m_staticAttributeList == null)
m_staticAttributeList = new ArrayList(4);
Selector selector = addSelector(attribute.getName());
selector.addMember(attribute, 0, false);
selector.addMember(attribute, 1, false);
* Gets an attribute by name.
* @param sName The attribute name.
* @return The attribute object.
* @throws MetadataLookupException if the attribute does not exist.
public final Attribute getAttribute(String sName)
Attribute attribute = (Attribute)m_attributeMap.get(sName);
if (attribute != null)
return attribute;
throw new MetadataLookupException("err.meta.attributeLookup", sName, this);
* Gets an attribute by symbol.
* @param sym The attribute symbol.
* @return The attribute object.
* @throws MetadataLookupException if the attribute does not exist.
public final Attribute getAttribute(Symbol sym)
return getAttribute(sym.getName());
* Finds an attribute by name.
* @param sName The attribute name.
* @return The attribute object, or null if not found.
public final Attribute findAttribute(String sName)
return (Attribute)m_attributeMap.get(sName);
* Finds an attribute by symbol.
* @param sym The attribute symbol.
* @return The attribute object, or null if not found.
public final Attribute findAttribute(Symbol sym)
return findAttribute(sym.getName());
* Gets a derived attribute given a base attribute.
* @param attribute The base attribute for which to get the derived one.
* @return The derived attribute.
public final Attribute getDerivedAttribute(Attribute attribute)
if (attribute == null)
return null;
List list = (attribute.isStatic()) ? m_staticAttributeList : m_instanceAttributeList;
if (attribute.getOrdinal() >= list.size())
return attribute;
return (Attribute)list.get(attribute.getOrdinal());
* Gets an instance attribute by ordinal number.
* @param nOrdinal The instance attribute ordinal number.
* @return The attribute object.
public final Attribute getInstanceAttribute(int nOrdinal)
return (Attribute)m_instanceAttributeList.get(nOrdinal);
* @return The instance attribute count.
public final int getInstanceAttributeCount()
return m_instanceAttributeList.size();
* @return An iterator for the instance attributes.
public final Iterator getInstanceAttributeIterator()
if (m_instanceAttributeList == null)
return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
return m_instanceAttributeList.iterator();
* Gets an instance attribute by ordinal number.
* @param nOrdinal The instance attribute ordinal number.
* @return The attribute object.
public final Attribute getStaticAttribute(int nOrdinal)
return (Attribute)m_staticAttributeList.get(nOrdinal);
* @return The instance attribute count.
public final int getStaticAttributeCount()
if (m_staticAttributeList == null)
return 0;
return m_staticAttributeList.size();
* @return An iterator for the static attributes.
public final Iterator getStaticAttributeIterator()
if (m_staticAttributeList == null)
return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
return m_staticAttributeList.iterator();
* Gets an initialized static attribute by ordinal number.
* @param nOrdinal The inzitialized static attribute ordinal number.
* @return The attribute object.
public final Attribute getInitializedStaticAttribute(int nOrdinal)
return m_initializedStaticAttributeArray[nOrdinal];
* @return The initialized static attribute count.
public final int getInitializedStaticAttributeCount()
if (m_initializedStaticAttributeArray == null)
return 0;
return m_initializedStaticAttributeArray.length;
* @return The attribute count.
public final int getAttributeCount()
return m_attributeMap.size();
* @return An iterator for the contained attribute objects.
public final Iterator getAttributeIterator()
return m_attributeMap.valueIterator();
* Adds a new derived class to the class.
* @param derived The derived class to add.
public final void addDerived(Metaclass derived)
if (m_derivedList == null)
m_derivedList = new ArrayList(4);
* Gets a derived class by ordinal number.
* @param nOrdinal The derived class ordinal number (0-based).
* @return The derived class object.
public final Metaclass getDerived(int nOrdinal)
return (Metaclass)m_derivedList.get(nOrdinal);
* @return The derived class count.
public final int getDerivedCount()
if (m_derivedList == null)
return 0;
return m_derivedList.size();
* @return An iterator for the contained derived class objects.
public final Iterator getDerivedIterator()
if (m_derivedList == null)
return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
return m_derivedList.iterator();
* Sets the base class.
* @param base The base class to set.
public final void setBase(Metaclass base)
m_base = base;
* @return The base class.
public final Metaclass getBase()
return m_base;
* Sets the where expression.
* @param where The where expression to set.
public final void setWhere(Object where)
m_where = where;
* @return The where expression.
public final Object getWhere()
return m_where;
* Sets the validation expression.
* @param validation The validation expression to set.
public final void setValidation(Object validation)
m_validation = validation;
* @return The validation expression.
public final Object getValidation()
return m_validation;
* @return The validation function.
public final Function getValidationFunction()
return m_validationFunction;
* @return The validation function text position map
public final Lookup getTextPositionMap()
return m_textPosMap;
* Sets the validation function text position map
* @param textPosMap The validation function text position map to set.
public final void setTextPositionMap(Lookup textPosMap)
m_textPosMap = textPosMap;
* Sets the root metadata object.
* @param metadata The root metadata object to set.
public final void setMetadata(Metadata metadata)
m_metadata = metadata;
* @return The root metadata object.
public final Metadata getMetadata()
return m_metadata;
* Sets the persistence mapping.
* @param persistenceMapping The persistence mapping to set. Can be null.
public final void setPersistenceMapping(PersistenceMapping persistenceMapping)
m_persistenceMapping = persistenceMapping;
* @return The persistence mapping.
public final PersistenceMapping getPersistenceMapping()
return m_persistenceMapping;
* Visits the persistence mapping.
* @param visitor The persistence mapping visitor.
public final void visit(PersistenceMapping.Visitor visitor)
if (m_persistenceMapping != null)
* @return The topmost class with compatible persistence mapping.
public final Metaclass getPersistenceRoot()
return m_persistenceRoot;
* Adds a new persistence alias to the class.
* @param persistenceAlias The persistence alias to add.
public void addPersistenceAlias(Metaclass persistenceAlias)
if (m_persistenceAliasList == null)
m_persistenceAliasList = new ArrayList(2);
if (!m_persistenceAliasList.contains(persistenceAlias))
for (int i = 0, n = m_persistenceAliasList.size() - 1; i < n; ++i)
* Gets a persistence alias by ordinal number.
* @param nOrdinal The persistence alias ordinal number (0-based).
* @return The persistence alias object.
public Metaclass getPersistenceAlias(int nOrdinal)
return (Metaclass)m_persistenceAliasList.get(nOrdinal);
* @return The persistence alias count.
public int getPersistenceAliasCount()
if (m_persistenceAliasList == null)
return 0;
return m_persistenceAliasList.size();
* @return An iterator for the contained persistence alias objects.
public Iterator getPersistenceAliasIterator()
if (m_persistenceAliasList == null)
return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
return m_persistenceAliasList.iterator();
* Adds a selector to the class.
* @param sName The selector name.
* @return The added selector (or an old selector with the same name).
private final Selector addSelector(String sName)
Selector selector = (Selector)m_selectorMap.get(sName);
if (selector == null)
selector = new Selector(sName);
m_selectorMap.put(sName, selector);
return selector;
* Gets a selector by name.
* @param sName The selector name.
* @return The selector object.
* @throws MetadataLookupException if the selector does not exist.
public final Selector getSelector(String sName)
Selector selector = (Selector)m_selectorMap.get(sName);
if (selector != null)
return selector;
throw new MetadataLookupException("err.meta.selectorLookup", sName, this);
* Gets a selector by symbol.
* @param sym The selector symbol.
* @return The selector object.
* @throws MetadataLookupException if the selector does not exist.
public final Selector getSelector(Symbol sym)
return getSelector(sym.getName());
* Finds a selector by name.
* @param sName The selector name.
* @return The selector object, or null if not found.
public final Selector findSelector(String sName)
return (Selector)m_selectorMap.get(sName);
* Finds a selector by symbol.
* @param sym The selector symbol.
* @return The selector object, or null if not found.
public final Selector findSelector(Symbol sym)
return findSelector(sym.getName());
* @return The selector count.
public final int getSelectorCount()
return m_selectorMap.size();
* @return An iterator for the contained selector objects.
public final Iterator getSelectorIterator()
return m_selectorMap.valueIterator();
* @return The class logger.
public final Logger getLogger()
return m_logger;
* Template method to set the next action by name.
* @param action The action on which to set the next one.
* @param sName The next action name.
public void setNextAction(Action action, String sName)
* Checks if there is a cycle in the inheritance hierarchy.
* @throws MetadataException if a cycle is found and this class is in it.
public final void checkInheritance()
Metaclass base = this;
Metaclass base2 = base;
boolean bInLoop = false;
for (;;)
base = base.getBase();
base2 = base2.getBase();
if (base2 == null)
if (base2 == this)
bInLoop = true;
base2 = base2.getBase();
if (base2 == null)
if (base2 == this)
bInLoop = true;
if (base2 == base)
if (bInLoop)
throw new MetadataException("err.meta.inheritanceCycle", new Object[]{getName()});
* Computes and verifies the inherited attributes,
* events and actions for this class and its subclasses.
* @throws MetadataException if inconsistencies are found.
public final void resolveInheritance()
ExceptionHolder eh = resolveInheritance(null);
if (eh != null)
throw (UncheckedException)eh;
* Computes and verifies the inherited attributes,
* events and actions for this class and its subclasses.
* @param eh The exception holder where to add the exceptions or null to create a new one.
