// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.build;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.sun.javadoc.ClassDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.Doc;
import com.sun.javadoc.DocErrorReporter;
import com.sun.javadoc.MethodDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.RootDoc;
import com.sun.javadoc.Tag;
import nexj.core.meta.Argument;
import nexj.core.meta.Attribute;
import nexj.core.meta.Event;
import nexj.core.meta.Metaclass;
import nexj.core.meta.Type;
import nexj.core.meta.xml.XMLMetadataExporter;
import nexj.core.util.HashHolder;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.IndentingXMLWriter;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.XMLUtil;
import nexj.core.util.XMLWriter;
import nexj.core.version.Version;
* This class implements JavaDoc entry points to generate .meta files from a
* subset of the presentation layer Java source files. Note: Prints error and
* warning messages to System.err.
public class PresentationLayerDoclet
// constants
* The command line argument to specify output directory
public final static String OUTPUT_DIR_OPTION = "-metaclassOutput";
* This XML file will be generated in the output directory and contain a list
* of generated metaclasses.
public final static String METADATA_FILENAME = "presentationLayer.metadata";
* The event tag name
protected final static String EVENT_TAG = "event";
* The attribute tag name
protected final static String ATTRIBUTE_TAG = "attribute";
* The description tag name
protected final static String DESCRIPTION_TAG = "description";
* The argument tag name
protected final static String ARG_TAG = "arg";
* The return tag name
protected final static String RET_TAG = "ret";
* The example tag name
protected final static String EXAMPLE_TAG = "example";
* The type alias tag name
protected final static String TYPE_ALIAS_TAG = "class";
* Pattern used to match whitespace
private final static Pattern WHITESPACE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\s");
* Pattern used to match words
private final static Pattern WORD_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\w+");
* Matches a newline: \r\n, or \n.
private final static String NEWLINE_REGEX = "\r?\n";
* The string to use to separate lines in generated comments
private final static String NEWLINE = "\r\n";
* Classes that should be considered part of the presentation layer classes
* although they may not implement any scripting events.
private final static Set s_requiredClassSet = new HashHolder();
// associations
* The output directory to write .meta files to.
protected final File m_outputDir;
* String[String]. Map from Java class name to its scripting type alias.
private Lookup m_typeAliasMap;
// constructor
* Create a new instance with the given output directory.
* @param outputDir The output directory to use. When
* {@link #process(RootDoc)} is called output will be placed in
* this directory.
public PresentationLayerDoclet(File outputDir)
m_outputDir = outputDir;
// operations
* Entry point when run as a doclet. Called by JavaDoc. Uses
* -metaclassOutput.
* @see com.sun.javadoc.Doclet#start(RootDoc)
public static boolean start(RootDoc root)
String[][] optionArray = root.options();
String sPath = "";
for (int i = 0; i < optionArray.length; i++)
String[] cur = optionArray[i];
if (PresentationLayerDoclet.OUTPUT_DIR_OPTION.equals(cur[0]))
sPath = cur[1];
File outputDir = new File(sPath);
if (!outputDir.canWrite())
return false;
new PresentationLayerDoclet(outputDir).process(root);
return true;
* Called by JavaDoc to validate the user supplied options
* @see com.sun.javadoc.Doclet#validOptions(String[][], DocErrorReporter)
public static boolean validOptions(String[][] optionArray, DocErrorReporter reporter)
return true;
* Called by JavaDoc when parsing arguments
* @see com.sun.javadoc.Doclet#optionLength(String)
public static int optionLength(String sOption)
if (OUTPUT_DIR_OPTION.equals(sOption))
return 2;
return 0;
* Process the Java classes that JavaDoc processed: select the subset that
* are applicable to the scripting layer classes and then generate .meta
* files in the output directory for that subset.
* @param root The DocRoot as supplied by JavaDoc. This contains all
* ClassDoc's for the processed packages.
