Package nexj.core.meta

Source Code of nexj.core.meta.Attribute$DirectInverseDependency

// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.meta;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.AttributeMapping;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.ClassMapping;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.PersistenceMapping;
import nexj.core.meta.ui.AttributeMeta;
import nexj.core.meta.ui.ClassMeta;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.runtime.InstanceList;
import nexj.core.runtime.SecurityViolationException;
import nexj.core.scripting.Compiler;
import nexj.core.scripting.ConstPair;
import nexj.core.scripting.Function;
import nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic;
import nexj.core.scripting.Machine;
import nexj.core.scripting.PCodeFunction;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.util.Captioned;
import nexj.core.util.EmptyIterator;
import nexj.core.util.ExceptionHolder;
import nexj.core.util.HashHolder;
import nexj.core.util.Holder;
import nexj.core.util.IdentityHashHolder;
import nexj.core.util.Invalid;
import nexj.core.util.Logger;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.PropertyMap;
import nexj.core.util.UncheckedException;
import nexj.core.util.Undefined;

* The attribute metadata.
public final class Attribute extends Member implements AttributeMeta, Captioned, Cloneable, Serializable, EndpointPart
   // constants
    * Serial Id.
   private static final long serialVersionUID = 916910521644664010L;

    * Inherit the cascade property, or CASCADE_NONE without inheritance.
   public final static byte CASCADE_DEFAULT = 0;
    * No cascading is performed.
   public final static byte CASCADE_NONE = 1;
    * Cascading deletes are performed.
   public final static byte CASCADE_DELETE = 2;
    * Cascading clearing is performed.
   public final static byte CASCADE_CLEAR = 3;
    * The delete is cancelled if the association is available.
   public final static byte CASCADE_CANCEL = 4;

    * The arguments for the value expression.
   private final static Pair VALUE_ARGUMENTS = new ConstPair(Symbol.THIS);

    * The arguments for the validation expression.
   private final static Pair VALIDATION_ARGUMENTS = ConstPair.list(Symbol.THIS, Symbol.VALUE);

    * The current attribute global variable used by macros.
   private final static Symbol SYS_CURRENT_ATTRIBUTE = Symbol.define("sys:current-attribute");

    * S-expression designating this object, suitable for the object query.
   private final static Pair THIS = new ConstPair(Symbol.AT);

   // attributes

    * The attribute ordinal number in the class (0..n).
    * Class and instance attributes have independent numbering.
   private int m_nOrdinal = -1;

    * The maximum attribute value length.
   private int m_nMaxLength;

    * True if the attribute cannot be null.
   private boolean m_bRequired;

    * True if the attribute holds a collection of values.
   private boolean m_bCollection;
    * The constrained enumeration flag.
   private boolean m_bConstrained;

    * The read-only value flag.
   private boolean m_bReadOnly;

    * Whether dependency information is known exactly.
   private boolean m_bFullDependency;

    * The caching flag.
   private byte m_nCached = -1;

    * The cascade mode - one of the CASCADE_* constants.
   private byte m_nCascadeMode;

    * The derived association where expression. Can be null.
   private Object m_where;

    * The attribute caption string id.
   private String m_sCaption;

   // associations

    * The attribute type.
   private Type m_type;

    * The enumeration class.
   private Metaclass m_enumeration;

    * The attribute corresponding to the reverse association.
   private Attribute m_reverse;

    * The inherited attribute with a compatible mapping from the tompost class.
   private Attribute m_persistenceRoot = this;

    * The next attribute with the same persistence mapping in a circular list.
   private Attribute m_alias;

    * The read privilege.
   private PrimitivePrivilege m_readPrivilege;

    * The update privilege.
   private PrimitivePrivilege m_updatePrivilege;

    * The expression used to calculate the attribute value.
    * Can be Undefined.VALUE.
   private Object m_value = Undefined.VALUE;

    * The value function.
   private Function m_valueFunction;

    * The expression used to calculate the initial attribute value.
    * Can be Undefined.VALUE.
   private Object m_initializer = Undefined.VALUE;

    * The initializer function.
   private Function m_initializerFunction;

    * Validation expression taking this and value arguments and returning #f,
    * a string id or a list of format arguments if the attribute is invalid.
    * Can be Undefined.VALUE.
   private Object m_validation = Undefined.VALUE;

    * The validation function.
   private Function m_validationFunction;

    * The attribute dependency list: (attr1 attr2 (assoc1 attr1_1 ... attr1_N) ... attrN).
   private Pair m_dependency;

    * The cumulative dependency (incl. subclasses): (attr1 attr2 (assoc1 attr1_1 ...) (class2 attr2_1 ...) ...).
   private Pair m_cumulativeDependency;

    * The attribute inverse dependency list.
   private InverseDependencyList m_inverseDependency;

    * The attribute alternative order by list: ((attr1 . bAscFlag1) ... (attrN . bAscFlagN)).
   private Pair m_orderBy;

    * The overriding value declarator collection.
    * These are subclasses with different value expressions for the same attribute.
   private List m_valueDeclaratorList; // of type Metaclass

    * The text position map for attribute's value, initializer, and validation
   private Lookup m_textPosMap;

    * The class logger.
   private final static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(Attribute.class);
   // constructor

    * Constructs an attribute with a given name.
    * @param sName The attribute name.
   public Attribute(String sName)

   // operations

    * @return true
    * @see nexj.core.meta.Member#isAttribute()
   public boolean isAttribute()
     return true;

    * Sets the attribute ordinal number in the class.
    * @param nOrdinal The attribute ordinal number in the class to set.
   public void setOrdinal(int nOrdinal)
      m_nOrdinal = nOrdinal;

    * @return The attribute ordinal number in the class.
   public int getOrdinal()
      return m_nOrdinal;

    * Sets the maximum attribute value length.
    * @param nMaxLength The maximum attribute value length to set.
   public void setMaxLength(int nMaxLength)
      m_nMaxLength = nMaxLength;

    * @return The maximum attribute value length.
   public int getMaxLength()
      return m_nMaxLength;
    * Sets the requiredness flag.
    * @param bRequired The requiredness flag to set.
   public void setRequired(boolean bRequired)
      m_bRequired = bRequired;

    * @return The requiredness flag.
   public boolean isRequired()
      return m_bRequired;
    * Sets the collection flag.
    * @param bCollection The collection flag to set.
   public void setCollection(boolean bCollection)
      m_bCollection = bCollection;

