Package de.ailis.jollada.model

Source Code of de.ailis.jollada.model.AssetTest

* Copyright (C) 2010 Klaus Reimer <>
* See LICENSE.txt for licensing information.

package de.ailis.jollada.model;

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.not;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import org.junit.Test;

import de.ailis.jollada.model.Asset;
import de.ailis.jollada.model.Contributor;
import de.ailis.jollada.model.GeographicLocation;
import de.ailis.jollada.model.Unit;
import de.ailis.jollada.model.UpAxis;

* Tests the Asset class.
* @author Klaus Reimer (

public class AssetTest
     * Tests the default constructor.

    public void testDefaultConstructor()
        final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        final Asset asset = new Asset();
        assertEquals(0, asset.getContributors().size());
        assertTrue(asset.getCreated() >= now);
        assertEquals(0, asset.getKeywords().size());
        assertTrue(asset.getModified() >= now);
        assertEquals(new Unit(), asset.getUnit());
        assertEquals(UpAxis.Y_UP, asset.getUpAxis());

     * Tests constructor with created time stamp.

    public void testConstructorWithCreated()
        final Asset asset = new Asset(12345678);
        assertEquals(12345678, asset.getCreated());
        assertEquals(12345678, asset.getModified());

     * Tests constructor with created and modified timestamp.

    public void testConstructorCreatedAndModified()
        final Asset asset = new Asset(12345678, 87654321);
        assertEquals(12345678, asset.getCreated());
        assertEquals(87654321, asset.getModified());

     * Tests full constructor.

    public void testFullConstructor()
        final Asset asset = new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T");
        assertEquals(1, asset.getCreated());
        assertEquals(2, asset.getModified());
        assertEquals(new Unit(2, "m"), asset.getUnit());
        assertEquals(UpAxis.X_UP, asset.getUpAxis());
        assertEquals("R", asset.getRevision());
        assertEquals("S", asset.getSubject());
        assertEquals("T", asset.getTitle());

     * Tests contributors.

    public void testContributor()
        final Asset asset = new Asset();
        final Contributor contributor = new Contributor();
        contributor.setAuthor("it's me");
        assertEquals(1, asset.getContributors().size());
        assertEquals(0, asset.getContributors().size());

     * Tests created time stamp.

    public void testCreated()
        final Asset asset = new Asset();
        assertEquals(12345678, asset.getCreated());

     * Tests created time stamp.

    public void testModified()
        final Asset asset = new Asset();
        assertEquals(12345678, asset.getModified());

     * Tests geographic location.

    public void testGeographicLocation()
        final Asset asset = new Asset();
        asset.setGeographicLocation(new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3));
        assertEquals(new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3),

     * Tests keywords.

    public void testKeywords()
        final Asset asset = new Asset();
        assertEquals(1, asset.getKeywords().size());
        assertEquals(0, asset.getKeywords().size());

     * Tests revision.

    public void testRevision()
        final Asset asset = new Asset();
        assertEquals("REVISION", asset.getRevision());

     * Tests subject.

    public void testSubject()
        final Asset asset = new Asset();
        assertEquals("SUBJECT", asset.getSubject());

     * Tests title.

    public void testTitle()
        final Asset asset = new Asset();
        assertEquals("TITLE", asset.getTitle());

     * Tests unit.

    public void testUnit()
        final Asset asset = new Asset();
        asset.setUnit(new Unit(2, "meters"));
        assertEquals(new Unit(2, "meters"), asset.getUnit());

     * Tests null unit.

    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
    public void testNullUnit()
        new Asset().setUnit(null);

     * Tests up axis.

    public void testUpAxis()
        final Asset asset = new Asset();
        assertEquals(UpAxis.X_UP, asset.getUpAxis());

     * Tests null up-axis.

    @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
    public void testNullUpAxis()
        new Asset().setUpAxis(null);

     * Tests the equals() method.

    public void testEquals()
        final Asset asset = new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T");
        assertTrue(asset.equals(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T")));
        assertFalse(asset.equals(new Asset(2, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T")));
        assertFalse(asset.equals(new Asset(1, 3, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T")));
        assertFalse(asset.equals(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(3, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T")));
        assertFalse(asset.equals(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.Y_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T")));
        assertFalse(asset.equals(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(2, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T")));
        assertFalse(asset.equals(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R2", "S", "T")));
        assertFalse(asset.equals(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S2", "T")));
        assertFalse(asset.equals(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T2")));

        assertFalse(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            null, "R", "S", "T").equals(asset));
        assertFalse(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), null, "S", "T").equals(asset));
        assertFalse(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", null, "T").equals(asset));
        assertFalse(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", null).equals(asset));

        assertFalse(asset.equals(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            null, "R", "S", "T")));
        assertFalse(asset.equals(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), null, "S", "T")));
        assertFalse(asset.equals(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", null, "T")));
        assertFalse(asset.equals(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", null)));

        assertTrue(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            null, "R", "S", "T").equals(new Asset(1,
            2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP, null, "R", "S", "T")));
        assertTrue(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), null, "S", "T").equals(new Asset(
            2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP, new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3),
            null, "S", "T")));
        assertTrue(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", null, "T").equals(new Asset(
            2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP, new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3),
            "R", null, "T")));
        assertTrue(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", null).equals(new Asset(
            2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP, new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3),
            "R", "S", null)));

        final Asset asset2 = new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T");
        asset2.getContributors().add(new Contributor());

     * Tests the hashCode method.

    public void testHashCode()
        final int hc1 = new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T").hashCode();
        assertEquals(hc1, new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T").hashCode());
        assertThat(hc1, not(new Asset(2, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T").hashCode()));
        assertThat(hc1, not(new Asset(1, 3, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T").hashCode()));
        assertThat(hc1, not(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(3, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T").hashCode()));
        assertThat(hc1, not(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.Y_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T").hashCode()));
        assertThat(hc1, not(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(2, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T").hashCode()));
        assertThat(hc1, not(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R2", "S", "T").hashCode()));
        assertThat(hc1, not(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S2", "T").hashCode()));
        assertThat(hc1, not(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T2").hashCode()));

        assertThat(hc1, not(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            null, "R", "S", "T").hashCode()));
        assertThat(hc1, not(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), null, "S", "T").hashCode()));
        assertThat(hc1, not(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", null, "T").hashCode()));
        assertThat(hc1, not(new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", null).hashCode()));

     * Tests the toString() method.

    public void testToString()
        final Asset asset = new Asset(1, 2, new Unit(2, "m"), UpAxis.X_UP,
            new GeographicLocation(1, 2, 3), "R", "S", "T");
        assertEquals("Asset [contributors=[], created=1, modified=2, " +
                "geographicLocation=GeographicLocation [longitude=1.0, " +
                "latitude=2.0, altitude=3.0, altitudeMode=" +
                "RELATIVE_TO_GROUND], keywords=[KEYWORD], revision=R, " +
                "subject=S, title=T, unit=2.0 m, upAxis=X_UP]",

Related Classes of de.ailis.jollada.model.AssetTest

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