// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.build;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.CharBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.DirectoryScanner;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Execute;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Expand;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.DataType;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.FileSet;
import org.apache.tools.ant.types.ZipFileSet;
import org.apache.tools.ant.util.FileUtils;
import nexj.core.util.GUIDUtil;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.IOUtil;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.StringUtil;
import nexj.core.util.SysUtil;
import nexj.core.util.XMLUtil;
import nexj.core.util.XMLWriter;
* Writes a WiX fragment configured by Ant and compiles/links the MSI using WiX.
public class WiXWriter extends Task
// constants
* Ant debug log level (change to Project.MSG_WARN if "ant -debug" is to
* noisy).
private final static int DEBUG_LEVEL = Project.MSG_DEBUG;
* Ant error log level.
private final static int ERROR_LEVEL = Project.MSG_ERR;
* Name of automatically generated file, not including the extension (.wxs or
* .wxsobj) and path.
private final static String TEMP_FILE_PREFIX = "nexj_wixwriter_";
* ID of the directory where all directories are rooted.
private final static String ROOT_DIRECTORY_ID = "TARGETDIR";
* Pattern for matching system folder reference in the install path.
private final static Pattern SYSTEM_FOLDER_REF_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^\\[[A-Za-z0-9]+\\]");
* Pattern for matching bad 8.3 filename characters.
private final static Pattern BAD_83_FILE_CHAR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[^0-9A-Z_]");
* String encoder used for getting binary data to hash.
private final static CharsetEncoder UTF_ENCODER = Charset.forName("UTF-8").newEncoder();
* Namspace for hashing paths.
private final static byte[] GUID_NAMESPACE = getEncodedData(SysUtil.NAMESPACE + ":installer:");
* Namspace for hashing short names.
private final static byte[] SHORTNAME_NAMESPACE = getEncodedData(SysUtil.NAMESPACE + ":installer:shortname:");
// member variables
* Name of installer type.
private String m_sInstallName;
* ID of a root system folder that the install root is under.
private String m_sSystemFolderRoot;
* Prefix applied to every archivegroup.
private String m_sInstallDirectory;
* Version identifier.
private String m_sVersion;
* Path where WIX Candle and light are found.
private File m_wixDirectory;
* Path where the WXS files are found.
private File m_sourceDirectory;
* Path where MSIs are written to.
private File m_destinationDirectory;
* Product name used by the MSI filename.
private String m_sProductName;
* Product name used by the MSI filename.
private String m_sMSIFilenameProperty;
* Product name used by the EXE filename, if applicable.
private String m_sEXEFilenameProperty;
* List of disk id's and their associated file patterns (ArchiveGroup
* objects).
private ArrayList m_archiveGroupList = new ArrayList();
* List of Resources (WixBinary or WixIcon objects).
private ArrayList m_resourceList = new ArrayList();
* List of Variables.
private ArrayList m_variableList = new ArrayList();
* NSIS interop bootstrapper.
private InteropBootstrapper m_interopBootstrapper;
* Debug mode.
private boolean m_bDebugModeEnabled;
* Path to the initial output file.
private File m_fragmentFile;
* Writer for the initial output file.
private XMLWriter m_writer;
* Folder where temporary files are held.
private File m_tempDirectory;
* Base name of the setup file.
private String m_sSetupFileBaseName;
* Name of resulting MSI file.
private String m_sDestinationFile;
* The Ant project.
private Project m_project;
* Sorted list of disk IDs Strings.
private ArrayList m_componentGroupIdList = new ArrayList();
* Map a String disk ID to an ArrayList of String component IDs.
private Lookup m_componentGroupMap = new HashTab();
* Get the raw data of a string encoded in UTF-8.
* @param sInput The string.
* @return The data.
private static byte[] getEncodedData(String sInput)
ByteBuffer buffer = null;
// Encode the string
buffer = UTF_ENCODER.encode(CharBuffer.wrap(sInput));
catch (CharacterCodingException e)
// Allocate the array
byte nDataArray[] = new byte[buffer.remaining()];
// Copy the data
return nDataArray;
* Calculate an archaic FAT 8.3 filename. If the filename won't fit regularly
* into 8.3, take the first two letters and have the next 6 be a hash of the
* name.
* @param sName The original name.
* @return The 8.3 compatible name.
private static String getShortName(String sName)
// Convert to uppercase
String sUpperCase = sName.toUpperCase();
String sBase = sUpperCase;
String sExt = "";
int nExtIndex = sUpperCase.lastIndexOf('.');
if (nExtIndex >= 0)
sExt = sBase.substring(nExtIndex + 1);
sBase = sBase.substring(0, nExtIndex);
// If the name has no bad characters and the base name is at most eight characters and the extension is at most
// three
if (sBase.length() > 0 && sBase.length() <= 8 && sExt.length() <= 3 && !BAD_83_FILE_CHAR_PATTERN.matcher(sBase).find()
&& !BAD_83_FILE_CHAR_PATTERN.matcher(sExt).find())
return sUpperCase;
// First two characters are suffixed by a hash of the filename
StringBuilder shortBuf = new StringBuilder(12);
append83(shortBuf, sBase.length() > 2 ? sBase.substring(0, 2) : sBase);
// Calculate the hash and convert it to a hexidecimal string
byte[] nDataArray = getEncodedData(sName);
String sHash = GUIDUtil.generateGUID(SHORTNAME_NAMESPACE, nDataArray).toString();
// Truncate and append the hash: hopefully we have enough entropy
shortBuf.append(sHash, 0, 6);
if (sExt.length() > 0)
append83(shortBuf, sExt.length() > 3 ? sExt.substring(0, 3) : sExt);
return shortBuf.toString();
* Helper function for getShortName() which appends a string to StringBuilder
* replacing bad 8.3 file names with an underscore.
* @param target StringBuilder to append to.
* @param sSrc String source to append.
private static void append83(StringBuilder target, String sSrc)
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < sSrc.length(); nIndex++)
String sChar = sSrc.substring(nIndex, nIndex + 1);
if (Pattern.matches(BAD_83_FILE_CHAR_PATTERN.pattern(), sChar))
// object construction (by Ant)
* Basic constructor used by Ant (no exceptions should be thrown from here).
public WiXWriter()
m_tempDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"));
* Set the alias of the install package (office, cardscan...).
