* Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
* The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
* Eclipse Public License 1.0 (http://opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php)
* which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
* By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
* the terms of this license.
* You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
package clojure.lang;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.lang.*;
public class LispReader{
static final Symbol QUOTE = Symbol.create("quote");
static final Symbol THE_VAR = Symbol.create("var");
//static Symbol SYNTAX_QUOTE = Symbol.create(null, "syntax-quote");
static Symbol UNQUOTE = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "unquote");
static Symbol UNQUOTE_SPLICING = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "unquote-splicing");
static Symbol CONCAT = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "concat");
static Symbol SEQ = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "seq");
static Symbol LIST = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "list");
static Symbol APPLY = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "apply");
static Symbol HASHMAP = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "hash-map");
static Symbol HASHSET = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "hash-set");
static Symbol VECTOR = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "vector");
static Symbol WITH_META = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "with-meta");
static Symbol META = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "meta");
static Symbol DEREF = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "deref");
//static Symbol DEREF_BANG = Symbol.create("clojure.core", "deref!");
static IFn[] macros = new IFn[256];
static IFn[] dispatchMacros = new IFn[256];
//static Pattern symbolPat = Pattern.compile("[:]?([\\D&&[^:/]][^:/]*/)?[\\D&&[^:/]][^:/]*");
static Pattern symbolPat = Pattern.compile("[:]?([\\D&&[^/]].*/)?([\\D&&[^/]][^/]*)");
//static Pattern varPat = Pattern.compile("([\\D&&[^:\\.]][^:\\.]*):([\\D&&[^:\\.]][^:\\.]*)");
//static Pattern intPat = Pattern.compile("[-+]?[0-9]+\\.?");
static Pattern intPat =
static Pattern ratioPat = Pattern.compile("([-+]?[0-9]+)/([0-9]+)");
static Pattern floatPat = Pattern.compile("([-+]?[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]*)?([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)(M)?");
static final Symbol SLASH = Symbol.create("/");
static final Symbol CLOJURE_SLASH = Symbol.create("clojure.core","/");
//static Pattern accessorPat = Pattern.compile("\\.[a-zA-Z_]\\w*");
//static Pattern instanceMemberPat = Pattern.compile("\\.([a-zA-Z_][\\w\\.]*)\\.([a-zA-Z_]\\w*)");
//static Pattern staticMemberPat = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z_][\\w\\.]*)\\.([a-zA-Z_]\\w*)");
//static Pattern classNamePat = Pattern.compile("([a-zA-Z_][\\w\\.]*)\\.");
static Var GENSYM_ENV = Var.create(null);
//sorted-map num->gensymbol
static Var ARG_ENV = Var.create(null);
macros['"'] = new StringReader();
macros[';'] = new CommentReader();
macros['\''] = new WrappingReader(QUOTE);
macros['@'] = new WrappingReader(DEREF);//new DerefReader();
macros['^'] = new MetaReader();
macros['`'] = new SyntaxQuoteReader();
macros['~'] = new UnquoteReader();
macros['('] = new ListReader();
macros[')'] = new UnmatchedDelimiterReader();
macros['['] = new VectorReader();
macros[']'] = new UnmatchedDelimiterReader();
macros['{'] = new MapReader();
macros['}'] = new UnmatchedDelimiterReader();
// macros['|'] = new ArgVectorReader();
macros['\\'] = new CharacterReader();
macros['%'] = new ArgReader();
macros['#'] = new DispatchReader();
dispatchMacros['^'] = new MetaReader();
dispatchMacros['\''] = new VarReader();
dispatchMacros['"'] = new RegexReader();
dispatchMacros['('] = new FnReader();
dispatchMacros['{'] = new SetReader();
dispatchMacros['='] = new EvalReader();
dispatchMacros['!'] = new CommentReader();
dispatchMacros['<'] = new UnreadableReader();
dispatchMacros['_'] = new DiscardReader();
static boolean isWhitespace(int ch){
return Character.isWhitespace(ch) || ch == ',';
