JSmooth: a VM wrapper toolkit for Windows
Copyright (C) 2003 Rodrigo Reyes <reyes@charabia.net>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* PEFile.java
* Created on 28 juillet 2003, 21:28
package net.charabia.jsmoothgen.pe;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.util.Vector;
import net.charabia.jsmoothgen.pe.res.ResIcon;
import net.charabia.jsmoothgen.pe.res.ResIconDir;
* @author Rodrigo
public class PEFile {
private File m_file;
private FileInputStream m_in = null;
private FileChannel m_channel = null;
private PEOldMSHeader m_oldmsheader;
private PEHeader m_header;
private Vector m_sections = new Vector();
private PEResourceDirectory m_resourceDir;
* Creates a new instance of PEFile
public PEFile(File f) {
m_file = f;
public void close() throws IOException {
public void open() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
m_in = new FileInputStream(m_file);
m_channel = m_in.getChannel();
m_oldmsheader = new PEOldMSHeader(this);
// m_oldmsheader.dump(System.out);
long headoffset = m_oldmsheader.e_lfanew;
m_header = new PEHeader(this, headoffset);
// m_header.dump(System.out);
int seccount = m_header.NumberOfSections;
// System.out.println("LOADING " + seccount + " sections...");
long offset = headoffset + (m_header.NumberOfRvaAndSizes * 8) + 24 + getPeHeaderOffset();
for (int i = 0; i < seccount; i++) {
// System.out.println("Offset: " + offset + " (" + this.m_channel.position());
PESection sect = new PESection(this, offset);
// sect.dump(System.out);
offset += 40;
// System.out.println("After sections: " + this.m_channel.position() + " (" + offset + ")");
ByteBuffer resbuf = null;
long resourceoffset = m_header.ResourceDirectory_VA;
for (int i = 0; i < seccount; i++) {
PESection sect = (PESection)m_sections.get(i);
if (sect.VirtualAddress == resourceoffset) {
// System.out.println(" Resource section found: " + resourceoffset);
PEResourceDirectory prd = new PEResourceDirectory(this, sect);
resbuf = prd.buildResource(sect.VirtualAddress);
private int getPeHeaderOffset() {
int pe32Offset = 96;
if (m_header.isPe32Plus()) {
// It is a pe32+ header (x64)
pe32Offset = 112;
return pe32Offset;
public FileChannel getChannel() {
return m_channel;
public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException, CloneNotSupportedException, Exception {
// (no)PEFile pe = new PEFile(new File("F:/Program Files/LAN Search PRO/lansearch.exe"));
PEFile pe = new PEFile(new File("c:/scratch/rc3.exe"));
// PEFile pe = new PEFile(new File("c:/projects/jwrap/Copie.exe"));
// PEFile pe = new PEFile(new File("c:/projects/jwrap/test.exe"));
// PEFile pe = new PEFile(new File("F:/Program Files/bQuery/bQuery.exe"));
// PEFile pe = new PEFile(new File("F:/Program Files/Server Query/query.exe"));
// PEFile pe = new PEFile(new File("F:/Program Files/AvRack/rtlrack.exe"));
// System.out.println("===============\nADDING A RES");
// File fout = new File("F:/Documents and Settings/Rodrigo/Mes documents/projects/jsmooth/skeletons/simplewrap/gen-application.jar");
// FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fout);
// ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.allocate((int)fout.length());
// data.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
// FileChannel fischan = fis.getChannel();
// fischan.read(data);
// data.position(0);
// fis.close();
PEResourceDirectory resdir = pe.getResourceDirectory();
// DataEntry inputResData = resdir.getData("JAVA", "#" + String.valueOf(103), "#" + String.valueOf(1033));
// ByteBuffer inputResDataBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(inputResData.diskSize() + 1024);
// inputResDataBuffer.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
// inputResData.buildBuffer(inputResDataBuffer, 0, 0);
// int inputResDataBufferSize = inputResDataBuffer.position();
// inputResDataBuffer.flip();
// int offset = inputResDataBuffer.getInt();
// inputResDataBuffer.position(offset);
// StringBuilder inputResDataString = new StringBuilder(inputResDataBufferSize);
// while (inputResDataBuffer.position() <= inputResDataBufferSize - 2) {
// byte dummyByte = inputResDataBuffer.get();
// inputResDataString.append((char)dummyByte);
// }
// // Modify the data...