public void process(RootDoc root)
final List scriptingClassDocList = findScriptingClasses(root.classes());
final List treeList = new ArrayList();
final long lStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Calculate the tree roots in the inheritance hierarchy of only the scripting classes
// Warning: ~ O(n^3)
outer: for (Iterator it = scriptingClassDocList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
ClassDoc candidate = (ClassDoc)it.next();
for (Iterator innerIter = treeList.iterator(); innerIter.hasNext();)
ClassDoc existingRoot = (ClassDoc)innerIter.next();
if (existingRoot.subclassOf(candidate))
else if (candidate.subclassOf(existingRoot))
continue outer;
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lStart > 1000)
warning(null, "Performance problem: " + getClass().getName());
for (ListIterator it = treeList.listIterator(); it.hasNext();)
it.set(new ClassHierarchy((ClassDoc)it.next()));
FileOutputStream fosStream = null;
IndentingXMLWriter xmlWriter = null;
fosStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(m_outputDir, METADATA_FILENAME));
xmlWriter = new IndentingXMLWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(fosStream), XMLUtil.ENCODING));
m_typeAliasMap = findTypeAliases(scriptingClassDocList);
for (Iterator it = treeList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
ClassHierarchy tree = (ClassHierarchy)it.next();
catch (IOException ioe)
error("Unexpected error. Output is not complete", ioe);
closeOutput(fosStream, xmlWriter);
* Generate the first part of the XML metadata - the part before the
* ClassRefs
protected void startMetadata(XMLWriter writer) throws IOException
writer.writeAttribute("name", "NexJ Presentation Layer Documentation");
writer.writeAttribute("version", Version.RELEASE);
writer.writeAttribute("namespace", "http://www.nexjsystems.com/ns/presentationLayerDoc");
writer.writeAttribute("revision", "0");
* Generate the last part of the XML metadata - the part after the ClassRefs
protected void endMetadata(XMLWriter writer) throws IOException
* Find classes with event tags.
* @param classArray All classes as provided by JavaDoc
* @return A list of ClassDoc's that have scripting events
protected List findScriptingClasses(ClassDoc[] classArray)
List classDocList = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < classArray.length; i++)
ClassDoc classDoc = classArray[i];
if (isScriptingType(classDoc))
return classDocList;
* Get type alias information from the list of classes
* @param classDocList A list of ClassDoc
* @return A map (String[String]) from Java class name to its scripting type
* alias.
protected Lookup findTypeAliases(List classDocList)
Lookup typeAliasMap = new HashTab();
for (Iterator iterator = classDocList.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
ClassDoc classDoc = (ClassDoc)iterator.next();
if (classDoc.tags(TYPE_ALIAS_TAG).length == 1)
typeAliasMap.put(classDoc.name(), classDoc.tags(TYPE_ALIAS_TAG)[0].text());
return typeAliasMap;
* Determine if the given class has scheme events
* @param classDoc The class to check
* @return Whether the class being examined is a presentation layer scripting
* type.
protected boolean isScriptingType(ClassDoc classDoc)
if (s_requiredClassSet.contains(classDoc.qualifiedName()))
return true;
if (classDoc.tags(DESCRIPTION_TAG).length > 0 || classDoc.tags(TYPE_ALIAS_TAG).length > 0)
return true;
MethodDoc[] methodDocArray = classDoc.methods();
for (int i = 0; i < methodDocArray.length; i++)
MethodDoc method = methodDocArray[i];
if (method.tags(EVENT_TAG).length > 0 || method.tags(ATTRIBUTE_TAG).length > 0)
return true;
return false;
* Add the scripting events defined in the given ClassDoc to the given
* metaclass.
* @param clazz (Output) The metaclass to add events to
* @param classDoc The class to process. May be an inner class.
protected void addMembers(Metaclass clazz, ClassDoc classDoc) throws IOException
MethodDoc[] methodArray = classDoc.methods();
for (int nMethod = 0; nMethod < methodArray.length; nMethod++)
addEvents(clazz, methodArray[nMethod]);
addAttributes(clazz, methodArray[nMethod]);
* Add the scripting events defined in the given MethodDoc to the given
* metaclass.
* @param clazz (Output) The metaclass to add events to
* @param methodDoc The method to process.
protected void addEvents(Metaclass clazz, MethodDoc methodDoc)
if (methodDoc.tags(EVENT_TAG).length == 0)
Tag[] tagArray = methodDoc.tags();
ScriptingEvent scriptingEvent = new ScriptingEvent(methodDoc);
boolean bSeenEvent = false;
for (int i = 0; i < tagArray.length; i++)
Tag tag = tagArray[i];
if (EVENT_TAG.equals(tag.name().substring(1)))
if (bSeenEvent)
// Move on to the next event
scriptingEvent = new ScriptingEvent(methodDoc);
bSeenEvent = true;
if (bSeenEvent)
* Add the scripting attributes defined in the given MethodDoc to the given
* metaclass.
