Package nexj.core.admin.etl

Source Code of nexj.core.admin.etl.DataLoader

// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.admin.etl;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import nexj.core.meta.Attribute;
import nexj.core.meta.Metaclass;
import nexj.core.meta.Metadata;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.AttributeMapping;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.DataSource;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.PersistenceMapping;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.SchemaUpgrade;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.RelationalClassMapping;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.RelationalDatabase;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.RelationalMapping;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.RelationalPrimitiveMapping;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.RelationalSchema;
import nexj.core.meta.persistence.sql.Table;
import nexj.core.meta.upgrade.ScriptUpgrade;
import nexj.core.meta.upgrade.Upgrade;
import nexj.core.meta.upgrade.UpgradeState;
import nexj.core.meta.upgrade.VersionUpgrade;
import nexj.core.persistence.OID;
import nexj.core.persistence.PersistenceAdapter;
import nexj.core.persistence.Query;
import nexj.core.persistence.SchemaVersion;
import nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLAdapter;
import nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLConnectionFactory;
import nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLSchemaManager;
import nexj.core.persistence.sql.SQLWriterConnection;
import nexj.core.rpc.CharacterStreamMarshaller;
import nexj.core.rpc.CharacterStreamUnmarshaller;
import nexj.core.rpc.InstanceFactory;
import nexj.core.rpc.RPCUtil;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.rpc.text.TextMarshaller;
import nexj.core.runtime.Context;
import nexj.core.runtime.Instance;
import nexj.core.runtime.InstanceArrayList;
import nexj.core.runtime.InstanceList;
import nexj.core.runtime.InvocationContext;
import nexj.core.scripting.Function;
import nexj.core.scripting.Pair;
import nexj.core.scripting.Symbol;
import nexj.core.util.HashHolder;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.IOUtil;
import nexj.core.util.IdentityHashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Logger;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.Named;
import nexj.core.util.NoCloseInputStream;
import nexj.core.util.NoCloseOutputStream;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.SysUtil;
import nexj.core.util.Undefined;
import nexj.core.util.XMLUtil;

* Data import/export tool.
public class DataLoader
   // attributes

    * The data marshaller class name.
   protected String m_sMarshallerClassName = TextMarshaller.class.getName();

    * The data unmarshaller class name.
    * Null to auto-detect.
   protected String m_sUnmarshallerClassName;

    * The data compression flag.
   protected boolean m_bCompressed = true;

   // associations

    * The invocation context.
   protected InvocationContext m_context;

    * The class logger.
   private final static Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(DataLoader.class);

   // constructors

    * Constructs the player with an invocation context.
    * @param context The invocation context.
   public DataLoader(InvocationContext context)
      m_context = context;

   // operations

    * Sets the data marshaller class name.
    * @param sMarshallerClassName The data marshaller class name to set.
   public void setMarshallerClassName(String sMarshallerClassName)
      m_sMarshallerClassName = sMarshallerClassName;

    * @return The data marshaller class name.
   public String getMarshallerClassName()
      return m_sMarshallerClassName;

    * Sets the data unmarshaller class name.
    * @param sUnmarshallerClassName The data unmarshaller class name to set.
   public void setUnmarshallerClassName(String sUnmarshallerClassName)
      m_sUnmarshallerClassName = sUnmarshallerClassName;

    * @return The data unmarshaller class name.
   public String getUnmarshallerClassName()
      return m_sUnmarshallerClassName;

    * Sets the data compression flag.
    * @param bCompressed The data compression flag to set.
   public void setCompressed(boolean bCompressed)
      m_bCompressed = bCompressed;

    * @return The data compression flag.
   public boolean isCompressed()
      return m_bCompressed;

    * Outputs an object to a stream.
    * @param ostream The object dump output stream.
    * @param obj The object to write.
   protected void output(OutputStream ostream, Object obj) throws Exception
      CharacterStreamMarshaller msh = (CharacterStreamMarshaller)Class.forName(m_sMarshallerClassName)
         .getConstructor(new Class[]{Context.class})
         .newInstance(new Object[]{m_context});

      if (msh instanceof TextMarshaller)

      if (m_bCompressed)
         ostream = new GZIPOutputStream(new NoCloseOutputStream(ostream));

