Package org.haystack.test

Source Code of org.haystack.test.ZincTest

// Copyright (c) 2012, Brian Frank
// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
// History:
//   24 Sep 2012  Brian Frank  Creation
package org.haystack.test;

import org.haystack.HDict;
import org.haystack.HDictBuilder;
import org.haystack.HGrid;
import org.haystack.HRow;
import org.haystack.HTimeZone;
import org.haystack.tagval.HBin;
import org.haystack.tagval.HBool;
import org.haystack.tagval.HCoord;
import org.haystack.tagval.HDate;
import org.haystack.tagval.HDateTime;
import org.haystack.tagval.HMarker;
import org.haystack.tagval.HNum;
import org.haystack.tagval.HRef;
import org.haystack.tagval.HStr;
import org.haystack.tagval.HTime;
import org.haystack.tagval.HUri;
import org.haystack.tagval.HVal;

* ZincTest tests the zinc reader/writer
public class ZincTest extends Test {

    // Auto-generated test code - else could you possibly write
    // test code in a crappy language like Java

    public void test() {
        verifyGrid("ver:\"2.0\"\n" + "fooBar33\n" + "\n", null, new Object[] { "fooBar33", null, }, new HVal[][] {});

        verifyGrid("ver:\"2.0\" tag foo:\"bar\"\n" + "xyz\n" + "\"val\"\n" + "\n",
                new HDictBuilder().add("tag", HMarker.VAL).add("foo", HStr.make("bar")).toDict(), new Object[] { "xyz",
                        null, }, new HVal[][] { new HVal[] { HStr.make("val"), }, });

        verifyGrid("ver:\"2.0\"\n" + "val\n" + "N\n" + "\n", null, new Object[] { "val", null, },
                new HVal[][] { new HVal[] { null, }, });

                "ver:\"2.0\"\n" + "a,b\n" + "1,2\n" + "3,4\n" + "\n",
                new Object[] { "a", null, "b", null, },
                new HVal[][] { new HVal[] { HNum.make(1.0), HNum.make(2.0), },
                        new HVal[] { HNum.make(3.0), HNum.make(4.0), }, });

                "ver:\"2.0\" bg: Bin(image/jpeg) mark\n"
                        + "file1 dis:\"F1\" icon: Bin(image/gif),file2 icon: Bin(image/jpg)\n" + "Bin(text/plain),N\n"
                        + "4,Bin(image/png)\n" + "Bin(text/html; a=foo; bar=\"sep\"),Bin(text/html; charset=utf8)\n",
                new HDictBuilder().add("bg", HBin.make("image/jpeg")).add("mark", HMarker.VAL).toDict(),
                new Object[] { "file1",
                        new HDictBuilder().add("icon", HBin.make("image/gif")).add("dis", HStr.make("F1")).toDict(),
                        "file2", new HDictBuilder().add("icon", HBin.make("image/jpg")).toDict(), },
                new HVal[][] {
                        new HVal[] { HBin.make("text/plain"), null, },
                        new HVal[] { HNum.make(4.0), HBin.make("image/png"), },
                        new HVal[] { HBin.make("text/html; a=foo; bar=\"sep\""), HBin.make("text/html; charset=utf8"), }, });

                "ver:\"2.0\"\n" + "a,    b,      c,      d\n" + "T,    F,      N,   -99\n"
                        + "2.3,  -5e-10, 2.4e20, 123e-10\n"
                        + "\"\",   \"a\",   \"\\\" \\\\ \\t \\n \\r\", \"\\uabcd\"\n"
                        + "`path`, @12cbb082-0c02ae73, 4s, -2.5min\n" + "M,R,Bin(image/png),Bin(image/png)\n"
                        + "2009-12-31, 23:59:01, 01:02:03.123, 2009-02-03T04:05:06Z\n" + "INF, -INF, \"\", NaN\n"
                        + "\n",
                new Object[] { "a", null, "b", null, "c", null, "d", null, },
                new HVal[][] {
                        new HVal[] { HBool.TRUE, HBool.FALSE, null, HNum.make(-99.0), },
                        new HVal[] { HNum.make(2.3), HNum.make(-5.0E-10), HNum.make(2.4E20), HNum.make(1.23E-8), },
                        new HVal[] { HStr.make(""), HStr.make("a"), HStr.make("\" \\ \t \n \r"), HStr.make("\uabcd"), },
                        new HVal[] { HUri.make("path"), HRef.make("12cbb082-0c02ae73", null), HNum.make(4.0, "s"),
                                HNum.make(-2.5, "min"), },
                        new HVal[] { HMarker.VAL, HStr.make("_remove_"), HBin.make("image/png"),
                                HBin.make("image/png"), },
                        new HVal[] { HDate.make(2009, 12, 31), HTime.make(23, 59, 1, 0), HTime.make(1, 2, 3, 123),
                                HDateTime.make(HDate.make(2009, 2, 3), HTime.make(4, 5, 6, 0), HTimeZone.make("UTC")), },
                        new HVal[] { HNum.POS_INF, HNum.NEG_INF, HStr.make(""), HNum.NaN, }, });

        verifyGrid("ver:\"2.0\"\n" + "foo\n" + "`foo$20bar`\n" + "`foo\\`bar`\n" + "`file \\#2`\n" + "\"$15\"\n", null,
                new Object[] { "foo", null, },
                new HVal[][] { new HVal[] { HUri.make("foo$20bar"), }, new HVal[] { HUri.make("foo`bar"), },
                        new HVal[] { HUri.make("file \\#2"), }, new HVal[] { HStr.make("$15"), }, });

