// Copyright (c) 2011, Brian Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 11 Jul 2011 Brian Frank Creation
// 26 Sep 2012 Brian Frank Revamp original code
package org.haystack.client;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.URL;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import org.haystack.HDict;
import org.haystack.HDictBuilder;
import org.haystack.HGrid;
import org.haystack.HGridBuilder;
import org.haystack.HHisItem;
import org.haystack.HWatch;
import org.haystack.UnknownRecException;
import org.haystack.UnknownWatchException;
import org.haystack.io.HZincReader;
import org.haystack.io.HZincWriter;
import org.haystack.tagval.HNum;
import org.haystack.tagval.HRef;
import org.haystack.tagval.HStr;
import org.haystack.tagval.HVal;
import org.haystack.temp.HProj;
import org.haystack.util.Base64;
* HClient manages a logical connection to a HTTP REST haystack server.
* @see <a href='http://project-haystack.org/doc/Rest'>Project Haystack</a>
public class HClient extends HProj {
// Construction
* Open a connection and authenticate to a Haystack HTTP server.
public static HClient open(String uri, String user, String pass) {
HClient client = new HClient(uri, user, pass);
return client;
private HClient(String uri, String user, String pass) {
// check uri
if (!uri.startsWith("http://") && !uri.startsWith("https://"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid uri format: " + uri);
if (!uri.endsWith("/"))
uri = uri + "/";
// sanity check arguments
if (user.length() == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("user cannot be empty string");
// if (pass.length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("password cannot be empty string");
this.uri = uri;
this.user = user;
this.pass = pass;
// Identity
* Base URI for connection such as "http://host/api/demo/".
* This string always ends with slash.
public final String uri;
// Operations
* Call "about" to query summary info.
public HDict about() {
return call("about", HGrid.EMPTY).row(0);
* Call "ops" to query which operations are supported by server.
public HGrid ops() {
return call("ops", HGrid.EMPTY);
* Call "formats" to query which MIME formats are available.
public HGrid formats() {
return call("formats", HGrid.EMPTY);
// Reads
protected HDict onReadById(HRef id) {
HGrid res = readByIds(new HRef[] { id }, false);
if (res.isEmpty())
return null;
HDict rec = res.row(0);
if (rec.missing("id"))
return null;
return rec;
protected HGrid onReadByIds(HRef[] ids) {
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i)
b.addRow(new HVal[] { ids[i] });
HGrid req = b.toGrid();
return call("read", req);
protected HGrid onReadAll(String filter, int limit) {
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
b.addRow(new HVal[] { HStr.make(filter), HNum.make(limit) });
HGrid req = b.toGrid();
return call("read", req);
// Evals
* Call "eval" operation to evaluate a vendor specific
* expression on the server:
* - SkySpark: any Axon expression
* Raise CallErrException if the server raises an exception.
public HGrid eval(String expr) {
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
b.addRow(new HVal[] { HStr.make(expr) });
HGrid req = b.toGrid();
return call("eval", req);
* Convenience for "evalAll(HGrid, true)".
public HGrid[] evalAll(String[] exprs) {
return evalAll(exprs, true);
* Convenience for "evalAll(HGrid, checked)".
public HGrid[] evalAll(String[] exprs, boolean checked) {
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < exprs.length; ++i)
b.addRow(new HVal[] { HStr.make(exprs[i]) });
return evalAll(b.toGrid(), checked);
* Call "evalAll" operation to evaluate a batch of vendor specific
* expressions on the server. See "eval" method for list of vendor
* expression formats. The request grid must specify an "expr" column.