static void unread(PushbackReader r, int ch) throws IOException{
if(ch != -1)
public static class ReaderException extends Exception{
final int line;
public ReaderException(int line, Throwable cause){
this.line = line;
static public Object read(PushbackReader r, boolean eofIsError, Object eofValue, boolean isRecursive)
throws Exception{
for(; ;)
int ch = r.read();
ch = r.read();
if(ch == -1)
throw new Exception("EOF while reading");
return eofValue;
Object n = readNumber(r, (char) ch);
return null;
return n;
IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch);
if(macroFn != null)
Object ret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char) ch);
return null;
//no op macros return the reader
if(ret == r)
return ret;
if(ch == '+' || ch == '-')
int ch2 = r.read();
unread(r, ch2);
Object n = readNumber(r, (char) ch);
return null;
return n;
unread(r, ch2);
String token = readToken(r, (char) ch);
return null;
return interpretToken(token);
catch(Exception e)
if(isRecursive || !(r instanceof LineNumberingPushbackReader))
throw e;
LineNumberingPushbackReader rdr = (LineNumberingPushbackReader) r;
//throw new Exception(String.format("ReaderError:(%d,1) %s", rdr.getLineNumber(), e.getMessage()), e);
throw new ReaderException(rdr.getLineNumber(), e);
static private String readToken(PushbackReader r, char initch) throws Exception{
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(; ;)
int ch = r.read();
if(ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch))
unread(r, ch);
return sb.toString();
sb.append((char) ch);
static private Object readNumber(PushbackReader r, char initch) throws Exception{
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(; ;)
int ch = r.read();
if(ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isMacro(ch))
unread(r, ch);
sb.append((char) ch);
String s = sb.toString();
Object n = matchNumber(s);
if(n == null)
throw new NumberFormatException("Invalid number: " + s);
return n;
static private int readUnicodeChar(String token, int offset, int length, int base) throws Exception{
if(token.length() != offset + length)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid unicode character: \\" + token);
int uc = 0;
for(int i = offset; i < offset + length; ++i)
int d = Character.digit(token.charAt(i), base);
if(d == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid digit: " + (char) d);
uc = uc * base + d;
return (char) uc;
static private int readUnicodeChar(PushbackReader r, int initch, int base, int length, boolean exact) throws Exception{
int uc = Character.digit(initch, base);
if(uc == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid digit: " + initch);
int i = 1;
for(; i < length; ++i)
int ch = r.read();
if(ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isMacro(ch))
unread(r, ch);
int d = Character.digit(ch, base);
if(d == -1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid digit: " + (char) ch);
uc = uc * base + d;
if(i != length && exact)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid character length: " + i + ", should be: " + length);
return uc;
static private Object interpretToken(String s) throws Exception{
return null;
else if(s.equals("true"))
return RT.T;
else if(s.equals("false"))
return RT.F;
else if(s.equals("/"))
return SLASH;
else if(s.equals("clojure.core//"))
Object ret = null;
ret = matchSymbol(s);
if(ret != null)
return ret;
throw new Exception("Invalid token: " + s);
private static Object matchSymbol(String s){
Matcher m = symbolPat.matcher(s);
int gc = m.groupCount();
String ns = m.group(1);
String name = m.group(2);
if(ns != null && ns.endsWith(":/")
|| name.endsWith(":")
|| s.indexOf("::", 1) != -1)
return null;
Symbol ks = Symbol.intern(s.substring(2));
Namespace kns;
if(ks.ns != null)
kns = Compiler.namespaceFor(ks);
kns = Compiler.currentNS();
//auto-resolving keyword
if (kns != null)
return Keyword.intern(kns.name.name,ks.name);
return null;
boolean isKeyword = s.charAt(0) == ':';
Symbol sym = Symbol.intern(s.substring(isKeyword ? 1 : 0));
return Keyword.intern(sym);
return sym;
return null;
private static Object matchNumber(String s){
Matcher m = intPat.matcher(s);
if(m.group(2) != null)
return 0;
boolean negate = (m.group(1).equals("-"));
String n;
