package com.ike.rwdccalc.Utilities;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.ike.rwdccalc.Objects.Coordinates;
import com.ike.rwdccalc.Objects.DistancePath;
import com.ike.rwdccalc.Objects.DoubleObject;
// This will be used to calculation each individual set of two planes
public class CalculatingTools {
// Calculate //
public static DistancePath calculate(boolean radius1InFeet, boolean radius2InFeet, double radiusOne, double radiusTwo, double footprintWidth) {
double radius1 = 0; // Extra variable to replace RadiusOne because of the possibility of the radius is in miles
double radius2 = 0; // Extra variable to replace RadiusTwo because of the possibility of the radius is in miles
// Check to make sure that radius one is in feet
if (!radius1InFeet) {
// It is not, so convert it from miles to feet
radius1 = radiusOne * 5280;
// Some logging, warn the user about this
System.out.println("W:RWDCCalc:CalculatingTools.calculate: - Radius one is " + radiusOne + " miles, converting to " + radius1 + " feet");
} else {
// It is in feet, so leave it how it is
radius1 = radiusOne;
// Check to make sure that radius two is in feet
if (!radius2InFeet) {
// It is not, so convert it from miles to feet
radius2 = radiusTwo * 5280;
// Some logging, warn the user about this
System.out.println("W:RWDCCalc:CalculatingTools.calculate: - Radius two is " + radiusTwo + " miles, converting to " + radius2 + " feet");
} else {
// It is in feet, so leave it how it is
radius2 = radiusTwo;
// Check to make sure radius two is larger than radius one
// If it isn't then the distance cannot be calculated correctly
if (radius1 > radius2) {
// Radius one is larger than radius two, so warn the user
System.out.println("W:RWDCCalc:CalculatingTools.calculate: - radius one is larger than radius two");
// Flip radius one and radius two, in case the user got them backwards
return pathDistance(radius2, radius1, footprintWidth);
} else {
// Everything is fine, run the calculation
return pathDistance(radius1, radius2, footprintWidth);
// Path Distance Calculator //
public static DistancePath pathDistance(double innerRadius, double outerRadius, double footprintWidth) {
final double tau = 2 * Math.PI; // Pi times two
// Show some logging of the numbers that were input
System.out.println("I:RWDCCalc:CalculatingTools.pathDistance: - innerRadius: " + innerRadius);
System.out.println("I:RWDCCalc:CalculatingTools.pathDistance: - outerRadius: " + outerRadius);
System.out.println("I:RWDCCalc:CalculatingTools.pathDistance: - footprintWidth: " + footprintWidth);
// Find half of the footprint width, this will be used for the first
// iteration where the plane is on the edge
double halfWidth = footprintWidth / 2;
// Show some logging of the halfWidth value
System.out.println("I:RWDCCalc:CalculatingTools.pathDistance: - halfWidth is " + halfWidth);
// Find the baseRadius, this is what we will base the calculations off of
final double baseRadius = outerRadius - halfWidth;
// Show some logging of the baseRadius value
System.out.println("I:RWDCCalc:CalculatingTools.pathDistance: - baseRadius is " + baseRadius);
// Initiate the totalDistance double ArrayList
ArrayList<DoubleObject> totalDistance = new ArrayList<DoubleObject>();
// This is the difference between the inner radius and the base radius
// this tells us how many iterations we are going to need to do
double radiusDif = baseRadius - innerRadius;
// Calculate the number of iterations we will do based on the footprint width
double iterationsDouble = radiusDif / footprintWidth;
// Round iterationsDouble to an integer, we can only do a fixed amount of iterations
//double iterations = Math.round(iterationsDouble);
// Show some logging of the iterations value
if (iterationsDouble == 1) {
System.out.println("I:RWDCCalc:CalculatingTools.pathDistance: - Doing " + iterationsDouble + " iterations");
} else {
System.out.println("I:RWDCCalc:CalculatingTools.pathDistance: - Doing " + iterationsDouble + " iterations");
double distance = 0; // This is holds the distance between two points
double theta = 0; // This is the angle the points are from the center
double radius = 0; // This is the length of the radius
double angle = 360; // This is used to find the angle from center on each iteration
// We will use the rate of change to find out how much to shorten the radius each time
double rateOfChange = footprintWidth / 360;
// Show some logging of the value of rateOfChange
System.out.println("I:RWDCCalc:CalculatingTools.pathDistance: - rateOfChange is " + rateOfChange);
// A and B will be used for the calculations of the distances
Coordinates A = new Coordinates();
Coordinates B = new Coordinates();
// These ArrayLists will update every iteration with information provided
ArrayList<String> distanceFromCenter = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> angleFromCenter = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> segmentType = new ArrayList<String>();
// Only run this if there is a greater than 0 amount of iterations
if (iterationsDouble != 0)
for (double x = 0; x < iterationsDouble; x+=0.0041666666666666666667) {
// Add the distance from center, angle from center, and segment type here
distanceFromCenter.add(Double.toString(baseRadius - (footprintWidth * x)));
angleFromCenter.add(Double.toString(angle * x));
// We will go around the circle and calculate the distance every degree around the circle
for (double y = 0; y <= 1.5; y++) {
// Set theta to whatever y is, which will be where
// we are around the circle
theta = y;
// Let's update the radius of the flight path as the plane flys
// around the circle in a spiral
if (y == 0 && x == 0) {
A.setX(baseRadius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta)));
A.setY(baseRadius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)));
radius = baseRadius;
} else {
radius -= rateOfChange;
// Let's figure out the coordinates of B
B.setX(radius * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta)));
B.setY(radius * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)));
// Let's find the distance between coordinate A and coordinate B
distance = pointDistance(A.getX(), B.getX(), A.getY(), B.getY());
// Let's add the distance to the totalDistance array
totalDistance.add(new DoubleObject(distance));
// Let's set B to A, and clear B, so B can be set on the next iteration
// Add in the distance of the outside circle that the plane will have to travel as well
totalDistance.add(new DoubleObject(tau * baseRadius));
// Return the answer as a DistancePath object
DistancePath dp = new DistancePath(addArray(totalDistance), distanceFromCenter, angleFromCenter, segmentType);
return dp;
// Distance Between Two Points //
public static double pointDistance(double xPointA, double xPointB, double yPointA, double yPointB) {
// Use the distance equation to find the distance between two arbitrary points
double answer = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xPointB - xPointA, 2) + Math.pow(yPointA - yPointB, 2));
return answer;
// Add Up All of the Elements In An Array //
public static double addArray(ArrayList<DoubleObject> array) {
// Show some logging of the size of the array
System.out.println("I:RWDCCalc:CalculatingTools.addArray: - Array size is " + array.size());
double answer = 0; // This double will hold the incremental summations of the array
for (int x = 0; x < array.size(); x++) {
// Add up the array by adding each value on top of each other
answer = answer + array.get(x).getValue();
return answer;