* @param sInstallName The install name.
public void setInstallName(String sInstallName)
m_sInstallName = sInstallName;
* Set the default install root path. If the path starts with
* "[SystemFolderID]", root the install directory at that directory. Warning:
* IDs are not validated. (See
* http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/msi/setup/system_folder_properties.asp
* for available IDs)
* @param sInstallDirectory A path omitting the leading "C:\"
* @throws BuildException if the string has invalid formatting.
public void setInstallDir(String sInstallDirectory) throws BuildException
Matcher matcher = SYSTEM_FOLDER_REF_PATTERN.matcher(sInstallDirectory);
// See if a system folder is specified
if (matcher.find())
// The system folder comes from inside the brackets
m_sSystemFolderRoot = sInstallDirectory.substring(1, matcher.end() - 1);
// The rest of the path comes after
m_sInstallDirectory = sInstallDirectory.substring(matcher.end());
// Convert to the correct format for files
m_sInstallDirectory = new File(m_sInstallDirectory).getPath();
// Check if it starts with a file separator
if (m_sInstallDirectory.startsWith(File.separator))
// Remove the leading separator
m_sInstallDirectory = m_sInstallDirectory.substring(File.separator.length());
// Otherwise, no system folder is needed
m_sSystemFolderRoot = null;
// Convert to the correct format for files
m_sInstallDirectory = new File(sInstallDirectory).getPath();
* Set the version number of the install
* @param sVersion The version provided.
public void setVersion(String sVersion)
m_sVersion = sVersion;
* Set the directory where WiX is installed.
* @param wixDir The WiX directory.
public void setWixDir(File wixDir)
m_wixDirectory = wixDir;
* Set the source directory where the WXS files are found.
* @param sourceDir The source directory.
public void setSrcDir(File sourceDir)
m_sourceDirectory = sourceDir;
* Set the destination directory MSIs are written to.
* @param destinationDir The destination directory.
public void setDestDir(File destinationDir)
m_destinationDirectory = destinationDir;
* Set the prodcut name used by the MSI filename.
* @param productName The product name.
public void setProduct(String productName)
m_sProductName = productName;
* Ant attribute setter for property to store the compiled filename.
* @param sMSIFilenameProperty The filename of the resulting MSI.
public void setMSIFileProperty(String sMSIFilenameProperty)
m_sMSIFilenameProperty = sMSIFilenameProperty;
* Ant attribute setter for property to store the parsed revision.
* @param sExeFilenameProperty The filename of the resulting EXE, if applicable.
public void setExeFileProperty(String sExeFilenameProperty)
m_sEXEFilenameProperty = sExeFilenameProperty;
* Add a nested ArchiveGroup.
* @param archiveGroup The ArchiveGroup being added.
public void addArchiveGroup(ArchiveGroup archiveGroup)
* Factory method for creating nested Resource object.
* @param resource The Resource being added.
public void addResource(Resource resource)
* Factory method for creating nested Variable object.
* @return The created Variable.
public Variable createVariable()
Variable variable = new Variable();
return variable;
* Factory method for creating nested InteropBootstrapper object.
* @return The created InteropBootstrapper.
public InteropBootstrapper createInteropBootstrapper()
if (m_interopBootstrapper != null)
throw new BuildException("Duplicate 'interopbootstrapper' element detected");
m_interopBootstrapper = new InteropBootstrapper();
return m_interopBootstrapper;
// public method
* Entry point of the Ant task.
* @throws BuildException if invalid parameters are used or the build fails.
public void execute() throws BuildException
// Initialize: check parameters, create files
log("Generating WiX fragment");
// Generate the Wix Fragment
// Format the file human readable for debug purposes
if (m_bDebugModeEnabled)
// Compile and link the Wix files into an MSI
log("Building MSI");
log("MSI sucessfully built: " + m_sDestinationFile);
// See if interop bootstrapper is needed
if (m_interopBootstrapper != null)
log("Building boostrapper EXE");
m_interopBootstrapper.makeBootstrapper(m_sourceDirectory, m_destinationDirectory, m_sSetupFileBaseName);
log("EXE sucessfully built: " + new File(m_destinationDirectory, m_sSetupFileBaseName + ".exe").getAbsolutePath());
if (m_sEXEFilenameProperty != null)
m_project.setProperty(m_sEXEFilenameProperty, m_sSetupFileBaseName + ".exe");
if (m_sMSIFilenameProperty != null)
m_project.setProperty(m_sMSIFilenameProperty, m_sSetupFileBaseName + ".msi");
// parameter setup
* Set up all of the task parameters.
private void initTask()
// Grab a reference to the current project
m_project = getProject();
// Get the debug flag
String sDebug = m_project.getProperty("wix.wixwriter.debug.enabled");
if (sDebug == null)
m_bDebugModeEnabled = false;
m_bDebugModeEnabled = StringUtil.parseBoolean(sDebug);
// Set the path to the final MSI file which looks like
// "...\out\deploy\install\nexj-cardscan-setup-x86.msi"
m_sSetupFileBaseName = m_sProductName + "-" + m_sInstallName + "-setup-" + m_sVersion;
m_sDestinationFile = new File(m_destinationDirectory, m_sSetupFileBaseName + ".msi").getAbsolutePath();
// Check that the task attributes are set
// Create the temporary file
m_fragmentFile = File.createTempFile(TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, ".wxs", m_tempDirectory);
// Double buffer the XML writer: both the input stream and the output
// writer
// Note: Buffering the ouput stream may cause too much overhead to have
// significant performance advantages
OutputStream outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(m_fragmentFile));
Writer writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, XMLUtil.ENCODING));
m_writer = new XMLWriter(writer);
catch (IOException e)
raiseIOException("Could not create temporary \"" + TEMP_FILE_PREFIX + ".wxs\" file", e);
* Validate that Ant attributes are set.
private void checkAtttributes()
checkAttribute(m_sInstallName, "installname");
checkAttribute(m_sInstallDirectory, "installdir");
checkAttribute(m_wixDirectory, "wixdir");
checkAttribute(m_sourceDirectory, "srcdir");
checkAttribute(m_destinationDirectory, "destdir");
checkAttribute(m_sProductName, "product");
* Assert that an Ant task attribute has been set.
* @param value The value to check.
* @param sAttributeName The name of the Ant attribute.
* @throws BuildException if the attribute wasn't set.
private void checkAttribute(Object value, String sAttributeName) throws BuildException
// If the value hasn't been set, raise a build exception
if (value == null)
throw new BuildException("Undefined '" + sAttributeName + "' attribute of " + getTaskName());
// wix fragment generation
* Do the work of filling up the XML WiX fragment file.
* @throws BuildException if unable to write to the temporary file.
private void generateWixFragment() throws BuildException
// Write the start of the WXS file
// Nothing to do if no archive groups
if (!m_archiveGroupList.isEmpty())
// Write out the install directories
// Organize the disk IDs
// Write out each archive group, continuing to increment the
// component ID
// Write the component groups
// Write the resource (Binary and Icon) elements
// Write the end of the WXS file
catch (IOException e)
raiseIOException("Could not write to temporary \"" + TEMP_FILE_PREFIX + ".wxs\" file", e);
// wix fragment generation
* Write the install directories of the archive groups so they can be
* referenced later.
