Package com.ramforth.webserver.http

Source Code of com.ramforth.webserver.http.HttpResponse

* Copyright (C) 2014 Tobias Ramforth
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package com.ramforth.webserver.http;

import com.ramforth.webserver.exceptions.HttpException;
import com.ramforth.webserver.http.headers.StringHttpHeader;
import com.ramforth.webserver.web.ConnectionType;
import java.util.*;

public class HttpResponse extends HttpMessage implements IHttpResponse {

    private OutputStream outputStream;
    protected IHttpStatusCode statusCode;
    protected ConnectionType connectionType;
    protected String body;
    protected Map<String, String> responseHeader;

    public HttpResponse() {

        contentLength = 0;
        body = null;

        generalHeader = new HashMap<>();
        responseHeader = new HashMap<>();
        entityHeader = new HashMap<>();

    public HttpResponse(IHttpVersion version) {
        this.version = version;

    public HttpResponse(IHttpStatusCode statusCode) {
        this.statusCode = statusCode;

    public HttpResponse(IHttpVersion version, IHttpStatusCode statusCode) {
        this.version = version;
        this.statusCode = statusCode;

    public HttpResponse(SocketTimeoutException e) {
        this(new HttpException(HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT));

    public HttpResponse(HttpException e) {
        //version = HTTP11;
        //status = e.getErrorCode();
        //reason = get(status);

        generalHeader = new HashMap<>();
        responseHeader = new HashMap<>();
        entityHeader = new HashMap<>();

        String version = "";
        String status = "";
        String reason = "";

        String title = "ERROR " + status + " (" + reason + ")";

        //XHTMLDocument document = errorDocument(e, title);
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        body = sb.toString();

        contentLength = sb.length();


    public HttpResponse(File f) {
        if (f.exists()) {
            if (f.canRead()) {
                if (f.isFile()) {
                } else if (f.isDirectory()) {
                    //version = HTTP11;
                    //status = HTTP_OK;
                    //reason = get(status);

                    generalHeader = new HashMap<>();
                    responseHeader = new HashMap<>();
                    entityHeader = new HashMap<>();

                    //XHTMLDocument document = directoryListing(f);
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                    body = sb.toString();

                    contentLength = sb.length();

                } else {
            } else {
                //version = HTTP11;
                //status = HTTP_FORBIDDEN;
                //reason = get(status);

                generalHeader = new HashMap<>();
                responseHeader = new HashMap<>();
                entityHeader = new HashMap<>();

                String version = "";
                String status = "";
                String reason = "";

                String title = "ERROR " + status + " (" + reason + ")";

                //XHTMLDocument document = accessDenied(f, title);
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                body = sb.toString();

                contentLength = sb.length();

        } else {
            //version = HTTP11;
            //status = HTTP_NOT_FOUND;
            //reason = get(status);

            generalHeader = new HashMap<>();
            responseHeader = new HashMap<>();
            entityHeader = new HashMap<>();

            String version = "";
            String status = "";
            String reason = "";

            String title = "ERROR " + status + " (" + reason + ")";

            //XHTMLDocument document = fileNotFound(f, title);
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            body = sb.toString();

            contentLength = sb.length();


