// Copyright (c) 2011, Brian Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 03 Nov 2011 Brian Frank Creation
package org.haystack.server;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.haystack.HCol;
import org.haystack.HDateTimeRange;
import org.haystack.HDict;
import org.haystack.HDictBuilder;
import org.haystack.HFilter;
import org.haystack.HGrid;
import org.haystack.HGridBuilder;
import org.haystack.HHisItem;
import org.haystack.HTimeZone;
import org.haystack.HWatch;
import org.haystack.ParseException;
import org.haystack.UnknownNameException;
import org.haystack.UnknownRecException;
import org.haystack.UnknownWatchException;
import org.haystack.io.HGridWriter;
import org.haystack.tagval.HDateTime;
import org.haystack.tagval.HNum;
import org.haystack.tagval.HRef;
import org.haystack.tagval.HUri;
import org.haystack.tagval.HVal;
import org.haystack.temp.HProj;
* HServer is the interface between HServlet and a database of
* tag based entities. All methods on HServer must be thread safe.
* @see <a href='http://project-haystack.org/doc/Rest'>Project Haystack</a>
public abstract class HServer extends HProj {
// Operations
* Return the operations supported by this database.
public abstract HOp[] ops();
* Lookup an operation by name. If no operation is registered
* for the given name, then return null or raise UnknownNameException
* base on check flag.
public HOp op(String name, boolean checked) {
// lazily build lookup map
if (this.opsByName == null) {
Map<String, HOp> map = new HashMap<String, HOp>();
HOp[] ops = ops();
for (int i = 0; i < ops.length; ++i) {
HOp op = ops[i];
if (map.get(op.name()) != null)
System.out.println("WARN: duplicate HOp name: " + op.name());
map.put(op.name(), op);
this.opsByName = map;
// lookup
HOp op = opsByName.get(name);
if (op != null)
return op;
if (checked)
throw new UnknownNameException(name);
return null;
// About
* Get the about metadata which should contain following tags:
public final HDict about() {
return new HDictBuilder().add(onAbout()).add("haystackVersion", "2.0").add("serverTime", HDateTime.now())
.add("serverBootTime", this.bootTime).add("tz", HTimeZone.getDefault().name).toDict();
* Implementation hook for "about" method.
* Should return these tags:
* - serverName: Str
* - productName: Str
* - productVersion: Str
* - productUri: Uri
* - moduleName: Str
* - moduleVersion: Str
* - moduleUri: Uri
protected abstract HDict onAbout();
// Reads
* Default implementation routes to onReadById
protected HGrid onReadByIds(HRef[] ids) {
HDict[] recs = new HDict[ids.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i)
recs[i] = onReadById(ids[i]);
return HGridBuilder.dictsToGrid(recs);
* Default implementation scans all records using "iterator"
protected HGrid onReadAll(String filter, int limit) {
HFilter f = HFilter.make(filter);
List<HDict> acc = new ArrayList<HDict>();
for (Iterator<HDict> it = iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
HDict rec = it.next();
if (f.include(rec, filterPather)) {
if (acc.size() >= limit)
return HGridBuilder.dictsToGrid(acc.toArray(new HDict[acc.size()]));
private final HFilter.Pather filterPather = new HFilter.Pather() {
public HDict find(String id) {
return readById(HRef.make(id));
* Implementation hook to iterate every entity record in
* the database as a HDict.
protected abstract Iterator<HDict> iterator();
// Navigation
* Return navigation children for given navId.
public HGrid nav(String navId) {
return onNav(navId);
* Return navigation tree children for given navId.
* The grid must define the "navId" column.
protected abstract HGrid onNav(String navId);
* Read a record from the database using a navigation path.
* If not found then return null or raise UnknownRecException
* base on checked flag.
public HDict navReadByUri(HUri uri, boolean checked) {
HDict rec = onNavReadByUri(uri);
if (rec != null)
return rec;
if (checked)
throw new UnknownRecException(uri.toString());
return null;
* Implementation hook for navReadByUri. Return null if not
* found. Do NOT raise any exceptions.
protected abstract HDict onNavReadByUri(HUri uri);
// Watches
* Create a new watch with an empty subscriber list. The dis
* string is a debug string to keep track of who created the watch.
public final HWatch watchOpen(String dis) {
dis = dis.trim();
if (dis.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("dis is empty");
return onWatchOpen(dis);
* List the open watches.
public final HWatch[] watches() {
return onWatches();
* Lookup a watch by its unique identifier. If not found then
* raise UnknownWatchErr or return null based on checked flag.
public HWatch watch(String id, boolean checked) {
HWatch w = onWatch(id);
if (w != null)
return w;
if (checked)
throw new UnknownWatchException(id);
return null;
* Implementation hook for watchOpen.
protected abstract HWatch onWatchOpen(String dis);
* Implementation hook for watches.
protected abstract HWatch[] onWatches();
* Implementation hook for watch lookup, return null if not found.
protected abstract HWatch onWatch(String id);
// Point Writes
* Return priority array for writable point identified by id.
