// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.build;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Locale;
import nexj.core.meta.MetadataException;
import nexj.core.meta.xml.XMLMetadataHelper;
import nexj.core.meta.xml.XMLMetadataHelper.MixinNamespaceHandler;
import nexj.core.util.StringUtil;
import nexj.core.util.SysUtil;
import nexj.core.util.URLUtil;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
* Ant task for generating root and base JAR file names.
public class ProjectJarName extends Task
private final static String NAMESPACE_ATTR = "namespace";
private final static String BASE_NAMESPACE_ATTR = "baseNamespace";
private final static String REVISION_ATTR = "revision";
private final static String VERSION_ATTR = "version";
private final static String BASE_VERSION_ATTR = "baseVersion";
private final static String BASE_CHECKSUM_ATTR = "baseChecksum";
private final static String JAR_PREFIX = "NEXJ-META-";
private String m_sSrcDir; //Workspace directory.
private String m_sOutDir; //Publish directory.
private String m_sBaseDir; //Base JAR location directory.
private String m_sProject; //Name of the project to retrieve Jar file names for.
private String m_sMetaJarProperty; //Ant property that stores the root Jar file name.
private String m_sMetaDir; //Ant property that stores the metadata directory name.
private String m_sMetaPathProperty; // Ant property that stores the root folder URI.
private String m_sBaseJarProperty; //Ant property that stores the base Jar file name.
private String m_sBasePathProperty; // Ant property that stores the base folder URI.
private String m_sMixinJarsProperty; // Ant property that stores the mixin Jar URLs.
private String m_sChecksumProperty; //Ant property that stores the checksum.
private String m_sVersionProperty; //Ant property that stores the checksum.
private String m_sRevisionProperty; //Ant property that stores the project revision.
private String m_sBaseProjectProperty; //Ant property that stores the base project name.
private boolean m_bProfileEnabled; //Ant property that stores whether to output timing info
* Ant attribute setter for project name.
public void setProject(String sProject)
m_sProject = sProject;
* Ant attribute setter for property to store generated root Jar file.
public void setMetaJarProperty(String sMetaJarProperty)
m_sMetaJarProperty = sMetaJarProperty;
* Ant attribute setter for property to store generated base Jar file.
public void setBaseJarProperty(String sBaseJarProperty)
m_sBaseJarProperty = sBaseJarProperty;
* Ant attribute setter for property to store generated root folder URI.
public void setMetaPathProperty(String sMetaPathProperty)
m_sMetaPathProperty = sMetaPathProperty;
* Ant attribute setter for property to store generated base folder URI.
public void setBasePathProperty(String sBasePathProperty)
m_sBasePathProperty = sBasePathProperty;
* Ant attribute setter for property to store base project name.
public void setBaseProjectProperty(String sBaseProjectProperty)
m_sBaseProjectProperty = sBaseProjectProperty;
* Ant attribute setter for property to store mixin repository URLs.
public void setMixinJarsProperty(String sMixinJarsProperty)
m_sMixinJarsProperty = sMixinJarsProperty;
* Ant attribute setter for property to store generated checksum.
public void setChecksumProperty(String sChecksumProperty)
m_sChecksumProperty = sChecksumProperty;
* Ant attribute setter for property to store the parsed version.
public void setVersionProperty(String sVersionProperty)
m_sVersionProperty = sVersionProperty;
* Ant attribute setter for property to store the parsed revision.
public void setRevisionProperty(String sRevisionProperty)
m_sRevisionProperty = sRevisionProperty;
* Ant attribute setter for workspace directory.
public void setSrcDir(String sSrcDir)
m_sSrcDir = sSrcDir;
* Ant attribute setter for publish directory.
public void setOutDir(String sOutDir)
m_sOutDir = sOutDir;
* Ant attribute setter for base JAR directory.
public void setBaseDir(String sBaseDir)
m_sBaseDir = sBaseDir;
* Ant attribute setter for base JAR directory.
public void setProfile(String sProfileEnabled)
m_bProfileEnabled = StringUtil.parseBoolean(sProfileEnabled);
* Ant attribute setter for property to store metadata directory if not default.
public void setMetaDir(String sMetaDir)
m_sMetaDir = sMetaDir;
* Generate path to the meta data folder.
* @param sProject name of the project.