    * @return The collection flag.
   public boolean isCollection()
      return m_bCollection;
    * Sets the read-only value flag.
    * @param bReadOnly The read-only value flag to set.
   public void setReadOnly(boolean bReadOnly)
      m_bReadOnly = bReadOnly;

    * @return The read-only value flag.
   public boolean isReadOnly()
      return m_bReadOnly;

    * Sets the caching flag.
    * @param cached The caching flag to set.
   public void setCached(Boolean cached)
      if (cached == null)
         m_nCached = -1;

    * Sets the caching flag.
    * @param bCached The caching flag to set.
   public void setCached(boolean bCached)
      m_nCached = (bCached) ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;

      if (!bCached)
         m_bReadOnly = true;

    * @return The caching flag.
   public boolean isCached()
      return m_nCached != 0;

    * @return True if the attribute should be omitted from lazy loads and caching. 
   public boolean isLazy()
      return m_bStatic || m_bCollection || !isPersistent() ||
         !m_type.isPrimitive() && !((ClassMapping)getPersistenceMapping()).isInner();

    * Sets the cascade mode - one of the CASCADE_* constants.
    * @param nCascadeMode The cascade mode to set.
   public void setCascadeMode(byte nCascadeMode)
      if (nCascadeMode != CASCADE_DEFAULT && nCascadeMode != CASCADE_NONE)
         if (m_type != null && m_type.isPrimitive())
            throw new MetadataException("err.meta.primitiveCascadeMode", new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});

         if (m_bStatic)
            throw new MetadataException("err.meta.staticCascadeMode", new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});
      m_nCascadeMode = nCascadeMode;

    * @return The cascade mode - one of the CASCADE_* constants.
   public byte getCascadeMode()
      return m_nCascadeMode;
    * Sets the read privilege.
    * @param readPrivilege The read privilege to set.
   public void setReadPrivilege(PrimitivePrivilege readPrivilege)
      m_readPrivilege = readPrivilege;

    * @return The read privilege.
   public PrimitivePrivilege getReadPrivilege()
      return m_readPrivilege;

    * Sets the update privilege.
    * @param updatePrivilege The update privilege to set.
   public void setUpdatePrivilege(PrimitivePrivilege updatePrivilege)
      m_updatePrivilege = updatePrivilege;

    * @return The update privilege.
   public PrimitivePrivilege getUpdatePrivilege()
      return m_updatePrivilege;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.Member#setAccessAttribute(nexj.core.meta.Attribute)
   public void setAccessAttribute(Attribute accessAttribute)
      if (accessAttribute != null && m_bStatic && !accessAttribute.isStatic())
         MetadataValidationException e = new MetadataValidationException(
            new Object[]{accessAttribute.getName(), getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});


         throw e;


    * Sets the attribute value expression.
    * @param value The attribute value expression to set. Can be Undefined.VALUE.
   public void setValue(Object value)
      m_value = value;

      if (value == Undefined.VALUE)
         m_nCached = (byte)1;

    * @return The attribute value expression.
   public Object getValue()
      return m_value;

    * @return The value function.
   public Function getValueFunction()
      return m_valueFunction;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.ui.AttributeMeta#getValueDependencyAssociations()
   public Pair getValueDependencyAssociations()
      return getValueDependencyAssociations(getDependency());

    * Change a dependency list from being "attribute list" form to a list of
    * association paths. Also AttributeMetas are replaced with their names.
    * @param dep Dependencies
    * @return List of association paths
   private Pair getValueDependencyAssociations(Pair dep)
      Pair result = null;

      while (dep != null)
         Object head = dep.getHead();

         if (head instanceof AttributeMeta)
            result = new Pair(new Pair(((AttributeMeta)head).getName()), result);
         else if (head instanceof Pair && ((Pair)head).getHead() instanceof AttributeMeta)
            Pair next = (Pair)head;
            final String sAttr = ((AttributeMeta)next.getHead()).getName();

            next = getValueDependencyAssociations(next.getNext());

            while (next != null)
               result = new Pair(new Pair(sAttr, next.getHead()), result);
               next = next.getNext();
            assert false;

         dep = dep.getNext();

      return result;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.ui.AttributeMeta#isClientCalculable()
   public boolean isClientCalculable()
      return isFullDependency() && getValueFunction() != null && getDependency() != null;

    * @return Whether the dependency information is known exactly - that it
    *         contains all run-time dependencies.
   protected boolean isFullDependency()
      return m_bFullDependency;

    * Set the new value for whether dependency information is full.
    * @param bFullDependency The new value for whether dependency is full
    * @see #isFullDependency()
   protected void setFullDependency(boolean bFullDependency)
      m_bFullDependency = bFullDependency;

    * Sets the initial attribute value expression.
    * @param initializer The initial attribute value expression to set. Can be Primitive.VALUE.
   public void setInitializer(Object initializer)
      m_initializer = initializer;

    * @return The initial attribute value expression.
   public Object getInitializer()
      return m_initializer;
    * @return The initializer function.
   public Function getInitializerFunction()
      return m_initializerFunction;
    * Sets the validation expression.
    * @param validation The validation expression to set.
   public void setValidation(Object validation)
      if (validation != Undefined.VALUE && m_bStatic)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.staticValidation",
            new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});
      m_validation = validation;

    * @return The validation expression.
   public Object getValidation()
      return m_validation;

    * @return The validation function.
   public Function getValidationFunction()
      return m_validationFunction;

    * Sets the text position map for the attribute's value, initializer, and validation.
    * @param textPosMap The attribute text position map to set.
   public void setTextPositionMap(Lookup textPosMap)
      m_textPosMap = textPosMap;

    * Copies the functions from a given attribute.
    * @param src The source attribute providing the functions.
   public void setFunctions(Attribute src)
      m_valueFunction = src.m_valueFunction;
      m_initializerFunction = src.m_initializerFunction;
      m_validationFunction = src.m_validationFunction;
    * Sets the attribute type.
    * @param type The attribute type to set.
   public void setType(Type type)
      m_type = type;

    * @return The attribute type.
   public Type getType()
      return m_type;

    * Sets the enumeration class.
    * @param enumeration The enumeration class to set.
   public void setEnumeration(Metaclass enumeration)
      m_enumeration = enumeration;

    * @return The enumeration class.
   public Metaclass getEnumeration()
      return m_enumeration;

    * Sets the constrained enumeration flag.
    * @param bConstrained The constrained enumeration flag to set.
   public void setConstrained(boolean bConstrained)
      m_bConstrained = bConstrained;

