/* Copyright (C) 2013 Interactive Brokers LLC. All rights reserved. This code is subject to the terms
* and conditions of the IB API Non-Commercial License or the IB API Commercial License, as applicable. */
package com.ib.controller;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.FilterInputStream;
import java.io.FilterOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.net.Socket;
import com.ib.client.AnyWrapper;
import com.ib.client.Builder;
import com.ib.client.EClientErrors;
import com.ib.client.EClientSocket;
import com.ib.client.EReader;
import com.ib.client.TagValue;
import com.ib.controller.Types.AlgoStrategy;
import com.ib.controller.Types.HedgeType;
import com.ib.controller.Types.SecType;
public class ApiConnection extends EClientSocket {
public interface ILogger {
void log(String valueOf);
public static final char EOL = 0;
public static final char LOG_EOL = '_';
private final ILogger m_inLogger;
private final ILogger m_outLogger;
public ApiConnection(AnyWrapper wrapper, ILogger inLogger, ILogger outLogger) {
super( wrapper);
m_inLogger = inLogger;
m_outLogger = outLogger;
@Override public synchronized void eConnect(Socket socket, int clientId) throws IOException {
super.eConnect(socket, clientId);
// replace the output stream with one that logs all data to m_outLogger
try {
Field realOsField = FilterOutputStream.class.getDeclaredField( "out");
realOsField.setAccessible( true);
OutputStream realOs = (OutputStream)realOsField.get( m_dos);
realOsField.set( m_dos, new MyOS( realOs) );
catch( Exception e) {
/** Replace the input stream with ont that logs all data to m_inLogger. */
@Override public EReader createReader(EClientSocket socket, DataInputStream dis) {
try {
Field realIsField = FilterInputStream.class.getDeclaredField( "in");
realIsField.setAccessible( true);
InputStream realIs = (InputStream)realIsField.get( dis);
realIsField.set( dis, new MyIS( realIs) );
catch( Exception e) {
return super.createReader(socket, dis);
public synchronized void placeOrder(NewContract contract, NewOrder order) {
// not connected?
if( !isConnected() ) {
// ApiController requires TWS 932 or higher; this limitation could be removed if needed
if (serverVersion() < 66) {
error( EClientErrors.NO_VALID_ID, EClientErrors.UPDATE_TWS, "ApiController requires TWS build 932 or higher to place orders.");
Builder b = new Builder();
int VERSION = 38;
// send place order msg
try {
b.send( 3);
b.send( VERSION);
b.send( order.orderId() );
b.send( contract.conid() );
b.send( contract.symbol());
b.send( contract.secType() );
b.send( contract.expiry());
b.send( contract.strike());
b.send( contract.right().getApiString() );
b.send( contract.multiplier() );
b.send( contract.exchange() );
b.send( contract.primaryExch() );
b.send( contract.currency() );
b.send( contract.localSymbol() );
b.send( contract.secIdType() );
b.send( contract.secId() );
b.send( order.action() );
b.send( order.totalQuantity() );
b.send( order.orderType() );
b.send( order.lmtPrice() );
b.send( order.auxPrice() );
b.send( order.tif() );
b.send( order.ocaGroup() );
b.send( order.account() );
b.send( ""); // open/close
b.send( ""); // origin
b.send( order.orderRef() );
b.send( order.transmit() );
b.send( order.parentId() );
b.send( order.blockOrder() );
b.send( order.sweepToFill() );
b.send( order.displaySize() );
b.send( order.triggerMethod() );
b.send( order.outsideRth() );
b.send( order.hidden() );
// send combo legs for BAG orders
if(contract.secType() == SecType.BAG) {
b.send( contract.comboLegs().size());
for (NewComboLeg leg : contract.comboLegs() ) {
b.send( leg.conid() );
b.send( leg.ratio() );
b.send( leg.action().getApiString() );
b.send( leg.exchange() );
b.send( leg.openClose().getApiString() );
b.send( leg.shortSaleSlot() );
b.send( leg.designatedLocation() );
b.send( leg.exemptCode() );
b.send( order.orderComboLegs().size());
for (Double orderComboLeg : order.orderComboLegs() ) {
b.send( orderComboLeg);
b.send( order.smartComboRoutingParams().size() );
for (TagValue tagValue : order.smartComboRoutingParams() ) {