* @return The exception holder.
protected ExceptionHolder resolveInheritance(ExceptionHolder eh)
// Assign ordinals to the attributes and sort them
if (m_staticAttributeList != null)
// Compute the root declarators
if (m_staticAttributeList != null)
for (int i = 0, nCount = m_staticAttributeList.size(); i < nCount; ++i)
Attribute derivedAttr = (Attribute)m_staticAttributeList.get(i);
Attribute baseAttr = (m_base == null) ? null : m_base.findAttribute(derivedAttr.getName());
derivedAttr.setRootDeclarator((baseAttr == null) ? this : baseAttr.getRootDeclarator());
if (m_instanceAttributeList != null)
for (int i = 0, nCount = m_instanceAttributeList.size(); i < nCount; ++i)
Attribute derivedAttr = (Attribute)m_instanceAttributeList.get(i);
Attribute baseAttr = (m_base == null) ? null : m_base.findAttribute(derivedAttr.getName());
derivedAttr.setRootDeclarator((baseAttr == null) ? this : baseAttr.getRootDeclarator());
if (m_eventList != null)
for (int i = 0, nCount = m_eventList.size(); i < nCount; ++i)
Event derivedEvent = (Event)m_eventList.get(i);
Event baseEvent = (m_base == null) ? null : m_base.findEvent(derivedEvent.getName(), derivedEvent.getArgumentCount());
derivedEvent.setRootDeclarator((baseEvent == null) ? this : baseEvent.getRootDeclarator());
// Resolve the derived classes
for (int nDerived = 0, nDerivedCount = getDerivedCount(); nDerived < nDerivedCount; ++nDerived)
Metaclass derivedClass = getDerived(nDerived);
eh = derivedClass.applyAspects(eh);
eh = deriveMembers(derivedClass, eh);
eh = derivedClass.resolveInheritance(eh);
return eh;
* Applies the aspects to this class.
* @param eh The exception holder where to add the exceptions or null to create a new one.
* @return The exception holder.
protected ExceptionHolder applyAspects(ExceptionHolder eh)
// Add matching aspects
if (isPointcut())
for (Iterator itr = m_metadata.getClassAspectIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
ClassAspect aspect = (ClassAspect)itr.next();
m_nDirectAspectCount = getAspectCount();
// Apply aspects
for (int i = 0, n = getAspectCount(); i < n; ++i)
ClassAspect aspect = (ClassAspect)getAspect(i);
AspectManager.logApply(aspect, this);
eh = aspect.deriveMembers(this, eh);
return eh;
* Derives the members from this class.
* @param derivedClass The derived class.
* @param eh The exception holder where to add the exceptions or null to create a new one.
* @return The exception holder.
protected ExceptionHolder deriveMembers(Metaclass derivedClass, ExceptionHolder eh)
// Derive the aspects
for (int i = 0, n = getAspectCount(); i < n; ++i)
Aspect aspect = getAspect(i);
if (derivedClass.findAspectOverride(aspect) < 0)
derivedClass.addAspectOverride(aspect, true);
// Derive the attributes
for (int nStatic = 0; nStatic <= 1; ++nStatic)
boolean bStatic = (nStatic != 0);
List attributeList = (bStatic) ? m_staticAttributeList : m_instanceAttributeList;
if (attributeList == null)
for (int nAttr = 0, nAttrCount = attributeList.size(); nAttr < nAttrCount; ++nAttr)
Attribute baseAttr = (Attribute)attributeList.get(nAttr);
Attribute derivedAttr = derivedClass.findAttribute(baseAttr.getName());
if (derivedAttr == null)
derivedAttr = (Attribute)baseAttr.clone();
if (!derivedAttr.isCompatibleWith(baseAttr))
MetadataValidationException e = new MetadataValidationException(
new Object[]{derivedAttr.getName(), derivedClass.getName(), getName()});
eh = addException(eh, e);
completeAttributeDerivation(derivedAttr, baseAttr);
// Derive the events
for (int nEvent = 0, nEventCount = getEventCount(); nEvent < nEventCount; ++nEvent)
Event baseEvent = getEvent(nEvent);
Selector derivedSelector = derivedClass.addSelector(baseEvent.getName());
Member derivedMember = derivedSelector.findMember(baseEvent.getArgumentCount());
Event derivedEvent = null;
if (derivedMember == null)
derivedEvent = (Event)baseEvent.clone();
else if (derivedMember instanceof Event)
derivedEvent = (Event)derivedMember;
if (!derivedEvent.isCompatibleWith(baseEvent))
derivedEvent = null;
// Resolve the actions: 1st pass
// (The 2nd pass - resolveActions() - is after the action names fixup)
int nCopiedActionCount = 0;
for (int nAction = 0; nAction < baseEvent.getActionCount(); ++nAction)
Action baseAction = baseEvent.getAction(nAction);
Action derivedAction = derivedEvent.findAction(baseAction.getName());
if (derivedAction == null)
else if (derivedAction.getType() != baseAction.getType())
MetadataValidationException e = new MetadataValidationException(
new Object[]{derivedAction.getName(), derivedEvent.getName(),
derivedClass.getName(), getName()});
eh = addException(eh, e);
if (derivedEvent == null)
MetadataValidationException e = new MetadataValidationException(
new Object[]{derivedMember.getName(), derivedClass.getName(), getName()});
eh = addException(eh, e);
completeEventDerivation(derivedEvent, baseEvent);
return eh;
* Template method to complete an attribute derivation.
* @param derived The derived attribute.
* @param base The base attribute.
protected void completeAttributeDerivation(Attribute derived, Attribute base)
* Template method to complete an event derivation.
* @param derived The derived event.
* @param base The base event.
protected void completeEventDerivation(Event derived, Event base)
* Resolves the attributes.
* @param machine The VM for macro expansion.
* @throws MetadataException if an error occurs.
public void resolveAttributes(final Machine machine)
ExceptionHolder eh = visit(new AttributeDependencyVisitor()
protected void computeDependency(Attribute attribute)
}, null);
if (eh != null)
throw (UncheckedException)eh;
* Computes the attribute inverse dependency.
* @param depSet The attribute dependency set.
* @throws MetadataException if an error occurs.
* @see Attribute#computeInverseDependency(Holder)
public void computeInverseDependency(final Set depSet)
ExceptionHolder eh = visit(new AttributeDependencyVisitor()
protected void computeDependency(Attribute attribute)
}, null);
if (eh != null)
throw (UncheckedException)eh;
* Visits recursively all the attributes, including the derived classes.
* @param visitor The attribute visitor.
* @param eh The exception holder where to add the exceptions. Can be null.
* @return The exception holder.
protected ExceptionHolder visit(AttributeVisitor visitor, ExceptionHolder eh)
for (int nStatic = 0; nStatic <= 1; ++nStatic)
List attrList = (nStatic != 0) ? m_staticAttributeList : m_instanceAttributeList;
if (attrList == null)
for (int nAttr = 0, nAttrCount = attrList.size(); nAttr < nAttrCount; ++nAttr)
Attribute attr = (Attribute)attrList.get(nAttr);
catch (MetadataValidationException e)
eh = addException(eh, e);
catch (MetadataException e)
MetadataValidationException x = new MetadataValidationException(e);
eh = addException(eh, e);
for (int nDerived = 0, nDerivedCount = getDerivedCount(); nDerived < nDerivedCount; ++nDerived)
eh = getDerived(nDerived).visit(visitor, eh);
return eh;
* Adds an exception to an exception holder. Optionally creates the exception holder.
* @param eh The exception holder or null to create a new one.
* @param e The exception to add.
* @return The exception holder.
protected final static ExceptionHolder addException(ExceptionHolder eh, Throwable e)
if (eh == null)
eh = new MetadataCompoundValidationException();
return eh;
* Additional first pass of inheritance resolution.
* Creates additional persistence mappings.
public final void resolveInheritance1()
boolean bBaseCompatible = false;
if (m_base != null)
// Inherit the persistence mapping
if (m_persistenceMapping == null && m_base.m_persistenceMapping != null)
m_persistenceMapping = m_base.m_persistenceMapping.create();
bBaseCompatible = true;
bBaseCompatible = m_persistenceMapping != null &&
m_base.m_persistenceMapping != null &&
for (int nDerived = 0, nDerivedCount = getDerivedCount(); nDerived < nDerivedCount; ++nDerived)
// Compute the cumulative dependency of the attributes
if (bBaseCompatible)
for (int nStatic = 0; nStatic <= 1; ++nStatic)
List attrList = (nStatic != 0) ? m_base.m_staticAttributeList : m_base.m_instanceAttributeList;
if (attrList == null)
for (int nAttr = 0, nAttrCount = attrList.size(); nAttr < nAttrCount; ++nAttr)
Attribute baseAttr = (Attribute)attrList.get(nAttr);
Attribute derivedAttr = getDerivedAttribute(baseAttr);
* Aspect member inheritance resolution.
* @param eh The exception holder where to add the exceptions. Can be null.
* @return The exception holder.
protected ExceptionHolder resolveAspectMembers(ExceptionHolder eh)
if (m_nDirectAspectCount != 0)
for (Iterator attrItr = getAttributeIterator(); attrItr.hasNext();)
Attribute attribute = (Attribute)attrItr.next();
if (attribute.getReadPrivilege() == null ||
attribute.getUpdatePrivilege() == null ||
attribute.getAccessAttribute() == null)
for (int nAspect = 0; nAspect < m_nDirectAspectCount; ++nAspect)
ClassAspect aspect = (ClassAspect)getAspect(nAspect);
Attribute aspectAttribute = aspect.findAttribute(attribute.getName());
if (aspectAttribute != null)
if (attribute.getReadPrivilege() == null)
if (attribute.getUpdatePrivilege() == null)
if (attribute.getReverse() == null &&
aspectAttribute.getReverse() != null)
if (attribute.getAccessAttribute() == null &&
aspectAttribute.getAccessAttribute() != null)
catch (MetadataValidationException e)
eh = addException(eh, e);
catch (UncheckedException e)
MetadataValidationException x = new MetadataValidationException(e);
eh = addException(eh, x);
for (int nEvent = 0, nEventCount = getEventCount(); nEvent < nEventCount; ++nEvent)
Event event = getEvent(nEvent);
if (event.getPrivilege() == null ||
event.getAccessAttribute() == null ||
event.getTransactionMode() == Event.TX_DEFAULT ||
event.getAudited() == null)
for (int nAspect = 0; nAspect < m_nDirectAspectCount; ++nAspect)
ClassAspect aspect = (ClassAspect)getAspect(nAspect);
Event aspectEvent = aspect.findEvent(event.getName(), event.getArgumentCount());
if (aspectEvent != null)
if (event.getPrivilege() == null)
if (event.getAccessAttribute() == null &&
aspectEvent.getAccessAttribute() != null)
if (event.getTransactionMode() == Event.TX_DEFAULT)
if (event.getAudited() == null)
catch (MetadataValidationException e)
eh = addException(eh, e);
catch (UncheckedException e)
MetadataValidationException x = new MetadataValidationException(e);
eh = addException(eh, x);
return eh;
* Second pass of inheritance resolution.