* @throws BuildException if an archive group's install directory ID isn't
* set.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void writeInstallDirectories() throws IOException
IdentifierFactory identifierFactory = new IdentifierFactory();
// Open the root directory reference
m_writer.writeAttribute("Id", ROOT_DIRECTORY_ID);
// Open the system folder if needed
// Note: if the ID has been used in another WXS file, writing it here
// will cause a collision
if (m_sSystemFolderRoot != null)
openDirectoryElement(m_sSystemFolderRoot, m_sSystemFolderRoot);
// Break the install directory into parent and child parts
File installDirFile = new File(m_sInstallDirectory);
File installDirParent = installDirFile.getParentFile();
String sInstallDirChild;
if (installDirParent == null)
sInstallDirChild = m_sInstallDirectory;
sInstallDirChild = installDirFile.getName();
// Open the install directory parent if needed
int nInstallDirParentDepth = 0;
if (installDirParent != null)
// Get the stack of directories
Stack parents = new Stack();
File parentDir = installDirParent;
parentDir = parentDir.getParentFile();
while (parentDir != null);
// Mark the depth
nInstallDirParentDepth = parents.size();
// Open each directory
parentDir = (File)parents.pop();
openDirectoryElement(parentDir.getName(), identifierFactory.getUniqueId(parentDir.getPath()));
while (!parents.isEmpty());
// Keep track of which root directories have been written
Lookup installDirIdSet = new HashTab();
// Write out each of the non-subdirectory install directories
for (Iterator it = m_archiveGroupList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
ArchiveGroup archiveGroup = (ArchiveGroup)it.next();
String sInstallDirId = archiveGroup.getInstallDirId();
String sSubdir = archiveGroup.getSubdir();
// Check the install directory
if (sInstallDirId == null)
throw new BuildException("Undefined 'installdirid' attribute of archivegroup");
// Only write each install directory once
if (sSubdir == null && !installDirIdSet.contains(sInstallDirId))
// Write out the ID'd top directory
openDirectoryElement(sInstallDirChild, sInstallDirId);
installDirIdSet.put(sInstallDirId, null);
// Write out each of the subdirectory install directories
openDirectoryElement(sInstallDirChild, identifierFactory.getUniqueId(m_sInstallDirectory));
for (Iterator it = m_archiveGroupList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
ArchiveGroup archiveGroup = (ArchiveGroup)it.next();
String sInstallDirId = archiveGroup.getInstallDirId();
String sSubdir = archiveGroup.getSubdir();
// Only write each install directory once
if (sSubdir != null && !installDirIdSet.contains(sInstallDirId))
// Write out the ID'd top directory
openDirectoryElement(sSubdir, sInstallDirId);
installDirIdSet.put(sInstallDirId, null);
// Close the install directory parent if needed
for (int i = 0; i < nInstallDirParentDepth; i++)
// Close the system folder if it was opened
if (m_sSystemFolderRoot != null)
// Close the root directory reference
* Open a directory element.
* @param sName The name of the directory.
* @param sId The directory's unique ID.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void openDirectoryElement(String sName, String sId) throws IOException
String sShortName = getShortName(sName);
m_writer.writeAttribute("Id", sId);
m_writer.writeAttribute("Name", sShortName);
if (!sShortName.equals(sName))
m_writer.writeAttribute("LongName", sName);
* Close a directory element.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void closeDirectoryElement() throws IOException
* Retrieve the component group IDs from the archive groups. These IDs are
* "keys" to the numeric disk IDs: all components in the same component group
* have the same disk ID. A component group's position in the sorted list
* corresponds to the disk ID.
private void organizeDiskIds()
// Get each ID (assume each is unique)
for (Iterator it = m_archiveGroupList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
ArchiveGroup archiveGroup = (ArchiveGroup)it.next();
String componentGroupId = archiveGroup.getComponentGroupId();
// Check that the ID's been set
if (componentGroupId == null)
throw new BuildException("Neither 'id' nor 'diskid' attribute set on archivegroup");
// Add the ID to the list
// Sort the list
* Write the archive groups specified the Ant build file.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void writeArchiveGroups() throws IOException
// Star the component numbers at zero
int nStartComponentNumber = 0;
// Write each archive group, continuing component numbering between them
// Each archive group will be rooted at a directory reference to the
// previously written install directory
for (Iterator it = m_archiveGroupList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
ArchiveGroup archiveGroup = (ArchiveGroup)it.next();
// Get the component group ID
String sComponentGroupId = archiveGroup.getComponentGroupId();
// Determine the numeric disk ID (its position in the list)
int nDiskIdNumber = Collections.binarySearch(m_componentGroupIdList, sComponentGroupId) + 1;
// Write the archive group
archiveGroup.write(m_writer, nDiskIdNumber, nStartComponentNumber);
// Get the next component number
int nEndComponentNumber = archiveGroup.getNextComponentNumber();
// Add the components just written to the component group
addToComponentGroup(nStartComponentNumber, nEndComponentNumber, sComponentGroupId);
// Restart the component numbering
nStartComponentNumber = nEndComponentNumber;
* Add a set of components (from an archive group) to a component group.
* @param nStartComponentNumber The first component number inclusive.
* @param nEndComponentNumber The last component number exclusive.
* @param sComponentGroupId The ID of the component group.
private void addToComponentGroup(int nStartComponentNumber, int nEndComponentNumber, String sComponentGroupId)
// Add this component to the list of other components in this component
// group
ArrayList diskIdList = (ArrayList)m_componentGroupMap.get(sComponentGroupId);
// If needed start a new list
if (diskIdList == null)
diskIdList = new ArrayList();
m_componentGroupMap.put(sComponentGroupId, diskIdList);
// Add each component ID to the list
for (int i = nStartComponentNumber; i < nEndComponentNumber; i++)
String sId = "Component" + i;
* Write WiX ComponentGroup element for grouping components into their
* respective archive.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void writeComponentGroups() throws IOException
for (Iterator itMap = m_componentGroupMap.iterator(); itMap.hasNext();)
String sDiskId = (String)itMap.next();
ArrayList list = (ArrayList)m_componentGroupMap.get(sDiskId);
m_writer.writeAttribute("Id", sDiskId);
for (Iterator itList = list.iterator(); itList.hasNext();)
m_writer.writeAttribute("Id", itList.next().toString());
* Write Wix resource (Binary and Icon) elements, based on the custom ANT
* subtask Resource and its subtasks WixBinary and WixIcon.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void writeResources() throws IOException
for (Iterator it = m_resourceList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
Resource resource = (Resource)it.next();
* Write the start of the WiX fragment.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void writeWixHeader() throws IOException
m_writer.writeAttribute("xmlns", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi");
* Write the end of the WiX fragment.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void writeWixFooter() throws IOException
// reformatting
* Perform fomatting on the WiX fragment before it's given to Candle.
