// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.build;
import java.lang.Class;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPath;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpression;
import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException;
import org.apache.tools.ant.MagicNames;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Project;
import org.apache.tools.ant.PropertyHelper;
import org.apache.tools.ant.Task;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Ant;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Property;
import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Sequential;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import nexj.core.util.IOUtil;
import nexj.core.util.XMLUtil;
* Ant task to enable iterations of a target or nested tasks described
* by an xml file, properties file or list attribute.
* Also adds the ability to specify additional properties as parameters
* to those iterations based on the contents of the referenced files.
public class ForEach extends Task
* Pattern for non commented "key[= ]value" format property entry.
private final static Pattern PROPERTY_LINE = Pattern.compile("^([^!#\\s=]+)(?:[\\s|=]([^!#\\s]+))?(?:\\s*[!#].*)?");
* See Ant#inheritAll
private boolean m_bInheritAll = true;
* See Ant#inheritRefs
private boolean m_bInheritRefs = false;
* If false, if an iteration throws an Exception ForEach will catch and report it.
private boolean m_bFailOnError = true;
* String to contain the xml/properties file that contains
* values to be parsed.
private String m_sFileName;
* String to contain the Ant target to be called for each iteration.
private String m_sTarget;
* String to contain the Ant property to set for each iteration.
private String m_sProperty;
* String to contain the XPath to retrieve the value from a
* referenced XML file.
private String m_sXPath;
* String to contain the CSV list of values to set m_sProperty as on
* each iteration.
private String m_sList;
* String to contain the Regular Expression to parse the properties
* file value with.
private String m_sPattern;
* A Pattern array to match against a Project's properties to find
* properties to persist through multiple iterations.
private Pattern[] m_keepPropertyArray;
* Sequential element to contain the tasks to be executed during each
* iteration made.
private Sequential m_nestedTasks;
* Catch element to contain the tasks to be executed when an iteration
* throws an exception
private Sequential m_catchTasks;
* Finally element to contain the tasks to be executed after an iteration,
* exception or no exception.
private Sequential m_finalTasks;
* An array list of parameters passed as nested elements.
private List m_paramList = new ArrayList();
* An array list of iterations to be run in CallTarget style.
private List m_iterationList = new ArrayList();
* See CallTarget#setInheritAll
* @param bInheritAll set true to inherit all properties.
public void setInheritAll(boolean bInheritAll)
m_bInheritAll = bInheritAll;
* See CallTarget#setInheritAll
* @param bInheritRefs set true to inherit all references.
public void setInheritRefs(boolean bInheritRefs)
m_bInheritRefs = bInheritRefs;
* Ant attribute setter for file that contains list of projects.
* @param sFileName The path and name of the file to parse for projects.
public void setFile(String sFileName)
m_sFileName = sFileName;
* Ant attribute setter for Ant target to be called.
* @param sTarget The target to be called for each project.
public void setTarget(String sTarget)
m_sTarget = sTarget;
* Ant attribute setter for property to store key name of a property file or value from a list.
* @param sProperty The property to set for the value in each call to the target.
public void setProperty(String sProperty)
m_sProperty = sProperty;
* Ant attribute setter for property to store value name.
* @param sProperty The property to set for the value in each call to the target.
public void setXPath(String sXPath)
m_sXPath = sXPath;
* Ant attribute setter for inline list iterations.
* @param sList The property to set for the value in each call to the target.
public void setList(String sList)
m_sList = sList;
* Ant attribute setter for pattern to extract the properties in a properties file
* @param sPattern The property to set for the value in each call to the target.
public void setPattern(String sPattern)
m_sPattern = sPattern;
* Ant attribute setter for the comma separated list of patterns of properties
* that are to persist through iterations in this ForEach task.
* @param sPattern A comma separated list of Patterns to match against iteration properties.
public void setKeep(String sPatternList)
String[] sTokenArray = sPatternList.split(",");
int nIndex;
if (sTokenArray.length > 0)
m_keepPropertyArray = new Pattern[sTokenArray.length];
for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < sTokenArray.length; nIndex++)
m_keepPropertyArray[nIndex] = Pattern.compile(sTokenArray[nIndex]);
* Ant attribute setter for catching iteration exceptions.
* @param bCatchException Whether to catch and report exceptions in an iteration.
public void setFailOnError(boolean bFailOnError)
m_bFailOnError = bFailOnError;
* Creation of nested Parameter elements to be evaluated for each iteration.