* Resolves the persistence mappings, inherited privileges and access attributes.
* @param urlMap The URL map to use for the validation function. May be null.
* @param eh The exception holder where to add the exceptions. Can be null.
* @return The exception holder.
private final ExceptionHolder resolveInheritance2(Lookup urlMap, ExceptionHolder eh)
eh = resolveAspectMembers(eh);
boolean bWhereDiff = true;
boolean bValidationDiff = true;
if (m_base != null)
// Resolve the where clause
if (m_where == null)
bWhereDiff = false;
bWhereDiff = !ObjUtil.equal(m_where, m_base.m_where);
if (!bWhereDiff)
m_where = m_base.m_where;
if (m_validation == Undefined.VALUE)
bValidationDiff = false;
bValidationDiff = !ObjUtil.equal(m_validation, m_base.m_validation);
if (!bValidationDiff)
m_validation = m_base.m_validation;
for (int nAspect = 0, nAspectCount = getAspectCount(); nAspect < nAspectCount; ++nAspect)
ClassAspect aspect = (ClassAspect)getAspect(nAspect);
if (aspect.getWhere() != null)
if (bWhereDiff || !m_base.hasAspect(aspect))
m_where = Pair.commutative(Symbol.AND, m_where, aspect.getWhere());
if (aspect.getValidation() != Undefined.VALUE)
if (bValidationDiff || !m_base.hasAspect(aspect))
Lookup aspectTextPosMap = aspect.getTextPositionMap();
if (m_textPosMap != null && aspectTextPosMap != null)
String sAspectURL = "class:" + aspect.getName() + "$validation";
for (Lookup.Iterator it = aspectTextPosMap.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
m_textPosMap.put(it.getKey(), it.getValue());
urlMap.put(it.getValue(), sAspectURL);
if (m_validation == Undefined.VALUE)
m_validation = aspect.getValidation();
m_validation = Pair.list(Pair.list(Symbol.LAMBDA, Pair.list(VALIDATION_ARG),
Pair.list(Symbol.IF, Pair.list(Symbol.EQ_P, VALIDATION_ARG, Boolean.TRUE),
m_validation, VALIDATION_ARG)), aspect.getValidation());
if (m_base != null)
// Resolve the attributes
for (int nStatic = 0; nStatic <= 1; ++nStatic)
boolean bStatic = (nStatic != 0);
List baseList = (bStatic) ? m_base.m_staticAttributeList : m_base.m_instanceAttributeList;
if (baseList == null)
List derivedList = (bStatic) ? m_staticAttributeList : m_instanceAttributeList;
for (int nAttr = 0, nAttrCount = baseList.size(); nAttr < nAttrCount; ++nAttr)
Attribute baseAttr = (Attribute)baseList.get(nAttr);
Attribute derivedAttr = (Attribute)derivedList.get(nAttr);
if (derivedAttr.getReadPrivilege() == null)
if (derivedAttr.getUpdatePrivilege() == null)
derivedAttr.setAccessAttribute(getDerivedAttribute((derivedAttr.getAccessAttribute() != null) ?
derivedAttr.getAccessAttribute() : baseAttr.getAccessAttribute()));
if (derivedAttr.getVisibility() > baseAttr.getVisibility())
throw new MetadataException("err.meta.reducedAttributeVisibility",
new Object[]{derivedAttr.getName(), getName(), m_base.getName()});
if (derivedAttr.getCascadeMode() == Attribute.CASCADE_DEFAULT)
if (derivedAttr.getDeclarator() != this)
catch (MetadataValidationException e)
eh = addException(eh, e);
catch (UncheckedException e)
MetadataValidationException x = new MetadataValidationException(e);
eh = addException(eh, x);
// Resolve the events
for (int nEvent = 0, nEventCount = m_base.getEventCount(); nEvent < nEventCount; ++nEvent)
Event baseEvent = m_base.getEvent(nEvent);
Event derivedEvent = (Event)getSelector(baseEvent.getName()).getMember(baseEvent.getArgumentCount());
if (derivedEvent.getPrivilege() == null)
derivedEvent.setAccessAttribute(getDerivedAttribute((derivedEvent.getAccessAttribute() != null) ?
derivedEvent.getAccessAttribute() : baseEvent.getAccessAttribute()));
if (derivedEvent.getTransactionMode() == Event.TX_DEFAULT)
if (derivedEvent.getAudited() == null)
if (derivedEvent.getVisibility() > baseEvent.getVisibility())
throw new MetadataException("err.meta.reducedEventVisibility",
new Object[]{derivedEvent.getName(), getName(), m_base.getName()});
catch (MetadataValidationException e)
eh = addException(eh, e);
catch (UncheckedException e)
MetadataValidationException x = new MetadataValidationException(e);
eh = addException(eh, x);
// Check the visibility
if (m_nVisibility > m_base.m_nVisibility)
MetadataValidationException e = new MetadataValidationException(
"err.meta.reducedClassVisibility", new Object[]{getName(), m_base.getName()});
eh = addException(eh, e);
// Resolve the name attribute
if (m_nameAttribute == null)
m_nameAttribute = getDerivedAttribute(m_base.getNameAttribute());
for (int nStatic = 0; nStatic <= 1; ++nStatic)
List attrList = (nStatic != 0) ? m_staticAttributeList : m_instanceAttributeList;
if (attrList == null)
for (int nAttr = 0, nAttrCount = attrList.size(); nAttr < nAttrCount; ++nAttr)
Attribute attr = (Attribute)attrList.get(nAttr);
// Set the default cascade mode to CASCADE_NONE.
if (attr.getCascadeMode() == Attribute.CASCADE_DEFAULT)
for (int nEvent = 0, nEventCount = getEventCount(); nEvent < nEventCount; ++nEvent)
Event event = getEvent(nEvent);
// Set the default transaction mode to TX_SUPPORTED.
if (event.getTransactionMode() == Event.TX_DEFAULT)
// Setup the class-level security and transaction mode
Event event = findEvent("create", 0);
if (event != null)
event = findEvent("read", 6);
if (event != null)
event = findEvent("update", 0);
if (event != null)
event = findEvent("delete", 0);
if (event != null)
if (m_persistenceMapping != null)
if (m_base != null)
PersistenceMapping baseMapping = m_base.getPersistenceMapping();
if (baseMapping != null &&
Attribute typeCodeAttr = m_persistenceMapping.getTypeCodeAttribute();
if (typeCodeAttr != null &&
getDerivedAttribute(baseMapping.getTypeCodeAttribute()) == typeCodeAttr)
m_persistenceRoot = m_base.m_persistenceRoot;
for (Metaclass base = m_base; base != null; base = base.getBase())
base = base.getPersistenceRoot();
if (base.getPersistenceMapping() != null &&
(typeCodeAttr == null || base.getDerivedAttribute(typeCodeAttr) != typeCodeAttr))
for (int nAttr = 0, nAttrCount = m_instanceAttributeList.size(); nAttr < nAttrCount; ++nAttr)
Attribute attr = (Attribute)m_instanceAttributeList.get(nAttr);
if (attr.isPersistent() && attr.getRootDeclarator() != this)
Attribute baseAttr = m_base.getInstanceAttribute(attr.getOrdinal());
if (baseAttr.isPersistent() &&
attr.getPersistenceMapping().isAliasOf(baseAttr.getPersistenceMapping()) &&
ObjUtil.equal(attr.getWhere(), baseAttr.getWhere()))
catch (MetadataValidationException e)
eh = addException(eh, e);
catch (UncheckedException e)
MetadataValidationException x = new MetadataValidationException(e);
eh = addException(eh, x);
return eh;
* Third pass of inheritance resolution.
* Assigns default privileges and access attributes
* to the attributes, using the class ones.
private final void resolveInheritance3()
for (int nStatic = 0; nStatic <= 1; ++nStatic)
List attributeList = (nStatic != 0) ? m_staticAttributeList : m_instanceAttributeList;
if (attributeList == null)
for (int nAttr = 0, nAttrCount = attributeList.size(); nAttr < nAttrCount; ++nAttr)
Attribute attribute = (Attribute)attributeList.get(nAttr);
if (attribute.getReadPrivilege() == null)
if (!attribute.isCollection())
if (attribute.getUpdatePrivilege() == null)
if (!attribute.isStatic() && attribute.getAccessAttribute() == null)
* Fourth pass of inheritance resolution.
