package org.kalimullin.fsraytracer.geometry;
import org.kalimullin.fsraytracer.ray.HitPoint;
import org.kalimullin.fsraytracer.ray.Ray;
import java.util.*;
* Triangle face than contains three edges
public class Face implements Traceable {
private Set<Point> vertexSet;
public Face(Point point1, Point point2, Point point3) {
this(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(point1, point2, point3)));
public Face(Set<Point> vertexSet) {
if (vertexSet.size() != 3)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Face should have three points");
this.vertexSet = vertexSet;
public HitPoint getHitPoint(Ray ray) {
return getBarycentricCoordinatesAlgorithmHitPoint(ray);
* Detecting ray and rectangle face intersection by Tomas Möller and Ben Trumbore method.
* @see <a href="">Fast Minimum Storage Ray Triangle Intersection</a>
* @param ray ray that produced intersection
* @return true if point belong to the face, false otherwise
private HitPoint getBarycentricCoordinatesAlgorithmHitPoint(Ray ray) {
List<Point> vList = new ArrayList<>(vertexSet);
// 1 / P dot E1 == 1/(Dx(V2-V0))dot(V1-V0)
double coefficient = 1 / ray.getDirectionVector().getCrossProduct(vList.get(2).getSubtraction(vList.get(0)))
// coeff * QdotE2 = coeff * (O-V0)x(V1-V0)dot(V2-V0)
double t = coefficient * ray.getOriginPoint().getSubtraction(vList.get(0))
if (t < 0)
return HitPoint.MISSED;
// coeff * DdotT = coeff * Dx(V2-V0)dot(O-V0)
double u = coefficient * (ray.getDirectionVector().getCrossProduct(vList.get(2).getSubtraction(vList.get(0)))
// coeff * QdotD = coeff * (O-V0)x(V1-V0)dotD
double v = coefficient * (ray.getOriginPoint().getSubtraction(vList.get(0))
if (u >= 0 && v >= 0 && u + v <= 1) {
Point hitPoint = ray.getOriginPoint().getAddition(ray.getDirectionVector().getMultiplication(t));
return new HitPoint(hitPoint, ray.getOriginPoint().getDistanceTo(hitPoint));
return HitPoint.MISSED;
//<editor-fold desc="Getters and setters">
public Set<Point> getVertexSet() {
return vertexSet;
public void setVertexSet(Set<Point> vertexSet) {
this.vertexSet = vertexSet;
//<editor-fold desc="equals() and hashCode()">
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
Face face = (Face) o;
if (vertexSet != null ? !vertexSet.equals(face.vertexSet) : face.vertexSet != null) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
return vertexSet != null ? vertexSet.hashCode() : 0;
public String toString() {
return "Face{" +
"vertexSet=" + vertexSet +