* @return The path to the meta data folder for the specified project.
private String getMetaDir(String sProject)
if (m_sMetaDir != null)
return m_sMetaDir;
else if (sProject.equals(".tmp"))
return m_sOutDir + "/nexj/meta";
return m_sSrcDir + '/' + sProject + "/meta";
* Get the name of the JAR file that has been built already.
* @param sProject name of the project.
* @param sChecksum checksum of the meta files.
* @return Name of the existing JAR file with the specified the version. If the
* file does not exist then return null.
private String getPublishedJARName(String sProject, String sChecksum)
File publishDir = new File(m_sBaseDir);
if (publishDir.exists() && publishDir.isDirectory())
File[] files = publishDir.listFiles();
sProject = '-' + sProject.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + '-';
sChecksum = '-' + sChecksum.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i)
File file = files[i];
if (file.isFile())
String sName = file.getName().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
int nExtStart = sName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (sName.startsWith(JAR_PREFIX) && nExtStart > JAR_PREFIX.length())
sName = sName.substring(JAR_PREFIX.length() - 1, nExtStart);
if(sName.startsWith(sProject) &&
String sPath = file.getAbsolutePath();
log("Found: " + sPath);
return sPath;
log("Unknown dir: "+ publishDir.getPath());
return null;
* Generate a JAR name based on given version information.
* @param sProject name of the project.
* @param sRevision revision info of the project.
* @param sVersion version info of the project.
* @param sChecksum checksum of the meta files.
* @return JAR file name based on the version information.
private String getJarName(String sProject, String sRevision, String sVersion, String sChecksum)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (m_sOutDir != null)
int nFileNameIndex = sb.length();
for (int i = nFileNameIndex; i < sb.length(); i++)
if (sb.charAt(i) == ' ')
sb.setCharAt(i, '_');
return sb.toString();
* Generate a JAR file names from the Metadata and set them into Ant properties.
* @param sProject name of the project.
private void setJarNameProperties(String sProject) throws BuildException
URL rootURL = XMLMetadataHelper.getURL(URLUtil.toURL(getMetaDir(sProject)), true);
URL baseURL = null;
XMLMetadataHelper helper = new XMLMetadataHelper(rootURL, null, null, null);
Element descriptorElement = helper.getDescriptorElement(true);
String sRevision = descriptorElement.getAttribute(REVISION_ATTR);
String sVersion = descriptorElement.getAttribute(VERSION_ATTR);
String sBaseJarName = null;
if (!descriptorElement.hasAttribute(BASE_NAMESPACE_ATTR) || sProject.equals(".tmp"))
if (m_sBaseJarProperty != null)
getProject().setProperty(m_sBaseJarProperty, "");
if (m_sBaseProjectProperty != null)
getProject().setProperty(m_sBaseProjectProperty, "");
if (m_sBasePathProperty != null)
getProject().setProperty(m_sBasePathProperty, "");
//Parse the namespace URL to retrieve the base project name.
String sBaseNamespace = descriptorElement.getAttribute(BASE_NAMESPACE_ATTR);
String sBaseProject = sBaseNamespace.substring(sBaseNamespace.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
String sBaseVersion = descriptorElement.getAttribute(BASE_VERSION_ATTR);
String sBaseChecksum = descriptorElement.getAttribute(BASE_CHECKSUM_ATTR);
long lSearchTime, lStartTime = 0;
if (m_bProfileEnabled)
lStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
log("Searching for base repository '" + sBaseProject + "' with checksum " + sBaseChecksum);
sBaseJarName = getPublishedJARName(sBaseProject, sBaseChecksum);
if (m_bProfileEnabled)
lSearchTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - lStartTime;
log(" Search complete (" + lSearchTime + " ms).");
if (sBaseJarName == null)
throw new BuildException("Missing base repository '" + sBaseProject + "' with version " +
sBaseVersion + " and checksum " + sBaseChecksum);
if (m_sBaseJarProperty != null)
getProject().setProperty(m_sBaseJarProperty, sBaseJarName);
if (m_sBaseProjectProperty != null)
getProject().setProperty(m_sBaseProjectProperty, sBaseProject);