* A separate grid is returned for each row in the request. If checked
* is false, then this call does *not* automatically check for error
* grids. Client code must individual check each grid for partial
* failures using "Grid.isErr". If checked is true and one of the
* requests failed, then raise CallErrException for first failure.
public HGrid[] evalAll(HGrid req, boolean checked) {
String reqStr = HZincWriter.gridToString(req);
String resStr = postString("evalAll", reqStr);
HGrid[] res = new HZincReader(resStr).readGrids();
if (checked) {
for (int i = 0; i < res.length; ++i)
if (res[i].isErr())
throw new CallErrException(res[i]);
return res;
// Watches
* Create a new watch with an empty subscriber list. The dis
* string is a debug string to keep track of who created the watch.
public HWatch watchOpen(String dis) {
return new HClientWatch(this, dis);
* List the open watches associated with this HClient.
* This list does *not* contain a watch until it has been successfully
* subscribed and assigned an identifier by the server.
public HWatch[] watches() {
return watches.values().toArray(new HWatch[watches.size()]);
* Lookup a watch by its unique identifier associated with this HClient.
* If not found return null or raise UnknownWatchException based on
* checked flag.
public HWatch watch(String id, boolean checked) {
HWatch w = watches.get(id);
if (w != null)
return w;
if (checked)
throw new UnknownWatchException(id);
return null;
HGrid watchSub(HClientWatch w, HRef[] ids, boolean checked) {
if (ids.length == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ids are empty");
if (w.closed)
throw new IllegalStateException("watch is closed");
// grid meta
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
if (w.id != null)
b.meta().add("watchId", w.id);
b.meta().add("watchDis", w.dis);
// grid rows
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i)
b.addRow(new HVal[] { ids[i] });
// make request
HGrid res;
try {
HGrid req = b.toGrid();
res = call("watchSub", req);
catch (CallErrException e) {
// any server side error is considered close
watchClose(w, false);
throw e;
// make sure watch is stored with its watch id
if (w.id == null) {
w.id = res.meta().getStr("watchId");
w.lease = (HNum) res.meta().get("lease");
watches.put(w.id, w);
// if checked, then check it
if (checked) {
if (res.numRows() != ids.length && ids.length > 0)
throw new UnknownRecException(ids[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < res.numRows(); ++i)
if (res.row(i).missing("id"))
throw new UnknownRecException(ids[i]);
return res;
void watchUnsub(HClientWatch w, HRef[] ids) {
if (ids.length == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ids are empty");
if (w.id == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("nothing subscribed yet");
if (w.closed)
throw new IllegalStateException("watch is closed");
// grid meta
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
b.meta().add("watchId", w.id);
// grid rows
for (int i = 0; i < ids.length; ++i)
b.addRow(new HVal[] { ids[i] });
// make request
HGrid req = b.toGrid();
call("watchUnsub", req);
HGrid watchPoll(HClientWatch w, boolean refresh) {
if (w.id == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("nothing subscribed yet");
if (w.closed)
throw new IllegalStateException("watch is closed");
// grid meta
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
b.meta().add("watchId", w.id);
if (refresh)
// make request
HGrid req = b.toGrid();
try {
return call("watchPoll", req);
catch (CallErrException e) {
// any server side error is considered close
watchClose(w, false);
throw e;
void watchClose(HClientWatch w, boolean send) {
// mark flag on watch itself, short circuit if already closed
if (w.closed)
w.closed = true;
// remove it from my lookup table
if (w.id != null)
// optionally send close message to server
if (send) {
try {
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
b.meta().add("watchId", w.id).add("close");
call("watchUnsub", b.toGrid());
catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
static class HClientWatch extends HWatch {
HClientWatch(HClient c, String d) {
client = c;
dis = d;
public String id() {
return id;
public HNum lease() {
return lease;
public String dis() {
return dis;
public HGrid sub(HRef[] ids, boolean checked) {
return client.watchSub(this, ids, checked);
public void unsub(HRef[] ids) {
client.watchUnsub(this, ids);
public HGrid pollChanges() {
return client.watchPoll(this, false);
public HGrid pollRefresh() {
return client.watchPoll(this, true);
public void close() {
client.watchClose(this, true);
final HClient client;
final String dis;
String id;
HNum lease;
boolean closed;
// PointWrite
* Write to a given level of a writable point, and return the current status
* of a writable point's priority array (see pointWriteArray()).
