package aurelienribon.ui.css;
import aurelienribon.ui.css.Selector.Atom;
import aurelienribon.ui.css.antlr.CssLexer;
import aurelienribon.ui.css.antlr.CssParser;
import java.util.*;
import org.antlr.runtime.ANTLRStringStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.CharStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException;
* The CSS Style engine lets you easily apply any kind of parameter to your
* objects, using CSS stylesheets. It is not directly linked with any
* technology such as Swing, and therefore can be used with any kind of object,
* being UI components, business models, or game elements.
* <p/>
* <h2>What is CSS?</h2>
* To understand how to customize the engine with your own elements, you must
* first quickly understand how a CSS stylesheet is built. A stylesheet is
* composed of rules, which are each defined by a selector, and a group of
* declarations. Finally, a declaration is made of a property associated to
* a value. The following image sums-up all of this:
* <p/>
* <img src="" />
* <p/>
* As it is commonly used in CSS stylesheets, the engine supports: <br/>
* + Nested selectors, like ".parent .child {...}"<br/>
* + Groups of selectors, like ".class1, .class2, .class3 {...}"
* <p/>
* <h2>How can I use the engine?</h2>
* The engine is built around 3 kinds of components: {@link Property
* properties}, {@link Function functions}, and
* {@link DeclarationSetProcessor processors}, and you will need to register
* these components to the engine, since it comes as naked as possible.
* <p/>
* <b>Important:</b> <font color="#AA0000">remember that the engine is completely naked, this means
* that it comes without any registered property, function, or processor. You
* first need to register these entities to the engine to let it understand
* how to parse CSS stylesheets and apply them to your targets. Some
* already made entities (for <b>Swing UIs</b> for instance) can be found at
* the</font> <a href="">
* project website</a>.
* <p/>
* 1. <b>Properties:</b> a property defines a style attribute, like "margin",
* "border" or "color" in common CSS syntax. A property is always associated
* with a value in declarations, like "color: #FFF", and this value can be made
* of one or more parameters. Actually, a property can support different sets of
* parameters. For instance, the common "margin" CSS property can be called with
* either 1, 2 or 4 parameters, defining the margin insets.
* <p/>
* 2. <b>Functions:</b> a function, or a "functional notation", is used to
* produce a value for a parameter of a declaration value. It takes one or more
* parameters (which can be functions too), processes them and returns an
* object.
* <p/>
* 3. <b>Processors:</b> a declarations processor is responsible for applying a
* group of declarations to a target object. These declarations are retrieved
* from the stylesheet and correspond to the rules which selectors were
* walidated by the target object.
* <p/>
* <h2>Examples</h2>
* For examples on how to create custom properties, functions and processors,
* please see the proposed implementation for Swing, at the <a href=
* "">project website</a>.
* <p/>
* Simple rule: this rule will by applied to every JButton of the application
* (if using the Swing backend for properties/functions/processors of course):
* <pre>
* javax-swing-JButton {
* -swing-foreground: #000;
* -swing-background: #FFF;
* }
* </pre>
* Nested seelctors: this rule will be applied to every object registered with
* the ".redLabel" classname, but only if it is a child of a toolbar:
* <pre>
* javax-swing-JToolBar .redLabel {
* -swing-foreground: #F00;
* }
* </pre>
* Grouped selectors: this rule will be applied to every object registered with
* either the ".redLabel" classname, or the ".importantLabel" classname:
* <pre>
* .redLabel, .importantLabel {
* -swing-foreground: #F00;
* }
* </pre>
* @author Aurelien Ribon |
public class Style {
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static API
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static final Map<String, Property> registeredProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Property>();
private static final Map<String, Function> registeredFunctions = new LinkedHashMap<String, Function>();
private static final Map<Class<?>, List<DeclarationSetProcessor<?>>> registeredProcessors = new LinkedHashMap<Class<?>, List<DeclarationSetProcessor<?>>>();
private static final Map<Object, List<String>> registeredTargets = new LinkedHashMap<Object, List<String>>();
private static final Map<Class<?>, ChildrenAccessor<?>> registeredChildrenAccessors = new HashMap<Class<?>, ChildrenAccessor<?>>();
private static final Map<Class<?>, DeclarationSetManager<?>> registeredDeclarationSetManagers = new HashMap<Class<?>, DeclarationSetManager<?>>();
private static ParamConverter converter;
private static List<Selector.Atom> lastStack;
* Registers a new property to the engine.