    * @return The constrained enumeration flag.
   public boolean isConstrained()
      return m_bConstrained;
    * Sets the derived association where clause.
    * @param where The derived association where clause to set.
   public void setWhere(Object where)
      if (where != null && m_bStatic)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.staticDerivedAssoc",
            new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});

      m_where = where;

    * @return The derived association where clause.
   public Object getWhere()
      return m_where;

    * Sets the reverse association attribute.
    * @param reverse The reverse association attribute to set. Can be null.
   public void setReverse(Attribute reverse)

      if (reverse != null)
         if (reverse.m_type.isPrimitive() || m_type.isPrimitive())
            throw new MetadataException("err.meta.primitiveReverseAttrib",
               new Object[]{reverse.getName(), getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});
         if (!((Metaclass)reverse.m_type).isUpcast(m_metaclass) && !(m_metaclass instanceof Aspect) ||
            !reverse.m_metaclass.isUpcast((Metaclass)m_type) ||
            m_reverse != null && reverse.m_nOrdinal != m_reverse.m_nOrdinal ||
            m_bStatic || reverse.isStatic())
            throw new MetadataException("err.meta.reverseAttribMismatch",
               new Object[]{reverse.getName(), reverse.m_metaclass.getName(),
                  getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});

      m_reverse = reverse;

      for (int nDerived = 0, nDerivedCount = m_metaclass.getDerivedCount(); nDerived < nDerivedCount; ++nDerived)

    * @return The reverse association attribute.
   public Attribute getReverse()
      return m_reverse;

    * Determines if this attribute is the reverse of a given attribute.
    * @param attribute The attribute relative to which to perform the test.
    * @return True if this attribute is the reverse of the supplied attribute.
   public boolean isReverseOf(Attribute attribute)
      return !m_bStatic && attribute.m_reverse != null &&
         attribute.m_reverse.m_nOrdinal == m_nOrdinal;

    * @return True if the reverse of the reverse attribute is this attribute
    * or an attribute overridden by this attribute.
   public boolean isSymmetric()
      return m_reverse != null && isReverseOf(m_reverse);

    * Sets the inherited attribute with a compatible mapping from the topmost class.
    * @param persistenceRoot The inherited attribute with a compatible mapping from the topmost class to set.
   public void setPersistenceRoot(Attribute persistenceRoot)
      m_persistenceRoot = persistenceRoot;

    * @return The inherited attribute with a compatible mapping from the topmost class.
   public Attribute getPersistenceRoot()
      return m_persistenceRoot;
    * Sets the next attribute with the same persistence mapping in a circular list.
    * @param alias The next attribute with the same persistence mapping in a circular list to set.
   public void setAlias(Attribute alias)
      m_alias = alias;

    * @return The next attribute with the same persistence mapping in a circular list.
   public Attribute getAlias()
      return m_alias;
    * Sets the attribute dependency list.
    * @param dependency The attribute dependency list to set.
   public void setDependency(Pair dependency)
      m_dependency = dependency;
      m_cumulativeDependency = dependency;

    * @return The attribute dependency list.
   public Pair getDependency()
      return m_dependency;

    * @return The cumulative dependency (incl. subclasses).
   public Pair getCumulativeDependency()
      return m_cumulativeDependency;
    * @return The attribute inverse dependency list.
   public InverseDependencyList getInverseDependency()
      return m_inverseDependency;
    * Lazy-creates an inverse dependency list.
    * @return The attribute inverse dependency list.
   protected InverseDependencyList createInverseDependency()
      if (m_inverseDependency == null)
         m_inverseDependency = new InverseDependencyList();
      return m_inverseDependency;

    * @return True if the inverse dependency contains persistent attributes.
   public boolean isInverseDependencyPersistent()
      return m_inverseDependency != null && m_inverseDependency.isPersistent();
    * @return True if the inverse dependency of the reverse attribute containt persistent attributes.
   public boolean isReverseInverseDependencyPersistent()
      return m_reverse != null && m_reverse.m_inverseDependency != null &&
    * Sets the attribute alternative order by list - ((attr1 . bAscFlag1) ... (attrN . bAscFlagN)).
    * @param orderBy The attribute alternative order by list to set.
   public void setOrderBy(Pair orderBy)
      m_orderBy = orderBy;

    * @return The attribute alternative order by list - ((attr1 . bAscFlag1) ... (attrN . bAscFlagN)).
   public Pair getOrderBy()
      return m_orderBy;
    * Sets the attribute caption string id.
    * @param sCaption The attribute caption string id to set.
   public void setCaption(String sCaption)
      m_sCaption = sCaption;

    * @return The attribute caption string id.
   public String getCaption()
      return (m_sCaption == null) ? m_sName : m_sCaption;

    * Derive member values from base attribute.
    * @param base The attribute to inherit from (null == no base).
   public void deriveFrom(Attribute base)

      if (m_sCaption == null)
         setCaption(base.m_sCaption); // inherit parent caption if own is unset

    * @return The persistence mapping of the attribute, or null if none.
   protected AttributeMapping getPersistenceMapping()
      return findPersistenceMapping(null, false);

    * Finds an attribute mapping that is compatible with a given persistence mapping.
    * @param compatible The compatible mapping. Can be null to use the class mapping.
    * @param bInverse True to use the attribute type class.
    * @return The attribute mapping, or null if not found.
   public AttributeMapping findPersistenceMapping(PersistenceMapping compatible, boolean bInverse)
      assert !bInverse || !m_type.isPrimitive();

      PersistenceMapping mapping = ((bInverse) ? (Metaclass)m_type : m_metaclass).getPersistenceMapping();

      if (mapping != null)
         if (compatible != null)
            mapping = mapping.findMapping(compatible);

         if (mapping != null)
            if (bInverse)
               PersistenceMapping persistenceMapping = m_metaclass.getPersistenceMapping();

               if (persistenceMapping != null)
                  return persistenceMapping.findClassMapping(this, mapping);
               return mapping.getAttributeMapping(this);

      return null;

    * @return True if the attribute is persistent.
   public boolean isPersistent()
      return getPersistenceMapping() != null;

    * @return True if the attribute is calculated.
   public boolean isCalculated()
      return m_value != Undefined.VALUE || m_dependency != null;
    * Determines if this attribute is derivation compatible with a base attribute.
    * @param base The base attribute.
    * @return True if it is compatible.
   public boolean isCompatibleWith(Attribute base)
      return m_type.isPrimitive() == base.m_type.isPrimitive() &&
         ((m_type.isPrimitive()) ? m_type == base.m_type :
            ((Metaclass)base.m_type).isUpcast((Metaclass)m_type)) &&
         (m_bRequired == base.m_bRequired || !base.m_bRequired) &&
         m_reverse == base.m_reverse &&
         m_bStatic == base.m_bStatic &&
         m_bCollection == base.m_bCollection;