      Writer writer = IOUtil.openBufferedWriter(ostream, XMLUtil.ENCODING);

      msh.serialize(obj, writer);


    * Inputs an object from a stream.
    * @param istream The object dump output stream.
   protected Object input(InputStream istream) throws Exception
      boolean bCompressed = m_bCompressed;

      if (!istream.markSupported())
         istream = new BufferedInputStream(istream);

      if (bCompressed)

            istream = new GZIPInputStream(istream);
         catch (IOException e)
            bCompressed = false;

      String[] sClassNameArray = (m_sUnmarshallerClassName != null) ?
         new String[]{m_sUnmarshallerClassName} :
         new String[]
            SysUtil.PACKAGE + ".core.rpc.json.JSONUnmarshaller",
            SysUtil.PACKAGE + ".core.rpc.text.TextUnmarshaller",
            SysUtil.PACKAGE + ".core.rpc.soap.SOAPUnmarshaller",
            SysUtil.PACKAGE + ".core.rpc.xml.XMLUnmarshaller",

      Exception e = null;
      boolean bReset = (sClassNameArray.length > 1);

      if (bReset)
         if (!istream.markSupported())
            istream = new BufferedInputStream(istream);

         istream = new NoCloseInputStream(istream);

      for (int i = 0; i < sClassNameArray.length; ++i)
         if (bReset)

            CharacterStreamUnmarshaller unmsh = (CharacterStreamUnmarshaller)Class
               .getConstructor(new Class[]{Context.class})
               .newInstance(new Object[]{m_context});

            return unmsh.deserialize(IOUtil.openBufferedReader(istream, XMLUtil.ENCODING));
         catch (Exception x)
            e = x;

            if (bReset)

      throw e;

    * Resolves a map value by looking up consecutively a class and its base classes.
    * @param metaclass The class object. Can be null.
    * @param map The value map. Can be null.
    * @return The resolved value, or null if not found.
   protected static Object resolve(Metaclass metaclass, Lookup map)
      if (map != null)
         for (; metaclass != null; metaclass = metaclass.getBase())
            Object value = map.get(metaclass);

            if (value != null)
               return value;

      return null;

    * Reads instances.
    * @param metaclass The class object.
    * @param attributes The attributes to read.
    * @param where The where clause (can be an OID collection).
    * @return The instances read.
   protected InstanceList read(Metaclass metaclass, Pair attributes, Object where)
      if (where instanceof Collection)
         return read(metaclass, attributes, (Collection)where, 128);

      Query query = Query.createRead(metaclass, attributes, where, null, -1, 0, false, Query.SEC_NONE, m_context);



    * Reads instances specified by their OIDs.
    * @param metaclass The class object.
    * @param attributes The attributes to read.
    * @param oidList The collection of instance OIDs.
    * @return The instances read.
   protected InstanceList read(Metaclass metaclass, Pair attributes, Collection oidList, int nPageSize)
      List sortedOIDList = new ArrayList(oidList);


      int nCount = sortedOIDList.size();

      if (nPageSize <= 0)
         nPageSize = nCount;

      InstanceList instanceList = new InstanceArrayList();

      for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i += nPageSize)
         InstanceList list = read(metaclass, attributes,
            Pair.list(Symbol.IN_P, Pair.list(Symbol.AT),
               sortedOIDList.subList(i, Math.min(i + nPageSize, nCount))));

         for (int k = 0; k < list.size(); ++k)
            instanceList.add(list.getInstance(k), InstanceList.REPLACE);

      return instanceList;

    * Exports the data from the system.
    * @param dataSourceSet Set of data sources to export. Null for all.
    * @param whereMap Maps a class object to a where clause or an OID collection: Object[Metaclass].
    * @param bExclusive True to limit the exported classes to those in whereMap.
    * @return List of transfer object.
   public List exportData(Set dataSourceSet, Lookup whereMap, boolean bExclusive)
      Metadata metadata = m_context.getMetadata();
      List resultList = new ArrayList();
      Lookup identityMap = new IdentityHashTab();
      Lookup classMap = new HashTab();

      for (Iterator itr = metadata.getMetaclassIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         Metaclass metaclass = (Metaclass);
         PersistenceMapping mapping = metaclass.getPersistenceMapping();
         Object where = resolve(metaclass, whereMap);

         if (mapping == null ||
            dataSourceSet != null && !dataSourceSet.contains(mapping.getDataSource()) ||
            where == null && bExclusive ||
            Boolean.FALSE.equals(where) ||