* Runs an additional pass on the persistence mappings.
public final void resolveInheritance4()
if (m_persistenceMapping != null)
for (int i = 0, n = getInstanceAttributeCount(); i != n; ++i)
Attribute attribute = getInstanceAttribute(i);
AttributeMapping mapping = attribute.getPersistenceMapping();
if (mapping != null)
for (int k = i - 1; k >= 0; --k)
Attribute attribute2 = getInstanceAttribute(k);
AttributeMapping mapping2 = attribute2.getPersistenceMapping();
if (mapping2 != null)
if (mapping.isAliasOf(mapping2))
// Insert into a circular list
attribute.setAlias((attribute2.getAlias() == null) ? attribute2 : attribute2.getAlias());
for (int nDerived = 0, nDerivedCount = getDerivedCount(); nDerived < nDerivedCount; ++nDerived)
* Finds an event with a given name and number of arguments.
* @param sName The event name.
* @param nArgCount The event argument count.
* @return The event metadata object or null if not found.
public final Event findEvent(String sName, int nArgCount)
Selector selector = findSelector(sName);
if (selector != null)
Member member = selector.findMember(nArgCount);
if (member instanceof Event)
return (Event)member;
return null;
* Sorts the actions within the events, computes the action invocation
* table and compiles the events.
* @param machine The VM to use for compilation.
public final void compile(Machine machine)
Metaclass sysSyncClass = ((Metadata)machine.getContext().getContextMetadata())
ExceptionHolder eh = (sysSyncClass == null) ? null : generateSyncDependencyActions(sysSyncClass, null);
eh = compile(machine, eh);
if (eh != null)
throw (UncheckedException)eh;
* Generates actions necessary to add change information that affects synchronization to unit of work,
* in order for synchronization engine to react properly to these changes.
* @param syncClassMetaclass Metaclass derived from SysSyncClass, that contains information required to generate the
* action.
* @param eh The exception holder where to add the exceptions or null to create a new one.
* @return The exception holder.
private final ExceptionHolder generateSyncDependencyActions(Metaclass syncClassMetaclass, ExceptionHolder eh)
Attribute dependencyListAttr = syncClassMetaclass.findAttribute("DEPENDENCY_LIST");
Attribute attr = (dependencyListAttr != null)
? dependencyListAttr : syncClassMetaclass.findAttribute("syncDependency");
if (attr == null)
return eh;
Pair value = (Pair)attr.getValue();
boolean bValid = (value.getHead() == Symbol.QUOTE) && (value.getTail() instanceof Pair);
if (bValid)
value = (Pair)((Pair)value.getTail()).getHead();
while (bValid && value != null)
bValid = (value.getHead() instanceof Pair);
if (bValid)
Pair classAttributes = (Pair)value.getHead();
bValid = (classAttributes.getHead() instanceof Symbol)
&& (((Pair)classAttributes.getTail()).getHead() instanceof Pair);
if (bValid)
String className = ((Symbol)classAttributes.getHead()).getName();
Pair attributes = (Pair)((Pair)classAttributes.getTail()).getHead();
Metaclass metaclass = syncClassMetaclass.getMetadata().findMetaclass(className);
bValid = (metaclass != null);
if (bValid)
generateSyncDependencyAction(metaclass, attributes);
value = (Pair)value.getTail();
if (!bValid)
MetadataValidationException x = new MetadataValidationException("err.meta.syncDepClassSyntax",
new Object[] {attr.getName(), syncClassMetaclass.getName()});
x.setProperty("item", "value");
eh = addException(eh, x);
return eh;
for (int nDerived = 0, nDerivedCount = syncClassMetaclass.getDerivedCount(); nDerived < nDerivedCount; ++nDerived)
eh = generateSyncDependencyActions(syncClassMetaclass.getDerived(nDerived), eh);
return eh;
* Generates actions necessary to add change information that affects synchronization to unit of work,
* in order for synchronization engine to react properly to these changes.
* @param dependentMetaclass A metaclass that affects synchronization.
* @param attributes A list of attributes of this metaclass, affecting synchronization.
private void generateSyncDependencyAction(Metaclass dependentMetaclass, Pair attributes)
dependentMetaclass.findEvent("commit", 0).generateSyncDependencyAction(attributes);
dependentMetaclass.findEvent("delete", 0).generateSyncDependencyAction(attributes);
for (Iterator itr = dependentMetaclass.getDerivedIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
generateSyncDependencyAction((Metaclass)itr.next(), attributes);
* Sorts the actions within the events, computes the action invocation
* table and compiles the events.
* @param machine The VM to use for compilation.
* @param eh The exception holder where to add the exceptions or null to create a new one.
* @return The exception holder.
private final ExceptionHolder compile(Machine machine, ExceptionHolder eh)
Lookup urlMap = (m_textPosMap == null) ? null : new IdentityHashTab(m_textPosMap.size() * 2);
eh = resolveInheritance2(urlMap, eh);
m_logger = Logger.getLogger(LOG_CATEGORY_PREFIX + getName());
// Compile the validation function
if (m_validation != Undefined.VALUE)
if (m_base != null && m_validation == m_base.m_validation)
m_validationFunction = m_base.m_validationFunction;
Object expr = new Pair(Symbol.LAMBDA, new Pair(new Pair(Symbol.THIS), new Pair(m_validation)));
if (m_textPosMap != null)
TextPosition pos = new TextPosition(0,0);
m_textPosMap.put(expr, pos);
urlMap.put(pos, "class:" + getName() + "$validation");
m_validationFunction = new Compiler().compile(expr, m_textPosMap, urlMap, machine, false);
catch (Exception e)
MetadataValidationException x;
if (e instanceof UncheckedException)
x = new MetadataValidationException((UncheckedException)e);
x = new MetadataValidationException("err.meta.classCompilation", e);
x.setProperty("item", "validation");
eh = addException(eh, x);
// Compile the attributes
for (int nStatic = 0; nStatic <= 1; ++nStatic)
List attrList = (nStatic != 0) ? m_staticAttributeList : m_instanceAttributeList;
if (attrList == null)
for (int nAttr = 0, nAttrCount = attrList.size(); nAttr < nAttrCount; ++nAttr)
Attribute attr = (Attribute)attrList.get(nAttr);
if (attr.getDeclarator() == this)
catch (ValidationException e)
eh = addException(eh, e);
catch (UncheckedException e)
MetadataValidationException x = new MetadataValidationException(e);
eh = addException(eh, x);
attr.setFunctions((Attribute)((nStatic != 0) ? m_base.m_staticAttributeList :
// Compile the events
for (int nEvent = 0; nEvent < getEventCount(); ++nEvent)
Event baseEvent = getEvent(nEvent);
if (baseEvent.getRootDeclarator() == this)
for (int nDerived = 0, nDerivedCount = getDerivedCount(); nDerived < nDerivedCount; ++nDerived)
Metaclass derivedClass = getDerived(nDerived);
Event derivedEvent = (Event)derivedClass.getSelector(baseEvent.getName()).findMember(baseEvent.getArgumentCount());
catch (ValidationException e)
eh = addException(eh, e);
catch (UncheckedException e)
MetadataValidationException x = new MetadataValidationException(e);
eh = addException(eh, x);
// Compile only after the derived event action processing
// so that action code could be copied
for (int nDerived = 0, nDerivedCount = getDerivedCount(); nDerived < nDerivedCount; ++nDerived)
eh = getDerived(nDerived).compile(machine, eh);
return eh;
* Sets the current class in the global environment.
protected void setCurrent()
m_metadata.getGlobalEnvironment().defineVariable(Symbol.SYS_CURRENT_LOGGER, m_logger);
m_metadata.getGlobalEnvironment().defineVariable(SYS_CURRENT_CLASS, this);
* Removes the current attribute from the global environment.
protected void clearCurrent()
* Assigns ordinal numbers where necessary to all the attributes
* and sorts the instance and static attributes according to
* their ordinal number.
* @param list The attribute list to sort.
private final static void sortAttributes(List list)
int nOrdinal = -1;
for (int i = 0, nCount = list.size(); i < nCount; ++i)
nOrdinal = Math.max(nOrdinal, ((Attribute)list.get(i)).getOrdinal());
for (int i = 0, nCount = list.size(); i < nCount; ++i)
Attribute attr = (Attribute)list.get(i);
if (attr.getOrdinal() < 0)
* @param where The where clause. Can be null.
* @see PersistenceMapping#getSortKeys(Attribute[], PersistenceMapping[], Attribute[])
public final Pair getSortKeys(Attribute[] assocs, Object where)
if (m_persistenceMapping == null)
return null;
PersistenceMapping[] mappings = null;
Set restrictionSet = new HashHolder(1);
addRestrictions(restrictionSet, getWhere());
addRestrictions(restrictionSet, where);
if (assocs != null)
mappings = new PersistenceMapping[assocs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < assocs.length; ++i)
Attribute attribute = assocs[i];
mappings[i] = attribute.getMetaclass().getPersistenceMapping();
addRestrictions(restrictionSet, attribute.getWhere());
return m_persistenceMapping.getSortKeys(assocs, mappings, (restrictionSet.isEmpty()) ? null :
(Attribute[])restrictionSet.toArray(new Attribute[restrictionSet.size()]));
* Adds equality restriction attributes from an S-expression to a set.
* @param attribSet The restriction attribute set.
* @param expr The S-expression to analyze.
protected final void addRestrictions(Set attribSet, Object expr)
Attribute attribute = getAttribute(expr);
if (attribute != null)
if (attribute.getType() == Primitive.BOOLEAN)
if (attribute.isPersistent())
else if (attribute.isCalculated())
addRestrictions(attribSet, attribute.getValue());
else if (expr instanceof Pair)
Pair pair = (Pair)expr;
Object head = pair.getHead();
if (head == Symbol.AND)
while (pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
pair = pair.getNext();
addRestrictions(attribSet, pair.getHead());
else if (head == Symbol.EQ)
while (pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
pair = pair.getNext();
attribute = getAttribute(pair.getHead());
if (attribute != null && attribute.isPersistent())
else if (head == Symbol.IN_P)
if (pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
attribute = getAttribute(pair.getHead());
if (attribute != null && attribute.isPersistent())
else if (head == Symbol.IF)
if (pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
pair = pair.getNext();
if (pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
for (int i = 0; i < GENERALLY_TRUE_EXPRESSIONS.length; ++i)
if (GENERALLY_TRUE_EXPRESSIONS[i].equals(pair.getHead()))
addRestrictions(attribSet, pair.getNext().getHead());
else if (head == Symbol.FOLD)
if (pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
pair = pair.getNext();
if (pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
addRestrictions(attribSet, pair.getNext().getHead());
* Gets an attribute from an S-expression.