* @throws BuildException if cannot write to temporary file.
private void formatWixFile() throws BuildException
Writer writer = null;
StreamSource ss = new StreamSource(m_fragmentFile);
File formattedFile = File.createTempFile(TEMP_FILE_PREFIX + "formatted_", ".wxs", m_tempDirectory);
writer = IOUtil.openBufferedWriter(formattedFile, XMLUtil.ENCODING);
XMLUtil.formatXML(ss, true, writer);
writer = null;
catch (IOException e)
raiseIOException("Could not write to temporary \"" + TEMP_FILE_PREFIX + ".wxs\" file", e);
if (writer != null)
catch (IOException e)
// io exception
* Give IO exception details and halt the build.
* @param sMesssage The build error.
* @param e The cause exception.
* @throws BuildException to halt the build.
private void raiseIOException(String sMesssage, IOException e) throws BuildException
log(sMesssage, ERROR_LEVEL);
throw new BuildException(sMesssage, e);
// wix execution
* Runs Candle on the fragment and the base file, checking that it runs
* successfully.
* @throws BuildException if failed to run Candle or Candle fails.
private void runCandle() throws BuildException
int nExitValue;
ArrayList argList = new ArrayList();
// Candle executable
argList.add(new File(m_wixDirectory, "candle.exe").getAbsolutePath());
// Generated input file
// Specific base WXS input file
argList.add(new File(m_sourceDirectory, m_sInstallName + ".wxs").getAbsolutePath());
// Disk ID defines (the name of the variable is the component group ID)
int nDiskIdNumber = 1;
for (Iterator it = m_componentGroupIdList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
String sDiskId = (String)it.next();
argList.add("-d" + sDiskId + "=" + nDiskIdNumber);
// Custom variable defines
for (Iterator it = m_variableList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
Variable variable = (Variable)it.next();
// Output folder
// NOTE: in WIX, if you specify quotes around a directory (e.g. a path
// that ends in \) you must end it // with \\ instead.
// E.g. "C:\temp\" will give an error, use "C:\temp\\" instead.
argList.add(m_tempDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + File.separator);
// Run candle
Execute candle = new Execute();
candle.setCommandline((String[])argList.toArray(new String[0]));
nExitValue = candle.getExitValue();
catch (Exception e)
throw new BuildException("Fatal exception occurred while running WiX compiler Candle", e);
if (nExitValue != 0)
log("Candle failed (exit value " + nExitValue + ")", ERROR_LEVEL);
throw new BuildException("WiX compiler Candle failed");
* Runs Light to generate the MSI, checking that it runs successfully, and
* deleting the .wixobj files afterwards.
* @throws BuildException if failed to run Light or Light fails.
private void runLight() throws BuildException
int nExitValue;
ArrayList argList = new ArrayList();
// Light executable
argList.add(new File(m_wixDirectory, "light.exe").getAbsolutePath());
// Generated input file's object file
String sGeneratedObj = m_fragmentFile.getAbsolutePath();
sGeneratedObj = sGeneratedObj.substring(0, sGeneratedObj.lastIndexOf('.')) + ".wixobj";
// Specific base WXS input file's object file
String sSpecificObj = new File(m_tempDirectory, m_sInstallName + ".wixobj").getAbsolutePath();
// Wixlib file
argList.add(new File(m_wixDirectory, "sca.wixlib").getAbsolutePath());
// Output MSI file
// Run light
Execute light = new Execute();
light.setCommandline((String[])argList.toArray(new String[0]));
nExitValue = light.getExitValue();
// Delete *.wixobj files
new File(sGeneratedObj).deleteOnExit();
new File(sSpecificObj).deleteOnExit();
catch (Exception e)
throw new BuildException("Fatal exception occurred while running WiX linker Light", e);
if (nExitValue != 0)
log("Light failed (exit value " + nExitValue + ")", ERROR_LEVEL);
throw new BuildException("WiX linker Light failed");
* Ant type for packaging file structures (supports Ant references).
public static class ArchiveGroup extends DataType
* Pseudonym for the Global Assembly Cache, used as a prefix for
* calculating hashes.
private final static String GAC_FOLDER_NAME = "Global Assembly Cache";
* ID for reference, doubles as disk ID.
private String m_sId = null;
* Component group ID for the archive group.
private String m_sComponentGroupId = null;
* Installation directory for the archive group.
private String m_sInstallDirectoryId;
* The name of the subdirectory where the archive group is rooted (if
* applicable).
private String m_sRootSubdirectory;
* The WiX condition for a given build archivegroup / Wix component
private String m_sCondition;
* List of all FileSets in the ArchiveGroup.
private ArrayList m_fileSetList = new ArrayList();
* List of all Assemblies in the ArchiveGroup.
private ArrayList m_assemblyList = new ArrayList();
* For generating unique or random IDs.
private IdentifierFactory m_identifierFactory = new IdentifierFactory();
* The Ant project.
private Project m_project;
* Handle to the writer for the WiX file fragment.
private static XMLWriter m_writer = null;
* Numeric disk ID for the archive group.
private int m_nDiskIdNumber;
* Next component number to use.
private int m_nComponentNumber;
* Architecture specified in components.
private String m_sArch;
* Constructor used by Ant.
public ArchiveGroup()
* Set the processsor architecture for which the install is intended (x86 or
* x84).
* @param sArch The architecture, "x86" or "x64".
public void setArch(String sArch)
m_sArch = sArch;
* Set the ID used for reference.
* @param sId The ID.
public void setId(String sId)
m_sId = sId;
* Set the media ID used by all components. As a string, it specifies the
* component group ID: the real disk ID number will be calculated later.
* @param sId The media ID.
public void setDiskId(String sId)
m_sComponentGroupId = sId;
* Set the ID of the install directory for reference in WXS files.
* @param sInstallDirectoryId The ID of the install directory.
public void setInstallDirId(String sInstallDirectoryId)
m_sInstallDirectoryId = sInstallDirectoryId;
* Set the root subdirectory.
* @param sRootSubdirectory The root subdirectory.
public void setSubdir(String sRootSubdirectory)
m_sRootSubdirectory = sRootSubdirectory;
* Set condition for this ArchiveGroup.
* @param sRootSubdirectory The root subdirectory.
public void setCondition(String sCondition)
m_sCondition = sCondition;
* Add a file set to the archive group.
* @param fileSet The FileSet to add.
public void addFileSet(FileSet fileSet)
* Add a zip file set to the archive group.
* @param fileSet The FileSet to add.
public void addZipFileSet(ZipFileSet fileSet)
* Add an assembly (for the GAC) to the archive group.
* @return The created Assembly.
public Assembly createAssembly()
Assembly assembly = new Assembly();
return assembly;
* Get the root directory ID (dereference if needed).
