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package Soccer;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
import javax.swing.Timer;
import Kinematic.Vector;
* @author Rezaei
public class Ball extends JRadioButton {
* Zarib estekak ba chaman
private Double US= 0.3;
private Timer animationTimer; // Timer drives animation
private int RefreshRate = 50;
private String Status = "";
private Point To;
protected Vector Loc = new Vector(0, 0), From = new Vector(0, 0);
private Pitch OnPitch;
private double Teta;
* Current Velocity of ball(m/s)
private Vector Velocity;
* Current Acceleration of ball(m/s2)
private Vector Acceleration;
* Mass of ball in Kilo gram's
private double Mass = 1;
* Current Total Force on ball(N)
private Vector Force;
public Ball(Pitch P) {
OnPitch = P;
this.Velocity = new Vector(0, 0);
this.Acceleration = new Vector(0, 0);
this.Force=new Vector(0, 0);
this.animationTimer = new Timer(RefreshRate, new Ball.TimerHandler());
this.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/Soccer-Ball.png"))); // NOI18N
this.setSize(10, 10);
public Ball() {
this.US = 0.4;
OnPitch = new Pitch();
this.Velocity = new Vector(0, 0);
this.Acceleration = new Vector(0, 0);
this.animationTimer = new Timer(RefreshRate, new Ball.TimerHandler());
this.setIcon(new javax.swing.ImageIcon(getClass().getResource("/Soccer-Ball.png"))); // NOI18N
this.setSize(10, 10);
public void Play() {
protected void CalculateTotalForce() {
if (Velocity.Size() > 0.01) {
Double Fs=Mass*Kinematic.Constants.GroundAcc*US;
/*Force.x = -1*Fs*Math.cos(Teta);
Force.y = -1*Fs*Math.sin(Teta);
* Force.x = -1*Utility.sgn(Velocity.x) *Fs*Math.cos(Teta);
Force.y = -1*Utility.sgn(Velocity.y) *Fs*Math.sin(Teta);
Force.x = -Fs*Velocity.x/Velocity.Size();
Force.y = -Fs*Velocity.y/Velocity.Size();
Force.x = 0.0;
Force.y = 0.0;
protected void CalculateAcceleration() {
Acceleration.x = Force.x / Mass;
Acceleration.y = Force.y / Mass;
public void TakeImpact(Point To, double F) {
Force = new Vector(0, 0);
From = this.getLoc();
Teta = (double) (To.y - From.y) / (To.x - From.x);
Force.x += F * Math.cos(Math.atan(Teta));
Force.y += F * Math.sin(Math.atan(Teta));
public void Move(java.awt.Point p) {
//Status = "Move";
To = p;
From = this.getLoc();
Teta = (double) (To.y - From.y) / (To.x - From.x);
public void nextFrame() {
//if (Status.startsWith("Move")) {
Vector Loc = this.getLoc();
double t = RefreshRate / 1000.0;
double nimt2 = 0.5 * Math.pow(t, 2);
double newX = Acceleration.x * nimt2 + Velocity.x * t + Loc.x;
double newY = Acceleration.y * nimt2 + Velocity.y * t + Loc.y;
if (newX >= -OnPitch.getWidth() / 2 && newX <= OnPitch.getWidth() / 2 && newY >= -OnPitch.getHeight() / 2 && newY <= OnPitch.getHeight() / 2) {
this.setLoc(newX, newY);
Velocity.x = Acceleration.x * t + Velocity.x;
Velocity.y = Acceleration.y * t + Velocity.y;
} else {
String s;
s = Status;
public void nextFrameOld() {
switch (Status) {
case "Move":
Point p = this.getLocation();
int i = 0,
j = 0,
m = 0;
if (p != To) {
i = To.x - p.x;
j = To.y - p.y;
this.setLocation(p.x + (Utility.sgn(i)), p.y + (Utility.sgn(j)));
images[ currentImage ].paintIcon( this, this.getGraphics(), 0, 0 );
// set next image to be drawn only if timer is running
if ( animationTimer.isRunning() )
currentImage = ( currentImage + 1 ) % TOTAL_IMAGES;*/
// start animation, or restart if window is redisplayed
public void startAnimation() {
if (animationTimer.isRunning()) {
} // end if
else // animationTimer already exists, restart animation
//currentImage = 0; // display first image
animationTimer.start(); // start timer
} // end else
} // end method startAnimation
// stop animation timer
public void stopAnimation() {
} // end method stopAnimation
public Vector getLoc() {
return Loc;
public void setLoc(Vector Loc) {
this.Loc = Loc;
public void setLoc(double x, double y) {
this.Loc.x = x;
this.Loc.y = y;
Point p = Loc.Translate(OnPitch.getCenter());
this.setLocation(p.x - this.getWidth() / 2, p.y - this.getHeight() / 2);
public void setLoc(Point Loc) {
this.setLocation(Loc.x - this.getWidth() / 2, Loc.y - this.getHeight() / 2);
Point Center = OnPitch.getCenter();
Loc.translate(-Center.x, -Center.y);
this.Loc.x =Double.valueOf(Loc.x);
this.Loc.y = Double.valueOf(Loc.y);
public String log(){
return "a.x="+Acceleration.x.toString()+" v="+Velocity.Size().toString();
// inner class to handle action events from Timer
private class TimerHandler implements ActionListener {
// respond to Timer's event
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
nextFrame(); // repaint animator
// AirPortApp.getApplication().View.getConsole().Log("animation frame");
} // end method actionPerformed