* @param expr The S-expression.
* @return The attribute, or null if the expression does not designate an attribute.
protected final Attribute getAttribute(Object expr)
if (expr instanceof Pair)
Pair pair = (Pair)expr;
if (pair.getHead() == Symbol.AT && pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
pair = pair.getNext();
if (pair.getHead() instanceof Symbol && pair.getTail() == null)
return findAttribute((Symbol)pair.getHead());
else if (expr instanceof Symbol)
return findAttribute((Symbol)expr);
return null;
* @return List of unique secondary keys.
* @see PersistenceMapping#getUniqueKeys()
public final Pair getUniqueKeys()
if (m_persistenceMapping != null)
return m_persistenceMapping.getUniqueKeys();
return null;
* Adds a new attribute to a dependency list.
* @param pair The dependency list, to which to add the attribute. The first pair is not used.
* @param attribute The attribute to add. Can be null.
* @param bStatic True to look for static dependencies only.
* @return The pair, in which head the attribute was added, or null for an invalid attribute.
private final static Pair addDependency(Pair pair, Attribute attribute, boolean bStatic)
if (attribute == null || attribute.isStatic() != bStatic)
return null;
while (pair.getTail() != null)
pair = pair.getNext();
if (pair.getHead() == attribute ||
pair.getHead() instanceof Pair && ((Pair)pair.getHead()).getHead() == attribute)
return pair;
pair.setTail(new Pair(attribute));
return pair.getNext();
* Adds dependency for expressions like (... (lambda ... ) expr1 ... exprN).
* @param pair The pair containing the lambda arguments in its head (i.e. the next pair after lambda).
* @param expr The list of expressions expr1 .. exprN.
* @param bStatic True to look for static dependencies only.
* @param dep The list to accumulate the dependencies in. The head is true if
* dependencies are known fully.
* @param local The top local variable binding. Can be null.
* @param machine The VM from where to get and expand the macros.
* @return The computed dependency list. Can be null.
protected Pair addFrameDependency(Pair pair, Pair expr, boolean bStatic, Pair dep, Local local, Machine machine)
Pair adep = null;
Object head = pair.getHead();
if (head instanceof Symbol)
local = new Local((Symbol)head, null, local);
else if (head instanceof Pair)
boolean bFirst = true;
for (Pair arg = (Pair)head;; bFirst = false)
head = arg.getHead();
Pair edep = (expr == null) ? null : dependency(expr.getHead(), bStatic, dep, local, machine);
adep = (bFirst) ? edep : null;
if (head instanceof Symbol)
local = new Local((Symbol)head, adep, local);
if (expr != null)
if (expr.getTail() instanceof Pair)
expr = expr.getNext();
if (expr.getTail() != null)
adep = null;
expr = null;
head = arg.getTail();
if (head instanceof Pair)
arg = arg.getNext();
if (head instanceof Symbol)
local = new Local((Symbol)head, null, local);
while (expr != null)
adep = null;
dependency(expr.getHead(), bStatic, dep, local, machine);
if (expr.getTail() instanceof Pair)
expr = expr.getNext();
while (pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
pair = pair.getNext();
dependency(pair.getHead(), bStatic, dep, local, machine);
return adep;
* Finds an attribute name from an expression ((quote name)).
* @param pair The expression.
* @return The attribute name or null if not found.
protected static String findAttributeName(Pair pair)
if (pair != null && pair.getHead() instanceof Pair && pair.getTail() == null)
pair = (Pair)pair.getHead();
if (pair.getHead() == Symbol.QUOTE &&
pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
pair = pair.getNext();
if (pair.getHead() instanceof Symbol && pair.getTail() == null)
return pair.getHead().toString();
return null;
* Computes the dependency list of an S-expression relative to this class.
* @param expr The S-expression.
* @param bStatic True to look for static dependencies only.
* @param dep The list to accumulate the dependencies in. The head is true if
* dependencies are known fully.
* @param local The top local variable binding. Can be null.
* @param machine The VM from where to get and expand the macros.
* @return The computed dependency list. Can be null.
protected final Pair dependency(Object expr, boolean bStatic, final Pair dep, Local local, Machine machine)
if (expr instanceof Pair)
Pair adep = dep;
Pair pair = (Pair)expr;
Object obj = pair.getHead();
Symbol sym = null;
boolean bGlobal = false;
// Extract the function name for simple function calls
if (obj instanceof Symbol)
sym = (Symbol)pair.getHead();
else if (obj instanceof Pair)
Pair head = (Pair)obj;
// (global <sym>)
if (head.getHead() == Symbol.GLOBAL &&
(obj = head.getTail()) instanceof Pair &&
(head = (Pair)obj).getTail() == null &&
(obj = head.getHead()) instanceof Symbol)
sym = (Symbol)obj;
bGlobal = true;
if (sym != null)
if (pair.getTail() == null || pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
pair = pair.getNext();
Local var = (bGlobal) ? null : Local.find(sym, local);
if (var != null)
adep = var.dep;
obj = machine.getGlobalEnvironment().findVariable(sym);
if (obj instanceof Macro && sym != Symbol.AND && sym != Symbol.OR && sym != Symbol.ANY)
return dependency(machine.invoke((Function)obj, pair), bStatic, dep, local, machine);
if (sym == Symbol.THIS)
if (!bGlobal)
String sName = findAttributeName(pair);
if (sName != null)
pair = addDependency(dep, findAttribute(sName), bStatic);
if (pair == null)
return pair;
else if (sym == Symbol.QUOTE)
return null;
else if (sym == Symbol.DECLARE)
Pair head;
// Anything other than (declare scope client) disables full dependency
if (pair.getHead() == Symbol.SCOPE &&
(obj = pair.getTail()) instanceof Pair &&
(obj = (head = (Pair)obj).getHead()) instanceof Symbol &&
((Symbol)obj).getName().equals("client") &&
head.getTail() == null)
return null;
else if (sym == Symbol.SET || sym == Symbol.DEFINE)
if (pair.getTail() == null || pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
pair = pair.getNext();
else if (sym == Symbol.LAMBDA || sym == Symbol.MACRO)
return addFrameDependency(pair, null, bStatic, dep, local, machine);
else if (sym == Symbol.IF || sym == Symbol.BEGIN || sym == Symbol.OR || sym == Symbol.AND)
// Supported for client-side calculation
else if (sym == Symbol.FILTER || sym == Symbol.FOR_EACH || sym == Symbol.MAP)
if (pair.getHead() instanceof Pair && pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
Pair head = (Pair)pair.getHead();
if (head.getHead() == Symbol.LAMBDA && head.getTail() instanceof Pair)
adep = addFrameDependency(head.getNext(), pair.getNext(), bStatic, adep, local, machine);
return (sym == Symbol.FILTER) ? adep : null;
else if (sym == Symbol.VALUE_COLLECTION)
if (pair.getTail() == null)
return dependency(pair.getHead(), bStatic, adep, local, machine);
else if (sym == Symbol.INSTANCE_P)
adep = dependency(pair.getHead(), bStatic, dep, local, machine);
if (adep != null && !bStatic)
boolean bPair = (adep.getHead() instanceof Pair);
if (bPair)
adep = (Pair)adep.getHead();
Attribute attribute = (Attribute)adep.getHead();
Type type = attribute.getType();
if (!type.isPrimitive())
if (!bPair)
adep.setHead(new Pair(adep.getHead()));
adep = (Pair)adep.getHead();
Metaclass metaclass = (Metaclass)type;
PersistenceMapping mapping = null;
Attribute typeCodeAttribute = null;
for (Metaclass base = metaclass; base != null; base = base.getBase())
PersistenceMapping baseMapping = base.getPersistenceMapping();
if (baseMapping != null)
if (mapping != null && !mapping.isCompatible(baseMapping))
mapping = baseMapping;
typeCodeAttribute = mapping.getTypeCodeAttribute();
if (typeCodeAttribute != null)
if (typeCodeAttribute != null)
addDependency(adep, metaclass.getDerivedAttribute(typeCodeAttribute), bStatic);
return null;
else if (dep.getHead() != Boolean.FALSE && !m_metadata.isClientSymbol(sym))
return null;
Object head = pair.getHead();
if (head instanceof Pair)
Pair lambda = (Pair)head;
if (lambda.getHead() == Symbol.LAMBDA && lambda.getTail() instanceof Pair && pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
// Dynamic derived association expansion: ((lambda (this) ... filter ...) assoc)
return addFrameDependency(lambda.getNext(), pair.getNext(), bStatic, dep, local, machine);
adep = dependency(head, bStatic, dep, local, machine);
if (pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
pair = pair.getNext();
pair = null;
if (adep != dep)
if (adep != null && !bStatic)
String sName = findAttributeName(pair);
if (sName != null)
boolean bPair = (adep.getHead() instanceof Pair);
if (bPair)
adep = (Pair)adep.getHead();
Attribute attribute = (Attribute)adep.getHead();
Type type = attribute.getType();
if (type.isPrimitive())
return null;
if (!bPair)
adep.setHead(new Pair(adep.getHead()));
adep = (Pair)adep.getHead();
adep = addDependency(adep, ((Metaclass)type).findAttribute(sName), bStatic);
if (adep == null)
return adep;
// Process arguments
for (; pair != null; pair = pair.getNext())
dependency(pair.getHead(), bStatic, dep, local, machine);
if (!(pair.getTail() instanceof Pair))
return null;
* Computes the dependency list of an S-expression.