    * Compiles the initializer and the value expressions to p-code.
    * @see nexj.core.meta.Member#compile(nexj.core.scripting.Machine)
   public void compile(Machine machine)

         if (m_value != Undefined.VALUE)
            m_valueFunction = compile(m_value, VALUE_ARGUMENTS, machine, "value");

         if (m_initializer != Undefined.VALUE)
            m_initializerFunction = compile(m_initializer, VALUE_ARGUMENTS, machine, "initializer");
            m_initializerFunction = m_valueFunction;
         if (m_validation != Undefined.VALUE)
            m_validationFunction = compile(m_validation, VALIDATION_ARGUMENTS, machine, "validation");

    * Compiles an expression to a p-code method.
    * @param expr The expression to compile.
    * @param args The expression formal argument list.
    * @param machine The VM to use for compilation.
    * @param sItem The item to use in an error message.
   private PCodeFunction compile(Object expr, Pair args, Machine machine, String sItem)
         return new Compiler().compile(
            new Pair(Symbol.LAMBDA, new Pair(args, new Pair(expr))),
            m_textPosMap, machine, false);
      catch (Exception e)
         MetadataValidationException x;

         if (e instanceof UncheckedException)
            x = new MetadataValidationException((UncheckedException)e);
            x = new MetadataValidationException("err.meta.attributeCompilation", e);

         x.setProperty("item", sItem);

         throw x;

    * Resolves the attribute dependency and order by references after it has been loaded.
    * @param machine The VM for macro expansion.
   public void resolve(Machine machine)

         Pair dep = new Pair(Boolean.TRUE);

         m_metaclass.dependency(m_value, m_bStatic, dep, null, machine);

            resolveDependency(m_metaclass, m_dependency)), Intrinsic.isTrue(dep.getHead()));

         setDerivedOrderBy(resolveOrderBy(m_metaclass, m_orderBy));

    * Sets the current attribute in the global environment.
   protected void setCurrent()
      m_metaclass.getMetadata().getGlobalEnvironment().defineVariable(SYS_CURRENT_ATTRIBUTE, this);
    * Removes the current attribute from the global environment.
   protected void clearCurrent()

    * Copies the dependency list and converts the symbols to attributes.
    * @param metaclass The metaclass where to look for attributes.
    * @param dep The dependency list to convert.
    * @return The converted dependency list.
    * @throws MetadataException if the dependency list is invalid.
   private Pair resolveDependency(Metaclass metaclass, Pair dep) throws MetadataException
         Pair first, last;

         for (first = last = null; dep != null; dep = dep.getNext())
            Pair pair;

            if (dep.getHead() instanceof Pair)
               Pair head = (Pair)dep.getHead();

               if (head == null || head.getHead() == null)
                  throw new MetadataException("err.meta.attributeDep",
                     new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});

               Attribute attribute = metaclass.getAttribute(((Symbol)head.getHead()).getName());
               Type type = attribute.getType();

               if (type.isPrimitive())
                  throw new MetadataException("err.meta.attributeAssocDep",
                     new Object[]{attribute.getName(), attribute.m_metaclass.getName(),
                        getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});

               pair = new Pair(new Pair(attribute, resolveDependency((Metaclass)type, head.getNext())));
            else if (dep.getHead() instanceof Symbol)
               pair = new Pair(metaclass.getAttribute(((Symbol)dep.getHead()).getName()));
               throw new MetadataException("err.meta.attributeDep",
                  new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});
            if (last == null)
               first = last = pair;
               last = pair;

         return first;
      catch (MetadataException e)
         throw e;
      catch (ClassCastException e)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.attributeDep",
            new Object[]{getName(), getMetaclass().getName()});

    * Sets the dependency list in a derived attribute, if it is not overridden.
    * @param dep The dependency list to set.
   private void setDerivedDependency(Pair dep, boolean bFullDependency)

      if (s_logger.isDumpEnabled() && isClientCalculable())
         s_logger.dump(m_metaclass.getName() + '.' + m_sName + " is eligible for client-side calculation. Dependencies: "
            + getValueDependencyAssociations());

      for (int nDerived = 0, nDerivedCount = m_metaclass.getDerivedCount(); nDerived < nDerivedCount; ++nDerived)
         Attribute attribute = m_metaclass.getDerived(nDerived).getDerivedAttribute(this);

         if (attribute.m_declarator == m_declarator)
            attribute.setDerivedDependency(dep, bFullDependency);

    * Verifies the dependency list and computes the inverse dependency list.
    * @param depSet The set to which to add the attributes for the
    * inverse dependency calculation.
   public void computeInverseDependency(Set depSet)

      if (m_dependency != null)
         Holder set = new IdentityHashHolder();

         verifyDependency(m_metaclass, m_dependency, set);

         List stack = new ArrayList();

         addInverseDependency(m_dependency, stack, depSet);

    * Adds an inverse dependency list to the attributes referenced in a dependency list.
    * @param dep The dependency list.
    * @param stack The stack containing the attributes in one branch of the dependency list.
    * @param depSet The set of the attributes, to which inverse dependencies have been added.
   private static void addInverseDependency(Pair dep, List stack, Set depSet)
      for (; dep != null; dep = dep.getNext())
         Attribute attribute;

         if (dep.getHead() instanceof Pair)
            Pair pair = (Pair)dep.getHead();
            attribute = (Attribute)pair.getHead();
            if (attribute.getReverse() != null)
               addInverseDependency(pair.getNext(), stack, depSet);
               stack.remove(stack.size() - 1);
            attribute = (Attribute)dep.getHead();

         addInverseDependency(attribute.createInverseDependency(), stack, stack.size() - 1);

         for (int i = stack.size() - 2; i > 0; --i)
            attribute = (Attribute)stack.get(i);
            addInverseDependency(attribute.createInverseDependency(), stack, i - 1);

    * Augments an inverse dependency list.
    * @param depList The inverse dependency list to augment.
    * @param stack The stack with a single dependency list branch.
    * @param nLast The last reference index in the stack.
    * @return The augmented inverse dependency list.
   private static void addInverseDependency(InverseDependencyList depList, List stack, int nLast)
      Attribute reverse = (Attribute)stack.get(nLast);
      if (nLast > 0)
         reverse = reverse.getReverse();

      for (InverseDependency dep = depList.getDependency(); dep != null; dep = dep.getNext())
         if (dep.getAttribute().getOrdinal() == reverse.getOrdinal())
            if (dep.isIndirect())
               if (nLast > 0)
                  addInverseDependency((InverseDependencyList)dep, stack, nLast - 1);

               if (dep.isPersistent())


      if (nLast > 0)
         IndirectInverseDependency dep = new IndirectInverseDependency(reverse);

         addInverseDependency(dep, stack, nLast - 1);
         depList.addDependency(new DirectInverseDependency(reverse));