* @param id
* Ref identifier of writable point
* @param level
* Number from 1-17 for level to write
* @param val
* value to write or null to auto the level
* @param who
* optional username performing the write, otherwise user dis is used
* @param duration
* Number with duration unit if setting level 8
public HGrid pointWrite(HRef id, int level, String who, HVal val, HNum dur) {
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
b.addRow(new HVal[] { id, HNum.make(level), HStr.make(who), val, dur });
HGrid req = b.toGrid();
HGrid res = call("pointWrite", req);
return res;
* Return the current status
* of a point's priority array.
* The result is returned grid with following columns:
* <ul>
* <li>level: number from 1 - 17 (17 is default)
* <li>levelDis: human description of level
* <li>val: current value at level or null
* <li>who: who last controlled the value at this level
* </ul>
public HGrid pointWriteArray(HRef id) {
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
b.addRow(new HVal[] { id });
HGrid req = b.toGrid();
HGrid res = call("pointWrite", req);
return res;
// History
* Read history time-series data for given record and time range. The
* items returned are exclusive of start time and inclusive of end time.
* Raise exception if id does not map to a record with the required tags
* "his" or "tz". The range may be either a String or a HDateTimeRange.
* If HTimeDateRange is passed then must match the timezone configured on
* the history record. Otherwise if a String is passed, it is resolved
* relative to the history record's timezone.
public HGrid hisRead(HRef id, Object range) {
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
b.addRow(new HVal[] { id, HStr.make(range.toString()) });
HGrid req = b.toGrid();
HGrid res = call("hisRead", req);
return res;
* Write a set of history time-series data to the given point record.
* The record must already be defined and must be properly tagged as
* a historized point. The timestamp timezone must exactly match the
* point's configured "tz" tag. If duplicate or out-of-order items are
* inserted then they must be gracefully merged.
public void hisWrite(HRef id, HHisItem[] items) {
HDict meta = new HDictBuilder().add("id", id).toDict();
HGrid req = HGridBuilder.hisItemsToGrid(meta, items);
call("hisWrite", req);
// Actions
* Invoke a remote action using the "invokeAction" REST operation.
public HGrid invokeAction(HRef id, String action, HDict args) {
HDict meta = new HDictBuilder().add("id", id).add("action", action).toDict();
HGrid req = HGridBuilder.dictsToGrid(meta, new HDict[] { args });
return call("invokeAction", req);
// Call
* Make a call to the given operation. The request grid is posted
* to the URI "this.uri+op" and the response is parsed as a grid.
* Raise CallNetworkException if there is a communication I/O error.
* Raise CallErrException if there is a server side error and an error
* grid is returned.
public HGrid call(String op, HGrid req) {
HGrid res = postGrid(op, req);
if (res.isErr())
throw new CallErrException(res);
return res;
private HGrid postGrid(String op, HGrid req) {
String reqStr = HZincWriter.gridToString(req);
String resStr = postString(op, reqStr);
return new HZincReader(resStr).readGrid();
private String postString(String op, String req) {
try {
// setup the POST request
URL url = new URL(uri + op);
HttpURLConnection c = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
try {
c.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Close");
c.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
if (authProperty != null)
c.setRequestProperty(authProperty.key, authProperty.value);
// post expression
Writer cout = new OutputStreamWriter(c.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8");
// check for successful request
if (c.getResponseCode() != 200)
throw new CallHttpException(c.getResponseCode(), c.getResponseMessage());
// read response into string
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(1024);
Reader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(c.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"));
int n;
while ((n = r.read()) > 0)
s.append((char) n);
return s.toString();
finally {
try {
catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
catch (Exception e) {
throw new CallNetworkException(e);
// Authentication
* Authenticate with the server. Currently we just support
* SkySpark nonce based HMAC SHA-1 mechanism.
