// Copyright 2012 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package adwords.axis.v201402.misc;
import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.factory.AdWordsServices;
import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.utils.v201402.SelectorBuilder;
import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201402.cm.Dimensions;
import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201402.cm.Media;
import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201402.cm.MediaPage;
import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201402.cm.MediaServiceInterface;
import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201402.cm.MediaSize;
import com.google.api.ads.adwords.axis.v201402.cm.Selector;
import com.google.api.ads.adwords.lib.client.AdWordsSession;
import com.google.api.ads.common.lib.auth.OfflineCredentials;
import com.google.api.ads.common.lib.auth.OfflineCredentials.Api;
import com.google.api.ads.common.lib.utils.Maps;
import com.google.api.client.auth.oauth2.Credential;
import java.util.Map;
* This example gets all images and videos. To upload an image, run
* UploadImage.java. To upload video, see:
* http://adwords.google.com/support/aw/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=39454.
* Credentials and properties in {@code fromFile()} are pulled from the
* "ads.properties" file. See README for more info.
* Tags: MediaService.get
* @author Kevin Winter
public class GetAllImagesAndVideos {
private static final int PAGE_SIZE = 100;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// Generate a refreshable OAuth2 credential similar to a ClientLogin token
// and can be used in place of a service account.
Credential oAuth2Credential = new OfflineCredentials.Builder()
// Construct an AdWordsSession.
AdWordsSession session = new AdWordsSession.Builder()
AdWordsServices adWordsServices = new AdWordsServices();
runExample(adWordsServices, session);
public static void runExample(
AdWordsServices adWordsServices, AdWordsSession session) throws Exception {
// Get the MediaService.
MediaServiceInterface mediaService =
adWordsServices.get(session, MediaServiceInterface.class);
int offset = 0;
// Create selector.
SelectorBuilder builder = new SelectorBuilder();
Selector selector = builder
.fields("MediaId", "Width", "Height", "MimeType")
.in("Type", "IMAGE", "VIDEO")
MediaPage page = null;
do {
// Get all images.
page = mediaService.get(selector);
// Display images.
if (page != null && page.getEntries() != null) {
for (Media media : page.getEntries()) {
Map<MediaSize, Dimensions> dimensions = Maps.toMap(media.getDimensions());
System.out.printf("Media with ID %d, dimensions %s, and MIME type '%s' was found.%n",
media.getMediaId(), toString(dimensions.get(MediaSize.FULL)), media.getMediaType());
} else {
System.out.println("No images/videos were found.");
offset += PAGE_SIZE;
selector = builder.increaseOffsetBy(PAGE_SIZE).build();
} while (offset < page.getTotalNumEntries());
* Returns a String representation of the provided Dimensions object, or null if the object is
* null.
private static String toString(Dimensions dimensions) {
return dimensions == null
? null
: String.format("%dx%d", dimensions.getWidth(), dimensions.getHeight());