* @return The Parameter object to setup for evaluation during a given iteration.
public Parameter createParameter()
Parameter param = new Parameter();
return param;
* Creation of the nested Sequential element which contains the Ant Tasks to be
* executed for each iteration.
* @return The Parameter object to populated for each iteration.
public Sequential createSequential()
if (m_nestedTasks != null)
throw new BuildException("Cannot have two nested Sequential elements.");
m_nestedTasks = new Sequential();
return m_nestedTasks;
* Returns a nested Sequential element for the Catch part of the
* ForEach task.
* @return The Sequential element for the user to add Catch Tasks to.
public Sequential createCatch()
if (m_catchTasks != null)
throw new BuildException("Cannot have two nested Catch elements");
m_catchTasks = new Sequential();
return m_catchTasks;
* Returns a nested Sequential element for the Finally part of the
* ForEach task.
* @return The Sequential element for the user to add Finally Tasks to.
public Sequential createFinally()
if (m_finalTasks != null)
throw new BuildException("Cannot have two nested Finally elements");
m_finalTasks = new Sequential();
return m_finalTasks;
* Check if all the mandatory Ant Task attribute combinations are set.
private void checkAttributes()
if (m_sTarget == null && m_nestedTasks == null)
throw new BuildException("Undefined target or nested Sequential element to execute for " + getTaskName());
if (m_sTarget != null && m_nestedTasks != null)
throw new BuildException("Cannot define both attribute target and nested Sequential element for " + getTaskName());
// check incompatible attributes: different methods of iteration
if (m_sPattern != null && m_sXPath != null)
throw new BuildException("Cannot define both attributes \"pattern\" and \"xpath\".");
if (m_sList != null && m_sXPath != null)
throw new BuildException("Cannot define both attributes \"list\" and \"xpath\".");
if (m_sList != null && m_sPattern != null)
throw new BuildException("Cannot define both attributes \"list\" and \"pattern\".");
log("Persist property patterns: " + Arrays.toString(m_keepPropertyArray), Project.MSG_DEBUG);
// Required attributes by case
// if using properties file or inline list (i.e. NOT xpath)
// we need to have property set
if (m_sXPath == null && m_sProperty == null)
throw new BuildException("You must define a property attribute when not using the \"xpath\" attribute.");
// if using properties file or xml file (i.e. NOT inline lists)
// we need to have filename set
if (m_sList == null && m_sFileName == null)
throw new BuildException("You must define a filename attribute when not using the \"list\" attribute.");
// if not the case we're parsing xpath, properties file or inline list
if (!((m_sXPath != null && m_sFileName != null)
|| (m_sList != null && m_sProperty != null)
|| (m_sProperty != null && m_sFileName != null)))
throw new BuildException("Insufficient parameters.");
// validate parameters
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_paramList.size(); nIndex++)
Parameter param = (Parameter)m_paramList.get(nIndex);
if (param.getGroup() != Parameter.GROUP_DEFAULT && m_sPattern == null)
throw new BuildException("You must specify a \"pattern\" attribute if using Parameter \"group\" attributes.");
if (param.getName() == null)
throw new BuildException("You must specify a \"name\" for Parameter parameters.");
// ensure a value is expected
if (param.getXPath() == null && param.getValue() == null && param.getGroup() == Parameter.GROUP_DEFAULT)
throw new BuildException("You must specify a \"value\", \"group\" or \"xpath\" for nested Parameter elements.");
* Parse a inline list attribute to determine the iterations to be run.
private void parseList()
String[] sTokenArray = m_sList.split(",");
for (int nParamIndex = 0; nParamIndex < m_paramList.size(); nParamIndex++)
// check the parameter
Parameter userParam = (Parameter)((Parameter)m_paramList.get(nParamIndex)).clone();
if (userParam.getValue() == null
|| userParam.getXPath() != null
|| userParam.getGroup() != Parameter.GROUP_DEFAULT)
throw new BuildException("Nested Parameter elements used with \"list\" " +
"attribute must specify a explicit value, and cannot contain " +
"\"xpath\" or \"group\" attributes.");
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < sTokenArray.length; nIndex++)
Iteration iter = new Iteration();
Parameter param = new Parameter();
* Compile an XPath string into an XPathExpression
* @param sXPath the XPath as a String
* @return the XPath argument as a XPathExpression
* @throws XPathExpressionException
private static XPathExpression compile(String sXPath) throws XPathExpressionException
XPath xpath = javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath(); // New XPath object
return xpath.compile(sXPath);
* Parse an XML file using XPath to determine the iterations to be run
* and retrieve a list of parameters to set for each.
