package skyprocstarter;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import lev.gui.LSaveFile;
import skyproc.*;
import skyproc.gui.SPMainMenuPanel;
import skyproc.gui.SUM;
import skyproc.gui.SUMGUI;
import skyprocstarter.YourSaveFile.Settings;
* @author Your Name Here
public class SkyProcStarter implements SUM {
* The important functions to change are:
* - getStandardMenu(), where you set up the GUI
* - runChangesToPatch(), where you put all the processing code and add records to the output patch.
* The types of records you want your patcher to import. Change this to
* customize the import to what you need.
GRUP_TYPE[] importRequests = new GRUP_TYPE[]{
public static String myPatchName = "My Patch";
public static String authorName = "Me";
public static String version = "1.0";
public static String welcomeText = "This is the standard starter project for SkyProc. "
+ "I hope it helps you get on your way to making an awesome patcher!";
public static String descriptionToShowInSUM = "A brand new SkyProc patcher. Does lots of stuff.";
public static Color headerColor = new Color(66, 181, 184); // Teal
public static Color settingsColor = new Color(72, 179, 58); // Green
public static Font settingsFont = new Font("Serif", Font.BOLD, 15);
public static SkyProcSave save = new YourSaveFile();
// Do not write the bulk of your program here
// Instead, write your patch changes in the "runChangesToPatch" function
// at the bottom
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
SPGlobal.createGlobalLog(); SkyProcStarter(), args);
} catch (Exception e) {
// If a major error happens, print it everywhere and display a message box.
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "There was an exception thrown during program execution: '" + e + "' Check the debug logs or contact the author.");
public String getName() {
return myPatchName;
// This function labels any record types that you "multiply".
// For example, if you took all the armors in a mod list and made 3 copies,
// you would put ARMO here.
// This is to help monitor/prevent issues where multiple SkyProc patchers
// multiply the same record type to yeild a huge number of records.
public GRUP_TYPE[] dangerousRecordReport() {
// None
return new GRUP_TYPE[0];
public GRUP_TYPE[] importRequests() {
return importRequests;
public boolean importAtStart() {
return false;
public boolean hasStandardMenu() {
return true;
// This is where you add panels to the main menu.
// First create custom panel classes (as shown by YourFirstSettingsPanel),
// Then add them here.
public SPMainMenuPanel getStandardMenu() {
SPMainMenuPanel settingsMenu = new SPMainMenuPanel(getHeaderColor());
settingsMenu.setWelcomePanel(new WelcomePanel(settingsMenu));
settingsMenu.addMenu(new OtherSettingsPanel(settingsMenu), false, save, Settings.OTHER_SETTINGS);
return settingsMenu;
// Usually false unless you want to make your own GUI
public boolean hasCustomMenu() {
return false;
public JFrame openCustomMenu() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public boolean hasLogo() {
return false;
public URL getLogo() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
public boolean hasSave() {
return true;
public LSaveFile getSave() {
return save;
public String getVersion() {
return version;
public ModListing getListing() {
return new ModListing(getName(), false);
public Mod getExportPatch() {
Mod out = new Mod(getListing());
return out;
public Color getHeaderColor() {
return headerColor;
// Add any custom checks to determine if a patch is needed.
// On Automatic Variants, this function would check if any new packages were
// added or removed.
public boolean needsPatching() {
return false;
// This function runs when the program opens to "set things up"
// It runs right after the save file is loaded, and before the GUI is displayed
public void onStart() throws Exception {
// This function runs right as the program is about to close.
public void onExit(boolean patchWasGenerated) throws Exception {
// Add any mods that you REQUIRE to be present in order to patch.
public ArrayList<ModListing> requiredMods() {
return new ArrayList<>(0);
public String description() {
return descriptionToShowInSUM;
// This is where you should write the bulk of your code.
// Write the changes you would like to make to the patch,
// but DO NOT export it. Exporting is handled internally.
public void runChangesToPatch() throws Exception {
Mod patch = SPGlobal.getGlobalPatch();
Mod merger = new Mod(getName() + "Merger", false);
// Write your changes to the patch here.