* @param clazz (Output) The metaclass to add events to
* @param methodDoc The method to process.
protected void addAttributes(Metaclass clazz, MethodDoc methodDoc)
Tag[] attributes = methodDoc.tags(ATTRIBUTE_TAG);
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++)
String sBody = attributes[i].text();
Matcher matcher = WORD_PATTERN.matcher(sBody);
if (!matcher.find())
error(methodDoc, "Attribute tag without a name");
Attribute attr = new Attribute(matcher.group());
if (!matcher.find())
warning(methodDoc, "Attribute " + attr.getName() + " does not include type");
attr.setType(new TransientType(matcher.group()));
int nStart = matcher.end();
// Optional modifiers
while (matcher.find())
String sKeyword = matcher.group().trim();
if ("readonly".equalsIgnoreCase(sKeyword))
else if ("static".equalsIgnoreCase(sKeyword))
else if ("collection".equalsIgnoreCase(sKeyword))
nStart = matcher.end();
// The description is the rest
* Get an alias from the type alias map. If the given name isn't present in
* the map then the original name is returned.
* @param sName The original class name
* @return Non null string
protected String getAlias(String sName)
if (m_typeAliasMap.contains(sName))
return (String)m_typeAliasMap.get(sName);
return sName;
* Helper method to report a tag warning in the given method
* @param doc Entity identifying the location of the error
* @param sMessage Description of the problem
protected void warning(Doc doc, String sMessage)
log(false, doc, sMessage, null);
* Helper method to report a tag error in the given method
* @param doc Entity identifying the location of the error
* @param sMessage Description of the problem
protected void error(Doc doc, String sMessage)
log(true, doc, sMessage, null);
* Helper method to report a exception
* @param sMessage Description of the problem
* @param e Exception caught
protected void error(String sMessage, Throwable e)
log(true, null, sMessage, e);
* Helper method to report an error
* @param doc Entity identifying the location of the error. May be null.
* @param sMessage Description of the problem
* @param e Exception caught. May be null.
protected void error(Doc doc, String sMessage, Throwable e)
log(true, doc, sMessage, e);
* Print an error or warning message to System.err.
* @param bError True to indicate an error, false to indicate a warning
* @param doc Entity identifying the location of the error. May be null.
* @param sMessage Message to display. Not null
* @param e Exception to log. May be null.
protected void log(boolean bError, Doc doc, String sMessage, Throwable e)
String sPrefix = bError ? "Scripting error: " : "Scripting warning: ";
if (e != null)
sMessage += ": " + ObjUtil.getMessage(e);
if (doc != null)
System.err.println(sPrefix + doc + ": " + sMessage);
System.err.println(sPrefix + sMessage);
* Closes a writer and its underlying output stream. The writer is closed
* first.
* Warning: if an exception is thrown by both stream and writer then only
* stream's error will be reported.
* @param stream The output stream. May be null
* @param writer The writer. May be null
protected void closeOutput(OutputStream stream, Writer writer)
if (writer != null)
if (stream != null)
catch (IOException ioe)
error("Error closing output file", ioe);
// inner classes
* Represents a class hierarchy. Also corresponds to a set of .meta files
* specified by the hierarchy's members.
private class ClassHierarchy
// associations
* The class hierarchy's root.
private final ClassDoc m_root;
* Set of ClassDoc's that are descendants of root.
private final Set m_memberSet = new HashHolder();
// constructor
* Create a class hierarchy with the given root.
* @param root The hierarchy root to use.
public ClassHierarchy(ClassDoc root)
m_root = root;
// operations
* From the list of classes with scripting layer events select those that
* are part of this hierarchy.
* @param classList List of ClassDoc
public void calculateMembers(List classList)
for (Iterator it = classList.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
ClassDoc candidate = (ClassDoc)it.next();
if (candidate.subclassOf(m_root))
// Ensure all classes between the memberSet members and the tree root
// are included in the memberSet, regardless of whether they have
// scripting layer events.
for (Iterator it = m_memberSet.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
for (ClassDoc classDoc = ((ClassDoc)it.next()).superclass(); classDoc != null && !m_memberSet.contains(classDoc)
&& !classDoc.name().equals("Object"); classDoc = classDoc.superclass())
* Generate .meta output for all the members
public void write()
for (Iterator it = m_memberSet.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
catch (Throwable e)
error("Unexpected exception", e);
* Generate output for the given Java class with Scheme events
* @param classDoc The class to process
private void write(ClassDoc classDoc) throws IOException
Metaclass clazz;
Tag[] tagArray;
// Set up the current class
clazz = new Metaclass(getAlias(classDoc.name()));
tagArray = classDoc.tags(DESCRIPTION_TAG);
// Class @description
if (tagArray.length > 0)
if (tagArray.length != 1)
warning(classDoc, "Multiple description tags found for " + clazz.getName());
if (classDoc.superclass() != null)
clazz.setBase(new Metaclass(getAlias(classDoc.superclass().name())));
if (clazz.getName().equals(clazz.getBase().getName()))
error(classDoc, "Type aliases cause circular hierarchy");
// Process the methods
addMembers(clazz, classDoc);
ClassDoc[] innerTypeArray = classDoc.innerClasses();
for (int i = 0; i < innerTypeArray.length; i++)
addMembers(clazz, innerTypeArray[i]);
innerTypeArray = classDoc.interfaces();
for (int i = 0; i < innerTypeArray.length; i++)
addMembers(clazz, innerTypeArray[i]);
// Export to file
FileOutputStream fosStream = null;
IndentingXMLWriter xmlWriter = null;
fosStream = new FileOutputStream(new File(m_outputDir, clazz.getName() + ".meta"));
xmlWriter = new IndentingXMLWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(fosStream), XMLUtil.ENCODING));
new XMLMetadataExporter(xmlWriter).exportMetaclass(clazz);
closeOutput(fosStream, xmlWriter);
* Write ClassRef XML for the tree's members
public void writeMetadata(XMLWriter writer) throws IOException
for (Iterator it = m_memberSet.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
writer.writeAttribute("resource", getAlias(((ClassDoc)it.next()).name()) + ".meta");
* A collection of data applicable to a single scripting event.