* @return The root directory ID.
public String getInstallDirId()
if (isReference())
return ((ArchiveGroup)getCheckedRef(ArchiveGroup.class, "archivegroup")).getInstallDirId();
return m_sInstallDirectoryId;
* Get the root subdirectory.
* @return The root subdirectory.
public String getSubdir()
if (isReference())
return ((ArchiveGroup)getCheckedRef(ArchiveGroup.class, "archivegroup")).getSubdir();
return m_sRootSubdirectory;
* Get the disk ID (dereference if needed). If unset, default to the
* archive group's ID.
* @return The disk ID.
public String getComponentGroupId()
if (isReference())
return ((ArchiveGroup)getCheckedRef(ArchiveGroup.class, "archivegroup")).getComponentGroupId();
if (m_sComponentGroupId != null)
return m_sComponentGroupId;
return m_sId;
* Write the contents of the archive group: file sets and assemblies
* (dereference if needed).
* @param writer The writer for the WiX fragment.
* @param nDiskIdNumber The numeric disk ID used by all components.
* @param nComponentNumber The starting component number.
* @param sArch The target processor architecture used by components.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
public void write(XMLWriter writer, int nDiskIdNumber, int nComponentNumber) throws IOException
if (isReference())
((ArchiveGroup)getCheckedRef(ArchiveGroup.class, "archivegroup")).write(writer, nDiskIdNumber, nComponentNumber);
// Grab a reference to the current project
m_project = getProject();
// Set the XML writer
m_writer = writer;
// Make sure the component group ID is set
if (m_sComponentGroupId == null)
m_sComponentGroupId = m_sId;
// Start the component counting
m_nComponentNumber = nComponentNumber;
// Save the disk ID number
m_nDiskIdNumber = nDiskIdNumber;
// Open a directory reference to the install directory
// Start with empty lists
FileTree fileTree = new FileTree();
// Scan each file set
for (Iterator it = m_fileSetList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
FileSet fileSet = (FileSet)it.next();
scanFileSet(fileSet, fileTree);
// The hashed prefix is the ID of the component group (to allow
// duplicate trees)
// Write out the filesets
// Write the assemblies
for (Iterator it = m_assemblyList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
Assembly assembly = (Assembly)it.next();
// Close the directory reference
* Get the next component number that the next component should use.
* @return The next component number.
public int getNextComponentNumber()
if (isReference())
return ((ArchiveGroup)getCheckedRef(ArchiveGroup.class, "archivegroup")).getNextComponentNumber();
return m_nComponentNumber;
* Open the reference to the root directory.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void openDirReference() throws IOException
m_writer.writeAttribute("Id", m_sInstallDirectoryId);
log("<directoryref id=\"" + m_sInstallDirectoryId + "\">", DEBUG_LEVEL);
* Close the reference to the root directory.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void closeDirReference() throws IOException
log("</directoryref>", DEBUG_LEVEL);
* Add the files and directories from the file set to the file tree.
* Process any extra parameters on the file set.
* @param fileSet The file set.
* @param fileTree The file tree.
* @throws BuildException if the file set is invalid.
private void scanFileSet(FileSet fileSet, FileTree fileTree) throws BuildException
// The prefix can be set using a zip file set
String sPrefix = "";
// Check for ZipFileSet-specific features
if (fileSet instanceof ZipFileSet)
ZipFileSet zipFileSet = (ZipFileSet)fileSet;
// Check if the file set comes from inside a zip file
if (zipFileSet.getSrc(m_project) != null)
// Check if the full path modes is being used
if (zipFileSet.getFullpath(m_project) != null && !zipFileSet.getFullpath(m_project).equals(""))
// Add the single file instead of following the regular procedure
// Use prefix directories if needed
sPrefix = ((ZipFileSet)fileSet).getPrefix(m_project);
if (!sPrefix.equals(""))
// Fix the formatting and append a separator
sPrefix = new File(sPrefix).getPath() + File.separator;
// Use the file set's scanner
// If the file set is invalid, FileSet.getDirectoryScanner will
// raise an exception
DirectoryScanner scanner = fileSet.getDirectoryScanner(m_project);
// Check that the file set isn't empty
if (scanner.getIncludedDirsCount() == 0 && scanner.getIncludedFilesCount() == 0)
throw new BuildException("Fileset at \"" + scanner.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath()
+ "\" does not include any files or directories (for more info, run Ant with \"-debug\")");
// Grab the directories and the files
fileTree.addScanner(scanner, sPrefix);
* Unzip the zip file, point the file set to the unzipped files, and make
* sure the files get deleted on exit.
* @param zipFileSet The file set.
private void unzipFileSet(ZipFileSet zipFileSet)
// Get the name of a temporary output folder
File outFolder = FileUtils.getFileUtils().createTempFile(TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, "", null, false, false);
// Unzip the zip file
Expand unzipper = (Expand)m_project.createTask("unzip");
// Change the file set to use the new directory
// Delete the folder on exit
* Preorder recursively mark each item under the directory as "delete on
* exit" so that they actually get deleted postorder on exit.
* @param directory The starting directory.
private void deleteDirectoryOnExit(File directory)
// Delete base directory
// Delete files and folders inside
File[] memberList = directory.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < memberList.length; i++)
if (memberList[i].isDirectory())
// Go into directory
// Delete file
* Open a component. Key the GUID of the component usually by using the
* first file in it.
* @param sKeyPath The path which the component's GUID is generated from.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void openComponentElement(String sKeyPath) throws IOException
// Generate Component IDs by incrementing m_nComponents. This is better
// than the other method of Component IDs being path names
String sId = "Component" + m_nComponentNumber;
String sGuid = m_identifierFactory.getGUID(sKeyPath);
m_writer.writeAttribute("Id", sId);
m_writer.writeAttribute("Guid", sGuid);
m_writer.writeAttribute("DiskId", m_nDiskIdNumber);
// Writing Win64 attribute based on architecture type
if (m_sArch != null)
if (m_sArch.equals("x64"))
m_writer.writeAttribute("Win64", "yes");
m_writer.writeAttribute("Win64", "no");
log("..<component>", DEBUG_LEVEL);
* Close a component.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void closeComponentElement() throws IOException
// Write the condition
if (m_sCondition != null)
log("..</component>", DEBUG_LEVEL);
* A file that needs to go into the Global Assembly Cache (set up by Ant).
public class Assembly
* Source file.
private File m_file;
* Constructor.
public Assembly()
* Set the source file.
* @param file The source file.
public void setFile(File file)
m_file = file;
* Write out the assembly in its own component.