private void parseXPath()
File file = new File(m_sFileName);
if (!file.exists())
throw new BuildException("Missing file: " + file.getPath());
XPathExpression expression;
NodeList nodeList;
expression = compile(m_sXPath); // Compile an XPath string into an XPathExpression
nodeList = (NodeList)expression.evaluate(new org.xml.sax.InputSource(m_sFileName), XPathConstants.NODESET); // Evaluate the XPath expression on an input document
catch (XPathExpressionException e)
throw new BuildException("Could not compile and evaluate XPath \"" + m_sXPath + "\" with document \"" + m_sFileName + "\".");
for (int nIndex = 0; nIndex < nodeList.getLength(); nIndex++)
Node context = nodeList.item(nIndex);
Iteration iteration = new Iteration();
for (int nParamIndex = 0; nParamIndex < m_paramList.size(); nParamIndex++)
// clone the original parameter for each iteration
Parameter userParam = (Parameter)((Parameter)m_paramList.get(nParamIndex)).clone();
XPathExpression xpath = userParam.getXPath();
// check the parameters for validity
if (xpath != null)
NodeList paramResults = (NodeList)xpath.evaluate(context, XPathConstants.NODESET); // Evaluate the XPath expression on an input document
if (paramResults.getLength() >= 1)
String sNodeValue;
userParam.setValue(sNodeValue = paramResults.item(paramResults.getLength()-1).getNodeValue());
if (paramResults.getLength() > 1)
log("Warning: Multiple results for parameter \"" + userParam.getName() + "\". Using \"" + sNodeValue + "\".");
catch (XPathExpressionException e)
log("Could not evaluate XPath expression for \"" + userParam.getName() + "\" from context \"" + context.getBaseURI() + "\". Skipping..", Project.MSG_WARN);
if (userParam.getValue() != null)
else if (userParam.isRequired())
throw new BuildException("No value found for paramter name \"" + userParam.getName() + "\".");
* Parse an .properties formatted file using regular expressions
* to determine the iterations to be run and retrieve a list of
* parameters to set for each.
private void parseProperties()
File file = new File(m_sFileName);
if (file.exists())
BufferedReader reader = null;
InputStream istream = null;
Pattern valuePattern = Pattern.compile(m_sPattern);
String sLine;
istream = new FileInputStream(file);
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(istream, XMLUtil.ENCODING));
for (;;)
sLine = reader.readLine();
if (sLine == null)
if (sLine.length() > 0)
Matcher match = PROPERTY_LINE.matcher(sLine.trim()); // Want property name and value to parse further
if (match.matches() || m_sPattern.equals("line"))
Iteration iteration = new Iteration();
String sKey = m_sPattern.equals("line")? sLine.trim() : match.group(1);
String sValue = m_sPattern.equals("line")? null : match.group(2);
if (sKey != null)
Parameter propParam = new Parameter();
Matcher valueMatcher = null; // to match the value part of the property
log("Found iteration: " + m_sProperty + " = " + sKey + ".", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
if (sValue != null)
valueMatcher = valuePattern.matcher(sValue);
if (!valueMatcher.matches())
log("Warning: Could not evaluate supplied pattern \"" + m_sPattern + "\" against value: \"" + match.group(2) + "\". Skipping..", Project.MSG_WARN);
valueMatcher = null; // just so we only have to check a single condition from now on
log("Warning: no value to evaluate pattern \"" + m_sPattern + "\" against in line \"" + sLine + "\". Skipping..", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
int nParams = m_paramList.size();
int nParamIndex;
for (nParamIndex = 0; nParamIndex < nParams; nParamIndex++)
// check the parameters
Parameter userParam = (Parameter)((Parameter)m_paramList.get(nParamIndex)).clone();
int nParamGroupNum = userParam.getGroup();
if (valueMatcher != null) {
if (nParamGroupNum != Parameter.GROUP_DEFAULT)
String sResult = null;
if (nParamGroupNum > valueMatcher.groupCount() || (sResult = valueMatcher.group(nParamGroupNum)) == null)
throw new BuildException("No pattern group " + nParamGroupNum + " found in string \"" + sValue + "\".");
if (userParam.getValue() != null)
else if (userParam.isRequired())
throw new BuildException("No value found for paramter name \"" + userParam.getName() + "\".");
} // end param checking
} // end if sKey != null
log("Warning: could not evaluate the following line against .properties format: \"" + sLine + "\". Skipping..", Project.MSG_WARN);
//evaluate as a line
log("Warning: the following line could not be parsed due to format: \"" + sLine + "\". Skipping..", Project.MSG_WARN);
catch (IOException e)
throw new BuildException("Unable to parse file: " + file.getPath());
throw new BuildException("Missing file: " + file.getPath());
* This static method reflectively retreieves the newProject Field
* from a given Ant class object.