         Metaclass root = metaclass.getPersistenceRoot();
         Pair attributes = null;

         for (int i = 0, n = metaclass.getInstanceAttributeCount(); i < n; ++i)
            Attribute attribute = metaclass.getInstanceAttribute(i);
            Metaclass declarator = attribute.getDeclarator();

            if (attribute.isPersistent() &&
               attribute.getWhere() == null &&
               (!attribute.isCollection() || attribute.getReverse() == null) &&
               attribute != mapping.getLockingAttribute() &&
               (declarator == metaclass ||
                  declarator.getPersistenceMapping() == null ||
                  declarator.getPersistenceMapping().isCompatible(metaclass.getPersistenceMapping())) &&
               attributes = new Pair(attribute.getSymbol(), attributes);

         if (metaclass != root)
            attributes = new Pair(new Pair(Symbol.ATAT, new Pair(metaclass.getSymbol(), attributes)));

         classMap.put(root, Pair.append((Pair)classMap.get(root), attributes));

      for (Iterator itr = classMap.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         Metaclass metaclass = (Metaclass);

         if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
            s_logger.debug("Reading class \"" + metaclass.getName() + "\"");

         Pair attributes = (Pair)classMap.get(metaclass);

         resultList.add(new Pair(read(metaclass, attributes, resolve(metaclass, whereMap)), attributes));

      List list = new ArrayList();

      for (int i = 0, n = resultList.size(); i < n; ++i)
         Pair pair = (Pair)resultList.get(i);
         InstanceList ilist = (InstanceList)pair.getHead();

         if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
            if (!ilist.isEmpty())
               s_logger.debug("Exporting class \"" + ilist.getInstance(0).getMetaclass()
                  .getPersistenceRoot().getName() + "\"");

         list.addAll((List)RPCUtil.transfer(ilist, pair.getNext(), identityMap, RPCUtil.TF_ALL | RPCUtil.TF_LAZY));

      return list;

    * Exports the data from the system.
    * @param ostream Object dump output stream.
    * @param dataSourceSet Set of data sources to export. Null for all.
    * @param whereMap Maps a class object to a where clause: Object[Metaclass].
    * @param bExclusive True to limit the exported classes to those in whereMap.
   public void exportData(OutputStream ostream, Set dataSourceSet, Lookup whereMap, boolean bExclusive) throws Exception
      output(ostream, exportData(dataSourceSet, whereMap, bExclusive));

    * Exports data corresponding to a given read specification.
    * @param specItr Read specification iterator: (class attributes where)
    * @return List of transfer object.
   public List exportData(Iterator specItr)
      Lookup identityMap = new IdentityHashTab(128);

      while (specItr.hasNext())
         Object spec =;
         Metaclass metaclass;
         Pair attributes = null;
         Object where = null;
         Object obj;
         Pair pair;

         if (spec instanceof Pair)
            pair = (Pair)spec;
            obj = pair.getHead();
            pair = pair.getNext();
            obj = spec;
            pair = null;

         if (obj instanceof Metaclass)
            metaclass = (Metaclass)obj;
         else if (obj instanceof Symbol || obj instanceof String)
            metaclass = m_context.getMetadata().getMetaclass(obj.toString());
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid class specification");

         if (pair != null)
            attributes = (Pair)pair.getHead();
            pair = pair.getNext();

         if (pair != null)
            where = pair.getHead();

            if (pair.getTail() != null)
               throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid query specification");

         RPCUtil.transfer(read(metaclass, attributes, where), attributes,
            identityMap, RPCUtil.TF_ALL | RPCUtil.TF_LAZY);

      Lookup whereMap = new HashTab();

      for (Iterator itr = identityMap.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         Object obj =;

         if (obj instanceof Instance)
            Instance instance = (Instance)obj;
            OID oid = instance.getOID();

            if (oid != null)
               Metaclass metaclass = instance.getLazyMetaclass().getPersistenceRoot();
               Set oidSet = (Set)whereMap.get(metaclass);

               if (oidSet == null)
                  oidSet = new HashHolder();
                  whereMap.put(metaclass, oidSet);


      return exportData(null, whereMap, true);