                "ver:\"2.0\"\n" + "a, b\n" + "-3.1kg,4kg\n" + "5%,3.2%\n" + "5kWh/ft\u00b2,-15kWh/m\u00b2\n"
                        + "123e+12kJ/kg_dry,74\u0394\u00b0F\n",
                new Object[] { "a", null, "b", null, },
                new HVal[][] { new HVal[] { HNum.make(-3.1, "kg"), HNum.make(4.0, "kg"), },
                        new HVal[] { HNum.make(5.0, "%"), HNum.make(3.2, "%"), },
                        new HVal[] { HNum.make(5.0, "kWh/ft\u00b2"), HNum.make(-15.0, "kWh/m\u00b2"), },
                        new HVal[] { HNum.make(1.23E14, "kJ/kg_dry"), HNum.make(74.0, "\u0394\u00b0F"), }, });

        verifyGrid("ver:\"2.0\"\n" + "a, b, c\n" + ", 1, 2\n" + "3, , 5\n" + "6, 7_000,\n" + ",,10\n" + ",,\n"
                + "14,,\n" + "\n", null, new Object[] { "a", null, "b", null, "c", null, }, new HVal[][] {
                new HVal[] { null, HNum.make(1.0), HNum.make(2.0), },
                new HVal[] { HNum.make(3.0), null, HNum.make(5.0), },
                new HVal[] { HNum.make(6.0), HNum.make(7000.0), null, }, new HVal[] { null, null, HNum.make(10.0), },
                new HVal[] { null, null, null, }, new HVal[] { HNum.make(14.0), null, null, }, });

                "ver:\"2.0\"\n" + "a,b\n"
                        + "2010-03-01T23:55:00.013-05:00 GMT+5,2010-03-01T23:55:00.013+10:00 GMT-10\n",
                new Object[] { "a", null, "b", null, },
                new HVal[][] { new HVal[] {
                        HDateTime.make(HDate.make(2010, 3, 1), HTime.make(23, 55, 0, 13), HTimeZone.make("GMT+5")),
                        HDateTime.make(HDate.make(2010, 3, 1), HTime.make(23, 55, 0, 13), HTimeZone.make("GMT-10")), }, });

                "ver:\"2.0\"\n" + "a\n" + "3.814697265625E-6\n" + "2010-12-18T14:11:30.925Z UTC\n"
                        + "2010-12-18T14:11:30.925Z London\n" + "45$\n" + "33\u00a3\n" + "@12cbb08e-0c02ae73\n"
                        + "7.15625E-4kWh/ft\u00b2\n" + "C(33.4,-12.3)\n",
                new Object[] { "a", null, },
                new HVal[][] {
                        new HVal[] { HNum.make(3.814697265625E-6), },
                        new HVal[] { HDateTime.make(HDate.make(2010, 12, 18), HTime.make(14, 11, 30, 925),
                                HTimeZone.make("UTC")), },
                        new HVal[] { HDateTime.make(HDate.make(2010, 12, 18), HTime.make(14, 11, 30, 925),
                                HTimeZone.make("London")), }, new HVal[] { HNum.make(45.0, "$"), },
                        new HVal[] { HNum.make(33.0, "\u00a3"), },
                        new HVal[] { HRef.make("12cbb08e-0c02ae73", null), },
                        new HVal[] { HNum.make(7.15625E-4, "kWh/ft\u00b2"), },
                        new HVal[] { HCoord.make(33.4, -12.3), }, });

    // Utils

    void verifyGrid(String str, HDict meta, Object[] cols, HVal[][] rows) {
         * System.out.println();
         * System.out.println("###############################################");
         * System.out.println();
         * System.out.println(str);

        // normalize nulls
        if (meta == null)
            meta = HDict.EMPTY;
        for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; ++i)
            if (cols[i] == null)
                cols[i] = HDict.EMPTY;

        // read from zinc
        HGrid grid = new HZincReader(str).readGrid();
        verifyGridEq(grid, meta, cols, rows);

        // write grid and verify we can parse that too
        String writeStr = HZincWriter.gridToString(grid);
        HGrid writeGrid = new HZincReader(writeStr).readGrid();
        verifyGridEq(writeGrid, meta, cols, rows);

    void verifyGridEq(HGrid grid, HDict meta, Object[] cols, HVal[][] rows) {
        // meta
        verifyEq(grid.meta(), meta);

        // cols
        verifyEq(grid.numCols(), cols.length / 2);
        for (int i = 0; i < grid.numCols(); ++i) {
            verifyEq(grid.col(i).name(), cols[i * 2 + 0]);
            verifyEq(grid.col(i).meta(), cols[i * 2 + 1]);

        // rows
        verifyEq(grid.numRows(), rows.length);
        for (int ri = 0; ri < rows.length; ++ri) {
            HVal[] expected = rows[ri];
            HRow actual = grid.row(ri);
            for (int ci = 0; ci < expected.length; ++ci) {
                verifyEq(expected[ci], actual.get(grid.col(ci).name(), false));


Related Classes of org.haystack.test.ZincTest

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