int radix = 10;
if((n = m.group(3)) != null)
radix = 10;
else if((n = m.group(4)) != null)
radix = 16;
else if((n = m.group(5)) != null)
radix = 8;
else if((n = m.group(7)) != null)
radix = Integer.parseInt(m.group(6));
if(n == null)
return null;
BigInteger bn = new BigInteger(n, radix);
return Numbers.reduce(negate ? bn.negate() : bn);
m = floatPat.matcher(s);
if(m.group(4) != null)
return new BigDecimal(m.group(1));
return Double.parseDouble(s);
m = ratioPat.matcher(s);
return Numbers.divide(new BigInteger(m.group(1)), new BigInteger(m.group(2)));
return null;
static private IFn getMacro(int ch){
if(ch < macros.length)
return macros[ch];
return null;
static private boolean isMacro(int ch){
return (ch < macros.length && macros[ch] != null);
static private boolean isTerminatingMacro(int ch){
return (ch != '#' && ch < macros.length && macros[ch] != null);
public static class RegexReader extends AFn{
static StringReader stringrdr = new StringReader();
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object doublequote) throws Exception{
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Reader r = (Reader) reader;
for(int ch = r.read(); ch != '"'; ch = r.read())
if(ch == -1)
throw new Exception("EOF while reading regex");
sb.append( (char) ch );
if(ch == '\\') //escape
ch = r.read();
if(ch == -1)
throw new Exception("EOF while reading regex");
sb.append( (char) ch ) ;
return Pattern.compile(sb.toString());
public static class StringReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object doublequote) throws Exception{
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Reader r = (Reader) reader;
for(int ch = r.read(); ch != '"'; ch = r.read())
if(ch == -1)
throw new Exception("EOF while reading string");
if(ch == '\\') //escape
ch = r.read();
if(ch == -1)
throw new Exception("EOF while reading string");
case 't':
ch = '\t';
case 'r':
ch = '\r';
case 'n':
ch = '\n';
case '\\':
case '"':
case 'b':
ch = '\b';
case 'f':
ch = '\f';
case 'u':
ch = r.read();
if (Character.digit(ch, 16) == -1)
throw new Exception("Invalid unicode escape: \\u" + (char) ch);
ch = readUnicodeChar((PushbackReader) r, ch, 16, 4, true);
ch = readUnicodeChar((PushbackReader) r, ch, 8, 3, false);
if(ch > 0377)
throw new Exception("Octal escape sequence must be in range [0, 377].");
throw new Exception("Unsupported escape character: \\" + (char) ch);
sb.append((char) ch);
return sb.toString();
public static class CommentReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object semicolon) throws Exception{
Reader r = (Reader) reader;
int ch;
ch = r.read();
} while(ch != -1 && ch != '\n' && ch != '\r');
return r;
public static class DiscardReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object underscore) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
read(r, true, null, true);
return r;
public static class WrappingReader extends AFn{
final Symbol sym;
public WrappingReader(Symbol sym){
this.sym = sym;
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object quote) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
Object o = read(r, true, null, true);
return RT.list(sym, o);
public static class DeprecatedWrappingReader extends AFn{
final Symbol sym;
final String macro;
public DeprecatedWrappingReader(Symbol sym, String macro){
this.sym = sym;
this.macro = macro;
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object quote) throws Exception{
System.out.println("WARNING: reader macro " + macro +
" is deprecated; use " + sym.getName() +
" instead");
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
Object o = read(r, true, null, true);
return RT.list(sym, o);
public static class VarReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object quote) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
Object o = read(r, true, null, true);
// if(o instanceof Symbol)
// {
// Object v = Compiler.maybeResolveIn(Compiler.currentNS(), (Symbol) o);
// if(v instanceof Var)
// return v;
// }
return RT.list(THE_VAR, o);
static class DerefReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object quote) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
int ch = r.read();
if(ch == -1)
throw new Exception("EOF while reading character");
if(ch == '!')