    * Exports data corresponding to a given read specification.
    * @param ostream Object dump output stream.
    * @param specItr Read specification iterator: (class attributes where)
    * @return List of transfer object.
   public void exportData(OutputStream ostream, Iterator specItr) throws Exception
      output(ostream, exportData(specItr));

    * Imports the data into the persistent storage.
    * @param tobjItr TransferObject iterator.
    * @param bEmpty True if the persistent storage is empty.
   public void importData(Iterator tobjItr, boolean bEmpty) throws Exception
      importData(tobjItr, null, bEmpty);

    * Imports the data into the persistent storage.
    * @param tobjItr TransferObject iterator.
    * @param dataSourceSet Set of data sources to import. Null for all.
    * @param bEmpty True if the persistent storage is empty.
   public void importData(Iterator tobjItr, Set dataSourceSet, boolean bEmpty)

      InstanceFactory factory = new InstanceFactory(m_context);

      while (tobjItr.hasNext())

      for (Iterator itr = factory.getIdentityMap().valueIterator(); itr.hasNext();)
         Object obj =;

         if (obj instanceof Instance)
            Instance inst = (Instance)obj;

            if (inst.getOID() != null)
               Metaclass metaclass = inst.getMetaclass();
               PersistenceMapping mapping = inst.getPersistenceMapping();

               if (isRoot(metaclass) && isWritable(mapping) &&
                   (dataSourceSet == null || dataSourceSet.contains(inst.getPersistenceMapping().getDataSource())))
                  if (bEmpty && !metaclass.getName().equals(Metadata.VERSION_CLASS_NAME) ||
                      Query.createRead(metaclass, null, Pair.attribute("").eq(inst.getOID()), null,
                                       -1, 0, false, Query.SEC_NONE, m_context).read().isEmpty())

                     for (int i = 0, n = metaclass.getInstanceAttributeCount(); i < n ; ++i)
                        Attribute attribute = metaclass.getInstanceAttribute(i);

                        if (attribute.isPersistent() &&
                           attribute.isCollection() &&
                           inst.getValueDirect(i) == Undefined.VALUE)
                           InstanceList list = new InstanceArrayList(0);

                           list.setAssociation(inst, attribute, true);
                           inst.setValueDirect(i, list);

                     // reset "old" values or UOW will think nothing changed and will skip instance
                     for (int i = 0, n = metaclass.getInstanceAttributeCount(); i < n ; ++i)
                        inst.setOldValueDirect(i, Undefined.VALUE);




    * Imports the data into the persistent storage.
    * @param istream The dump input stream.
    * @param bEmpty True if the persistent storage is empty.
   public void importData(InputStream istream, boolean bEmpty) throws Exception
      importData(istream, null, bEmpty);

    * Imports the data into the persistent storage.
    * @param istream The dump input stream.
    * @param dataSourceSet Set of data sources to import. Null for all.
    * @param bEmpty True if the persistent storage is empty.
   public void importData(InputStream istream, Set dataSourceSet, boolean bEmpty) throws Exception
      Metadata metadata = m_context.getMetadata();
      List list = (List)input(istream);

      if (metadata.findMetaclass(Metadata.VERSION_CLASS_NAME) != null)
         for (int i = 0, nCount = list.size(); i < nCount; ++i)
            TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)list.get(i);

            if (tobj.getClassName().equals(Metadata.VERSION_CLASS_NAME))
               if (!metadata.getNamespace().equals(tobj.findValue("namespace")) ||
                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("Version mismatch: dump version " +
                     tobj.findValue("namespace") + '#' + tobj.findValue("version") +
                     ", metadata version " + metadata.getNamespace() + '#' +


      importData(list.iterator(), dataSourceSet, bEmpty);

    * Update the version record in a given dump file and write the resulting dump file to an output stream.
    * @param ostream Object dump output stream.
    * @param istream Object dump input stream.
    * @param sNamespace New repository namespace.
    * @param sVersion New repository version.
   public void setDataVersion(OutputStream ostream, InputStream istream, String sNamespace, String sVersion) throws Exception
      List list = (List)input(istream);
      int nCount = list.size();

      for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
         TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)list.get(i);

         if (tobj.getClassName().equals(Metadata.VERSION_CLASS_NAME))
            tobj.setOID(new OID(new Object[] {sNamespace}));
            tobj.setValue("namespace", sNamespace);
            tobj.setValue("version", sVersion);

      output(ostream, list);