    protected final void generateDefaultHeader() {

//  protected XHTMLDocument errorDocument(Exception e, String title) {
//    XHTMLHeading1 heading = new XHTMLHeading1();
//    XHTMLPCData pcdata = new XHTMLPCData(title);
//    heading.add(pcdata);
//    XHTMLParagraph paragraph = new XHTMLParagraph();
//    XHTMLPCData pcdata2 = new XHTMLPCData(e.getMessage());
//    paragraph.add(pcdata2);
//    XHTMLBody body = new XHTMLBody();
//    body.add(heading);
//    body.add(paragraph);
//    XHTMLDocument document = new XHTMLDocument(title);
//    document.setBody(body);
//    return document;
//  }
//  protected XHTMLDocument fileNotFound(File f, String title) {
//    XHTMLHeading1 heading = new XHTMLHeading1();
//    XHTMLPCData pcdata = new XHTMLPCData(title);
//    heading.add(pcdata);
//    XHTMLParagraph paragraph = new XHTMLParagraph();
//    XHTMLPCData pcdata2 = new XHTMLPCData("'" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "' could not be found.");
//    paragraph.add(pcdata2);
//    XHTMLBody body = new XHTMLBody();
//    body.add(heading);
//    body.add(paragraph);
//    XHTMLDocument document = new XHTMLDocument(title);
//    document.setBody(body);
//    return document;
//  }
//  protected XHTMLDocument accessDenied(File f, String title) {
//    XHTMLHeading1 heading = new XHTMLHeading1();
//    XHTMLPCData pcdata = new XHTMLPCData(title);
//    heading.add(pcdata);
//    XHTMLParagraph paragraph = new XHTMLParagraph();
//    XHTMLPCData pcdata2 = new XHTMLPCData("You do not have the permission to access '" + f.getAbsolutePath() + "'!");
//    paragraph.add(pcdata2);
//    XHTMLBody body = new XHTMLBody();
//    body.add(heading);
//    body.add(paragraph);
//    XHTMLDocument document = new XHTMLDocument(title);
//    document.setBody(body);
//    return document;
//  }
//  protected XHTMLDocument directoryListing(File dir) {
//    XHTMLHeading1 heading = new XHTMLHeading1();
//    XHTMLPCData pcdata = new XHTMLPCData("Index of " + dir.getAbsolutePath());
//    heading.add(pcdata);
//    XHTMLTable table = new XHTMLTable();
//    XHTMLTableHeader thead = new XHTMLTableHeader();
//    XHTMLTableRow trHead = new XHTMLTableRow();
//    XHTMLTableHead thFileName = new XHTMLTableHead();
//    XHTMLPCData headFileName = new XHTMLPCData("Name");
//    thFileName.add(headFileName);
//    trHead.add(thFileName);
//    XHTMLTableHead thLastModfied = new XHTMLTableHead();
//    XHTMLPCData headLastModified = new XHTMLPCData("Last modified");
//    thLastModfied.add(headLastModified);
//    trHead.add(thLastModfied);
//    XHTMLTableHead thSize = new XHTMLTableHead();
//    XHTMLPCData headSize = new XHTMLPCData("Size");
//    thSize.add(headSize);
//    trHead.add(thSize);
//    thead.add(trHead);
//    table.setThead(thead);
//    XHTMLTableBody tbody = new XHTMLTableBody();
//    XHTMLTableRow tr1 = new XHTMLTableRow();
//    XHTMLTableData td11 = new XHTMLTableData();
//    XHTMLAnchor anchor11 = new XHTMLAnchor();
//    anchor11.setHref("../");
//    anchor11.setName("Parent_directory");
//    XHTMLPCData pcdata11 = new XHTMLPCData("../");
//    anchor11.add(pcdata11);
//    td11.add(anchor11);
//    tr1.add(td11);
//    XHTMLTableData td12 = new XHTMLTableData();
//    XHTMLPCData pcdata12 = new XHTMLPCData(new Date(dir.lastModified()).toString());
//    td12.add(pcdata12);
//    tr1.add(td12);
//    XHTMLTableData td13 = new XHTMLTableData();
//    XHTMLPCData pcdata13 = new XHTMLPCData("-");
//    td13.add(pcdata13);
//    tr1.add(td13);
//    tbody.add(tr1);
//    String[] list = dir.list();
//    for (int i = 0; list != null && i < list.length; i++) {
//      File f = new File(dir, list[i]);
//      if (f.isDirectory()) {
//        XHTMLTableRow tr2 = new XHTMLTableRow();
//        XHTMLTableData td21 = new XHTMLTableData();
//        XHTMLAnchor anchor21 = new XHTMLAnchor();
//        anchor21.setHref(list[i] + "/");
//        anchor21.setName(list[i]);
//        XHTMLPCData pcdata21 = new XHTMLPCData(list[i] + "/");
//        anchor21.add(pcdata21);
//        td21.add(anchor21);
//        tr2.add(td21);
//        XHTMLTableData td22 = new XHTMLTableData();
//        XHTMLPCData pcdata22 = new XHTMLPCData(new Date(dir.lastModified()).toString());
//        td22.add(pcdata22);
//        tr2.add(td22);
//        XHTMLTableData td23 = new XHTMLTableData();
//        XHTMLPCData pcdata23 = new XHTMLPCData("-");
//        td23.add(pcdata23);
//        tr2.add(td23);
//        tbody.add(tr2);
//      } else {
//        XHTMLTableRow tr2 = new XHTMLTableRow();
//        XHTMLTableData td21 = new XHTMLTableData();
//        XHTMLAnchor anchor21 = new XHTMLAnchor();
//        anchor21.setHref(list[i]);
//        anchor21.setName(list[i]);
//      addContentLength  XHTMLPCData pcdata21 = new XHTMLPCData(list[i]);
//        anchor21.add(pcdata21);
//        td21.add(anchor21);
//        tr2.add(td21);
//        XHTMLTableData td22 = new XHTMLTableData();
//        XHTMLPCData pcdata22 = new XHTMLPCData(new Date(dir.lastModified()).toString());
//        td22.add(pcdata22);
//        tr2.add(td22);
//        XHTMLTableData td23 = new XHTMLTableData();
//        XHTMLPCData pcdata23 = new XHTMLPCData("-");
//        td23.add(pcdata23);
//        tr2.add(td23);
//        tbody.add(tr2);
//      }
//    }
//    table.setTbody(tbody);
//    XHTMLHorizontalLine hl = new XHTMLHorizontalLine();
//    XHTMLParagraph paragraph2 = new XHTMLParagraph();
//    XHTMLItalic italic = new XHTMLItalic();
//    XHTMLPCData pcdata4 = new XHTMLPCData(WebServer.serverid + " " + new Date());
//    italic.add(pcdata4);
//    paragraph2.add(italic);
//    XHTMLBody body = new XHTMLBody();
//    body.add(heading);
//    body.add(table);
//    body.add(hl);
//    body.add(paragraph2);
//    XHTMLDocument document = new XHTMLDocument("Index of " + dir.getAbsolutePath());
//    document.setBody(body);
//    return document;
//  }
    protected static int contains(String[] array, String value) {
        for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
            if (array[i].compareTo(value) == 0) {
                return i;
        return -1;

    public IHttpStatusCode getStatusCode() {
        return statusCode;

    public void setStatusCode(IHttpStatusCode value) {
        this.statusCode = value;

    public ConnectionType getConnectionType() {
        return connectionType;

    public void setConnectionType(ConnectionType value) {
        this.connectionType = value;

    public void redirect(String destination) {
        statusCode = HttpStatusCode.STATUS_302_FOUND;
        headers.addHeader(new StringHttpHeader("Location", destination));

    public OutputStream getOutputStream() {
        return outputStream;

    public void setOutputStream(OutputStream value) {
        this.outputStream = value;

Related Classes of com.ramforth.webserver.http.HttpResponse

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