* Typically, after instantiation {@link ScriptingEvent#applyTag(Tag)} is
* called one or more times followed by a call to
* {@link ScriptingEvent#addToClass(Metaclass)}.
private class ScriptingEvent
* If there is an error with this event then no output will be generated
* for it, and this field will become false.
private boolean m_bValid = true;
* If there is an example tag it will be stored here, otherwise null.
private String m_sExample;
// associations
* The current scripting event defined in a tag of method
private final Event m_event;
* A list of String arrays. The first item corresponds to the return value
* and may be null. If its not null it has at most 2 elements - type and
* description. The remainder correspond to arguments and have between 1
* and 3 elements - name, type and description.
private final List m_argList;
* The Java method this Scripting event is defined in. Used when reporting
* errors.
private MethodDoc m_methodDoc;
// constructor
* Create a new scripting event. It initially is empty and has its name
* set to methodDoc's name.
* @param methodDoc The Java method that defined this event. Used for
* initialization and error reporting.
public ScriptingEvent(MethodDoc methodDoc)
m_event = new Event(methodDoc.name());
m_argList = new ArrayList();
m_methodDoc = methodDoc;
// operations
* Apply the given tag to this event.
* @param tag The tag to process. Not necessarily a recognized tag.
public void applyTag(Tag tag)
if (!m_bValid)
String sTagName = tag.name().substring(1);
if (EVENT_TAG.equals(sTagName))
String[] parts = WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split(tag.text());
if (parts.length > 0 && parts[0].length() > 0)
else if (ARG_TAG.equals(sTagName))
String[] parts = WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split(tag.text(), 3);
if (parts.length == 0)
error(m_methodDoc, "@arg tag with no name");
m_bValid = false;
else if (parts.length == 1)
warning(m_methodDoc, "@arg tag with no type");
else if (RET_TAG.equals(sTagName))
String[] parts = WHITESPACE_PATTERN.split(tag.text(), 2);
if (parts.length == 0)
warning(m_methodDoc, "@ret tag with no type");
m_argList.set(0, parts);
else if (DESCRIPTION_TAG.equals(sTagName))
else if (EXAMPLE_TAG.equals(sTagName))
m_sExample = tag.text().replaceAll(NEWLINE_REGEX, NEWLINE);
* Adds this event to the metaclass and generates SchemeDoc in the
* description field.
* @param clazz (Output) The metaclass to add events to
public void addToClass(Metaclass clazz)
if (!m_bValid)
String sOrigDescription = m_event.getDescription();
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(sOrigDescription != null ? sOrigDescription + NEWLINE : "");
Iterator it = m_argList.iterator();
String[] retTagContents = (String[])it.next();
while (it.hasNext())
String[] argTagContents = (String[])it.next();
String sArgName = argTagContents[0];
// vararg
if (sArgName.endsWith("..."))
sArgName = sArgName.substring(0, sArgName.length() - 3);
m_event.addArgument(new Argument(sArgName));
catch (Throwable t)
error(m_methodDoc, "Could not add argument", t);
buf.append("@arg ");
for (int i = 1; i < argTagContents.length; i++)
buf.append(' ');
if (retTagContents != null)
for (int i = 0; i < retTagContents.length; i++)
buf.append(' ');
if (m_sExample != null)
buf.append("@example ");
if (buf.length() > 0)
catch (Throwable ex)
error(m_methodDoc, "Could not add event", ex);
private static class TransientType extends Type
public TransientType(String sName)
* @see nexj.core.meta.Type#getBaseType()
public Type getBaseType()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* @see nexj.core.meta.Type#isPrimitive()
public boolean isPrimitive()
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();