Object o = read(r, true, null, true);
return RT.list(DEREF_BANG, o);
Object o = read(r, true, null, true);
return RT.list(DEREF, o);
public static class DispatchReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object hash) throws Exception{
int ch = ((Reader) reader).read();
if(ch == -1)
throw new Exception("EOF while reading character");
IFn fn = dispatchMacros[ch];
if(fn == null)
throw new Exception(String.format("No dispatch macro for: %c", (char) ch));
return fn.invoke(reader, ch);
static Symbol garg(int n){
return Symbol.intern(null, (n == -1 ? "rest" : ("p" + n)) + "__" + RT.nextID() + "#");
public static class FnReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object lparen) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
if(ARG_ENV.deref() != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Nested #()s are not allowed");
RT.map(ARG_ENV, PersistentTreeMap.EMPTY));
Object form = read(r, true, null, true);
PersistentVector args = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
PersistentTreeMap argsyms = (PersistentTreeMap) ARG_ENV.deref();
ISeq rargs = argsyms.rseq();
if(rargs != null)
int higharg = (Integer) ((Map.Entry) rargs.first()).getKey();
if(higharg > 0)
for(int i = 1; i <= higharg; ++i)
Object sym = argsyms.valAt(i);
if(sym == null)
sym = garg(i);
args = args.cons(sym);
Object restsym = argsyms.valAt(-1);
if(restsym != null)
args = args.cons(Compiler._AMP_);
args = args.cons(restsym);
return RT.list(Compiler.FN, args, form);
static Symbol registerArg(int n){
PersistentTreeMap argsyms = (PersistentTreeMap) ARG_ENV.deref();
if(argsyms == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("arg literal not in #()");
Symbol ret = (Symbol) argsyms.valAt(n);
if(ret == null)
ret = garg(n);
ARG_ENV.set(argsyms.assoc(n, ret));
return ret;
static class ArgReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object pct) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
if(ARG_ENV.deref() == null)
return interpretToken(readToken(r, '%'));
int ch = r.read();
unread(r, ch);
//% alone is first arg
if(ch == -1 || isWhitespace(ch) || isTerminatingMacro(ch))
return registerArg(1);
Object n = read(r, true, null, true);
return registerArg(-1);
if(!(n instanceof Number))
throw new IllegalStateException("arg literal must be %, %& or %integer");
return registerArg(((Number) n).intValue());
public static class MetaReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object caret) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
int line = -1;
if(r instanceof LineNumberingPushbackReader)
line = ((LineNumberingPushbackReader) r).getLineNumber();
Object meta = read(r, true, null, true);
if(meta instanceof Symbol || meta instanceof Keyword || meta instanceof String)
meta = RT.map(RT.TAG_KEY, meta);
else if(!(meta instanceof IPersistentMap))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Metadata must be Symbol,Keyword,String or Map");
Object o = read(r, true, null, true);
if(o instanceof IMeta)
if(line != -1 && o instanceof ISeq)
meta = ((IPersistentMap) meta).assoc(RT.LINE_KEY, line);
if(o instanceof IReference)
((IReference)o).resetMeta((IPersistentMap) meta);
return o;
return ((IObj) o).withMeta((IPersistentMap) meta);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Metadata can only be applied to IMetas");
public static class SyntaxQuoteReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object backquote) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
RT.map(GENSYM_ENV, PersistentHashMap.EMPTY));
Object form = read(r, true, null, true);
return syntaxQuote(form);
static Object syntaxQuote(Object form) throws Exception{
Object ret;
ret = RT.list(Compiler.QUOTE, form);
else if(form instanceof Symbol)
Symbol sym = (Symbol) form;
if(sym.ns == null && sym.name.endsWith("#"))
IPersistentMap gmap = (IPersistentMap) GENSYM_ENV.deref();
if(gmap == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Gensym literal not in syntax-quote");
Symbol gs = (Symbol) gmap.valAt(sym);
if(gs == null)
GENSYM_ENV.set(gmap.assoc(sym, gs = Symbol.intern(null,
sym.name.substring(0, sym.name.length() - 1)
+ "__" + RT.nextID() + "__auto__")));
sym = gs;
else if(sym.ns == null && sym.name.endsWith("."))
Symbol csym = Symbol.intern(null, sym.name.substring(0, sym.name.length() - 1));
csym = Compiler.resolveSymbol(csym);
sym = Symbol.intern(null, csym.name.concat("."));
else if(sym.ns == null && sym.name.startsWith("."))
// Simply quote method names.