* @param expr The S-expression.
* @param bStatic True to look for static dependencies only.
* @param machine The VM from where to get and expand the macros.
* @return The computed dependency list.
public final Pair dependency(Object expr, boolean bStatic, Machine machine)
if (expr instanceof Pair)
Pair dep = new Pair(Boolean.TRUE);
dependency(expr, bStatic, dep, null, machine);
return dep.getNext();
return null;
* Resolves the initializers in this class and its subclasses.
* @param machine The VM for macro expansion.
public final void resolveInitializers(Machine machine)
sortInitializedAttributes(false, machine);
m_initializedStaticAttributeArray = sortInitializedAttributes(true, machine);
for (int i = 0, nCount = getDerivedCount(); i < nCount; ++i)
* Sorts topologically the attributes with initializers.
* @param bStatic True to sort the static attributes, false to sort the instance attributes.
* @param machine The VM for macro expansion.
* @return The array of initialized attributes, sorted in the order of their dependency. Can be null.
private final Attribute[] sortInitializedAttributes(boolean bStatic, Machine machine)
List attributeList = (bStatic) ? m_staticAttributeList : m_instanceAttributeList;
if (attributeList == null)
return null;
List noPredList = null;
Pair[] depArray = null;
int[] nCountArray = null;
int nCount = attributeList.size();
int nInitCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
Attribute attribute = (Attribute)attributeList.get(i);
if (attribute.isStatic() == bStatic && attribute.getInitializer() != Undefined.VALUE)
if (nInitCount++ == 0)
noPredList = new ArrayList();
depArray = new Pair[nCount];
nCountArray = new int[nCount];
for (Pair dep = dependency(attribute.getInitializer(), bStatic, machine);
dep != null; dep = dep.getNext())
Attribute src = (Attribute)((dep.getHead() instanceof Pair) ?
((Pair)dep.getHead()).getHead() : dep.getHead());
if (src.isStatic() == bStatic && src.getInitializer() != Undefined.VALUE)
depArray[src.getOrdinal()] = new Pair(attribute, depArray[src.getOrdinal()]);
if (depArray == null)
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
Attribute attribute = (Attribute)attributeList.get(i);
if (attribute.isStatic() == bStatic && attribute.getInitializer() != Undefined.VALUE)
if (nCountArray[attribute.getOrdinal()] == 0)
Attribute[] initArray = new Attribute[nInitCount];
int nLastInit = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < noPredList.size(); ++i)
Attribute attribute = (Attribute)noPredList.get(i);
initArray[nLastInit++] = attribute;
for (Pair dep = depArray[attribute.getOrdinal()]; dep != null; dep = dep.getNext())
attribute = (Attribute)dep.getHead();
if (--nCountArray[attribute.getOrdinal()] == 0)
if (nLastInit != nInitCount)
for (int i = 0; i < nCountArray.length; ++i)
if (nCountArray[i] != 0)
throw new MetadataException("err.meta.attributeDepCycle",
new Object[]{((Attribute)attributeList.get(i)).getName(), getName()});
return initArray;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#getMetaclass()
public final Metaclass getMetaclass()
return this;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#getLazyMetaclass()
public final Metaclass getLazyMetaclass()
return this;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#isLazy()
public final boolean isLazy()
return false;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#getValue(int)
public final Object getValue(int nOrdinal)
Object[] valueArray = getState();
Object value = valueArray[nOrdinal];
if (value instanceof Undefined)
Attribute attribute = getStaticAttribute(nOrdinal);
if (attribute.getValueFunction() != null)
value = ThreadContextHolder.getContext().getMachine()
.invoke(attribute.getValueFunction(), this, (Object[])null);
value = null;
if (attribute.isCached())
valueArray[nOrdinal] = value;
return value;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#getValue(java.lang.String)
public final Object getValue(String sName)
Attribute attribute = getAttribute(sName);
if (attribute.isStatic())
return getValue(attribute.getOrdinal());
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.staticAttribute",
new Object[]{attribute.getName(), getName()});
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#getValue(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
public Object getValue(String sName, String sFallbackName)
Attribute attribute = findAttribute(sName);
if (attribute == null)
if (sFallbackName == null)
return null;
attribute = getAttribute(sFallbackName);
if (attribute.isStatic())
return getValue(attribute.getOrdinal());
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.staticAttribute",
new Object[]{attribute.getName(), getName()});
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#setValue(int, java.lang.Object)
public final void setValue(int nOrdinal, Object value)
Object[] valueArray = getState();
if (valueArray[nOrdinal] != value)
Attribute attribute = getStaticAttribute(nOrdinal);
// Check the access rights
Context context = ThreadContextHolder.getContext();
if (context.isSecure())
if (!attribute.isUpdateable(context.getPrivilegeSet()))
throw new SecurityViolationException(
(attribute.isReadOnly()) ?
"err.runtime.attributeReadOnlyAccess" :
new Object[]{attribute.getName(), getName()});
Attribute accessAttribute = attribute.getAccessAttribute();
if (accessAttribute != null)
Object accessValue = getValue(accessAttribute.getOrdinal());
if (accessValue instanceof Boolean && !((Boolean)accessValue).booleanValue())
throw new SecurityViolationException("err.runtime.attributeUpdateAccess",
new Object[]{attribute.getName(), getName()});
if (attribute.isReadOnly())
throw new SecurityViolationException("err.runtime.attributeReadOnlyAccess",
new Object[]{attribute.getName(), getName()});
attribute.invalidateDependency(this, Invalid.VALUE);
valueArray[nOrdinal] = value;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#setValue(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object)
public final void setValue(String sName, Object value)
Attribute attribute = getAttribute(sName);
if (attribute.isStatic())
setValue(attribute.getOrdinal(), value);
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.staticAttribute",
new Object[]{attribute.getName(), getName()});
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#getValueDirect(int)
public final Object getValueDirect(int nOrdinal)
return getState()[nOrdinal];
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#setValueDirect(int, java.lang.Object)
public final void setValueDirect(int nOrdinal, Object value)
getState()[nOrdinal] = value;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#invalidate(int, Object)
public final void invalidate(int nOrdinal, Object value)
getState()[nOrdinal] = value;
* @return The class object state (with lazy construction).
private final Object[] getState()
Machine machine = ThreadContextHolder.getContext().getMachine();
GlobalEnvironment env = machine.getGlobalEnvironment();
Object[] values = (Object[])env.getState(this);
if (values == null)
values = new Object[getStaticAttributeCount()];
Arrays.fill(values, Undefined.VALUE);
env.setState(this, values);
int nCount = getInitializedStaticAttributeCount();
if (nCount != 0)
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
Attribute attribute = getInitializedStaticAttribute(i);
values[attribute.getOrdinal()] = machine.invoke(attribute.getInitializerFunction(), this, (Object[])null);
return values;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#invoke(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[])
public final Object invoke(String sName, Object[] args)
Event event = (Event)getSelector(sName).getMember((args != null) ? args.length : 0);
if (!event.isStatic())
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.staticEvent", new Object[]{sName, getName()});
return event.invoke(this, args, ThreadContextHolder.getContext().getMachine());
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#invoke(java.lang.String, nexj.core.scripting.Pair)
public final Object invoke(String sName, Pair args)
Event event = (Event)getSelector(sName).getMember(Pair.length(args));
if (!event.isStatic())
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.staticEvent", new Object[]{sName, getName()});
return event.invoke(this, args, ThreadContextHolder.getContext().getMachine());
* @see nexj.core.meta.Accessor#invoke(java.lang.String)
public final Object invoke(String sName)
return invoke(sName, (Object[])null);
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Function#invoke(int, nexj.core.scripting.Machine)
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
if (nArgCount != 0)
Object sym = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (sym instanceof Symbol)
Selector selector = findSelector(((Symbol)sym).getName());
if (selector == null)
return machine.invokeJavaMethod(this, nArgCount);
catch (ScriptingException e)
if ("err.scripting.unknownMethod".equals(e.getErrorCode()))
throw new MetadataLookupException("err.meta.selectorLookup", sym.toString(), this);
throw e;
Member member = selector.getMember(nArgCount - 1);
if (member.isStatic())
if (member.isAttribute())
if (nArgCount == 1)
machine.returnValue(getValue(((Attribute)member).getOrdinal()), nArgCount);
else if (nArgCount == 2)
Object value = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
setValue(((Attribute)member).getOrdinal(), value);
machine.returnValue(value, nArgCount);
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.maxArgCount",
new Object[]{toString(),
Primitive.createInteger(nArgCount - 1)});
return false;
machine.setArg(0, nArgCount, this);
if (m_logger.isDebugEnabled())
((Event)member).dump(nArgCount, machine);
return ((Event)member).getFunction().invoke(nArgCount, machine);
return machine.invokeJavaMethod(this, nArgCount);
catch (ScriptingException e)
if ("err.scripting.unknownMethod".equals(e.getErrorCode()))
throw new ScriptingException(
(member.isAttribute()) ?
"err.scripting.staticAttribute" :
new Object[]{sym, getName()});
throw e;
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.minArgCount",
new Object[]{getName(),
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.funCall");
* @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataObject#makeReadOnly()
public final void makeReadOnly()
for (Iterator itr = getAttributeIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
for (Iterator itr = getEventIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
for (Iterator itr = getSelectorIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
if (m_persistenceMapping != null)
if (m_derivedList instanceof ArrayList)
if (m_eventList instanceof ArrayList)
if (m_instanceAttributeList instanceof ArrayList)
if (m_persistenceAliasList instanceof ArrayList)
if (m_staticAttributeList instanceof ArrayList)
if (m_validationFunction instanceof ArrayList)
m_textPosMap = null; // free memory not used after compile()
* @return True if the class is readable according to the visibility and the privilege set.
public final boolean isReadable(PrivilegeSet privilegeSet)
return m_nVisibility == PUBLIC &&
(m_readPrivilege == null || privilegeSet.contains(m_readPrivilege));
* Checks the class visibility and read access against a privilege set.