* The grid contains 17 rows with following columns:
* - level: number from 1 - 17 (17 is default)
* - levelDis: human description of level
* - val: current value at level or null
* - who: who last controlled the value at this level
public final HGrid pointWriteArray(HRef id) {
// lookup entity
HDict rec = readById(id);
// check that entity has "writable" tag
if (rec.missing("writable"))
throw new UnknownNameException("Rec missing 'writable' tag: " + rec.dis());
return onPointWriteArray(rec);
* Write to the given priority array level.
public final void pointWrite(HRef id, int level, HVal val, String who, HNum dur) {
// argument checks
if (level < 1 || level > 17)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid level 1-17: " + level);
if (who == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("who is null");
// lookup entity
HDict rec = readById(id);
// check that entity has "writable" tag
if (rec.missing("writable"))
throw new UnknownNameException("Rec missing 'writable' tag: " + rec.dis());
onPointWrite(rec, level, val, who, dur);
* Implementation hook for pointWriteArray
protected abstract HGrid onPointWriteArray(HDict rec);
* Implementation hook for pointWrite
protected abstract void onPointWrite(HDict rec, int level, HVal val, String who, HNum dur);
// History
* Read history time-series data for given record and time range. The
* items returned are exclusive of start time and inclusive of end time.
* Raise exception if id does not map to a record with the required tags
* "his" or "tz". The range may be either a String or a HDateTimeRange.
* If HTimeDateRange is passed then must match the timezone configured on
* the history record. Otherwise if a String is passed, it is resolved
* relative to the history record's timezone.
public final void hisRead(HRef id, Object range, HGridWriter writer) {
// lookup entity
HDict rec = readById(id);
// check that entity has "his" tag
if (rec.missing("his"))
throw new UnknownNameException("Rec missing 'his' tag: " + rec.dis());
// lookup "tz" on entity
HTimeZone tz = null;
if (rec.has("tz"))
tz = HTimeZone.make(rec.getStr("tz"), false);
if (tz == null)
throw new UnknownNameException("Rec missing or invalid 'tz' tag: " + rec.dis());
// check or parse date range
HDateTimeRange r = null;
if (range instanceof HDateTimeRange) {
r = (HDateTimeRange) range;
else {
try {
r = HDateTimeRange.make(range.toString(), tz);
catch (ParseException e) {
throw new ParseException("Invalid date time range: " + range);
// checking
if (!r.start.tz.equals(tz))
throw new RuntimeException("range.tz != rec: " + r.start.tz + " != " + tz);
// build and return result grid
HDict meta = new HDictBuilder().add("id", id).add("hisStart", r.start).add("hisEnd", r.end).toDict();
HDictBuilder dictBuilder = new HDictBuilder();
HCol[] cols = { new HCol(0, "ts", dictBuilder.toDict()), new HCol(1, "val", dictBuilder.toDict()), };
// route to subclass
onHisRead(rec, r, writer, cols);
// TODO why is this here?
// // check items
// if (items.length > 0) {
// if (r.start.millis() >= items[0].ts.millis())
// throw new IllegalStateException("start range not met");
// if (r.end.millis() < items[items.length - 1].ts.millis())
// throw new IllegalStateException("end range not met");
// }
* Implementation hook for hisRead. The items must be exclusive
* of start and inclusive of end time.
protected abstract void onHisRead(HDict rec, HDateTimeRange range, HGridWriter writer, HCol[] cols);
* Write a set of history time-series data to the given point record.
* The record must already be defined and must be properly tagged as
* a historized point. The timestamp timezone must exactly match the
* point's configured "tz" tag. If duplicate or out-of-order items are
* inserted then they must be gracefully merged.
public final void hisWrite(HRef id, HHisItem[] items) {
// lookup entity
HDict rec = readById(id);
// check that entity has "his" tag
if (rec.missing("his"))
throw new UnknownNameException("Entity missing 'his' tag: " + rec.dis());
// lookup "tz" on entity
HTimeZone tz = null;
if (rec.has("tz"))
tz = HTimeZone.make(rec.getStr("tz"), false);
if (tz == null)
throw new UnknownNameException("Rec missing or invalid 'tz' tag: " + rec.dis());
// check tz of items
if (items.length == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; ++i)
if (!items[i].ts.tz.equals(tz))
throw new RuntimeException("item.tz != rec.tz: " + items[i].ts.tz + " != " + tz);
// route to subclass
onHisWrite(rec, items);
* Implementation hook for onHisWrite.
protected abstract void onHisWrite(HDict rec, HHisItem[] items);
// Actions
* Invoke an action identified by id and action.
public final HGrid invokeAction(HRef id, String action, HDict args) {
// lookup entity
HDict rec = readById(id);
// route to subclass
return onInvokeAction(rec, action, args);
* Implementation hook for invokeAction
protected abstract HGrid onInvokeAction(HDict rec, String action, HDict args);
// Fields
final HDateTime bootTime = HDateTime.now();
private Map<String, HOp> opsByName;