* @param callee The target Ant object
* @return The Project object that the given Ant object uses to execute the target call.
private static Project extractNewProject(Ant callee)
Class antClass = callee.getClass();
Field newProjectField = null;
Project newProject = null;
newProjectField = antClass.getDeclaredField("newProject");
newProject = (Project)newProjectField.get(callee);
catch (Exception e)
throw new BuildException(e); // from Class.getDeclaredField() or Field.get()
return newProject;
* Handle a thrown exception thrown during an iteration, specifically
* regarding exception type thrown by the iteration and what
* failOnError is set to.
* @param exception The exception thrown by the iteration.
* @throws BuildException The throwable cause, thrown as a BuildException for Ant if failOnError is true.
private void handleException(Exception exception) throws BuildException
if (m_catchTasks != null)
if (m_bFailOnError)
if (exception instanceof BuildException)
throw (BuildException)exception;
throw new BuildException(exception);
log(exception.toString(), Project.MSG_ERR);
* Handle the try-catch's finally section for an iteration.
private void handleFinally()
if (m_finalTasks != null)
* Entry point for Ant Task.
* Call a specified Ant target for a number of iterations described by
* attributes set.
public void execute() throws BuildException
if (m_sXPath != null)
else if (m_sList != null)
if (m_sTarget != null)
ProjectState persistentState = new ProjectState(m_keepPropertyArray);
for (Iterator it = m_iterationList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Iteration iteration = (Iteration)it.next();
List parameters = iteration.getParams();
Ant callee = new Ant(this);
log("Executing task \"" + m_sTarget + "\" for:", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
// set properties to persist as Parameters
// set nested parameters
for (Iterator paramIt = parameters.iterator(); paramIt.hasNext(); )
Parameter param = (Parameter)paramIt.next();
Property calleeParam = callee.createProperty();
if (getProject().getProperty(param.getName()) != null)
log(" Overriding existing property \"" + param.getName() + "\".", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
log(" \"" + param.getName() + "\"=\"" + param.getValue() + "\".", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
// get Project handle
Project calleeNewProject = extractNewProject(callee);
//target execution
catch (Exception exception)
if (m_keepPropertyArray != null)
catch (Exception e)
// exception in the ForEach overhead, throw exception (failonerror attribute doesn't apply)
throw new BuildException(e);
// set properties to persist as Parameters
{ // Sequential
// get original properties to restore once iterations are complete
ProjectState persistentState = new ProjectState(m_keepPropertyArray);
for (Iterator it = m_iterationList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Iteration iteration = (Iteration)it.next();
List parameters = iteration.getParams();
//Restore original set of user and normal properties with persistent properties.
// set nested parameters
for (Iterator paramIt = parameters.iterator(); paramIt.hasNext(); )
Parameter param = (Parameter)paramIt.next();
if (getProject().getProperty(param.getName()) != null)
log(" Overriding existing property \"" + param.getName() + "\".", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
log(" \"" + param.getName() + "\"=\"" + param.getValue() + "\".", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
getProject().setProperty(param.getName(), param.getValue());
catch (Exception exception)
if (m_keepPropertyArray != null)
persistentState.updatePersistent(getProject()); //get persisting properties from this iteration
} // end iterations
//Restore original set of user and normal properties with persistent properties.
* Inner class to represent each iteration that this task will
* execute.
public static class Iteration
* List to store Parameter objects used in this Iteration.
List m_parameterList; // of Nodes
* To create the list.
public Iteration()
m_parameterList = new ArrayList();
* Adds a Parameter to this Iteration.