* <p/>
* A property defines a style attribute, like "margin", "border" or "color"
* in common CSS syntax. A property is always associated with a value in
* declarations, like "color: #FFF", and this value can be made of one or
* more parameters. Actually, a property can support different sets of
* parameters. For instance, the common "margin" CSS property can be called
* with either 1, 2 or 4 parameters, defining the margin insets.
public static void registerProperty(Property property) {
if (registeredProperties.containsKey(property.getName())) throw new RuntimeException("Property already registered");
registeredProperties.put(property.getName(), property);
* Registers a new function to the engine.
* <p/>
* A function, or a "functional notation", is used to produce a value for a
* parameter of a declaration value. It takes one or more parameters (which
* can be functions too), processes them and returns an object.
public static void registerFunction(Function function) {
if (registeredFunctions.containsKey(function.getName())) throw new RuntimeException("Function already registered");
registeredFunctions.put(function.getName(), function);
* Registers a new processor to the engine.
* <p/>
* A declarations processor is responsible for applying a group of
* declarations to a target object. These declarations are retrieved from
* the stylesheet and correspond to the rules which selectors were walidated
* by the target object.
public static void registerProcessor(Class<?> clazz, DeclarationSetProcessor<?> processor) {
List<DeclarationSetProcessor<?>> list = registeredProcessors.get(clazz);
if (list == null) {
list = new ArrayList<DeclarationSetProcessor<?>>();
registeredProcessors.put(clazz, list);
if (!list.contains(processor)) list.add(processor);
* Registers a target with one ore more CSS classnames or ids.
* <p/>
* This is used to assign CSS classnames (like ".something"), or ids (like
* "#something") to a target. Don't forget to unregister the target when
* you dispose of it, to remove it from memory.
public static void registerCssClasses(Object target, String... classes) {
if (!registeredTargets.containsKey(target)) registeredTargets.put(target, new ArrayList<String>());
for (String name : classes) {
if (name.startsWith("#")) {
for (List<String> names : registeredTargets.values()) {
if (names.contains(name)) throw new RuntimeException("ID " + name + " has already been registered.");
if (name.startsWith("#") || name.startsWith(".")) {
String clazz = name.substring(1);
List<String> regClasses = registeredTargets.get(target);
if (!regClasses.contains(clazz)) regClasses.add(clazz);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Names have to start with a '.' for classes or a '#' for ids");
* Registers a children accessor with a parent class.
* <p/>
* Accessors are used to automatically apply a style to the children of a
* target, without requiring it to manually pass it to its children.
public static void registerChildrenAccessor(Class<?> parentClass, ChildrenAccessor<?> accessor) {
registeredChildrenAccessors.put(parentClass, accessor);
* Registers a declaration set manager with a parent class.
* <p/>
* Managers are used to handle actions needed by pseudo classes. Usually,
* they add a mouse listener to the targets to listen for mouse over (for
* the ':hover' pseudo class, etc.
public static void registerDeclarationSetManager(Class<?> parentClass, DeclarationSetManager<?> manager) {
registeredDeclarationSetManagers.put(parentClass, manager);
* Unregisters one or more classnames associated to a target.
public static void unregisterCssClasses(Object target, String... classes) {
List<String> regClasses = registeredTargets.get(target);
if (regClasses != null) return;
for (String clazz : classes) {
if (clazz.startsWith("#") || clazz.startsWith(".")) {
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Names have to start with a '.' for classes or a '#' for ids");
* Unregisters every classname associated to a target.
public static void unregisterAllCssClasses(Object target) {
* Applies a stylesheet to a target and its children, if it has a
* corresponding children accessor registered.
public static void apply(Object target, Style style) {
applyImpl(target, style, new ArrayList<Selector.Atom>());
* Applies a stylesheet to a target and its children, if it has a
* corresponding children accessor registered.
public static void apply(Object target, Style style, List<Selector.Atom> stack) {
applyImpl(target, style, stack);
* Applies a group of declarations to a target. It is often used as an
* advanced technique to propagate the declarations of a target to its
* children, even if they should not validate the same rules of the
* stylesheet. Complicated to understand, but still useful :)
public static void apply(Object target, DeclarationSet ds) {
for (Class<?> clazz : registeredProcessors.keySet()) {
if (clazz.isInstance(target)) {
List<DeclarationSetProcessor<?>> processors = registeredProcessors.get(clazz);
for (DeclarationSetProcessor<?> proc : processors) {
((DeclarationSetProcessor<Object>) proc).process(target, ds);
* Sets the converter that will be used to convert special objects found
* during parsing into something useable.