    * Verifies that a dependency list does not contain bogus data.
    * @param metaclass The class relative to which the list is.
    * @param dep The dependency list.
    * @param identitySet The identity set of Attribute for detecting circular references.
    * @throws MetadataException if the verification fails.
   private void verifyDependency(Metaclass metaclass, Pair dep, Holder identitySet) throws MetadataException
      for (; dep != null; dep = dep.getNext())
         Attribute attribute;

         if (dep.getHead() instanceof Pair)
            Pair pair = (Pair)dep.getHead();

            attribute = (Attribute)pair.getHead();
            pair = pair.getNext();

            if (pair != null)
               if (m_nCached < 0 && attribute.getReverse() == null)
                  if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                     s_logger.debug(m_metaclass.getName() + '.' + m_sName +
                        " uncached due to missing reverse of the dependency " +
                        attribute.getMetaclass().getName() + '.' + attribute.getName());


               verifyDependency((Metaclass)attribute.getType(), pair, identitySet);
            attribute = (Attribute)dep.getHead();

         if (!identitySet.add(attribute))
            throw new MetadataException("err.meta.attributeDepCycle",
               new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});

         verifyDependency(metaclass, attribute.getDependency(), identitySet);

    * Adds the inverse dependency list to the derived attributes.
    * @param depList The inverse dependency list to add.
   private void addDerivedInverseDependency(InverseDependencyList depList)
      for (int nDerived = 0, nDerivedCount = m_metaclass.getDerivedCount(); nDerived < nDerivedCount; ++nDerived)
         Attribute attribute = m_metaclass.getDerived(nDerived).getDerivedAttribute(this);


    * Adds the inverse dependency list to the derived attributes for all the elements in the iterator.
    * @param itr The iterator containing the attributes to process.
   public static void resolveInverseDependency(Iterator itr)
      while (itr.hasNext())
         Attribute attribute = (Attribute);

    * Invalidates all the attributes referenced in the inverse dependency list.
    * @param depList The inverse dependency list.
    * @param accessor The accessor to invalidate.
    * @param undef The new value to assign.
   protected static void invalidateDependency(InverseDependencyList depList, Accessor accessor, Object undef)
      if (accessor != null)
         for (InverseDependency dep = depList.getDependency() ; dep != null; dep = dep.getNext())
            Attribute attribute = dep.getAttribute();

            if (attribute.getMetaclass().isUpcast(accessor.getMetaclass()))
               if (dep.isIndirect())
                  Object value = accessor.getValueDirect(attribute.getOrdinal());

                  if (value == Undefined.VALUE && undef == Invalid.VALUE && dep.isPersistent())
                     value = accessor.getValue(attribute.getOrdinal());

                  if (!(value instanceof Undefined))
                     if (attribute.isCollection())
                        InstanceList list = (InstanceList)value;
                        int nCount = list.getCount();

                        for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
                           invalidateDependency((InverseDependencyList)dep, (Accessor)list.get(i), undef);
                        invalidateDependency((InverseDependencyList)dep, (Accessor)value, undef);
                  attribute = accessor.getMetaclass().getDerivedAttribute(attribute);

                  if (undef != Undefined.VALUE || !attribute.isPersistent())
                     InverseDependencyList attrDepList = attribute.getInverseDependency();

                     boolean bDep = (attrDepList != null &&
                        (attrDepList.isPersistent() || accessor.getValueDirect(attribute.getOrdinal()) != undef));

                     accessor.invalidate(attribute.getOrdinal(), undef);

                     if (bDep)
                        invalidateDependency(attrDepList, accessor, undef);

    * Invalidates all the attributes referenced in the inverse dependency list.
    * @param accessor The accessor to invalidate.
    * @param undef The new value to assign.
   public void invalidateDependency(Accessor accessor, Object undef)
      if (m_inverseDependency != null)
         invalidateDependency(m_inverseDependency, accessor, undef);
    * Adds the specified dependency list to the cumulative dependency.
    * @param dep The dependency list to add.
   public void addCumulativeDependency(Pair dep)
      Pair cumulativeDep = m_cumulativeDependency;

      for (; dep != null; dep = dep.getNext())
         Object value = dep.getHead();
         Attribute attr1 = (value instanceof Attribute) ? (Attribute)value : null;

         for (Pair pair = cumulativeDep; pair != null; pair = pair.getNext())
            if (pair.getHead() == value)
               continue loop;

            if (attr1 != null && pair.getHead() instanceof Attribute)
               Attribute attr2 = (Attribute)pair.getHead();

               if (attr1.getOrdinal() == attr2.getOrdinal() &&
                  attr1.isStatic() == attr2.isStatic() &&
                  attr1.getRootDeclarator() == attr2.getRootDeclarator())
                  continue loop;

         m_cumulativeDependency = new Pair(value, m_cumulativeDependency);

    * Adds a new overriding value declarator to the attribute.
    * @param valueDeclarator The value declarator to add.
   protected void addValueDeclarator(Metaclass valueDeclarator)

      if (m_valueDeclaratorList == null)
         m_valueDeclaratorList = new ArrayList(4);


    * Adds value declarators from a given attribute.
    * @param attribute The source attribute.
   protected void addValueDeclarators(Attribute attribute)

      if (!ObjUtil.equal(m_value, attribute.getValue()))

      for (int i = 0, n = attribute.getValueDeclaratorCount(); i < n; ++i)

    * Gets a value declarator by ordinal number.
    * @param nOrdinal The value declarator ordinal number (0-based).
    * @return The value declarator object.
   public Metaclass getValueDeclarator(int nOrdinal)
      return (Metaclass)m_valueDeclaratorList.get(nOrdinal);

    * @return The value declarator count.
   public int getValueDeclaratorCount()
      if (m_valueDeclaratorList == null)
         return 0;

      return m_valueDeclaratorList.size();

    * @return An iterator for the contained value declarator objects.
   public Iterator getValueDeclaratorIterator()
      if (m_valueDeclaratorList == null)
         return EmptyIterator.getInstance();

      return m_valueDeclaratorList.iterator();