* @throws BuildException if source file doesn't exist.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
public void write() throws BuildException, IOException
// Open a new component
String sName = m_file.getName();
String sShortName = getShortName(sName);
String sId = m_identifierFactory.getUniqueId(sName);
String sSourcePath;
sSourcePath = m_file.getCanonicalPath();
catch (IOException e)
throw new BuildException("File \"" + m_file.getAbsolutePath() + "\" does not exist");
// Write the assembly file element
m_writer.writeAttribute("Id", sId);
m_writer.writeAttribute("Name", sShortName);
if (!sShortName.equals(sName))
m_writer.writeAttribute("LongName", sName);
m_writer.writeAttribute("Source", sSourcePath);
m_writer.writeAttribute("Vital", "yes");
// Tell the installer this is an assembly
m_writer.writeAttribute("KeyPath", "yes");
m_writer.writeAttribute("Assembly", ".net");
// Close the file element
log("....<assembly name=\"" + sName + "\"/>", DEBUG_LEVEL);
// Close the component
* A structure of files and directories. Build using directory scanners,
* writes out the structure as an XML tree.
private class FileTree
* Preorder list of directories and files.
private ArrayList m_installItemList;
* The directory hierarchy.
Stack m_stack;
* The path of the current directory.
String m_sCurrentDirectory;
* Whether this directory has anything in it.
boolean m_bEmptyDir = true;
* Whether a component is open.
boolean m_bComponentOpened;
* Create an empty tree.
public FileTree()
// The list is empty
m_installItemList = new ArrayList();
* Add the included directories and directories from a scanner to the
* tree. The prefix is prefixed to each path and source paths for files
* are noted.
* @param scanner The scanner.
* @param sPrefix The prefix.
public void addScanner(DirectoryScanner scanner, String sPrefix)
// Grab the directory list
String list[] = scanner.getIncludedDirectories();
// Make room for the list
m_installItemList.ensureCapacity(m_installItemList.size() + list.length);
// Add anything not empty
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
if (!list[i].equals(""))
// Use the prefix
// Directories need to end in '\' so that we get the correct
// order
// "a-b\", "a-b\c\", "a\", "a\c\" (NOT "a", "a-b", "a-b\c",
// "a\c")
// Correct order is important for initial sorting and later
// comparing with other paths
m_installItemList.add(new InstallDirectory(sPrefix + list[i] + File.separator));
// Grab the file list
list = scanner.getIncludedFiles();
// Get the base directory
String sBaseDir = scanner.getBasedir().getPath();
// Make room for the files
m_installItemList.ensureCapacity(m_installItemList.size() + list.length);
// Add each file to the list
for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++)
m_installItemList.add(new InstallFile(list[i], sPrefix, sBaseDir));
* Add the full path file included by the file set.
* @param zipFileSet The file set.
* @throws BuildException if file set is invalid.
public void addFullPathFile(ZipFileSet zipFileSet) throws BuildException
// Grab the file list
DirectoryScanner scanner = zipFileSet.getDirectoryScanner(m_project);
String sFiles[] = scanner.getIncludedFiles();
// Assert there's only one file
if (sFiles.length != 1)
throw new BuildException("zipfileset 'fullpath' attribute set but fileset didn't include only one file");
// Get the install path
String sInstallPath = zipFileSet.getFullpath(m_project);
// Find the full path to the real file
String sSourcePath = new File(scanner.getBasedir(), sFiles[0]).getPath();
// Add the file to the list
m_installItemList.add(new InstallFile(sInstallPath, sSourcePath));
* Write out the file tree.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
public void write() throws IOException
// Start with the empty directory
m_stack = new Stack();
m_sCurrentDirectory = "";
m_bEmptyDir = true;
m_bComponentOpened = false;
// Sort the list into a preorder tree
// Write out each item
for (int i = 0; i < m_installItemList.size(); i++)
// Close any open component
if (m_bComponentOpened)
// Close the remaining directories
while (m_stack.size() > 1)
// Check if the root directory was empty
if (m_bEmptyDir)
* Close and open directory elements as needed to travserse to the
* target directory.
* @param sTargetDir The target directory.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void traverseTo(String sTargetDir) throws IOException
// See if traversal needed
if (sTargetDir.equals(m_sCurrentDirectory))
// Close any open component
if (m_bComponentOpened)
m_bComponentOpened = false;
// Pop directories until a common directory is found
while (!sTargetDir.startsWith(m_sCurrentDirectory))
// See traversal was just pops
if (sTargetDir.equals(m_sCurrentDirectory))
// See if parent directories are needed
String sParentDir = new File(sTargetDir).getParent();
boolean bParentNeeded;
if (sParentDir == null)
bParentNeeded = false;
bParentNeeded = !m_sCurrentDirectory.startsWith(sParentDir)
|| sParentDir.length() != m_sCurrentDirectory.length() - 1;
if (bParentNeeded)
Stack parents = new Stack();
// See how many levels of parents need to be pushed onto the
// stack
sParentDir = sParentDir + File.separator;
sParentDir = new File(sParentDir).getParent();
if (sParentDir == null)
sParentDir = sParentDir + File.separator;
while (!sParentDir.equals(m_sCurrentDirectory));
// Write the 'tower' of directories
while (!parents.isEmpty());
// Open the target itself
* Push a directory onto the stack.
* @param sDirectory The directory.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void push(String sDirectory) throws IOException
String sName = new File(sDirectory).getName();
String sShortName = getShortName(sName);
String sId = m_identifierFactory.getUniqueId(sDirectory);
// Open the directory element
m_writer.writeAttribute("Id", sId);
m_writer.writeAttribute("Name", sShortName);
if (!sShortName.equals(sName))
m_writer.writeAttribute("LongName", sName);
log("<directory name=\"" + sName + "\">", DEBUG_LEVEL);
// Push this directory onto the stack
m_sCurrentDirectory = (String)m_stack.peek();
// Nothing has been written in this directory
m_bEmptyDir = true;
* Take a directory off the stack.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void pop() throws IOException
// If the last directory had nothing in it
if (m_bEmptyDir)
// Use a 'create directory' element
// If we go down another level, that directory isn't empty
m_bEmptyDir = false;
// Close the current directory element
log("</directory>", DEBUG_LEVEL);
// Pop it off the stack
m_sCurrentDirectory = (String)m_stack.peek();
* Make an empty directory using the WiX CreateFolder element.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
private void makeEmptyDirectory() throws IOException
// Open a new component
// Write the "create folder" element
log("....<emptydir/>", DEBUG_LEVEL);
// Close the component
* A file or directory to be installed. Sortable based on the install
* path.
private abstract class InstallItem implements Comparable
* Path to be installed at.
private String m_sInstallPath;
* Create an item.
* @param sInstallPath The install path.
protected InstallItem(String sInstallPath)
m_sInstallPath = sInstallPath;
* Compare by install path.
* @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
public int compareTo(Object other)
return m_sInstallPath.compareTo(((InstallItem)other).m_sInstallPath);
* Write out item, traversing to directories as needed.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
public abstract void write() throws IOException;
* Get the install path.