Object maybeClass = null;
if(sym.ns != null)
maybeClass = Compiler.currentNS().getMapping(
Symbol.intern(null, sym.ns));
if(maybeClass instanceof Class)
// Classname/foo -> package.qualified.Classname/foo
sym = Symbol.intern(
((Class)maybeClass).getName(), sym.name);
sym = Compiler.resolveSymbol(sym);
ret = RT.list(Compiler.QUOTE, sym);
else if(isUnquote(form))
return RT.second(form);
else if(isUnquoteSplicing(form))
throw new IllegalStateException("splice not in list");
else if(form instanceof IPersistentCollection)
if(form instanceof IPersistentMap)
IPersistentVector keyvals = flattenMap(form);
ret = RT.list(APPLY, HASHMAP, RT.list(SEQ, RT.cons(CONCAT, sqExpandList(keyvals.seq()))));
else if(form instanceof IPersistentVector)
ret = RT.list(APPLY, VECTOR, RT.list(SEQ, RT.cons(CONCAT, sqExpandList(((IPersistentVector) form).seq()))));
else if(form instanceof IPersistentSet)
ret = RT.list(APPLY, HASHSET, RT.list(SEQ, RT.cons(CONCAT, sqExpandList(((IPersistentSet) form).seq()))));
else if(form instanceof ISeq || form instanceof IPersistentList)
ISeq seq = RT.seq(form);
if(seq == null)
ret = RT.cons(LIST,null);
ret = RT.list(SEQ, RT.cons(CONCAT, sqExpandList(seq)));
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown Collection type");
else if(form instanceof Keyword
|| form instanceof Number
|| form instanceof Character
|| form instanceof String)
ret = form;
ret = RT.list(Compiler.QUOTE, form);
if(form instanceof IObj && RT.meta(form) != null)
//filter line numbers
IPersistentMap newMeta = ((IObj) form).meta().without(RT.LINE_KEY);
if(newMeta.count() > 0)
return RT.list(WITH_META, ret, syntaxQuote(((IObj) form).meta()));
return ret;
private static ISeq sqExpandList(ISeq seq) throws Exception{
PersistentVector ret = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(; seq != null; seq = seq.next())
Object item = seq.first();
ret = ret.cons(RT.list(LIST, RT.second(item)));
else if(isUnquoteSplicing(item))
ret = ret.cons(RT.second(item));
ret = ret.cons(RT.list(LIST, syntaxQuote(item)));
return ret.seq();
private static IPersistentVector flattenMap(Object form){
IPersistentVector keyvals = PersistentVector.EMPTY;
for(ISeq s = RT.seq(form); s != null; s = s.next())
IMapEntry e = (IMapEntry) s.first();
keyvals = (IPersistentVector) keyvals.cons(e.key());
keyvals = (IPersistentVector) keyvals.cons(e.val());
return keyvals;
static boolean isUnquoteSplicing(Object form){
return form instanceof ISeq && Util.equals(RT.first(form),UNQUOTE_SPLICING);
static boolean isUnquote(Object form){
return form instanceof ISeq && Util.equals(RT.first(form),UNQUOTE);
static class UnquoteReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object comma) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
int ch = r.read();
if(ch == -1)
throw new Exception("EOF while reading character");
if(ch == '@')
Object o = read(r, true, null, true);
return RT.list(UNQUOTE_SPLICING, o);
unread(r, ch);
Object o = read(r, true, null, true);
return RT.list(UNQUOTE, o);
public static class CharacterReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object backslash) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
int ch = r.read();
if(ch == -1)
throw new Exception("EOF while reading character");
String token = readToken(r, (char) ch);
if(token.length() == 1)
return Character.valueOf(token.charAt(0));
else if(token.equals("newline"))
return '\n';
else if(token.equals("space"))
return ' ';
else if(token.equals("tab"))
return '\t';
else if(token.equals("backspace"))
return '\b';
else if(token.equals("formfeed"))
return '\f';
else if(token.equals("return"))
return '\r';
else if(token.startsWith("u"))
char c = (char) readUnicodeChar(token, 1, 4, 16);
if(c >= '\uD800' && c <= '\uDFFF') // surrogate code unit?