    * Determines if the value is overridden in a given set of classes.
    * @param metaclassSet The set to test, or null for all classes.
    * @return True if the value is overridden by a member of the set.
   public boolean isValueOverridden(Set metaclassSet)
      if (m_valueDeclaratorList != null)
         for (int i = 0, n = m_valueDeclaratorList.size(); i < n; ++i)
            if (metaclassSet == null || metaclassSet.contains(m_valueDeclaratorList.get(i)))
               return true;

      return isValueOverridden(m_dependency, metaclassSet);

    * Determines if a value of any attribute in a given dependency list is overridden.
    * @param dep The dependency list.
    * @param metaclassSet The set to test, or null for all classes.
    * @return True if the value is overridden by a member of the set.
   private static boolean isValueOverridden(Pair dep, Set metaclassSet)
      while (dep != null)
         Object head = dep.getHead();

         if (head instanceof Pair)
            if (isValueOverridden((Pair)head, metaclassSet))
               return true;
         else if (((Attribute)head).isValueOverridden(metaclassSet))
            return true;

         dep = dep.getNext();

      return false;

    * @return Value expression taking into account polymorphic value dispatch.
   public Object getDispatchedValue()
      Object value = m_value;

      if (value != Undefined.VALUE)
         for (int i = 0, n = getValueDeclaratorCount(); i < n; ++i)
            Metaclass metaclass = getValueDeclarator(i);

            if (metaclass.getPersistenceRoot() == m_metaclass.getPersistenceRoot())
               Object derivedValue = metaclass.getDerivedAttribute(this).getValue();

               if (derivedValue == Undefined.VALUE)
                  return derivedValue;

               value = Pair.list(Symbol.IF,
                  Pair.binary(Symbol.INSTANCE_P, THIS, metaclass.getSymbol()),
                     derivedValue, value);

      return value;

    * Verifies and normalizes the attribute order by specification.
    * @param metaclass The class relative to which the list is.
    * @param orderBy The order by specification.
    * @return The newly allocated order by list.
    * @throws MetadataException if the verification fails.
   private Pair resolveOrderBy(Metaclass metaclass, Pair orderBy) throws MetadataException
         boolean bAscending = true;
         Pair first = null;
         Pair last = null;

         for (boolean bFirst = true; orderBy != null; orderBy = orderBy.getNext(), bFirst = false)
            orderBy = new Pair(orderBy.getHead(), orderBy.getTail());

            if (orderBy.getHead() instanceof Pair)
               Pair head = (Pair)orderBy.getHead();

               if (head.getHead() instanceof Symbol)
               else if (!(head.getHead() instanceof Pair))
                  throw new ClassCastException();

               if (!(head.getTail() instanceof Boolean))
                  throw new ClassCastException();
               if (bFirst)
                  bAscending = ((Boolean)head.getTail()).booleanValue();
                  head.setTail(Boolean.valueOf((!((Boolean)head.getTail()).booleanValue() ^ bAscending)));
               Symbol sym = (Symbol)orderBy.getHead();

               if (sym == null)
                  throw new ClassCastException();

               orderBy.setHead(new Pair(sym, Boolean.valueOf(bAscending)));
            if (first == null)
               first = last = orderBy;
               last = orderBy;

         return first;
      catch (MetadataException e)
         throw e;
      catch (ClassCastException e)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.attributeOrderBy",
            new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});

    * Sets the order by expression in a derived attribute, if it is not overridden.
    * @param orderBy The order by expression to set.
   private void setDerivedOrderBy(Pair orderBy)
      m_orderBy = orderBy;

      for (int nDerived = 0, nDerivedCount = m_metaclass.getDerivedCount(); nDerived < nDerivedCount; ++nDerived)
         Attribute attribute = m_metaclass.getDerived(nDerived).getDerivedAttribute(this);

         if (attribute.m_declarator == m_declarator)
    * Computes the maximum attribute data length.
   public void setMaxLength()

      if (m_type == Primitive.STRING || m_type == Primitive.BINARY)
         AttributeMapping attributeMapping = getPersistenceMapping();

         if (attributeMapping != null)
            m_nMaxLength = attributeMapping.getMaxLength((Primitive)m_type);

    * @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataObject#setProperties(nexj.core.meta.MetadataMarker)
   public void setProperties(MetadataMarker marker)
      marker.setProperty("attribute", m_sName);

    * Validates the enumeration associated with the attribute.
    * @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataObject#validate(ContextMetadata, ExceptionHolder)
   public void validateEnumeration(ContextMetadata metadata)
      if (m_bConstrained && m_enumeration == null)
         throw new MetadataException("err.meta.constrainedWithoutEnumeration",
            new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});

      if (m_enumeration != null)
         if (m_type.isPrimitive())
            Attribute attribute = m_enumeration.findAttribute(Metaclass.ENUMERATION_VALUE);

            if (attribute == null)
               throw new MetadataException("err.meta.missingEnumerationValueAttribute",
                  new Object[]{m_enumeration.getName(), getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});

            if (attribute.isStatic())
               throw new MetadataException("err.meta.staticEnumerationValueAttribute",
                  new Object[]{m_enumeration.getName(), getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});
            if (!((Metaclass)m_type).isUpcast(m_enumeration))
               throw new MetadataException("err.meta.enumerationType",
                  new Object[]{m_enumeration.getName(), m_type.getName(),
                     getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});

    * @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataObject#validate(ContextMetadata, ExceptionHolder)
   public void validate(ContextMetadata metadata, ExceptionHolder warnings)
      super.validate(metadata, warnings);

    * Checks the attribute visibility and read access against a privilege set.
    * @param privilegeSet The privilege set containing the allowed privileges.
    * @throws SecurityViolationException if the visibility is not public or the access is denied.
   public void checkReadAccess(PrivilegeSet privilegeSet) throws SecurityViolationException
      if (m_nVisibility != Metaclass.PUBLIC)
         throw new SecurityViolationException("err.rpc.attributeVisibility",
            new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});

      if (m_readPrivilege != null && !privilegeSet.contains(m_readPrivilege))
         throw new SecurityViolationException("err.rpc.attributeReadPrivilege",
            new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName(), m_readPrivilege.getName()});

    * @return True if the attribute is readable according to a privilege set.
   public boolean isReadable(PrivilegeSet privilegeSet)
      return m_nVisibility == Metaclass.PUBLIC &&
         (m_readPrivilege == null || privilegeSet.contains(m_readPrivilege) &&
         (m_type.isPrimitive() || ((Metaclass)m_type).isReadable(privilegeSet)));