    * Deletes the data in data sources.
    * @param dataSourceSet The data source set, or null for all.
   public void deleteData(Set dataSourceSet) throws Exception
      for (Iterator itr = getDataSourceIterator(dataSourceSet); itr.hasNext();)

    * Deletes the data in a data source.
    * @param dataSource The data source.
   public void deleteData(DataSource dataSource) throws Exception
      if (dataSource instanceof RelationalDatabase)
         RelationalDatabase database = (RelationalDatabase)dataSource;
         SQLAdapter adapter = (SQLAdapter)database.getComponent().getInstance(m_context);
         SQLSchemaManager manager = adapter.createSchemaManager(database);
         RelationalSchema schema = (RelationalSchema)database.getSchema();
         String sOrigFragment = m_context.getFragmentName();
         Connection connection = null;

            for (Iterator itr = dataSource.getFragmentIterator(); itr.hasNext();) // each fragment
               m_context.setFragmentName(((Named); // connection for fragment

                  if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                     s_logger.debug("Deleting data in data source \"" + dataSource.getName() + '"');

                  connection = adapter.getConnectionFactory().getConnection(adapter);
                  manager.setSQLAppender(new SQLSchemaManager.SQLConnectionAppender(connection, true));

                  if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                     s_logger.debug("Deletion completed");
            m_context.setFragmentName(sOrigFragment); // reset to original fragment

    * Drops and creates data source schemas.
    * @param dataSourceSet The data source set, or null for all.
   public void recreateSchema(Set dataSourceSet) throws Exception
      for (Iterator itr = getDataSourceIterator(dataSourceSet); itr.hasNext();)

    * Drops data source schemas.
    * @param dataSourceSet The data source set, or null for all.
   public void dropSchema(Set dataSourceSet) throws Exception
      for (Iterator itr = getDataSourceIterator(dataSourceSet); itr.hasNext();)

    * Creates data source schemas.
    * @param dataSourceSet The data source set, or null for all.
   public void createSchema(Set dataSourceSet) throws Exception
      for (Iterator itr = getDataSourceIterator(dataSourceSet); itr.hasNext();)

    * Drops and creates a data source schema.
    * @param dataSource The data source.
   public void recreateSchema(DataSource dataSource) throws Exception

    * Drops a data source schema.
    * @param dataSource The data source.
   public void dropSchema(DataSource dataSource) throws Exception
      if (dataSource instanceof RelationalDatabase)
         RelationalDatabase database = (RelationalDatabase)dataSource;
         SQLAdapter adapter = (SQLAdapter)database.getComponent().getInstance(m_context);
         SQLSchemaManager manager = adapter.createSchemaManager(database);
         RelationalSchema schema = (RelationalSchema)database.getSchema();
         String sOrigFragment = m_context.getFragmentName();
         Connection connection = null;

            for (Iterator itr = dataSource.getFragmentIterator(); itr.hasNext();) // each fragment
               m_context.setFragmentName(((Named); // connection for fragment

                  connection = adapter.getConnectionFactory().getConnection(adapter);
                     new SQLSchemaManager.SQLConnectionAppender(connection, true));

                  if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        "Dropping the schema of data source \"" + dataSource.getName() + '"');


                  if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                     s_logger.debug("Schema dropped");
            m_context.setFragmentName(sOrigFragment); // reset to original fragment

    * Creates a data source schema.
    * @param dataSource The data source.
   public void createSchema(DataSource dataSource) throws Exception
      if (dataSource instanceof RelationalDatabase)
         RelationalDatabase database = (RelationalDatabase)dataSource;
         SQLAdapter adapter = (SQLAdapter)database.getComponent().getInstance(m_context);
         SQLSchemaManager manager = adapter.createSchemaManager(database);
         RelationalSchema schema = (RelationalSchema)database.getSchema();
         String sOrigFragment = m_context.getFragmentName();
         Connection connection = null;

            for (Iterator itr = dataSource.getFragmentIterator(); itr.hasNext();) // each fragment
               m_context.setFragmentName(((Named); // connection for fragment

                  connection = adapter.getConnectionFactory().getConnection(adapter);
                     new SQLSchemaManager.SQLConnectionAppender(connection, false));

                  if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                        "Creating the schema of data source \"" + dataSource.getName() + '"');


                  if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled())
                     s_logger.debug("Schema created");
                  if (connection != null)
                     catch (SQLException e)
            m_context.setFragmentName(sOrigFragment); // reset to original fragment