throw new Exception("Invalid character constant: \\u" + Integer.toString(c, 16));
return c;
else if(token.startsWith("o"))
int len = token.length() - 1;
if(len > 3)
throw new Exception("Invalid octal escape sequence length: " + len);
int uc = readUnicodeChar(token, 1, len, 8);
if(uc > 0377)
throw new Exception("Octal escape sequence must be in range [0, 377].");
return (char) uc;
throw new Exception("Unsupported character: \\" + token);
public static class ListReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object leftparen) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
int line = -1;
if(r instanceof LineNumberingPushbackReader)
line = ((LineNumberingPushbackReader) r).getLineNumber();
List list = readDelimitedList(')', r, true);
return PersistentList.EMPTY;
IObj s = (IObj) PersistentList.create(list);
// IObj s = (IObj) RT.seq(list);
if(line != -1)
return s.withMeta(RT.map(RT.LINE_KEY, line));
return s;
static class CtorReader extends AFn{
static final Symbol cls = Symbol.create("class");
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object leftangle) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
// #<class classname>
// #<classname args*>
// #<classname/staticMethod args*>
List list = readDelimitedList('>', r, true);
throw new Exception("Must supply 'class', classname or classname/staticMethod");
Symbol s = (Symbol) list.get(0);
Object[] args = list.subList(1, list.size()).toArray();
return RT.classForName(args[0].toString());
else if(s.ns != null) //static method
String classname = s.ns;
String method = s.name;
return Reflector.invokeStaticMethod(classname, method, args);
return Reflector.invokeConstructor(RT.classForName(s.name), args);
public static class EvalReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object eq) throws Exception{
if (!RT.booleanCast(RT.READEVAL.deref()))
throw new Exception("EvalReader not allowed when *read-eval* is false.");
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
Object o = read(r, true, null, true);
if(o instanceof Symbol)
return RT.classForName(o.toString());
else if(o instanceof IPersistentList)
Symbol fs = (Symbol) RT.first(o);
Symbol vs = (Symbol) RT.second(o);
return RT.var(vs.ns, vs.name); //Compiler.resolve((Symbol) RT.second(o),true);
Object[] args = RT.toArray(RT.next(o));
return Reflector.invokeConstructor(RT.classForName(fs.name.substring(0, fs.name.length() - 1)), args);
Object[] args = RT.toArray(RT.next(o));
return Reflector.invokeStaticMethod(fs.ns, fs.name, args);
Object v = Compiler.maybeResolveIn(Compiler.currentNS(), fs);
if(v instanceof Var)
return ((IFn) v).applyTo(RT.next(o));
throw new Exception("Can't resolve " + fs);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported #= form");
//static class ArgVectorReader extends AFn{
// public Object invoke(Object reader, Object leftparen) throws Exception{
// PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
// return ArgVector.create(readDelimitedList('|', r, true));
// }
public static class VectorReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object leftparen) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
return LazilyPersistentVector.create(readDelimitedList(']', r, true));
public static class MapReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object leftparen) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
return RT.map(readDelimitedList('}', r, true).toArray());
public static class SetReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object leftbracket) throws Exception{
PushbackReader r = (PushbackReader) reader;
return PersistentHashSet.createWithCheck(readDelimitedList('}', r, true));
public static class UnmatchedDelimiterReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object rightdelim) throws Exception{
throw new Exception("Unmatched delimiter: " + rightdelim);
public static class UnreadableReader extends AFn{
public Object invoke(Object reader, Object leftangle) throws Exception{
throw new Exception("Unreadable form");
public static List readDelimitedList(char delim, PushbackReader r, boolean isRecursive) throws Exception{
ArrayList a = new ArrayList();
for(; ;)
int ch = r.read();
ch = r.read();
if(ch == -1)
throw new Exception("EOF while reading");
if(ch == delim)
IFn macroFn = getMacro(ch);
if(macroFn != null)
Object mret = macroFn.invoke(r, (char) ch);
//no op macros return the reader
if(mret != r)
unread(r, ch);
Object o = read(r, true, null, isRecursive);
if(o != r)
return a;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
PushbackReader rdr = new PushbackReader( new java.io.StringReader( "(+ 21 21)" ) );
Object input = LispReader.read(rdr, false, new Object(), false );
public static void main(String[] args){
LineNumberingPushbackReader r = new LineNumberingPushbackReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
OutputStreamWriter w = new OutputStreamWriter(System.out);
Object ret = null;
for(; ;)
ret = LispReader.read(r, true, null, false);
RT.print(ret, w);
if(ret != null)
catch(Exception e)