    * Checks the attribute visibility and update access against a privilege set.
    * @param privilegeSet The privilege set containing the allowed privileges.
    * @throws SecurityViolationException if the visibility is not public or the access is denied.
   public void checkUpdateAccess(PrivilegeSet privilegeSet) throws SecurityViolationException
      if (m_nVisibility != Metaclass.PUBLIC)
         throw new SecurityViolationException("err.rpc.attributeVisibility",
            new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});

      if (m_bReadOnly)
         throw new SecurityViolationException("err.runtime.attributeReadOnlyAccess",
            new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName()});

      if (m_updatePrivilege != null && !privilegeSet.contains(m_updatePrivilege))
         throw new SecurityViolationException("err.rpc.attributeUpdatePrivilege",
            new Object[]{getName(), m_metaclass.getName(), m_updatePrivilege.getName()});

    * @return True if the attribute is updateable according to a privilege set.
   public boolean isUpdateable(PrivilegeSet privilegeSet)
      return !m_bReadOnly && (m_updatePrivilege == null || privilegeSet.contains(m_updatePrivilege));
    * @see nexj.core.meta.ui.AttributeMeta#getAccessAttributeMeta()
   public AttributeMeta getAccessAttributeMeta()
      return m_accessAttribute;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.ui.AttributeMeta#getClassMeta()
   public ClassMeta getClassMeta()
      return m_metaclass;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.ui.AttributeMeta#getDeclaratorClassMeta()
   public ClassMeta getDeclaratorClassMeta()
      return m_declarator;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.ui.AttributeMeta#getEnumerationClassMeta()
   public ClassMeta getEnumerationClassMeta()
      return m_enumeration;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.ui.AttributeMeta#getReadPrivilegeOrdinal()
   public int getReadPrivilegeOrdinal()
      if (m_readPrivilege != null)
         return m_readPrivilege.getOrdinal();
      return -1;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.ui.AttributeMeta#getReadPrivilegeOrdinals()
   public Holder getReadPrivilegeOrdinals()
      Holder set = new HashHolder(2);

      if (m_readPrivilege != null && m_readPrivilege.getOrdinal() >= 0)
      if (m_type instanceof ClassMeta)
         if (((ClassMeta)m_type).getReadPrivilegeOrdinal() >= 0)

      if (set.size() == 0)
         return null;
      return set;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.ui.AttributeMeta#getReverseAttributeMeta()
   public AttributeMeta getReverseAttributeMeta()
      return m_reverse;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.ui.AttributeMeta#getUpdatePrivilegeOrdinal()
   public int getUpdatePrivilegeOrdinal()
      if (m_updatePrivilege != null)
         return m_updatePrivilege.m_nOrdinal;
      return -1;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataObject#makeReadOnly()
   public void makeReadOnly()
      if (m_valueDeclaratorList instanceof ArrayList)


    * @return The basic URL for this attribute.
   public String getURL()
      return "class:" + m_declarator.getName() + "." + m_sName;

    * @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
   public int compareTo(Object obj)
      if (!(obj instanceof Attribute))
         return getClass().getName().compareTo(obj.getClass().getName());

      int n = m_metaclass.compareTo(((Attribute)obj).m_metaclass);

      if (n == 0)
         n = super.compareTo(obj);

      return n;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.MetadataObject#clone()
   public Object clone()
      Attribute attribute = (Attribute)super.clone();

      attribute.m_persistenceRoot = attribute;

      return attribute;

    * Replaces an instance of BindMeta with an instance of SerializedForm during serialization.
    * @return An instance of SerializedForm which contains all state information needed to deserialize the instance.
    * @throws ObjectStreamException
   protected Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException
      return new SerializedForm(this);
    * Creates an incompatible attribute exception.
    * @param metaclass The metaclass.
    * @param sErrCode The error string identifier.
    * @param argArray The error string arguments.
   private MetadataValidationException createCompatibilityException(Metaclass metaclass, String sErrCode, Object[] argArray)
      MetadataValidationException mve = metaclass.createCompatibilityException(sErrCode, argArray);
      mve.setProperty("attribute", getName());
      return mve;

    * @see nexj.core.meta.Member#checkCompatibility(nexj.core.meta.Metaclass, nexj.core.util.ExceptionHolder)
   public void checkCompatibility(Metaclass metaclass, ExceptionHolder eh)
      Attribute attribute = metaclass.findAttribute(getName());
      if (attribute == null)
         eh.addException(createCompatibilityException(metaclass, "err.meta.missingCompatibleAttribute",
            new Object[] {getName(), metaclass.getName()}));
      else if (!attribute.isCompatible())
         eh.addException(createCompatibilityException(metaclass, "err.meta.incompatibleAttributeProperty",
            new Object[] {"compatible", attribute.getName(), metaclass.getName()}));
      else if (attribute.getVisibility() != getVisibility() && attribute.getVisibility() != Metaclass.PUBLIC)
         eh.addException(createCompatibilityException(metaclass, "err.meta.incompatibleAttributeProperty",
            new Object[] {"visibility", attribute.getName(), metaclass.getName()}));
      else if (attribute.isRequired() != isRequired())
         eh.addException(createCompatibilityException(metaclass, "err.meta.incompatibleAttributeProperty",
            new Object[] {"required", attribute.getName(), metaclass.getName()}));
      else if (attribute.isCollection() != isCollection())
         eh.addException(createCompatibilityException(metaclass, "err.meta.incompatibleAttributeProperty",
            new Object[] {"collection", attribute.getName(), metaclass.getName()}));
      else if (attribute.isStatic() != isStatic())
         eh.addException(createCompatibilityException(metaclass, "err.meta.incompatibleAttributeProperty",
            new Object[] {"static", attribute.getName(), metaclass.getName()}));
      else if (attribute.isReadOnly() != isReadOnly())
         eh.addException(createCompatibilityException(metaclass, "err.meta.incompatibleAttributeProperty",
            new Object[] {"readOnly", attribute.getName(), metaclass.getName()}));
      else if (attribute.getType().isPrimitive() != getType().isPrimitive() || !attribute.getType().getName().equals(getType().getName()))
         eh.addException(createCompatibilityException(metaclass, "err.meta.incompatibleAttributeProperty",
            new Object[] {"type", attribute.getName(), metaclass.getName()}));

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#getChild(java.lang.String)
   public EndpointPart getChild(String sName)
      if (m_type.isPrimitive())
         throw new MetadataLookupException("err.meta.namedLookup",
            new Object[]{EndpointPart.class.getName(), sName});

      return ((Metaclass)m_type).getChild(sName);

