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package skyproc.gui;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Point;
import lev.gui.LButton;
import lev.gui.LCheckBoxConfig;
import lev.gui.LComponent;
import lev.gui.LLabel;
import lev.gui.LSaveFile;
* An main menu GUI component that is used in SUMGUI.
* @author Justin Swanson
public class SPMainMenuConfig extends LCheckBoxConfig {
static int size = 20;
* Creates a main menu GUI line tied to a savefile.
* @param title_ Text to display
* @param checkbox Whether to include a checkbox
* @param color Color to display
* @param location Location of the component
* @param saveFile Savefile to tie to
* @param setting Setting to tie to
public SPMainMenuConfig(LLabel title_, boolean checkbox, Color color, Point location, LSaveFile saveFile, Enum setting) {
boolean saveField = saveFile != null && setting != null;
button = new LButton(buttonText);
help = SUMGUI.helpPanel;
if (saveField) {
save = saveFile;
saveTie = setting;
linkTo(saveTie, save, help, true);
button.addActionListener(new UpdateHelpActionHandler());
Font font = title_.getFont().deriveFont(Font.PLAIN, size);
LComponent using;
if (checkbox) {
cbox = new LSpecialCheckBox(title, font, color, this);
cbox.tie(setting, save, help, false);
using = cbox;
} else {
titleLabel = new LLabel(title, font, color);
using = titleLabel;
button.setLocation(using.getWidth() + spacing, using.getHeight() / 2 - button.getHeight() / 2);
setLocation(location.x - button.getWidth() - using.getWidth() - spacing, location.y);
setSize(using.getWidth() + button.getWidth() + spacing, using.getHeight());
if (button.getY() < 0) {
button.setLocation(button.getX(), 0);
setSize(getWidth(), button.getHeight());
using.setLocation(using.getX(), button.getHeight() / 2 - using.getHeight() / 2);