* @return The install path.
protected String getPath()
return m_sInstallPath;
* A directory to be installed.
private class InstallDirectory extends InstallItem
* Create a directory.
* @param sDirectory The path.
public InstallDirectory(String sDirectory)
* @see nexj.core.build.WiXWriter.ArchiveGroup.FileTree.InstallItem#write()
public void write() throws IOException
log("@directory \"" + getPath() + "\"", DEBUG_LEVEL);
* A file to be installed. The path to install to as well as the path
* to the local file being included in the install are kept track of.
private class InstallFile extends InstallItem
* The length of the prefix (if it was added).
private int m_nPrefixLength;
* The name of the base directory where the local file is found.
private String m_sBaseDirectory;
* Alternatively, a full path to source file is stored.
private String m_sFullSourcePath;
* Create a regular install file .
* @param sInstallPath The install path as DirectoryScanner
* determined.
* @param sPrefix The path prefix either "" or ending in a file
* separator.
* @param sBaseDirectory The base directory where the source file
* was included from.
public InstallFile(String sInstallPath, String sPrefix, String sBaseDirectory)
// Set the install path (add the prefix)
super(sPrefix + sInstallPath);
// Store the prefix
m_nPrefixLength = sPrefix.length();
// Store the base directory
m_sBaseDirectory = sBaseDirectory;
// This isn't a full path file
m_sFullSourcePath = null;
* Create a full path install file.
* @param sInstallPath The install path.
* @param sSourcePath The full path to the source file.
public InstallFile(String sInstallPath, String sSourcePath)
// Set the install path, fix the formatting
super(new File(sInstallPath).getPath());
// No prefix or base directory
m_nPrefixLength = 0;
m_sBaseDirectory = null;
// This is a full path file, store the source path
m_sFullSourcePath = sSourcePath;
* @see nexj.core.build.WiXWriter.ArchiveGroup.FileTree.InstallItem#write()
public void write() throws IOException
String sPath = getPath();
File file = new File(sPath);
// Get its parent directory
String sParentDir = file.getParent();
if (sParentDir == null)
sParentDir = "";
// Postfix with a separator so that director comparisons work
// consistently
sParentDir = sParentDir + File.separator;
// Go to the correct directory
// Open the component
if (!m_bComponentOpened)
m_bComponentOpened = true;
m_bEmptyDir = false;
String sName = file.getName();
String sShortName = getShortName(sName);
String sId = m_identifierFactory.getUniqueId(sPath);
String sSourcePath = getSourcePath();
// Write the file element
m_writer.writeAttribute("Id", sId);
m_writer.writeAttribute("Name", sShortName);
if (!sShortName.equals(sName))
m_writer.writeAttribute("LongName", sName);
m_writer.writeAttribute("Source", sSourcePath);
m_writer.writeAttribute("Vital", "yes");
log("....<file name=\"" + sName + "\"/>", DEBUG_LEVEL);
* Get the path to the source file.
* @return The source path.
private String getSourcePath()
// Check if full path was used
if (m_sFullSourcePath != null)
return m_sFullSourcePath;
// Start from the install path
String sSourcePath = getPath();
// Remove the prefix
if (m_nPrefixLength > 0)
sSourcePath = sSourcePath.substring(m_nPrefixLength);
// Root at the base directory
return new File(m_sBaseDirectory, sSourcePath).getAbsolutePath();
* Resource class that contains Wix binary and icon elements. NOTE: The
* subclasses are called Wixbinary and Wixicon which correspond to their
* respective custom ANT tasks. It makes more sense to call it "Wixbinary"
* instead of "Binary", to avoid confusion with nexj.core.util.Binary which
* is imported. "Wixicon" is similarly named for consistency. (Supports Ant
* references.)
public static class Resource extends DataType
* Constructor.
public Resource()
* List of all Binaries in the Resource.
private ArrayList m_wixBinaryList = new ArrayList();
* List of all Icons in the Resource.
private ArrayList m_wixIconList = new ArrayList();
* Creates a new WixBinary.
* @return The new WixBinary.
public GenericResource createBinary()
GenericResource binary = new GenericResource();
return binary;
* Creates a new WixIcon.
* @return The new WixIcon.
public GenericResource createIcon()
GenericResource icon = new GenericResource();
return icon;
* Write out the references.
* @param writer The writer for the Wix fragment.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
public void write(XMLWriter writer) throws IOException
if (isReference())
((Resource)getCheckedRef(Resource.class, "resource")).write(writer);
// Write binaries
for (Iterator binaryIt = m_wixBinaryList.iterator(); binaryIt.hasNext();)
GenericResource binary = (GenericResource)binaryIt.next();
// Check the atributes
// Write the element
writer.writeAttribute("Id", binary.getResId());
writer.writeAttribute("SourceFile", binary.getFile());
log("<binary id=\"" + binary.getResId() + "\"/>", DEBUG_LEVEL);
// Write icons
for (Iterator iconIt = m_wixIconList.iterator(); iconIt.hasNext();)
GenericResource icon = (GenericResource)iconIt.next();
// Check the atributes
// Write the element
writer.writeAttribute("Id", icon.getResId());
writer.writeAttribute("SourceFile", icon.getFile());
log("<icon id=\"" + icon.getResId() + "\"/>", DEBUG_LEVEL);
* Superclass which contains code common to a ResourceBase (WixBinary or
* WixIcon, which are custom ANT subtasks of Resource).
public class GenericResource
* The ID used in Wix.
private String m_sResourceId;
* The local source file.
private String m_sFile;
* Constructor.
public GenericResource()
* Set the ID of the resource (used by Ant).
* @param sId The ID.
public void setResId(String sId)
m_sResourceId = sId;
* Set the source file (used by Ant).
* @param file The source file.
* @throws BuildException if the source file doesn't exist.
public void setFile(File file) throws BuildException
m_sFile = file.getCanonicalPath();
catch (IOException e)
throw new BuildException("File \"" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "\" does not exist");
* Get the ID of the resource.
* @return The ID.
public String getResId()
return m_sResourceId;
* Get the path to the source file.
* @return The path.
public String getFile()
return m_sFile;
* Check that attributes have been set.
* @param elementName The Ant name of the element.
public void checkAttributes(String elementName)
if (m_sResourceId == null)
throw new BuildException("Undefined 'resid' attribute of " + elementName);
if (m_sFile == null)
throw new BuildException("Undefined 'file' attribute of " + elementName);
* Definition of a WiX Candle preprocessor variable.
public class Variable
* Variable name.
private String m_sName;
* Variable value.
private String m_sValue;
* Constructor.
public Variable()
* Set the name.
* @param sName The name.
public void setName(String sName)
m_sName = sName;
* Set the value.