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#findChild(java.lang.String)
   public EndpointPart findChild(String sName)
      if (m_type.isPrimitive())
         return null;

      return ((Metaclass)m_type).findChild(sName);

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#getChildIterator()
   public Iterator getChildIterator()
      return ((Metaclass)m_type).getChildIterator();

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#isPrimitive()
   public boolean isPrimitive()
      return m_type.isPrimitive();

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#createObject()
   public TransferObject createObject()
      if (m_type.isPrimitive())
         throw new IllegalStateException(getName());

      return ((Metaclass)m_type).createObject();

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#getValue(nexj.core.util.PropertyMap, java.lang.Object)
   public Object getValue(PropertyMap map, Object defValue)
      if (map instanceof Accessor)
         return map.getValue(getName());

      return map.findValue(getName(), defValue);

    * @see nexj.core.meta.integration.EndpointPart#setValue(nexj.core.util.PropertyMap, java.lang.Object)
   public void setValue(PropertyMap map, Object value)
      map.setValue(getName(), value);

   // inner classes
    * Inner class used to represent a given Attribute instance in serialized form.
   private static class SerializedForm implements Serializable
       * Serial Id.
      private static final long serialVersionUID = 597784290101879829L;

       * Name of the ClassMeta to which this attribute belongs.
      private String m_sClassName;
       * Name of the attribute.
      private String m_sAttribName;
       * Constructor for the serialized form of an Attribute instance.
       * @param Attribute
       * @throws InvalidObjectException
      private SerializedForm (Attribute attrib) throws InvalidObjectException
         m_sClassName = attrib.getClassMeta().getName();
         m_sAttribName = attrib.getName();
       * Resolves an Attribute instance given the serialized state information.
       * @return Attribute instance representing the serialized information.
       * @throws ObjectStreamException
      private Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException
            ClassMeta classMeta = Repository.getMetadata().getClassMeta(m_sClassName);

            return classMeta.getAttributeMeta(m_sAttribName);
         catch (Exception e)
            throw new InvalidObjectException(e.getMessage());
    * Interface implemented by dependency nodes.
   public static interface InverseDependency extends Cloneable
       * Sets the next sibling.
       * @param next The next sibling.
      void setNext(InverseDependency next);

       * @return The next sibling.
      InverseDependency getNext();

       * @return The dependent attribute.
      Attribute getAttribute();
       * @return True if there is persistent leaf attribute.
      boolean isPersistent();
       * @return True if the node has children, false if it is a leaf.
      boolean isIndirect();
       * @return A shallow copy of the dependency.
      Object clone();
    * Inverse dependency single-linked list.
   public static class InverseDependencyList
      // attributes
       * True if there is persistent leaf attribute.
      protected boolean m_bPersistent;
      // associations
       * The first inverse dependency child node.
      protected InverseDependency m_dependency;
      // operations
       * Sets the persistence flag.
      public void setPersistent()
         m_bPersistent = true;
       * @return True if there is persistent leaf dependency.
      public boolean isPersistent()
         return m_bPersistent;

       * @return The first inverse dependency child node.
      public InverseDependency getDependency()
         return m_dependency;

       * Adds a child dependency node.
       * @param dep The dependency to add.
      public void addDependency(InverseDependency dep)
         m_bPersistent |= dep.isPersistent();
         m_dependency = dep;

       * Appends a dependency list to this one.
       * @param src The source dependency list.
      public void append(InverseDependencyList src)
         for (InverseDependency dep = src.getDependency(); dep != null; dep = dep.getNext())

       * Appends the list string representation to a string buffer.
       * @param buf The string buffer.
      protected void append(StringBuffer buf)
         if (m_bPersistent)
         for (InverseDependency dep = m_dependency; dep != null; dep = dep.getNext())
            if (m_bPersistent || dep != m_dependency)
               buf.append(' ');

       * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
      public String toString()
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(32);
         return buf.toString();
    * Direct (leaf) inverse dependency.
   public final static class DirectInverseDependency implements InverseDependency
      // associations
       * The dependent attribute.
      protected Attribute m_attribute;
       * The next dependency.
      protected InverseDependency m_next;
      // constructors
       * Constructs the dependency.
       * @param attribute The dependent attribute.
      public DirectInverseDependency(Attribute attribute)
         m_attribute = attribute;

      // operations

       * @see nexj.core.meta.Attribute.InverseDependency#getAttribute()
      public Attribute getAttribute()
         return m_attribute;

       * @see nexj.core.meta.Attribute.InverseDependency#setNext(nexj.core.meta.Attribute.InverseDependency)
      public void setNext(InverseDependency next)
         m_next = next;

       * @see nexj.core.meta.Attribute.InverseDependency#getNext()
      public InverseDependency getNext()
         return m_next;

       * @see nexj.core.meta.Attribute.InverseDependency#isIndirect()
      public boolean isIndirect()
         return false;

       * @see nexj.core.meta.Attribute.InverseDependency#isPersistent()
      public boolean isPersistent()
         return m_attribute.isPersistent();

       * @see java.lang.Object#clone()
      public Object clone()
            return super.clone();
         catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
            return null;

       * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
      public String toString()
         return m_attribute.getName();
   public final static class IndirectInverseDependency
      extends InverseDependencyList implements InverseDependency
      // associations
       * The dependent attribute.
      protected Attribute m_attribute;
       * The next dependency.
      protected InverseDependency m_next;
      // constructors
       * Constructs the dependency.
       * @param attribute The dependent attribute.
      public IndirectInverseDependency(Attribute attribute)
         m_attribute = attribute;

      // operations

       * @see nexj.core.meta.Attribute.InverseDependency#getAttribute()
      public Attribute getAttribute()
         return m_attribute;

       * @see nexj.core.meta.Attribute.InverseDependency#setNext(nexj.core.meta.Attribute.InverseDependency)
      public void setNext(InverseDependency next)
         m_next = next;

       * @see nexj.core.meta.Attribute.InverseDependency#getNext()
      public InverseDependency getNext()
         return m_next;

       * @see nexj.core.meta.Attribute.InverseDependency#isIndirect()
      public boolean isIndirect()
         return true;

       * @see java.lang.Object#clone()
      public Object clone()
            return super.clone();
         catch (CloneNotSupportedException e)
            return null;

       * @see nexj.core.meta.Attribute.InverseDependencyList#toString()
      public String toString()
         StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(32);


         return buf.toString();

Related Classes of nexj.core.meta.Attribute$DirectInverseDependency

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