private void authenticate() {
try {
HttpURLConnection c = null;
try {
// make request to about to get headers
URL url = new URL(this.uri + "about");
c = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
String folioAuthUri = c.getHeaderField("Folio-Auth-Api-Uri");
if (folioAuthUri != null) {
int respCode = c.getResponseCode();
switch (respCode) {
case 200:
case 302:
case 401:
throw new CallAuthException("Unexpected Response Code: " + respCode);
finally {
try {
if (c != null)
catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
catch (CallException e) {
throw e;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new CallNetworkException(e);
* Authenticate using Basic HTTP
private void authenticateBasic() throws Exception {
// According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication,
// we are supposed to get a "WWW-Authenticate" header, that has the 'realm' in it.
// We don't get it, but it doesn't matter. Just set up a Property
// to send back Basic Authorization on subsequent requests.
this.authProperty = new Property("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64.STANDARD.encode(user + ":" + pass));
* Authenticate with SkySpark nonce based HMAC SHA-1 mechanism.
private void authenticateFolio(HttpURLConnection c) throws Exception {
String authUri = c.getHeaderField("Folio-Auth-Api-Uri");
if (authUri == null)
throw new CallAuthException("Missing 'Folio-Auth-Api-Uri' header");
// make request to auth URI to get salt, nonce
String baseUri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf('/', 9));
URL url = new URL(baseUri + authUri + "?" + user);
c = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// parse response as name:value pairs
Map<String, String> props = parseResProps(c.getInputStream());
// get salt and nonce values
String salt = props.get("userSalt");
if (salt == null)
throw new CallAuthException("auth missing 'userSalt'");
String nonce = props.get("nonce");
if (nonce == null)
throw new CallAuthException("auth missing 'nonce'");
// compute hmac (note Java doesn't allow empty password)
Mac mac = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA1");
SecretKeySpec secret = new SecretKeySpec(pass.getBytes(), "HmacSHA1");
String hmac = Base64.STANDARD.encodeBytes(mac.doFinal((user + ":" + salt).getBytes()));
// compute digest with nonce
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
md.update((hmac + ":" + nonce).getBytes());
String digest = Base64.STANDARD.encodeBytes(md.digest());
// post back nonce/digest to auth URI
c = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
c.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
Writer cout = new OutputStreamWriter(c.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8");
cout.write("nonce:" + nonce + "\n");
cout.write("digest:" + digest + "\n");
if (c.getResponseCode() != 200)
throw new CallAuthException("Invalid username/password [" + c.getResponseCode() + "]");
// parse successful authentication to get cookie value
props = parseResProps(c.getInputStream());
String cookie = props.get("cookie");
if (cookie == null)
throw new CallAuthException("auth missing 'cookie'");
this.authProperty = new Property("Cookie", cookie);
private Map<String, String> parseResProps(InputStream in) throws Exception {
// parse response as name:value pairs
Map<String, String> props = new HashMap<String, String>();
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"));
for (String line; (line = r.readLine()) != null;) {
int colon = line.indexOf(':');
String name = line.substring(0, colon).trim();
String val = line.substring(colon + 1).trim();
props.put(name, val);
return props;
// Property
static class Property {
Property(String key, String value) {
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public String toString() {
return "[Property " + "key:" + key + ", " + "value:" + value + "]";
final String key;
final String value;
// Debug Utils
* private void dumpRes(HttpURLConnection c) throws Exception
* {
* System.out.println("==== " + c.getURL());
* System.out.println("res: " + c.getResponseCode() + " " + c.getResponseMessage() );
* for (int i=1; c.getHeaderFieldKey(i) != null; ++i)
* {
* System.out.println(c.getHeaderFieldKey(i) + ": " + c.getHeaderField(i));
* i++;
* }
* System.out.println();
* InputStream in = c.getInputStream();
* int n;
* while ((n = in.read()) > 0) System.out.print((char)n);
* }
// Fields
private final String user;
private final String pass;
private Property authProperty;
private final Map<String, HWatch> watches = new HashMap<String, HWatch>();