String sBaseRepositoryPath = XMLMetadataHelper.getRepositoryPath(sBaseNamespace);
if (m_sBasePathProperty != null)
getProject().setProperty(m_sBasePathProperty, sBaseRepositoryPath);
baseURL = getMetaFolderURL(sBaseJarName, sBaseRepositoryPath);
String sChecksum = null;
helper = new XMLMetadataHelper(rootURL, baseURL, null, null);
sChecksum = helper.getChecksum(true);
catch (MetadataException e)
if (baseURL != null)
// base may be old-style repository, rooted at /nexj/meta
if (m_sBasePathProperty != null)
getProject().setProperty(m_sBasePathProperty, "nexj/meta");
baseURL = getMetaFolderURL(sBaseJarName, "nexj/meta/");
helper = new XMLMetadataHelper(rootURL, baseURL, null, null);
sChecksum = helper.getChecksum(true);
throw e;
// mixin JARs
if (m_sMixinJarsProperty != null)
if (getProject().getProperty(m_sMixinJarsProperty) == null)
final StringBuffer mixinJarsBuffer = new StringBuffer();
XMLMetadataHelper.forEachReferencedMixin(descriptorElement, baseURL, new MixinNamespaceHandler()
public URL handle(String sNamespace, String sVersion, String sChecksum)
String sMixinProject = sNamespace.substring(sNamespace.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
log("Searching for mixin repository '" + sMixinProject + "' with checksum " + sChecksum);
String sMixinJAR = getPublishedJARName(sMixinProject, sChecksum);
if (sMixinJAR == null)
throw new BuildException("Missing mixin repository '" + sMixinProject + "' with version " +
sVersion + " and checksum " + sChecksum);
if (mixinJarsBuffer.length() > 0)
URL metaFolderURL = getMetaFolderURL(sMixinJAR, XMLMetadataHelper.getRepositoryPath(sNamespace));
getProject().setProperty(SysUtil.PROPERTY_PREFIX + XMLMetadataHelper.getRepositoryProperty(sNamespace), metaFolderURL.toString());
return metaFolderURL;
catch (IOException ioe)
throw new BuildException("Unable to resolve metadata folder URL for mixin repository'" + sMixinProject + "' with version " +
sVersion + " and checksum " + sChecksum, ioe);
getProject().setProperty(m_sMixinJarsProperty, mixinJarsBuffer.toString());
log("Mixin property '" + m_sMixinJarsProperty + "' already set. Ignoring.", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
log("Project '" + sProject + "': revision = " + sRevision + ", version = " + sVersion + ", checksum = " + sChecksum);
if (getProject().getProperty(m_sMetaJarProperty) == null)
getProject().setProperty(m_sMetaJarProperty, getJarName(sProject, sRevision, sVersion, sChecksum));
if (m_sChecksumProperty != null)
getProject().setProperty(m_sChecksumProperty, sChecksum);
if (m_sVersionProperty != null)
getProject().setProperty(m_sVersionProperty, sVersion);
if (m_sRevisionProperty != null)
getProject().setProperty(m_sRevisionProperty, sRevision);
if (m_sMetaPathProperty != null)
getProject().setProperty(m_sMetaPathProperty, XMLMetadataHelper.getRepositoryPath(descriptorElement.getAttribute(NAMESPACE_ATTR)));
catch (IOException e)
throw new BuildException("Cannot get URL for project " + sProject, e);
* Check if all the mandatory Ant Task attributes are set.
private void checkAttributes()
if (m_sSrcDir == null)
throw new BuildException("Undefined srcdir attribute of " + getTaskName());
if (m_sProject == null)
throw new BuildException("Undefined project attribute of " + getTaskName());
if (m_sMetaJarProperty == null)
throw new BuildException("Undefined metajarproperty attribute of " + getTaskName());
if (m_sBaseDir == null)
// default to the publish directory.
m_sBaseDir = m_sOutDir;
* Returns the metadata URL for a given JAR file with repository path.
* @param sJarFile the path string for the JAR file.
* @param sRepositoryPath the metadata path within the JAR file.
* @return a meta URL for a published jar.
* @throws IOException if a problem is encountered creating the URL object.
public static URL getMetaFolderURL(String sJarFile, String sRepositoryPath) throws IOException
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("jar:file:");
sb.append("!/" + sRepositoryPath);
return XMLMetadataHelper.getURL(URLUtil.toURL(sb.toString()), true);
* Entry point for Ant Task.
* Get Jar file names and set them in Ant properties.
public void execute() throws BuildException