* <p/>
* Indeed, some definitions in a CSS stylesheet may correspond to some
* objects that are not defined. This is the case for color definitions,
* like "#FFF", which need to be assigned to a color object. However, since
* the CSS engine is not bound to any UI technology, it will ask you to
* create a color object from every color definition, according to your
* framework.
public static void setParamConverter(ParamConverter converter) {
Style.converter = converter;
* Gets a list of every registered properties names.
public static List<String> getRegisteredPropertiesNames() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<String>(registeredProperties.keySet()));
* Gets a property by its name.
public static Property getRegisteredProperty(String name) {
return registeredProperties.get(name);
* Gets a list of every registered functions.
public static List<String> getRegisteredFunctionsNames() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<String>(registeredFunctions.keySet()));
* Gets a function by its name.
public static Function getRegisteredFunction(String name) {
return registeredFunctions.get(name);
* Gets a list of every target registered with a classname.
public static List<Object> getRegisteredTargets() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<Object>(registeredTargets.keySet()));
* Gets the CSS classnames associated to the given target.
public static List<String> getRegisteredTargetClassNames(Object target) {
List<String> classes = registeredTargets.get(target);
if (classes != null) return classes;
return new ArrayList<String>();
* Gets the rules manual.
public static String getPropertiesManual() {
return generatePropertiesManual();
* Gets the functions manual.
public static String getFunctionsManual() {
return generateFunctionsManual();
* Gets the stack of element containers computed during last apply call.
public static List<Atom> getLastStack() {
return lastStack;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Attrs + ctors
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
private final String styleSheet;
private final List<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<Rule>();
* Builds a new Style from an URL pointing to a stylesheet.
public Style(URL styleSheetUrl) {
this.styleSheet = getStyleSheet(styleSheetUrl);
* Builds a new Style from String stylesheet.
public Style(String styleSheet) {
this.styleSheet = styleSheet;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Public API
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Gets the stylesheet content.
public String getStyleSheet() {
return styleSheet;
* Gets the rules extracted from the stylesheet.
public List<Rule> getRules() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(rules);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers - load
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
private String getStyleSheet(URL styleSheetUrl) {
if (styleSheetUrl == null) throw new NullPointerException("styleSheetUrl");
BufferedReader reader = null;
try {
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(styleSheetUrl.openStream()));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
char[] buffer = new char[4096];
int len;
while ((len = > -1) sb.append(buffer, 0, len);
return sb.toString();
} catch (IOException ex) {
return null;
} finally {
try {reader.close();} catch (IOException ex) {}
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers - parse
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
private void parse(String styleSheet) throws StyleException {
CharStream cs = new ANTLRStringStream(styleSheet);
CssLexer lexer = new CssLexer(cs);
CommonTokenStream tokens = new CommonTokenStream();
CssParser parser = new CssParser(tokens);
try {
} catch (RecognitionException ex) {
throw new StyleException(ex.getMessage());
for (CssParser.Rule parserRule : parser.rules) {
List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>();
Map<Property, List<Object>> propertiesValues = new HashMap<Property, List<Object>>();
for (String name : parserRule.declarations.keySet()) {
Property property = registeredProperties.get(name);
if (property == null) throw StyleException.forProperty(name);
List<Object> params = parserRule.declarations.get(name);
if (!checkParams(property, params)) {
throw StyleException.forPropertyParams(property);
propertiesValues.put(property, params);
for (CssParser.Selector rawSelector : parserRule.selectors) {
Selector selector = new Selector(rawSelector.str);
DeclarationSet ds = new DeclarationSet(this, properties, propertiesValues);
rules.add(new Rule(selector, ds));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers - check
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
private boolean checkParams(Parameterized call, List<Object> params) {
boolean valid = false;
for (Class[] classes : call.getParams()) {
if (isMatch(params, classes)) {
valid = true;
return valid;
private boolean isMatch(List<Object> params, Class[] classes) {
if (params.size() != classes.length) return false;