* @param privilegeSet The privilege set containing the allowed privileges.
* @throws SecurityViolationException if the visibility is not public or the access is denied.
public final void checkReadAccess(PrivilegeSet privilegeSet) throws SecurityViolationException
if (m_nVisibility != PUBLIC)
throw new SecurityViolationException("err.rpc.classVisibility", new Object[]{getName()});
if (m_readPrivilege != null && !privilegeSet.contains(m_readPrivilege))
throw new SecurityViolationException("err.rpc.classReadPrivilege",
new Object[]{getName(), m_readPrivilege.getName()});
* Verifies that the read access to all the attributes of the class is granted.
* @param attributes The attribute list to check.
* @param privilegeSet The privilege set of the current principal.
* @return List of security attributes that can be appended to the input attributes.
* @throws SecurityViolationException the access is not granted to any of the attributes.
public Pair checkReadAccess(Pair attributes, PrivilegeSet privilegeSet) throws SecurityViolationException
Attribute readAccessAttribute = m_readAccessAttribute;
Pair security = null;
for (; attributes != null; attributes = attributes.getNext())
Object head = attributes.getHead();
Pair pair = null;
if (head instanceof Pair)
pair = (Pair)head;
head = pair.getHead();
if (head == Symbol.ATAT)
pair = pair.getNext();
head = pair.getHead();
pair = m_metadata.getMetaclass(((Symbol)head).getName())
.checkReadAccess(pair.getNext(), privilegeSet);
if (pair != null)
security = new Pair(new Pair(Symbol.ATAT, new Pair(head, pair)), security);
Attribute attribute = findAttribute((Symbol)head);
if (attribute != null)
if (attribute == readAccessAttribute)
readAccessAttribute = null;
if (!attribute.getType().isPrimitive())
pair = ((Metaclass)attribute.getType())
.checkReadAccess((pair == null) ? null : pair.getNext(), privilegeSet);
if (pair != null)
security = new Pair(new Pair (head, pair), security);
if (readAccessAttribute != null)
security = new Pair(readAccessAttribute.getSymbol(), security);
return security;
* Checks the read access of an order by clause.
* @param orderBy The order by clause.
* @param privilegeSet The privilege set of the current principal.
* @throws SecurityViolationException the access is not granted to any of the attributes.
public void checkOrderByAccess(Object orderBy, PrivilegeSet privilegeSet)
Pair pair;
for (; orderBy instanceof Pair; orderBy = pair.getTail())
pair = (Pair)orderBy;
if (pair.getHead() instanceof Pair)
checkExpressionAccess(((Pair)pair.getHead()).getHead(), privilegeSet);
* Checks the read access of an expression.
* @param expr The expression.
* @param privilegeSet The privilege set of the current principal.
* @throws SecurityViolationException the access is not granted to any of the attributes.
public void checkExpressionAccess(Object expr, PrivilegeSet privilegeSet)
Metaclass metaclass = this;
if (expr instanceof Pair)
Pair pair = (Pair)expr;
Object head = pair.getHead();
expr = pair.getTail();
if (head instanceof Symbol)
if (head == Symbol.ATAT && expr instanceof Pair)
pair = (Pair)expr;
head = pair.getHead();
if (!(head instanceof Symbol))
metaclass = m_metadata.findMetaclass(head.toString());
if (metaclass == null)
head = Symbol.AT;
expr = pair.getTail();
if (head == Symbol.AT)
for (; expr instanceof Pair; expr = pair.getTail())
pair = (Pair)expr;
head = pair.getHead();
if (head instanceof Pair)
metaclass.checkExpressionAccess(head, privilegeSet);
metaclass = metaclass.getDerived(head);
if (!(head instanceof Symbol))
Attribute attribute = metaclass.findAttribute((Symbol)head);
if (attribute == null)
if (attribute.getType().isPrimitive())
metaclass = (Metaclass)attribute.getType();
if (expr instanceof Pair)
Metaclass clazz = m_metadata.findMetaclass(head.toString());
if (clazz != null)
if (m_nVisibility != PUBLIC)
throw new SecurityViolationException("err.rpc.classVisibility", new Object[]{clazz.getName()});
pair = (Pair)expr;
if (pair.getHead() instanceof Pair)
int nArgCount = 0;
Object next;
for (next = pair.getTail(); next instanceof Pair; next = ((Pair)next).getTail())
if (next == null)
pair = (Pair)pair.getHead();
if (pair.getHead() == Symbol.QUOTE && pair.getTail() instanceof Pair)
pair = pair.getNext();
if (pair.getHead() instanceof Symbol && pair.getTail() == null)
Member member = clazz.getSelector(pair.getHead().toString()).getMember(nArgCount);
if (!member.isStatic())
throw new ScriptingException(
(member.isAttribute()) ?
"err.scripting.staticAttribute" :
new Object[]{member.getName(), clazz.getName()});
if (member.isAttribute())
if (nArgCount == 0)
expr = ((Pair)expr).getTail();
head = null;
if (head != null && !m_metadata.isPublicSymbol((Symbol)head))
throw new SecurityViolationException("err.rpc.functionVisibility",
new Object[]{head});
else if (head instanceof Pair)
throw new SecurityViolationException("err.rpc.expressionVisibility",
new Object[]{head});
for (; expr instanceof Pair; expr = pair.getTail())
pair = (Pair)expr;
metaclass.checkExpressionAccess(pair.getHead(), privilegeSet);
else if (expr instanceof Symbol)
Attribute attribute = metaclass.findAttribute((Symbol)expr);
if (attribute != null)
* Gets the most derived class object according to a filter.
* @param filter The filter expression. Can be null.
* @return The most derived class object (can be this).
public Metaclass getDerived(Object filter)
Metaclass base = this;
if (filter instanceof Pair)
Pair pair = (Pair)filter;
Object head = pair.getHead();
if (head == Symbol.AND)
// (and ...)
for (pair = pair.getNext(); pair != null; pair = pair.getNext())
base = base.getDerived(pair.getHead());
else if (head == Symbol.INSTANCE_P)
// (instance? (@) <class>)
Metaclass metaclass = base.getCastMetaclass(pair);
if (metaclass != null)
base = metaclass;
return base;
* Gets a class object from an (instance? (@) class) expression.
* @param expr The instance? expression.
* @return The class object or null if the expression is not (instance? (@) class).
public Metaclass getCastMetaclass(Pair expr) throws MetadataException
if (expr.getHead() == Symbol.INSTANCE_P)
expr = expr.getNext();
if (expr != null)
Object head = expr.getHead();
if (head instanceof Pair)
Pair assoc = (Pair)head;
if (assoc.getHead() == Symbol.AT && assoc.getTail() == null)
expr = expr.getNext();
if (expr != null && expr.getTail() == null)
head = expr.getHead();
if (head instanceof Symbol)
Metaclass metaclass = m_metadata.getMetaclass(head.toString());
if (metaclass.isUpcast(this))
return this;
return metaclass;
return null;
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#findAttributeMeta(java.lang.String)
public final AttributeMeta findAttributeMeta(String sName)
return findAttribute(sName);
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#findDerivedClassMeta(java.lang.String)
public final ClassMeta findDerivedClassMeta(String sDerivedName)
return findDerivedMetaclass(sDerivedName);
* Find a derived metaclass.
* @param sDerivedName The name of the derived Metaclass.
* @return The Metaclass; null if not found.
public final Metaclass findDerivedMetaclass(String sDerivedName)
Metaclass derived = m_metadata.findMetaclass(sDerivedName);
if (derived != null && derived.getBase() == this)
return derived;
return null;
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getAttributeMeta(java.lang.String)
public final AttributeMeta getAttributeMeta(String sName)
return getAttribute(sName);
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getAttributeMetaCount()
public final int getAttributeMetaCount()
return m_attributeMap.size();
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getAttributeMetaIterator()
public final Iterator getAttributeMetaIterator()
return m_attributeMap.valueIterator();
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getBaseClassMeta()
public final ClassMeta getBaseClassMeta()
return m_base;
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getCreatePrivilegeOrdinal()
public final int getCreatePrivilegeOrdinal()
if (m_createPrivilege != null)
return m_createPrivilege.getOrdinal();
return -1;
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getDeleteAccessAttributeMeta()
public final AttributeMeta getDeleteAccessAttributeMeta()
return m_deleteAccessAttribute;
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getDeletePrivilegeOrdinal()
public final int getDeletePrivilegeOrdinal()
if (m_deletePrivilege != null)
return m_deletePrivilege.getOrdinal();
return -1;
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getDerivedAttributeMetaCount()
public final int getDerivedAttributeMetaCount()
return getDerivedCount();
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getDerivedAttributeMetaIterator()
public final Iterator getDerivedAttributeMetaIterator()
return getDerivedIterator();
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getDerivedClassMeta(java.lang.String)
public final ClassMeta getDerivedClassMeta(String sName)
ClassMeta derived = findDerivedClassMeta(sName);
if (derived == null)
throw new MetadataLookupException("err.meta.derivedClassLookup", sName, this);
return derived;
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getLockingAttributeMeta()
public final AttributeMeta getLockingAttributeMeta()
return (m_persistenceMapping == null) ? null : m_persistenceMapping.getLockingAttribute();
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getNameAttributeMeta()
public final AttributeMeta getNameAttributeMeta()
return m_nameAttribute;
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getReadPrivilegeOrdinal()
public final int getReadPrivilegeOrdinal()
if (m_readPrivilege != null)
return m_readPrivilege.getOrdinal();
return -1;
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getUpdateAccessAttributeMeta()
public final AttributeMeta getUpdateAccessAttributeMeta()
return m_updateAccessAttribute;
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getUpdatePrivilegeOrdinal()
public final int getUpdatePrivilegeOrdinal()
if (m_updatePrivilege != null)
return m_updatePrivilege.getOrdinal();
return -1;
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#isUpcast(nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta)
public final boolean isUpcast(ClassMeta metaclass)
while (metaclass != null)
if (metaclass == this)
return true;
metaclass = metaclass.getBaseClassMeta();
return false;
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getInstanceAttributeMeta(int)
public AttributeMeta getInstanceAttributeMeta(int nOrdinal)
return getInstanceAttribute(nOrdinal);
* @see nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta#getStaticAttributeMeta(int)
public AttributeMeta getStaticAttributeMeta(int nOrdinal)
return getStaticAttribute(nOrdinal);
* Sets the pointcut flag.