// String newInputResDataString = inputResDataString.toString();
// newInputResDataString = newInputResDataString.replace("samplejar", "ThisIsMyJarAndOnlyMine");
// inputResDataBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(newInputResDataString.length() + 2);
// for (int index = 0; index < newInputResDataString.length(); index++) { // C- do not change because buffer can be modified during loop
// inputResDataBuffer.put((byte)newInputResDataString.charAt(index));
// }
// inputResDataBuffer.put((byte)0);
// inputResDataBuffer.put((byte)0);
// inputResDataBuffer.position(0);
// boolean resb = resdir.replaceResource("JAVA", 102, 1033, inputResDataBuffer);
// PEResourceDirectory.DataEntry entry = resdir.getData("#14", "A", "#1033");
// entry.Data.position(0);
// System.out.println("DataEntry found : " + entry + " (size=" + entry.Data.remaining() + ")");
// entry.Data.position(0);
// ResIconDir rid = new ResIconDir(entry.Data);
// System.out.println("ResIconDir :");
// System.out.println(rid.toString());
// int iconid = rid.getEntries()[0].dwImageOffset;
// System.out.println("Icon Index: " + iconid);
// PEResourceDirectory.DataEntry iconentry = resdir.getData("#3", "#"+iconid, "#1033");
// iconentry.Data.position(0);
// ResIcon icon = new ResIcon(iconentry.Data);
// System.out.println("Icon :");
// System.out.println(icon.toString());
// java.awt.Image img = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage ("c:\\test.gif");
// java.awt.Image img = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage ("c:\\gnome-day2.png");
// java.awt.Image img = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("c:\\gnome-color-browser2.png");
// java.awt.MediaTracker mt = new java.awt.MediaTracker(new javax.swing.JLabel("toto"));
// mt.addImage(img, 1);
// try {
// mt.waitForAll();
// } catch (Exception exc) {
// exc.printStackTrace();
// }
// ResIcon newicon = new ResIcon(img);
// pe.replaceDefaultIcon(newicon);
// System.out.println("-----------------\nNEW ICON:");
// System.out.println(newicon.toString());
// rid.getEntries()[0].bWidth = (short)newicon.Width;
// rid.getEntries()[0].bHeight = (short)(newicon.Height/2);
// rid.getEntries()[0].bColorCount = (short)(1 <<newicon.BitsPerPixel);
// rid.getEntries()[0].wBitCount = newicon.BitsPerPixel;
// rid.getEntries()[0].dwBytesInRes = newicon.getData().remaining();
// iconentry.Data = newicon.getData();
// iconentry.Size = iconentry.Data.remaining();
// entry.setData(rid.getData());
// System.out.println("POST CHANGE ResIconDir :");
// System.out.println(rid.toString());
// ResIcon test = new ResIcon(icon.getData());
// System.out.println("PROOF-TEST:\n" + test.toString());
// / BACK
// rid.getEntries()[0].bWidth = (short)icon.Width;
// rid.getEntries()[0].bHeight = (short)(icon.Height/2);
// rid.getEntries()[0].bColorCount = (short)(1 <<icon.BitsPerPixel);
// rid.getEntries()[0].wBitCount = icon.BitsPerPixel;
// iconentry.Data = icon.getData();
// iconentry.Size = iconentry.Data.remaining();
// resdir.addNewResource("POUET", "A666", "#1033", data);
// resdir.dump(System.out);
// System.out.println("New size = " + resdir.size());
File out = new File("c:/scratch/COPIE.exe");
public PEResourceDirectory getResourceDirectory() throws IOException {
if (m_resourceDir != null)
return m_resourceDir;
long resourceoffset = m_header.ResourceDirectory_VA;
for (int i = 0; i < m_sections.size(); i++) {
PESection sect = (PESection)m_sections.get(i);
if (sect.VirtualAddress == resourceoffset) {
m_resourceDir = new PEResourceDirectory(this, sect);
return m_resourceDir;
return null;
public void dumpTo(File destination) throws IOException, CloneNotSupportedException {
int outputcount = 0;
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(destination);
FileChannel out = fos.getChannel();
// Make a copy of the Header, for safe modifications
PEOldMSHeader oldmsheader = (PEOldMSHeader)this.m_oldmsheader.clone();
PEHeader peheader = (PEHeader)m_header.clone();
Vector sections = new Vector();
for (int i = 0; i < m_sections.size(); i++) {
PESection sect = (PESection)m_sections.get(i);
PESection cs = (PESection)sect.clone();
// First, write the old MS Header, the one starting
// with "MZ"...
long newexeoffset = oldmsheader.e_lfanew;
ByteBuffer msheadbuffer = oldmsheader.get();
outputcount = out.write(msheadbuffer);
out.transferFrom(this.m_channel, 64, newexeoffset - 64);
// Then Write the new Header...
ByteBuffer headbuffer = peheader.get();
outputcount = out.write(headbuffer);
// After the header, there are all the section
// headers...
long offset = oldmsheader.e_lfanew + (m_header.NumberOfRvaAndSizes * 8) + 24 + getPeHeaderOffset();
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); i++) {
// System.out.println(" offset: " + out.position());
PESection sect = (PESection)sections.get(i);
ByteBuffer buf = sect.get();
outputcount = out.write(buf);
// Now, we write the real data: each of the section
// and their data...