    * Interprets the input stream as a dump file and writes corresponding SQL statements to writer.
    * @param out The Output writer to receive the generated script.
    * @param in The input data stream containing the dump file.
    * @param dataSourceSet The set of data sources to consider.
    * @throws Exception If an dump file import exception occurs.
   public void generateScript(final Writer out, InputStream in, Set dataSourceSet) throws Exception
      SQLConnectionFactory outCF = new SQLConnectionFactory()
         public Connection getConnection(SQLAdapter adapter) throws SQLException
            return new SQLWriterConnection(adapter, out, false);

      List/*<SQLAdapter>*/ adapterList = new ArrayList/*<SQLAdapter>*/();
      Set importDataSourceSet = new HashHolder();

      // inject a stream outputting component into every DataSource so none hits DB
      for (Iterator/*<DataSource>*/ itr = getDataSourceIterator(dataSourceSet);
         DataSource ds = (DataSource);

         // only support RelationalDatabase for SQL dump
         if (!(ds instanceof RelationalDatabase))
            continue; // skip DataSources without any Metaclasses mapped to them


         SQLAdapter adapter = (SQLAdapter)ds.getComponent().getInstance(m_context);

         adapterList.add(adapter); //reference locally so not GCed
         adapter.setConnectionFactory(outCF); // override adapter's SQLConnectionFactory

      importData(in, importDataSourceSet, true); // assume no data in DB

    * Retrieves the repository version info from dump contents.
    * @param istream The input stream.
    * @return pair instance as (namespace . version) or null if version record is not found.
   public Pair getDumpVersion(InputStream istream) throws Exception
      List list = (List)input(istream);
      int nCount = list.size();

      for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
         TransferObject tobj = (TransferObject)list.get(i);

         if (tobj.getClassName().equals(Metadata.VERSION_CLASS_NAME))
            return new Pair(tobj.getValue("namespace"), tobj.getValue("version"));

      return null;

    * Gets the repository version from the persistent storage.
    * @param dataSource The data source. Null to use the version class data source.
    * @return The schema version, or null if not found.
   public SchemaVersion getSchemaVersion(DataSource dataSource)
      if (dataSource == null)
         Metaclass metaclass = m_context.getMetadata().findMetaclass(Metadata.SERVICE_CLASS_NAME);

         if (metaclass != null && metaclass.getPersistenceMapping() != null)
            dataSource = metaclass.getPersistenceMapping().getDataSource();

         if (dataSource == null)
            return null;

      PersistenceAdapter adapter = (PersistenceAdapter)dataSource.getComponent().getInstance(m_context);

      return adapter.getVersion(dataSource.getSchema());

    * Upgrades the database.
    * @param dataSourceSet The set of data sources to upgrade, or null for all.
    * @param upgrade The upgrade metadata.
    * @param bForce True to ignore the upgradable flag in the data source.
   public void upgrade(Set dataSourceSet, Upgrade upgrade, boolean bForce)
      Metadata metadata = m_context.getMetadata();
      SchemaVersion version = null;
      Iterator dataSourceItr = getDataSourceIterator(dataSourceSet);

      dataSourceSet = new HashHolder(4);

      while (dataSourceItr.hasNext())
         DataSource ds = (DataSource);
         SchemaVersion dsVersion = ((PersistenceAdapter)ds.getComponent()

         if (dsVersion != null)
            if (version == null)
               version = dsVersion;

               if (!ObjUtil.equal(metadata.getNamespace(), version.getNamespace()))
                  throw new IllegalStateException("Namespace mismatch in data source \"" +
                     ds.getName() + "\" (expected \"" + metadata.getNamespace() +
                     "\", got \"" + version.getNamespace() + "\")");
               if (!ObjUtil.equal(version.getNamespace(), dsVersion.getNamespace()))
                  throw new IllegalStateException("Namespace mismatch in data source \"" +
                     ds.getName() + "\" (expected \"" + version.getNamespace() +
                     "\", got \"" + dsVersion.getNamespace() + "\")");

