package skyproc;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import lev.debug.LDebug;
import lev.debug.LLogger;
* An extended Levnifty LLogger object that also has a BLOCKED logstream as a place
* to record any records that were blocked/skipped during the patch.<br>
* Look at levnifty JavaDocs for more information about LLogger.
* @author Justin Swanson
class SPLogger extends LLogger {
Map<Mod, LDebug> modImports = new HashMap<>();
int modNum = 0;
public ArrayList<LDebug> allDebugs() {
ArrayList out = super.allDebugs();
return out;
* Creates a new LLogger object with the debug path specified. If the folder
* does not exist, it will be created.
* @param in Path to the folder where all the debug logs should be exported.
public SPLogger (String in) {
addSpecial(SpecialTypes.BLOCKED, "Blocked Records.txt");
addSpecial(Consistency.LogTypes.CONSISTENCY, Consistency.debugFolder + "Requests.txt");
addSpecial(BSA.LogTypes.BSA, "BSA.txt");
* List of special types offered by SPLogger. To log to one of them, use
* logSpecial from LLogger.
public static enum SpecialTypes {
* A logstream used for logging which records have been skipped/blockec.
public void logMod(Mod srcMod, String header, String ... data) {
LDebug log = modImports.get(srcMod);
if (log == null) {
log = new LDebug(debugPath + "Mod Import/" + modNum++ + " - " + srcMod.getName() + ".txt", 40);
modImports.put(srcMod, log);
log.w(header, data);