// Not sure why it's always at 1024... ?
offset = 1024;
// Dump each section data
long virtualAddress = offset;
if ((virtualAddress % peheader.SectionAlignment) > 0)
virtualAddress += peheader.SectionAlignment - (virtualAddress % peheader.SectionAlignment);
long resourceoffset = m_header.ResourceDirectory_VA;
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); i++) {
PESection sect = (PESection)sections.get(i);
if (resourceoffset == sect.VirtualAddress) {
// System.out.println("Dumping RES section " + i + " at " + offset + " from " + sect.PointerToRawData + " (VA=" + virtualAddress + ")");
long sectoffset = offset;
PEResourceDirectory prd = this.getResourceDirectory();
ByteBuffer resbuf = prd.buildResource(sect.VirtualAddress);
offset += resbuf.capacity();
long rem = offset % this.m_header.FileAlignment;
if (rem != 0)
offset += this.m_header.FileAlignment - rem;
if (out.size() + 1 < offset) {
ByteBuffer padder = ByteBuffer.allocate(1);
out.write(padder, offset - 1);
long virtualSize = resbuf.capacity();
if ((virtualSize % peheader.SectionAlignment) > 0)
virtualSize += peheader.SectionAlignment - (virtualSize % peheader.SectionAlignment);
sect.PointerToRawData = sectoffset;
sect.SizeOfRawData = resbuf.capacity();
if ((sect.SizeOfRawData % this.m_header.FileAlignment) > 0)
sect.SizeOfRawData += (this.m_header.FileAlignment - (sect.SizeOfRawData % this.m_header.FileAlignment));
sect.VirtualAddress = virtualAddress;
sect.VirtualSize = virtualSize;
// System.out.println(" VS=" + virtualSize + " at VA=" + virtualAddress);
virtualAddress += virtualSize;
} else if (sect.PointerToRawData > 0) {
// System.out.println("Dumping section " + i + "/" + sect.getName() + " at " + offset + " from " + sect.PointerToRawData + " (VA=" + virtualAddress + ")");
long sectoffset = offset;
out.position(offset + sect.SizeOfRawData);
ByteBuffer padder = ByteBuffer.allocate(1);
out.write(padder, offset + sect.SizeOfRawData - 1);
long outted = out.transferFrom(this.m_channel, offset, sect.SizeOfRawData);
offset += sect.SizeOfRawData;
// System.out.println("offset before alignment, " + offset);
long rem = offset % this.m_header.FileAlignment;
if (rem != 0) {
offset += this.m_header.FileAlignment - rem;
// System.out.println("offset after alignment, " + offset);
// long virtualSize = sect.SizeOfRawData;
// if ((virtualSize % peheader.SectionAlignment)>0)
// virtualSize += peheader.SectionAlignment - (virtualSize%peheader.SectionAlignment);
sect.PointerToRawData = sectoffset;
// sect.SizeOfRawData =
sect.VirtualAddress = virtualAddress;
// sect.VirtualSize = virtualSize;
virtualAddress += sect.VirtualSize;
if ((virtualAddress % peheader.SectionAlignment) > 0)
virtualAddress += peheader.SectionAlignment - (virtualAddress % peheader.SectionAlignment);
} else {
// generally a BSS, with a virtual size but no
// data in the file...
// System.out.println("Dumping section " + i + " at " + offset + " from " + sect.PointerToRawData + " (VA=" + virtualAddress + ")");
long virtualSize = sect.VirtualSize;
if ((virtualSize % peheader.SectionAlignment) > 0)
virtualSize += peheader.SectionAlignment - (virtualSize % peheader.SectionAlignment);
sect.VirtualAddress = virtualAddress;
// sect.VirtualSize = virtualSize;
virtualAddress += virtualSize;
// Now that all the sections have been written, we have the
// correct VirtualAddress and Sizes, so we can update the new
// header and all the section headers...
peheader.updateVAAndSize(m_sections, sections);
headbuffer = peheader.get();
outputcount = out.write(headbuffer);
// peheader.dump(System.out);
// System.out.println("Dumping the section again...");
offset = oldmsheader.e_lfanew + (m_header.NumberOfRvaAndSizes * 8) + 24 + getPeHeaderOffset();
for (int i = 0; i < sections.size(); i++) {
// System.out.println(" offset: " + out.position());
PESection sect = (PESection)sections.get(i);
// sect.dump(System.out);
ByteBuffer buf = sect.get();
outputcount = out.write(buf);
public void replaceDefaultIcon(ResIcon icon) throws Exception {
PEResourceDirectory resdir = getResourceDirectory();
PEResourceDirectory.DataEntry entry = resdir.getData("#14", null, null);
if (entry == null) {
throw new Exception("Can't find any icon group in the file!");
// System.out.println("DataEntry found : " + entry + " (size=" + entry.Data.remaining() + ")");
ResIconDir rid = new ResIconDir(entry.Data);
// System.out.println("ResIconDir :");
// System.out.println(rid.toString());
int iconid = rid.getEntries()[0].dwImageOffset;
// System.out.println("Icon Index: " + iconid);
PEResourceDirectory.DataEntry iconentry = resdir.getData("#3", "#" + iconid, null);
// System.out.println("Icon :");
// System.out.println(icon.toString());
rid.getEntries()[0].bWidth = (short)icon.Width;
rid.getEntries()[0].bHeight = (short)(icon.Height / 2);
rid.getEntries()[0].bColorCount = (short)(1 << icon.BitsPerPixel);
rid.getEntries()[0].wBitCount = icon.BitsPerPixel;
rid.getEntries()[0].dwBytesInRes = icon.getData().remaining();
iconentry.Data = icon.getData();
iconentry.Size = iconentry.Data.remaining();