               if (!ObjUtil.equal(version.getVersion(), dsVersion.getVersion()))
                  throw new IllegalStateException("Version mismatch in data source \"" +
                     ds.getName() + "\" (expected \"" + version.getVersion() +
                     "\", got \"" + dsVersion.getVersion() + "\")");

            if (dsVersion.isUpgradable() || bForce)

      if (dataSourceSet.isEmpty())
         throw new IllegalStateException("No upgradable data sources");

      if (version == null)
         throw new IllegalStateException("Unavailable persistent storage version");

      VersionUpgrade lastUpgrade = upgrade.getVersion(version.getVersion());
      Lookup/*<Object, UpgradeState>*/ stateMap = Upgrade.getInitialState(lastUpgrade);

      lastUpgrade.apply(Upgrade.getState(stateMap, lastUpgrade)); // advance to finished current ver

      for (VersionUpgrade u = lastUpgrade.getNext(); u != null; u = u.getNext())
         DataSource dataSource = null;

         if (u.getName() == null)
            u.apply(Upgrade.getState(stateMap, u));


         if (u instanceof SchemaUpgrade)
            SchemaUpgrade su = (SchemaUpgrade)u;

            dataSource = su.getDataSource();

            if (dataSourceSet.contains(dataSource))
               PersistenceAdapter adapter = (PersistenceAdapter)dataSource.getComponent().getInstance(m_context);

               adapter.upgrade(su, Upgrade.getState(stateMap, su), version);
               su.apply(Upgrade.getState(stateMap, su));
         else if (u instanceof ScriptUpgrade)
            Function fun = ((ScriptUpgrade)u).getFunction();

            if (fun != null)
               if (u.getNext() == null)
                  // Script upgrade must be run with metadata matching the final or previous data version
                  m_context.getMachine().invoke(fun, (Pair)null);
                  m_context.getUnitOfWork().commit(false); // precommit the UOW
                  throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                     "Unable to run script upgrade for version " + u.getName() +
                     ", temporarily revert metadata used by the upgrade to version "
                     + u.getName() + " before retrying upgrade.");


         for (Iterator itr = dataSourceSet.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
            DataSource ds = (DataSource);

            if (ds != dataSource)
                  .setVersion(ds.getSchema(), version);

      for (Lookup.Iterator itr = stateMap.valueIterator(); itr.hasNext();)


    * Gets a data source iterator.
    * @param dataSourceSet The data source set, or null for all.
   public Iterator getDataSourceIterator(Set dataSourceSet)
      if (dataSourceSet != null)
         return dataSourceSet.iterator();

      return m_context.getMetadata().getDataSourceIterator();

    * Determines if a class is with a root persistence mapping.
    * @param metaclass The class to check.
    * @return True if the class has a root persistence mapping.
   protected static boolean isRoot(Metaclass metaclass)
      for (Metaclass base = metaclass.getBase(); base != null; base = base.getBase())
         base = base.getPersistenceRoot();

         if (base != metaclass.getPersistenceRoot() &&
            base.getPersistenceMapping() != null &&
            return false;

      return true;

    * TODO: Move to the persistence mapping.
    * Determines if a persistence mapping is writable.
    * @param mapping The persistence mapping to check.
    * @return True if the mapping is writable.
   protected static boolean isWritable(PersistenceMapping mapping)
      if (mapping instanceof RelationalMapping)
         return ((RelationalMapping)mapping).getPrimaryTable().getType() == Table.MANAGED;

      return mapping != null;

    * TODO: Move to the persistence mapping.
    * Determines if the attribute mapping is writable.
    * @param mapping The attribute mapping to check.
    * @return True if the mapping is writable.
   protected static boolean isWritable(AttributeMapping mapping)
      if (mapping instanceof RelationalPrimitiveMapping)
         return ((RelationalPrimitiveMapping)mapping).getColumn().getTable().getType() == Table.MANAGED;

      if (mapping instanceof RelationalClassMapping)
         return ((RelationalClassMapping)mapping).getSourceKey().getTable().getType() == Table.MANAGED;

      return true;

Related Classes of nexj.core.admin.etl.DataLoader

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