* @param bPointcut The pointcut flag.
public final void setPointcut(boolean bPointcut)
m_bPointcut = bPointcut;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Pointcut#isPointcut()
public final boolean isPointcut()
return m_bPointcut;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Pointcut#addAspect(nexj.core.meta.Aspect)
public final void addAspect(Aspect aspect) throws MetadataException
if (m_pointcutHelper == null)
m_pointcutHelper = new ClassPointcutHelper(this);
* @see nexj.core.meta.Pointcut#removeAspect(nexj.core.meta.Aspect)
public final boolean removeAspect(Aspect aspect)
if (m_pointcutHelper != null)
return m_pointcutHelper.removeAspect(aspect);
return false;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Pointcut#getAspect(int)
public final Aspect getAspect(int nOrdinal)
return m_pointcutHelper.getAspect(nOrdinal);
* @see nexj.core.meta.Pointcut#hasAspect(nexj.core.meta.Aspect)
public final boolean hasAspect(Aspect aspect)
if (m_pointcutHelper == null)
return false;
return m_pointcutHelper.hasAspect(aspect);
* @see nexj.core.meta.Pointcut#getAspectCount()
public final int getAspectCount()
if (m_pointcutHelper == null)
return 0;
return m_pointcutHelper.getAspectCount();
* @return The direct aspect count - direct aspects have indexes [0..nCount-1].
public final int getDirectAspectCount()
return m_nDirectAspectCount;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Pointcut#addAspectOverride(nexj.core.meta.Aspect, boolean)
public final void addAspectOverride(Aspect aspect, boolean bInclusive) throws MetadataException
if (m_pointcutHelper == null)
m_pointcutHelper = new ClassPointcutHelper(this);
m_pointcutHelper.addAspectOverride(aspect, bInclusive);
* @see nexj.core.meta.Pointcut#removeAspectOverride(nexj.core.meta.Aspect)
public final boolean removeAspectOverride(Aspect aspect)
if (m_pointcutHelper != null)
return m_pointcutHelper.removeAspectOverride(aspect);
return false;
* @see nexj.core.meta.Pointcut#findAspectOverride(nexj.core.meta.Aspect)
public final int findAspectOverride(Aspect aspect)
if (m_pointcutHelper == null)
return -1;
return m_pointcutHelper.findAspectOverride(aspect);
* @see nexj.core.meta.Pointcut#getAspectOverride(int)
public final Aspect getAspectOverride(int nOrdinal)
return m_pointcutHelper.getAspectOverride(nOrdinal);
* @see nexj.core.meta.Pointcut#isAspectOverrideInclusive(int)
public final boolean isAspectOverrideInclusive(int nOrdinal)
return m_pointcutHelper.isAspectOverrideInclusive(nOrdinal);
* @see nexj.core.meta.Pointcut#getAspectOverrideCount()
public final int getAspectOverrideCount()
if (m_pointcutHelper == null)
return 0;
return m_pointcutHelper.getAspectOverrideCount();
* @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataObject#setProperties(nexj.core.meta.MetadataMarker)
public void setProperties(MetadataMarker marker)
marker.setProperty("class", m_sName);
* @see nexj.core.meta.NamedMetadataObject#createLookupException()
protected MetadataException createLookupException()
return new MetadataLookupException("err.meta.metaclassLookup", m_sName, m_metadata.getName());
* @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataObject#validate(nexj.core.meta.ContextMetadata, ExceptionHolder)
public void validate(ContextMetadata metadata, ExceptionHolder warnings)
super.validate(metadata, warnings);
validate(getEventIterator(), metadata, warnings);
if (m_persistenceMapping != null)
m_persistenceMapping.validate(metadata, warnings);
* Creates an compatibility conflict exception.
* @param sErrCode The error string identifier.
* @param argArray The error string arguments.
public MetadataValidationException createCompatibilityException(String sErrCode, Object[] argArray)
MetadataValidationException e = new MetadataCompatibilityException(sErrCode, argArray);
e.setProperty("class", m_sName);
return e;
* Checks whether a metaclass is compatible with this instance.
* @param metaclass The metaclass. Can be null if no corresponding metaclass exists.
* @param eh The holder in which to add exceptions.
public void checkCompatibility(Metaclass metaclass, ExceptionHolder eh)
if (checkCompatibility(getAttributeIterator(), metaclass, eh))
checkCompatibility(getEventIterator(), metaclass, eh);
* Checks compatibility over an iteration of members.
* @param memberItr Iterator over members.
* @param metaclass The metaclass. Can be null if no corresponding metaclass exists.
* @param eh The holder in which to add exceptions.
* @return false if there exists a compatible member but metaclass is null.
public boolean checkCompatibility(Iterator memberItr, Metaclass metaclass, ExceptionHolder eh)
while (memberItr.hasNext())
Member compatibleMember = (Member)memberItr.next();
if (compatibleMember.isCompatible())
if (metaclass == null)
eh.addException(createCompatibilityException("err.meta.missingCompatibleClass", new Object[] {getName()}));
return false;
compatibleMember.checkCompatibility(metaclass, eh);
return true;
* @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#getChild(java.lang.String)
public EndpointPart getChild(String sName)
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(sName) && sName.charAt(0) == ':')
if (sName.equals(":oid"))
return Transformation.OID;
if (sName.equals(":class"))
return Transformation.CLASS;
if (sName.equals(":event"))
return Transformation.EVENT;
return getAttribute(sName);
* @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#findChild(java.lang.String)
public EndpointPart findChild(String sName)
if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(sName) && sName.charAt(0) == ':')
if (sName.equals(":oid"))
return Transformation.OID;
if (sName.equals(":class"))
return Transformation.CLASS;
if (sName.equals(":event"))
return Transformation.EVENT;
return findAttribute(sName);
* @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#getChildIterator()
public Iterator getChildIterator()
return getAttributeIterator();
* @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#isCollection()
public boolean isCollection()
return false;
* @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#getBaseEndpoint()
public TransformationEndpoint getBaseEndpoint()
return m_base;
* @see nexj.core.meta.integration.TransformationEndpoint#isUpcast(nexj.core.meta.integration.TransformationEndpoint)
public boolean isUpcast(TransformationEndpoint endpoint)
return (endpoint instanceof Metaclass) && isUpcast((Metaclass)endpoint);
* @see nexj.core.meta.integration.TransformationEndpoint#getEndpoint(java.lang.String)
public TransformationEndpoint getEndpoint(String sName)
return m_metadata.getMetaclass(sName);
* @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#createObject()
public TransferObject createObject()
return new TransferObject(getName());
* @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#getValue(nexj.core.util.PropertyMap, java.lang.Object)
public Object getValue(PropertyMap map, Object defValue)
throw new IllegalStateException();
* @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#setValue(nexj.core.util.PropertyMap, java.lang.Object)
public void setValue(PropertyMap map, Object value)
throw new IllegalStateException();
// inner classes
* Metaclass-specific pointcut helper.
protected final static class ClassPointcutHelper extends PointcutHelper
protected Metaclass m_metaclass;
public ClassPointcutHelper(Metaclass metaclass)
m_metaclass = metaclass;
* @see nexj.core.meta.PointcutHelper#getContainer()
protected Pointcut getContainer()
return m_metaclass;
* @see nexj.core.meta.PointcutHelper#getContainerType()
protected String getContainerType()
return "class";
* Interface implemented by attribute visitors.
protected interface AttributeVisitor
* Visits the specified attribute.
* @param attribute The attribute to visit.
void visit(Attribute attribute);
* Attribute visitor for dependency computation.
protected abstract static class AttributeDependencyVisitor implements AttributeVisitor
public final void visit(Attribute attribute)
if (attribute.getDeclarator() == attribute.getMetaclass() &&
(attribute.getValue() != Undefined.VALUE ||
attribute.getDependency() != null ||
attribute.getOrderBy() != null))
protected abstract void computeDependency(Attribute attribute);
* Represents a local variable dependency binding.
protected static class Local
// associations
* The variable symbol.
public Symbol symbol;
* The dependency list.
public Pair dep;
* The next binding in the list.
public Local next;
// constructors
* Constructs the local variable binding.
* @param symbol The variable name.
* @param dep The dependency list. Can be null.
* @param next The next binding in the list. Can be null.
public Local(Symbol symbol, Pair dep, Local next)
this.symbol = symbol;
this.dep = dep;
this.next = next;
// operations
* Finds a binding by variable symbol.
* @param symbol The variable symbol.
* @param first The first binding in the linked list. Can be null.
* @return The found binding, or null if not found.
public static Local find(Symbol symbol, Local first)
while (first != null && first.symbol != symbol)
first = first.next;
return first;