// Copyright (c) 2012, Brian Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
// 24 Sep 2012 Brian Frank Creation
package org.haystack;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import org.haystack.tagval.HVal;
* HGridBuilder is used to construct an immutable HGrid instance.
* @see <a href='http://project-haystack.org/doc/Grids'>Project Haystack</a>
public class HGridBuilder {
// Utils
/** Convenience to build one row grid from HDict. */
public static HGrid dictToGrid(HDict dict) {
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
Iterator<Entry<String, HVal>> it = dict.iterator();
List<HVal> cells = new ArrayList<HVal>();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Entry<String, HVal> entry = it.next();
String name = entry.getKey();
HVal val = entry.getValue();
b.rows.add(cells.toArray(new HVal[cells.size()]));
return b.toGrid();
* Convenience to build grid from array of HDict.
* Any null entry will be row of all null cells.
public static HGrid dictsToGrid(HDict[] dicts) {
return dictsToGrid(HDict.EMPTY, dicts);
* Convenience to build grid from array of HDict.
* Any null entry will be row of all null cells.
public static HGrid dictsToGrid(HDict meta, HDict[] dicts) {
if (dicts.length == 0)
return new HGrid(meta, new HCol[] { new HCol(0, "empty", HDict.EMPTY) }, new ArrayList<HVal[]>());
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
// collect column names
Map<String, String> colsByName = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (int i = 0; i < dicts.length; ++i) {
HDict dict = dicts[i];
if (dict == null)
Iterator<Entry<String, HVal>> it = dict.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Entry<String, HVal> entry = it.next();
String name = entry.getKey();
if (colsByName.get(name) == null) {
colsByName.put(name, name);
// if all dicts were null, handle special case
// by creating a dummy column
if (colsByName.size() == 0) {
colsByName.put("empty", "empty");
// now map rows
int numCols = b.cols.size();
for (int ri = 0; ri < dicts.length; ++ri) {
HDict dict = dicts[ri];
HVal[] cells = new HVal[numCols];
for (int ci = 0; ci < numCols; ++ci) {
if (dict == null)
cells[ci] = null;
cells[ci] = dict.get(b.cols.get(ci).name, false);
return b.toGrid();
/** Convenience to build an error grid from exception */
public static HGrid errToGrid(Throwable e) {
// Java sucks
StringWriter sout = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pout = new PrintWriter(sout);
String trace = sout.toString();
StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer(trace.length());
for (int i = 0; i < trace.length(); ++i) {
int ch = trace.charAt(i);
if (ch == '\t')
temp.append(" ");
else if (ch != '\r')
temp.append((char) ch);
trace = temp.toString();
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
b.meta().add("err").add("dis", e.toString()).add("errTrace", trace);
return b.toGrid();
/** Convenience to build grid from array of HHisItem */
public static HGrid hisItemsToGrid(HDict meta, HHisItem[] items) {
HGridBuilder b = new HGridBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
b.rows.add(new HVal[] { items[i].ts, items[i].val });
return b.toGrid();
// Building
/** Get the builder for the grid meta map */
public final HDictBuilder meta() {
return meta;
* Add new column and return builder for column metadata.
* Columns cannot be added after adding the first row.
public final HDictBuilder addCol(String name) {
if (rows.size() > 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot add cols after rows have been added");
BCol col = new BCol(name);
return col.meta;
* Add new row with array of cells which correspond to column
* order. Return this.
public final HGridBuilder addRow(HVal[] cells) {
if (cols.size() != cells.length)
throw new IllegalStateException("Row cells size != cols size");
return this;
/** Convert current state to an immutable HGrid instance */
public final HGrid toGrid() {
// meta
HDict meta = this.meta.toDict();
// cols
HCol[] hcols = new HCol[this.cols.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < hcols.length; ++i) {
BCol bc = this.cols.get(i);
hcols[i] = new HCol(i, bc.name, bc.meta.toDict());
// let HGrid constructor do the rest...
return new HGrid(meta, hcols, rows);
// BCol
static class BCol {
BCol(String name) {
this.name = name;
final String name;
final HDictBuilder meta = new HDictBuilder();
// Fields
private final HDictBuilder meta = new HDictBuilder();
private final List<BCol> cols = new ArrayList<BCol>();
private final List<HVal[]> rows = new ArrayList<HVal[]>();