* @param sValue The value.
public void setValue(String sValue)
m_sValue = sValue;
* Set the value to a location.
* @param location The location.
public void setLocation(File location)
m_sValue = location.getPath();
* Get the define parameter used by Candle.
* @return The define parameter.
public String getDefineParameter()
return "-d" + m_sName + "=\"" + m_sValue + "\"";
* Ant type for building a bootstrapper that includes Microsoft Office Primary Interop Assemblies.
public class InteropBootstrapper
* The name of the .nsi file.
private String m_sNsiFileName;
* The name of the setup.
private String m_sSetupName;
* The icon file.
private File m_iconFile;
* The directory where the interops are found.
private File m_interopDirectory;
* The install directory of NSIS.
private File m_nsisDirectory;
* The version of EXE installer.
private String m_sInstallVersion;
* The version of installed product.
private String m_sProductVersion;
* Constructor.
public InteropBootstrapper()
* Set the NSI file's name.
* @param sNsiFileName The NSI file's name.
public void setNsiFile(String sNsiFileName)
m_sNsiFileName = sNsiFileName;
* Set the setup name.
* @param sSetupName The setup name.
public void setSetupName(String sSetupName)
m_sSetupName = sSetupName;
* Set the icon file.
* @param iconFile The icon file.
public void setIcon(File iconFile)
m_iconFile = iconFile;
* Set the interop directory.
* @param interopDirectory The interop directory.
public void setInteropDir(File interopDirectory)
m_interopDirectory = interopDirectory;
* Set the NSIS directory.
* @param nsisDirectory The NSIS directory.
public void setNsisDir(File nsisDirectory)
m_nsisDirectory = nsisDirectory;
* Set the version of the installer.
* @param sInstallVersion The version of the Installer.
public void setInstallVersion(String sInstallVersion)
m_sInstallVersion = sInstallVersion;
* Set the version of the product.
* @param sInstallerVersion The version of the Product.
public void setProductVersion(String sProductVersion)
m_sProductVersion = sProductVersion;
* Run MakeNSIS to make the interop bookstrapper.
* @param sourceDirectory The source directory where the NSI file is.
* @param destinationDirectory The destination directory.
* @param sSetupFileBaseName The base name of the setup file.
public void makeBootstrapper(File sourceDirectory, File destinationDirectory, String sSetupFileBaseName)
int nExitValue;
ArrayList argList = new ArrayList();
// Set the exe to run
argList.add(new File(m_nsisDirectory, "makensis.exe").getAbsolutePath());
// Set up NSIS defines
argList.add("/DSETUPNAME=" + m_sSetupName);
argList.add("/DICON=" + m_iconFile.getAbsolutePath());
argList.add("/DDESTDIR=" + m_destinationDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
argList.add("/DNEXJEXE=" + sSetupFileBaseName + ".exe");
argList.add("/DNEXJMSI=" + sSetupFileBaseName + ".msi");
argList.add("/DINTEROPDIR=" + m_interopDirectory.getAbsolutePath());
argList.add("/DINSTALLVERSION=" + m_sInstallVersion);
argList.add("/DPRODUCTVERSION=" + m_sProductVersion);
// Don't print the script
// Set the NSI input file
argList.add(new File(sourceDirectory, m_sNsiFileName).getPath());
// Run MakeNSIS, create the bootstrapper
Execute makensis = new Execute();
makensis.setCommandline((String[])argList.toArray(new String[0]));
// Check if successful
nExitValue = makensis.getExitValue();
catch (Exception e)
throw new BuildException("Fatal exception occurred while running bootstrap compiler MakeNSIS", e);
if (nExitValue != 0)
log("MakeNSIS failed (exit value " + nExitValue + ")", ERROR_LEVEL);
throw new BuildException("Bootstrap compiler MakeNSIS failed");
* Creates IDs for files, directories, components.
private static class IdentifierFactory
* Pattern for matching bad Wix ID characters.
private final static Pattern BAD_ID_CHAR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[^A-Za-z0-9._]");
* Namespace to use for hashing (incorporates the prefix).
private byte[] m_guidNamespace = GUID_NAMESPACE;
* Preallocated output buffer, max ID length is 72 characters.
private StringBuffer m_idBuffer = new StringBuffer(72);
* Constructor.
public IdentifierFactory()
* Set the prefix directory.
* @param sPrefixDir The prefix directory.
public void setPrefixDir(String sPrefixDir)
m_guidNamespace = (sPrefixDir == null) ? GUID_NAMESPACE : getEncodedData(SysUtil.NAMESPACE + ":installer:" + sPrefixDir + File.separator);
* Get a unique ID based on a path. Constructed by appending a hash of the
* install path to the file or folder's name. All ID's must contain only
* alphanumeric characters, periods, or underscores and must either start
* with a letter or an underscore.
* @param sPath The path which the ID is keyed by.
* @return The unique ID.
public String getUniqueId(String sPath)
// Clear the buffer
m_idBuffer.delete(0, m_idBuffer.length());
// Prefix the name and the hash with an underscore for consistency
// Get the name
CharSequence truncatedName = new File(sPath).getName();
// Make sure it's not too long
if (truncatedName.length() > 34)
truncatedName = CharBuffer.wrap(truncatedName, 0, 34);
// Append it to the ID, replacing bad characters in the process
Matcher badCharMatcher = BAD_ID_CHAR_PATTERN.matcher(truncatedName);
while (badCharMatcher.find())
badCharMatcher.appendReplacement(m_idBuffer, "_");
// Separate the name and the hash
// Append the hash (in hex) of the full install path
appendHash(m_idBuffer, sPath, '_');
return m_idBuffer.toString();
* Get a GUID based on the hash of a path.
* @param sPath The path by which the GUID is keyed.
* @return The GUID.
public String getGUID(String sPath)
// Get the hash (in hex) of the full install path
// A GUID is just the hash with dashes inside it
m_idBuffer.delete(0, m_idBuffer.length());
appendHash(m_idBuffer, sPath, '-');
return m_idBuffer.toString();
* Calculate a hash of the data prefixed with context data and append it
* to the buffer with separators inserted.
* @param buffer The buffer.
* @param sData The data to hash.
* @param chSeparator The character to insert as separators.
private void appendHash(StringBuffer buffer, String sData, char chSeparator)
// Convert the prefix directory and the current data to binary data
byte[] nDataArray = getEncodedData(sData);
// Calculate the hash and convert it to a hexidecimal string
String sHash = GUIDUtil.generateGUID(m_guidNamespace, nDataArray).toString();
// Separate the hash string
buffer.append(sHash, 0, 8).append(chSeparator).append(sHash, 8, 12).append(chSeparator).append(sHash, 12, 16).append(
chSeparator).append(sHash, 16, 20).append(chSeparator).append(sHash, 20, 32);