b.send( tagValue.m_tag);
b.send( tagValue.m_value);
b.send( ""); // obsolete field
b.send( order.discretionaryAmt() );
b.send( order.goodAfterTime() );
b.send( order.goodTillDate() );
b.send( order.faGroup());
b.send( order.faMethod() );
b.send( order.faPercentage() );
b.send( order.faProfile());
b.send( 0); // short sale slot
b.send( ""); // designatedLocation
b.send( ""); // exemptCode
b.send( order.ocaType() );
b.send( order.rule80A() );
b.send( ""); // settlingFirm
b.send( order.allOrNone() );
b.send( order.minQty() );
b.send( order.percentOffset() );
b.send( order.eTradeOnly() );
b.send( order.firmQuoteOnly() );
b.send( order.nbboPriceCap() );
b.send( order.auctionStrategy() );
b.send( order.startingPrice() );
b.send( order.stockRefPrice() );
b.send( order.delta() );
b.send( order.stockRangeLower() );
b.send( order.stockRangeUpper() );
b.send( order.overridePercentageConstraints() );
b.send( order.volatility() );
b.send( order.volatilityType() );
b.send( order.deltaNeutralOrderType() );
b.send( order.deltaNeutralAuxPrice() );
if (order.deltaNeutralOrderType() != OrderType.None) {
b.send( order.deltaNeutralConId() );
b.send( ""); //deltaNeutralSettlingFirm
b.send( ""); //deltaNeutralClearingAccount
b.send( ""); //deltaNeutralClearingIntent
b.send( order.continuousUpdate() );
b.send( order.referencePriceType() );
b.send( order.trailStopPrice() );
b.send( order.trailingPercent() );
b.send (order.scaleInitLevelSize() );
b.send (order.scaleSubsLevelSize() );
b.send (order.scalePriceIncrement() );
if (order.scalePriceIncrement() != 0 && order.scalePriceIncrement() != Double.MAX_VALUE) {
b.send( order.scalePriceAdjustValue() );
b.send( order.scalePriceAdjustInterval() );
b.send( order.scaleProfitOffset() );
b.send( order.scaleAutoReset() );
b.send( order.scaleInitPosition() );
b.send( order.scaleInitFillQty() );
b.send( order.scaleRandomPercent() );
b.send( order.hedgeType() );
if (order.hedgeType() != HedgeType.None) {
b.send( order.hedgeParam() );
b.send( order.optOutSmartRouting() );
b.send( "");//clearingAccount
b.send( "");//clearingIntent
b.send( order.notHeld() );
b.send( contract.underComp() != null);
if (contract.underComp() != null) {
b.send( contract.underComp().conid() );
b.send( contract.underComp().delta() );
b.send( contract.underComp().price() );
b.send( order.algoStrategy() );
if( order.algoStrategy() != AlgoStrategy.None) {
b.send( order.algoParams().size() );
for( TagValue tagValue : order.algoParams() ) {
b.send( tagValue.m_tag);
b.send( tagValue.m_value);
b.send( order.whatIf() );
m_dos.write( b.getBytes() );
catch( Exception e) {
error( order.orderId(), 512, "Order sending error - " + e);
/** An output stream that forks all writes to the output logger. */
private class MyOS extends OutputStream {
final OutputStream m_os;
MyOS( OutputStream os) {
m_os = os;
@Override public void write(byte[] b) throws IOException {
m_os.write( b);
log( new String( b) );
@Override public synchronized void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
m_os.write(b, off, len);
log( new String( b, off, len) );
@Override public synchronized void write(int b) throws IOException {
log( String.valueOf( (char)b) );
@Override public void flush() throws IOException {
@Override public void close() throws IOException {
m_outLogger.log( "<output stream closed>");
void log( String str) {
m_outLogger.log( str.replace( EOL, LOG_EOL) );
/** An input stream that forks all reads to the input logger. */
private class MyIS extends InputStream {
InputStream m_is;
MyIS( InputStream is) {
m_is = is;
@Override public int read() throws IOException {
int c = m_is.read();
log( String.valueOf( (char)c) );
return c;
@Override public int read(byte[] b) throws IOException {
int n = m_is.read(b);
log( new String( b, 0, n) );
return n;
@Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException {
int n = m_is.read(b, off, len);
log( new String( b, 0, n) );
return n;
@Override public void close() throws IOException {
log( "<input stream closed>");
void log( String str) {
m_inLogger.log( str.replace( EOL, LOG_EOL) );