* @param param A Parameter to be set for this Iteration.
public void addParam(Parameter param)
* Gets the List of Parameters to be set for this Iteration.
* @return The Parameters to be set for this Iteration.
public List getParams()
return m_parameterList;
* Inner class to represent the parameter and its multiple
* ways of evaluation for each iteration.
public static class Parameter
* A value to represent that no group attribute has been set.
public final static int GROUP_DEFAULT = -1;
* A value to represent that the corresponding Ant Property must be set.
private boolean m_bRequired = false;
* Name of the current Parameter object when it is to be set as an Ant Property.
private String m_sName;
* Value to assign to the Parameter object.
private String m_sValue;
* Default value to assign to the Parameter object if no other value can be determined.
private String m_sDefault;
* XPath to be used to determine the Parameter's value if applicable.
private XPathExpression m_xpathExpression;
* Regex pattern group number to be used to determine the Parameter object's value if applicable.
private int m_nPatternGroup = GROUP_DEFAULT;
* Default constructor
public Parameter()
* Constructor allows the initialization of the name and value inline.
* @param sName The name of this Parameter.
* @param sValue The value to be assigned to this Parameter.
public Parameter(String sName, String sValue)
m_sName = sName;
m_sValue = sValue;
* Sets whether this property must have a value when used in the associated
* target call or nested task execution. If the property has no Default or
* Value attribute and the xpath or regular expression could not be resolved
* to a value, an error will occur if this is set to true.
* Defaults to false, which means if the target or nested tasks are executed and
* this parameter could not be given a value, no error will be thrown.
* @param bRequired Whether or not this parameter must be set when the target or nested tasks is called.
public void setRequired(boolean bRequired)
m_bRequired = bRequired;
* Returns whether a parameter is required to be set when the iterations
* are run.
* @return Whether this parameter is required to be set in the iteration.
public boolean isRequired()
return m_bRequired;
* Set the name of the Parameter.
* @param sName the name to set
public void setName(String sName)
m_sName = sName;
* Return the same of this Parameter.
* @return the name of the Parameter when set as an Ant Property, or null if none was assigned.
public String getName()
return m_sName;
* The value to set this Parameter to.
* @param sValue the value to set the Parameter to.
public void setValue(String sValue)
m_sValue = sValue;
* Returns the value of this Parameter, whether the value is explicitly assigned, evaluated through XPath or regular expression, or set to the default value.
* @return the value of the Parameter, or null if none can evaluated.
public String getValue()
return (m_sValue == null) ? m_sDefault : m_sValue;
* Sets the default value for the Parameter.
* @param sDefault the default to set this Parameter to.
public void setDefault(String sDefault)
m_sDefault = sDefault;
* Returns the default value of this Parameter, whatever the calculated value.
* @return the default value of the Parameter, or null if none is assigned.
public String getDefault()
return m_sDefault;
* Sets the XPath the Parameter value will be evaluated to.
* @param xPath the XPath to set.
public void setXPath(String sXPath)
m_xpathExpression = compile(sXPath); // Compile an XPath string into an XPathExpression
catch (XPathExpressionException e)
throw new BuildException("Invalid XPath expression \"" + sXPath + "\".");
* Returns the XPath value of the Parameter.
* @return the XPath of the Parameter, or null if none was assigned.
public XPathExpression getXPath()
return m_xpathExpression;
* Set the pattern group number this Parameter will be evaluated to.
* After the parent element's pattern attribute is evaluated against the property file line, the user can use one of the pattern's groupings to assign a Parameter a value.
* @param patternGroup the group number to set this Parameter to.
public void setGroup(String sPatternGroup)
m_nPatternGroup = Integer.parseInt(sPatternGroup);
catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
throw new BuildException("Invalid number format: " + sPatternGroup);
if (m_nPatternGroup < 0)
throw new BuildException("Invalid group value: " + sPatternGroup);
* Return the pattern group number this Parameter will be evaluated to.
* @return the pattern group number of this Parameter, or Parameter.GROUP_DEFAULT if none was assigned.
public int getGroup()
return m_nPatternGroup;
* Allow this class to be cloned, duplicating all the relevant fields.