for (int i=0; i<params.size(); i++) {
Object param = params.get(i);
Class<?> paramClass = getParamClass(param);
if (param != null && !classes[i].isAssignableFrom(paramClass)) {
return false;
return true;
private Class<?> getParamClass(Object param) {
if (param == null) return null;
if (param instanceof CssParser.Function) {
CssParser.Function parserFunction = (CssParser.Function) param;
Function function = registeredFunctions.get(;
if (function == null) throw StyleException.forFunction(;
List<Object> functionParams = parserFunction.params;
if (!checkParams(function, functionParams)) throw StyleException.forFunctionParams(function);
return function.getReturn();
if (param instanceof CssParser.Color) {
if (converter != null) return converter.getColorClass();
return param.getClass();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers - apply
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static void applyImpl(Object target, Style style, List<Selector.Atom> stack) {
// Retrieve all the declarations belonging to the target and evaluate
// their parameters
Map<String, DeclarationSet> dss = DeclarationSet.dss(style, target, stack);
for (DeclarationSet ds : dss.values()) {
for (Property property : ds.getProperties()) {
for (int i=0; i<ds.getValue(property).size(); i++) {
Object param = ds.getValue(property).get(i);
ds.replaceValueParam(property, i, evaluateParam(param));
// Add the target class and classname to the selectors stack
Selector.Atom atom = new Selector.Atom(target.getClass(), getRegisteredTargetClassNames(target));
stack = new ArrayList<Selector.Atom>(stack);
lastStack = Collections.unmodifiableList(stack);
// Apply these declarations to the target
for (Class<?> clazz : registeredDeclarationSetManagers.keySet()) {
if (clazz.isInstance(target)) {
DeclarationSetManager<Object> manager = (DeclarationSetManager<Object>) registeredDeclarationSetManagers.get(clazz);
manager.manage(target, dss);
// Iterate over the target children, if there is any
if (target instanceof Container) {
Container parent = (Container) target;
if (parent.getChildren() != null) {
for (Object child : parent.getChildren()) apply(child, style, stack);
} else {
for (Class<?> clazz : registeredChildrenAccessors.keySet()) {
if (clazz.isInstance(target)) {
ChildrenAccessor<Object> accessor = (ChildrenAccessor<Object>) registeredChildrenAccessors.get(clazz);
if (accessor.getChildren(target) != null) {
for (Object child : accessor.getChildren(target)) apply(child, style, stack);
private static Object evaluateParam(Object param) throws StyleException {
if (param instanceof CssParser.Color) {
CssParser.Color c = (CssParser.Color) param;
if (converter != null) return converter.convertColor(parseColor(c.str));
if (param instanceof CssParser.Function) {
CssParser.Function parserFunction = (CssParser.Function) param;
Function function = registeredFunctions.get(;
List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(parserFunction.params);
for (int i=0; i<params.size(); i++) {
params.set(i, evaluateParam(params.get(i)));
return function.process(params);
return param;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Helpers - manual
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static String generatePropertiesManual() {
String str = "";
for (Property property : registeredProperties.values()) {
str += property.getName() + "\n";
for (int i=0; i<property.getParams().length; i++) {
str += " ";
for (int ii=0; ii<property.getParams()[i].length; ii++) {
String clazz = property.getParams()[i][ii].getSimpleName();
String name = property.getParamsNames()[i][ii];
if (ii > 0) str += ", ";
str += prettify(clazz) + " " + name;
str += "\n";
str += "\n";
return str.trim();
private static String generateFunctionsManual() {
String str = "";
for (Function function : registeredFunctions.values()) {
str += function.getName() + getReturnStatement(function) + "\n";
for (int i=0; i<function.getParams().length; i++) {
str += " ";
for (int ii=0; ii<function.getParams()[i].length; ii++) {
String clazz = function.getParams()[i][ii].getSimpleName();
String name = function.getParamsNames()[i][ii];
if (ii > 0) str += ", ";
str += prettify(clazz) + " " + name;
str += "\n";
str += "\n";
return str.trim();
private static String prettify(String clazz) {
clazz = clazz.replace("Integer", "int");
clazz = clazz.replace("Float", "float");
clazz = clazz.replace("Number", "float");
clazz = clazz.replace("Boolean", "boolean");
return clazz;
private static String getReturnStatement(Function function) {
return " [returns " + prettify(function.getReturn().getSimpleName()) + "]";
private static int parseColor(String s) {
int incr = s.length() == 9 || s.length() == 7 ? 2 : 1;
boolean alpha = s.length() == 9 || s.length() == 5;
int i = 1;
int a = alpha ? hex(s.substring(i,i+=incr)) : 255;
int r = hex(s.substring(i,i+=incr));
int g = hex(s.substring(i,i+=incr));
int b = hex(s.substring(i,i+=incr));
return (a<<24) | (r<<16) | (g<<8) | b;
private static int hex(String s) {
if (s.length() == 1) s = s.concat(s);
return Integer.parseInt(s, 16);