* @return A copy of this Parameter object including it's field values.
public Object clone()
Parameter param = new Parameter();
param.m_xpathExpression = m_xpathExpression;
param.m_nPatternGroup = this.m_nPatternGroup;
return param;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
return m_sName;
* Inner class to represent the original properties of a Project and
* store properties that may be needed to persist from iteration to
* iteration.
public class ProjectState
* A Hashtable representing original Properties of a Project object
private Hashtable m_properties;
* A Hashtable representing original User Properties of a Project object
private Hashtable m_userProperties;
* An array of Patterns used to match persistent properties
private Pattern[] m_keepPropertyPatternsArray;
* A Hashtable to store persistent properties
private Hashtable m_persistentProperties;
* ProjectState constructor. Can take an array of Patterns
* which each specify a regular expression that can be used
* to determine if a property fall into a category of
* "persistent".
* @param keepPropertyPatternsArray
public ProjectState(Pattern[] keepPropertyPatternsArray)
m_keepPropertyPatternsArray = keepPropertyPatternsArray;
* Saves the user and non-user Properties of the given Project object
* in this ProjectState.
* @param targetProject The target Project object to save properties from.
public void saveAll(Project targetProject)
m_properties = targetProject.getProperties(); //getProperties() creates a new HashTable
m_userProperties = targetProject.getUserProperties(); //getUserProperties() creates a new HashTable
* Restores the persistent properties of this ProjectState to a given
* Project object, as well as the original properties saved using saveAll()
* method.
* @param targetProject The Project target to set the relevant
* properties in.
public void restore(Project targetProject)
// Restore the original user and non-user properties to this Project object
PropertyHelper helper = (PropertyHelper) targetProject.getReference(MagicNames.REFID_PROPERTY_HELPER);
Class propertyHelperClass = helper.getClass();
//check if Properties Maps are null
if (m_properties != null)
Field propertiesField = propertyHelperClass.getDeclaredField("properties");
propertiesField.set(helper, new Hashtable(m_properties));
if (m_userProperties != null)
Field userPropertiesField = propertyHelperClass.getDeclaredField("userProperties");
userPropertiesField.set(helper, new Hashtable(m_userProperties));
catch (Exception e)
throw new BuildException(e); // from Class.getDeclaredField() or Field.set()
// Add persistent properties to this Project object
if (m_persistentProperties != null)
Iterator persistentPropertyIterator =
while (persistentPropertyIterator.hasNext())
Map.Entry propertyEntry = (Map.Entry)persistentPropertyIterator.next();
String sName = (String)propertyEntry.getKey();
String sValue = (String)propertyEntry.getValue();
log(" Set persistent property: \"" + sName + "\"=\"" + sValue + "\".", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
targetProject.setProperty(sName, sValue);
* Restores the persistent properties of this ProjectState to a given
* Ant object. Original properties saved using saveAll() are not restored
* as Ant objects are not re-used.
* @param callee The Ant target environment to set persistent properties in.
public void restore(Ant callee)
// doesn't restore Properties Maps, Ant objects aren't reused.
// Add persistent properties to this Ant object
if (m_persistentProperties != null)
Iterator persistentPropertyIterator =
while (persistentPropertyIterator.hasNext())
Map.Entry propertyEntry = (Map.Entry)persistentPropertyIterator.next();
Property calleeParam = callee.createProperty();
String sName = (String)propertyEntry.getKey();
String sValue = (String)propertyEntry.getValue();
log(" Set persistent property: \"" + sName + "\"=\"" + sValue + "\".", Project.MSG_DEBUG);
* Based on the targetProject's current properties and this ProjectState
* object's collection of Pattern's, updates the properties that will
* persist across iterations.
* @param targetProject The Project to collect persistent properties from.
public void updatePersistent(Project targetProject)
assert(m_keepPropertyPatternsArray != null);
Map properties = targetProject.getProperties();
Iterator propertyEntyIterator = properties.entrySet().iterator(); //current project properties
int nIndex;
m_persistentProperties = new Hashtable();
while (propertyEntyIterator.hasNext())
Map.Entry propertyEntry = (Map.Entry)propertyEntyIterator.next();
//iterate persistent property Patterns to match regex
for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < m_keepPropertyPatternsArray.length; nIndex++)
String sKey = (String)propertyEntry.getKey();
Matcher match = m_keepPropertyPatternsArray[nIndex].matcher(sKey);
if (match.matches())
m_persistentProperties.put(sKey, (String)propertyEntry.getValue());
log("Found " + m_persistentProperties.size() + " parameters to persist: " + m_persistentProperties.toString(), Project.MSG_DEBUG);